Investigation of Interfacial Friction and Inverse Flowing Behavior Under The Adhesive State

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Materials Transactions, Vol. 57, No. 5 (2016) pp.

661 to 668
©2016 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials

Investigation of Interfacial Friction and Inverse Flowing Behavior

under the Adhesive State
Weiqi Li and Qingxian Ma*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

For improving the precision of numerical simulations in metal forming, it is critical to accurately evaluate the interfacial friction between
die/specimen and material deformed behavior. However, there is a huge challenge to assess interfacial friction and material deformed behavior
due to the complex mechanisms of tribology at the interfaces. In this study, a program of experimental work directed by ring upsetting has been
carried out to evaluate interfacial friction and material deformed behavior on account of the specific adhesive friction state. The behavior of
adhesive friction was qualitatively identified with characterized phenomenon and quantitatively identified with friction coefficient, which was
obtained by taking advantage of Boltzmann distribution characteristics between the radial velocity field and the relative displacements relevant
to metal particles on the meridian plane. Furthermore, simple mathematics methods were applied to analyze inverse flowing behavior under the
condition of adhesive friction based on the transients displacement achieved by ring upsetting. And the driven mechanism of inverse flowing
behavior was also revealed systematically. Finally, a new theory of bi-directionality theory was proposed to illustrate inverse flowing behavior,
and the sustainability of adhesive friction was synthetically analyzed. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.M2015434]

(Received November 26, 2015; Accepted February 18, 2016; Published April 25, 2016)
Keywords: interfacial friction, material deformed behavior, adhesive friction, ring upsetting, inverse flowing behavior, bi-directionality theory

1. Introduction most all the methods and models existing for analyzing
interfacial friction and material deformed behavior are ad-
Recently, more and more numerical simulation analysis judged invalid under the conditions of high friction coeffi-
along with the development of computer technology is used cient, an extremely particular state of which is the adhesive
in metal forming processes1). The accurate analysis of numer- friction studied in this paper. There are various theoretical or
ical simulations process not only saves time and energy, but experimental studies in simple upsetting related to the inves-
also improves material forming quality in metal forming. tigation of interfacial friction and material deformed behavior
However, numerical simulation depends strongly on the inter- in the area of metal forming. In this study, the most widely
facial frictional condition and the accurate expression of ma- used method of ring compression test first proposed by Kuno-
terial deformed properties2,3). Therefore, it is very significant gi and developed by Male and Cockroft have been ap-
to intensively concern interfacial friction and material de- plied25–29).
formed behavior in metallography and tribology. The objective of this investigation is to study interfacial
Up to now, large numbers of investigations have been car- friction and material deformed behavior aimed at the adhe-
ried out in sheet4–8) and bulk9–16) metal forming to evaluate sive friction state. In order to evaluate interfacial friction be-
interfacial friction and material deformed behavior. Wang et havior, friction coefficient was calculated qualitatively based
al. have developed a plane-strain compression tribometer to on the Boltzmann distribution characteristics. In the respect
measure friction and material flow-stress2). Based on numeri- of material deformed behavior, a new metal flowing behavior
cal simulation and experimental results, Takahashi has inves- of inverse flowing behavior was found. And then, the driven
tigated the interfacial deformation and friction behavior be- mechanism of inverse flowing behavior was analyzed system-
tween Al ribbon and electric pad during ultrasonic bonding17). atically. The bi-directionality theory was proposed to illus-
Brandstetter et al. have examined the effect of surface rough- trate and evaluate explicitly inverse flowing behavior. Finally,
ness on friction by means of fibre-bundle pull-out tests18,19). the sustainability of adhesive friction was analyzed.
Chan et al. have observed that the size effect on micro-scale
plastic deformation and frictional phenomenon by the combi- 2. Experiment
nation of micro-cylindrical compression test, micro-ring
compression test and Finite Element (FE) simulation20). This investigation was developed in metallic Lead used to
However, interfacial friction and material deformed behavior make ring specimens with outer diameter of 60 mm, inner
are always varying owing to the complexity of external influ- diameter of 30 mm and height of 20 mm. All the ring speci-
ence factors such as stress, temperature, strain-rate, and lubri- mens were divided into two groups. The specimens of the first
cant. Although some efforts including the above study have group were cut into halves averagely along the meridian sur-
been done against the different conditions of friction/lubri- face by means of spark cutting. And then the finite element
cant, they concentrated up on the investigation at low friction discretization on the meridian surface of these specimens was
condition21–24). carried out and shown in Fig. 1. After that, both correspond-
When friction coefficient is low, extent models are avail- ing halves of the same specimens were welded together with
able to analyze interfacial friction and material deformed be- Wood s metal alloy. For the sake of unifying the experimental
havior precisely. However, it is practically indicated that al- condition of interfacial friction, both of the top and end inter-
faces of all the specimens were polished with emery cloth
Corresponding author, E-mail: made with brown fused alumina, and graved with circular lat-
662 W. Li and Q. Ma

