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Name: ___________________ Grade Level: ________

Section: ___________________ Date: _____________________
Background Information for the Learners
Have you ever tried to balance a book on top of your head? Cared to imagine how
birds perch, and even sleep, on electric power lines without falling? People and animals rely
upon their sense of balance to keep from falling when they are at rest (static) or in motion
(dynamic). Another word for balance is equilibrium. When all the forces that act upon an
object are balanced, then the object is said to be in a state of equilibrium. The forces are
considered to be balanced if the rightward forces are balanced by the leftward forces and the
upward forces are balanced by the downward forces. This however does not necessarily mean
that all the forces are equal to each other. Consider the two objects pictured in the diagram
below. Note that the two are at equilibrium because the forces that act upon them are
balanced; however, the individual forces are not equal to each other.
*Refer to the sign convention below for the direction of each force.

Fnet=F1+F2+F3+F4 Fnet=F1+F2+F3+F4
Fnet=50N + 30N + -50N + -30N Fnet=7500N + 5000N + -7500N + -500N
Fnet=0 Fnet=0
Figure 1: The cup of coffee and the car are in a state of equilibrium since the net force
acting on each is zero and the acceleration of both systems is 0 m/s2.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Objects at equilibrium must have an acceleration of 0 m/s 2. This is an application of
Newton's First Law of Motion, Law of Inertia. But having an acceleration of 0 m/s 2 does not
mean the object is at rest. To quantify equilibrium for a single object, there are two
1. The net external force on the object is zero.
2. The net external torque, regardless of choice of origin, is also zero.
The first condition is illustrated in Figure 1, where forces act on objects at rest or objects
moving from one point to another. The second condition involves torque- a measure of the
force that can cause an object to rotate about an axis. Just as force is what causes an object to
accelerate in linear kinematics, torque is what causes an object to acquire angular
Being in equilibrium means that we expect no changes to the linear momentum or the
angular momentum. Note that this does not mean that the system is not moving or rotating;
instead it simply means that its movement will not change as time goes on.
One way to figure out how to make something balanced is to find an average mass point -
the spot where there is the same amount of mass in every direction away from that point. This
point of "average mass" is called the center of gravity (cg) or the center of mass. For bodies
at rest, the center of mass is also at a fixed point, but for moving bodies, the location of the
center of mass adjusts to maintain balance or equilibrium. Moreover, for some objects such as
a ring, the center of mass lies outside the object itself.

cg for cg for irregularly- cg for bodies in motion (changes to cg outside the object itself
regularly shaped objects achieve equilibrium)
shaped objects

Figure 2: The center of gravity of different bodies depend on their shape and state of
movement. Others, like the ring and the hanger, have their cg outside their bodies at the
point where all apparent mass are equally distant from each other.
Engineers are interested in how objects can stay in balance, and what makes them fall
out of balance. Mechanical, aerospace and civil engineers incorporate an understanding of
equilibrium when they design safe structures. Bridges, cranes, skyscrapers and space stations
in stable equilibrium do not collapse, topple to the ground or implode. And, chemical
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
engineers make sure the chemical reactions of the compounds they create remain in
equilibrium. When things are out of balance, or out of equilibrium, they fall over. If they are
in unstable equilibrium or not positioned at the center of gravity, they cannot get back into
equilibrium after they are out of balance. In other words, if the conditions of stable
equilibrium are not met, a bridge could collapse into a river or a building could topple to the
ground at the slightest gust of wind! The Learning Activity Sheet on Equilibrium shall help
you determine how equilibrium is achieved and use the location of the center of gravity (cg)
to balance unstable objects.

Quarter 2: Week 1
 Describe the concepts of equilibrium and center of gravity;
 Use the resultant force to prove whether or not equilibrium is achieved;
 Tell whether the equilibrium of a body is stable, unstable, or neutral;
 State and explain the conditions for equilibrium; and
 Solve for the torque produced by a given force

Activity 1: To Fall Or Not To Fall!

