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Fractal Structure of Hematite Aggregates


University of New South Wales, School of Chemical Engineering, P.O. Box 1, New South Wales 2033, Australia,
and *Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (A.N.S. ~ 0.), Private Mail Bag 1, Menai,
New South Wales, Australia
Received December 15, 1989; accepted April 18, 1990

The structure of hematite aggregates, considered to behave as fractal objects, is studied using static
light scattering methods. The fractal dimension obtained from the scattering exponent is found to be
dependent on the aggregationmechanism and it ranges from 2.3 for rapid (diffusion limited) to 2.8 for
slow (reaction limited) aggregation. Polydispersityand restructuring of aggregates do not affect the re-
lationship between scatteringexponentand fractal dimension in these aggregates.Excellentcorrespondence
over a range of temperatures and ionic strengths is obtained between results of experiments usingdynamic
light scattering to determine aggregationkinetics and those predicted using a modified Smoluchowski
model incorporating fractal dimensions. © 1990AcademicPress,Inc.

INTRODUCTION structures of oxide materials. Oxides occur

widely in nature and form the basis of many
The structure of solid materials has impor- ceramic and catalyst preparations.
tant implications in many natural and com- In previous work (2), dynamic light scat-
mercial processes. Physical parameters of solid tering has been used to study the aggregation
materials such as size and porosity are deter- kinetics of hematite particles. The results ob-
mined by structure as are chemical parameters tained were compared with a model based on
such as solubility and reactivity. Highly struc- theoretical considerations accounting for dif-
tured materials such as crystalline solids can fusion, interparticle repulsive forces, and the
readily be grouped according to their sym- nature of packing within the aggregated ma-
metries. However, such groupings are not ap- terial (and referred to below as the "modified
propriate for randomly formed materials such Smoluchowski" model). Successful prediction
as aggregates. This lack of apparent symmetry of rapid (diffusion limited) aggregation kinet-
has greatly impeded the progress in under- ics was obtained assuming that the resultant
standing random morphologies. However, in aggregates behaved as fractals with a fractal
the last few years, the study of materials with dimension of 2.3. A somewhat higher fractal
random structures has reemerged due to the dimension appeared to be appropriate for ag-
efforts of Benoit Mandelbrot, who described gregation under ionic conditions where a re-
the complex patterns in nature in terms of pulsion barrier exists (reaction limited aggre-
fractal geometry ( 1 ). The random structures gation ) (see Fig. 1 ). While the connection be-
described by Mandelbrot are both macro- tween kinetics and structure for colloidal
scopic (e.g., clouds, coastlines), and micro- aggregates is not universally established (3),
scopic (e.g., aggregates, polymers). This in- our results for hematite indicate that the fractal
vestigation is concerned with the microscopic dimension depends on the aggregation kinetics
and hence must be determined a priori in or-
der to be used in predictive models of aggregate
1To whom correspondenceshould be addressed. growth.

0021-9797/90 $3.00
Copyright © 1990 by Academic Press, Inc.
AII rights of reproduction in any form reserved. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 140, No. 1, November 1990

.S • • DLA rote smooth surface, Nr grows as r-2; etc. A fractal
1000 --- model dF=2.3 dimension, dr, of a fractal object can then be
defined as
/ • -#/ j~.1 /

'~ 600 t / ~ / ~ ' ~ ' / ~ ~ J ~ J• J J ~

Nr oc r -dr, [1]
~" 400 lJ &/~f"
/ " j ~ Q intermediate rate where 1 < dv < 3.
~>, //'~" -- model dF=-2,4
200 ~ 1 - - - model dF=2.3 The concept of fractal dimension is only
,i, properly defined when using an asymptotic
0 10 20 50 40 limit to infinitely small lengths. However,
Time (min)
practically, when considering real physical
FIG. 1. Comparison of hematite aggregate size mea- objects, there always exists a lower limiting
surements obtained using dynamic light scattering with characteristic length below which the object
size predicted using Smoluchowski's kinetic equation in- can not be described as a fractal. In particular,
corporating an assumption of fractal geometry of the ag-
gregate. Model results in a fractal dimension (dE) of 2.3 when considering aggregates, the natural lower
for the diffusion limited case and dr of 2.3 and 2.4 for the cut off is simply the radius of the primary par-
reaction limited case are shown. ticle, r0.
Scattering experiments give access to the
position correlations between particles in the
In this work static light scattering is used to aggregate and consequently appear to be a very
study the structure of colloidal hematite par- useful tool to measure the fractal dimension
ticles induced to aggregate at different rates by (4). In a scattering experiment, a beam of light
altering solution conditions (electrolyte con- of intensity, I0, is directed onto a sample and
centration and temperature). The aggregates the scattered intensity (photoncounts) is mea-
are considered to possess a fractal structure sured as a function of an angle O to the inci-
and the fractal dimension is measured at dif- dent direction. The incident and scattered
ferent electrolyte concentrations and over a beam are characterized by the m o m e n t u m
range of temperatures. transfer Q (5), with

