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How to pay Your debt

Familiarizing with credit cards.


'Flexible friend' or 'plastic money' are two of the most

widespread unofficial terms used to refer to credit cars in the
English-speaking countries. These are quite affectionate terms,
and most people are pleased to have a credit card or two. There
are also individuals who cannot trust themselves with a real
credit card and they normally use pre-paid cards, which means
that you have to put the money into the card's account before
you can draw any money out. These are obviously not credit
cards as the holder does not get any credit. Debit cards are like

A credit card is a vital function of modern living for most people.

There are reasons for this such as robbery is a concern in some
cities; people do not have time to go to the ATM and some people
buy a lot of articles over the Internet such as from eBay. A lot of
people buy their groceries on line and have them delivered when
they get back from the office.

Before you submit an application for a credit card, it is worth

learning a little about the safety measures you ought to take to
be protected by federal law in the USA and national laws in other

Make sure that you can be properly identified from the details
that you provide on the application form especially if you have a
common name like John Smith or Ann Jones. After all, you do not
want to be denied for something that your namesake was guilty
of, and you do not want somebody else to be able to steal your
identity and get their hands on your savings account either.

The average American civilian has roughly ten credit cards, so

you can imagine the number of applications for credit cards that
need to be processed every day. If you do not assist with your
identification as much as you can there could be long delays too.

When a credit card form says that you have been 'pre-approved' it
does not mean that you are certain to get a card. It means that
the firm guarantees you that they will consider your application.
In other words, it is drivel - just a marketing trick.

If you receive one of these pre-accepted forms, you might just as

well go online and submit an application to the same bank there.
The on line application form will often ask for a reference
number, and you have that on your sheet of paper. If you use that
reference, you will not lose any of the incentives that you were
being offered, but your application will be looked at far more
quickly that if you post it.

When you receive your credit card, sign it on the back right away.
You should also make a note of the card number on the front and
the telephone number on the back. If you misplace the card or
suspect a scam, you should get in touch with that number right
away and have the card 'stopped.' You can get another one from
the same firm pretty quickly.

You will almost certainly be offered some form of insurance with

the card. Read the details about this very carefully. Some
schemes are great others are rubbish.

Thanks for downloading this book. It’s my firm belief that it will
provide you with all the answers to your credit cards questions
Table of Contents
How to pay off your credit card debt strategically:......................................................1
Familiarizing with credit cards.....................................................................................1
Chapter 1 Eight facts about bad credit cards that you will need to know..........................5
Chapter 2 Owning and running a business today often requires the skills of a juggler by
use of credit cards................................................................................................................6
Chapter 3 How To Get Out Of Debt...................................................................................8
Chapter 3 Credit Card Secrets...........................................................................................11
Chapter 4 How Much Debt Do You Owe And What Is Your Credit Score.....................14
Chapter 5 Get Extraordinary Tips For Debt Management................................................15
Chapter 6 Debt Elimination Techniques............................................................................16
Debt Elimination Strategies...........................................................................................19
Chapter 7 Credit Card Debt Reduction Advice - Ups And Downs..................................20
Chapter 8 credit card balance transfer is a kind of consolidation of debt.........................22
Chapter 9 How To Make A Balance Transfer On Your Credit Card...............................23
Chapter 10 How To Deal With Debt Problems?...............................................................24
CHAPTER 11 Legitimate Repair Credit Tips That Increase Credit Score.......................25
Chapter 12 Steps to Building Your Credit Again..............................................................26
Chapter 13 Learn How to Keep Your Credit Card Purchases to a Minimum...................28
7 Steps to Getting Out of Debt - Permanently...............................................................29
Chapter 1 Eight facts about bad credit cards that you will
need to know.

1. Some credit cards for poor credit score need a security deposit. If you sign up for a
secured card, expect to submit money security deposit. The quantity can variety from
$200 to $500 or higher, based on the credit restrict you'll need.

2. Some credit cards for bad credit don't need entail safety deposit. You will discover
now credit cards for a bad credit score that doesn't need for the submission of cash
deposit. These credit cards are known as unsecured bad credit score credit cards.
However, the rate of interest at the same time since the processing fees and finance fees
are expected to be higher than a secured card.

3. The pace is greater than the normal typical card. As a result of the greater threat, credit
cards for people with bad credit score commonly have a higher rate of interest than
typical cards.

4. Not all prepaid credit cards can be considered to rebuild the credit rating. In case your
prepaid card issuer reviews to a significant credit bureau, then it is possible to use it to
enhance your score. Nonetheless, not all prepaid cards in the marketplace provide credit
score reporting provision, so this is one thing you ought to examine just before signing up
for any bank card.

5. The costs may lead you to poor credit. Aside from an economical charge, you must
appear for any credit card with an affordable and minimal set of charges. This can be
especially significant for a prepaid credit card or debit cards. As an example, most
prepaid cards will charge for every transaction you make making use of the card. You
might also be charged with a yearly fee or a month-to-month charge to help keep your
account active.

6. You can use your credit card to rebuild poor credit score. By way of regular use on the
card and timely payment, you need to be able to improve your credit background and
credit worthiness following six months or lengthier.
7. Not all bad credit card issuers give an upgrade. Some credit cards for poor will
immediately upgrade your account if you can consistently submit your payment in a year.
Nonetheless, in case your issuer doesn't automatically offer you an upgrade, you must
consider the initiative to switch to an unsecured credit card account or perhaps a regular
account as soon as you strengthen your poor credit score to enjoy a lower rate of interest,
higher credit restricts and far better privileges.

