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Composites Part A 123 (2019) 59–70

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On the improved ballistic performance of bio-inspired composites T

1 1
M.R. Abir , T.E. Tay , H.P. Lee

Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117575, Singapore


Keywords: In this study, the underlying mechanism leading to improved impact resistance and energy absorption in bio-
Laminates inspired composite is investigated through numerical modelling. The bio-inspired composite is inspired from the
Impact behaviour endocuticle of stomatopods, which is composed of mineralized helicoidal arrangement of fiber layers capable of
Damage mechanics withstanding high velocity impact. It is shown that the helicoidal architecture gives rise to a unique through-
Computational modelling
thickness spiralling damage which is in contrast to the damage pattern typically seen in conventional laminates.
As a result of the combined effect of the deformation and failure mechanism, the helicoidal laminate can absorb
more energy before complete penetration leading to higher ballistic limits. For a 37-ply composite laminate, the
ballistic limit of the helicoidal arrangement (151 m/s) is found to be about 8 and 15 percent higher as compared
to cross-ply (140 m/s) and quasi-isotropic laminates (130 m/s) respectively. These findings have implications in
the design of armours, aerospace and automotive structures.

1. Introduction helicoidal layup and found their flexural stiffness and strength to be
much higher in comparison to conventional lay-ups. Quasi-static in-
Biology has incredibly diversity, it can be a source of inspiration for dentation tests have revealed that their peak loads can be as much as 30
the next generation of advanced materials for lightweight automotive, percent higher [3,4].
aerospace and structural applications. The exoskeleton of many natu- Protection against impact damage is one of the key structural re-
rally occurring crustaceans exhibit superior mechanical properties, in- quirements [8,9]. For most part of the past two decades, impact re-
cluding high strength and toughness while being light weight. For ex- search has been mainly focused on utilising conventional, easy to
ample, the feeding strike of the mantis shrimp is one of the fastest manufacture layups such as: quasi-isotropic and cross-ply laminates.
movement in the animal kingdom. It is an incredibly powerful move- Aymerich et al. [10–12] carried out a series of experimental and nu-
ment, the limbs extends out while the body flexes backwards, gen- merical low-velocity impact studies to map the through-thickness da-
erating speeds of more than 45 mph (72.42 kph) in water. The mantis mage state in blocked and dispersed cross-ply laminates. The damage
shrimp breaks down tough biocomposites of its prey while maintaining induced in cross-plies were distributed over many interfaces whereas in
the integrity of its limbs [1]. A closer look at the inner-structure of its blocked plies it is concentrated within a few plies. Other work have also
limbs (Fig. 1) reveal that the endocuticle is composed of fibrous chitin reported similar findings [13,14]. Quasi-isotropic specimens can show
layers that are rotated by small angles with respect to the layer above, considerable variation in damage due to a change in ply stacking se-
commonly referred to as ’helicoidal arrangement’. quence [15–17]. For a greater residual strength after impact, it is es-
Conventional composites have large angle of mismatch, whereas in sential to reduce damage size during impact [18,19]. Optimizing
the helicoidal architecture there is a gradual rotation of fiber layers structural design needs further exploration of the design space. The
leading to very small angles of mismatch. Biomimicry of such naturally advent of novel manufacturing techniques such as: 3D printing and
occurring micro-structures can lead to more efficient structure design automated fiber placement technology means that the manufacture of
[2–5]. Investigation of insect cuticle by Chen et al. [6] has revealed the composite laminates with complex layups are becoming a reality.
existence of chitin-fiber layers that is composed of both crossed and The promising nature of helicoidal composites in damage resistance
helicoidal architectures. The pull-out energy of the helicoidal structure have generated much interest among researchers to investigate their
was found to be much greater in comparison to conventional 00 layer low velocity impact behaviour and damage tolerance. Hazzard et al.
composite. Cheng et al. [7] manufactured composite laminates with a [20] found that the out-of-plane deformation is dependent on the fiber

Corresponding author at: Block EA, # 02-21, 9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117576, Singapore.
E-mail address: (M.R. Abir).
Address: Block EA, # 02-21, 9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117576, Singapore.
Received 20 December 2018; Received in revised form 23 March 2019; Accepted 16 April 2019
Available online 25 April 2019
1359-835X/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.R. Abir, et al. Composites Part A 123 (2019) 59–70

Fig. 1. Hierarchical structure of crustacean cuticle, based on the American lobster Homarus americanus [41].

