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Mathematics in the Modern World

Chapter 4

Problem Solving and


Most occupations require good problem-solving skills. For instance, architects

and engineers must solve may complicated problems as they design and construct
modern buildings that are aesthetically pleasing, functional, and that meet stringent
safety requirements. Two goals of his chapter are to help you become a better solver
and to demonstrate that problem solving can be an enjoyable experience.
One example of this is the movie Die Hard: with a Vengeance (1995) starring
Bruce Willis and Samuel Jackson. In one of the action scenes, McClane and Carver
(portrayed by Willis and Jackson, respectively) were caught in a breathtaking scenario
where they needed to keep a bomb from exploding, and the only way to prevent the
explosion is to put exactly four gallons of water on a scale. How would they do it if
they only have a five-gallon and a three-gallon jug?

4 gal
5 gal 3 gal

In this movie, the bomb did not explode, thanks to McClane’s quick reasoning
ability and mathematical strategy.
A good problem solver is the one who can find a resolution of which the path
to the answer is not immediately known. McClane epitomizes a good problem solver
by using a strategy which cannot be learned through school drills.
In the real world, decision-making and problem-solving are two key areas that
one should be good at in order to survive. In this chapter, you will learn to organize
your own methods and approaches to solve mathematical problems.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this chapter, the student is expected to:

• apply inductive and deductive reasoning to solve problems;
• solve problems involving patterns and recreational problems following
Polya’s Problem Solving Strategy; and
• organize one’s methods and approaches for proving and solving problems.

Topic 1: Inductive and Deductive Reasoning = 2 hours

Topic 2: Problem Solving with Patterns = 1.5 hours
Topic 3: Polya’s Problem-Solving Strategy = 2 hours
Lesson Proper

4.1 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Inductive Reasoning
The type of reasoning that forms a conclusion based on the examination of
specific examples to reach a general conclusion of something is called inductive
reasoning. The conclusion formed by using inductive reasoning is called a conjecture.
A conjecture is an idea that may or may not be correct.

Inductive Reasoning is the process of reaching a general conclusion by
examining specific examples.
When you examine a list of numbers and predict the next number in the list according
some pattern you have observed, you are using inductive reasoning.
Example 1: Use inductive reasoning to predict the next number in each of the following
a. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, ?
b. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ?
a. Each successive number is 5 units larger than the preceding number. Thus, it
can be predicted that the next number in the list is 5 units larger than 25, which
is 30.
b. Observe that all numbers are perfect squares. 1 = 12, 4 = 22, 9 = 32, 16 = 42, 25
= 52. Thus, it can be predicted that the next number is 36, since 36 = 62.

Inductive reasoning is not just used only to predict number in a list. In Example
2, we use inductive reasoning to make a conjecture about an arithmetic procedure.
Example 2: Use Inductive Reasoning to make a conjecture.
Consider the following procedure:
1. Pick a number.
2. Multiply the number by 10.
3. Add 8 to the product.
4. Divide the sum by 2.
5. And subtract 4.
Repeat the procedure for several different numbers. Make a conjecture between
the relationship of the size of the resulting number and the size of the original number
using inductive reasoning.
Suppose we pick 3 as our original number. Then the procedure would produce
the following results:
Original number: 3
Multiply 3 by 10: 3 x 10 = 30
Add 8 to the product: 8 + 30 = 38
Divide the sum by 2: 38 ÷ 2 = 19
Subtract the quotient by 4: 19 – 4 = 15
We started with 3 and the procedure produces 15. Starting with 2 as our original
number and the procedure produces 10. Starting with 5 as our original number and the
procedure produces 25. Starting with 10 as our original number and the procedure
produces 50. In each of these cases the procedure produces a number that is five times
larger than the original number. Thus, it is conjectured that the given procedure
produces a number that is five times larger than the original number.
Example 3: Use the data in the table and by inductive reasoning, answer the following
questions below.
Earthquake Max. Tsunami
(in Magnitude) Height (in meters)
7.5 5
7.6 9
7.7 13
7.8 17
7.9 21
8.0 25
8.1 29
8.2 33
8.3 37
a. If the earthquake magnitude is 8.5, how high (in meters) can the tsunami be?
b. Can a tsunami occur when the earthquake magnitude is less than 7? Explain
your answer.
a. In the table, for every 0.1 increase in earthquake magnitude, the maximum
tsunami height increases by 4 meters. Thus, it is conjectured that the maximum
tsunami height for the earthquake magnitude of 8.5 is 45 meters.

