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Luck Guard Limited (LGL) is fully aware of the progress of Government aspiration in the
development of Nigerian content in the Oil and Gas industry from the directives issued
on 13th October 2006 to the newly signed Act of April 22, 2010 and is committed to
performing The Security Coordination Services in Deepwater Offshore Fields (The
Services) in such a way that in addition to generating revenue for the Nigerian economy,
the service will encourage the development of Nigerian individuals, businesses and

LGL recognizes the long term value of Nigerian content to its growth, operations and its
importance to the people of Nigeria, as well as the importance of Nigeria content to the
sustainability of LGL business in Nigeria , as a result LGL will;

• Work proactively to achieve the high level of Nigerian content in the scopes of
work for project, taking into consideration, competitiveness and capability.
• Make use of Nigerian personnel and suppliers to the fullest extent possible, with
due consideration to competitiveness and capability.
• Develop the capability of its personnel where appropriate to meet the business

Basically, it has always been LGL’s policy to maximize the use of local content in its
services. LGL has successfully completed projects/services in Nigeria under this policy.
LGL has applied this policy in their past projects and endeavors to employ
local/indigenous personnel to the maximum extent possible and to purchase
commodities and consumables available from the local market to contribute to the
welfare of local communities and provide support to the Nigerian economy.

LGL will always take into account the recent significant development in the Niger Delta
region area and will optimize its execution plan by carefully monitoring the availability
of work forces and local market situations.

As described, The Services will be carried out directly by LGL and through reliable local
subcontractors (if required) for specific works. While considering the extensive
contribution that LGL has given to the Nigerian Industry during its past
services/projects in Nigeria, it is a fact that LGL has anticipated much ahead of time
many of the today’s stakeholders that are focused on the Local Content. Some of the
recent Nigerian initiatives been targeted for maximizing Nigerian Content where LGL is
well ahead of the curve are;

• Substantial investment in training of Nigerian Personnel

• Establishment of partnership at consortium level with indigenous companies
• Creation of local content internal audit system aimed at educating the employees
of the Company toward the achievement of a sustainable development and measure the
application of Nigerian Content within the various phases of each projects
• LGL has maintained a stable presence in Nigeria for years with adequate
organization and infrastructure and is willing and able to perform The Services by
utilizing manpower, goods and services of Nigerian origin in a dependable manner and
also building competences through training and technology transfer.


Throughout its history, LGL has always been oriented in operating through a strong and
consolidated “local presence” in the various areas of its operations and has always had a
collective interest and given specific attention to the resources and capabilities of
Nigeria origin and in particular to the region surrounding the Nigerian coastal area of
the Niger Delta.

Evidence of LGL incorporation and existence such as

• Certificate of Incorporation
• CAC form 02 & 07
• Company Memo and Articles

Are attached to the Nigerian content section of this submission


LGL has permanent facilities fully equipped to support the execution of services in-
country. Find below a description of the location, features and capabilities of the
infrastructures and also attached to this bid are the photographs.

3.1. Lagos Head Office

The LGL Head Office is located at No. 1, Chiloville Crescent, beside Ascon Filling
Station, Ikota, Lekki, Lagos.
The total available office space area is up to
Tel: +234.14548148.

Services Provided
• Manguuarding.
• Protocol & Escort services.
• Event venue protection.
• Emergency response services.
• Training and Consultancy services.


LGL is historically committed to the implementation and maximization of the
development of the Nigerian Content. Nigerian personnel constitute the large majority
of the overall company manpower, varying from direct and indirect personnel, site
supervision, staff and management.
Over the years, LGL has created and grown a competent and faithful backbone within
the company manpower structure. However, some specific trades are subject to
employment levels supported by the actual workload existing at any given time and are
treated as “Special Projects”. It is, therefore implied that the number of employees is
unavoidably related to the actual company workload and therefore can vary
significantly during the course of time.

The following information should therefore be construed as “today’s picture” of our


4.1 Key Nigerian Technical Staff

LGL in consonance with supporting Company’s national content growth shall
incorporate Nigerian Nationals into various key Project Management positions to
achieve the desired results of capacity building for this Project. In entrenching this, all
project management team shall be situated here in Nigeria.

