Material 8

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Material 8


Initial activity

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an ambitious set of 17

goals and 169 targets that were defined and developed through an unprecedented
dialogue among UN Member States, local and regional governments, civil society,
the private sector, and other stakeholders (the video in this
link is a good
summary of the 2030 Agenda).

Before we proceed to the discussion and activities of this module, let us

first check your prior knowledge on this topic. On a separate sheet of paper create
a KWL chart as shown below in the table below:

Table 1. KWL Chart for un Sustainable Development Goals



UN sustainable I want to know the

development different UN Sustainable
goals have many sustainable development is the
goals. development goals. organizing principle
for meeting human
development goals
sustaining the
ability of natural
systems to provide
the natural
resources and
ecosystem services
based upon which
the economy and
society depend.

The “K” stands for what you know, “W” for what you want to know, and “L” for
what you have learned on the previous modules. Write as many topics or phrases
that you want.

✓ Check Point!

Choose one or more amongst the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN

SDGs) and create an educational information material (this could be an
infographic, snippets, brochures, etc.) promoting the goal globally. Your output
must contain (but not limited to) the following:

A. Brief description/ definition of the goal/s

B. Importance of the goal/s
C. Application of the goal/s

D. Ways to attain the goal/s


Among the different goals, choose at least three that you see is most
appropriate in your barangay or community. Explain why you have chosen those
three goals and provide some actions and resolutions that you think will help your
community attain those goals toward sustainability.
The three Sustainable Development Goals that I think are most appropriate for my
barangay or community are:

 Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

 Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
 Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

I chose these three goals because they are all essential for building a sustainable and
healthy community.

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

This goal aims to ensure that everyone has access to quality healthcare and that no
one is left behind. In my barangay, there are many people who do not have access to
healthcare because they are too poor or they live too far away from a hospital or clinic.

Actions and resolutions:

 Build more health centers and clinics in the barangay.

 Provide free or subsidized healthcare to the poor and vulnerable.

 Educate people about the importance of preventive healthcare.

 Promote healthy lifestyles and behaviors.

Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

This goal aims to ensure that everyone has access to affordable, reliable, sustainable,
and modern energy. In my barangay, many people still rely on firewood or kerosene
for cooking and lighting. This is harmful to their health and the environment.

Actions and resolutions:

 Promote the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.

 Provide subsidies for the purchase of energy-efficient appliances.

 Educate people about the importance of energy conservation.

 Invest in energy-efficient infrastructure, such as public transportation and street


Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

This goal aims to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and
sustainable. In my barangay, there are many problems with waste management, traffic
congestion, and air pollution.
Actions and resolutions:
 Improve waste management systems and services.

 Reduce traffic congestion by investing in public transportation and pedestrian


 Plant more trees and create green spaces to improve air quality.

 Educate people about the importance of sustainable living practices.

I believe that these three goals are essential for building a sustainable and healthy
community. By taking action on these goals, we can create a better future for


As we commenced this discussion on the UN SDGs, let us reflect for awhile and
answer the following question:
What do you think is the importance of understanding the UN Sustainable
Development Goals (UN SDG) on you as a student? As a member of your own
Understanding the UN Sustainable Development Goals is important for students and
community members because they provide a framework for understanding the
challenges facing the world today and for developing solutions to those challenges.
For students, understanding the SDGs can help them to:
 Develop a global perspective and an understanding of the interconnectedness
of the world.
 Become more informed citizens and make more informed decisions.
 Prepare for careers in sustainability, social justice, and international
For community members, understanding the SDGs can help them to:
 Identify the challenges facing their own community and develop solutions to
those challenges.
 Advocate for policies and programs that support the SDGs.
 Work together to build a more sustainable and equitable community.
Do you think the knowledge that you have obtained from this lesson is relevant to your
course? In what way?
The knowledge that you have obtained from this lesson is relevant to your course in a
number of ways. First, it can help you to better understand the context in which your
course is being taught. Second, it can help you to develop the skills and knowledge
that you need to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. For example, if you are
taking a course on environmental science, understanding the SDG on climate action
can help you to better understand the challenges that we face in addressing climate
change. And if you are taking a course on business ethics, understanding the SDG on
sustainable consumption and production can help you to develop the skills and
knowledge that you need to work in a more ethical and sustainable way.
Do you think that the Philippines is adhering to these goals? How about our institution?
The Philippines has made some progress in achieving the SDGs, but there is still much
work to be done. For example, the Philippines has reduced poverty and improved
access to education and healthcare. However, the Philippines still faces challenges in
areas such as climate change, gender equality, and sustainable economic growth.
Our institution can play a role in helping the Philippines to achieve the SDGs by:
 Integrating the SDGs into our curriculum and research.
 Promoting sustainable practices on our campus.
 Encouraging our students and staff to get involved in SDG-related initiatives.
By working together, we can help to create a more sustainable and equitable future
for all.

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