Directions: Perform the simple activities described in each item and answer the questions that
follow. If you cannot do it yourself due to physical disability or other restrictions, have a peer
or an adult do it for you and observe.
1. Stand with your back and feet as flat as possible against a wall. Have someone place
a coin on the floor at your feet. Try to pick it up.

a. Were you able to pick the coin up when you bent over (with legs and feet still flat
against the wall)? If your back and feet are really flat against the wall, you won’t
be able to. Why? ____________________________________________________
2. Stand against a wall sideways with your arm and leg touching the wall, with nothing
to hold onto. Try to lift your other leg straight out away from the wall.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

b. Were you able to do it? If your arm and leg are really flat against the wall, you
won’t be able to. Why? _______________________________________________

3. The “girls always win” chair lifting challenge. Place dining chair against a wall.
Bend over the chair so that your head touches the wall and your upper body is parallel
to the floor. Keeping your legs and feet parallel to the wall, lift the chair to your chest
and then try to stand up.

c. Were you able to lift the chair in that position? If you are male, it has been said
that your chance to do so is lower compared to that of females. Using the concept
of center of gravity of moving bodies, explain why.

Activity 2: Balancing Point

Directions: Perform the following experiment and answer the questions that follow.
Materials needed: ruler, any weights (ex. coins, buttons, bottlecaps, etc.)
1. Using your forefinger, place the ruler above it in such a way it will be balanced.
(Determine the point where the ruler is balanced).
2. Place your forefinger below the 8 inches marking.
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
3. Place any weight on one end of the ruler in order for it to be balanced. Measure or estimate
the weight (in g) being placed.
1. What weight did you place on one end of the ruler?
2. How did you obtain the measure of the weights placed on one end of the ruler for it be
3. Make a conclusion based on this experiment.

Activity 3: Equal Share

Directions: Study the sample problem below and apply the method to solve the situational
problem that follows.

The picture below is in a state of equilibrium, thus all the forces acting upon the
picture must be balanced. Suppose the tension (upward force holding the picture) in both of
the cables is 50 N and the angle that each cable makes with the horizontal is 30°. What is the
weight of the picture frame? The tension, the angle, and the weight are related. The weight is
equal to the sum of the upward components of the tension in the two cables.

Figure 3: A framed picture is held up by two cables with Ft=50 N, each at an angle of 30°
with the top of the frame.

Figure 4: Relating the three forces involved to the sides of a right triangle where the
hypotenuse is equal to the Ft or tension in the cable (50 N), the vertical component or Fy
(which is essentially the weight of the picture) can be computed.
Using the SOH-CAH-TOA method, we can now solve for the unknown with the data below:
Ɵ (angle) Fy Ft
30° ? (O=opposite side) 50 N (H=hypotenuse)

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

opposite side
sine θ =
sin 30° =
sin 30° =
50 N
Fy= (sin 30°) (50 N)
Fy= 25 N
Answer: Since each cable pulls upwards with a force of 25 N, the total upward pull is 50 N.
Therefore, the weight is 50 N, down. The weight of the picture frame is 50 N.
Application: The picture below has a weight of 10 N, thus each cable must exert 5 N of force
to balance the downward pull on the object. At varying setups, equilibrium must be
maintained for the picture to hang in balance. Using the problem above as an example,
determine the different amounts of force or tension (F t) on each cable to maintain
equilibrium even though the angle at which the picture is hung changes.

Setup Ɵ (angle) Fy (per cable) Ft (per cable)

A 15° 5 ?
B 45° 5 ?
C 60° 5 ?

Activity 4: It’s All About the Base

Directions: An object is in stable equilibrium if its center of gravity is at the lowest possible
position. If it is tipped over and not return to its original position, it is unstable. If it can
neither move forward or return to its original position, or rolls from side to side, it is in

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

neutral equilibrium. Identify whether the objects below are in stable, unstable, or neutral
equilibrium. Write S for stable, U for unstable, and N for neutral.

1._____ 2._____ 3. _____ 4. ______ 5.______

Guide Questions:
1. Which objects were in stable, unstable, and neutral states of equilibrium?

2. How were you able to identify the equilibrium states of each object?

Activity 5: Of Torques and Turns

Even though an object is in translational equilibrium, it can still turn or rotate. Torque
(τ) is the measure of how a force can cause an object to rotate. In equation form, the
magnitude of the torque is given by:
τ = Fl
where τ is the torque (N∙m), F is the force (N), and l (m) is the lever arm, the perpendicular
distance from the axis of rotation to the line along which the force acts.