47rn s i n ( O / 2 )
THEORY Q = IQI = , [2]
A fractal object is a rugose object whose ru-
gosities show up at any length scale and is thus where X0 is the wavelength in the vacuum,
considered self-similar (i.e., the structure of and n is refractive index of medium.
the object is invariant to a change of scale). The intensity scattered ( I ~ ) from a single
In the general theory of fractals, the fractal fractal aggregate of mass M can be related to
dimension is defined as a n u m b e r which has two factors that describe the aggregate struc-
no special reason to be an integer and which ture (6),
quantitatively measures the more or less ru- 1~ ~ M 2 p ( Q ) S ( Q ) , [3]
gose aspect of the object.
M a n y more specific definitions of the fractal where P ( Q ) is the form factor, and S ( Q ) the
dimension exist. One of them, the Bouligand interparticle structure factor.
definition (4), consists of trying to cover all The form factor is related to the shape of
the matter of the object, using the m i n i m u m the particle and the contrast. The contrast is
number of overlapping spheres of given radius, defined as p(r) - p0, the difference between
r, then reproducing the operation with smaller the scattering properties of the particles, as
and smaller spheres. The variation of the min- measured by the microscopic n u m b e r density
imal n u m b e r of spheres, N~, when r tends to p(r) at the point r, and the equivalent quantity
0 is studied. For a line, Nr grows as r-1; for a po of the solvent. In light scattering this density
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 140, No. 1, N o v e m b e r 1990

is identified as the refractive index (7). For a S(Q) = 1

monodisperse system with particles of radius
dFP(dv - 1 )sin((dv - 1 )tan-l(Q~))
r0 and density p, the form factor is given as +
(Qro)dF(1 + 1/Q2~2) av-~/2 ,
P ( Q ) = (p - po) 2 [7b]
× (3 sin(Qro) - Qrocos(Qro)] 2 where P(x) is the gamma function o f x .
(Qr~ ]. [4]
At large Q ( Qro >>1 ), S( Q) is approximately
equal to 1 and only the scattering due to in-
At small Q, when QRg < 0.5, the above equa- dividual particles is seen, i.e., I ( Q ) oc P ( Q ) .
tion can be simplified to the Guinier approx- At Q small compared to l /r0, but large com-
imation (8), pared to 1/R ( 1 / R .~ Q ~ 1/ro), P ( Q ) ~ (p
- o0)2, hence I ( Q ) depends only on its struc-
P ( Q ) ~ ( P - P°)2exp 3 , [5] ture factor. Equation [7b] can then be sim-
plified to
where Rg is the radius of gyration of a sphere, S ( Q ) oc O-av [8]
ro/Rg = ( 5 ~ . At Q large, averaging the
form factor, P ( Q ) , by assigning sin(x) when R is much larger than ro. The above
= cos(x) = V(1/2), gives the general Porod equation which only applies in the range 1/R
law (4), and Eq. [ 4 ] becomes Q ~ 1/r0 is often used to analyze the scat-
tered intensity by a fractal object.
9(p - p0) 2 To interpret scattering curves it is necessary
P(Q)- 2(Qro) 4 [61 to distinguish between object and surface
scattering. In systems without distinct surfaces,
The interparticle structure factor, S(Q), which the fractal dimension dv relates mass, M, to
takes into account the interparticle correla- radius of gyration, R, by (5)
tions and describes the spatial arrangement of
the particles, is given by M ( R ) ~ R dv. [91
Objects obeying Eq. [9] are called mass or
S(Q) = 1 + uo f [g(r)- II volume fractals (10) and typically include
polymers, diffusion limited aggregates, and
× exp(iQ.r)dr, [7a] percolation clusters. In contrast, objects that
are uniform, such that no scattering occurs
where Np is the number density of particles
from the bulk and only from the surface, are
and g(r) is the pair correlation function rep-
called surface fractals. For this case, Bale and
resenting the probability of finding a particle
Schmidt ( 11 ) have shown that,
at a distance r from a particle situated at the
origin. For fractal objects within an isotropic S ( Q ) ~ QdS-6 [10]
system, Chen and Teixeira (9) derived the
structure factor equation introducing a cut off where ds is the surface fractal dimension which
value (~) to describe the behavior of g(r) at relates surface area, A, to size,
large r in order to avoid a divergence in the
A ( R ) ~ R ds, [11]
evaluation of S(Q) (6). The cut off value (~)
generally represents the characteristic distance and 2 < ds < 3. In a porous and ramified sam-
above which the mass distribution does not ple, where both the object and its surface can
follow the fractal law and it is related to the be thought of as having ffactal structure, the
radius of gyration by Rg = V(dv(dv + 1 )/2) scattering follows a Q-dr law at low Q, while
× ~. The structure factor can then be expressed at larger values of Q, the scattered intensity
by (9) exhibits a Qas-6 dependence (12). In principle
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 140, No. 1, November 1990

