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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 151: The wealthy
eldest lady who was wrongly held (8) 2200+ words
The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 151: The wealthy eldest lady who
was wrongly held (8) 2200+ words
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Chapter 151 The wealthy eldest lady who got wrong (8) 2200+ words

Su Qinghuan didn't expect to bump into such a scene when she came back!

Sitting in the medical ward filled with the smell of disinfectant, she couldn't
help but feel a little grateful when she looked at the thin-looking woman on the

——Fortunately, I changed my mind and came back temporarily, otherwise Su Ruyu

might die in that tube building!

Su Qinghuan was the daughter of the genius doctor Wangchengu in the last plane,
and her own medical skills are naturally not bad. She took Su Ruyu's pulse and
probably knew what was going on.

Su’s mother has been working hard to raise her daughter over the years. She
left the fruit stall early and returned late. Sometimes she couldn’t pay the
tuition and even went to sell blood, so she was left behind.

It is difficult to be cured by taking western medicine and performing surgery

alone. It needs Chinese medicine and appropriate dietary prescriptions to slowly

"Hey, Tong'er, you said that if I had money now, it would be fine."

Su Qinghuan frowned. She did not have ready-made acupuncture materials, nor did
she lack Chinese herbal medicines that could strengthen Su Ruyu's foundation.

Those big tonic items are very expensive. Su Qinghuan roughly estimated that
even if she sold the house where Su Ruyu lived, she would not be able to raise such
a large sum of money.

"Host, a penny can stump the hero, I will sing a cool song for you."


The main reason is that the time is too rush, and the college entrance
examination is still three days away. Su Qinghuan has to worry about the college
entrance examination and cannot go to work now.

If you use legal means to get money, it is actually as difficult as going to

the sky. If you have more time, Su Qinghuan is not in a hurry to prove his

"The family members of the patient in Room 102, please come out and pay an
advance payment of 5,000 yuan."

Su Qinghuan nodded, and she took out all the notebooks that her adoptive mother
had saved. There were about twelve thousand left on it, and she could cope with it
in the hospital for two days.
"Okay, I'll come over now."

Who knows, the woman on the sick bed seemed to have heard their conversation,
and woke up slowly, and the thin arm, which was as thin as a dry wood, grabbed Su

"Qinghuan, why are you back? Are we in the hospital?"

The sick woman looked at Su Qinghuan lovingly, her expression a little


Su Ruyu is less than forty years old, but her face is a little sallow, and she
looks very haggard.

Even if the heavens gave a good skin bag, the skin tone became dull and the
corners of the eyes were wrinkled because of the hard work of these years.

That’s why Song Qianqian was so afraid of recognizing the Su family. If she was
no longer the daughter of the Song family and lived in the Tongzilou, she couldn’t
imagine what she would be like when she was poor.


Seeing her adoptive mother trying to sit up, Su Qinghuan was shocked when she
saw it, and quickly pressed her with a serious face.

"Mom, don't move, just lie down and take a good rest. I will pay you a deposit
and then come back and talk carefully."

"Advance payment? I want to be hospitalized?"

Su Ruyu was shocked and she was not a stupid person. Seeing Su Qinghuan still
wearing a half-new school uniform and messy hair, she guessed that her daughter
might have been driven out by the Song family.

When she was a babysitter in the Song family, Su Ruyu discovered that the Song
family was actually not good to Su Qinghuan, which made Su Ruyu feel very sorry for
this daughter.

"Qinghuan, you told your mother the truth, did you quarrel with the Song family?
The college entrance examination is about to go, go back to the Song family! Don't
make trouble! Mom is in good health, I have nothing to do, don't waste it in the
hospital It's money."

Su Ruyu was afraid that she could not afford this disease, and if she ran out
of the last savings in her family, who would pay for Su Qinghuan to go to college?

She felt very guilty. Her biological daughter Song Qianqian became a beautiful
lady, and if Su Qinghuan was driven out, she would have to live in poverty with
her. When she thinks of this, her heart feels astringent.

"Mom, I won't go back to Song's house. I am not happy there, I just want to
follow you."

Su Qinghuan put it lightly, overwhelming everything with only three words


But Su Ruyu is not easy to fool. She swept through the bandaged wound on the
girl's arm, and she was shocked.

"Qinghuan, what happened to your hand?"