Directions: Solve the following word problems using the concept of torque. Use standard
metric units and show your solutions.

1. If a mechanic can exert a force of 200 N, compute the maximum length of a wrench
needed to produce 90 N∙m torque to the bolts on a car engine.

2. Where should you sit on a seesaw to create enough torque to lift your 40 kg playmate
on the other side? Suppose you have the same mass as your playmate and the length
of the entire seesaw (end to end) is 3 m.
a. Compute τ at 1.5 m away from the playmate.
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
b. Compute τ at 3 m away from the playmate.

c. Based on your answers to a and b, where is the best place to sit?

1. I learned that _________________________________________________________

2. I enjoyed most on

3. I want to learn more on __________________________________________________



Padua, A. & Crisostomo, R. (2003), Practical and Explorational Physics, Quezon City :
Vibal Publishing House, Inc.
Gittewitt, Paul, (1992), Conceptual Physics. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley

Benson, T. (2021, May 15). Finding the Center of Gravity. NASA.

Conditions for Equilibrium. (n.d.). Lumen Learning. Retrieved September 24, 2021, from

Henderson, T. (2020). Equilibrium and Statics. The Physics Classroom.

Seesaw Physics: Kids Playing on a Seesaw, Fear of Physics. January

23, 2004.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Answer Key:
Q1. When leaning over to pick up an object we keep our center of gravity between our feet
by moving our buttocks back as we lean over. When you are standing against a wall you
can't make these adjustments.
Q2. The outside leg is used to balance. Lifting it would cause the center of gravity to be
outside the area of the feet.
Q3. Men and women have their center of mass in different places. Men tend to have broad
shoulders and narrow waists, giving them a higher center of mass. Adding the weight of the
chair causes the center of mass to be over the chair. To stay balanced, men have to use the
wall. When he tries to stand, he falls.


Q1. (answers may vary)
Q2. (Objects used as weights) were placed one by one on the shorter end of the ruler until it
became stable once again.
Q3. Equilibrium can be achieved when all masses are of equal distance to the center of
gravity which may not necessarily the physical center of the object.
Activity 3: EQUAL SHARE
A. Ft=19.32 N
B. Ft=7.07 N
C. Ft=5.77 N
A. Ft=Fy B. Ft=Fy C. Ft=Fy
Ft=_5 N__ Ft=_5 N__ Ft=_5 N__
sin 15° sin 45° sin 60°
Ft= 19.32 N Ft= 7.07 N Ft= 5.77 N
Activity 4: It’s All About the Base
1. S Guide Questions:
2. N 1. The pencil and racecar are in stable equilibrium while the electric guitar
3. S and stack of books were in unstable equilibrium. The egg lying on its side is
4. U in neutral equilibrium.
5. U 2. I applied the principle that an object is in stable equilibrium if its center of
gravity is at the lowest possible position just like the pencil on its flat end and
the racecar built so close to the ground. If it can be tipped over and not return
to its original position, like the stack of books and the guitar, it is unstable. If
it can neither move forward or return to its original position, or rolls from
side to side like the egg, it is in neutral equilibrium.

Activity 5- Of Torques and Turns

1. τ = Fl
l= τ a. τ = Fl b. τ = Fl
F= mg τ = Fl
= 40 kg x 9.8 m/s2 = 392 N ∙ 3 m
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene kg∙m/s2at
F=392protocols orall
N times.
τ = 1,176 N∙m
τ = Fl c. It would be best to sit on the
= 392 N ∙ 1.5 m
90 N ∙ m
200 N
l = 0.45 m

Prepared by:

Name: ____________________ Grade Level: ______________
Section: ___________________ Date: _____________________
Work and Energy
Background Information for the Learner
Common terms such as work take on a different contextual meaning when studied
through a physicist’s point of view. In layman’s terms, work is any exertion done which uses
up the workers’ energy. In physics, two things are required for work to be done:
 The force must make object move.
 The motion must be in the same direction as, or parallel to, the force.
There are several good examples of work that can be observed in everyday life –
lifting your shoes from the ground, pushing a chair towards the window, pulling a cartload of
boxes up a ramp, etc. In each case described here there is a force exerted upon an object to
cause that object to be displaced, or to move from a point of origin to another location.
To quantify work, the following equations are used:
 For work done along a horizontal surface
W = F x d (where F=force in N, d=distance in m)
 For work done on an incline, or at an angle above the horizontal
W= F x d cos Ɵ
 For work done perpendicular to the horizontal (ex. lifting, picking up, etc.)
W= Fw x d (where Fw= force due to weight=mass x acceleration due to gravity, 9.8
Consider the following situation:

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

A woman pulls a 10 kg shopping bag on wheels along a grocery aisle for 5 m by
exerting a force of 20 N at angle of 30° with the horizontal shoulder, lifts it up a vertical
distance of 1.5 m, and carries it for another 5 m to her car. How much work does she do in a)
pulling, b) lifting and c) carrying the shopping bag?
a. pulling the shopping bag
Given: Find: W Solution: W = Fdcos θ
F = 20 N W=(20N)(5m)(cos30°)
d=5m W=(20N)(5m)(cos30°)
θ = 30° W = 86.6 N∙m or 86.6 J

b. lifting the shopping bag

Given: Find: W Solution: Solve for Work
m = 10 kg First determine the weight W = Fw ⦁ d
d = 1.5 m Fw = mg W = (98 N) (1.5 m)
Fw = (10 kg) (9.8 m/s2) W=147 N⦁m or 147 J
Fw = 98 kg⦁m/s2 or 98 N

c. carrying the shopping bag

Answer: Since the force is not in the same direction with motion, work is zero. Force is
perpendicular to the motion not parallel.

On the other hand, energy is the reason why objects can do work. In order to exert a
force, an object must have energy. Some forms of energy are thermal, chemical, nuclear,
electromagnetic, sound, and others. and Mechanical energy is also a form of energy. It
represents the energy that is possessed by a mechanical system or device due to its motion or
position. Stated differently, mechanical energy is the ability of an object to do work.
Mechanical energy can be either kinetic (energy in motion) or potential (energy that is
stored). The sum of an object's kinetic and potential energy equals the object's total
mechanical energy. Consider the system below where the total mechanical energy or TME is
10,290 J:
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
At the top of the slide, the girl on the log has a maximum gravitational potential
energy of 10,290 J and zero kinetic energy. Halfway through, the potential energy is equal to
the kinetic energy and by the time the girl on the log reaches the bottom, the maximum
kinetic energy is equal to 10,290 J while the potential energy is zero. Note that the total
mechanical energy remains constant throughout the ride. This is the Law of Conservation of
Mechanical Energy which can be expressed as:
Total ME = KE + PE = constant
Suppose the total mass of the girl and the log is 105 kg and the height of the slide is
10 meters, compute the KE and PE at various points using the equations below:
 KE= ½ mv2
where: m = mass (kg)
v = velocity (m/s)
KE = kinetic energy (kg∙m2/s2 or N∙m or J, Joule)
 PE= mgh
where: h = height (m)
g = 9.8 m/s2
PE = potential energy (kg∙ m/s2∙m or N∙m or J)

a. At the top of the slide, show how the PE and KE are obtained.
Given: m= 105 kg Find: PE Solution:
h= 10 m K PE= mgh KE=1/2 mv2
v=0 m/s E PE= (105 kg) (9.8 m/s ) (10 m) KE=1/2 (105 kg)(0m/s)
PE= 10,290 J KE= 0

b. Halfway through the slide, show that PE and KE are equal.

Given: m= 105 kg Find: PE Solution:
h= 10 m KE PE= mgh TME= KE + PE
TME=10,290 J PE= (105 kg) (9.8 m/s2) (5 m) KE= TME-PE
PE= 5,145 J KE=10,290 J-5,145J
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

c. At the bottom of the slide, show that the maximum KE is equal to the TME while
maximum PE is 0.
Given: m= 105 kg Find: PE Solution:
h= 10 m KE PE= mgh TME= KE + PE
PE= (105 kg) (9.8 m/s2) (0 m) KE= TME-PE
PE= 0 KE=10,290 J-0 J
KE=10,290 J

Work and Energy

Recall the Law of Conservation of Energy which states that energy is neither created
nor destroyed. Instead, as shown by the girl on the log jam slide, it is simply converted from
one form of energy to another. Work can be defined as the process of energy transfer
whereby a force acts upon an object to cause a displacement. If an object is moved, then work
has been performed and energy is gained by the object while it is lost by the body which
moved the object. The net work done is equal to the change in the kinetic energy of an object.
Work = change in energy; W = ∆E
*Joule (J), the unit for work is also the unit for energy.
 Apply the concept of force and displacement in determining the work done by a
 Determine how mechanical energy is obtained by exploring potential and kinetic
 Relate how energy produces work.

