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25X1C10b Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 Next 5 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 TAKEN FROM: Menorandun prepared for the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and other Internal Security avs. Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate. Washington 1970. : CASTRO'S BROKEN PLEDGES Fidel Castro—Promises and Performance L CASTRO'S POLITICAL PROMISES 'TO" ‘THE PEOPLE OF CUBA REGARDING "RisstORATION OF DEMOCRACY, CONSTLPUTIONAL GOVERNMENT AND POLITIOAL, TABERTY . Guwenat Sraremenrs | git it thut wo robots of tho Sieve Mostra do not want froo lections, 4 Mlomocratic roginio, n constitutional gaverninont? It ix boemise they deprived ws of tone right that we have fought since the T0tivot Murch, {i is bocause wo want thom moro thin anyone also Uhab we are heres ‘To prove ity © ous fightors dowd in tho Siorra und our come anions weatssinated os the wiroats or locked ip in tho duuigoonm of tha prison: fighting for the bewutitul ident of Hoe Cubu, democratic sand just" alike single word most oxpressive of our aimn und spirit is wimply— feoodom. Fest of all und most of ail, wo ao fylteys to do awny with diotatordiy in Cuba and to establish tho foindations of soning Foprenontativo government.” # “Wht nto cur procedures? Absolute respect for liberty, absolute respect for human rights, abwolute respect. for th Inu brine Kexurdiow of how evolutionary the ins we proprow to oniet may bey thay ‘will bo enneted, without violating one singe righty without wpe rowing even ono publig liberty, without beating anyone, rind withoge fovon iniwulting anyon ® i Emerton democratic ‘vor by it with the support of ull, which replaced the dictators to propitinto pence and to lend the eountey to demoeratio and constitutional normallityet Point 7 of tia Manifesto of the Sierra Macstea:) “Po deelure andor formal penta thie the provisional government. will Il gem Cleetious for all offices of tho xbate, tho provinees und the miumieigaton nf thaend of ono veur under Ue norms of tho Constiqulion of 140 iad tie Mleciaral Code of 1043 wndl will deliver Uhe power inmediavely. to the eauiidutes eloecod. ™ a nt Lo, wetre the poople tht Uho laws of the lund will bo ro wpocted * © * Should tho mon who form today’s govornmont prove conditions truly fi i woul sen provisional, neutinl, g se gia AY ed lee PU Ce: Mena Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 2 unequal to their task the people will bo able to repluco,thom by others in feo clections * * * Public opinion. will decito overything—it is an enormous force where (ero is teal freedom. * ** Pounean Pawrizs " “Political parties will huve ono and one right only during the pro= visionnl government, namely: freedom to dofond their progeam before tho pooplo, to mobilizo and organize tho citizens within the broad framiowork of our Constitution and to participate in tho gouoral cloctions to be held.!"* Fino ov cum Paras (Point 8 of tho Manifesto of tho Siorta Maestra:) To doclara that the provisional government. will havo to adjust ila mission to tho follow= ing progeam: ** * Absolute guurantes of froodons of information, of the spokon und wrilien press and of all tho individual und political Fights guarantocd by the Constitution.” * “HE ono beginia to clos cowa one Rowspapor no other newspaper will fool safo—and if ono boxins to porsecite ono parson bocauso of his, political viows nobody ols eat Lol safo.” ® Roux ov wim Ansty my Poratics (Point 6 of tho Munifosto of tho Siorra Mucstra:) “To doclaro that the Civilian Rovolutionary Front plans to divoreo tho army from polities aid to gusranteo thi nonpolitiesl status, exompe fom ro prisal, of tho armed forens, * * *77 Comrunsony Minvrany Sunvion ib bo, “Wo will not cotablih nility woryieo hewn iL nok ihe ba ils and fovea a zion to pit a uniforae sind w holinol, to ive ibs fore him to maveh. Lanow (Point 8 of tho Manifesto of the + Aa doclary that tho provisional kover it hay to adjut He mission to the fallowing progeain © © Democratization of Tabor pallay, pramol= ing frvo alsetions in nll unions and foxlor ations of inalunta ins i * Casruo’s Ponrrioat, Asanionn "Pononally T do not aspire to nny post and L eonnidor dab tince is suilieiont proof Unit L fight for tho good af my paopla, without any peronal oF cgotistie ambition soiling my cane, Afte the ravelu tion Wworwill convortetin Movement iule pol val pay, wae wo Wil Hight bean hese ia as lb Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 Concorning