Perhaps it was because those people at the Song family turned a deaf ear to her
injury. At this moment, seeing Su Ruyu's scorching expression, the little fox's
throat couldn't help but feel sore.

Su Qinghuan took a deep breath and smiled hard.

"Mom, I'm fine... I just accidentally scratched, I have been on medicine."

In fact, Su Ruyu is worse than the original owner. He raised another's daughter
by mistake, and was hated for a lifetime, and could not die well.

The Song family saw Su Ruyu so unhappy, it was because they felt that Song
Qianqian was well-trained, but the original owner was too ordinary.

They directly counted the sequelae of holding the wrong child on Su’s head, but
they forgot that this incident was originally an accident!


Su Ruyu was a little doubtful whether Su Qinghuan was injured in the Song
family, but she could only sigh when her daughter did not want to mention the Song

Su's mother looked sad, and put her hand on Su Qinghuan's palm a little

"Qinghuan, if you don't go back to Song's house, what will you do if you go to

"There must be a way before the car reaches the mountain, Mom, don't worry
about me, now the student loan is convenient, and I have the hands and feet to earn
money while studying."

Su Qing smiled happily, but Su Ruyu was extremely sad. It was obvious that she
had such a good background, but she was embarrassed by herself.

Su Qinghuan was afraid that Su Ruyu was thinking too much, so she quickly
calmed down.

"Mom, the doctor said, you have to think less, so that the illness will get
better soon. I will pay for it, and I have to take the college entrance examination
in two days. You must cheer up."


Su Qinghuan finished paying the hospital advance payment, and found that the
savings at home were only a few thousand large, which really made the scalp numb.

——If the root cause of the foster mother is to be completely eliminated, the
money for the medicine alone will cost 700,000 to 800,000 yuan.

Is there any legal way to make so much money in two or three days?

Su Qinghuan thought for a long time, and inexplicably came the face of the boy
she met at the Shenghao Hotel in her mind. She could see that the other party
should be very rich.

That suit jacket, I’m afraid it’s also custom made.

Su Qinghuan was not too frantic enough to sell other people’s clothes. She
thought about some pharmacological knowledge of her last plane, and quickly wrote
down two lists.


One hour later, Su Qinghuan appeared in the largest Chinese medicine shop in
City A.

In the past, the original owner heard from the Song family that this pharmacy
has a big background, and there are many valuable and rare medicinal materials in
the market.

"Little girl, are you here to buy medicine?"

Su Qinghuan nodded, and handed over the name of the medicinal material he
wanted to catch Su Ruyu.

"Yes, do you have these in the store?"

The senior pharmacist saw the rare medicinal materials above, and his eyes
widened. Some things are available in the store, and some need to be adjusted

"Little girl, these medicinal materials may be worth 500,000 yuan. Do you have
so much money in your hand?"

He saw that Su Qinghuan was wearing a white-washed school uniform, and he

couldn't help but belittle it.

Su Qinghuan coughed lightly and gave him another list.

"Ask your shopkeeper to come out and take a look. This prescription list
should be worth more than two million yuan. I want to use this prescription to
replace the previous medicinal materials."

The senior pharmacist didn't even look at the content above, and threw the
paper on the ground mockingly, with contempt in his eyes.

"Little girl, are you brain ill? Come to our world medicine store to fight the
autumn wind? Are you afraid of being beaten out?!"

Su Qinghuan frowned, unexpectedly this pharmacy had such a bad attitude.

She pursed the corners of her lips, trying to pick up the prescription to find
another master, but before she bent down, someone picked up the piece of paper

A cold voice came.

"why you?"

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 152: The wealthy
eldest lady who was taken in the wrong (9)
The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 152: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong (9)
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Chapter 152 The Big Miss Who Was Wrongly Pao (9)

As soon as Su Qinghuan turned his head, he saw the beautiful boy who happened
upon him at the Shenghao Hotel last time.

The other party seems to be particularly fond of black, and today is still a
finely tailored black shirt.

Behind the boy was a burly man with a Chinese character face, a bronze skin,
and a casual shirt that should have been wide could not hide the knotted muscles
and flesh all over his body.

Looking like this, this person should be the boy’s bodyguard, who picked up the
prescription that Su Qinghuan had thrown on the ground by the clerk.


"It's you, what a coincidence."

Su Qinghuan nodded at the young man in surprise. Obviously, she didn’t expect
that she could bump into someone who met in the water when she came to the world
medicine store to buy a medicine.