Fig. 1 Geometry and nodal discretization on the meridian surface.

transferred to raster image in order to analyze material flow-

ing behavior.

3. Numerical Analysis Model

3.1 Numerical method for analyzing inverse flowing be-

After the specimens are compressed between both of the
flat parallel dies, numerical method of piecewise cubic her-
mite polynomial interpolation is implemented to analyze ma-
terial flowing behavior for the purpose of improving the com-
putation accuracy. The constructed object function of
piecewise cubic hermite polynomial interpolation is shown in
eq. (1).
(xk+1 − x)3 (x − xk )3
H3 (x) = Mk + Mk+1
xk →xk+1 6∆k 6∆k
 2
 Mk ∆k  xk+1 − x
Fig. 2 Circular lattice pattern of interfaces for Δc = cn = 2.5 mm. + yk −  (1)
6 ∆k
 2
 Mk+1 ∆k  x − xk
+ yk+1 − 
6 ∆k
tices shown in Fig. 2.
The ring upsetting test was carried out at a constant speed Where, k = 0, 1, ···, n − 1, xk and yk are radius and axial dis-
of approximately 0.005 mm/s by hydraulic universal testing placement measured by the repetitive ring upsetting testing,
machine at room temperature. For the specimens of the first respectively. Unknown parameter Mk can be determined with
group, ring upsetting tests were implemented at five levels of eq. (2).
strokes of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50%. For the specimens of the     
 2 λ0   M0   l0 
second group, ring upsetting tests were implemented with the  µ   M   l 
 1 2 λ1   1   1 
strokes exceeding 50%. The role of the second group is to  .. .. ..   ..   .. 
demonstrate the disappearance of the adhesive friction, and  . . .   .   .  (2)
    
the results of the second group are only used in Section 4.5.  µn−1 2 λn−1   Mn−1   ln−1 
Owing to that the elastic deformation is much smaller than µn 2 Mn ln
the plastic deformation in the bulk metal forming, the effects Where, the value of the boundary elements λ0 and μn is equal
of elastic deformation on the specimens dimension was neg- to 1. All the other correlation coefficients λk+1, μk, k = 0, 1, ···,
ligible and wasn t considered in this study. n − 1 listing in eq. (2) are determined by eq. (3).
After ring upsetting tests were implemented at each stroke
∆k−1 ∆k+1
of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% for the specimens of the first group, µk = , λk+1 = (3)
∆k−1 + ∆k ∆k + ∆k+1
the displacements of lattice points on the interface were mea-
sured. And then the welded specimens were separated into lk, k = 0, 1, ···, n are determined by the interpolation of eq. (4).
halves along the welded surface by means of fusing Wood s
metal alloy on the cohesive meridian. After the meridian sur-
faces of the specimens were cleaned up, the images of the
meridian surface were scanned with HD scanner. The dis-
placements of deformation graphics for lattice points on the
meridian surfaces were derived by statistics and computing.
Further, the displacements on the meridian surfaces were
Investigation of Interfacial Friction and Inverse Flowing Behavior under the Adhesive State 663

three situations.
6 y1 − y0 )
l0 = − f0 , R0 and R1 are outer radius and inner radius respectively. It
∆0 ∆0 is evident from the expression of friction coefficient μ that the
∆k−1 (yk+1 − yk ) − ∆k (yk − yk−1 ) location of the neutral layer is significant to determine fric-
lk = 6 , (4)
∆k−1 ∆k (∆k−1 + ∆k ) tion coefficient, and the quantitatively solving problems of
6 yn − yn−1 friction coefficient can be translated into the solving problem
ln = f − of the neutral layer ρ. And solving accuracy of plastic friction
∆n−1 n ∆n−1