8. Not all bad credit card gives are legitimate. Shoppers require watching out against
fraudulent credit card presents specifically when applying to get a charge card on the
internet. ID thieves may use the world wide web to steal personal facts from people today
by way of fake poor credit score charge card gives. Do your investigation initial before
signing up software.
Chapter 2 Owning and running a business today often
requires the skills of a juggler by use of credit cards
managing to keep your business competitive while growing your customer base and
remaining profitable - all while keeping an eye on the budget - is a challenge few can
handle. If you're reading this, you know what it takes to start or manage business, and
you know you have what it takes.

But sometimes, a little helpful guidance can help you discover brand new ways to grow
your customer base and increase your bottom line - all without breaking the bank.

Take credit cards, for instance. It's likely you've thought about accepting credit cards at
your business. But something is holding you back. Maybe you aren't sure how to go
about it, or what steps you should take to select a merchant account provider - the
business that handles credit card processing for you. Maybe you don't understand just
how credit card transactions are processed.

Or maybe all those supposed benefits of accepting credit cards seem like just a lot of
hype. Whatever it is that's making you hesitate, you keep coming back to the question:
should your business start accepting credit cards? Business advisors say yes, and here's a
list of reasons why:
It's easy to open a merchant account. Today, there are more merchant account providers
to choose from than ever before. Competition among providers has made them more
accessible and more affordable, and has dramatically reduced fees and costs, as well as
the steps necessary in the initial application process.
Variety is the spice of life - and of merchant accounts. All that aforementioned
competition among account providers has made them even more keenly aware of the
need to provide a wide range of services and options designed to evolve with your
business over time. As a result, you can choose a merchant account provider today that
can see your business through all stages of development and can help identify cost-saving
strategies along the way.
Whether you want to do business from a storefront, online, by mail or phone, or on the
road using a laptop or even a cell phone, merchant account providers today can offer you
the services that can allow you to do just that.
Approval is quick and easy. The application can be completed right online, and in most
cases your account will be approved within two to 10 days. All you need are your
business' financial records and a business bank account to get the approval process
Processing is secure. No matter where you do business, processing of credit card
transactions is handled effortlessly by your merchant account provider. By using a retail
terminal - called a swipe or point-of-sale (POS) terminal - a web store shopping cart, or a
computer or cell phone, all credit card information is sent electronically to the card issuer,
where it's validated and approved for processing. At the end of the day, all of the
proceeds from your account are transferred automatically and seamlessly to the business
bank account you've designated. No fuss, no hassle, and no risk of lost or stolen cash or
Credit cards can give your business "instant credibility." Consumer researchers have
spent a lot of time studying the spending habits and attitudes of credit card users, and one
of the most interesting bits of data they've uncovered is that businesses that accept credit
cards are viewed much more favorably than those that only accept cash. Consumers tend
to view those businesses as being more trustworthy, established, and financially secure
than cash-only businesses. And that attitude exists for both credit card and cash shoppers!
Credit cards can increase your profits substantially. Not only will you gain a lot more
customers simply by accepting credit cards, your bottom line will also grow fatter and
healthier as a result. Consumers love their credit cards. Flexible repayment plans that let
the customer decide how and when to pay, as well as reward points and valuable bonuses
for using their cards - these are just a couple of the factors that have made credit cards so
popular among today consumers.

But it's more than that: credit card users also tend to spend more than cash customers, and
they tend to shop more often - two habits that can help your business earn bigger profits.
What's more, credit card users are far, far more likely to make impulse purchases - and
more expensive impulse purchases, at that - than cash buyers.
Hopefully this article has helped you understand a little bit more about the process
involved in accepting credit cards, and also helped you gain an understanding of the true
advantages that opening a merchant account can offer to your business. Whether you're
convinced or still a little unsure, there's no time like the present to start surfing the web,
comparing a few merchant account services to get a better idea of how they can benefit
your business.
Chapter 3 How To Get Out Of Debt

Those who use a lot of credit cards often have a lot of debt that they are trying to pay off.
Many people have been able to get in touch with these great methods and tools that will
help you get out of the current amount of credit card debt. It is very possible to get ahead
once again within just a few short years and most never go back to another charge card
ever again.

If you do not know about the debt that you are dealing with, now is the right time to add
it up. Having a number to pay off is a great starting point that will allow the individual to
start making payments and arrangements that they know that they can easily afford. Get
all of the most recent bills or account statements that will show off the balances that need
to be paid off as well as how long they are past due.

Get on the phone with the current credit card companies and ask them how they can help.
This is going to take lots of courage and confidence, but it will be easier to pay off the
actual credit card debt. Talk about different options that are currently available and it
should be relatively simple to start getting ahead. The longer that you wait around to get a
hold of these companies, the worse the situation is going to get.

Some of these companies will be able to determine if you are eligible for a new payment
plan or not. Those who have the right payment history will be able to get lower set plans
that they can easily afford. Make sure to hand over payment to every company that needs
one right over the phone and they are going to be more than willing to help you out and
make sure that this debt is paid off soon.

If the new payment plan is not an option, get a hold of different services that can help out
with the credit card debt. Take time to talk with reputable services that are more than
willing to help out and talk with creditors on your behalf. Keep in mind, these services
will come with their own price so be prepared to pay a little extra money to get out of
While working with different debt services, it will be much easier to settle some of that
debt at a much lower price. Creditors simply want to be paid and close the account, so
they are willing to settle at a discounted balance. Take advantage of what they have to
offer and it will be much easier to live without all of the extra fees and charges each and
every month.

Act quickly because those who just wait too long and put it off are not going to be able
to get the help and services that they need. If the debt is currently piling up too fast,
simply get in touch with the right support and see what they can do.

