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CONFIDENTIAL LG/ JAN 2021/ ELC151/150 (sET 2)



COURSE CODE : ELC151/elc150
assessment : READING TEST


1. This question paper consists of three (3) parts. PART A : (2 Questions)

PART B : (1 Question)
PART C : (2 Questions)

2. Answer ALL questions from all parts in the Question Paper.

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This examination paper consists of 12 printed pages

© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

The Power of Using Your Imagination

Albert Einstein once said, “Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the

world”. In the process of growing up, imagination is the key to untold worlds.
Kids with very active imaginations are more likely to dream and strive for
greater things as adults. However, as we grow up, we are told to “get our
heads out of the clouds” and to "stop daydreaming". Stifling our imagination
is the worst thing we can do to ourselves as it will only pave the way for
accelerated ageing and all too often a life that feels unfulfilled. Imagination is
undoubtedly a powerful force as it unleashes creativity, boosts empathy, and
forges stronger neuronal connections.

First and foremost, imagination empowers one to explore his or her own
creativity. Imagination unleashes creativity which allows a person to live a life
filled with potential. Creative individuals do not see the sky as the limit,
instead the limit is as far as they can imagine. They do not only think outside
the box – for them there is no box as their brains are constantly challenged.
Anything the mind can conjure is good enough to become true, be it work,
life, personal goals, accomplishments or anything. Through imagination, one
crafts a vision of something new, something different and something better.
When he or she combines creative ideas and a vision of something different,
changes start to happen.

In addition, the act of imagining also helps a person to empathise with others.
Imagination and empathy are closely related. Empathy is the ability to sense
other people’s emotions. Sadly, many people do not know how to express
empathy. It is not because they are bad individuals or mean spirited, but
simply because they cannot truly relate to the feelings of others experiencing
a situation. As you imagine going through the same experience as the person
suffering, it is easier to identify what you think he or she needs at that time.
Being of service to other people in that way makes you become a thoughtful
human being and helps promote positive mental and emotional health.

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Moreover, imagination also forges stronger neuronal connection in one’s
brain. Previous research has shown that imagining an act can activate and
strengthen regions of the brain involved in its real-life execution and
eventually improve performance. The new research also shows that
imagination can refresh one’s memories. If you have a memory that is no
longer useful for you or is crippling you, you can use imagination to improve
it and change the way you think about and experience something, according
to lead author Marianne Cumella Reddan from the Department of
Psychology and Neuroscience at University of Colorado Boulder. Imagination
enables a person to visualise success and helps restore meaningful

To sum up, becoming creative, being empathetic and building greater minds
are the outcomes of people who think imaginatively. Such individuals are
prone to generate unusual ideas, inculcate positive attitudes in them and gain
IIII cognitive strengths. Be a dreamer and let the imagination bring your dreams
III to reality. Remember, you are what you think of yourself.
V Adapted from


a) What do the following words and phrases in the passage refer to?
i) their (line 14) : ____________________________________________
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ii) that way (line 27) : ____________________________________________

iii) it (line 34) : ____________________________________________

iv) Such individuals (line 40) : ____________________________________________

( 4 marks)

b) Why do creative individuals see the world as limitless?



( 1 mark)

c) What are the effects of being empathetic towards others?

i) ____________________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________________
( 2 marks)

d) Read the statements below carefully. Write ‘T’ if the statement is TRUE and ‘F’ if the
statement is FALSE.

i) Stopping yourself from imagining will make you stay youthful.

ii) People who have the ability to be empathetic towards others will be
unlikely to relate to others’ hardship.

iii) Imagination is said to be useful in stimulating certain areas of the brain

and for reviving past memories.
(3 marks)

e) What is the topic sentence of Paragraph IV?



( 1 mark)

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a) Explain the following statement:

‘If you have a memory that is no longer useful for you or is crippling you, you can use
imagination to improve it and change the way you think about and experience
something,’ (lines 33–35).




(2 marks)

b) Based on your understanding of the article, do you think imagination helps students to
perform better in their studies? State one (1) reason to support your answer.




(2 marks)

PART B: interpreting visual (5 MARKS)

Study the following visual and answer the questions that follow.

© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

R e a s Reasons
o n s fo r for
In teInternal
rn a l MMigration
ig ra tio n in
M a la y s ia
from 2017 to 2019
fro m 2 0 1 7 to 2 0 1 9
2017 2018 2019










Adapted from


a) What does the visual describe?


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(1 mark)

b) According to the graph, what is the main reason people migrate?


(1 mark)

c) List two (2) reasons with the lowest percentage of internal migration in Malaysia.

i) ____________________________________________________________________

ii) ____________________________________________________________________

(1 mark)

d) What is the difference between the highest and lowest percentage of internal migration

for new environment?


(1 mark)

e) In your opinion, do you think the trend of internal migration will continue to increase due

to career purposes? Provide a reason for your answer.



