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Alfalfa Seed Production

Lyle A. Derscheid
South Dakota State University

Robert J. Walstrom
South Dakota State University

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Recommended Citation
Derscheid, Lyle A. and Walstrom, Robert J., "Alfalfa Seed Production" (1981). Extension Circulars. Paper 433.

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For more information on stand establishment, weed control,
varieties, insect control, and pollinators see the following
FS 503 [rev], Planting tame pastures and hayland
FS 426 [rev), Chemical weed control in pastures, range and
FS 525A [rev annually], Chemical weed control in small grains and
EC 730, Alfalfa production on irrigation
FS 529 (rev), Alfalfa varieties in South Dakota
EC 804, Alfalfa variety descriptions
FS 276 [rev), Alfalfa weevil
FS 556, Grasshopper control
Bul 544 [rev], Leafcutting bee management for alfalfa pollination
in South Dakota
EC 683 (rev annually], South Dakota insecticide recommendations

Follow the label

Federal regulations make it unlawful tor any person to use a
pesticide in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. This includes
Acknowledgements: The writers the kind of crop and weed; rate, carrier, and other application
acknowledge the use of matmial from directions; storage, disposal, and protective clothing; or other
Idaho Current Information Series No. 65, precautions stated.
69, and 78 and the information and
assistance on various sections of the
publication from Leon J. Wrage, Benjamin Reference to products in this publication is not intended to be an
H. Kantack, Donald J. Reid, and G. Robert endorsement to the exclusion of others which may be similar.
Durland of the South Dakota Cooperative Persons using such products assume responsibility tor their use
Extension Service and William F. LytlcJ.
climatologist at South Dakota State
in accordance with current directions of the manufacturer.
Alfalfa Seed Production
Lyle A. Derscheid, Extension agronomist. nnd
Robert J. Walstrom, professor. entomology

Alfalfa seed has high market be both. Individuals who have Relative humidity is thP one
value: producing certified. separate fields used for seed and factor that irrigators CFrnnot
adapted seed can become a more hay production may be control.
important enterprise for some exceptions.
South Dakota farmers. This pu hlication discusses Relative Humidity
Around 100,000 acres are production practices to obtain Low relative humidity seems to
harvested for seed each year, high seed yields. Since little he conducive to good alfalfa
but tho yield per aero is research has been conducted in pollination. Relative humidity at
relatively low. Most producers South Dakota, the information the only five recording points in
harvest seed on a hit-and-miss presented here is based on South Dakota is higher [Table 1]
basis. Only a few treat alfalfa research in Idaho {the leading than at Boise. near tho Treasure
seed as a major crop. alfalfa seed producing state] and Valley of Idaho which is one of
Much of the alfalfa seed the experience of professional the best alfalfa seed producing
planted in South Dakota is raised alfalfa seed producers in Idaho areas in the United States.
in southern Idaho, eastern and South Dakota. Relative humidity is highest in
Oregon. southeastern Juno at ;ill South Dakota
Washington, and the San Joaquin Production Requirements locations.
Valley of California. But the The basic requirements for If relative humidity is the
acreage of certified seed of maximum seed production are controlling factor, bettPr
varieties recommended for South good stand; insect, weed and pollination will occur on a
Dakota is gradually shrinking in disease control; proper fertility: second cutting in late July or
western states. These seed pollination; adequate moisture; August than on a first cutting in
growers are switching to non­ and low relative humidity at June.
dormant varieties adapted to the flowering time. Most of these It would appear that better
Southwest and to proprietary requirements can be met in pollination could be obtained in
varieties because they produce South Dakota. Irrigation is West River counties. At Rapid
more pounds of seed per acre needed for top yields, but City the relative humidity in July
and/or bring a higher price per profitable yields can be obtained Rnd August is similiar to that of
pound. on dryland. Boise in June and July. Since
With the supply of certified
seed of adapted varieties
weakening, producers in some
areas of South Dakota will find Table 1. Comparison of relative humidity of Boise, Idaho, and five
alfalfa seed a profitable cash locations in South Dakota.
crop. Alfalfa hay prices are
unstable and demand fluctuates. Percent relatlve humidity
The market price for certified ---
- --
--------- --
alfalfa seed, on tho other hand, Loc_a_llon _ ·-- .Noon EvenlnJ !_ Noon Evening Noon Evening
has been high for several years
and the demand is increasing. Boise(normal) 44 32 34 22 34 24
It is anticipated that alfalfa Cottonwood(1978) 41 39 38 31 33 28
seed will be a profitable crop for
the foreseeable future. It will be Rapid City(1978) 51 47 47 41 36 36
even more profitablo if handled (normal) 51 49 45 40 41 35
as a primary crop.
Huron(normal) 56 53 50 46 50 44
Alfalfa producers, however,
must decide if they want to he Aberdeen(normal) 56 53 51 47 48 42
seed producers or hay
producers. Virtually no one can Sioux Falls(normal) ���1 ___ 51 48 52 50