Activity 1: Make it Work!

Directions: Below are situational problems on finding the amount of work done. Refer to the
conditions stated for work to be done in order to solve the problems. Show your solutions and
use the correct units.
1. During the ascent phase of a rep of the bench press,
the lifter lifts a 10 kg barbell 0.8 m upward. How
much work did the lifter do to the barbell?

2. You push a refrigerator with a force of 100 N. If

you move the refrigerator a distance of 5 m, how
much work do you do?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

3. A force of 20 N at an angle of 25 degrees above the
horizontal is needed to pull a child’s bag. How much
work is done if the bag is pulled through a distance of
12 m?

Activity 2: ENERGIZER
Directions: In the puzzle below, different terms related to work and energy are hidden in
horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and reverse letter arrangements. Find each and list it under the

E B D J M _________________________________
M L D X T J E S _____________________
_________________________________ N A
_______________ _____________________
K D V T H E R _______________________
A I H C V C M D K K U D U C ______________________ L
S R N T U H V N K N N A N L ______________________

________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________

Activity 3: IN AND OUT

The Law of Conservation of Energy accounts for the energy transformations we
witness and benefit from in everyday life. In order to produce work, objects must possess an
amount of energy. The energy of the object before work is done is called the energy input
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
while the type of energy exhibited after work is called the work output. For instance, when
we eat vegetables, we take in the chemical energy stored in plants. When we work, that
chemical energy is converted to mechanical energy.

Directions: For the activity below, identify the energy input and energy output based on the

Guide Questions:

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

1. Based on the activity, list the energy transformations that take place when we use the
devices above.

2. Enumerate at least three more examples of energy transformations that you can see
around you.

3. What conclusion can you make about energy transformations?



Directions: Study each of the problems below and refer to the different equations on how
energy can be quantified. Show your solutions and use the correct units.
1. A juggler threw five 100 g balls into the air at an initial velocity of 5 m/s. Ignoring air
resistance, calculate the maximum height attained by each ball using the principle of
conservation of mechanical energy.
2. A 5 kg box slides from a vehicle with an elevation of 1 m from the ground. Using the
principle of conservation of mechanical energy, find the velocity of the load as it hits
the ground. Assume that the system is frictionless.
3. A 35 kg child climbs 5 m up a mango tree. What is the child’s gravitational potential
energy if he stops at this height to look around?
4. A 50-kg potted plant falls from a balcony and lands on a pavement 20 m below. Find
a.) initial PE,
b.) maximum KE,
c.) KE and PE 15 m above the pavement, and
d.) velocity just before hitting the pavement.


Directions: Study the problem below and solve for the unknown. Afterwards, plot the
answers on the graph on the right and answer the questions that follow.

Typhoon Ulysses, known by its international name Vamco, was one of the most
recent and devastating hurricanes to ravage the Philippines. As powerful winds and torrential
rains poured all in most areas of the archipelago, severe flooding was also experienced by
areas below sea level, low-lying provinces, and valleys. Additionally, relief efforts were
hindered by the threat of covid-19 transmission. As a desperate resort, one of the possibilities
explored by the IATF and the army was air-dropping relief goods from helicopters to the
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
evacuation areas. Suppose a sack containing 50 kg worth of food packs was air dropped from
a height or vertical distance of 18 m, what will be its KE and PE at various points of its fall?
Assume zero air resistance.

Fill in the table below with your answers. You may apply the Law of Conservation
of Energy in solving the PE, KE, and TME. Afterwards, plot the PE and KE in the graphs
that follow.

h (in m) PE (in J) KE (in J) Total ME (in J)



Guide Questions:
1. Describe the direction of the graph on Potential Energy. What does this say about PE
as h (vertical distance) approaches zero?
2. Compared to the graph of PE, how will you describe the graph of KE?
3. What have you learned from this activity?

Activity 6: POWER UP!