Fig. 2. (a) Helicoidal specimen (b) Setup used for the ballistic impact experiment. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 1 orientation. The Back Face Deflection(BFD) in helicoidal composite is

Comparison of specimen characteristics and ballistic limit [23]. reduced by as much as 50 percent as compared to cross-plies. A re-
Layup Ply thickness Overall thickness Ballistic limit duction in BFD is important for armour applications. Grunenfelder et al.
(mm) (mm) (m/s) [21] carried out impact tests on three different layups: small angle
(7.8), medium angle (16.3) and large-angle (25.7) helicoidal layups,
0.08 2.96 120
[(0/90/45/ 45)9/0] each made of the same number of plies. Although the delamination size
[(0/90)18/0] 0.08 2.96 140.5
was greater in comparison to quasi-isotropic laminates, it was shown
[0/ 5/ 10/…/ 180] 0.08 2.96 150.5
that the through-thickness damage propagation was reduced in the
helicoidal arrangement. This resulted in about 17 percent improvement

M.R. Abir, et al. Composites Part A 123 (2019) 59–70

Fig. 3. Modelling approach. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 4. Mesh construction (a) Aligned mesh and embedded cohesive elements in the damage region for 00, n0 (any angle between 5° to 180° ) and 90° (b) Cohesive
interaction between plies for modelling delamination and contact. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

in residual strength. Similar findings were also reported by Sebaey et al. whereby explicit matrix cracking is modelled using embedded cohesive
[22], whereby a decrease in mismatch angle resulted in an increase in elements throughout the damaged region. The capabilities of the
the overall projected delamination area and residual strength. computational model is validated with experiments. The mechanisms
Although there are some experimental work on low velocity impact that lead to improvement in the ballistic performance of helicoidal
available in literature, the behaviour of helicoidal composites under composite is reported.
high strain rate loadings have not been investigated. In this work, the
damage mechanisms, ballistic performance and energy absorption 2. Experiment
capabilities of biologically inspired helicoidal composites are studied
and comparisons are drawn with conventional cross-ply and quasi- The experimental results has been presented in detail in [23] and
isotropic laminate. An improved finite element model is proposed only key features of the test setup, specimen and damage mechanism

M.R. Abir, et al. Composites Part A 123 (2019) 59–70

Table 2
Material properties of T700/2510 [3,4,34,35].
Property Values

E11 Young’s modulus in the fiber direction 107 GPa

E22 Transverse young’s modulus 7.99 GPa
G12 Shear modulus 4.0 GPa
12 Poisson’s ratio 0.32
YT Transverse tensile strength 45.1 MPa
YC Transverse compressive strength 141 MPa
S12 In-plane shear strength 100 MPa
Gft Fracture toughness for mode I in traction 80 N/mm
Gfc Fracture toughness for in mode I in compression 80 N/mm
XT Longitudinal tensile strength 1650 MPa
Xc Longitudinal compressive strength 1250 MPa
Gnc Mode I matrix/interfacial fracture toughness 0.258 N/mm
Gsc Mode II matrix/interfacial fracture toughness 0.723 N/mm
Power-law exponent for mixed-mode fracture 1.75 (assumed)

Fig. 5. Comparison of delamination area against matrix spacing.

3. Modelling approach

are reported here. A representative specimen and setup used for the Failure in composites is characterized by a complex interaction of
ballistic impact is shown in Fig. 2. T700/2510 carbon/epoxy uni- fiber breakage and pull-out, matrix cracks and delamination. Simplified
directional prepregs were used to manufacture helicoidal and cross models previously developed for helicoidal composites did not consider
plies. The specimens were simply supported on a 75 mm diameter cir- delamination [21], prediction of the complex network of damage might
cular support and impacted using a gas gun at increasing speeds until not be possible. The modelling approach used in this work is shown in
the ballistic limit was reached(Fig. 2). In this work, the ballistic limit is Fig. 3. The experiments carried out on helicoidal composites indicate
defined as the projectile velocity at which complete perforation of the that there is extensive ply-splitting at the back face of the laminate
composite plate is achieved. The residual velocity is generally small or [22]. To model such splits cohesive elements are embedded within each
negligible. The impactor had a mass of 7 g and diameter of 12 mm. The ply. In the failure modelling strategy used in this work, the fiber da-
layup sequence, thickness and ballistic limit is reported in Table 1. It is mage is initiated based on the maximum stress criterion. The matrix
important to note that the specimens all had the same ply number and and fiber damage progression are modelled by energy-based bilinear
overall thickness. traction separation law. The damage model is implemented in an