The project will comprise solely of Nigerian personnel as stated below in the Proposed
Manning List;


Table 2

S/N Personnel Discipline Nigerian Foreign Total % Nigerian

1 Director (Technical) 1 0 1 100

2 Director(Services). 1 0 1 100

3 Operations Manager 1 0 1 100

4 Contract Manager 1 0 1 100



Service Specific Nigerian Content Plan

5.1 Location of PMT and Procurement Centre

The Project Management Team shall be located in our Lagos office.

Head Office and Procurement Office

Address: No. 1, Chiloville Crescent, beside Ascon Filling Station, Ikota, Lekki,

Project Management Team (PMT)

Address: No. 1, Chiloville Crescent, beside Ascon Filling Station, Ikota, Lekki, Lagos.

5.1 Project Services

The LGL will utilize Nigerians and local community service providers in order to grow
the competencies and capabilities without compromising quality and service.
The LGL will also recruit and train Nigerians for the purpose of the service. The training
program shall include among other things, the following:
• Project management
• Safety
• Quality management
• Inspection
• Document Control
• Planning & scheduling

5.2 Procurement Centre

5.2 .1 Local Procurement Services

LGL will locate the procurement centre at its Head office in Lagos. Procurement strategy
is to source and deliver material and equipment as per PROJECT requirements in
compliance with Nigerian content objectives.

The procurement team will be assigned to perform the following tasks:

• Issue inquiries
• Assist LGL site buyer with procurement of indirect material site requisitions
• Expedite and inspect orders
• Assess and assist with implementing quality programs
• Identify areas of improvement for successful suppliers and co-ordinate technical
support assistance when required
• Perform additional supplier surveys and premises audits as required.

The procurement office will be the focal point for the ongoing consideration of new
potential Nigerian suppliers as they are identified in the course of the Project.

5.2.2 List of goods and materials that will be sourced locally

LGL has over the years established good working relationship with local vendors in
execution of project activities, giving rise to more than 30 local vendors/suppliers
registered in the Company local capability data bank.

The Company is also strongly involved with the host communities by engagement in
small-scale jobs that add value to company long run Nigerian Content evaluation from
conception of each project to completion.

• Nigerian manufactured goods/materials shall be utilized on the project.

• Logistic services will be done by registered indigenous company as shown on
vendor list.

The following are some of the Materials and Services to be procured within Nigeria;
Local Agents/Stockiest shall be utilized where applicable as a means of increasing
Nigerian Content, with first consideration to indigenous Nigerian suppliers;

• Medical Products
• Security Services/Equipments
• Communication gadgets/Equipments.
• Office Furniture/Equipments/Stationery
• Vehicles

5.2.3 Direct Material

LGL is well aware of the Nigerian market and conducts periodic surveys of potential
Nigerian suppliers; LGL has also been able to identify a number of initiatives, which if
successful mentored will result in additional materials being sourced in Nigeria. During
the execution phase, LGL will develop these initiatives to confirm with respective
materials to meet the service requirements for quality and professional services.

5.3 Quality Assurance/Control/Engineering office.

All office related works will be done mainly at Head office in Lagos. Execution strategies
have been tailored to ensure 100% domiciliation of major activities in Nigeria.

5.4 All third party related services

LGL will perform all services relating to The Services in Nigeria. Where capabilities are
not yet fully developed within Nigeria, LGL will take adequate measure to encourage the
acquisition of such competencies.


International codes and standards shall be used were applicable to support customer
specifications to ensure that the requirements for locally manufactured products are

In this vein, our service activities shall be structured not only to satisfy International
Codes and standards, but also meeting Nigerian Industrial Standard (NIS) to which local
products that will be used were qualified.

LGL shall provide adequate training for all categories of indigenous staff during all the
phases of the execution of Provision of Security Services to maximize local capacity
building and for the achievement of National objectives in accordance with the Human
capital development guideline issued to the industry in 2009.
In addition to that, LGL shall set aside 15% of Total man-hours to provide training
specifically for Nigerian Content from the Scope of Work within the Project during
Project execution. This is meant to continuously bridge the gap between the existing
capacity and capability and the industry demands. LGL shall provide a dedicated plan,
which would include details below for the approval of the NCDMB (Nigerian Content
Development and Monitoring Board) and the Client:

• Type of training, training elements, and the outline

• Training provider and location
• Number of trainees
• Selection criteria
• Budget man-hour and breakdown of training by module and by categories of
• Durations of training

7.1 Developing Nigerian skills through training

It is a simple fact that LGL could not have sustained a continuous presence in Nigeria
without putting in place the fundamental principle of promoting the skills of Nigerian
Nationals. Bearing in mind LGL long term presence in country, it is self-evident that LGL
have been successful in providing its expertise and transplanting the same to Nigerian
indigenous companies thereby enabling LGL to both pursue commercial
competitiveness as well as meeting LGL corporate policy of improving the technical
know-how and economic empowerment of its employees.