It is going to be very easy to get out of credit card debt if you can follow the right steps.
Try not to miss any of the new payments and make sure that the creditors are aware of
any and all changes.

Normally credit cards are used for buying almost anything, and if you do not pay the
whole borrowed amount within the stipulated grace period(usually 25 days) after the
credit card bill is issued, high rate of interest is charged. This keeps adding up due to the
cumulative effect which over a period can get you into substantial debt. If you do not
have control over your spending habits and if you are not regular in repayment of credit
card bills, you may soon find yourself facing the problem of credit card debt. Due to the
ease of use, credit cards have become a necessity rather than a luxury. Almost everyone
has at least one credit card, and many have more than two.

If you find yourself in such a situation, do not lose heart but concentrate on how to solve
it. This problem can be overcome with firm determination and planning. The main thing
is to have control on your spending. There are certain steps you must take if you want to
get out of credit card debt. These are time-tested tips which many have used successfully.
You must be ready to take certain difficult steps for the difficult situation of credit card

This problem is not unique to you alone, and many have been successful in defeating
debt. If others can do, you too can be successful and never allow this problem to
overcome you. But you must remember that these steps are difficult to take and need will
power. The most important step is your determination and willingness to solve this
problem. Keep repeating to yourself that you can successfully solve this issue. You must
develop ample self-confidence and will power to cope with this issue.
Stop using your credit cards and get a debit card instead which is tied to your bank
account. This way you can not spend more than what you have in your account. This is
the most difficult step especially if you are addicted to shopping but is the most important
step to your road to success. If you can achieve this, you have almost won the battle
against credit card debt. Take stock of the situation by calculating the total amount of
credit card debt on all the credit cards you have. Once you arrive at this figure, you will
know the real position you are in. When you do this calculation, do not forget to take into
account the reward points earned on individual cards.

Make a realistic plan which you can afford for getting out of credit card debt. Start
paying more than the minimum amount of your credit card bill every month and within a
year, you will find that your credit card debt has decreased considerably. For instance,
suppose you have a credit card debt of $1000, you are required to pay the minimum
amount of 2% which amounts to $20 per month. If you keep paying this minimum
amount of $20, it will take about 13 years for you to pay back $1000 with interest if you
do not add to the debt by making use of the card. But if you increase the monthly amount
by $10 and make it $30, the debt amount of $1000 can be paid back within 34 months
provided you do not increase the principal amount. This shows how the increase in
monthly bill payments can reduce your debt considerably.Remember to pay your credit
card bills before the bill closing date or before the start of a grace period (which is 20 to
25 days after the bill closing date) you save considerably on the interest charges. Paying
just before the deadline at the end of the grace period can cost you considerably more in
interest charges which may be almost double.
Chapter 3 Credit Card Secrets

There are many secrets that credit card companies don't want you to know. There are
ways that you can avoid user fees and pay little to no interest on purchases. You are a
customer and each credit card company wants your business. Make them work for you.
Here are a few tips on budgeting about credit card secrets that will offer you a great deal
of personal finance help.

1. Interest Backdating

Unfortunately many credit card companies charge you interest rates as high as 18% from
the moment you make a purchase. Suddenly that cheeseburger you bought on the first
day of the month for $4 has suddenly cost you $4.72 or 18% more. The more purchases
you make with that credit card the more everything will end up costing.

Other credit card issuers only charge interest to those who have an outstanding balance
with their account. This is a more favourable option for those who use their credit card a
lot but if you are the type of person who carries a balance each month you may quickly
find that you are sinking into debt.

I'll show you three tips on budgeting for either situation that will provide a great amount
of personal finance help.

Option 1: Find a different credit card issuer. They all want your business and will
sometimes compete for it.

Option 2: ALWAYS pay the total amount of your credit card balance in full. Never miss
or be late for a payment.

Option 3: Only use cash. Only use a credit card if that item is a major purchase like a
washing machine. These allow you time to budget and still help your credit rating.
2. Double Fees On Cash Advances

Some people don't realize that cash advances are a costly way to spend money. Many
card issuers impose both transaction fees and finance charges on cash advances.
Transaction fees can be as high as 2.5% of the total amount taken. The other aspect that
many people don't take into consideration is that interest starts from the day of the
advance. Suddenly the $200 you took out has suddenly ballooned to $240 in just one
month. One other thing to consider is the 'fine print' that you need to read. Some cards
offer 'no finance charges' but transaction fees may still apply. The solution to this
problem is to limit the amount of cash advances you use or to not use them at all.

3. Eliminating Grace Periods

The offers some credit card companies lure you in with may sound a lot better than they
actually are. The $12,000 limit and the endless rewards and benefits are often a
misleading way of finding another way to get money out of you. The most common
'string' attached with these issuers is a card that has NO grace period. That basically
means you are charged interest on every purchase from day one, even if you pay the bill
on time. The personal finance help I am offering is to shred these 'too good to be true'
offers the moment they arrive in your mailbox. Chances are the card you have right now
is better than anything they can offer.

In my next post I will continue to share some credit card secrets that will offer the
personal help you may need. Credit cards are incredibly user friendly but unfortunately
there is often a hefty price tag attached to that convenience.

I suggest that you look through my blog to receive the free E-Book, free budget
spreadsheet, free calculators and links to various tools and tips on budgeting. We also
have a few leaked videos to help with your finances.

There are plenty of tips on budgeting out there for you to pick from and many ways that
you can avoid user fees and pay little to no interest on purchases. You as the customer
have the choice to let your credit card work for you. Here are a few more exciting credit
card secrets that will offer you a great deal of personal finance help.