Fig. 6. Comparison of deformation profiles with varying crack spacing (a) 1.4 mm spacing (b) 1 mm spacing. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

M.R. Abir, et al. Composites Part A 123 (2019) 59–70

Fig. 7. The finite element model. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

3.1.1. Fiber damage

Fiber damage is attributed to longitudinal tensile or compressive
stresses. The maximum stress criteria has been employed previously in
high velocity [25] and low velocity impact [26,27] problems for ac-
curate prediction of fiber breakage. In either tension or compression,
fiber damage is initiated based on the following max-stress criterion
If 11 0, then

Xt (1)

If 11<0, then

Xc (2)
Fig. 8. Comparison between experimental and numerical ballistic limit. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is where 11, X t , X c are stress in the fiber direction, ply tensile strength
referred to the web version of this article.) and ply compressive strength respectively. After fiber damage is in-
itiated, failure propagation is modelled using a linear softening law
whereby the stiffness of the element (E11) as well as the Poisson’s ratio
(v12 ) is degraded linearly until the fiber damage variable, df , reaches
Abaqus/Explicit VUMAT user-subroutine. Cohesive interaction avail-
0.999999. The degradation of the Poisson’s ratio with damage pro-
able in Abaqus/Explicit is used to model delamination [24]. The fun-
gression is consistent with experimental observations and is necessary
damental principle used in this modelling approach is to ensure that the
to maintain a positive definite elastic tensor [28,29]. The strain energy
energy dissipated in the FE model is consistent with the experimentally
dissipated during this process is taken to be equal to the critical energy
determined critical energy release rates [18].
release rate, or the fracture toughness (Gft and Gfc for tensile and
compressive fracture toughness respectively) of the material. The strain
3.1. Intra-laminar failure energy released by the element can be determined by the area under the
stress-strain curve, multiplied by the characteristic element length, lc .
The intra-laminar damage modes are: fiber and matrix damage. A This can be written as:
Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM) approach is used to model fiber
damage. The CDM approach models damage as distributed and dif- 0
11 d ( 11 lc ) = Gf (3)
fused, which may be modelled through the material constitutive law.
Matrix cracking is captured by the embedded cohesive elements within where Gf is the fracture toughness either in tension (Gft ) or compression
each ply. An energy-based evolution criterion is used for propagation of (Gfc ). Eq. (3) is used to model damage progression after initiation. From
damage. the fracture toughness, the final strain at failure, f can be obtained by:

M.R. Abir, et al. Composites Part A 123 (2019) 59–70

Fig. 9. Damage mechanisms for (a) Cross-ply(CP37) and (b) Helicoidal(SH37) impacted at 140 m/s. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

2Gf damage. While this may be true for a concentrated damage, given that
= 0l
c (4) matrix damage spreads over a large region in a helicoidal layup, a more
accurate representation would be to use cohesive elements throughout
where 0 refers to material strength. The damage variable for fiber, df ,
the damaged region. The damage initiation and linear-softening laws
is then given by:
for matrix failure follows the constitutive equation defined above for
f ( 0) cohesive elements. A quadratic traction-separation law is used for da-
df = max [0, min [ ]] mage initiation, in which a combination of shear and normal tractions
( f 0)
are considered [24]:
where 0, f,
and are the strain at damage initiation, final strain and
strain at the computed step respectively. At final failure, is equal f . tn 2 t2 t2
+ s2 + t2 = 1
This equation holds both for compression and tension. N 2 S S (6)