LGL manpower training policy is largely based on internal service training both from
practical on the job training and experience supplemented by non-project related
training in specialized fields. It is LGL policy to provide the opportunity for its
employees to obtain long term employment through the attainment of practical skills in
all areas of employment from field work to staff position inclusive of
management/decision making positions, thus inculcating both theoretical and practical
knowledge for the specific task at hand. It is prudent to reaffirm that LGL have
implemented this policy throughout its history in Nigeria rather than only now coming
to fruition as a result of governmental requisites.
LGL approach gives the individual worker the unique opportunity of earning a living
and improving his skill on the job while company on the other hand also has the
opportunity of having regular and reliable employees who continue to improve and
increase their output and or production as a result of the employee’s training on the job.

Skills improvement is achieved through the use of expatriate and indigenous manpower
who are skilled in their various specialized fields and who have been participating in the
execution of the company’s projects over the years. We have also implemented
organized multi-faceted and layered courses through reputable training organizations
and universities for our managerial and supervisory staff, secretarial, clerical and staff
of the electronic data processing unit, personnel officers, senior clerical and trade union
officers. Most of these training programs are approved and supervised by the Industrial
Training Fund (ITF).
Furthermore and as step towards indigenous manpower training, the company also
approves the intake students for the Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme
(SIWES). A program designed by the Federal Government for the industrial work
experience for students in various Polytechnics and the universities across the country.
Many Nigerian students have benefited from this program in our LGL manpower
training program.

In addition to the corporate training programs, which are normally organized and
implemented for all the various company personnel, planned to inculcate the operative
functions as well as the Health, Safety and Security LGL guidelines and procedures, LGL
personnel undergo additional tailored training programs.

LGL has focused its attention and concerns on the training of National staff and
personnel in additional specific areas, according to the positions and functions held
within the company organization and / or on and the projects organization.
LGL is making continuous efforts and investment, both in terms of funds and dedicated
resources, in order to maintain its prominent role in its fields of operations. This
includes, among others, acquisition and development of hardware, software and
integrated systems, new technologies as the case may be.

In its effort to provide its clients and customers with the most advanced available
services and solutions in the operative areas including remote areas and difficult
conditions, a key role is played by the proper up-to-date training of its National
personnel and staff.

Furthermore, LGL through its Local Content department is remaining continuously

vigilant on changes and developments on Government training policy and initiatives
that are communing up in connection with the general Government Local Content
enhancement program.

The following are examples of specific training programs recently implemented and
designed by LGL involving in- house, LGL and indigenous partner’s personnel.

7.2 Personnel Data and Information Management Module

LGL operate and manage the personnel data and information in conjunction and
synergy with our affiliate company (BL Group Limited) under a single human resource

Information Technologies
It is a company practice to enroll new employees in information technologies and
computer training programs in various recognized training centers in the Country.

This enables inexperienced personnel the opportunity to acquire the basic skills and
knowledge of the modern technologies and software commonly used in the industry.
Thereafter, LGL offers updated and supplemental information technology training
during periods of non-work for those wishing to avail themselves of the opportunity to
further advance their knowledge base.
7.3 Management and Organisation
Following the continuous development of LGL towards the utmost in quality and
management standards, National employees are participating in task related training

Examples of this developing area are the training programs implemented in respect of
the Company Organization Structure evolution, which have recently attracted a few
employees among LGL workforce, the Correspondence and Document Control,
undertaken by 1 national employees or the more specific Warehouse Management
training program, dedicated to some employees.

7.4. HSE Training

In addition to the periodically planned HSE training program carried out by the relevant
Corporate Department, LGL by policy performs internal HSE training along with
scheduled and unscheduled safety drills for fire, rescue, medevac, etc.

This course and exercise are inclusive of theoretical induction lessons and practical
exercise and application done at the work sites. In general, for the implementation of
theoretical training and lessons,


Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)

Definition, Legislation, Factor affecting the use of PPE, Types of PPE, Limitations,
Respiratory Personnel Equipment.