Where, f0 is the boundary quantity of infinity, and fn is the

boundary quantity confirmed by further compression with the
stroke of over 50%. In eq. (1), eq. (3) and eq. (4), Δk is the
radial displacement difference of two adjacent strokes, as
shown in eq. (5).
∆k = xk+1 − xk , k = 0, 1, · · · , n − 1, x ∈ [xk , xk+1 ] (5)

3.2 Theoretical foundation for solving friction coeffi-

There are three distinct deformation modes accompanying
with the location variation of the neutral layer ρ for the com-
pressed ring specimen owing to the variation of friction coef-
ficient μ. There is a strict one-to-one correlation between the
value of friction coefficient and the location of the neutral
layer. The specific performances are shown in Fig. 330–32).
When friction coefficient is low, the radius ρ of the neutral
layer is less than inner radius R1 of the specimen, all the met-
al particles of which flow away from the central axis, as
shown in Fig. 3(b). With the increase of friction coefficient,
there must be a critical value when the radius ρ of the neutral
layer is equal to inner radius R1 of the specimen, metal parti-
cles of which on the inner boundary flow towards the sym-
metric plane of the specimen and all the other metal particles
of the specimen flow away from the central axis as shown in
Fig. 3(c). Along with the further increase of friction coeffi-
cient, it is found that the neutral layer of radius ρ appears on
the meridian plane and locates between the inner and outer
diameter as shown in Fig. 3(d). Under this circumstance, met-
al particles outside and inside the neutral layer flow away
Fig. 3 Deformation flowing behaviors with different friction coefficients:
from and towards the central axis, respectively. There are (a) Undeformation, (b) Low friction, (c) Critical friction, (d) High fric-
three equations shown in Table 1 corresponding to the above tion.

Table 1 Relationship between COF and NL, COF: friction coefficient, NL: Neutral layer.

COF NL Expression Diagram

  
  3R40  
 
 2 1 + 1 + 4  
 R ρ  
1  2R0 R1
Low ρ < R1 µ = − √ ln  12    / 1− Fig. 3(b)
3  R0  4 
3R    H R0
 
 1 + 1 + 41  
ρ 

1 H 3R20
Critical value ρ < R1 µ= √ · · ln Fig. 3(c)
2 3 (R 0 − R 1 )
R21 + R41 + 3R40
  
  3R40  
   
 2 1 + 1+
 R ρ4  
1  2R0 R1 ρ
High R1 < ρ < R0 µ = − √ ln  12    / 1+ −2× Fig. 3(d)
3  R0  4
3R   
 
 H R0 R0
 
 1 + 1 + 41  
ρ 
664 W. Li and Q. Ma

coefficient depends strongly on the solving accuracy of the 4.1.2 Identification of adhesive friction state with fric-
radius ρ of the neutral layer. tion coefficient
According to experimental research and plasticity theory,
4. Results and Discussion friction calibration curves can be elaborated in Fig. 5 based
on the results of finite element modeling. If the value of fric-
4.1 Identification of adhesive friction state tion coefficient exceeds the critical value of 0.5, the whole
4.1.1 Identification of adhesive friction state based on interface entirely becomes sticky, and friction pair on the in-
deformation terface is in the adhesive state30,33). It is reflected in Fig. 5 that
After ring upsetting tests, the deformation results at the in- the relation curve between outer diameter and height along
terface between die/specimen for the stroke of 10, 20, 30, 40, with the variation of stroke will drop into the region of adhe-
50% are shown in Fig. 4. It is observed from Fig. 4 that, outer sive friction once friction coefficient exceeds the critical val-
diameter is increasing constantly and inner diameter is de- ue of 0.5.
creasing constantly in the wake of the reduction in height. After ring upsetting tests, the deformation on meridian sur-
The whole interfacial surfaces are in the condition of increas- face for the stroke of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50% are shown in Fig. 6.
ing. It is obtained in Fig. 6 that the neutral layer ρ situates between
However, it is remarkable that there is no movement for the internal boundary and external boundary whatever the stroke
size of annulus lattice on the interface. That is to say, there is is. Therefore, friction coefficient μ can be calculated with the
no radius displacement for the primitive metal particles on the equation corresponding to Fig. 3(d). And the neutral layer ρ is
interface. For the newborn particles on the increscent area of determined by taking advantage of its own property of zero
the interface, they still keep stationary at the moment of enter- value in radius velocity field and the characteristic of Boltz-
ing the interface and have no radius displacement after enter- mann distribution between the radial velocity field and the
ing the interface. In a word, there is no radius displacement relative displacement on the equatorial plane owing to that
for all metal particles on the interface and the state of adhe- the radial velocity field and the relative displacement on the
sive friction exists on the interface all the time.