where tn, ts and tt , N , S are normal traction, shear traction, interface

3.1.2. Matrix cracking normal strength and interface shear strength respectively. After failure
To model matrix cracking, a meshing strategy was adopted in which is initiated, propagation is through the mixed-mode fracture criterion
each ply mesh was aligned in the fiber direction, while at the same time developed by Benzeggagh and Kenane [32]:
maintaining the square shape of the elements (Fig. 4). Cohesive ele-
Gm = Gnc + (Gsc Gnc ) B (7)
ments were inserted throughout the damaged region for capturing
matrix splits commonly observed in highly-oriented layups. The da- where
mage region is a square of 53 mm which is chosen to be large enough to
encompass all potential damage in this region. The crack spacing was B=
varied between 1 mm, 1.4 mm and 2.1 mm (Fig. 5). There was no sig- GN + GS
nificant variation in the delamination area (less than 5 percent). The 1 1
mechanical response of the laminate were seen to remain similar within GN = 22 22 lc , GS = 12 12 l c
2 2
this crack spacing range (Fig. 6) as indicated by similar deformation
profiles. To achieve a balance between fidelity and computational ef- Gm refers to the mixed-mode fracture toughness or critical energy re-
ficiency, a crack spacing of 1.4 mm was used in the final model. This lease rate. Gsc , Gnc , are critical fracture toughness in Mode II , critical
strategy results in an improved model over existing ones in two ways. fracture toughness in Mode I and material property parameter respec-
Firstly, Rivallant et al. [30] developed a model in which cohesive ele- tively.
ments were inserted in 0, 90, 45 and −45° plies. The 0 and 90° plies
were meshed with square elements, however parallelogram shaped 3.2. Interlaminar failure (delamination)
elements had to be used for 45 and −45° plies to ensure nodes coincide
in the neighbouring elements. By using cohesive interaction in our The cohesive surface interaction function available in Abaqus/
model (Fig. 4), there is no need for coinciding nodes. The use of par- Explicit is used for inter-laminar failure. The laws that govern cohesive
allelogram shaped elements might result in element aspect ratios that surface behaviour are very similar to those used for cohesive elements.
are much greater than 1, resulting in inaccurate determination of the However, the definition of traction and separation are slightly different
characteristic element length [18] and energy release rates. Secondly, [24]. In cohesive elements the separation is defined as the fraction of
Sun et al. [31] developed a model without considering fiber damage. relative displacement ( ) between the top and bottom cohesive layer
Cohesive elements were embedded in quasi-isotropic laminates for over the initial thickness, whereas in cohesive surfaces it is given by the
modelling matrix cracks, in which it was concluded that six in- separation distance, . The traction in cohesive element is the nominal
tralaminar split was sufficient for capturing the network of matrix stress. In the cohesive surface, traction is defined as the contact stress

M.R. Abir, et al. Composites Part A 123 (2019) 59–70

Fig. 10. Damage propagation in (a) Cross-ply at 140 m/s (b) Quasi-isotropic at 130 m/s(c) Helicoidal composite at 151 m/s. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

given by contact force over contact area. Cohesive surfaces are com- are obtained from standardized tests [3,4,34,35]. There are usually
putationally more efficient [24] and eliminates the need to use tie some effects of strain rates on mechanical properties [36–38] but have
constraints, which are generally required if cohesive elements are used. not been considered in this work. Further tests and verification are
necessary to implement strain rate dependent material properties. Co-
4. Finite element model hesive interaction behaviour was used to model contact and delami-
nation between plies. The FE model is shown in Fig. 7. Based on a mesh
The finite element (FE) model was developed in Abaqus/Explicit. refinement study, the element size in the inner region where the da-
Continuum shell elements are computationally efficient in comparison mage is expected to occur was kept to 0.7 mm. An element size of 1 mm
to solid elements and are generally capable in capturing impact-induced was used in the outer region. The impactor of diameter 12 mm was
bending deformation accurately [33,27,26]. Each ply was meshed with modelled as a rigid body. A predefined velocity is assigned to the im-
3D continuum shell elements with aligned mesh and embedded cohe- pactor in the initial step. The plate was simply-supported along the
sive elements (Fig. 4). There is one element in the through-thickness circular-edge (U1 = U2 = U3 = 0). The dimensions and thickness of
direction for each ply. The properties of T700/2510 used in the FE the plate is the same as experiment and has been mentioned in Table 1.
analysis are shown in Table 2. It should be noted that these properties A general contact algorithm available in Abaqus/Explicit was used to