Minor Injuries (to arms, hand fingers)

Common cause of injuries, Consequences, use of medicaments, selection of protective
gloves, protection against chemicals, avoidance of typical of injuries, avoidance of skin

Manual Handling
Definition of manual handling, avoidance of manual handling, legislation and
regulations, complying with the regulations, assessment of risk and guidelines, areas to
be considered when conducting an assessment, mechanical aids.

Falls and falling objects

Legislation and regulations, protective clothing and safety equipment, accidents in the
workplace, accidents in the office, fall arrest device and guardrails, safe use of ladders
and access equipment, common causes and prevention of falling objects.

Fire Fighting – Part 1

Definition, chemistry of fire, how does fire start, what is burning, element of fire, fire
tetrahedron, oxidizing substances, fire spread, hazardous products of combustion, fire

Please note that the above mentioned and highlighted courses represent few of the
basic and specific oriented HSE courses organized by the relevant HSE and Quality
departments of S. On average, more than 50 personnel every month attend three-day
courses similar to those identified above.

7.5 Training for LGL Personnel

To provide LGL Personnel with mandatory HSE training to comply with CNL HSE and
Operational Site Regulation.

Skill and competence training addressed to local labour (Nigerian, and Host
Communities indigenous) in order to fill any potential gap of resources for the
execution of the project, taking into account the workload of LGL, the workforce
demand of the service and the existing regulation in terms of employment of local
personnel. The training programme will cover all the skills required for the work

Specific training of LGL Indigenous partner, in addition to the on the job training is to
implement the transfer of know how to indigenous personnel. The training programme
will cover all the skills required for the work execution.

Training Programme to Local Host Community member.

This training programme is part of LGL Sustainable and Development Plan.


The following schedule indicates materials and services available in Nigeria and
planned to procure locally by LGL during the execution of the service. Material
Requisitions, request of quotations, technical and commercial offer tabulations and final
negotiation prior to award will be performed by LGL.

Such procurement in Nigeria shall be performed under the condition that final offer of
the tender shall be technically acceptable.
Item Description Local Content
1 Services
1.1 Uniforms 100%
1.2 Personnel Change 100%
1.3 Telecommunication (voice and data management / 100%
transmission) for Project Services
1.4 Banking and Insurance Services 100%
1.5 Security services (guardians, watch patrolling) 100%
1.6 Printing and reproductions. 100%
2 Procurement
2.1 Safety materials 100%
Item Description Local Content
2.2 Logistic Equipment (vehicles, IT and office furniture, 100%
safety equipment, personnel protection equipment)



LGL believes that all strategies applied in capacity building are strongly related to those
applicable it in all work locations, in ensuring LGL is complying with Nigerian Content
Objectives for the set activities.

In general, LGL if awarded of The Services will:

• Ensure training of its personnel on related HSE sustainable Project objectives,

• Ensuring its personnel comply with specifications of all project materials so as not to
compromise the quality, safety and health of the project from conception to
completion stages.
• Educate all Community personnel on the need for compliance with all TUPNL Safety
and Security Awareness during the execution of all Nigerian Content aspect of the
• Coordination of Internal meetings with its personnel to guide and observe progress
made by it with relation to their gaining capability transfer during project execution


We hereby provide a summary of the major initiatives and opportunities we have
identified within The Services that will be made available to local entrepreneurs,
company, and service and goods provider in general, in the event that LGL will execute
the project:

➢ LGL and its Local Partners to elevate transfer of Know How to Project
Management and Project Administration level
➢ Project management team and manpower services to be based in Nigeria
➢ Development of 100% Agency Services in Nigeria
➢ Permanent investment in in-country facilities:
➢ Employment of local people
➢ Sustainable development of Local Communities
➢ Strategic alliance with Local Content Facilitator
➢ To maximize the use of local services and suppliers

As a way of promoting sustainable development in line with Company’s Sustainable

principles, LGL endeavours to subcontract minor areas of Project to host Community;
this shall be achieved by effective implementation of pre-entry
discussion/requirements with representatives from Communities.

• LGL believes in sustainable business in all project executed by it in Nigeria, and as

such LGL plans as a way to promote local content, subcontract activities like the
supply of equipment , and other ancillary site support activities to Nigerian owned
• All locally available materials like paints, grits, supports and relevant kits shall be
sourced locally as meeting specification/standards in the industry.
• LGL shall execute all drilling related services in Nigeria.