Two-cycle Billing
This is one other way that credit card companies will attempt to get more money from
you and many people don't even realize that two-cycle billing exists. In short, issuers will
calculate an interest charge that is two months of interest if you were unable to pay off
the balance in full. It seems like a nasty trick, but you are borrowing their money after all.
This problem only occurs if you switch from paying on time all of the time to carrying a
monthly balance. The tips on budgeting I'll offer to rectify this problem is to switch to a
new card issuer or ALWAYS pay your balance in full.

Fees Are Negotiable

Some cards charge service fees of $50 per month or more. The question you need to ask
yourself is if paying a fee is worth the 'privilege' of using that particular card. Some
companies also make you subject to pay finance charges of over 18%. The solution to
this problem is easy to solve. If you are a good customer, your bank may be willing to
drop the annual fee or reduce the interest rate or both. The only way you can make this
work is if you go in and ask. If that doesn't work switch to a new credit card company.

Shortened Due Dates

The most common grace period for credit cards is 25 days. You have this amount of time
to pay for your purchases, or you will be subject to high-interest rates. Some banks have
started to offer shorter grace periods of just 20 days - but only to those customers who
pay in full every month. This is fine if you like the thought of the 20 day grace period. If
you are less than thrilled about that idea the easy fix is to talk with your bank and they
will probably switch you back to the usual 25 days. If they are unwilling to fulfill this
request, it may be time for a change.

For every issue, there is a remedy when dealing with your credit cards. You as a customer
have the right to negotiate annual fees and interest rates. Someone will want your
business and will make sacrifices to make you their customer. Hopefully, this list of
options offered you the personal finance help you deserve.
Chapter 4 How Much Debt Do You Owe And What Is Your
Credit Score

Having personal debt can be likened to having an elephant in the living room. You know
that it's there, but you don't want to think about it or acknowledge its presence. Be
proactive! Now is the time to be level-headed and be realistic about your debt, to find the
answer to the question that is on everyone's mind: "just how much debt do I owe?"

If you don't know the answer to this question, do not feel too bad. A lot of people don't
know, and if they do know, many times, their spouses have no idea. You can't heal your
finances without knowing just how much baggage you are carrying and at what interest
rates. So grab your bills, get a calculator and determine how much is your debt.Besides, it
might be cathartic to put everything down on paper, and it might not even be as bad as
you think it is!

As you might already be aware, your credit report is a reflection of your responsibility
when it comes to taking on new debt and might have an effect on your ability to obtain
credit, get a new car, living situation, or even a job.

You can obtain one free report once a year from each of the three credit bureaus. That's
three credit reports all in all. So it makes sense to get one every four months. This is a
surefire and free way to be certain that you haven't fallen victim to identity theft.

To get a hold of a free credit report, you can pay a visit to; this
site is set made by the Federal Trade Commission. The thing to know about credit
reports? High scores are good, low are bad. Once you begin to pay off your debt, the
score will rise once you begin to fall behind with payments, the score will drop. A high
score means lower interest rates, and a low score means higher rates.
Chapter 5 Get Extraordinary Tips For Debt Management

People all over the world are finding it hard to make ends meet, but with debt
management it can be done. The key is to get your mindset into following a plan, and
sticking to it. It can be done, and the more you practice the steps, the easier it is to do.
Self control, budgeting, and planning is the way to financial freedom.

Start at the beginning with a rational plan. Write down a budget, and plan for it to fail!
Making a budget work takes time, sometimes a few month. Also, know that you will have
to budget a small amount for blowing, all for yourself. There is a psychological aspect to
indebtedness, deprivation for months will not work.

Accept the fact that clamping down on over spending is critical. Piling on more bills only
leads to more debt. If you find that it is hard to do when out and about shopping for
example, take along an accountability partner, that is responsible with their finances.

Immediately get in touch with all of the credit card institutions that you have an account
with. Slowly but surely get rid of the smallest debts owed. You will find again that being
mentally content will help get out of debt quick.

Get in touch with other indebted creditors. Speak with them about a reduction in the bill
and repayment options. Talk with your bank about house loans, vehicle, and with other
types of financial institutions that is owed money. Most will work with the situation, as
long as payments are not to far in arrears.

Another way to get out of debt is to put away the debit card too, and take cash to pay
bills, and to go shopping. Swiping away with a card of this type, is just like over using a
credit card. Besides, having a pre-planned budget, and taking along limited cash means
saving it. While you are at it, saved a portion of your money in a savings account. This
will help on bad financial days when something breaks down.
Using these steps of management, budgeting and planning, out of debt will soon be in
sight. It will be a bright future, it takes stick to it, and the passage of more time to get
there. Stay on course, and know that it works.
Chapter 6 Debt Elimination Techniques

According to the Collins English Dictionary (3rd Edition, 1991), the word 'technique'
means, "A practical method, skill or art applied to a particular task." This allows us to
work from the definition of Debt Elimination Techniques as, "The practical methods and
skills required to eliminate a person debt."

I think that now more than ever people are eager to eliminate their debt liabilities. The
credit crunch has at least served the useful purpose of waking people up to the dangers of
debt and the financial freedom that can be realized by ridding themselves of their debt

Unfortunately, the majority of people simply cannot even begin to eliminate their debts,
simply because it can appear to be an insurmountable task. However, by learning and
applying three simple debt elimination techniques, you will see that becoming completely
debt free is well within your reach - and much sooner than you might expect.

The first thing you must do to become debt free is getting control of your cash flow. Most
people simply cannot account for where their money is going every month, let alone what
it is accomplishing for them. If you do not know what is happening to your money every
month, you have no hope of controlling your cash flow, and any other debt elimination
technique becomes useless.

