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I. Fill in much, many, a lot of:

There aren’ t………………….oranges.

There aren’t ………………….tomatoes.

There isn’ t …………………….jam.

There are………………raspberries.

There’ s …………………honey.

There aren’ t……………..children.

Have you got ……………….. lemons on the table?

I have got …………………salt in the cupboard.

II. Conjugate the verb “to plan” at Past Tense Continuous.

III. Write the uses of Past Tense Continuous.

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………

IV. Write the forms of Past Tense Continuous:


V. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb from the brackets:
1. I………………………..(to drink) a cup of coffee when you rang.
2. They……………………….(to practice) the piano when they suddenly heard a
strange noise.
3. My teacher……………………..(to explain) the new lesson when the bell
4. ………………………..……..(you, to sweep) the alley when I arrived home?
5. John………………………(not clean) the room while she ……………………
(to learn) for the test paper.
6. They …………………………….(to walk) to school when they ……………..
(to have) an accident.

VI. Translate into English:

1. Noi nu faceam cumparaturile ieri la ora 18:00.
2. Mike citea lectia in timp ce Robert invata lectiile pentru testul la engleza.
3. Maria canta in timp ce Larry se uita la desene animate.
4. Ce faceati voi aseara la 22:00?
5. Ele lucrau la poiect ieri la ora 15:00.

VII. Irregular verbs:

A manca-
A vorbi-
A sta jos-
A pune-
A castiga-
A scrie-
A cumpara-
A gasi-
A vinde-

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