Fig. 5 Calibration curve related to the outer diameter with different friction
Fig. 4 Deformation state at the interface. coefficients.

Fig. 6 State of continuous deformation at the meridian plane under the different strokes of (a) original specimen (0%), (b) 10%, (c) 20%, (d) 30%, (e) 40%
and (f) 50%.
Investigation of Interfacial Friction and Inverse Flowing Behavior under the Adhesive State 665

Table 2 Solving processes and results of friction coefficient, COF: friction coefficient.

Node and its radius velocity field (mm/s) Neutral layer (mm)
Stroke(%) COF
No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 Single Average
10% −0.002 −0.001 7e-4 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.003 19.44
20% −0.003 −0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.004 18.99
30% −0.004 −0.003 0.001 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.004 19.32 19.39 0.57
40% −0.007 −0.004 4e-4 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 19.60
50% −0.01 −0.005 e-4 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.006 19.59

Fig. 7 Orientation distribution of velocity field on the meridian plane.

interface don t occur in the adhesive state. The processes and plane at the initial stage, except that on the equatorial surface
final results of friction coefficient are listed in Table 2. which just flow to both sides along the radial direction. The
Under the condition of friction coefficient of 0.57, the rela- magnitude of the orientation of velocity field for all metal
tion curve between outer diameter and height along with the particles inside the neutral layer, on the neutral layer and out-
stroke s augment is depicted in Fig. 5 based on the upsetting side the neutral layer have greater than 90 , 90 and less than
test. It is observed that the flow curve lands in the region of 90 , respectively. Moreover, the magnitude of the orientation
adhesive friction, also explaining the state of adhesive friction of velocity field for all metal particles varies with the stroke s
exists all the time. variation, such as Node 8.
The magnitude of the orientation of velocity field of Node
4.2 Identification of inverse flowing behavior 8 increases persistently with the increasing of the stroke, and
By taking advantaging of piecewise cubic hermite polyno- it is notable that its magnitude exceeds 180 at the stroke of
mial interpolation shown in eq. (1), the grid lines graved on 30%. In other words, Node 8 has been flowing to the interface
the meridian surface are reshaped based on the measured dis- rather than the equatorial surface since the flow angle has ex-
placements of the different strokes, while the specific orienta- ceeded 180 at the stroke of 30%, illustrating that the particle
tion of velocity field of metal particles under the different of Node 8 brings about inverse flowing behavior. There is a
strokes is determined with eq. (6), which can be achieved by further remarkable change of the orientation of velocity field
inverse tangent function of taking the derivative of piecewise of Node 8 to a greater value in the wake of the stroke s aug-
cubic hermite polynomial of eq. (1). ment. With the augment of the stroke, more and more metal
particles like Node 8 on the internal boundary transform to
(xk+1 − x)2 (x − xk )2
θOR = arctan −Mk + Mk+1 flow towards the interface rather than the equatorial surface.
2∆k 2∆k As far as metal particles on the external boundary are con-
 2 2 (6)
 Mk ∆k Mk+1 ∆k  cerned, they have a remarkable change of the orientation of
+ yk+1 − yk + −  /∆k velocity field from 0 to the negative value, the results of
6 6
which show that metal particles on the external boundary
Here, k = 0, 1, ···, 4, θOR is angle field. All the correlation co- flow to the interface instead of the equatorial surface. Inverse
efficients in eq. (6) are to obtain with eq. (2) to eq. (5). flowing behavior continuously happens from metal particles
Figure 7 shows the orientation distribution of velocity field approaching to the equatorial surface to metal particles ap-
on the meridian surface of ring specimens under the condi- proaching to the interface since the ring upsetting started.
tions of each stroke. It is observed in Fig. 7 that all metal Meanwhile inverse flowing behavior on the boundary is
particles on the meridian surface flow towards the equatorial bound to cause interior inverse flow due to the continuity of
666 W. Li and Q. Ma