To control your cash flow you must know it intimately, and the most thorough method
for doing this is to keep simply a diary of everything you spend in a typical month - and I
mean everything! With every penny accounted for you can now put this information into
a simple chart (use an Excel spreadsheet to make it easier). Your chart, which we will call
your Monthly Statement, should clearly show your total income (after tax), all your
individual expenses and your total expenses. You now have the valuable and essential
knowledge of what your money is doing every month, and you can now move on to the
next technique, and discover just how quickly you can become totally debt free!
Now that you have the foundational knowledge of knowing what your money is doing
every month, you can now apply the second technique to get yourself free from debt. It
might be worth at this point to encourage ourselves and build ourselves up to the task of
eliminating all of our debt. The techniques I am advocating here can appear to be boring,
tiresome and hard work, but in reality, this is far from the truth. I can tell you from
personal experience that as you apply these techniques to your finances, you will quickly
see how you are creating wealth in your financial life - wealth for you and your family's
enjoyment and benefit. As well as being exciting and rewarding, you will be filled with
an ever-increasing confidence in your abilities to manage your finances and become
completely debt free.

The second skill you must learn and apply is concerned with controlling your expenses. It
is precise because you have not controlled your expenses in the first place that you find
yourself in the problem of being in debt. To correct a problem or mistake, you must go
back to the beginning to get yourself on the right path - continuing on the wrong path will
simply exasperate the problem. In addressing the problem of debt, going back is the
quickest way to advance forwards, and there are no shortcuts.

With your Monthly Statement, work down your expenses column and ask the following
questions, "Is this an essential expense (Sky TV for example)? Can I live without this
(e.g. your morning Starbucks coffee)? Can I reduce this expense (e.g. by running a
cheaper or more economical car)? As you work through your expenses you will be
surprised at how much all your little savings can add up to, and rest assured; you will
enjoy watching the spare money you have increase.

With this step completed, you can now take your total income figure and subtract your
new total expenses figure. This will (hopefully) leave you with a positive amount of spare
cash every month. This figure will be your weapon for ridding yourself of all your debts
within seven years for most people, so ensure you complete this step with due diligence
and move on to the final technique.

We have identified the amount of spare cash you have every month - it is now time to
leverage this money in such a manner that it enables you to become debt free (including
your mortgage) within seven years!
Create a new chart similar to your Monthly Statement that details all of your debts. The
columns you need are Name of Debt (e.g. MasterCard), Amount Outstanding (the total
amount you have left to pay to clear the debt) and Minimum Monthly Payment (make
sure this is the minimum amount you are obliged to pay, not what you are currently
paying). Organize your list with the debt that has the least amount of money outstanding
at the top of the list.
Now, you are going to take all of the spare cash that you identified and add it to the
minimum payment on the debt at the top of the list. You then pay this amount off every
month, while continuing to make the minimum payments on the other debts in the
meantime, until this first debt is paid off completely.

It is essential at this point to note the need for flexibility when using this final technique.
Do not think that you are leaving yourself with no spare cash every month should an
emergency arise. Far from it - you are leveraging the spare cash you do have to eliminate
your debts and increase your wealth. If needs be, you can always simply pay the
minimum amount on all debts and use the spare cash you have elsewhere if required. It is
always your decision, and you should use your good judgment on where to put your spare

When you have succeeded in paying off the first debt on your list, take the money you
were paying off the debt (the minimum payment plus your excess cash), and buy yourself
a treat! Yes, congratulate yourself and reward yourself. Enjoy your first significant
victory in your fight against debt, for you have just created a little bit more wealth and
financial freedom for you and your family.

Now back to work! After rewarding yourself, take the amount you were paying off your
first debt (spare cash plus minimum payment) and add it to the minimum payment on the
second debt on your list. Continue in this manner, and nine out of ten people will become
completely debt free with seven to ten years - then you can celebrate!

Debt Elimination Strategies

Choosing the right strategy to get out of debt is crucial to your long-term financial health
and wealth. If you have been exploring this subject for any length of time, you may find
yourself confused about the best way to eliminate debt from your life, and I hope that this
post will provide some clarity for you and assist you in moving towards debt freedom.

Regardless of what you have read thus far, debt elimination strategies fall into two broad
categories, and I will explore each of them in turn to enable you to settle hopefully on a
course of action. The first is seeking to write off your debts by using government
legislation, usually bankruptcy or a derivative of it. This should only be considered as an
absolute last resort. If you find yourself in the position of not being able to meet your
monthly minimum debt repayments, you need professional help - and quickly!

Begin by checking your national and local government websites for information and
advice, as well as any organisations they link too. Get all of the free information and
advice that you can before you make your decision on whether or not to take this course
of action. Also, contact your creditors, honestly explain your situation and they will tell
you if there is any way they can help, so don't feel intimidated about contacting them.As
you do your due diligence step by step, the correct course of action will become clear.
Doing nothing is the worst thing you can do.

If you are not in the debt crisis described above, you are left with the second debt
elimination strategy.If you want to pursue this strategy for becoming debt free, you must
adopt a strategic mindset if you are to succeed, and I want to assist with this throughout
the rest of this post. This debt elimination strategy has many elements to it, and once
adopted, you will be in an adamant position to begin your journey toward total debt

The first thing you must do is eliminate your negative mindsets and emotions towards
your debt. Stop feeling sorry for yourself or blaming other people. Despite the unethical
lending practices of the banks before the credit crunch hit us, it was still your decision to
take on debt, and it is your responsibility to pay it off. The sooner you do this, the faster,
easier and, believe it or not, more fun paying off your debts becomes. Also, stop beating
yourself up for getting into trouble in the first place. It has been so easy to get into debt in
recent years it's scary, and you shouldn't feel bad about getting caught up in it. Learn
from your mistakes and move on.