b. No, because when the earthquake magnitude is 7.4, the maximum tsunami
height is only 1 meter. Hence, a tsunami does not occur when the earthquake
magnitude is less than 7.
Conclusions based on inductive reasoning may not always be true. In other
words, a conjecture formed by using inductive reasoning may be incorrect. To illustrate
this, consider the circles on the next page. For each circle, all possible line segments
have been drawn to connect each dot on the circle with all the other dots on the circle.

The maximum number of regions formed by connecting dots on a circle

Take Note: To produce the maximum number of regions, the dots on a circle must be
placed so that no three line segments that connect the dots intersect at a single point.
For each circle, count the number of regions formed by the line segments that
connect the dots on the circle. Your results should agree with the results on the table
Number of Dots 1 2 3 4 5 6
Maximum Number of Regions 1 2 4 8 16 ?

There appears to be a pattern. Each additional dot seems to double the number
of regions. Guess the maximum number of regions you expect for a circle with six dots.
Check your guess by counting the maximum number of regions formed by the line
segments that connect six dots on a large circle.

The line segments connecting six dots on a circle yield a maximum of 31

Your drawing will show that for six dots, the maximum number of regions is 31
(see the figure above), not 32 as you may have guessed. With seven dots the maximum
number of regions is 57. This is good example to keep in mind. Just because a pattern
holds true for a few cases, it does not mean the pattern will continue. When you use
inductive reasoning, you have no guarantee that your conclusion is correct.

A statement is a true statement provided that it is true in all cases. If you can
find one case for which a statement is not true, called counterexamples, then the
statement is a false statement. In Example 4, we verify that each statement is a false
statement by finding a counterexample for each.

Example 4: Find a Counterexample

Verify that each of the following statements is a false statement by finding a
For all numbers x:
a. |𝑥| > 0
b. 𝑥 2 > 𝑥
c. √𝑥 2 = 𝑥
a. Let 𝑥 = 0. Then |0| = 0. Because 0 is not greater than 0, we have found a
counterexample. Thus, “For all numbers 𝑥, |𝑥| > 0” is a false statement.
b. For 𝑥 = 1, we have 12 = 1. Since 1 is not greater than 1, we have found a
counterexample. Thus, “For all numbers 𝑥, 𝑥 2 > 𝑥” is a false statement.
c. Consider 𝑥 = −3. Then √(−3)2 = √9 = 3. Since 3 is not equal to −3, we
have found a counterexample. Thus, “For all numbers 𝑥, √𝑥 2 = 𝑥” is a false
Take Note: A statement may have many counterexamples, but we need only one
counterexample to verify that the statement is false.

Deductive Reasoning
Another type of reasoning is called inductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is
distinguished from the inductive reasoning that uses general procedures and principles
to reach a conclusion.

Deductive Reasoning is the process of reaching a conclusion by applying general
assumptions, procedures, or principles.