then, it should be possible to distinguish be- photoncount rates throughout the static light
tween surface and mass fractals from the re- scattering experimental period.
sults of a scattering experiment ( 10 ). However,
as noted by Teixeira (12), the crossover be- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
tween the two regimes is not distinct if dE is The effects of ionic strength and tempera-
between 2 and 3. ture on variation in aggregate size with time
are shown in Figs. 2a and b. At 50 m M KC1,
EXPERIMENTAL the repulsion barrier is still significant, so the
aggregation rate increases markedly with tem-
Samples of nearly spherical hematite par- perature since it affects both the repulsive en-
ticles were prepared by the forced hydrolysis ergy as well as the rate of particle diffusion.
of a homogeneous iron salt solution under Previous modelling of the effect of temperature
strictly controlled conditions ( 13, 14). He- on the aggregation process indicated close
matite samples were diluted to 1.95 X 1 0 - 4 M correspondence between experiment and the-
(approx. 2.25 × 101° particles/ml) in order ory with the major influence of temperature
to avoid multiple scattering. being on the repulsive energy of interaction
The mean hydrodynamic diameter and and hence on the stability ratio (15). Indeed,
scattered intensity (in terms ofphotoncounts) for 50 m M KC1, the stability ratio is on the
of the aggregates were measured with the Mal- order of 103 at 25°C and decreases to 102 and
vern 4700 PCS system, utilizing a 15-mW, 1 for increases in temperature to 35 and 55°C
633-nm H e - N e laser. As described in detail respectively. The change in aggregation rate
elsewhere (2), the mean hydrodynamic di-
ameter (which is related to the translational
diffusion coefficient of the aggregate) is readily 1500
obtained from the slope of the logarithm c a. [KCI] = 50raM
• 25°C
transformed autocorrelation function of scat- I 55°C

tered light. Aggregation and scattering exper- 10o0!

.£ OO
iments were conducted at a zeta potential of E O0
48 + 2 mV (corresponding to a suspension of 500
o &A&
pH 3) at temperatures of 25, 35, and 55°C,
and salt (KC1) concentrations of 50, 60, and A
80 m M . For each temperature and salt con- 0
20 40 60
centration, the variation in mean hydrody- Time (rain)

namic diameter with time was determined by

dynamic light scattering measurements every 1500
2-3 min for up to 1 h. The intensity (photon- b. [KCl3 = 8 0 ~ M
vc • 25°C
counts) of scattered light was measured at an- • 55°C

gles ranging from 15 to 90 ° and for 5 s at each ~5

• 0O •
angle. In order to comply with conditions 0 A •
governing the relation of scattering exponent
g 50o • OAOOA
and fractal dimension (discussed further be- =>,
low), these static light scattering experiments g
were carried out when the aggregates, con- 0 i
5 10 15 20
taining a large number of primary particles, Time (rain)