"It's a coincidence."

Seeing the little fox looking over in a friendly manner, the young man still
looked like Gujing Wubo, but slightly nodded at her.

"A Si, return the paper to her."

The young man with the national character face looked very honest, he grinned
at Su Qinghuan, showing a row of porcelain-white teeth.

"Okay, take it, Miss Su."

"How do you know my last name is Su?"

Su Qinghuan raised her eyebrows.

She kind of guessed that it was a teenager who sent someone to investigate her
identity. After all, she broke into someone else’s private land so recklessly, it’s
not surprising that she would be warned.

The other party's obvious identity is quite noble, even if he was sitting at
the computer desk when he was sick before, he still had a faint noble aura.


The boy in black nodded concisely. His face was cold and alienated. He was
obviously used to being condescending, and he didn't mean to hide it at all.

Su Qinghuan saw him confess in such a generous manner that there was no feeling
of anger in his heart, thinking that he had taken the other party's things, so he

"By the way, I made a temporary emergency and robbed your clothes. I have
already washed them. Or you will go back with me later, and I will return the coat
to you?"

Just the pair of lapis lazuli cufflinks on that suit jacket is very valuable to
look at.

Su Qinghuan wondered if he could sell the cufflinks for more than two hundred


"No, I don't wear clothes that other people wear."

The boy's expression was very plain, and a pair of ink eyes glanced at Su
Qinghuan faintly, obviously he really didn't take this matter to his heart.


Su Qinghuan had guessed that the other party was very rich. She thought of the
adoptive mother who was still in the ward waiting for life-saving money, so she
couldn't help but ask another question.

"Then can I take care of that dress by myself?"

First remove the lapis lazuli cufflinks and sell them separately, and then
modify the men’s suit a little bit. You can also use it in town.


The young man nodded carelessly. He saw the girl's eyes with some excitement
and couldn't help but scan the prescription list that Su Qinghuan was holding.

When he came, he just heard a little argument between Su Qinghuan and the clerk
of Tiandi Medicine.

Is she very short of money?

Judging from the juvenile investigation, Su Qinghuan is clearly the biological

daughter of the Song Group of City A. Although that group is not a big company that
can be put on the table, it is not too poor to let her daughter drink Northwest

"Are you here to buy medicine? Why don't you just swipe your card?"


Su Qinghuan was immediately defeated by the logic of the teenager. If she had
money, why would she spend so much time on selling prescriptions?
asked her to tell her that the value of that prescription should start at at
least two million. Those drugs were bought for an emergency. This pharmacy still
has some money. Who knows that the other party’s attitude is so arrogant.

"I can't make a turnaround for the time being. Since this pharmacy doesn't
know the goods, I will go to another home."

Tiandi Medicine is the largest supplier of medicinal materials in City A. Su

Qinghuan is short of time and has no time to care about this shop.

If you want to find the next large pharmacy, I am afraid you have to go to the
imperial capital, but the journey is far away, and there is a reminder of the
college entrance examination, which is really daunting.


Seeing the bitter smile on Su Qinghuan’s lips, the boy understood immediately.
He frowned and looked at the trembling pharmacy clerk.

"There is a problem with her prescription? Where is your shopkeeper?"

He is a frequent visitor here, how dare the people in the world medicine shop
dare to offend this ancestor?


The senior pharmacist was worried that Su Qinghuan would be friends with the
prince of the Bo family, so he kept standing by the side and did not dare to speak.

Now that the boy looked over, he had to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead
and bend down respectfully towards Bo Feibai.

"Young Master Bo, it’s not that I don’t want to believe this little girl, but
that there are too many swindlers playing the autumn wind now, and the medicinal
materials she wants to collect are too precious, and our store has to be
transferred outside."

Bo Feibai pursed the corners of his lips, and he glanced at Su Qing in


"What medicine do you want to buy?"

Su Qinghuan handed over the list of traditional Chinese medicine that she had
customized for Su Ruyu. It was really difficult to collect the things on that one.

Just like ginseng, small ginseng with insufficient age will not have any effect
at all.

With the limitations of efficacy and age, the rarity will naturally increase.


Bai Feibai glanced roughly, his expression faint.

"I have some of these things in my house. Some years and fineness are better
than what you wrote. If you need them, I can give them to you."