tho logul system, Castro has stated since coming to power: . What was civil law concerned with, anyway? Usually some- thing Uiat did not affect tke poopie: moriguges, termina tions of contracts, * * * logal quarrels between omployors, Janel ownors, finnieiors + *”* And today? Iy ono co-opara tivo likely to suo another? Aro tonnnis going to bo sone Loucedl (9 move out if thero aro no tenants but only owners? ‘Phoro jy no zonson why all tho courts wnd judgos should exist ody." Enecrions Undlor Castro hore lave boon no elections, and no national patie mnont oF other publicly elected rapresontutive body exists, Jn place of wayslom Df cloctions and organized politient oppositions Castro has substituted whit lo orm “direct democracy,” Uirough which sane: How for tho rogime’s policios is to como from "ne constant meating wich tho poopte.” I pructicn, tho meotings live Laken tho form of aniseive pponair, rallios “al which Cusiro announeos. governmont. policies Concerning the national, provincial, and municipal eloctions faithtully. plodgod by Castro as a rovolutionuty, hie lator stated: A revolution exprossing Uo will of the poop is inn eleetion ay’, ot ovory four years * * * Mis rovolution, hw he eapcention “gf panna fr iret by the poople * *°*, Why should democtney ho tho pestantic, Faso democracy of the edany path ae de divoet expression of tho will of the people? ‘Cho people xo to dlie fighting instondl of going’ to a poll to. seruigh names on paper * °° Sono fool contes along Wank if, sincn wo have 4a majority why dow wo he He? Becta tho people do not eae to plows fools id find lille ontlonient Lise peoplo ars interested in moving forward. owernm Pouriean Parris ately weird thy Cuban people nino to the foe funetioning of lea! putting, Hee covery elu tha Kost sigun of apposition to his Pekiine hyn ta witatoan acautu Major Hubert Matos, w popular yuecrlia hintoy Cantey naval i ruthlossly to donteuy’ (he movement Matos wi urtested, veel Lo isan ase GeaiLor ta (lia sevulutinn. (Phe aon 1 iden af the right to public dont with the policies 6 Castro ragiine, Castio fallowed this initicl ach af ropession meweuren which, within oun your, effectively elintinntod Hl oneie saw political opposition in Cuba. The wins granted lygad tener ion ‘only to the Gonmnist Party, nd it wna. subaeequontly. fe gaxporated into tho goverupiont party. I his 1061 Mny Day mover Carita cullod political parties “just an expresion of elie falabatee and fn Deeomber af Unk your, Castro juliliod hin wingleeparty, gore exnnient Ti sw ts a a dh tn om Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 . with tho arms of tho Constitution and of tho Jaw. Not ovon thon will T he able to uspiro to tho prosidoney of tho republic beeiuse I am only thirty-one yoars old." +" . “Everybody knows how much I espoct tho civilian institutions of tho Republic, Everybody knows that Z havo not interfered nor shall inorfeve. in tho nctivities of tho Prosidont of tho Republic * * Should tho President. forhid mo to spoak in public, or tell mo not’ to give oven ono interviow I would mconditionally obey this ordor.”” * Casto ann Comsuxisss “1 nover have boon or am La Communist, If wore I would have nulfieiont corago to prochain ite ei ying eh ta Yt My gil so 2 ‘pin Bay ded Ia Jue DULL, eps ek Be (Il, THE CASTRO GOVERNMENT'S RECORD OF FULIVIT- MENT OF CASTRO'S POLITICAL PROMISES ‘TO ‘TLE CUBAN PEOPLE G DNKRAT. By tho ond of tho first to yours of Castro's roginio, basic concepts of democratic action hind bean abondoned, and in ila ‘Gaxtro ad dovolopod a goverunint basod on the power of ono sally hocked by constitutional restraints. ‘Tho Panainmental f the ol regio, deervedl on Pebetnry 7, 1050, effoctivaly eanaacitatedt the dloctive xystam of the Constituiion hy vesting all powars of xover mene in an nppoiited Council of Miuistore and gewnting then i= checked legislative powors, A single govornmont purly was installed in power mndar the completa contra of Castro, In his third your of powor, Castro publicly rajeetod. the domocrati political aystont ns etnbondied in the 1940 Constitution, anyatoin whieh Ko novor abtomptad to pit inky effect. ‘Concerning. tho 1940 Constitution, whieh hind formed, an intogral part of Castro's political program, invokod in overy public iatomont Of policy during Lio rovolutionury. poriod, Custrw Titer sua; "Po. those who tlle Uo us about tho-140 Constitution, wa say Gal the 1940 Constitution is ulroudy too outsatod had Od Tor us, We have advanced too far for Unab short suction fof the 1940 Constitaition dint was good for its time * # ‘That Constitution hs boon left behiud by this revolution, avhich ns wo lve naid, i Soetalist rovoltion, Wo nit ball of wnow eonstibation, yes #7 Ln bougonin Cotte stitution, not a consiiuaion corresponding to the dumniation Of arta laa y ospliting eases, ut contibution corresponding to a inw socinl aysconn without tho exploitation ef mun by mina, ‘The now social system iv culled Socialism, andl this constitution Wil therefare bow Socinlint constitartion.! 