most seed producers in the established he uses the following such techniques to their own
Treasure Valley obtain good system. situation.
pollination in June, growers in 1. Fall: Heavy irrigation.
western South Dakota should get 2. Early spring: Control annual Seedbed Preparation
good pollination in July. weeds with herbicide. and Planting
3. Early June: Cultivate to Land preparation for
Production Systems control weeds, kill volunteer establishment of alfalfa for seed
The procedures followed by alfalfa, and form irrigation does not differ from that for hay
two "professional" alfalfa seed ditches. production.
producers in South Dakota 4. Early June: Irrigate. The three essentials for stand
illustrate some of the operations 5. Mid-June: Apply insecticide. establishment are ( 1) seeding at
needed to obtain high yields. 6. Late June: Move bees to a uniformly shallow depth, (2) in
These producers differ from field when crop is flowering. a firm seedbed, and (3) removing
the majority of the farmers who 7. Late August: Desiccate with competition from new alfalfa
rnise alfalfa seed in several diquat or dinitro. seedlings for 30 to 60 days after
ways: (1) alfalfa seed is a 8. Early September: Straight emergence.
primary crop, (2) the crop is combine. Early spring, because of cool,
planted in rows, (3) leafcutting moist conditions, is the best
bees are used as pollinators, (4) seeding time on dryland, but mid­
bees in bee boards are placed in August is also good if the field
bee houses during pollination will be irrigated. It takes about
Irrigated 30 days for establishment. For
season and kept in controlled established stand management
temperature rooms part of the more information on stand
Dave Winkler, Newell establishment see FS 503,
Dryland near White River. "Planting tame pastures and
Fall: Irrigate hayland," and EC 730, "Irrigated
Gene Strain produces 100 to 150 Spring: Herbicide, preplant
lb/A of seed on 250 dryland alfalfa."
incorporated, cultivate
acres and 200 to 500 lb on 60 June: Irrigate
irrigated acres. He uses a Solid Stands vs. Rows
Mid June: Insecticide Under most conditions, rows
specially built planter to seed Late June: Bees in field
l \/2 lb PLS(pure live seed)/A in offer many advantages over solid
Late August: Desiccate stands. Rows can be cultivated
40-inch rows or "double plants" September 1 +: Combine
to seed 3 lb/A in 20-inch rows. to control weeds, kill volunteer
After the stand is established he alfalfa, and form ditches for
Dryland gravity irrigation systems. Rows
uses the following system. established stand management
1. Early June: Temperature is give a more open canopy, at
Gene Strain, White River least in the first part of the
too low for pollinators to be
active. so the first crop is growing season, which provides
Early June: Clip first crop, 1. Greater penetration of light,
clipped early. A few acres are leave a few acres for early
left uncut to provide flowers for higher air and soil temperatures,
bees healthier plants, and earlier
early emerging bees. Budding: Insecticide
2. Mid-June: Apply insecticide flowering.
Blossoming: Bees in field 2. Greater attractiveness to
when crop is budding. Early September: Windrow,
3. Late June: Move bees to pollinating insects, better
combine several days later retention of flowers and pods on
field when crop is flowering. Late September: Simazine for
4. Early September: Windrow the lower part of stems, and
weeds better seed set.
with swather used for cutting
hay. 3. Better penetration of
5. September 5-10: Combine agricultural chemicals, better
with pickup attachment. weed and insect control, and
6. Late September: Apply Crop and Soil Management more effective desiccation at
simazine for annual weed Methods of growing alfalfa for harvest time.
control. seed differ basically from those 4. Lower humidity-a less
Irrigation near Newell. Dave used for hay production. Seed favorable environment for foliar
Winkler averages 500 lb/A of producers do not want the lush diseases.
seed on 100 irrigated acres but growth needed for hay 5. Lower percentage of
obtained 700 lb/A in 1977. He production. scalded or brown seed.
plants with four vegetable seed There are ways to stimulate There is no "most desirable"
planters mounted on a tool bar. flowering without excessive row spacing. In practice,
He seeds 2 lb/A in 30-inch rows vegetative growth, but there is distance between rows is
and controls weeds with EPTC or no single procedure for all seed governed by the equipment the
benefin. After the stand is producers. Most growers tailor operator uses on other crops.
Gene Strain, White River, seeded this dryland alfalfa in Dave Winkler. Newell, planted this irrigated alfalfa seed field
20-inch rows. Fields like this produce an average 100-150 lb in 30-inch rows and pollinated with leafcutting bees. It
of clean seed per acre when pollinated with alfalfa produced 700 lb/A of clean seed in 1977 and averages about
leafcutting bees. 500 lb.

A sugar beet grower may use Idaho but solid seedings are Thinning of Stands
a 22-inch spacing so he can used on the hills of the Palouse A common practice in Idaho is
cultivate with his sugar beet country in Washington. to thin both solid and row
cultivator, while a corn producer plantings each year that the
may use a 36-inch spacing. A Seeding Rates stand is kept for seed.
specialized alfalfa seed producer In row plantings, rates ranging Elimination of plants within rows
may use a 30-inch spacing so he from less than 1 lb up to 3 lb of has usually stimulated seed
can harvest six rows with a PLS per acre have been yields. The advantages of
15-foot combine. satisfactory. The lower rates are opening stands by thinning are
Data from Twin Falls, Idaho, most desirable if a precision the same as those given for row
indicate that best seed yields planter is used. The higher rates plantings.
were obtained when alfalfa are needed if seedbed Thinning practices should not
plants were spaced 2 feet apart preparation is poor or if the be extreme in any one year, as
in rows spaced 2 feet apart. planter does not give an even the remaining plants may not be
Other Idaho studies indicate distribution of seed at the lower able to fully use the new space
that rows up to 36 inches are rates. available.
superior to solid plantings, with One South Dakota producer
little difference between 24- and plants l 1/2 lb PLS/A in 40-inch
36-inch spacing. Row spacing row spacings and 3 lb in 20-inch First or Second Crop
less than 22 inches showed little spacing; another plants 2 lb in Most South Dakota alfalfa
advantage over solid plantings. 30-inch and 1 lb in 60-inch rows. seed producers cut the first crop
Yields from spacings over 36 Several types of seeders are for hay and harvest seed from
inches have not been used for row planting-specially the second cutting if it appears
determined, but there is built planters, modified corn, that they will get a good seed
indication that yields decrease soybean or sugar beet planters, set. Generally, they rely on wild
as row spacings increase beyond or vegetable seeders mounted on bees for pollination.
48 inches. a tool bar. Producers who treat alfalfa
Solid stands of seed For solid seedings, plant 4 to seed as a primary crop provide
production are successful where 12 lb/A. The higher rates are their own pollinators and
plant growth is restricted by soil less desirable, hut are necessary generally do not plan on a hay
conditions or other natural when seed establishment will be crop.
factors or by management. If difficult, when poor planting In areas where relative
excessive vegetative growth is equipment is used, or when the humidity is high when the first
controllable, good seed yields crop might be used for hay. crop flowers, it may be desirable
can he obtained from solid Generally plant 4 to 6 lb/A to to clip the first crop early. The
planting. provide an average 20 to 30 regrowth will flower during a
Solid stands have an seeds per square foot. Use a period of low relative humidity.
advantage on slopes subject to grassland drill or a cultipacker Some producers clip or graze
erosion; rows are a common seeder to get best stands with a alfalfa to delay flowering until
practice in the river valleys of minimum amount of seed. temperature reaches 70 to 75
c-!Pgrees when pollinating bees may reduce yields, especially flower when temperatures are
become active. when there are early frosts. conducive to activity. Bees work
Others with large acreages Using the first crop for seed from about 10 am until shortly
clip various fields at different has several disadvantages. before sundown.
times so that all do not flower at Plants may flower in cool
once. Pollinator bees can be weather when pollinators are Soil Fertility
concentrated on one field, set not active or when relative Alfalfa seed should be
tho seed, and be moved to humidity is high and pollinators inoculated before it is planted.
another field. This reduces the are less effective. If the crop is The bacteria nodulate the roots
number of pollinators needed grown on deep, fertile soil with and fix nitrogen into forms the
and staggers harvesting dates. ample moisture, the resulting plant c:an use. There is little or
Delaying tho initial growth is rank growth is undesirable. no need for nitrogen fertilizer.
benefic:ial for several reasons: 1. Dense, lodged vegetation is Small amounts of nitrogen at
1. The blooming period can be a poor environment for seed and seeding time may prove
altl�red to r:oincido with the pod development. beneficial for stand
period of greatest pollinator 2. Excessive vegetation is less establishment, if preceding crops
activity and the most desirable attractive to pollinators. have drastically reduced
portion of the growing season. 3. The prolonged period of available nitrogen. But if a
2. Amount of vegetative blooming requires an extended companion crop is used the
growth can be controlled. period of protection from insec:ts nitrogen could stimulate the
3. Damage from rod spider, and makes their control more companion crop; the increased
chalc:id, and other insects is difficult. competition may be detrimental
reduc:ed. 4. The prolonged period of to alfalfa stand establishment.
4. Control of some weed flowering gives unevenness in An application of phosphorus
problems is easier. seed maturity and reduced seed or potassium generally does not
5. Some foliar diseases can be quality. increase seed production unless
reduced. 5. Rank growth reduces air deficiencies are severe. A soil
6. A small hay c:rop may be movement and provides a moist test should be used to determine
obtained, if clipping is delayed environment c:onducive to the levels of phosphorus and
long enough. development of stem and leaf potassium in the soil.
7. The hazards of adverse diseases.
weather r:onditions may be 6. The larger amount of Irrigation
avoided. vegetation that must pass Use only enough moisture to
On the other hand, seed through the combine c:reates maintain slow, even growth. Do
development takes place when difficulties during harvest. not allow the crop to suffer a
rainfall is generally limited in These disadvantages also water deficiency at any time, but
South Dakota. Without adequate apply to delayed growth where remember that excessive
moisture during this period, less stand density and plant growth irrigation or irrigation at the
than maximum seed yields can are not c:ontrolled. wrong time can be detrimental.
be expected. Most Idaho producers raise causing rank vegetative growth
Comparisons made in Idaho alfalfa seed with irrigation, and inducing new growth.
indic:ate that substantially higher provide their own pollinators, Sprinkler irrigation at flowering
yields may be obtained under and do not harvest a hay crop. time may raise relative humidity,
some conditions from non-clipped Some South Dakota producers which is detrimental to
alfalfa (first c:utting) than from who use special pollinators also pollination.
later, clipped fields. In some harvest the first cutting for seed, Several lighter applications at
years a heavy early seed set was both on dryland and under the proper time are preferred to
obtained prior to emergence of irrigation. Dryland alfalfa seed fewer heavy irrigations.
pollinators (alkali and leafcutting yields at Brookings averaged 394 Withhold irrigation, if
bees]. Sinc:e the areas were lb/A from the first cutting in possible, from the bud stage until
relatively free of competing 1974 tests and only 93 lb from full bloom to create a slight
bloom, concentration of available the second. stress which slows vegetative
pollinators on the alfalfa Others, however, cut most of growth and stimulates floral
produced a good seed set early the first crop early for hay development needed for
in June. [around June 1), but leave a few maximum seed yields. The key is
In these studies, seed yields acres for bees that may emerge "stress without distress."
usually decreased as clipping early. Leafcutting bees are not Generally, apply a heavy
date was delayed, with lowest active at temperatures below 70 application of water in fall or
yields from alfalfa clipped F and are inactive during early early spring followed with
between June 2 and 17. These June when the first crop is whatever lighter applications
observations indicate that flowering. Clipping in late May are necessary to keep the soil
clipping after the first of June or early June causes the crop to moist. One additional irrigation