Su Qinghuan was startled. She didn't expect that the boy in black would be
willing to help her. The little fox rolled his eyes and looked a little

"Reactive merits are not rewarded. I don't even know your name."

"Thin and not white."

? ? ?

Su Qinghuan was taken aback.

Are there any wealthy people in City A with a poor surname?

She thought for a long time and did not come up with a reason, it seems that
there is no such person in the memory of the original owner.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw the handsome and cold eyebrows of the
young man, locking himself deeply.

"My name, you remembered it. Your code is well written. If you have the
opportunity in the future, you can cooperate."


It turned out to be because of that line of code!

Su Qinghuan sighed, she smiled honestly, the other party helped her so much,
she wouldn't even be able to agree to this little thing.

"Yes, but I have to wait for my college entrance examination."

Seeing Su Qinghuan's consent, the boy who claimed to be Bo Feibai added a cold

"Su Qinghuan, but even if you have these medicinal materials and do not have a
suitable master, you are wasting these treasures of heaven and earth. Do you need
to introduce a medicinal material master for you?"

The senior pharmacist at the Tiandi Medicine Store heard this, his eyes

"Master Bo! Can I recommend myself? Give the younger one a chance!"

After finishing speaking, the senior pharmacist glanced at Su Qinghuan with

some jealousy.

I don’t know what kind of luck this girl has gone, she can be given so many
good things by Bo Shao!

As a senior pharmacist, he has always regretted not having the opportunity to

get in touch with high-level medicinal materials and become a great alchemist!


Su Qinghuan did not miss the bad eyes of the pharmacy clerk, she looked cold.

"No, it's very simple. I can do it myself!"

The senior pharmacist almost laughed when he saw Su Qinghuan wearing a school

"A yellow-haired girl, I am ashamed to brag here?!"

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 153: The wealthy
eldest lady who was taken in the wrong (10)
The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 153: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong (10)
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Chapter 153 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken in the wrong way (10)

The senior pharmacist almost laughed when he saw Su Qinghuan wearing a school

"A yellow-haired girl, I am afraid that I can't even recite the names of
common Chinese medicines. I'm ashamed to brag here that I can concoct precious
medicinal materials?!"

It is said that one minute on stage, ten years off stage, then in the aspect of
refining medicine, you have to pay more attention to the accumulation of time!


Su Qinghuan was originally very upset with this pharmacist’s superior attitude.
Before even looking at the prescriptions she wrote, she threw it on the ground!

She didn’t plan to care about it, but now this pharmacist is really annoying

She squinted her apricot eyes, and a cold light suddenly appeared in her eyes.

"This pharmacist, we are half of our peers. I advise you not to carry a
proficiency, but sit and watch the sky. You can't even tell whether a prescription
is good or bad!"

That senior pharmacist has been in this line for nearly twenty years anyway,
and Su Qinghuan is so angry that he blows his beard and stares.

"Where do you think our world medicine store is? Do you even want to treat the
things written by Amao and Agou as a treasure?!"

Su Qinghuan has always been a person who has nothing to cause trouble, and is
not afraid of trouble. She held the piece of paper that she had originally planned
to sell to Tiandi Medicine, and the corner of her lips curled up with a ridiculous

"Amao Ago? Oh, this pharmacist, why don't we take a gamble. If my prescription
can sell for more than two million yuan, you won't do it again, how about it?"

"Funny, I will be forced to change career by your little girl?"

The senior pharmacist was also pierced by Su Qinghuan’s mocking eyes. No matter
how much he was also involved in this industry, how could he be slapped in the face
by a little girl!


So the middle-aged man couldn't help turning his head and looked at the boy in
black who was watching the play with a cold look.

"Bo Shao, if you are here today, either you will be a testimony for me, and
don't say that I am bullying the young by the old and bullying a little girl!"

His eyes twitched, thinking that Bo Feibai had promised to give Su Qinghuan so
many good things earlier, and his flattering eyes suddenly showed a coveted look.

"This little girl is too mad, and she told me to quit the pharmacist business
in one sentence! Don't say that I am not kind, then I have to let her shed some

Su Qinghuan looked cold, and guessed the other person's mind at a glance, and a
cold smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

"You want to bet on the medicinal materials that Young Master Bo promised to
give me earlier, right?!"


Su Qinghuan snatched the lines for a while, and the middle-aged pharmacist was
a little embarrassed.