You must also develop a positive attitude towards paying off your debts. When you
borrow money, you are effectively spending your future income before you get it.
Therefore, the more debt you pay off now, the more money you will have in the future.
You should view paying off debt as a financial investment that will pay dividends in
months and years to come, increasing your wealth substantially!
Chapter 7 Credit Card Debt Reduction Advice - Ups And

For those who have too much consumer debt, it can be hard to know how to handle it.
Most citizens are exactly like you, attempting to pay off their consumer debt with no help
or advice.

Do you feel you might be ready for unsecured debt reduction advice by a professional

There are lots of good things about debt reduction advice but just a few negatives.

Methods and techniques to conquer your debt.

The consultant may teach you beneficial strategies along with helping you cut down your
A.P.R. charged by your unsecured lenders.

The consumer debt consultant may also help put together an even more low-cost
repayment schedule.

Learning various choices and the way to apply tools and techniques to your specific

It will not hurt your credit score when you use credit card debt reduction advice (lenders
will assist you because the option would be to suffer a loss of their loan).

You will be taught debt elimination eligibility guidelines rapidly and if you fulfill them,
as opposed to needing to investigate and figure these out by yourself.
You may state that the conversations regarding your individual credit card debts must be
totally private.

Most credit card debt reduction experts are skilled with plenty of practical knowledge
assisting consumers from all over. Even if you are a single mother, diligent spouse, or
retiree, such services can be quite effective.

If you feel weighed down mentally, your financial advisor will get a person on the right
track quickly without drama.

Results are not instantaneous. However, you will learn things that you can apply your
entire life to become financially successful!

The path is not going to be an instant solution to all your problems. It usually takes
awhile - at least a few months if you work at it and follow your advisor's

Credit Card Debt reduction advice is usually helpful if you're experiencing personal debt
challenges. Today is the best time to seek advice if you are in this situation.
Chapter 8 credit card balance transfer is a kind of
consolidation of debts

A standard debt consolidation loan needs the debtor to take a loan from a bank, any other
lender or a credit union which is in agreement with the borrower to consolidate all debts
into a single loan. The repayment is made based on lower interest rates. All pending
amount on a credit card is moved into a single debt which usually comes with an offer of
zero percent interest for the first twelve or eighteen months. This method has the ability
to help the debtor to a large extent because he or she tries their best to pay off the balance
during that period. In case they are unable to do so, the interest component would come
into play after the period is exhausted. This also has an indirect bearing on the credit
score improvement as when credit cards are closed; lenders will be able to assess that the
individual is managing their finances in a responsible manner.

Advantages of consolidating debts

The chief advantage of a debt consolidation loan is that all debts are put together, and the
borrower has to keep track of only one interest rate and a single payment on a monthly
basis. This is the most straight forward method of making a payment rather having to deal
with multiple payments month on month. When working out the quantum of the loan, the
individual must shop around for the best interest rates before deciding on anything else.
The lower the rates, the more can be borrowed. So if a person is considering
consolidating debts they have to do ample about of research before deciding from where
and from whom to take the loan.

Consolidation to a low-interest credit card

When opting for credit card debt consolidation, the credit card holder must always review
his or her credit reports to check for any error. Any small mistake can result in
disqualification of fresh loans. For customers with a good credit transferring balances on
credit cards with the high rate of interest to a single card could result in savings about
financial changes that the company applies. There are many balance transfers with
options of low-interest rates available in the market. There are many professional
companies that help individuals with procuring the fresh loans as well as provide sound
financial advice to the debtor.
Factors that are considered when going in for consolidation of credit card debt
Credit card debt consolidation can be the best option for a person who has the regular
income and can pay off the loan on time in a prompt manner. Taking this option does not
mean that there is no loan to pay; it means that it is easier to pay the loan in an efficient
manner. Consolidating credit card debt is getting a reduced rate of interest. Reduced rates
of interest would mean lower monthly payment which indirectly means that the debts are
paid off in a faster manner.
Chapter 9 How To Make A Balance Transfer On Your
Credit Card

If you have a good and updated credit card history, then acquiring a balance transfer card
will be no hassle. It's a lot easier these days to transfer credit balance than it was before.
Credit card holders will find balance transfer a huge help in managing their finances
especially if they have accumulated huge debts on their cards. If your balance is huge,
that's the time when you should consider a balance transfer for easier manageability of
your debts.

It will help you decide well if you will find first out if there's a fee and how much it is.
Then try to figure out how long or how soon you will be able to pay off your
balance.Depending on your financial capability, choose a card that will give you a
reasonable period for debt payback.

Credit card companies have lots of promotional offers to entice applicants to choose their
card, among which is a longer payment period. There are a variety of these marketing
strategies - some cards offer a year, others a six-month payment period. Sometimes if you
are lucky, you can even be entitled to a period it takes to get your balanced settled. The
longer time you are entitled to have, the more interest you have to pay. Wisely managing
your budget by not having to pay a transfer fee will help you pay your fees a lot faster.

You might want to practice some self-discipline by choosing a card that restrains you
from using it until you have fully settled your debts.

Pay the interest rate and settle your balances - that should be your primary concern when
you have availed of a balance transfer. If you can't pay more interest rates, then don't do
any more purchases on your card. The only way to benefit from these cards is to make
sure they are handled properly. The solution to your debt problems is easy: change your
spending habits and manage your money well, no matter how small it may be.
Chapter 10 How To Deal With Debt Problems?