(1 mark)


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

The Importance of Punctuality

I A quirky fact – the life of George Washington was characterised by a

scrupulous regard for punctuality. The story goes that when his secretary
arrived late to a meeting and blamed his watch for being late, Washington
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quietly replied: “Then you must get another watch, or I another secretary.” For
Washington, being on time was a way of showing respect to others, and he 5
expected to be treated with the same level of respect in return.

II Punctuality refers to the action of being on time which revolves around

responsibility, commitment, and the seriousness with which an individual
performs. It is the key indicator to a fruitful future. Being punctual will lead to a
successful life, especially for students. It makes students capable of handling 10
all appointments on time, and enables them to do the right thing at the right
time without any excuse of delay. Punctuality plays various great roles in all
walks of life and benefits a person in many ways.

III Being punctual strengthens and reveals our integrity as dependable

individuals. An individual who is always punctual is a person that can be 15
relied on – if he says he will be there, he will be there. A punctual person can
always be easily found at his post, carrying out his duties. Being on time
portrays an individual as a person who does not simply break a promise and
is always ready to be responsible for the works assigned. In contrast, a man
who is not punctual will make us begin to doubt his ability. In fact, a person 20
who does not organise his own time is considered as someone who fails to
organise his life.
Being punctual is a stepping-stone in building one’s self-confidence to be a
leader. As a student, showing up on time does not only tell others that one is
dependable, but also can be trusted. The practice of punctuality makes the 25
student realise that he is self-dependable to complete all the tasks given
within a promised timeline. The more a student keeps the promises he has
made, the more the level of self-confidence will grow. Moreover, self-
confidence promotes gain in self-mastery that makes a student brave to
control what he wants to do in life. It always makes us feel excited and 30
enthusiastic to be able to meet the deadline. Hence, punctuality makes a
student feel full of self-confidence to show others that he can organise his
time well, pay attention to details, and is willing to set aside distractions to
V take care of the responsibility given.

Do you know that being late is considered a form of stealing? A tough truth, 35

© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

but it is indeed undeniable. When a person is late and makes others wait, he
robs precious minutes from them. Time is priceless and cannot be refunded;
it should be fully utilised for beneficial things. For instance, when a student is
late to the class, he does not only interrupt the lecturer in the middle of the
lecture, but also distract others’ attention on what is being taught. Tardiness 40
may make people feel uneasy and irritated, and it will eventually affect the
relationship with others. People will stay away from a person who is not
punctual for all the disappointments caused. Thus, stealing ten minutes from
VI others is as unethical as taking ten dollars from another man’s wallet.

The ultimate goal of pursuing tertiary education is none other than to ensure 45
bright chances of employability in the future. Regardless of whether they are
employees, workers or self-employed, being late can hinder one’s
professional success. Many companies have strict policies about punctuality
to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of their companies' productivity.
When meeting a new client, arriving ten minutes late is certainly a bad move 50
because failing to be punctual may lead to the client’s bad perception, and
VII the client might start looking elsewhere for similar services.

Punctuality is also a necessity for success as it is crucial in helping students

to achieve what they want in life. Besides ensuring that we arrive to classes
on time without missing an important part of the lesson, punctuality will also 55
shape our personality to be a leader who has high level of integrity and
reliability. Punctuality also ensures our worthiness in the society and
simultaneously helps us to be successful in our future career.

Adapted from:



a) Give the meaning of the words as they are used in the passage.

i) organise (line 21) : __________________________________________

ii) distractions (line 32) : __________________________________________

iii) ultimate (line 43) : __________________________________________

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iv) necessity (line 51) : __________________________________________

( 4 marks)

b) State two (2) reasons why punctuality is the key to successful life.

i) ____________________________________________________________________

ii) ____________________________________________________________________

(2 marks)

c) Explain the meaning of the statement below.

‘It is the key indicator to a fruitful future’ (line 9).



(1 mark)

d) According to the author, why is being late considered a form of ‘stealing’?

i) ___________________________________________________________________

ii) ___________________________________________________________________

(2 marks)

e) State the main idea of paragraph VI.



(1 mark)


a) State whether the following statements are a Fact (F) or an Opinion (O).
i) Punctuality refers to the action of being on time which revolves around
responsibility, commitment, and the seriousness with which an individual
performs (lines 7-9).
ii) Time is priceless and cannot be refunded; it should be fully utilised for
beneficial things (lines 35-36).

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iii) Tardiness may make people feel uneasy and irritated and it will eventually
affect our relationships with others (lines 38-40).
iv) Many companies have strict policies about punctuality to ensure the
effectiveness and efficiency of the companies' productivity (lines 46-47).
(4 marks)

b) ‘In contrast’ (line 19) links two (2) ideas. What are the ideas?
i) ___________________________________________________________________
ii) ___________________________________________________________________
(2 marks)

c) Which of the following best describes the tone of the article?

i) Solemn
ii) Humorous
iii) Neutral
iv) Sarcastic
(1 mark)

d) What is the purpose of this article?

i) To inform
ii) To instruct
iii) To entertain
iv) To persuade
(1 mark)

e) In your opinion, does punctuality affect a student’s academic achievement? Explain your






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(2 marks)


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