Example 5: Use Deductive Reasoning to Establish a Conjecture

Consider the following procedure: Pick a number. Multiply the number by 10,
add 8 to the product, divide the sum by 2, and subtract 4.
Let n represent the original number.
Multiply n by 10: 10n
Add 8 to the product: 8 + 10n
Divide the sum by two: (8 + 10n) ÷ 2 = 4 + 5n
Subtract the quotient by 4: 4 + 5n – 4 = 5n
We started with n and ended with 5n after the following given procedure. This
means that the given procedure produces a number that is five times larger than the
original number.
Example 6: Solve a Logic Puzzle
Each of the four friends Donna, Sarah, Nikkie, and Xhanelle, has a different pet
(fish, cat, dog, and snake). From the following clues, determine the pet of each
1. Sarah is older than her friend who owns the cat and younger than her friend who
owns the dog.
2. Nikkie and her friend who owns the snake are both of the same age and are the
youngest members of their group.
3. Donna is older than her friend who owns the fish.
From Clue 1, Sarah does not own a cat nor a dog. In the following chart, write
X1 (which stands for “ruled out by clue 1”) in the cat and dog column for Sarah.
Fish Cat Dog Snake
Sarah X1 X1
From Clue 2, Nikkie does not own a snake and a dog and being the youngest.
And since Sarah is not the youngest from Clue 1, then Sarah does not own a snake as
well. Write X2 (ruled out by clue 2) in snake column for Nikkie and X1 in snake column
for Sarah. There are now Xs in t he 3 pets in Sarah’s row, therefore Sarah owns the fish.
Put a check ( ) which means Sarah’s pet is a fish. So, Donna, Nikkie, and Xhanelle do
ot own the fish.
Fish Cat Dog Snake
Donna X2
Sarah X1 X1 X1
Nikkie X2 X2 X2
Xhanelle X2
From the Clue 3, Donna is older than Sarah, hence, Donna owns the dog. Write
X3 (ruled out by clue 3) in cat and snake column for Donna. There are now Xs in snake
column for Donna, Sarah, and Nikkie; therefore, Xhanelle owns the snake. Put a check
in the box. Write X3 in the cat column for Xhanelle; hence, Nikkie owns the cat. Put a
check in the box.
Fish Cat Dog Snake
Donna X2 X3 X3
Sarah X1 X1 X1
Nikkie X2 X2 X2
Xhanelle X2 X3 X3

Thus, Sarah owns the fish, Donna owns the dog, Xhanelle owns the snake, and
Nikkie owns the cat.

4.2 Problem Solving with Patterns

Terms of a Sequence
An ordered list of numbers such as 5, 14, 27, 44, 65, … is called a sequence.
The numbers in a sequence that are separated by commas are the terms of the sequence.
In the above sequence, 5 is the first term, 14 is the second term, 27 is the third term, 44
is the fourth term, and 65 is the fifth term. The three dots “…” indicate that the sequence
continues beyond 65, which is the last written term. It is customary to use the subscript
notation an to designate the nth term of a sequence. That is,

a1 represents the first term of a sequence.

a2 represents the second term of a sequence.

a3 represents the third term of a sequence.

an represents the nth term of a sequence.

In the sequence 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, …, 𝑛2 + 𝑛,…

a1 = 2, a2 = 6, a3 = 12, a4 = 20, a5 = 30, and an = 𝑛2 + 𝑛
When we examine a sequence, it is natural to ask:
• What is the next term?
• What formula or rule can be used to generate the terms?
To answer these questions, we often construct a difference table, which shows
the differences between successive terms of the sequence. The following table is a
difference table for the sequence. The following table is a difference table for the
sequence 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, …

Sequence: 2 5 8 11 14 …

First differences: 3 3 3 3 … (1)

Each of the numbers in row (1) of the table is the difference between the two
closest numbers just above it (upper right number minus upper left number). The
differences in row (1) are called the first differences of the sequence. In this case, the
first differences are all the same. Thus, if we use the above difference table to predict
the next number in the sequence, we predict that the next term is 17 since 14 + 3 = 17.
This prediction might be wrong; however, the pattern shown by the first differences
seems to indicate that each successive term is 3 larger than the preceding term.