But he is really unwilling to waste so many good things in Su Qinghuan's hands!

Rather than being ruined by a layman like Su Qinghuan, wouldn’t it be better to

give it to him?

Seeing that Bo Feibai never stood up and said a word for Su Qinghuan, the heart
that was originally suspended by the middle-aged alchemist gradually returned to
the original place.

Just now, Su Qinghuan didn’t know Bo Feibai’s name. It was obvious that the two
were unfamiliar, and Bo Shao had no reason to protect her!

Figured this level, the senior pharmacist spoke proudly!

"Yes, just use those medicinal materials as a bet." He glanced at Su Qinghuan

with a little disdain: "Those good things are in my hands, it is better than being
violent by some people."
After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man lowered his head doglegally, and
asked the boy in black cautiously, very flatteringly.

"Bo Shao, do you think this bet is feasible?"


Su Qinghuan also looked at Bo Feibai.

The boy has slender eyebrows, a straight nose and thin lips, and his complexion
is as white as jade, just like a vampire out of a comic.

Bo Feibai brushed his fingers lazily, but he was a little curious as to where
Su Qinghuan could go.

—From the moment the girl flipped through the window and jumped into his room,
it was like a mystery, and her body was full of secrets.

The young man looked at the little fox with a smile.

"As long as Miss Su doesn't mind, I can be your witness for the gambling

In the information he collected, Su Qinghuan and her adoptive mother had a hard
life since childhood. Where can there be resources to learn codes? What's more, it
has hacked such a website with many masters in charge!

Becoming a pharmacist requires a master teacher to lead in!

Looking at the famous refiners of medicine in Country A, Bo Feibai basically

has some friendships, but he has never heard of such a young disciple!


Su Qinghuan knew that Bo Feibai wanted to try how many catties he had.

She needs a lot of money. If Bo Feibai clears the way for her, then she will
undoubtedly save a lot of effort in doing things in the future.

The girl's apricot eyes narrowed slightly, and she curled her lips with a

"Then I can't let Bo Shao down, please."

Bo Fei nodded, and he swept over the two betting people.

"Okay, to be fair, please see me. Two masters of pharmacy are the appraisers of
this prescription. One is the treasurer of Tiandi Medicine, and the other is Mr.
Xu, whom I invited from outside. I have already photographed the prescription and
sent it to them. ."

Lao Xu was the man in the world who invaded the entire pharmaceutical industry,
but now that he is old, he occasionally appears, but no one knows that Mr. Xu is
still the private doctor of the Bo family!

The senior pharmacist's eyes lit up!

"Lao Xu will come too?"

He only felt that his heart was pounding. He had always wanted to worship Xu
Lao’s door, but he had no chance to meet him. Today, he didn’t expect that because
of this yellow-haired girl, he would have the opportunity to recommend herself!

The pharmacist immediately rubbed his palms with excitement.

"Great! If I can show my hand in front of Mr. Xu and be accepted as a

disciple, I will be worth it in my life."


"Don't be happy too early."

Su Qinghuan sat lazily on the stool, she glanced at the pharmacist coolly,
without any fear on her face.


The senior pharmacist snorted coldly. He felt that he was determined to win. At
the moment, Bo Shao was present, so he was not interested in arguing with a junior.

Even Ah Si, who had been following Bo Feibai, couldn't help muttering under Su
Qinghuan's calm smile.

"Master, do you think Miss Su can win?"

"What do you mean?"

Bo Feibai looked at Su Qinghuan’s well-groomed appearance, his eyes darkened...


In less than half an hour, the shopkeeper Wang of Tiandi Medicine and a
grandfather with white hair and white beard walked over.

The two of them didn't know about the gambling appointment, but they had
already seen the prescription.

The middle-aged man who was betting with Su Qinghuan could not help but stand
up when he saw Xu Lao, who was in the dust, and wanted to graciously hand over a
cup of hot tea.

"Old Xu, I am really lucky for Sansheng today, the younger one is from Tiandi

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by the white-haired

and white-bearded grandfather.

Xu Lao looked excited and ecstatic, and his beard floated in excitement!

"Fei Bai, which master came up with the prescription you just posted?!"