1 ho court system and Tog jutien, oxprealy seuuran tod Tanetitulions the Bandana! fa of Cub, prgetaited by Chatto ia Fabruury 1580, afforded regular eourks juriabetion aver ail Teal nnd erinial inatiées exeapt crimes in the armed wevienss Towavor, ia Oetobor 3059, Une rights af appoal aad of abuns enepues qwere nolo und in Nay 1062, Htevolutinry ‘ibaa wade Up of politically trustwortiiy wppoiniges wnd owing conmidoruble hover Gincuag tho Tight io Uawy ie death penaliy), wor eatnbe Jshod to try. a now ealegory of “countarrovelutionary ¢rinne.” Sinew that. tine, the eampotsies of ordinagy, courks hax hewn severly. ratrietod andl myo lojgl we the aren of dhe politiclaed Coneoen by the 104 1400030001 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 ~*~ ‘What has given riso 16 this necessity {for n’singlo party]? Above all, tho fact that it is impossiblowto carry on, and ‘especially to carry forward, a revolution without a solid and disciplined revolutionary ‘onganization. This becomes in- exoasingly ovidont, as the revolutionary process moots with more and moro difficult tasks in tho course of its’ normal dovelopment.* : Fusupow ov aun Pusan Freodom of the pros: und publia information wae rvinslated ab + tho boginning of Castro's rogims, bul whan editorial eritieian of nono of hi policies Ing to, oer 30, tho Inst Hl of IO6, ha Canta governmont responded by imposing strict regulations which: navarely Girtailed. prose and broadenating Teeodons. By” tho end of. 1000, 4g governmonteonirolied Cuban nows sevice wow in operation, wad Fatio and telovision stations had boon organized into wwthiercontéllad notwork. Comursouy Muatany Smuvicu "the Compulsory Military Servieo Taw was lficilly_ onwctad an Novombor 12) 2905. It provided for « compulsory three) period for all Cuban youth wha were divided inl Gwe eho Howe whe would and wlio would nol bo poem to boar nine ho Inter entegory wow sunde up of yorits winin. Casteo nator to a Aundesitahites the uneducutod, Ygnorunly patuaitieal clement, the potenti Iumpen af tomorrow.” "Tho comprisory military setview requicenent, expceally ww sours Cuban yout inet soeand. category, provided ths. Cantey, gino with a cheap, militarized Inboy corps whch Inns boon wlilized oxtan= tivoly in tho gugatenne aud eotfeo el Lanon In tho first. your of his rogimo, Caste enllod for the inclusion of Communiste ii tho executive committe of the Confederation of ‘Workers of Cubs. [1 responso to substantial opposition by Confodde tion lendors, Chstco established a commities whieh, although ils ox terisiblo. purpose was lo” pure “Batistacalluboraiars™ anon the inion Toadors, netaally weted to ronove ail wnign loaders opponoe! Communist participation in. Inbor loxlorship. ‘Chose purged ieluted Toudors of the lobieco, maritime, motal, agricultural, construction, and olecteieal workers ions, ws Woll ns tho musigians, uotors nnd wes fists unions. "AL tho sano tino, the government by dleervo suxpendod he eget to atsiko, postponed Whee neconses ly, and took coutgol of all Iiving Cheonughout the tstion. baw GA7, daeeed i tho ypeiny of 1900, vostedl in, tho Ministzy of Labor the right. ta intorven in all couse of Inbor including dhe nnions, and clued ib widh, comoving wil wate Todos By 101, Me depen labor yao, nent it Caabn ue toupee oxished Ay any mewninyeful nena, Mie Low of Labor Justice (law No. TG of dantinry ty 1905):dotsrmlned “viola mel is jet li Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 tions of labor discipline” and affixed penalties for such acts, Adnyin- ‘stration of the law was entrusted to Work Councils established in overy pluco of work whose’ election was bused on a “good socialist : ‘attitude toward work.” Tn Cuba today, upon wo perform “voluntary” extra tay pay. City workers aro'o/ten transported to Uke country 00 unions have disappeared nnd workers are called jours labor without compensne isle for HValuntary” weoknd Inbor ont Cuban farnis without remuneration, Carols Poratieat, Asuisions inca Fehrwary 1950 when Fidel Castro assumed the role of Promior of the Cuban rovolutionaty kovernment, ho hus remained the absolute governing power it Cuba Lian nddress to tho nation on Marcle 14, Thi, Chatto asked: “Aud wht it te good of a party where overy thing foveives nrotind ono man?” “Tho man who tskod that question is Primo Minislor of his government, Kirst Secrotwry of the Party, Conimanderin-Chief of the Armod Vorees, President of the Conseal Planning Bourd und Direclor of tho National Agrarian Reform Tustinato.