were typically about 1 #m in diameter. At this

FIG. 2. Effect of temperature on aggregation of hematite
stage, the rate of growth of the aggregates was particles (a) under reaction limited conditions ([KC1] = 50
slow, and significant settling (sedimentation) m M ) , and (b) under diffusion limited conditions ( [ KC1]
did not occur. This was indicated by stable = 80 raM).
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 140, No, 1, November 1990

attributable to temperature dependence of dif- TABLEI

fusion was found to be minor. At 80 m M K C 1 , Scattering Exponents (_+1~) Obtained from Static Light
attractive van der Waal forces dominate and Scattering Studies of Hematite at Different Ionic Strengths
the temperature affects diffusion only with a and Temperatures
resultant relatively insignificant effect on ag- KCI concentration
gregation rate. Temperature
The plots of scattered intensity (photon- (°C) 50 m M 60 m M 80 m M

count) as a function of angle for 50, 60, and

25 2.86 + 0.05 2.55 +_0.06 2.33 _+0.06
80 m M KC1 at different temperatures are 35 2.56 +_0.06 2.36 _+0.04 2.30 _+0.07
shown in Fig. 3a, b, a n d c, respectively, with 55 2.37 _+0.07 2.32 -+ 0.04 2.31 4- 0.03

0 the slopes of the graphs representing the fractal

0 25°C, slope=-2,86 dimension. The fractal dimensions obtained
8 • 35°C, slope=-2.56
(and summarized for comparative purposes
6 55°C, slope=-2.37
in Table I) vary with aggregation mechanism.
For example, at 25°C, for slow ("reaction
o 0
limited") aggregation (50 m M KC1) the fractal
8 dimension, dF, is 2.86 +_ 0.05; for aggregation
approaching the diffusion limited regime (60
a, [KCI] = 50mM m M ) , dF is 2.55 + 0.06, while for diffusion
0.003 Q ( n m - 1 ) 0'010 limited aggregation (80 r a M ) , dF is 2.33
+ 0.06. The fractal dimension obtained here
0 by static light scattering in the diffusion limited
• 0 25°C, slope=-2.55 case is close to the value of 2.3 previously
Ex 0 • 35°C, slope=-2.36
found to give good agreement between the
0 LX 55°C, slope=-2.32
modified Smoluchowski aggregation model
d 0
gg zx • 0 and experimental data obtained by dynamic
g 0 light scattering (2).
?_ A 0
At the slow rate of aggregation in which the
0 probability of sticking is low, the aggregating
b. [KCE] : 6omu ~ clusters will have the opportunity to explore
0.003 0,010
a large n u m b e r of possible mutual configu-
Q (rim - 1 ) rations, which leads to some interpenetration,
and therefore denser aggregates. In contrast,
0 25°C, slope=--2.33 in diffusion limited aggregation, the interior
• 35°C, slope=-2.30 of the clusters is effectively screened from
LX 55°C, slope=-2,31
penetration since approaching particles readily
adhere to other particles (high sticking prob-
A ability) resulting in a more tenuous structure.
"6 zx The marked decrease in packing density on
ZX changing from aggregation under diffusion
a limited conditions to conditions under which
c [KCE] = 80ram

0,003 0.010
a repulsion barrier to aggregation is present,
Q (nm - 1 ) is clearly seen in the transmission electron mi-
FIG. 3. Effectof temperature on scatteringexponent for croscope prints in Fig. 4.
hematite aggregatesformed in (a) 50, (b) 60, and (c) 80 At higher temperatures, the fractal dimen-
mM KC1. sions of the aggregates in 50 and 60 m M KC1
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 140, No. I, November 1990

FIG. 4. Transmission electronmicroscope(TEM) plates of hematite aggregatesformed at 25°C in (a) 50

and (b) 80 mM KC1.