may be enough for one part of a and be free of noxious weeds. Honey Bees
field, while several may be Honey bees visit flowers for
needed in other parts of the Certified Seed Production either pollen or nectar. When
same field. To produce certified seed, they gather pollen they trip
foundation seed (registered seed 80-100% of the flowers they
Choice of Variety for a few varieties) must be visit. But when seeking nectar,
planted on a noxious weed-free they readily learn to avoid the
Plant an adapted variety that
field that was not planted to tripping mechanism, collecting
is in demand. Use a variety with
alfalfa for at least 1 year and is from the side. Only 0. 2-2.0% of
the characteristics of high
isolated from other alfalfa by at the flowers are tripped.
forage yield, good seed yield,
least 20 rods. Keep the If you use honey bees as
winterhardiness, bacterial wilt
certification tag or bulk transfer pollinators, use four to five
resistance and-on
certificate to prove that the crop colonies per acre when alfalfa is
irrigation-Phytophthora root rot
is eligible for recertification. in full bloom. Disperse the
resistance. If possible select a
Rogue weeds, sweetclover, and colonies throughout the field or
variety with tolerance or
dodder before the field is move them frequently to get best
resistance to other diseases and
inspected. Use harvesting and pollination.
several insects species. See FS
storage procedures that will Many honey bee owners are
529 (revised in 1979), "Alfalfa
maintain varietal purity and glad to place a limited number of
varieties in South Dakota," and
produce high quality seed. Keep colonies in an alfalfa field to
EMC 804, "Alfalfa variety
records that show the location of collect nectar over a long period.
descriptions," for more variety
seed while in storage. If they supply four or five
Obtain more details from Seed colonies per acre most flowers
Plant certified seed to produce
Certification Service of the South are pollinated in a week or 10
high quality seed or plant
Dakota Crop Improvement days. When fertilization takes
foundation seed if you wish to
Association, University Station, place the flower dies and the
produce seed for hay producers
Brookings, SD 5 7007. source of nectar disappears. The
who plant certified seed.
honey bees must be moved to
Certified Seed another source of nectar.
Certified seed is high quality Pollination Consequently, honey producers
seed of a known variety. It does Alfalfa is 80-90% cross­ ffre reluctant to stock a field
not contain seed of other fertilized. Seed is not developed heavily without additional
varieties or strains, is free of unless flowers are fertilized with compensation.
noxious weed seed, and contains pollen from other flowers.
a minimum of inert material and Pollination depends upon a Bumblebees
other crops. The certification tripping mechanism in the flower Bumblebees occur naturally in
and seed analysis tags are the which releases upon disturbance South Dakota. They are so large
seed producer's guarantee of by insect pollinators. In alfalfa that they cannot sidestep the
varietal purity, varietal identity, the tripping mechanism is set off sexual column in the flower and
and seed quality. when a bee forces its head into are effective trippers and
Certified seed is even more the throat of the flower. As the pollinators. Bumblebee
important for a perennial crop flower is tripped the bee's head populations vary from place to
like alfalfa than for annual is momentarily caught between place and from year to year.
crops. The producer of the petals and the tip of the They are generally more
uncertified seed, for example, sexual column. When the bee numerous in native prairie,
may not remember or may not withdraws, the sexual organ where in some years they
have known the alfalfa variety snaps and the bee is showered pollinate enough flowers to
that was planted on a 10-year­ with pollen in exactly the right provide a fair crop of seed.
old field. Consequently, the position to contact the stigma of Wild bees are not reliable
variety name that goes on a lot the next flower visited. pollinators and seldom occur in
of uncertified seed may or may More than 100 species of wild large enough numbers to give
not be correct. bees are pollinators. maximum seed yields.
To meet seed certificarion Bees work the flowers better
standards, an inspector must when relative humidity is low. Alkali Bees
check the field for varietal When it is high, the sexual organ Alkali bees are found in
purity, other crops such as is less rigid and does not snap; western states, living naturally
sweetclover and weeds, and seed even if it does snap, less pollen in saline soil areas of eastern
must be tested for purity is released. Oregon. They are larger than
and germination. Seed must be Several mechanical devices honey bees and are effective
99% pure, germinate at 80% or have been tested for tripping pollinators.
better, contain no more than 1% alfalfa flowers but none are During the nesting season,
inert materials or Vz % weeds, satisfactory. they burrow holes in the salty
S t ra i n m o u n t s bee h o u s e s on t ra i l ers so t h at t h e a l f a l fa W i n k l e r w i l l p u t b e e b o a r d s c o n t a i n i n g 300,000 l eafcu t t i n g
l eaf c u t t i n g bees can be mo ved from f i e l d to f i e l d . He d oes bee p u pae i n t h i s 8x 20-ft h o u se . T h e o p e n f ro n t faces t h e
the m o v i n g at n i g h t when most of t h e bees are i n t h e i r n e s t s . east : heat f ro m t h e m o rn i n g s u n activat e s t h e bees early.
W i re p rotects t h e bees from b i rd s a n d roden t s .
soil to deposit eggs and hatch to make it foasiblR to attempt to selected for a nest. ShR builds a
their young. Since alkali bees propagate them for use as leaf l ined cell at the base of the
usc1 these holes throughout their alfalfa pollinators. hole, deposits an egg with a load
lifo cycle, they are susceptible to of pollen, taps it gently, and
drowning from heavy rains. Leafcutting Bees starts thR next cell. She builds
In the Treasure Valley of Leafcutting bees are smaller about seven cdls end to end in
Idaho. somR producers have built than honey bees, but am effective the hole. In one season shR will
alkali bRR bRds and successfully pollinators and are more widely construct cells, deposit. and
used these bees as pollinators; used than alkali bees. For more provision with pollen for about
one producer uses bees from one detailRd information about their 35 eggs.
bed to pollinate 600 A of alfalfa. use in South Dakota see Bui 544 There is generally only one
The bees survive in (rnvised). "Alfalfa leafcutting genmation a year in South
southwestern Idaho because bee management for alfalfa Dakota. The larvae complete
average annual rainfall is only 7 pollination.· ' their growth during the summer
inches, of which 0.2 falls during The female clips a circular and go into the winter in the
the nesting season. [1/4-3/8 inch in diameter] bit of prepupal form. When the spring
Alkali bee beds have been leaf or flower petal of several temperature reaches a certain
built at Brookings, Hecla, Ideal. speciRs of plants in 4 to 10 level the larvae change into the
and Piedmont. Bees survived but SRconds. ShR then carries it in inactive pupal stage. The bee
failed to multiply rapidly enough her mouth to a hole she has remains as a pupa until it