Most of the time, assets or various possessions are bought by credit that includes some
ethical responsibilities and different types of dealings besides finance structuring. Loans
or Debts are usually taken if one wants to buy property or any other asset, according to
the modern scenario. In addition to that, there are various companies that provide loans to
individuals who are willing to buy such possessions.

There is no such thing as an impossible debt problem. It might not be simple or rapid, but
there is always a path. Debts are critical, and they compound rapidly over time. It can
swiftly spiral into trouble. The earlier you get them on, the easier they are to deal with.
As debt is not just a monetary issue, but one that feeds into all elements of your life, the
solutions are wide and varied; whether it is cutting interest expenses, budgeting,
challenging the legitimacy of your debts, or simply where to find real one-on-one help.

Therefore, if you are against any confrontation of a debt issue, you should be strong
enough to face the problem. It might be quite distressing but having the will power is
going to drive you out of its extreme stress and burden of debt issues. Always be
prepared to be able to tackle such situations as there is no such thing as impossible. You
shall be able to get your hands back to your financial stability if you follow a proper plan
of action.

Getting an Individual Voluntary Arrangement is seen as the most effective way of

coming out of the debts issues. This is seen as an effective solution when compared with
the debt management plan. This was first launched during 1986 as a vital part of
legitimacy that one will not be compelled to proclaim to file for bankruptcy. These are
appropriate for individuals with low salaries but under the state of a confirmed

An IVA is a lawfully compulsory agreement which protects you against any additional
action from your creditors. Once you have decided to opt for an IVA, you could become
debt-free in sixty months. With an IVA, y With the consent of your creditors to write off
your debt which you are not able to pay back, you get some time to deal with this issue,
and the creditors stop following you.

Debt Management Plan If you are harassed with your debts, a Debt Management Plan is
another good option to tackle with your individual debt problems. It has helped thousands
of people to get back to their normal debt-free lives.
Bankruptcy should be considered as the last solution to the debt problem. Even though
one has to quit the possession of assets but eventually it releases the debtor of the debt
problem. It provides a chance to start a new life, free from the load of the past

Lastly, it is suggested to follow up everything in an organized way by outlining all your

expenses with no supplementary purchases. Always devise a formula of saving and going
for part time jobs so that the debt can be paid within the assigned time to avoid any future
CHAPTER 11 Legitimate Repair Credit Tips That Increase
Credit Score

Ever speculate and ask exactly why the credit record is always crucial? Contrary to
precisely what most people consider, it isn't constantly under the control of the credit
bureaus that everything is as they are. And that it isn't probable to repair credit. But then,
credit bureaus are invariably there attempting to make your task perhaps harder. At the
very least, they should be confident the information they will list must be accurate. But,
they don't. Unfortunately, credit reports may have around 79 Per cent errors with them.

It is important to repair credit for the obvious economic reasons. However, experts have
put down a number of more explanations why it is important to repair credit. An
undesirable credit report can't only stop you from getting a mortgage loan, but quite
possibly a job, insurance or an house as well.

It is your choice, if you have decided to repair credit. The specific FCRA (Fair Credit
Reporting Act) and also the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collections Practices Act) shields your
rights and keep creditors and credit bureaus lawfully responsible for most reports they
generate against you. The FCRA makes sure that all information including credit history
information you have on your accounts is accurate, reliable, as well as verifiable along
with provided by the due date. Yet, credit bureaus don't verify data before placing it on
your own report. This could result in 40% of the credit report staying inaccurate in a way
or any other. Good thing shoppers can repair credit.

Various other importance of repair credit may be the ample amount of mistakes about
many credit score files. Credit reporting agencies have to keep an eye on millions of
credit history records. Other than that, they also have severl to 1000s of rules and laws
they must adhere to. As a result mistakes and transgression are all also common. It's
inevitable that most consumers must repair credit at some point.

If your credit report contains a mistake or you can find a violation, bring this for the
bureaus attention through a question letter. You can always send all of them via run and
secured mail and order for a receipt always. A 30-days waiting around duration has to be
observed ahead of any response from the agencies is received. Non-compliance is a
breach and the record/listing must be taken off.

There's surely a larger amount of amazing features you will get if you are able in order to
repair credit. Nevertheless, the effort would risk unique as finances and others. Which
alone makes sure that the credit reporting agencies cannot pull off any of their violations.
Fundamentally, this only tells the filing bureaus that they need to uphold and adhere to
the national law added/required on them.
Chapter 12 Steps to Building Your Credit Again

If you're out there looking to fix your credit, whether it's because you spent too much in
the past, or maybe you declared bankruptcy. I wanted to show you the path that you can
take today to get your finances back in control, and how you can rebuild your credit
The process is simple, and it all has to deal with a secured credit card.

What is a secured card?

This type of credit card is designed for anyone that is over the age of 18. You can have
great credit or bad credit, and you're going to get approved. Now, if you have great credit,
I would recommend that you don't apply for it, because they are usually high in fees, and
don't offer you anything regarding rewards.

What the banks will ask for is a deposit. This deposit is going to range from $200 to as
much as $500. This is all going to vary from the bank that you're going to bank with.
They are going to take this deposit, and will now become your credit limit.

Let's say for example that the bank wanted $250 from you to open up the card. You will
now have a $250 credit limit. You won't be able to spend no more than that. This is a
win-win situation for the bank now, because you can go out there, and spend your money,
and if you don't pay it back, they will dip into your deposit account, and take it out.