M.R. Abir, et al. Composites Part A 123 (2019) 59–70

Fig. 11. Variation of projectile velocity vs time. (For interpretation of the re-
Fig. 13. Absorbed energy at penetration for quasi-isotropic, cross-ply and he-
ferences to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version
licoidal configurations. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
of this article.)
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

model all the contact scenarios which includes impactor-plate contact, detF =
contact between plies and contact between newly created surfaces V0 (8)
(essential for preventing interpenetration). To model large deformation,
Apart from the deformation gradient, the elements were also de-
non-linear geometric analysis was performed. A stable time increment
leted when the fiber damage variable, df , reaches a value of 0.999999.
of 5e−09 s was achieved with selective mass scaling, the increase in
In summary, the following criteria are used:
mass was kept below 5 percent. Each simulation took about 6–8 h with
Delete elements if
23 cores of CPU. The velocity of the impactor is increased at 1 m/s
intervals until the ballistic limit is obtained. detF < 0.9 or detF > 1.6 (9)

df 0.999999 (10)
4.1. Element deletion 1,2 < 1 (11)

Excessive element distortion can cause the simulation to stop pre- Eq. (11) essentially states that the element is deleted when the strain
maturely. In ballistic impact, the element deletion criterion is important in the fiber ( 11) or transverse ( 22 ) direction reaches −1.
to remove highly distorted elements and to ensure the correct simula-
tion of the kinematics of impact from damage initiation to penetration. 5. Results and discussion
The element removal criteria used in this work is based on those used in
previous studies of high velocity impact [25,39,40] The numerical ballistic limit of the helicoidal layup was found to be
An effective strategy for element removal is to track the determinant 151 m/s whereas for cross-ply and quasi-isotropic laminate it was
of the Jacobian (det J) and delete elements approaching a value close to 140 m/s and 130 m/s respectively. Fig. 8 shows a comparison between
zero. Since Ababqus does not directly output the value of the Jacobian, numerical and experimentally obtained ballistic limit. The numerical
a more efficient strategy is to determine the determinant of the de- values are in good agreement with experimental ballistic limit. The
formation gradient, which is available directly in Abaqus VUMAT. The helicoidal architecture leads to an improvement in ballistic perfor-
determinant of the deformation gradient, detF, is simply the ratio of the mance as compared to cross-plies and quasi-isotropic laminate com-
deformed volume (V) over undeformed (V0 ) volume: posed of the same thickness and material. It can be seen that the bal-
listic limit of the helicoidal composite is about 8 and 15 percent higher

Fig. 12. impact and residual velocity curves for quasi-isotropic, cross-ply and helicoidal composite. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

M.R. Abir, et al. Composites Part A 123 (2019) 59–70

Fig. 14. Comparison of surface damage distribution between simulation and experiment (obtained from CT scans) [23] (a) Cross-ply (b) Helicoidal and (c) Quasi-
isotropic specimen. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 15. Matrix split at the back face of the specimen (a) Experiment [23] (b) Simulation. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

than cross-ply and quasi-isotropic layups. Fig. 10 shows the deformation and damage propagation of different
configuration at their penetration velocities. The quasi-isotropic, cross-
5.1. Damage propagation ply and helicoidal laminate suffered complete perforation at 130 m/s,
140 m/s and 151 m/s respectively. The same trend in damage as seen in
A comparison of the damage mechanisms in helicoidal and cross-ply Fig. 9 is observed. The conventional layups (cross-ply and quasi-iso-
laminates at the same impact energy of 68.6 J is shown in Fig. 9. At this tropic laminates) experience localized damage and penetration. In
impact energy, the cross-ply is penetrated completely whereas the he- contrast, the damage in helicoidal laminate is marked by large dela-
licoidal laminate is non-perforated. The formation of a large delami- minations that sets in early into the impact process. This essentially
nation in the helicoidal laminate is a form of energy dissipation that allows for damage to spread out over a large area. A similar observation
resulted in the impactor to be embedded in the laminate. In contrast, at is made for low velocity impact experiments carried out in [21] where
this energy level, the cross-ply is completely penetrated due to con- helicoidal laminates exhibit a larger delamination size in comparison to
centrated damage. quasi-isotropic laminates.