Directions: Read about power and study the examples that follow. Afterwards, solve the
problems using the concepts discussed below.

The amount of work done by an object depend on the energy they possess. The rate at
which work is done is called power. For example: If you and a friend push two boxes

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

(identical in mass) for the same distance = YOUR WORK DONE IS EQUAL. But, if your
friend pushes the box faster than you, your friend is MORE POWERFUL!


P= If P= , and W=Fd, then
t t
where P=Power (in watts)
W=Work (in Joules) F ∙d d
P= , and since v=
t=time (in seconds) t t


SI Unit for Power = Watt (W)
1 W = 1 J/s
Kilowatt (kW) is often used to express power.
1 kW = 1000 W
Horsepower (hp) is also used as a unit for power.
1 hp = 746 W

1. You do 900 J of work in pushing a sofa. If it took 5 sec to move the sofa, what was
your power?

Given: W = 900 J Find: P=? Solution:

t = 5 sec P=W/t
P=900 J/ 5 s
P= 180 J/s or 180 watts

2. A rock climber wears a 7.5 kg backpack while scaling a cliff. After 30.0 min, the
climber is 8.2 m above the starting point.
How much work does the climber do on the backpack?
Given: m=7.5 kg Find: W=? Solution:
h= 8.2 m W= mgh
t= 30.0 min or W= 7.5kg (9.8m/s2) (8.2m)
1800 s W= 603 J
b.How much power does the climber expend in this effort?
Given: W=603 J Find: P=? Solution:
t= 30.0 min or P= W/t
1800 s P= 603 J/1800 s
P= 0.34 watts

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

3. Jet climbs a flight of stairs in 1.5 min. If he weighs 450 N and the stairs is 10 m from
the ground, how much power will he develop?
4. Calculate the power output in watts and horsepower of an 80 – kg man that climbs a
flight of stairs 3.8 m high in 4 seconds.
5. How much power is developed by a jumbo jet that cruises at 250 m/s when the thrust
of its engine is 100000 N?
Activity 7: I’VE GOT THE POWER!
Directions: Complete the table below by performing a simple experiment. Calculate the work
done and power that you can exert in climbing stairs, a wall, or a tree. Compare your power
with you brother or sister or any other in your house. Write your answers in your notebook.
Name Force due to weight Height (vertical Work done Time Power
(in N) distance in m) (in J) (in s) (in watts)

4. I learned that _________________________________________________________
5. I enjoyed most on
6. I want to learn more on __________________________________________________

Padua, Alicia L., Crisostomo, Ricardo M.,(2003). Practical and Explorational Physics.
Quezon City: Vibal Publishing House, Inc.
Navaza, Delia C., Valdez, Bienvenido J., (2001). Physics, Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing
House, Inc.
Gittewitt, Paul, (1992). Conceptual Physics, Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley
Henderson, T. (2020). Work and Energy. The Physics Classroom.
Silverio, Angelina A., (2007), Exploring Life Through Science: Physics. Quezon City:
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Seesaw Physics: Kids Playing on a Seesaw, Fear of Physics. January 23,

Answer Key:
Activity 1
1. 78.4 J
2. 500 J
3. 237.89 J
Activity 2 (in any order)
Activity 3 (suggested answers only, other correct answers may be accepted)
1. heat-sound
2. electrical-sound
3. electrical-heat
4. solar-electrical
5. chemical-mechanical

Activity 4
1. 1.28 m
2. 4.43 m/s
3. 1715 J
4. a. 9800 J
b. 9800 J
c. PE=7350 J, KE=2450 J
d. KE=9800 J
v=19.8 m/s

Activity 5
h (in m) PE KE (in Total ME
(in J) J) (in J)
18 8820 0 8820
12 5880 2940 8820
6 2940 5880 8820
0 0 8820 8820

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Q1. In a closed system, as the vertical distance decreases, the PE also decreases.
Q2. In the same system, the KE varies inversely with the PE while the total ME remains the
Q3. Applying the law of conservation of energy entails that the sum of KE and PE is equal to
the total TME and at various points in an object’s fall, the PE and KE can be computed using
the TME.

Activity 6
3. 50 watts 4. P= 744.8 watts, P=0.998 hp 5. 25,000,000 watts

Activity 7 (answers may vary)

Prepared by:


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

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