Fig. 8 The magnitude of velocity field on the meridian plane.

metal specimen. and just happens on the nearby region of Node 1 of the inter-
nal surface and of Node 7 of the external surface. The region
4.3 Driven mechanism of inverse flowing behavior will increase along with the augment of friction coefficient.
The flowing behavior of metal particles of the specimen is Moreover, the internal surface is earlier to bring out inverse
a comprehensive reaction of internal interaction, external flowing behavior than the external surface.
pressure, temperature, friction, and some other influencing
factors. Among all the influencing factors, friction is the 4.4 Bi-directionality theory for elucidating inverse flow-
unique factor to bring about inhomogeneous deformation of ing behavior
upsetting forgings30). The influence of friction on metal parti- Bi-directionality theory, also called the chasing & meet
cles increases gradually from the equatorial surface to the in- theory, is taken advantage to illustrate inverse flowing behav-
terface. With regard to the radius velocity field, its magnitude ior of metal particles under the condition of adhesive friction.
can be obtained by combining the orientation of velocity field The whole theory consists of the three following parts:
shown in Fig. 7 and the magnitude of velocity field shown in (1) Chasing theory considers that the relatively moving up
Fig. 8. It can be found that the magnitude of radius velocity of metal particles on the free surface brings about the inter-
field decreases gradually from the equatorial surface to the face extension. It is known that the interface area is constant-
interface under the influence of friction. ly extending with the augment of the stroke. It is observed in
Figure 8 shows the magnitude of velocity field under the Fig. 8 that the downward axial velocity of metal particles on
condition of different strokes. It is observed in Fig. 8 that the the interface is absolutely faster than that on the internal &
distribution of velocity field is varying during the process of external surface at the beginning of stroke. Thus, metal parti-
the stroke augment. In order to analyze the driven mechanism cles on the internal & external surface must enter into the in-
of inverse flowing behavior exhaustively, Node 1 and its near- terface compulsorily owing to the disadvantage of its axial
by region are taken as characteristic region. It is observed that velocity. Combined with Fig. 4, it is obtained that metal par-
the magnitude of velocity field of Node 1 and its nearby re- ticles lose the radial velocity and flow towards the equatorial
gion is pretty small at the beginning of the stroke. However, surface once accessing the interface in the way of chasing
the magnitude of velocity field of Node 1 and its nearby re- theory.
gion will be larger and larger, and has already surpassed the Taken metal particle of Node 21 in Fig. 1 as an example, its
stroke speed of 0.005 mm/s at the stroke of 40%. Since the axial velocity can be obtained by combining the orientation
flowing behavior of metal particles is always subservient to of velocity field shown in Fig. 7 with the magnitude of veloc-
the principle of minimum flow drag30), it is no doubt that ity field shown in Fig. 8. The ordinate of Node 21 is separated
Node 1 possessing the fastest radius velocity field flows to- from the Coordinate System, shown in Fig. 9(a). It is no doubt
wards coordinate origin on the equatorial surface. Thus, inho- that both the distance between interface and equatorial sur-
mogeneous deformation of internal surface of ring specimen face (line-1) and the distance to the equatorial surface (line-2)
will become more and more apparent. For other metal parti- of Node 21 are decreasing constantly with the augment of the
cles of internal surface nearby Node 1, they also flow with stroke. However, it is found that the decreasing rate of line-1
obeying the minimum flow drag principle; however, their is faster than that of line-2, indicating there must be an inter-
free-flowing direction is up-inclined, so they have to flow section point of line-1 and line-2 at certain stroke, where met-
up-inclined, indicating inverse flowing behavior inevitably al particle of Node 21 enters into the interface and settles into
happens. The phenomenon is also suitable for metal particles the adhesive state. After the time corresponding to the inter-
on the external surface. Inverse flowing behavior is inevitable section point, metal particle of Node 21 flows towards the
owing to the existence of friction. However, if friction coeffi- equatorial surface like other metal particle on the interface.
cient is small, the region of inverse behavior is also very small With the augment of the stroke, more and more newborn ad-
Investigation of Interfacial Friction and Inverse Flowing Behavior under the Adhesive State 667

Fig. 9 Bi-directionality theory for analyzing inverse flowing behavior with axis velocity field.

hesive particles come forth like Node 21.