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T h i s is t h e bee board u sed by m a n y A b o u t 200 boards in a h o u se t a ke care in the m o i st so i l . A l ka l i bees u s e these

a l f a l f a s e e d p r o d u cers . Leaf c u t t i n g o f 40 A. Center are bee s h e l t ers in a holes t h ro u g h o u t t h e i r l i ves ,
b e e s c o n s t r u c t a p p r o x i m at e l y 7 leaf­ seed f i e l d . R i g h t i s an a l kal i bee c o n seq u e n t l y are s u bject to p redators
l i ned c e l l s e n d -t o-end i n each h o l e . n est i n g s i t e s h ow i n g e m e r g e n c e h o l e s and weat h e r .

emerges as an adult during late 70 F i l lakes 19 days for mEdes companion crops for fornge. If
June or July. to emerge and 21 days for there is sufficient soil moislurr:
A female may mate two or females. Al 90 ° F males emerge in late June to produ ce a grain
three limes during the year. but in 1 4 clays. Adult beetles and crop without advr:rsely affecting
once is enough. The egg, wasps emerge in less time. tho alfalfa you may harvest it for
however, is not fertilized until grain.
she lays it. She has the unique Effects on Yield Herbicides used lo osta blish
ability to fertilize the first one to Most Idaho alfalfa seed alfalfa are benofin [tradename
three eggs laid in a hole and producers use pollinators. Under Bohm]. EPTC [tradename Eptum).
leave others unfertilized and irrigation one producer who uses and 4(2,4-DB] [lradonames
repeal the process for four or alkali bees averages 1 00 lb/A on Butyrnc and Butoxone).
five holes. The fertilized eggs 600 A and has produced 1400 lb Benefin. Use 1 1/8-1 1/z lb
produce female bees and the of clean seed per acre. Another active ingredient of br:nofin per
unfertilized produce males. producer. who uses leafcutling aero to control annual grassy
Adult bees emerge first from bees, averages 850 lb on 400 A. and some broadleaved annual
the cells at the front of the holes The county average is 450 lb. weeds.
or lubes while the older forms A South Dakota producer near Apply prior to planting and
wail their turn. This orderly Nowell who uses lcafcutling bees incorporatr: in to the soil
procedure prevents the averages about 500 lb/A on 100 immediately after spraying.
damaging of unemergecl cells. irrigated acres and 150 to 200 Incorporate with PTO-driven
The first adults to emerge are on 270 dryland acres. In 1977 equipment set to cul 2-3 inches
males, who outnumber the his old stands on irrigation deep or use a double disk set to
females al the rate of two or averaged 700 lb and new fields cut 5-6 inches deep and opr:ra tee!
three lo one. produced 100 lb/A. in two different directions at 4-6
Bee boards and soda straws Another South Dakota mph.
provide nests for leafcutting producer near White River uses Shallow incorporation with
bees. Bee boards are generally leafcutting bees and averages implements set to cul less lh,m 2
made of ponclerosa pine cul in 100 lo 150 lb on 250 dryland inches deep may result in erratic
3-x 6-inch strips that are 4 feel acres and 300 to 500 lb on 60 weed control. Do not use a
long. Holes 7/32 inch in diameter acres under irrigation. spring-tooth or spike-tooth
and 2 % inches deep, are spaced A commercial leafcutting bee harrow alone for soil
/z inch apart. keeper in Idaho provides bees to incorporation.
Five boards containing bees producers for 20% of the seed. Do not use benefin wherr:
and three empty boards per acre He ordinarily provides a bout cereals are used as a nurse
are placed in bee houses-one 400,000 bees in one mobile house crop.
for each 40 A. Additional empty for 40 A. On one occasion he EPTC. Use 2-3 lb active
boards are added as needed. doubled the number of bees for 7 ingredient of EPTC per acre to
Tho empty boards are for days; the field produced 1900 control annual grassy and somr:
multiplication of bees, and the lb/A. broadleaved weeds.
houses are for protection from Apply prior to planting and
weather. birds, and rodents. Weeds and Weed Control incorporate immediately to a
The soda straws arc cut in Several cultural practices and depth of 2-4 inches as for
half and placed in bee houses. herbicides control weeds during benefin. Temporary crop
Unforlunately a number of and after the establishment of stunting and searing of the first
insect precla tors infest the alfalfa. The latest herbicide leaves may occur if conditions
alfalfa leafcutting bee nests. recommendations are given in for germination and growth are
Predators include a bout 10 the current FS 525A, "Chemical not optimum.
species of flour beetles (red and weed control in small grains and Do not use EPTC where
black are the most common], the forages." cereals are used as a nurse
checkered flower beetle, several crop, but you may use it with
species of wasps, and a blister N ew Seedings flax.
boot le. If winter temperature Prepare the seedbed 2 ,4-DB. Use Vz -1 lb acid
rises above 40 ° F, beetle larvae immediately before planting for equivalent of 2,4-DB amine or
feed on the bee larvae. annual weed control. Tillage kills 1
/z - % lb of 2,4-DB ester per acre
Many leafcutting bees are weed seedlings and allows the to control kochia, Russian thistle,
stored during the spring in alfalfa lo emerge before new lambsquarters, or pigweed and
rooms where the temperature is weed seedlings come up. 1-1 1/z lb of amine or % -1 lb of
held below 40 F to prevent Companion crops also control ester to control mustards,
beetle larvae from becoming annual weeds. Plant a pennycress, smartweeds, or
active. The temperature is raised companion crop at about one ragweeds. Use higher rates to
in time to permit bees to emerge half the normal seeding rate. On get top kill of Canada thistle and
when the alfalfa is flowering. At dryland, plan to harvest field bindweed.
Apply when alfalfa is over 2 Idaho producers. If you wish to It is a secondary noxious weed
inchos tall and woeds less than 3 use this chemical on a trial in South Dakota and its presence
inches. basis, the following suggestions in alfalfa seed greatly reduces
Do not graze or harvest as are offered. the value of the crop seed.
feed for at loast 60 days aftor Use 1/2 -2 lb acid equivalent of Ordinarily, 90% of dodder
treatment. 2,4-DB amine or 1/2 - l lb of 2,4-DB seeds have hard seedcoats. A
ester per acre to control annual dodder seed may lie dormant in
Established Stands and some perennial broadleaved the soil for several years until
Cultivation can be used to weeds. the seedcoat is broken or
control weeds between the rows Apply when the legume is over cracked, when it then absorbs
of row planted alfalfa. 2 inches tall and annual weeds water and germinates.
Herbicides can be banded over are 2-3 inches tall or perennials Consequently, new seedlings
rows or applied overall on solid are 6-8 inches tall. Use the rates germinate throughout the season
soedings. indicated for various weeds and for several years.
Simazine (tradename Princep). "now seedings." Though dodder may emerge
terbacil (tradename Sinbar). Do not graze or harvest for from soil depths down to 4
motribuzin (tradename Sencor), livestock feed within 30 days inches, most seedlings emerge
pronamide (tradename Kerb] and after application. from the upper inch. A seedling
2,4-DB (tradenames Butyrac and Metribuzin. Use 3/8-1 lb active is rootless and leafless and
Butoxone) may be used in ingredient of metribuzin per acre consists of a fine, yellow,