You're going to find that your credit score is going to go back up slowly. If you bank with
a major bank, you will find that some of them will allow you to graduate to a new card.
This is a great step to take as well, because you don't want to be on this card forever
because of fees, etc.
When you do think about applying for one, the major thing that you want to look at are
the fees. Since fees are the highlight of these cards, in a bad way, you'll want to make
sure that you're not getting ripped off. A good card is going to have a onetime fee, or an
annual fee that's relatively small. Don't apply for a card that's going to charge you every
month, plus an annual fee. These aren't the cards that you want; because you will find out
that you may go even further into debt, which obviously isn't a good thing.

I recommend at least 3-5, and compare the fees, know who the bank is, and know how it
can help you. Once you receive it, make sure that you use it the right way, by paying it
off on time, and if you can accomplish this, great things shall come!
Chapter 13 Learn How to Keep Your Credit Card
Purchases to a Minimum

Unfortunately, credit cards have gotten a bad reputation because they are considered to be
responsible for people incurring massive amounts of debt. While credit card debt is
indeed a contribution to the debt that many people are faced with, it is how credit cards
are used that are the real culprit. Those who are faced with large amounts of credit card
debt are typically ones who have used their credit cards irresponsibly and failed to keep
their credit card purchases to a minimum.

If you have a credit card or are thinking of getting a credit card, then it is important that
you learn how to keep your credit card purchases to a minimum. Credit cards have the
benefit of giving you a way to make purchases and payments when you do not have the
cash to do so, but it still comes with the same budgeting responsibility as if you did not
have a credit card. Credit cards are not designed to be a supplement to your income but
rather a tool to help you make larger purchases now that you would have had to wait until
you saved up for to purchase.

One way to keep your credit card purchases to a minimum is to use it for only one large
purchase at a time. If you make a large purchase for furniture, for example, work on
paying off that entire purchase before making any additional purchases. Doing so can
keep your credit card debt low and keep it at a manageable level. Also, be sure to budget
for the extra amount of money that you will have to spend to repay the credited amount.
Be responsible and do not make purchases where the repayment will put you over your

If you are trying to improve your credit rating by using your credit card, you can still do
so responsibly and keep your purchases to a minimum. Use your credit cards to pay for
things that you usually would pay cash for such as gas or groceries. Do not spend the
money that you would have normally spent but rather save it and pay off the credit card
every month. Doing so can keep your credit card purchases to a minimum but will still
allow you to build or rebuild your credit rating so that you can qualify for larger loans
needed to purchase a house or a car.
Having and using credit cards is not as bad as many might think it is. It does require you
to be responsible when using credit cards and to keep your purchases to a minimum.
Creating and following a budget even when using credit cards is the sure way to ensure
that you do not find yourself drowning in credit card debt. Furthermore, do not use your
credit cards as a way to supplement your income. This is where many find themselves
falling into a trap that they have a hard time getting out of.

Getting out of debt is simple but not necessarily easy.

Have you ever noticed that some people get out of debt and then it may be a matter of
months or years down the line, and they're back in debt again? In extreme cases, the
period can be much shorter.

Some people raise their income to clear their debt. Other people may borrow money, for
example as in debt consolidation, only to find that after a few years and despite their best
intentions they're back in debt again.

So increasing your income may not necessarily help you to get out of debt and stay out of
debt. Often increasing your income acts as a band-aid. And what's more, worrying is that
while you may temporarily clear your debt when you earn more money, when you get
into debt again you may find yourself with a higher level of debt because your spending
power has increased.

It's clear therefore that an entirely different strategy is needed to create lasting change.

You see your relationship to money is all about your mindset. So, if you're not happy
about your current financial situation you have to work on reprogramming your mind if
you want to enjoy your desired lifestyle and still enjoy financial freedom. As Stephen
Pierce said:

"If you want to change what's in your hand, you have to change what's in your head."
But here's the kicker. Some people choose to stay in debt because they see making the
internal changes as being "too hard." Even although their money worries are
uncomfortable and stressful, they have reached a position where it's the norm for them.
To change, even for the better, would be to go beyond their comfort zone and some
individuals are just not ready to make that step.

So you have to want really to change and be willing to do what it takes to create the
positive change in your life.

Now, if you're ready to make the internal changes that get you on the road to financial
freedom, here are seven tips to help you carry out the necessary changes to your mindset:

1. Evaluate your spending patterns. In what areas do you spend most and why? What
void in your life are you attempting to fill through excessive expenditures?

2. Take stock of your thoughts and your self-talk. These are a reflection of your beliefs.
Create new ideas and new empowering thoughts and self-talk.

3. Evaluate your peer group. It is found that you earn the average of your 5-6 closest
friends. You don't have to abandon your friends but identify wealthy individuals that you
can "hang out" with. At first, it may not be possible to be with these individuals in person
but read their books, listen to their interviews, etc. so that you start attuning your thoughts
to theirs.

4. Identify what you value in life. If you're experiencing money management problems,
then money is not as high on your list of values as you may think. Identify what is highest
on your list of values and see how a lack of money has a negative impact on this value.
This will help you to place a higher value on money.

5. Pay your bills joyously. Yes, pay your bills for the products and or services you have
received in a state of gratitude rather than in a state of resentful for having to spend
money. Such resentment will put you into a contracted rather than a magnetic state on
6. Write a list of empowering affirmations regarding money and make time everyday and
at least twice a day, ideally when you wake up and just before you go to sleep to practice
your affirmations.

7. Write out our goals regarding money every day and use creative visualization to
construct in your mind what your life would be like, in as much detail as possible and
involving all your senses, when you achieve your goals of clearing your debts and
attaining financial freedom.
Thankyou for downloading my book it is my firm believe that you will apply the
acquired knowledge productively on your credit cards questions.

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