™ Castro ann Comounies | Tn Decombor 1901, Castro snnouneed: Do I believe in Marxism? I bolioye aboiutoly in Marxisin! Did T beliavo in it on 1 January [1959]? I believed on the 1 January, Did I beliove in it on 96 July [1963—alinek on the Monenda Batrnek]? 1 believed in it on 26 duly * * * Wo + 8 wo botiove that it is the most correct, moat x » tho only tuo theory, Wie only teue rovolutionary theory, ‘Yes, 1 stato it hore, ‘with coinploto wtisfuxction and with full confidenco, Tam Marxist-Leninist ‘uid Tafiall bo w MarsisteLoninint until tho last day. of any wend athe eins Wide nr cvs Dally por asia oe Soke Tada Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 By tho summer of 1960, tho regime's agrasian reform was in full a awing. All land worth confiscating was confiscated, ineludins the houses, livestock: nnd possessions of the prior owners, In most eases, confiscation was currict! ont with no attempt, ab valuation of property. foc inventory; io compensatory bonds were issued, and tho proposed Gribunals were nover ‘estahlised, Ti 1960, cooperatives wore estab lished, bat contrary Uo the declaration in Castro's progrwim that the und, tools, and profits bo collectively owned and shared, their mannge~ nent and foyulation was vested totally in the state-run INRA, Finally, in’ 1963, the cooperatives wero abolished through their morgor with, slato-aunod granjas, peoplars fxrms, which Ind bean erented in 1960." "Ae far pring nad owrnersipy botseon 1060 and 1009 the, sand eos Word incorporutad inthe Cuban Arsoeintion of Private inet [ANA] wider the ditoetion of the INIA, which sot stsice ulations for their operations, A. primary requiremont provided tint the privat owner sell a certain portion of heir exop to, tho late procureiicad agency’ wt fixed prices (below tho murkat peo). Failure to comply reeulled in tho weninntion of theit supply of seed, Toctilizer, etedit, andl stato nid, All private fivms wero included in the mitionwide development plans, ans regulated by sel plans. By 1003, the proportion of wlute-owned (0 privately-owned lund saw approximately 40-00, On Oelober 2, 1963, Casbro proclaimed the Second Are , hy moans of @ now waye of funy expcopriations of lund owned by Cuban farmers, xeapportioned Ind ownership two 70 percent state-owned und 30 percont privately owned, Further, no provisions were made for additional distsibution fof property to privalo owners, and the remnining 40 percent wus to Bo,cedd Uo the stato as tho winall farmers dissippoured. : ‘Thus, Castro's promizes of ownership of lund for axa who worked it bocamo in practico tho integration of tho entiro ngrarain structure under the dictatorship of the Cuban State, ta Bie Ewen Concerning free ontorprise, Cusivo statod ax a revolutionary in tho Sieve Macstra: Nover has tho 261 of July Movement, talked about socializing o¥ nationalizing the industries * * * Wo hav pro- Claimed fain tho fini day that wo fight for tho full enforce ‘of dis Constitution, of 1040, whos norins. ostublish iléee, rights and obligations for all tho clemonts that jpur(in production, Comprised thirein is free enterprise vote enpital ws well ax many other economic, eivie and pol {a hin 1001 May Day arog Canto rated tho aafoty of small private businesses sind his rogiino: “Tho littl inuntealist wy tho Tito Dasinewsnan ean 6o- cexinl Wilh, (ho tovolitiion. "Pho revolution hws always encod © far thi intssoeta of aniall ones. A Sovialint revolution doo hog maa hab intevoain, of cartain, sectors wre limited hunt consideration * * * No social interest of tho lessor gee sauiena ae o tte on poate at ness Sl a eb Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 MIL CASTRO'S AGRARIAN AND PRIM ENTERPRISE POre ICIES: PROMISES TO THE CUBAN PROP AND RECORD OF FULFILLMENT , Agrarian Reform, Agrarian roform was a fundamental clament in the reforw opal of Costra's 26ub of July: rovalutionury movemonte Cintton fa he Monencln trial dofonss of July’ 1053, prvclainad. tha td for fe steueting of tho Cuban agrarian systatn haved on Uw pesca ted thoso who cultivate the land should oven ile Ab that linn Cusiy ended for wide