M.R. Abir, et al. Composites Part A 123 (2019) 59–70

Fig. 16. Through-thickness damage distribution in (a) Cross-ply (b) Quasi-isotropic and (b) Helicoidal laminate. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 17. Distribution of delamination showing (a) spiralling delamination in helicoidal composite (SH37) (b) Cross-shaped delamination in cross-ply(CP37) (c) lobe
shaped delamination in quasi-isotropic laminates. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this

5.2. Energy absorption curves for quasi-isotropic, cross-ply and helicoidal laminate is shown in
Fig. 12. During impact, the kinetic energy of the impactor is converted
The variation of kinetic energy of the impactor vs time is shown in to absorbed energy of the laminate. Fig. 13 shows a comparison of the
Fig. 11. Small impactor residual velocities indicate that the impact absorbed energy at penetration for quasi-isotropic, cross-ply and heli-
velocity corresponds to the ballistic limit. Impact and residual velocity coidal layup at 130 m/s, 140 m/s and 151 m/s respectively. The

M.R. Abir, et al. Composites Part A 123 (2019) 59–70

face of the helicoidal laminate, a comparison of the split observed in

experiment and simulation is shown in Fig. 15.
In cross-ply laminates, the fibers are distributed in the 0° and 90°
directions. The cross-shaped matrix crack opens up the laminate easily,
allowing penetration of the impactor. In the helicoidal layup, the fibers
are arranged in many different angles. Consequently, the fiber and
matrix damage are distributed across different directions. This results in
a spiralling damage in the through-thickness direction resulting in
greater damage resistance in comparison to a typical cross-shaped da-
mage in cross-plies. Quasi-isotropic laminates are somewhere in be-
tween. The 3D cut-section of both helicoidal and cross-plies is shown in
Fig. 16.
A plot of the through-thickness delamination at different interfaces
for helicoidal, cross-ply and quasi-isotropic laminate is shown in
Fig. 17. The helicoidal layup undergoes a spiralling delamination
failure whereas a cross-shaped delamination is observed in the cross-ply
configuration. The quasi-isotropic laminate exhibits typical delamina-
Fig. 18. Comparison of delamination size in quasi-isotropic, cross-ply and he-
licoidal layup. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure le-
tion pattern. Delamination size in the helicoidal layup is much greater.
gend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) The delamination area of helicoidal layup is 2.4 times and 1.8 times
larger in comparison to cross-ply and quasi-isotropic laminates
(Fig. 18).

helicoidal layup absorbs more energy in comparison to quasi-isotropic

and cross-plies at complete penetration. 5.4. Back Face Deflection (BFD)

Deformation is another important mechanism through which energy

5.3. Failure mechanism is dissipated. A comparison of the Back Face Defection(BFD) for the
three models is shown in Fig. 19. The BFD is taken at the mid-plane of
Highly-oriented layups such as helicoidal composites fail very dif- the laminates indicated by the pathline and considers both the vertical
ferently as compared to conventional layups. Fig. 14 shows both ex- deflection and the deformation spread (Fig. 19). The out-of-plane de-
perimental and numerical surface damage patterns. A closer look at the flection of cross-ply is the maximum, followed by the helicoidal and
surface damage distribution shows contrasting differences between the quasi-isotropic laminate. The BFD of the helicoidal laminate is about 20
three specimens. The surface damage in the helicoidal specimen is percent reduced in comparison to the cross-ply laminate and slightly
marked by a spiralling damage pattern. This spiralling nature is not higher (about 8 percent) than quasi-isotropic laminate. This deflection
pronounced in the quasi-isotropic specimen(Fig. 14). Failure in cross- trend is similar to experimental observations made in [20]. It is also
ply is characterized by two major matrix cracks (Fig. 14). As the mis- important to note the deformation spread. It can be seen that the spread
match angle increases, the damage transitions from a helical pattern to in deformation is the maximum for helicoidal specimen, whereas it is
a simple cross-shaped damage. Matrix-splitting is observed at the back more localized quasi-isotropic laminates and cross-plies.

Fig. 19. Back Face Deflection along the path line (a) 5e−05 s (b) 7e−05 s. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)

M.R. Abir, et al. Composites Part A 123 (2019) 59–70

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