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Construction Management, Principles and Methods

Name: Date:
Activity: Quiz 03 – Construction Management, Principles and Methods Rating:
Solve the following question and write on A4 paper with no less than 0.5inch margin (all edges); No Erasures, erasures will void the entire
score of the specific problem. write legibly in printed font; Submit on October 16, 2023


Create a line of balance schedule of a project described in the table of activity below. Show your solutions.
The line of balance should clearly indicate days/accomplishment and interval scale of each axis. Graph must be in-to-scale at a ratio most
appropriate for the duration of the activity.
Project #1 Road Concreting Project
Project Length: 20,600m
Required Buffer distance before the next activity commence is 500m.
If the Day-0 or the start of the project is October 10, 2023, what date will the project be finished?
Activity Quantity Units Productivity Duration Productivity Buffer Start Finish Start Date Finish Date
(units/day) (days) (days/meter) time day day

A 148,400 sq.m 600 248 83.065 0 248 October 10, 2023 June 14, 2024
B 137,800 sq.m 700 197 104.569 5 56 253 December 05, 2023 June 19, 2024
C 63,600 sq.m 700 91 226.374 3 165 256 March 23, 2024 June 22, 2024
D 137,800 cu.m 1400 99 208.081 3 168 267 March 26, 2024 July 03, 2024
E 106,000 cu.m 1500 71 290.141 2 198 269 April 25, 2024 July 05, 2024
F 74,200 cu.m 500 149 138.255 2 200 349 April 27, 2024 Sept 23, 2024

Project #2 Rail Road Construction

Project Length: 27,700m
Required Buffer distance before the next activity commence is 600m.
If the Day-0 or the start of the project is October 10, 2023, what date will the project be finished?
Activity Quantity Units Productivity Duration Productivity Buffer Start Finish Start Date Finish
(units/day) (days) (days/meter) time day day Date
A sq.m 176 117.045 0 176 Oct 10, 2023 Apr 03, 2024
158,400 900
B sq.m 147 140.136 4 33 180 Nov12, 2023 Apr 07, 2024
176,000 1200
C sq.m 118 174.576 3 65 183 Dec 14, 2023 Apr 10, 2024
176,000 1500
D cu.m 88 234.091 3 98 186 Jan 16, 2024 Apr 13, 2024
105,600 1200
E cu.m 132 156.061 3 101 233 Jan19, 2024 May 30, 2024
105,600 800
F cu.m 124 166.129 4 113 237 Jan 31, 2024 Jun 03, 2024
123,200 1000
Also, draw their Gantt chart below:
If duration is insufficient, use a separate graphing paper with the same format below
Project # 1
Activity Duration Start Finish 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Project # 2
Activity Duration Start Finish 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80


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