are significantly lower than at 25 °C (see Table DLA, clusters grow purely from monomers,
I). As temperature increases, the repulsion which approach the cluster with a random
barrier decreases and the sticking probability walk trajectory. The random-walk nature of
increases, resulting in much less penetration the approaching m o n o m e r favors growth on
to the interior of the clusters with resultant the extremities of the cluster, and thus, open,
formation of more tenuous aggregates. As ex- ramified geometries develop. Cluster-cluster
pected in the absence of significant interpar- aggregation (CA) is a variation of DLA where
ticle (or interaggregate) repulsion, temperature clusters grow from existing clusters as well as
has little effect on the fractal dimension of ag- from monomers. In CA, dv is reduced sub-
gregates formed under diffusion limited con- stantially because two fractals are extremely
ditions (80 m M KC1) with values of dv at 25, unlikely to penetrate without contact. Widely
35, and 55°C all about 2.3. Similar effects of spread, loosely packed structures are produced
temperature on aggregate structure have re- in cluster-cluster aggregation. Fractal dimen-
cently been reported by Tang et al. (16) in sions on the order of 1.75 are to be expected
studies of fractal structure of silica aggregates. where cluster-cluster aggregation is the dom-
As discussed previously (2), the fractal di- inant mechanism (19, 20). The fractal di-
mension of 2.3 obtained here under diffusion mensions of dv > 2.3 obtained here are con-
limited aggregation conditions (no repulsion sistent with reaction limited particle-cluster
barrier) is only slightly less than the value of aggregation. These values are generally con-
2.53 expected from theoretical considerations siderably higher than results reported by other
for aggregates growing via particle-cluster dif- workers for aggregates of silica and gold for
fusion limited aggregation (DLA) ( 17, 18 ). In which cluster-cluster aggregation appears to
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 140, No. 1, November 1990

be a more appropriate model (21, 22, 3 ), pre- the slopes of these plots within this Q range
sumably because of the low particle densities correspond to fractal dimension estimates for
used in studies reported here. large cluster size only. The requirement that
Restructuring within the aggregate following R ,> ro is particularly severe at lower fractal
initial coalescence with a resultant increase in dimensions.
fractal dimension over time has been observed The fact that scattering occurs from a broad
for silica (23) but does not appear to be im- distribution of particle sizes (i.e., a polydis-
portant in the case of the hematite aggregates perse system) could possibly mislead the de-
considered here. No systematic change in termination of dv from the scattering expo-
scattering exponent with time was observed nent. To compute the effect of polydispersity,
once the aggregates had reached approxi- the single particle intensity (IM is approxi-
mately one micron diameter and before sig- mately equal to MaS(Q), since P(Q) is con-
nificant gravity settling occurred. However, it stant for the range studied) must be averaged
should be recalled that the approximation over the number distribution of particles
S(Q) oc Q-dr (Eq. [81) is only valid for 1/R N(M) (10, 24), i.e.,
Q ~ 1/ro and R >> r0; i.e., the cluster size
must be large compared to the primary particle I ~ f MaN(M)S(Q)dM, [12]
size (at least an order of magnitude larger) for
Eq. [ 8 ] to hold. Outside of these conditions, where M i s the mass and S ( Q ) is the structure
the slope of a log (scattered intensity) vs log factor described earlier. The number distri-
Q plot cannot be considered equivalent to the bution may range in form from a bell-shaped
fractat dimension of the aggregate and may curve (Gaussian distribution), to a very broad
well change with size and time. Indeed, as power-law decay. If the distribution is narrow
shown in Table II, the slopes of log-log plots (as in the case for a bell-shaped curve), it will
for hematite aggregates of increasing size over not change the asymptotic fractal behavior
time (at 60 m M KC1) increase from - 1 . 8 9 to S(Q) ~ Q--dF(10) but this may not be the
-2.54. The effect of cluster size on light scat- case for power-law polydispersity. Here, the
tering can be obtained from theory using the number distributions of masses can be written
interparticle structure factor expression pre- generally, for fixed time, in the form (24-26)
sented previously (Eq. [ 7 ] ). Calculated scat-
N(M) ~ M-Tf(M/Mc), [13]
tered intensities as a function of scattering
function, Q, for aggregates of various sizes and where ~-is termed the polydispersity exponent,
fractal dimensions, dF, of 2.3, 2.5, and 2.8 are Mc is some characteristic cluster mass, and
shown in Figures 5a, b, and c, respectively. f(M/Mo) is a large-mass scaling (or cutoff)
From these figures, it is clear that the scattered function for the number distribution where
intensity is essentially linear on a log-log plot f ( x ) must decay faster than a power law for
in the range 1/R <~ Q <~ 1/ro. However, as x >> 1 and is a simple constant for x ~ 1. An
stressed above and is apparent from Table III, exponentially decaying function satisfies these