It is prudent to note that the following represents proven capabilities most recently
demonstrated by our most recent undertaking, where we have recently broken the
mould with respect to the execution of large scale Projects.

• State of the art office and telecommunication facilities located in our Lagos Office
• Consolidated net of proven prompt and reliable local LGL suppliers
• Immediate mobilization of Project management team for the management of
operations throughout the whole project duration.
• Immediate access for the project team to be tested and reliable resources and
services permanently centralized within the Head office as departments such
Medical, HSE, Procurement and Logistic, Quality Assurance and Control, Liaison,
Project Control, Training, Human Resources and Public Relation in general, etc.


LGL has developed and has currently in use, procedures for the evaluation of Nigerian
Content quantum achieved in its operations.

These procedures will be integrated with the project Execution plan and are based on
parameters and indicators; the monitoring plan collates all Local content criteria, which
shall eventually form the basis of the reporting format to the Company and regulating
agencies, carried out in all projects.

This shall include the following:

• The Percentage of Local Personnel attached to each Project
• Percentage of man-hours utilized in each project executed
• The Percentage of Key Technical positions held by Nigerians Nationals in each
• The Percentage of Local materials procured in each project
• The Percentage of Training done for each of the project
• The percentage of procurement done for each Project in Nigeria
• The percentage of services subcontract to local firms.

The above parameters and indicators shall be genuinely gathered and recorded by the
Local Content Manager and its officers and then analyzed and evaluated in conjunction
with the various managers in charge of each different process and discipline and
project control in order to verify the trend and achievement of local content objectives
versus planned targets.

The evaluation criteria set out in TUPNL Tender Documents shall form the basis of the
final procedures to be agreed with Client, for continuous measurement of Nigerian
Content and shall be used throughout the duration of the Project. A final Project Local
Content consolidated Report will be issued and approved by the Project Manager.
Within the LGL organization, the Nigerian Content Manager will be responsible for
managing the activities required by Nigerian Content Plan and for ensuring Project
Team adhere with the objectives of the Project Local Content Plan.

The Nigerian Content Manager will be located in Nigeria operation centre where he will
co-ordinate Nigerian Content activities in relation with other project’s departments.
He will avail himself of a team of Nigerian Content officer operating from the various
project sites as well as support and services of specialized consultant.

He will be in charge of the development of the Nigerian Content Induction to all LGL
staff and to keep workshops with third parties such as vendors in order to spread the
principles of Nigerian Content to all the entities involved in the execution of the service.

APPENDIX: Attachments to NC PLAN

• CVs of Nigerian Personnel at all levels
• Organization Chart Specific to the services
• MOA with our affiliate company.

LGL shall provide adequate training for all categories of indigenous staff during all the
phases of the execution of The Services to maximize local capacity building and for the
achievement of National objectives in accordance with the Human capital development
guideline issued to the industry in 2009.

In addition to that, LGL shall set aside 15 %( as a minimum) of Total man hours to
provide training specifically for Nigerian Content from the Scope of Work within the
Contract during Contract execution. This is meant to continuously bridge the gap
between the existing capacity and capability as the industry demands. LGL shall provide
a dedicated plan, which would include details below for the approval of the NCDMB
(Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board) and the Client:

• Type of training and the outline

• Training provider and location
• Number of trainees
• Selection criteria
• Budget man-hour and breakdown of training by module and by categories of
• Durations of training

1.1 Developing Nigerian skills through training

LGL manpower training policy is largely based on internal service training both from
practical on the job training and experience supplemented by non-project related
training in specialized fields. It is LGL policy to provide the opportunity for its
employees to obtain long-term employment through the attainment of practical skills in
all areas of employment from fieldwork to staff position inclusive of
management/decision making positions, thus inculcating both theoretical and practical
knowledge for the specific task at hand. It is instructive to reaffirm that LGL have
implemented this policy throughout its existence.

LGL approach gives the individual worker the unique opportunity of earning a living
and improving his skill on the job while company on the other hand also has the
opportunity of having regular and reliable employees who continue to improve and
increase their output and or production as a result of the employee’s training on the job.

Skills improvement is achieved through the use of indigenous manpower who are
skilled in their various specialized fields and who have been participating in the
execution of the company’s projects over the years. We have also implemented
organized multi-faceted and layered courses through reputable training organizations
for our managerial and supervisory staff, secretarial, clerical and staff of the electronic
data processing unit, personnel officers, senior clerical officers. Most of these training
programs are approved and supervised by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF).