The following table is a difference table for the sequences 5, 14, 27, 44, 65, …

Sequence: 5 14 27 44 65 …
First differences: 9 13 17 21 … (1)
Second differences: 4 4 4 … (2)

In this table, the first differences are not all the same. In such a situation it is
often helpful to compute the successive differences of the first differences. These are
known in row (2). These differences of the first differences are called the second
differences. The differences of the second differences are called the third differences.

To predict the next term of a sequence, we often look for a pattern in a row of
differences. For instance, in the following table, the second differences shown below
are all the same constant, namely 4. If the pattern continues, then a 4 would also be the
next second difference, and we can extend he table to the right as shown.

Sequence: 5 14 27 44 65 …
First differences: 9 13 17 21 … (1)
Second differences: 4 4 4 4 (2)

Now we work upward. That is, we add 4 to the first difference 21 to produce
the next first difference, 25. We then add this difference to the fifth term, 65, to predict
that 90 is the next term in the sequence. This process can be repeated to predict
additional terms of the sequence.

Sequence: 5 14 27 44 65 90

First differences: 9 13 17 21 25 (1)

Second differences: 4 4 4 4 (2)

Example 1: Predict the Next Term of a Sequence

Use a difference table to predict the next term in the sequence.
2, 7, 24, 59, 118, 207, …

Construct a difference table as shown below.

Sequence: 2 7 24 59 118 207 332

First differences: 5 17 35 59 89 125 (1)

Second 12 18 24 30 36 (2)

Third differences: 6 6 6 6 (3)

The third differences, shown in row (3), are all the same constant, 6. Extending
row (3) so that it is includes an additional 6 enables us to predict that the next second
difference will be 36. Adding 36 to the first difference, 89, gives us the next first
difference, 125. Adding 125 to the sixth term, 207, yields 332. Using the method of
extending the difference table, we predict that 332 is the next term in the sequence.

Fibonacci Sequence
Fibonacci’s rabbit problem in chapter 1 is not a realistic
model of population growth of rabbits but is a very good example
of a mathematical problem solved using patterns. It is interesting
to note that this famous rabbit problem paved the way to the
discovery of a phenomenal sequence of numbers known as the
Fibonacci sequence.
A sequence is an ordered list of numbers, separated by
commas, are called the terms of the sequence. From our
Leonardo Pisano discussion in section 1.2, we knew that the first six terms of the
Fibonacci sequence are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8. If we use the
mathematician notation Fn to denote the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence, then,

For the first month, n =1, F1 = 1. For the second month, n = 2, F2 = 1.

For the third month, n =3, F3 = 2. For the fourth month, n = 4, F4 = 3.
For the fifth month, n =5, F3 = 2. For the fourth month, n = 4, F4 = 3.

The Fibonacci sequence then is the ordered list of numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, …,

Fn, …where the three dots indicate that the sequence continues beyond 8 and Fn.
How do we determine Fn, the nth term? Observe that,
F2 = F1
F3 = F2 + F1
F4 = F3 + F2
F5 = F4 + F3
F6 = F5 + F4

From these patterns, we conjecture that Fn = Fn – 1 + Fn – 2, for n ≥ 3. Fibonacci

discovered that a Fibonacci number can be found by adding its previous two Fibonacci

The Fibonacci Numbers

F1 = 1, F2 = 1, and Fn = Fn – 1 + Fn – 2, for n ≥ 3.

Example 2: Finding a Fibonacci Number.

Use the definition of Fibonacci numbers to find the eight and tenth Fibonacci

The eight Fibonacci number is the sum of the two previous Fibonacci numbers.