(2) Meet theory considers that the absolutely moving up of
metal particles on the free surface brings about the interface
extension. It is seen in Fig. 7 that the orientation of velocity
field of metal particles approaching to the equatorial surface
has more than 180 for internal boundary and less than 0 for
external boundary. Metal particles transform the movement
direction towards the interface instead of the equatorial sur- Fig. 10 Disappearance of adhesive friction ST: stroke.
face at certain stroke. Inverse flowing behavior comes forth.
Thus metal particles on the internal & external surface have a
moving upward direction which is in contrast with that of theory also offers us a re-cognition of the variety of metal
metal particles on the interface such as Node 8 in Fig. 9(b). deformed flow behavior.
(3) Actually, the closer metal particles on the internal &
external surface approach to the interface, the easier they en- 4.5 Sustainability analysis about adhesive friction
ter the interface in the way of chasing theory, and there is no It s observed that the region of inverse flowing becomes
inverse flowing behavior appearing for metal particles of this bigger and bigger from Fig. 7 (a) to (f). There is a timestamp
kind. However, as for metal particles on the internal & exter- inevitably when metal particles on the intersection of the in-
nal surface, the closer they approach to the equatorial surface, terface and free boundary have a 180 for the internal free
the easier they enter the interface in the way of meeting theo- boundary or 0 for the external free boundary. Once the time-
ry, and inverse flowing behavior will appear for metal parti- stamp turns up, metal particles on the intersection of the inter-
cles of this kind. With the augment of the stroke, more and face and free boundary possess tangential velocity and don t
more metal particles generate inverse flowing behavior and simply flow towards the interface inversely. Correspondingly,
gradually spread from the equatorial surface to the interface tangential slip on the interfaces blows up; meanwhile adhe-
accompanied with the phenomenon of inverse flowing behav- sive friction disappears. It is notable that the disappearance of
ior. adhesive friction comes out earlier for the intersection of the
The essence of inverse flowing behavior is the meeting interface and internal free boundary than that for the intersec-
phenomenon of bi-directionality of metal deformed flow. tion of the interface and external free boundary. Experimental
With the stroke s augment, all metal particles on the free results of the second group have confirmed that adhesive fric-
boundary except those on the equatorial plane enter into the tion will disappear when the stroke reaches a fixed value. Fig-
interface in the two methods of bi-directionality theory ulti- ure 10 shows the phenomenon of the disappearance of adhe-
mately, rather than flow in the way of the traditionally hyper- sive friction and the phenomenon of turbulence flowing of
bolic flow theory20,31). Owing to the integrity and continuity metal particles on the interface. The disappearance of adhe-
of the specimen, all metal particles inside the specimen also sive friction on the interface also means all metal particles on
must flow like metal particles on the free boundary. the free boundary surface flow inversely to the interface rath-
Now, it can t be identified that the bi-directionality of metal er than the equatorial surface.
deformed flow is a specific phenomenon under the condition It is shown in Fig. 5 that the neutral layer remains un-
of adhesive friction or a common phenomenon of all the state changed with the augment of the stroke and accordingly fric-
with the influence of friction. However, the functions of the tion coefficient, which is 0.57 calculated in the present exper-
bi-directionality theory on conducting the forging process are iment, is also identical. Friction coefficient of 0.57 is a typical
very effective. For instance, the location of metal particles adhesive friction state according to the previous experiment
can be predicted accurately under the certain stroke on the research and the plasticity theory30). Consequently, the disap-
basis of the theory, which can be considered as the basis for pearance of adhesive friction violates the conclusion that the
controlling the specimen quality and designing the shape and interface is in the adhesive friction state once interfacial fric-
specific detail of the mold. In addition, the bi-directionality tion coefficient exceeds 0.5, which indicates there is a conflict
668 W. Li and Q. Ma

of the existence of adhesive friction between the experimental Acknowledgments

results and tradition theory. Maybe the reason that internal
shear stress will be superior to interfacial friction stress at This paper has been supported by the Major State Basic
certain stroke although friction coefficient keeps invariant Research Development Program of China (973 Program, No.
with the augment of the stroke leads to the disappearance of 2011CB012903). The authors would like to express our sin-
adhesive friction. However, the real reason why the conflict cere appreciation for the funds support.
happens is unknown. Therefore, more profound study on
plastic tribology, especially high friction coefficient, is abso- REFERENCES
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