established stands. to control numerous annual threadlike stem 1-3 inches long.
The ratos indicated below are broadleaved and grassy weeds. When it contacts an alfalfa or
for overall treatments. For band Apply in late fall or early other host plant it twines about
troatments the rates are the spring when alfalfa is dormant. the stem of the host and its
same for the area treated, but Use only on alfalfa that has been connection with the soil withers
are lower for each acre of field. established at least 12 months. and dies. It then sends suckers
For example, a treatment rate of Use the lower rates to control into the host and obtains all of
1 lb/A in 10-inch bands over annual bromes. its nutrients from that plant. It
30-inch rows is 1 lb/A in the Do not graze or harvest hay spreads to other alfalfa or weed
band but only 10 # 30 = 1/3 for 28 days after application. plants, and a single plant may
lb for each acre of field. Pronamide. Use 1-1.5 lb active form a mat up to 10 ft in
ingredient of pronamide per acre diameter.
Simazine. Use 1-1 1/2 lb active to control several annual and It is spread by seed and
ingredient of simazine per acre perennial grasses. The low rate generally first appears as a
to control annual grassy and is for annuals such as the circular patch in a field. This is
broadleaved weeds. annual bromes and the high rate the best time for control.
Apply after harvest before is for perennials such as But there is no easy way to
winter annuals emerge or after bluegrass, wheatgrass and control dodder. It is usually
the first killing frost but before quackgrass. Apply in the late fall necessary to kill top growth of
the soil freezes in the fall. after soil temperatures are the host plant. Tops of perennial
Do not graze treated areas for below 60 ° F. It may also be alfalfa plants can be killed by
30 days or cut for hay for 60 applied in the very early spring flaming with a weed burner or
days after treatment. Do not use to control annual bromes. by using contact herbicides. Or
on sandy soils. Treat only stands Pronamide may be applied in the you can cut the alfalfa near the
that have been established for fall of the seeding years. soil below the point of dodder
one year or more. Rainfall or irrigation is needed attachment. Top growth that is
Terbacil. Use 0.4-1.2 lb active to move the herbicide into the cut off should be removed from
ingredient of terbacil per acre to soil. the field in sacks or burned on
control numerous broadleaved Do not graze or harvest forage the spot.
and grassy annuals. from treated areas for 45 days Obviously, most control
Apply in the fall after harvest after treatment. practices are not usable on
or in the spring before new entire fields and are only
growth starts. Use the lower Dodder Control practical for use on patches.
rates on light soils. Dodder is an annual parasitic In some cases, frequent
Do not use on sandy soils. Do plant that reproduces by seed harrowing of dodder infested
not replant treated areas to any and can be a serious weed in areas has controlled the weed.
crop for 2 years after alfalfa seed fields, reducing seed Harrow every 5-7 days when
application. yield and seed quality. Dodder new growth (spring growth or
2,4-DB. 2,4-DB has not been seeds are similar to alfalfa seed second cutting] of alfalfa is
tested for its effect on alfalfa in size and density, making it developing to prevent many of
seed production in South Dakota very difficult to separate seed of the dodder seedlings from
but has been used by numerous the two species. becoming attached to the alfalfa.
If a dodder seedling does not Tabl e 2. Potential damage to fi rst or second seed crop by major i n ­
become attached shortly after it sect pests i n So uth Dakota.
emerges, it exhausts the food
supply in the small seed and Insect pest Alfalfa seed crop damaged
The most effective contact First crop Second crop
herbicides are dinoseb and PCP
mixed in diesel oil. Use them in Alfalfa weev i l Yes Possi b l e
the same way as outlined for
"desiccation." Use enough spray Aph ids Yes Possi b l e
to thoroughly wet the foliage. ( i n c l udes pea aph i d and spotted
After the alfalfa plants and al fal fa aph i d)
dodder have died, burn the
sprayed patches. Cri c kets Poss i bl e Yes
(pri mari ly black f i e l d cricket)
Insects and Insect Control
Just as the encouragement of G rasshoppers Yes Yes
pollinating insects is important ( i n c l udes d i fferent ial g rasshopper,
to alfalfa seed production, the m i g ratory g rasshopper, red legged
controlling of injurious insects is grasshopper, and two-stri ped
vital to the production of plump, grasshopper)
quality alfalfa seed.
Insects which chew on the Leaf hoppers Yes Yes
plants cause damage which is ( i n c l udes c l over l eafhopper and
quite obvious. Insects which suck potato l eafhopper)
plant fluids or rasp the tissue
produce equally important Plant bugs Yes Yes
damage which may not be visible ( i n c l udes al falfa p lant bug,
for some time after feeding has rapi d p lant bug , and two Lyg u s
occurred. species)
The small size and color
patterns of many species make
Seed chal c i d s Yes Yes
them difficult to observe on the
plant. (i n c l udes alfa l fa seed chalcid
The serious alfalfa seed and clover seed chalc i d)
producer should methodically
and uniformly sample the insect
populations in the seed fields.
Use a standard beating net with oviposition occurs in the stems white, net-like cocoon about the
a 15-inch diameter. when plant growth exceeds 3 size of a pea.
When insect numbers require inches in the spring. Though Where the weevil is usually a
chemical control, refer to the adults feed on foliage, the major problem, dragging or harrowing
current South Dakota insecticide injury is caused by larval foliage fields before growth begins in
recommendations, EC 683, or to feeding. the spring generally reduces
the county Extension agent. Severe damage skeletonizes first crop damage and may keep
If chemical treatments are the leaves, and the field takes on the population below the level
needed after the alfalfa has a whitish appearance similar to requiring chemical control.
begun to bloom, apply them frost damage. Use insecticides to control the
when the pollinating insects are Adults are brownish-black weevil in first crop seed fields
not working the field. Spray at snout beetles 1/8-1/4 inch in when 35% of the plants show
night to reduce the hazard to length. Shiny, lemon-colored eggs chewing injury to the leaves or
pollinators. are inserted into the alfalfa buds.
stems in groups of about 20. If the second crop is to be
Alfalfa Weevil Larvae are whitish-tan on used for seed and the first
Alfalfa weevils have been hatching and change to green cutting is infested, mow it early
found in all South Dakota with a white strip down the back and remove it. Larvae are often
counties since 1973, but counties when about 3/8 inch long and killed when exposed to direct
on the western edge of the state full grown. Pupation takes place sunlight after the hay is
have had most consistent in leaf trash and alfalfa plant removed.
damage. crowns on the soil surface Close observations of the plant
In South Dakota the insect during the first 10 days in July. crowns will show if regrowth is
overwinters in the adult stage; The pupae are covered with a being retarded by larval feeding.
Lyg u s bug (le n g t h = 1 /4 i nc h ) Potato leafh opper (le n g t h = 1 /8 i n c h ) Pea aphid (le n g t h = 1 /8 i n c h )