Effectof Cluster Size on the Scattering Exponent Obtained for Hematite Aggregates
with dF = 2.54 (t = 25°C, [KC1]= 60 mM)

Cluster diameter (nm) 190 320 400 485 710 800 1100
Scattering exponent - 1.89 -2.10 -2.13 -2.18 -2.31 -2.35 -2.54
Standard deviation 0.04 0.07 0.03 0.12 0.03 0.05 0.06

Journal of ColloM and Interface Science, Vol. 140, No. 1, November 1990

~"-.~ Average size (nm) terized by the appearnace of an "infinite"

\ ~.. -- -- 300 cluster at some finite time (10)).
~'-~ ~'.\ -- -- 500
"" ~\~.~. - - - lOOO Since the mass M is proportional to the
d ~ ' ~ ~.~ . . . . 1500
number of particles, n, in the aggregate, the
number distribution of particles, N ( M ) , can
--...~-~ be reexpressed in terms of n (5), i.e.,
N(n) ~ n-rf(x), [15]
a, d F = 2 . 3 --~-~_._
. ,
where f ( x ) is the scaling function defined
" ~
0.002 0,005 0.010 above. Theoretical number distributions for
Q (nm - 1 )
the cases studied here can be obtained using
Average size (nm)
the modified Smoluchowski model (2). For
~.~ 300 both diffusion limited and reaction limited
'~-.~.. 500
"~" ~."< ~ . . 1000
aggregation, the computed number distribu-
"~- ~-. 1500 tions are observed to be less polydisperse than
o: "~-~%. expected for power-law behavior. Under both
o ~ ~'~.~
~ ~.%. diffusion limited conditions and slow aggre-
"--.Q ~.~.
gation the computed number distributions
take on the nonmonotonic form (Fig. 6). This
a. d F = 2 . 5 , ~ ~
case can be described by the above scaling
0.002 0,005 0,010 form (Eq. [ 13 ] ) with 7- = 0 and a scaling func-
O (rim - 1 )
t i o n f ( x ) ~ 1 for x < 1 a n d f ( x ) < 1 for x
>> 1. Thus, under conditions considered here,
,;~ Average size (nm)
~-~ K~. - - - - 300 the polydispersity in aggregate size is not great
\\\. -- -- 500
enough to modify the fractal dimension esti-
z . . . lOOO.

"g" --.~\\'4\ --. --1500 mates obtained from static light scattering
studies. This is no doubt attributable, to a large
extent, to the low particle densities used in
these studies.
--= ~ ~ ~.~.,~.
As mentioned earlier, we have previously
o, dF=2.8 . ,
used dynamic light scattering methods to study
0.002 0.005 0.010 the aggregation kinetics of hematite particles
Q (nm - 1 )
and have compared the results with a model
FIG. 5. Calculateddependencyof scatteredlightintensity based on theoretical considerations accounting
on scatteringfunction(Q) for aggregatesof increasingsize for diffusion, interparticle repulsive forces, and
and fractal dimension(dr) of(a) 2.3, (b) 2.5, and (c) 2.8. the nature of packing within the aggregated
material (2). G o o d correspondence between
theory and experiment was obtained for the
conditions and represents a suitable scaling
diffusion limited case for which R ~ t 1~at
function. With these definitions, it is easily
(with dF = 2.3) was appropriate. In accord
shown (24) that, for mass fractals,
with results for simulated clusters, an approx-
I ~ O -dF(3-r), 7" > 2 [14a] imate equivalence between hydrodynamic ra-
dius (Rh) and radius of gyration (Rg) was as-
I ~ Q--dF ~- < 2. [t4b]
sumed for the diffusion limited case. However,
Thus polydispersity only has an effect on scat- equivalence of Rh and Rg is generally not the
tering exponent when r is greater than 2 (the case with Rh/Rg being dependent on the nature
so-called "gelation" regime which is charac- of packing. For example, Chen a n d Meakin