redistribution of tnnd thon hold hy. the. lng platieataons Ueough xtunts to small planters and pogsaut farmers, with ideynlt iention (9 tho fwrmier owners. Point $ of thio Munitew of Mucsira ineluded a provision for Hstablishuiont. of tio faundationa of un agratinn reform Ghat tends to the distribution of bartan lle and to convert into propriotors ull dhe lsweneplanuens, parkwn nnd squatters who possess sinall parcels of Inu, be dt property. af Use abel oF of priynto persons, with prior indomniffeauion Lo the former ov go" 8 Bho fast Dasnd Reform Law of ie naw regime, suo wh May 17, 1959, proposed w six-point, progeni for romedyinge Cubic ‘agneuliaent injusticws, Q) Tho prohibition of lutifundin: iu genocal, privato estates woukd not bo allowed to excood 30 eabattorins (1 eubulloriy 83,10 wees), ‘Tho former owners would receive conypoisition in the form ab Jongetorm bonds. Ageicultucal Uibunaly wold be seb up to decide disputed quostions, @) Abolition of tho tenuney systom: all wniall donut farmers, ine luting tho who hai il dea on Doane onan (8) Faun distribution all small onan furans, inching suaetone— Go Grcle tae aaa ete entilled (0 6 pioco at land nol oss hun (vo euballorins por family, ‘Misninintimn would be disiwibuted fyo0. In addition, tho nowxmaltholdee would be able to buy a farther dhree eaballorias ata low priv, (ho diateiution would wart with wuatomovwned lund, followed by waiprenductiva PE yateestatos and only thon by the remainder of Uke cont poratives would be wot sip with'tho assistanca anid aver tho dlioction of ENRA [National Ageutian Retort tinlitato.: ie now slate ngvicultiral admininteation nyouicy} The fatnd wud Ue Looks would become tho collactive proprly of the mombars of tho co-gporative, who would fwem tho lad and share. tie profile, ' = ‘Approved For Release 1909109162; CIA-RDPTOOT SAAvOGOeUSDae TS + Tevels of society is te be condemned. hei revolution will adhere to its word * * * Littlo businessmen and indlstaial- ists havo crodit today. ‘Tho rovolution hiaj-no interest in nationalizing them * *'* ‘The rovolation feels that thors can bo, collaboration from the Titde businowinan andl little Andustrintint™ Two months Intor, Castro mado tho following sintomont itt an address to the mation: ! Small businosses will disappenr ns tho rovelution programe, AL the endl of the revolutionary procs, Unix Lyn of us which employs workers, will have disappe understood by xoiall isinessmon * ** We toll then dint ‘your businoss, your small industry will not be oloenal Hey. {will disappear av the rovolution peograwies, 7 Sane enauting the into a stutooperated, contralized xtructary pi Aiviet Union iy Octal of hae yea, al For te well Cbateowed Posie af my eam, fiseated and pla under stato management. As the of collectivizntion and nationalization continued, by 1968 the Castro regime had p i 18 control of the indus One struction, i trade, wholesale and forsign trado, and banking: ih eyo nen on immediate expropr of all remaining p Brrises, By tho ond of that. month, 65,000 privately owned Cuban establishments, most of which hud spenng up after the 1069 revolution to enter to needs neglected by slaieowned industry and iteade, had Deen confiscated and either closed or piaced under now managers selected from the Committoos for the Lefense of the Revolution, “ale omeution i Svar oie aati win 3a can aba Pa in dan mm ane ned bnLerPrise, ad Iyean cone oct thn Mowe Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 ete October 1970 DATES WORTH NOTING October 2 India October 3 Paris october 9 tin America, October 9-14 = Lime October 19 Japan Approved For Release 1999/09/02 Conclusion of Gandhi Centennary marking Gandhi's birth Oct. 2, 1869. While Gandhi was leading India's independence movement, he wes the object of Soviet villifica- tion -- most notably, he is called a "traitor to the Indien people” by the Soviet Encyclopedia, 2nd edition. The new edition of the Encyclopedia, which is now in publication, may correct this outrege. However, the first volume to appear has already raised a storm of controversy in Indie by showing parts of Indien territory in Chine. 