Furthermore, as a step towards indigenous manpower training, the company also

approves the intake of students for the Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme
(SIWES). A program designed by the Federal Government for the industrial work
experience for students in various Polytechnics and the universities across the country.
Many Nigerian students have benefited from this program in our manpower training

In addition to the corporate training programs which are normally organized and
implemented for all the various company personnel, planned to inculcate the operative
functions as well as the Health, Safety and Security guidelines and procedures, our
personnel undergo additional tailored training programs.
LGL has focused its attention and concerns on the training of our personnel in
additional specific areas, according to the positions and functions held within the

We are making continuous effort and investment, both in terms of funds and dedicated
resources in order to maintain our role in our field of operations. This includes, among
others, acquisition and development of hardware, software and integrated systems, new
technologies as the case may be.

In its effort to provide clients and customers with the most advanced available services
and solutions in the operative areas including remote areas and difficult conditions, a
key role is played by the proper up to date training of our personnel and staff.

Furthermore LGL through its Local Content department is remaining continuously

vigilant on changes and developments in Government training policy and initiatives that
are coming up in connection with the general Government Local Content enhancement

The following are examples of specific training programs recently implemented and
designed by our training unit, involving in house staff and subcontractors.
Basic Training Disciplines will include;

(LGL) will run three categories of training:

• Theoretical Training (Classroom work)

• Practical Training (Workshop Practice)
• On the Job Training (OJT)
r No. of Training Selection
S/No Training Certification OJT/Integration Plan
Trainer a Trainees Scope Criteria
1 , nature, Anti-
w Sec.
Anti- Trainin cause, Terrorism OJT Program to be executed during project for
e coord/supe
1 terrorism g 50 effects, training a minimum of one year at Contractor facilities
e rvisors/gua
course Academ counter certification and locations
k rds.
y measures course
s etc.
Origin of
3 causes of
Fire Basic
Federal d fire, effect OJT Program to be executed during project for
Prevention/f Security security
2 Fire a 75 of fire, a minimum of one year at Contractor facilities
ighting guards. Awareness
Service. y extinguis and locations
Techniques. Certificate.
s hing
Public LGL 3 Definition
/Human Trainin D , tools, OJT Program to be executed during project for
3 Relations in g a 100 effects of To be issued a minimum of one year at Contractor facilities
Security Academ y positive and locations
service y s PR etc.
AA 2 Nature of
First Rescue d first Aid, OJT Program to be executed during project for
4 Aid/Accident Internat a 100 purpose, To be issued a minimum of one year at Contractor facilities
Prevention. ional, y benefits and locations
Lagos s etc.
, types of Sec.
Emergency Trainin D OJT Program to be executed during project for
emergenc Coordinato
5 Response g a 20 To be issued. a minimum of one year at Contractor facilities
y, rs/Supervis
Procedure. Academ y and locations
procedur ors.
y s
es etc.
, stages,
Principles of Trainin d Supervisors OJT Program to be executed during project for
6 Access g a 60 /Security To be issued. a minimum of one year at Contractor facilities
Control Academ y guards and locations
y s
Table 1
Theoretical training: LGL will utilize in-house trainers and local training consultants
to teach at its training academy.

Training Period: Training duration would be captured in the various training schedules.
all Nigerian Technical Personnel.

Training remains a veritable tool if not the most powerful tool for achieving the growth
of local participation in any industry. In our circumstance nationalisation can only be
achieved with a training programme that is both structured and controlled and also
completely assessed. Training and the resultant technology transfer is a long term
objective. This is because there is a time latitude requisite for effecting a technology
transfer from training and it cannot be ignored.

LGL Nig Ltd operates varying degrees of training for its human capital, which are as

▪ On-the-job training (OJT)

▪ Technical Exchange Programme.
▪ In-house Training and Manpower Development Programme.

The details of each level of training are explained below:

I. On the Job Training (OJT)/Skills Set Transfer Programme.

LGL operates a comprehensive on-the-job-training/skill set transfer programme. The
programme applies to all departments and units in the company and is aimed at
ensuring that employees are exposed maximally to the best principles and practices of
their chosen job description/profession. The programme structure creates a mechanism
for the provision of On the Job Training, Mentoring, Monitoring and Evaluation to
support technology transfer within the organization.