F8 = F7 + F6
= (F6 + F5) + F6
= (8 + 5) + 8
= 13 + 8
= 21

The tenth Fibonacci number is the sum of the two previous Fibonacci numbers
in an ordered sequence. Thus,

F10 = F9 + F8
= (F8 + F7) + F8
= (21 + 13) + 21
= 34 + 21
= 55

It is easy to find the nth Fibonacci number Fn if the two

previous numbers, Fn-1 and Fn-2 are known. Suppose we want to
find F20. Using the definition, it is tedious and time consuming
to compute F19 and F18 to determine F20. Fortunately, Jacques
Binet in 1543 was able to find a formula for the nth Fibonacci
Binet’s Formula
𝑛 𝑛
1 1+√5 1−√5
Fn = [( ) −( ) ]
√5 2 2

Jacques Binet
Example 3: Use Binet’s formula and a calculator to find the 20th and 50th Fibonacci

20 20 50 50
1 1+√5 1−√5 1 1+√5 1−√5
F20 = [( ) −( ) ] F50 = [( ) −( ) ]
√5 2 2 √5 2 2

= 6,765 = 12, 586, 269, 020

Pascal’s Triangle
Another famous mathematician who loves patterns is Blaise Pascal (1623 –
1662). For hundreds of years, many mathematicians were intrigued with the Pascal’s
triangle. The figure below illustrates the first seven rows of the Pascal’s triangle. As
you can see, each row starts and ends with the number 1. Any other number x is the
sum of the two numbers in the previous row closest to that number x. For instance, the
number 15 in row 6 is the sum of numbers 5 and 10 closest to it in the previous row,
row 0

row 1

row 2

row 3

row 4

Blaise Pascal row 5

row 6

In algebra, expanding (𝑥 + 𝑦)3 = 𝑥 3 + 3𝑥 2 𝑦 + 3𝑥𝑦 2 + 𝑦 3 is just a simple

special product process. But expanding (𝑥 + 𝑦)6 can be tedious. Amazingly, note that
the numerical coefficients of the expansion of (𝑥 + 𝑦)3 = 𝑥 3 + 3𝑥 2 𝑦 + 3𝑥𝑦 2 + 𝑦 3 are
the entries of row 3 of the Pascal’s triangle, i.e., 1, 3, 3, 1. Moreover, take note that the
exponents of x in the expansion starts with 3 and decreasing in the succeeding terms
while the exponents of y starts with 0 and increasing in the remaining terms. Now, we
expand (𝑥 + 𝑦)6 using the entries in row 6 (1, 6, 15, 20, 15, 6, 1) of the Pascal’s triangle.
The result is given below.

(𝑥 + 𝑦)6 = 𝑥 6 + 6𝑥 5 𝑦 + 15𝑥 4 𝑦 2 + 20𝑥 3 𝑦 3 + 15𝑥 2 𝑦 4 + 6𝑥𝑦 5 + 𝑦 6

Can you try expanding (𝑥 − 𝑦)7 ?

Suppose you add the horizontal entries in the rows of the Pascal’s triangle
except row 0. What pattern do you observe in these sums? Can you predict the sum of
the sum of the entries in row 10?

Row Sum
1 2
2 4
3 8
4 16
5 32
6 64
10 ?

Another amazing discovery in Pascal’s triangle is that when you get the sum of
the numbers using lines as shown in the next figure, the Fibonacci sequence appears.
The first seven Fibonacci numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 show up.

Website Application
Another equally famous problem involving patterns is the Tower of Hanoi,
invented by Edouard Lucas in 1883. The Tower of Hanoi is a puzzle consisting of three
pegs and a number of disks of distinct diameters piled as shown in the figure below.

The puzzle requires that all the disks be moved from the first peg to the third
peg such that the largest disk is on the bottom, the next largest disk is placed on top of
the largest disk and so on and that only one disk be moved at a time. All pegs may be
Determine the minimum number of moves required to transfer the disks from
the first peg to the third peg for each of the following situations. Visit the website for a nice simulation of the
4.3 Polya’s Problem-Solving Strategy

One of the recent mathematician who outlined a

strategy for solving problems form virtually any discipline is
George Polya (1887-1985). In his book, How to Solve It, he
writes, “A great discovery solves a great problem but there is
a grain of discovery in the solution of any problem. Your
problem may be modest; but if it challenges your curiosity
and brings into play your incentive faculties, and if you solve
it by your own means, you may experience the tension and
enjoy the triumph of discovery.” Because of his ideas, he is
considered the father of problem-solving among
mathematicians. The following four-step strategy is named George Polya
after him:
Polya’s Four-Step Problem-Solving Strategy
1. Understand the problem
2. Devise a plan
3. Carry out the plan
4. Review the solution