Should feeding in the crowns of nymphs are born alive and typical veining in the leaves
the second crop be noted. apply require about 12 days to before the foliage yellows and
an insecticide treatment to the complete their growth and begin dies.
stubble. to give birth to their offspring. This aphid is most apt to be a
Use an insecticide for control problem on second crop alfalfa
Aphids whenever the number of pea grown for seed or under
The pea aphid and the spotted aphids per net sweep is 20 or excessively dry conditions on
alfalfa aphid both overwinter as more, unless the ratio of first crop seed.
eggs in the field in South Dakota. ladybugs (adults or larvae) is 1 A black net shows up the
During the summer both species or more per 200 aphids and insect better when sweeping.
reproduce without mating and daily temperature is above 50 F. Use an insecticide when the
give birth to living young Or use chemical control when number of spotted alfalfa aphids
hatched from eggs while inside the growing tip of the alfalfa averages 20 or more per sweep.
the female. Both feed by sucking plant wilts during the heat of the However, infestations are
plant sap from stems or leaves of day (usually about 3 pm) and the usually kept under control by
alfalfa plants. ladybug ratio ( 1 :200) is not beneficial predator insects such
Wilting, yellowing, loss of present. as ladybugs or lacewing flies.
foliage, and heavy coatings of The spotted alfalfa aphid is
the sticky aphid exudate known pale yellow or gray in color with Crickets
as honeydew are symptoms of six rows of black spots on the The black field cricket often
mild to heavy aphid damage. The upper abdomen. It is about 1 / 1 0 migrates from adjacent small
honeydew often supplies the inch long when full grown and grain fields into alfalfa seed
medium for the growth of mold. may or may not have wings. It fields after small grain has been
The pea aphid is solid green in takes about 7 days from birth to harvested.
color, will reach a length of 1 /6 maturity. Small nymphs hatch from eggs
inch, and may or may not have Seedling alfalfa plants are in late May and early June and
wings. During the summer the most severely damaged, showing grow to the adult stage by mid-

G ras s h oppers (le n g t h = 3/4 to 1 1 /2 i n c h ) Spotted al falfa aph i d (le n gt h = 1 / 1 6 i n c h ) Clover leafhopper (le n g t h 1 / 1 6 i n c h)


Black f i eld c r i c ket (le n g t h = i i n c h ) Al falfa pla n t bug (le n g t h = 3/8 i n c h ) Rap i d plan t bug ( l e n g t h = 3/8 i n c h )

August. The body of the adult stems. Nymphs do not have winged and. depending on the
varies from 3/5 inch to 1 inch in functional wings and must walk species, measure 1/20 to 1/4 inch
length. Its antennae are longer or hop to new plants on which to in length. The body is basically
than the body, the hind legs are feed. wedge shaped.
fitted for jumping, and the Closely observe fields and Adults fly out of the foliage,
ovipositor of the female may surrounding areas to locate appearing almost like small dust
reach a length of 1 inch. concentrated areas of hatching clouds. when you walk through a
Crickets are seldom captured nymphs. Apply chemical controls heavily infested field.
in a net because they are on the to these nymphal concentrations. Leafhoppers pierce the tissue
soil under the plants or Timely spraying requires less of leaves and suck plant sap.
windrows. The chirping of the insecticide because less area is Under South Dakota conditions,
males. particularly in late treated and less concentrated they cause little foliage
afternoon or evening, will sprays kill nymphs. Such discoloration other than some
advertise their presence. treatment prevents the yellowing by high popula lions.
By chewing off developing movement of the larger, more Use an insect net to determine
seed pods, crickets often reduce damaging grasshoppers into seed threshold of inj ury populations.
anticipated high seed yields to fields. Ten or more adults or nymphs
very poor yields by the time the Since grasshopper damage to per sweep constitute a
crop is mature. flowering portions and seed pods population that can produce
Individual bales of straw or of seed plants can seriously economic loss. Chemical sprays
burlap bags placed along the reduce yield, dose observation can prevent this loss.
margins of the field can be used of grasshopper populations must
as sites for determining cricket be maintained. One or more Plant Bugs
populations. Turn bales or bags grasshoppers (adults or nymphs) Plant bugs generally constitute
over quickly and count the per net sweep or per square the greatest insect threat to
crickets as they are exposed to yard is sufficiently damaging to alfalfa seed production.
the light. a seed crop to require chemical They pierce the upper stems
Use chemicals for control if an control. and suck plant juices. This
average of two or more crickets If possible apply sprays over damage is not immediately
per bag or bale is counted. the entire field before blooming. identified. Early feeding causes
Later applications can be made florets to drop before or after
Grasshoppers to field borders to control they have been pollinated. Later
While alfalfa hay crops can migrations into the field. feeding restricts nutrient flow to
tolerate quite a few the seed, resulting in shriveled
grasshoppers and still yield a Leafhoppers seed.
crop, alfalfa seed fields can be Several species of leafhoppers In South Dakota the plant bugs
seriously injured by relatively feed on alfalfa. Some species of greatest concern in alfalfa
few of these insects. pass the winter in the egg or seed production are the alfalfa
Injurious species all adult stages in South Dakota, plant bug, the rapid plant bug,
overwinter as eggs in the soil in others migrate into the state in and two species of Lygus (L.
or near alfalfa fields. The the spring from overwintering lineolaris and L. elisus).
nymphs begin to hatch in late locations in southern states. They overwinter in South
May or early June. Young Eggs hatch to produce active Dakota alfalfa fields as adults.
nymphs (and adults) feed by nymphs which can hop short They lay eggs in the growing
chewing on the foliage and distances. Adults are fully point and flowering areas of the
A l falfa weevil larva. p u pa and ad u l t M ost inj u rious insects are so small that it's difficult to see
(ad ult l en g t h = u p t o 1 /4 i n c h ) them on the plants. Y o u m ust regularly sam ple seed fields
with a beating net. I f you sp ray , d o not treat the field w hen
pollinating insects are working the alfalfa.