"The other party only sold two million!? How short of money is this? It's too
bad to sell! I pushed everything off this afternoon, and I want to see this

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 154: The wealthy
eldest lady who was miscarried (11) 2200+ words
The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 154: The wealthy eldest lady who
was miscarried (11) 2200+ words
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Chapter 154 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken the wrong way (11) 2200+

For nearly a hundred years, the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine in

Country A has been seriously faulted. If you don’t have enough time and patience to
study this matter, you will not be able to achieve anything in refining medicine!

Talents in this area are extremely scarce. When Xu Lao saw the prescription,
he was surprised by the precise dosage and bold selection of materials.

He had similar ideas before, but he was always a little less inspirational.
After all, the weight of this kind of thing was processed by medicinal materials,
and the effect was ridiculous.


Lao Xu feels more excited when he thinks about it. This nearly eighty-year-old
man has bright eyes and can’t wait to discuss with that master of traditional
Chinese medicine now!

"It's not white, you must not prevaricate me, I have to see this master for
everything I say today!"

said that heroes cherish heroes. Now that the Chinese medicine in Country A is
so serious, he has always wanted to find a closed disciple to inherit his mantle,
but there is never such a suitable seedling.

Although some of the apprentices under had some success, they still lacked

And the author behind this prescription, medical skills are by no means under

I don’t know if this expert has any apprentices now. You can also discuss the
major events of the inheritance of Chinese medicine in Country A!


The senior pharmacist who bet with Su Qinghuan heard Xu Lao's words, his face
suddenly paled.

"how come?"

He was in a daze, the cup of hot tea fell directly to the ground with a slap,
almost splashing on the old Xu who was still in intense excitement.
The shopkeeper Wang from Tiandi Medicine gave him a very dissatisfied look.

"Lao Li, what's the matter with you today? Didn't you have eyes? If you hurt
Xu Lao, it will make you look good!"

The middle-aged man who bet with Su Qinghuan turned pale.


He didn’t have eyes today!

Everyone who doesn’t know Tarzan provokes big shots!


And Mr. Xu was in a good mood today and waved his hand very generously.

"Forget it, shopkeeper Wang, these are all trivial matters, don't make it
difficult for your clerk!"

"Fei Bai, don't keep looking and smiling but not talking. Where is the expert
who wrote the prescription? The other party won't leave, right?"

Selling prescriptions for only two million. With such an ingenious medical
skill, how could it fall to this point?

Elder Xu couldn't figure it out, thinking in his heart that if the other party
was really down, he would have to draw this person to his camp.

Even if you can’t be in the same faction, it’s good to be able to make a face
and sell your personal affection!


Bo Feibai is also very rare to see the excitement of Xu Lao, the young man
stretched out his fingers with a smile, and his voice was light and slow.

"Here, it's behind you."

The young man looked lazy, and the tail of his eyes was slightly raised.



Old Xu frowned, he looked behind him, skipped the girl who was sitting on the
wicker chair and looked very sloppy, instead staring at the wide open backstage

"Are you saying that the expert has already walked through the back door?"

It’s not that Mr. Xu looks down on young people, but from the perspective of
his mindset, Mr. Xu feels that to have such an amazing pharmacist, he is at least
forty years old.

But Su Qinghuan is a little girl who looks like she is only sixteen or
seventeen years old. She doesn't seem to be a medically successful person.


Standing behind Bo Feibai, Ah Si suddenly laughed and screamed.

"Old Xu, you're so funny, isn't the person whom the master pointed out can sit
upright in a wicker chair?"


Lao Xu and the shopkeeper Wang of Tiandi Medicine were stunned. They looked at
each other and couldn't believe their eyes.

Xu Lao's expression was shocked, and then he carefully looked at the girl in
front of him.

"Are you the one who sells this prescription?"

Su Qinghuan also smiled generously, and reached out to the most famous Chinese
medicine practitioners in country A.

"Hello, I am Su Qinghuan."

Xu Lao sees that she is weak in figure, and she is wearing ordinary clothes.
Even the school uniform is still white and a little shabby, but she is better than
the whole person's back and straight, and her appearance is quite good.

"Hello little girl."

It is rare for Xu Lao to shook the hand of a junior back so gently, and his
smile was extremely pleasant.

"Can you give me this bad old man introduce the people behind you?"

Old Xu still has doubts, so I said earlier that Su Qinghuan sells

prescriptions, not that she writes prescriptions. In Xu Lao's heart, I always feel
that Su Qinghuan is at most a little girl sent by an expert.