Understand the Problem

This part of problem-solving is sometimes, if not always, neglected. In order to
solve a problem, one must first know what is being asked, and what information or data
can be extracted from what is given. Furthermore, one must see to it that he or she can
state the problem in his or her own words.
Devise a Plan
For this step, one must think of strategies to solve the problem. Some of these
strategies include organizing the given information using a list, table or chart; drawing
a diagram; working out the problem backwards; looking for a pattern; trying to solve a
similar but simpler problem; writing an equation; or simply guessing at a possible
solution and then later checking if the result is valid.
Carry Out the Plan
Carrying out a plan to solve the problem is basically implementing the strategy
chosen in the second step until the problem is solved or until a new course of action is
suggested. One may get ideas from others in deciding the best strategy to make sure
that the best solution is employed.
Review the Solution
Questions like “Is your answer reasonable?” is important in checking the
veracity of the answer to the problem. For example, if one is looking for the dimensions
of a rectangular box of least cost and his or her answer yields a negative length, he or
she can automatically say that there must be something wrong with the solution because
there is no such box with negative dimensions.
Example 1: Apply Polya’s strategy in solving the following problem.
The GSW basketball team won three out of their last six games. In how many
different orders could they have attained three wins and three losses in six games?
Understand the Problem. There are many different ways. GSW may have won three
straight wins and three losses (WWWLLL), or maybe they lost in the first three games
and won in the last three games (LLLWWW). Likewise, there are other several orders.
Devise a Plan. One can organize a list of all possibilities making sure that no entry will
be duplicated.
Carry Out the Plan. Three Ws must be presented in every entry without duplication
The strategy is to start the list with three consecutive wins. Next in the list are all the
entries starting with two consecutive wins, then next in the list are all the entries starting
with a single win. Following this pattern, consider starting with three consecutive losses
and so on. Here are the different orders:


Review the Solution. The list is organized and has no duplicates, so there are sixteen
(16) different orders in which a basketball team can win exactly three out of six games.
Example 2: Solving a tour problem.
An agency charged Php 15,000.00 for a 3-day and 2-night tour in Macau and
Php 20,000.00 for the same tour with a side trip in Hong Kong. Ten persons joined the
trip, which enable them to collect Php 170,000.00. How many tourists made a side trip
to Hong Kong?
Understand the Problem. There are two types of tourists in the situation given. Some
purely stayed in Macau while others made a side trip to Hong Kong. From the total
collection, how much was the amount collected from those who made side trips to Hing
Kong. It is needed to know how many were bound in Macau and who made a side trip
to Hong Kong.
Devise a Plan. Use x and y to represent the two types of tourists. Define these
Let x = number of tourists bound in Macau alone
y = number of tourists bound in Macau but who made a side trip to Hong
Hence, we have the following algebraic equations:
15,000x = amount collected from the tourists bound in Macau alone

20,000y = amount collected from the tourists bound in Macau but who
made a side trip to Hong Kong.
Carry Our the Plan. Write the equations and solve using the elimination method to
the system of equations.
x + y = 10 (1)
15,000x + 20,000y = 170,000 (2)

To find the number of tourists bound in Macau but who made a side trip in Hong
Kong, we solve for y.
To do this, we use elimination by substitution.
a. Solve for y in (1)
x + y = 10
y = 10 – x (3)
b. Substitute y = 10 – x in equation (2)

15,000x + 20,000(10 – x) = 170,000

15,000x + 200,000 – 20,000x = 170,000
- 5,000x = 170,000 – 200,000
- 5,000x = - 30,000
x = −5,000
Substituting x = 6 in equation (3), y = 10 – x = 10 – 6 = 4.