25th anniversary of World Federation of Trade Unions founded at end of WWII to promote international cooperation, but subverted within \ years by its Communist menbers and turned into a Soviet front. ‘The Soviet aggression in Czechoslovakia in 1968 caused serious dissensions within WPTU, about which the present WFTU leadership is silent. In 1967 in Bolivie Che Guevara met nis death in guerrilla warfare which he was attempting to spread through Latin America according to Castro's doctrine of armed revolution. International Seminar on the Problems and Struggles of Letin American Peoples sponsored by ‘the (Communist) World Peace Council. Anniversary of the signing in 1956 by USSR and Japan of a protocol ending their technical state of war, in lieu of peace treaty. The jack of a peace treaty has left unresolved the disposition of the : CIA-RDP79-011944000400030001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 October 23 Hungary October 2b, New York October 24 Berlin October 2h Santiago October 26 - November 4 Budapest ‘Approved For Release TOOMOSOL CARP TS OTT SIA UTTRTTSOCO NS | Rurile Islands, which the USSR seized from Jepan in the last days of WW IT, Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956. United Nations Day and 25th anniversary of the UN. The UN celebrations will run 1h - 24 October, with many heads-of-state expected to speak to the General Assembly. 20th anniversary of the dedication in West Berlin City Hall of the Freedom Bell, given to the people of West Berlin by Radio Free Europe. The Bell was accompanied by Freedom Scrolls signed by more than 16 million Americans. Over 400,000 Berliners, about 100,000 fron East Berlin, vere in City Hall Square to hear General Clay give the dedication. ‘The Chilean National Congress meets to elect the next president of Chile, choosing between the two candidates who won the highest pluralities in the national elections on 4 September, Salvadore Allende and Jorge Alessendri. Sth General Assembly of the World Federation of Democratic Youth. 25X1C10b Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 BACKGROUND USE ONLY October 1970 THE COMMUNIST SCENE Albanian Exposé Ten Years After the Fact ver since Stalin's death, the Soviet leaders from Khrushchev on have tried to divest themselves of the Stalinist image of arbitrary, ruthless dictators not only in domestic affeirs, but in the leader— ship of the internetional Communist movement. Thus, they have tried to create the impression of a willingness to permit free discussion of all points of view et international Communist conferences, end a mutual respect for the independence of all perties. The growing number of Communist parties and leaders who express points of view diverging from those of the CPSU has seemed at times to bear witness to @ more relaxed attitude on the part of the Soviets toward dissent. But the fact is that this dissent is growing precisely because the Soviet leadership is "stalinistically" incapable of acknowledging the Validity of any point of view except its own and because it hes never ceased trying to force its will on other parties in the internationel novenent's private councils. ‘A revealing reminder of the continuing Soviet practice of dictating to the internetional movement was given recently by the Albenien Workers’ Party. About June 1970, the third volume of a history of the Albanian Workers' Party [Communist] was issued. It contained ‘the hitherto unpublished speech which Enver Hoxha, then as now F Secretary of the Albanien Workers’ Party, delivered to the all- importent meeting of 81 Commmist parties in Moscow in Novenber 1960. (Attached are excerpts from this speech as broadcast in Bnglish by Tirana radio in June and July of this year. It was also published in the August issue of the Albanian Party Journal, Rruga e Partisé.) the apeech represents the Albanian party's officiel reaction to the Soviet initiative undertaken et the Rumanian Communist Party Congress the previous June to bludgeon the world's CP's into condemning the Chinese Communist Party for the latter's refusal to adopt the Soviet international line. Hoxha's speech minces no words in describing the arbitrariness of the Soviet leadership in pushing through its own Line without the slightest regard to the views of their so- called "equal, fraternal" parties. In view of the bluntness of Hoxhe's attack, it may be thet this was a watershed in Soviet-Albsnian relations. It is hard to imagine the Soviets! being able to overlook Hoxha's insult, though the open, no-holds-barred, name-calling polemics did not breek out until some two years later. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 Outside observers of international Communist conferences are usually obliged to engage in speculation and guess-work on relations among CP's, and particularly the Soviet attitude, in such conferences. This they do by careful residing and analysis of the 6fficial noncomival handouts from such conferencés, more rarely on the basis of what some dissenting Conmunist participating in the conference wishes to reveal Zor hs own purposes, Here is the rare opportunity of seeing directly whet actually happens, to watch the efforts of the Soviets to dominate world Communism. Tt is instructive not only concerning Soviet attitudes and behavior to the present day, but perhaps equelly so concerning the curious conspiracy by which so many of the free vorld CP's Kept silent about the boubshell Enver Hoxha dropped ten years ago. ‘Approved For Release a Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 4 Excerpts from @ Speech by Enver Hoxha, First: Secretary of the Albanian Workers’ Party to the Meeting of 81 Communist end Workers Parties in Moscow, 16 Novenber 1960. Published in The Albanian Workers' Party, Principal Docuzenta, Volume IIT, Mrana, Albania, 7 wnnounced_/ vine, 1970. Qn the Condemnation of the Chinese Commmist Part: | om the Condennetion of the Chinese Commmist Party "...on the occasion of the Congress of the Romanian Workers' Party on 2h June 1960, the Bucharest Conference was suddenly organized on the initiative of the comrades of the leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union without eny previous warning, at least as fer as our party was concerned, Instead of exchanging opinions and setting the date for this conference we are holding today /"i.e. 16 Novenver 1960 /, which was agreed upon by the representatives, they took up another topic; namely the ideological and political accusations directed ageinst the Chinese Communist Party on the basis of the Soviet information material. On the basis of this material, entirely unknown up to a few hours vefore the meeting of the conference, the delegations of the fraternal sormunist and workers! parties were supposed to pronounce themselves in fu yor ofthe views of the Central Comittee of the Commmist Party of the Soviet Union at altime when they hhad come to Bucharest for another purpose... | "the fact is that the overriding concern of the Soviet leadership was to have its accusations against the Chinese Communist Party passed over quickly and to have the Chinese Commmist Party condemed|at all costs. “our party would have been in full agreenent with an|intermational conference of the conmmnist and workers parties...nrovided that Jaose conferences were in order, had the approval oi in Bucharest by unjustly condeming, the Chinese Communist Party for a:.,/ing allegedly deviated 'from Marxian leninism, for having allegedly violated and abandoned the 1957 Moscow Declaration. They have accused the Chinese Commnist Party of being dogmatic, 2 sectarian, of being an gpposer of law, of beiag opposed to peaceful coexistence, of wanting a privileged position in the camp and in the inter- national coumunist movement, ete....they tried to impose their incorrect Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000400030001-9 views towards the Chinese Communist Party on the other commmist and workers’ parties. "when the Soviet comrades began their feverish and impermissible work of inveigling the conredes of our delegation in Bucharest, it becene Clear to the Albanian Workers’ Perty that the Soviet comrades wanted, by means of groundless argunents and pressures, to lure the Albanian Workers! Party into the trap they had prepared, to bring it into line with the distorted views of the Soviet comrades. whet was of importance to Kirushohev =- and Andropov said as much to Comrade Hysni Kepo -- was whether we would line up with the Soviet side or not.... What was important for the comrades of the Soviet leadership wes not the views of a Marxist-Leninist party such as ours, but only that we would maintain the sane attitude in Bucharest as the (entrel Comittee of the Soviet Union. now we hear thet, excepting the Albanian Workers' Party, the Chinese Congunist Party, the Korean Workers’ Farty, the Vietnam Workers' Party, the othgr parties of the camp hed been ecquainted with the fact that a conference would be organized in Bucharest to accuse China. If this is so, then it is very, clear that the question becomes very ich more serious end assumes the forgo? a faction of en international character. Nevertheless, our party hag"not been taken unawares and it did not lack vigilance "Some leaders of fraternal patties called us neutrelists, sone others reproached us with deviation from the correct Marxist-Leninist line and these leaders went so far as to try to discredit us before their owm parties.

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