The overall aim is to enhance the skills of employees to enable them to perform tasks in
a structured and professional manner thereby utilizing work processes and techniques
generally accepted and applied in the Oil and Gas Industry.

This programme needs to establish the depth of knowledge and understanding that
individuals bring to the company. This will be determined by a technical interview of
the individuals and a discipline specific evaluation exercise. This will form the base line
assessment for the individual. An On the Job training and mentoring programme will be
developed to address areas of technical weakness identified from that assessment. This
is not a college training programme. It is based upon the supply of individuals who have
a college/university education and have acquired basic skills in their discipline and
some relevant experience prior to joining the Company
The Programme has a mentor and assignee structure. The Mentor will be the immediate
manager, supervisor or more aptly boss (or his designated representative) who will
assign tasks to the individual requiring Mentoring (The Assignee). The Mentor will
clearly identify the tasks to be performed by providing the under listed:

 A description of the scope of work to be performed and the deliverables

 An outline on how the task should be performed if necessary with examples.
 The required information/data necessary to perform the task, or where the
information can be obtained and assumptions that have to be made.
 The codes or national standards to be followed (as applicable).
 The interfaces with other disciplines required to complete the task.
 An estimate of the man-hours required to perform the task.
 A schedule for completion.

A Task Assignment Form is used to convey the information to the Assignee using
attachments as required.

The Assignee will be the employee who will be assigned tasks by the Mentor. It is the
responsibility of the Assignee to confirm that:
▪ He/She has a clear understanding of the task to be performed and what is required of
him/her to complete the task.
▪ Request clarification to ensure a complete understanding of the task to be performed.
▪ Discuss alternate methods of executing the task that may improve the quality of the
work and its speed of execution prior to commencing the work.

The company top management is responsible for developing an effective programme,

which balances the need for the company to produce deliverables while enhancing the
skills and expertise of its employees.

Management allocates a specific number of man-hours per week to support On the Job
Training and Mentoring for both the Mentor and the Assignee. Managers, Supervisors,
logistics officers and field officers will be responsible for creation of specific work
programmes for individuals depending upon their level of expertise.

The company management team holds monthly meetings to evaluate the performance
of the instructions supplied to and mentoring of individuals/Assignee. Records are
maintained by both the Mentor and the Assignee, which are reviewed each month to
assess achievements of the employees.

Performance evaluation of the technical integrity of the tasks undertaken is essentially

based upon the employees’ compliance or deviation from the relevant tasks assigned. A
Task Assignment Form is used for this purpose with attachments as required.
The quality of deliverables produced by the employee during the execution of the tasks
shall provide for the evaluation of the employee.

A Task Assignment Log is used to log/record the various tasks undertaken in a given
period as set out in the Task Assignment Form. Comments are added for achievements
or criticism.
A Personal Development Plan is used to analyze Job Performance of the employee over
a given assessment period. These will be tailor made to suit each discipline so as to plot
a set of Basic and Applicable Skills against a series of Industrial Applications specific to
that discipline.

Options resulting from the Management’s review of an employee’s performance would


 Successful completion of assigned tasks resulting in Technology Transfer and reward

to the employee.
 Continue with the on the job training and Mentoring programme.
The Measures of Success of the programme is reflected in the ongoing and effective
operation of the company. This is provided by:
 Progressive development of the skill sets of individuals
 Enhanced performance Metrics.
LGL is aware of the dynamism and competitiveness of today’s global economy and the
demand on the niceties of advanced technology by the oil and gas industry. The present
situation demands that only the best is good enough.
The OJT programme encourages employees to attain a professional status in their
chosen fields as against seeing their jobs as just a means of basically meeting their daily
needs, or even working in manner that suggests that.

The On-the-Job-Training programme is somewhat tied to the company’s reporting lines

in the sense that Departmental Heads/Managers/Supervisors/Superintendents are
directly responsible for the implementation of the programme. The skills sets,
principles and practices required for any job function are clearly spelt out and made
known to employees, who are then expected to implement them as their job progress.

The learning of these skills, principles and practices and their application by employees
are then monitored and accessed by their heads, supervisors, managers or more aptly
their bosses.