alfalfa pLmt. The e:=1rly nymphal emergence. Total germination is Harvest by windrowing and
instars are bright green and low. combining with a pickup
about the size of pea aphids. Them is no suitable control attachment or by chemical
Later instars tend to take on for these insects. Where damage curing (desiccation] and direct
more distinct markings and show is a continuing problem it helps combining. The method to use
the developing wings. if all seed producers in the area will he influenced by these
Adults may migrate into seed harvest at the same time-all factors:
fields in large numbers during taking the same cutting for seed. 1. Weather conditions such as
the season. Make weekly This eliminates a buildup of strong winds, rains, or dewless
determinations of populations chalcids on first crop fields to nights.
with the sweep net during all damage second crop fields. 2. Grower preference.
stages of crop growth. Thorough mowing or removal 3. Maturity of stand and
VVhcm the population averages of volunteer alfalfa and clover amount of green seed.
one or more adults or nymphs plants producing seed in the 4. Economy of operation.
per sweep, use chemical control area also eliminates buildup 5. Length of harvesting season.
to prevent economic loss. sites for chalcids. Destroying
light seed removed in the Chemical Curing
Seed Chalcids cleaning process prevents adults The use of chemicals to
The alfalfa seed chalcid and from emerging from such artifically cure an alfalfa seed
the clover seed chalcids are very material. crop so it can be harvested by
small black wasps about 1/15 direct combining is an accepted
inch in length. These insects practice.
overwinter as full grown larvae Harvesting Chemical curing eliminates the
in the alfalfa seed in storage or As a general rule. harvest need for cutting and windrowing,
in the field. alfalfa seed when about two­ which may increase loss of seeds
Adults lay their eggs in the thirds of the seed pods are (40-50 lb/A in Nebraska tests]
developing seed after hatching, brown. This stage is difficult to due to shattering. Furthermore,
larvae destroy the inner portions distinguish when the flowering direct combining of treated
of the seed. extends over a long period but crops reduces the hazard of
Infested seed is lighter than easily identified when sufficient windrows being blown about by
normal seed and is commonly pollinators were used to do the the wind.
blown over with the chaff by the pollinating in 7 to 10 days. Apply chemical desiccants
combine. The wasps then emerge Harvesting too early collects when the principal seed crop is
later in the season to provide a too many immature seeds, while mature or at about the same
second generation, or the full late harvesting causes shattering time as the field normally would
grown larvae pass the winter in and may allow sprouting; both be cut with a swather.
the seeds. result in lower seed yield and Materials used for chemical
Damaged seed in winter qualilty. Inclement weather at drying are classified as contact
storage contains many with harvest time reduces not only herbicides. Sprays kill only leaf
cracked coats and with small the amount of seed but also the and stem tissue that is contacted
holes caused by adult quality. by the spray solution. Therefore,
it is important to obtain good temperature is cooler near the is essential. All too frequently,
spray coverage. ground than at a short distance germination is reduced by
Chemicals approved for use in above the ground. This cap of mechanical damage at harvest
desiccating an alfalfa seed crop warm air prevents air mixing time and may not meet the
include diquat, dinoseb [dinitros­ vertically, and the spray standards for seed certification.
DNBP & DNAP) PCP (penta), and particles are not mixed with the Seed is not marketable unless
endothal. surrounding air. A cloud of it meets certain minimum
Dinoseb. Mix dinoseb spray droplets may be standards of germination. It then
compounds with oil and/or suspended and carried great has to be rerun over special
water. Dinoseb and oil acts quite distances under these conditions. machines to remove cracked or
rapidly and is effective in drying PCP. Under Nebraska broken seeds or "light seed. "
all types of weeds and grasses. conditions dinoseb and PCP have During this process, some good
It is less effective under cool given the most consistent results. seed is unavoidably removed,
conditions. Seed pods that are They have been superior in adding to the loss of seed due to
not mature at application do not drying up weed growth which improper threshing.
produce good seed. Very heavy occurs in the seed crops. No Seedsmen often report an
foliage may require a second effect on germination has been excessive amount of inert
applica lion. Treated crops can found. material in alfalfa seed. Some
be combined in about 5 days. Both chemicals give rapid growers produce seed with only
Use 1 1/4 -2 lb active ingredient drying action which may permit 5-10% inert matter, while others
in 10 gal of diesel oil per acre harvesting as soon as 24 hours deliver seed containing 50-60 %
for aerial application. Use 8-15 after treatment when hot, dry inert.
gal of oil per acre or :m gal of a conditions prevail. A period of The latter group pays trucking
1 to 5 ratio oil-water emulsion in 2-3 days is a more common on twice as much weight as is
ground rigs. interval. necessary and only gets paid for
Apply when the principal seed Use 4-6 lb active ingredient the half of the truckload that is
crop is mature enough for (4-6 qts) of PCP per acre after "clean seed." The situation can
harvest by swathing. If foliage is most seed pods have turned be avoided by adj usting the
heavy, make two applications 2 brown. Apply in 5-10 gal of combine properly.
days apart using 1 1/i lb/A in diesel fuel by air. Though many suggestions for
each application. Endothal. Endothal is slower the adjustment of the machine
Follow all handling acting than other desiccants and can be offered, the best is "read
precautions as dinoseb is works best on seed crops that your operator manual and follow
extremely toxic and stains badly. are low in moisture. Results have the directions when making your
Do not graze treated areas or sometimes been disappointing initial adjustments. " Then you
feed the forage to livestock. when endothal was applied to may have to make minor changes
Diquat. Diquat mixed in lush growth. depending on harvest conditions.
water is extremely effective on For medium stands use 6 lb Cylinder Adjustment. Adjust
alfalfa in Idaho and normally active ingredient ( 1 1/2 gal) in 8 1/2 the cylinder so that the closest
dries a crop in 7 to 10 days. gal of water per acre. For heavy cylinder bar is not less than 1/8