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 140, No. 1, November 1990

Effect of Cluster Size on the Theoretical Scattering Exponent for Aggregatesof Different
Fractal Dimension (Using Eq. [7])
Cluster size (tam)

dv 300 400 500 700 1000 1500

2.3 - 1.84 - 1.94 -2.06 -2.12 -2.19 -2.22

2.5 -2.10 -2.23 -2.28 -2.31 -2.48 -2.51
2.8 -2.63 -2.82 -2.89 -2.90 -2.85 -2.81

(28, 29) obtained values for Rh/Rg of 0.875 from the dynamic light sca~ering results) and
and 0.97 for simulated clusters with dv = 1.78 corresponding Rh/Rg ratios. Note that the
and 2.1 respectively and for a solid sphere (dr fractal dimensions obtained by the nonlinear
= 3), the Rh/Rg ratio becomes ~ . least square fitting (Table IV) are in good
While the dv values presented above have agreement with those obtained from the slopes
been obtained straightforwardly through the of the log transformed scattering data (i.e., Eq.
relationship S(Q) ~ QdF, nonlinear least [8], Table I). The increase in Rh/Rg with in-
square fitting of I ( Q ) = KP(Q)S(Q), where creasing packing density (increasing dr) is in
P(Q) and S(Q) are as expressed in Eqs. [6] agreement with the results for simulated clus-
and Eq. [ 7b ] and K is a constant, to the static ters (28, 29), but the magnitude of Rh/Rg is
light scattering data is possible and yields, in slightly lower. However,/~h//~g should not be
addition to fractal dimensions, estimates of the compared directly to the Rh/Rg value calcu-
average radius of gyration/~g over the period lated for a single fractal cluster, since/~h and
of analysis. Values of dE and/~g obtained by /~g reflect different m o m e n t s of the cluster
Q u a s i - N e w t o n nonlinear least squares anal- mass distribution (30). As can be seen from
ysis of the static light scattering data for he- Fig. 7, good correspondence between theory
matite aggregated to approximately steady and experiment is obtained when these values
state sizes in 50 m M KC1 and at temperatures of dv and Rh/Rg are used to obtain aggregate
of 25, 35, and 55°C are given in Table IV as size estimates using the modified Smolu-
are the m e a n hydrodynamic radii,/~h (obtained chowski model. This result is particularly sat-
isfying since the model predictions are ob-
tained quite independently of the experimental


\ data, i.e., no fitting parameters are required.

oo02 \
Ratio of Mean HydrodynamicRadius to Radius of Gy-
=E 0.001 \o\ ° ration of Hematite AggregatesFormed in 50 mM KCI and
Different Temperatures (Thus Different Fractal Dimen-
, -- - - e _ o ~ _ o _
200 400 600 800 1000
n particles/cluster Temperature (°C) dr /~b (nm) / ~ (nm) /~b/J~g

FIG. 6. Computed number distribution for hematite ag-

25 2.81 343.1 405.5 1.18 _+0.1
gregatesobtained using the modifiedSmoluchowskimodel
described in Ref. (2) under diffusion limited conditions 35 2.62 556.5 585.1 1.05 _+0.07
55 2.37 712.0 665.2 0.93 + 0.1
(t = 25°C, [KC1] = 80 mM).

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 140, No, l, November 1990

E Excellent correspondence over a range of
• 25°C
1200 temperatures and ionic strengths is obtained
• 35°C •
~I000 • 55°C ~ ~ .~.,,~..-.-~ between aggregation kinetics as determined by
._o 800
dynamic light scattering and kinetics predicted
using a modified Smoluchowski model incor-
o 400
porating fractal dimensions as determined by
~z static light scattering.
= 200

z~ 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Time (rain)

The Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engi-

FIG. 7. Comparison of aggregation kinetics for hematite
neering (AINSE) is thanked for the financial support to
at 25, 35, and 55°C as determined by dynamic light scat-
one of the authors (R. Amal). In addition, the continuing
tering with kinetics predicted using the modified Smolu-
assistance provided by the Australian Water Research Ad-
chowski model described in Ref. (2). Model predictions
visory Council (AWRAC) and the help of Mr. R. Blake
in which an equivalence of/~h and/~g is assumed are pre-
in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are gratefully
sented (---) as are predictions incorporating Rh/Rg ratios
where its Rg is determined by nonlinear least-squares fit-
tings ofEq. [7b] to static light scattering data (see Table
IV) ( - - ) . REFERENCES

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