Therefore, four tourists made a side trip to Hong Kong.

Review the Solution. Since there are a total of 10 tourists, six of them only stayed in
Macau while four made a side trip to Hong Kong. Now, 15,000(6,000) + 20,000(4) =
170,000. This satisfies the condition that the total amount collected for the whole trip
is Php 170,000.00.
Example 3
In consecutive turns of a Monopoly game, Stacy first paid £800 for a hotel. She
then lost half her money when she landed on Boardwalk. Next, she collected £200 for
passing GO. She then lost half for remaining money when she landed on Illinois
Avenue. Stacy now has £2,500. How much did she have just before she purchased the
Understand the Problem. We need to determine the number of euro that Stacy had
just prior to her £800 hotel purchase.
Devise a Plan. We could guess and check, but we might need to make several guesses
before we found the correct solution. An algebraic method might work, but setting up
the necessary equation could be a challenge. Since we know the result, let’s try the
method of working backwards.
Carry Out the Plan. Stacy must have had £5,000 just before she landed on Illinois
Avenue; £4,800 just before she passed GO; and £9,600 prior to landing on Boardwalk.
This means she had £10,400 just before she purchased the hotel.
Review the Solution. To check our solution, we start with £10,400 and proceed through
each of the transactions. £10,400 less £800 is £9,600. Half of £9,600 is £4,800. £4,800
increased by £200 is £5,000. Half of £5,000 is £2,500.
References/Additional Resources/Readings

Aufmann, R. et al. (2018). Mathematical Excursions 4th Edition.

Baltazar, E. C. et al. (2013). Mathematics in the Modern World. Quezon City: C&E
Publishing, Inc.

MathIsFun. (2017). Tower of Hanoi. Retrieved March 9, 2018 from

Nocon, R.C. & Nocon, E.G. (2018). Essential Mathematics for the Modern World. Quezon
City: C&E Publishing, Inc.

Quintos, R.T. et al. (2018). Mathematics in the Modern World. St. Andrew Publishing
Activity Sheet 12

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________

Year & Section: ___________________________________ Score: _______________

A. Direction: Use inductive reasoning to predict the next number in each of the
following lists.
1. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, ?
2. 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ?
3. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, ?
4. 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, ?
5. 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, ?

B. Direction: Use Inductive Reasoning to make a conjecture. Complete the

procedure for several different numbers.
Consider the following procedure:
1. Pick a number.
2. Multiply the number by 9.
3. Add 15 to the product.
4. Divide the sum by 3.
5. And subtract 5.

C. Direction: Verify that each of the following statement is a false statement by

finding a counterexample for each.
For all numbers x:
1. 𝑥 = 1
2. =𝑥+1
3. √𝑥 2 + 16 = 𝑥 + 4

D. Direction: Use Inductive Reasoning to Solve an Application

Scientists often use inductive reasoning. For instance, Galileo Galilei
(1564-1642) used inductive reasoning to discover that the time required for a
pendulum to complete the swing, called the period of the pendulum, depends on
the length of the pendulum. Galileo did not have a clock, so he measured the
periods of pendulum in “heartbeats.” The following table shows some results
obtained for pendulums of various lengths. For the sake of convenience, a length
of 10 inches has been designated as 1 unit.
The period of a
Length of Period of
pendulum is the Pendulum Pendulum
time it takes for (in units) (in heartbeats)
the pendulum to 1 1
swing from left to 4 2
right and back to
its original 9 3
position. 16 4
25 5
36 6
Use the data in the above table and inductive reasoning to answer each of
the following questions.
a. If a pendulum has a length of 49 units, what is its period?
b. If the length of a pendulum is quadrupled, what happens to its period

E. Direction: Use Deductive Reasoning to Establish a Conjecture

1. Consider the following procedure: Pick a number. Multiply the number by
8, add 6 to the product, divide the sum by 2, and subtract 3.
2. Consider the following procedure: Pick a number. Add 3 to the number and
multiply the sum by 2. Subtract 6 from the product then divide the result by