Although it dries a crop stands, use 4 lb ( 1 gal) in 9 gal of inch and not more than 3/8 inch
relatively fast, some pods which water per acre and repeat in 5-7 from the concave on the rasp-bar
are not quite ripe will mature. days. Apply when the principal cylinder. Maintain this clearance
Use 1 1/2 -2 pts in 10 gal of seed crop is mature enough for for most fields even though the
water per acre by air or 15-30 harvest by swathing. Weather front clearance is usually
gal of water with ground rig. Use will affect drying time, but this greater than the rear clearance.
a wetting agent. Apply when the crop is usually ready to combine Adjust field rate of very heavy
principal seed crop is mature 8-10 days after treatment. crop so that not more than a
enough for harvest by swathing. Do not graze treated areas or 5/8-inch clearance is needed.
Don't apply to crop wet from feed forage or seed from treated Cylinder Speed. Amount of
rain. Do not graze treated areas crops to livestock. seed damage is closely related to
or feed treated forage to surface speed of the cylinder.
livestock. Combining When combines are properly
Although diquat is a water Many growers can save adjusted visible damage can be
soluble, non-volatile salt, it may alfalfa seed and improve its reduced to 5 % or less.
drift considerably because of the quality by paying more attention Excessive cylinder speed
very small spray droplets from to the proper adjustment of the breaks up the straw to a greater
aerial application. Do not apply combine. Harvesting conditions extent, overloads the separating
when drifting may be a problem, may vary greatly from year to shoe, and causes excessive seed
especially during periods of year and even from day to day. damage. Too slow a cylinder
inverted field air Adjustment of the combine to speed increases the amount of
temperature-when the fit specific conditions of the crop unthreshed seed.
You can use lower cylinder need to remove some of the fan Though it may be necessary to
speeds when flax rolls are blades. Be sure to keep the fan ch,mge ground speed, be sure to
mounted in front of the cylinder. in balance. If removal of the fan maintain the same cylinder
l: se a cvlinder speed of 700-1300 blades is not possible, modify the speed.
rpm. shutiers so that wind can he Alfalfa seed losses increase
Calculate proper cylinder controlled. Adjust wind for rapidly if the 145 lb/min feed
surface speed hy first maximum seed recovery rather rate is exceeded or reduced. A
multiplying cylinder ciiF1meter (ft) than for amount of clean seed. 10% increase in feed rate above
by 3. 14 to obtain the cylinder Set the wind deflector to 145 lb/min increases total seed
circumference. Then multiply the direct the air blast to the front loss by 20% .
circumference hy cylinder speed half of the chaffer. Raise the To obtain an average of 145
(rpm). Use the lowest cylinder chaffer extension about one inch lb/min of material entering the
speed whenever possible: al the rear and open it a little machine, calculate or estimate
Windrowed: wider than the main chaffer to the tons per acre (dry weight] of
without flax rolls obtain maximum recovery of alfalfa in the field, select the
3600-4400 ft/min unthreshed pods and free seeds appropriate width of cut of the
with flax rolls missed by the chaffer. machine, and then determine the
4200A800 ft/min If large amounts of tailings correct speed of the machine.
Spray-cured: 4000-5000 ft/min pass through the return auger, Use the formula:
the setting of the adjustment mph = 35.89 ..;- (A x width of cut].
Straw Walkers. Operate straw sieve or fan blast is incorrect for Ground speed is given in Table 3
walkers at the manufacturer's conditions of the crop and the for two widths of cut.
recommended speed and check return auger or elevator will
regularly to make sure they are plug.
not plugged. Examine walker Method of Harvest. When Table 3. G round speed for two
curtain or curtains lo be sure harvesting spray cured stands machines to give a feed of 1 45
they are not torn and are in the by the direct cut method attach lb/min with several production
down position. a short vertical cutter bar on levels of al falfa.
Cleaning Shoe and Fan. Under one end of the platform or
most conditions, set adjustable header to help reduce shatter Width of
chaffers with openings of 3/8-1/2 losses. Use lifter guards, and you cut (It) T/A mph
inch, measured at right angles to may remove the reel in light 1.5 1 .99
the axis of the openings. Set stands. 2.0 1 .49
sieve openings at 1/16-1/8 inch. For the windrowed method, 12 2.5 1 .20
Use a grain sieve with hole sizes use a ground driven belt pickup 3.0 1 .00
of 1/10-5/32 inch in diameter. device. Adjust the speed so that 3.5 0.85
Clean all sieves at least twice it is 10-15% faster than the
each day. To obtain the proper ground speed of the machine. 1 .5 1 .71
wind adjustment, open the fan Mount a block on the cutter bar 2.0 1 .28
shutters to the maximum and edge of the platform to prevent 14 2.5 1 .02
close gradually to decrease the pods and free seed from being 3.0 0.85
amount of wind going over the carried off the front edge of the 3.5 0.73
shoe until seed loss is reduced to header.
a minimum. When using either the direct
Cleaning fan settings vary cut or the pickup belt, reduce
considerably among makes of the speed of the platform feed
combines, so always consult the auger to get good feeding action.
operator manual for specific Spray cured stands may
recommendations. On machines require reducing the auger
equipped with variable speed speed 50% below the speed
fans, reduce fan speed gradually recommended by the
to obtain the same effect. After manfacturer.
each change, check the previous Rate of Harvest. The
seed loss over the shoe. harvesting rate is as important
When the wind is properly in alfalfa seed harvesting as it is
adjusted there should be only an in all other crops where the
occasional light seed in the air combine is used. Maintaining a Issued i n f u rt h erance of Cooperative E x t e n s i o n work,
stream and a minimum loss of constant feed rate of 145 lb/min Acts of May 8 and June 30. 1 9 1 4, 1 n cooperat ion wit h
t h e USDA. H ol l i s O H al l , D irector of Cooperative E x ­
free seed riding over the chaff. is a good rule of thumb. Vary the tension Serv i c e , SDSU. Brookings Educational pro­
If the amount of wind is still forward speed of the machine grams and materials offered without regard to age,
race. color, re l i g i o n . sex, hand icap or national origin.
too high after shutters are closed (you may have to change gears) A n Equal Opport u n ity Employer.
Fi l e · 1 4·5-3-5,000 pri nted at esti mated 329 cents
or fan speed decreased, you may to maintain this rate. eac h -3-81 mb - 6222A


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