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RUBRICS (Speech)

Performer 1:______________________________
Title of the Presentation: State of the Nation address (SONA) July 27, 2020, by Former
President Rodrigo R. Duterte
30pts 25pts 20pts 15pts Scores
Mastery of Speech is fully Speech is mostly Speech is partially Speech is not
the speech memorized and memorized, with memorized, with memorized and the
delivered without only a few minor several pauses or speaker needs
(30pts) prompting or pauses or hesitations. frequent prompting.
hesitation. hesitations.
20pts. 15pts. 10pts. 5pts
Delivery The speaker speaks The speaker speaks The speaker may The speaker's
(Volume, at a clear and at an appropriate speak too loudly or volume, tone, and
audible volume, with volume, but there too softly, and speed are
Tone, and appropriate variation may be some minor there may be inconsistent and
Rate of speed) in tone and speed to variation in tone and significant difficult to
(20pts) emphasize key speed. The voice variation in tone understand. The
points and engage slightly monotonous and speed. The voice may be too
the audience. The or their delivery is a voice may be loud or too soft, and
voice pleasant to bit flat. difficult to listen to quickly or too slowly.
listen to and their or their delivery is Their delivery is very
delivery is engaging. distracting. distracting.
15pts. 12pts. 8pts. 5pts
Pronunciation The speaker The speaker's The speaker's The speaker's
(15pts) pronounces all words pronunciation is pronunciation may pronunciation is very
clearly and generally good but be difficult to difficult to understand
accurately. have some minor understand, and and their errors are
errors. their errors were very distracting.
15pts. 12pts. 8pts. 5pts
Poise (15pts) The speaker stands The speaker may The speaker may The speaker
up straight, maintains slouch slightly or slouch or avoid slouches frequently
eye contact with the avoid eye contact eye contact with and avoids eye
audience, and with the audience at the audience contact with the
speaks with times, but they still frequently, and audience. They
confidence. appeared confident they appeared appeared very
overall. nervous or nervous or
uncomfortable. uncomfortable, and
their posture is
10pts 8pts 6pts 4pts
Expression/s The speaker uses The speaker may The speaker may The speaker's facial
(10pts) facial expressions use facial use facial expressions are
effectively to convey expressions but expressions but ineffective or
their message and there may be some their distracting. They
engage the minor variation in expressiveness is have a blank
audience. their inconsistent or expression on their
expressiveness. ineffective. face.
10pts 8pts 6pts 4pts
Gesture/s Their gestures are Their gestures may Their gestures are The speaker's
(10pts) natural and fluid, and be a bit stiff or inconsistent it is gestures are
they do not distract awkward at times. too large or too ineffective or
from their message. small. distracting. They
used gestures that
are inappropriate or
General Impressions: Total


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