F. Direction: Each of four neighbors, Sean, Maria, Sarah, and Brian, has a
different occupation (editor, banker, chef, and dentist). From the following
clues, determine the occupation of each neighbor.
1. Maria gets home from work after the banker but before the dentist.
2. Sarah, who is the last to get home from work, is not the editor.
3. The dentist and Sarah leave for work at the same time.
4. The banker lives next door to Brian.
Scoring Rubric (A): Your answer will be scored each item based on this rubric.
Consequently, use this rubric as a guide when doing your work and check it again
before you submit it.
Score Description
• The predicted number is correct.
• There is a correct reasoning based on the predicted number.
• The predicted number is correct.
• The reasoning is not well-discussed or no presented at all.
0 • No answer at all.

Scoring Rubric (B): Your answer will be scored each item based on this rubric.
Consequently, use this rubric as a guide when doing your work and check it again
before you submit it.
Score Description
• Excellent in transforming symbolic statement to English
• Small mistakes may exist in transforming symbolic statement
to English statement.
• Poor or incorrect transformation of symbolic statement to
0 English statement.
• No answer at all.
Activity Sheet 13

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________

Year & Section: ___________________________________ Score: _______________

A. Direction: Use a difference table to predict the next term in the sequence.
1. 1, 14, 51, 124, 245, 426, ?
2. – 2, 2, 12, 28, 50, 78, ?
3. – 4, – 1, 14, 47, 104, 191, 314, ?
4. 5, 6, 3, – 4, – 15, – 30, – 49, ?
5. 2, 0, – 18, – 64, – 150, – 288, –490, ?

B. Direction: Use the given nth term formula to compute the first six terms of the
1. 𝑎𝑛 = 2−𝑛
2. 𝑎𝑛 = (−1)𝑛+1 𝑛2
𝑛2 −1
3. 𝑎𝑛 = 𝑛
4. 𝑎𝑛 = 𝑛+1
5. 𝑎𝑛 = (−1)(𝑛2 − 𝑛 + 7)

C. Direction: Expand the following algebraic expressions using Pascal’s triangle.

1. (x + y)5
2. (x – 2y)4
3. (x + y)8
4. (3x + 2y)4
5. (2x2 – y3)5

D. Direction: Determine the minimum number of moves required to transfer all of

the disks to another peg for each of the following situations.
1. You start with four disks.
2. You start with five disks.
3. You start with six disks.
4. You start with seven disks.
5. You start with eight disks.
Activity Sheet 14

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________

Year & Section: ___________________________________ Score: _______________

A. Direction: Apply the Polya’s Problem Solving Strategy by identifying your

own problem and life.

B. Direction: Apply Polya’s Problem Solving Strategy (Guess and Check)

1. A baseball team won two out of their last four games. In how many different
orders could they have two wins and two losses in four games?
2. Determine the digit 100 places to the right of the decimal point in the
decimal representation 27.
3. The product of the ages, in years, of three teenagers is 4590. None of the
teens are the same age. What are the ages of the teenagers?
4. A hat and a jacket together cost Pnp 100.00. The jacket costs Php 90.00
more than the hat. What are the cost of the hat and the cost of the jacket?
Learner’s Feedback Form

Name of Student: ___________________________________________________

Program : ___________________________________________________
Year Level : ______________________Section: ______________________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
Schedule : ___________________________________________________

Learning Module: ________ Number: _________ Title : ______________________

How do you feel about the topic or concept presented?

□ I completely get it. □ I’m struggling.
□ I’ve almost got it. □ I’m lost.

In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or
Did you raise your concern to you instructor? □ Yes □ No

If Yes, what did he/she do to help you?


If No, state your reason?


To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?

How do you want it to be enhanced?


NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject
teacher (within the 1st week of the class).

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