The OJT Programme in LGL is administered in such a way that it is a culture, a way of
working rather than a set of rules forced down the throat of every employee. The
trainer at any point is being trained and the boss while assessing his subordinates is
also being assessed. This culture is cyclic and runs down the reporting spine of the

II. Technical Exchange Programme.

The Technical Exchange Programme in LGL is a training programme developed for
senior officers in the company. It basically involves seconding LGL staff to active
projects of our various Technical Partners. The seconded staff is afforded the
opportunity of developing his skills set and witnessing first hand and participating in
specialist jobs being undertaken by our Technical partners in locations outside Nigeria.
He is expected to bring value back to the company in the form of experience which may
not be possible to acquire in-country.
An employee on an exchange programme is also expected to transfer his knowledge and
exposure to his colleagues and subordinates on returning back to the country. His
experience will quickly be made available to the OJT programme.

The exchange programme is basically two-way. Our Technical Partners are also
expected to send in Technical personnel to join the company’s local operations. LGL
currently runs this programme with two of its Technical Partners. There is a long term
plan to widen the scope of this programme.

III. Overseas Training Programme.

The Overseas training programme in LGL is simply a slight variant of the OJT
programme and the exchange programme. Employees of the company are sent abroad
for specialist courses. This is usually determined by the company’s special projects or
administration needs.

Nomination of candidates for the programme is done solely on merit and after a careful
evaluation of the value it will add to the individual and to the company.

IV. In-house Training & Manpower Development Programme

LGL has in place an In-house training programme which addresses the following
training needs:

▪ Staff Orientation
▪ Community Affairs,Safety,Health,Environment and Security (CASHES)
▪ Information Technology
▪ Departmental Training
▪ Management Training.

The objectives of this programme are to provide:

▪ Professional employees with a broad understanding of the business, the business

process and the work of the main departments that contribute to the business.
▪ A programme of skills training and guidance on effective working practices
through mentoring and regular appraisals.
▪ A programme of supervised work experience within the chosen discipline
leading to early job responsibility.

In meeting the above objectives, the programme operates in a flexible way that
recognizes the individual needs of each employee.

The programme also meets the needs of achieving accredited membership of the
relevant professions, and individuals are encouraged to achieve professional status.

Much of this training are structured and administered by the Human Resources (HR)
department of the company. However, at LGL it is recognized that structured training,
the type that is necessarily required to achieve the overall objective of local content
development is a specialized field. This therefore calls for a professional approach and
assistance from recognized training bodies.

The company therefore engages the services of training consultants for the
development of content, methods and materials for these training requirements. This is
done in conjunction with the company HR department. The company’s in-house training
requirement are constantly brought to reviews and tailored to meet current needs in
our rapidly changing security environment.

1.5.6 Summary
In all the application of these strategies for Local content optimisation, LGL shall not
lose sight of the following:
▪ Quality
▪ Safety
▪ Cost
▪ Delivery Schedule.

We believe at LGL that our limitations shall not be an excuse for poor performance. The
issue of local content should also not be a guise for exhibiting poor entrepreneurial

1.6 Score Cards, Measurement and Reporting

The Local Content drive in LGL is continually monitored to identify areas for
improvement. Staffing and project records and statistics are kept for the monitoring of
the Local Content drive performance. Projected and actual figures/records of Nigerian
content of each component of our management and project operations are kept and
updated accordingly.

The following monitoring parameters among others are used;

 Physical quantities of Nigerian goods purchased.
 No of Nigerian personnel employed
 Man-hours for services used.
 In Country Consignment-Warehousing
 Training of Staff
 Status action plans for initiatives to increase Nigerian content.

These records are sent to the Head office for audit.

1.7 Requirements for Success

The success of any action plan will be aided by a set or sets of systems. The LGL action
plan on Local Content optimisation will not succeed in isolation.
Listed below are some of the requirements for success:

 Government involvement which will lend teeth to any statutory policy on LC.
 Stable working/investment environment.
 Peaceful resolution of conflict.
 Security, Law and order.
 Community awareness and support.
1.8 Summary and Conclusion
The Local Content Optimisation drive in LGL is borne out of the passion to excel and
create a truly indigenous and world class oil and gas service company. We are
convinced that Nigeria has the potentials to be at the driving seat of the singular
economic activity that shapes her economy and by extension her future as a nation.

We at LGL are committed to making this dream of Local Content Optimisation come

We believe in ourselves, the nation of Nigeria and her people and we believe in the
expected results of Local Content Optimisation Drive.


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