Looking at the earnest eyes of this big Chinese medicine expert, Su Qing's
smile was still extremely calm.

She shook her head.

"No one else, I wrote it."



All the people present were silent.

The senior pharmacist who bet with Su Qinghuan seemed to have thought of
something, and he couldn't help but stand up sharply!

"You lied, you must have someone write it on your behalf! No, you used that
prescription to sell at our pharmacy, and it was sold so cheaply. It must be a
recipe for stealing people!"
He has been in this industry for almost 20 years, how can he retreat for a
yellow-haired girl!


Su Qinghuan girl glanced at the other person, her lips curled up, her voice
dragged meaningfully.

"I stole it? Where did I steal it? Mr. Li, I think you’re not going to break
the contract, right? I’m willing to gamble and lose. Since this prescription is
worth more than two million, you can now get out of the world!"


The treasurer king of the world medicine store reacted very quickly and quickly
caught the point.

"Lao Li, that recipe was originally sold to our shop by this lady?"

He slapped the table angrily.

"You are so confused!"

Because this clerk took a look, they lost such a lucrative opportunity to the
drug store!

"I now announce that you have been fired, hurry up and pack up!"


The middle-aged man wanted to intercede again, but the bodyguard of the Tiandi
Medicine Store was not a soft food, so he quickly kicked him out.

The shopkeeper Wang wiped his sweat, and cautiously pleased Su Qinghuan.

"Ms. Su, this is how our shop has been offended before. If you want to sell in
the future, our shop will give priority to it and give a satisfactory price!"

And Xu Lao was even more excited. He was a man of talent. He knew how valuable
this recipe was after the finished product was made. Without saying anything, he
increased the price to five million and received the recipe.

"Su Yatou, don't pay attention to that fat man. In the future, I will exchange
pharmacological knowledge with my bad old man. Come and discuss it when you have

Su Qinghuan took the other party’s money and smiled very politely.

"Old Xu, you are joking. I haven't graduated from high school yet. How can I
discuss with you? I will leave if I have anything else to do. Goodbye everyone."


Xu Lao didn't forcefully retain Su Qinghuan.

The more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became. Sitting on the
Bo’s off-road vehicle, he couldn’t help but speak to the boy in black next to him.
"Fei Bai, don't you think that little girl is very interesting? The college
entrance examination is coming soon, and I don't know what grades she can get."

Bo Feibai turned his face, he had checked Su Qinghuan's information, and he had
a hint of interest in his eyes when he thought of Su Qinghuan's mediocre results.

The young man squinted lazily, as if thinking about something.

He knocked his fingers on the car window intentionally or unintentionally, and

the knuckles were long and white, glowing like jade.

"Why, do you want to arrange for her?"

A Si knew about this, and couldn't help but interject.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, don't you think Miss Su is good at pharmacy, but the exam... I'm
afraid I will disappoint you, even the second copy is hanging!"

"So bad?"

Old Xu's eyes widened in shock. He saw that Su Qinghuan even wore school
uniforms on the street, thinking that the other party was a good student!

He quickly made a call to the president of Imperial Capital University.

"Hey, Lao Lin, give me an arrangement. This year's medical department must
recruit a special student!"

This kind of talent is not going to the best school, that is a violent thing!

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 155: The wealthy
eldest lady who was taken in the wrong place (12)
The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 155: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong place (12)
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Chapter 155 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken in the wrong way (12)

It is the first time that President Lin of Imperial Capital University has seen
Xu Lao admire a student like this. In fact, Country A does have a different
recruitment strategy for special talents, but few people know about it.
"Old Xu, are you sure that the student named Su Qinghuan is as good as you

Principal Lin is very fast. He has checked Su Qinghuan's academic performance over
the years through internal data. All aspects are mediocre, and he has never heard
of this child's achievements in medicine.

Xu Lao was so angry that he blew his beard and stared when he heard Principal
Lin's skepticism in his eyes.

"The person I recommend, can there be fakes? Okay, if your school doesn't like
that kid, I will go to the next door Qingda!"

Qingda is also the top school in country A, but if it is in the medical field,
Tedu University is even better.

This is also the reason why Xu Lao hoped to arrange Su Qinghuan to Imperial
Capital University in the first place.

But in any case, Qingda is also very good, and Qingda has thrown an olive
branch to Xu Lao early, and has always hoped that this old scholar can occasionally
go to their school as a guest professor to give lectures.

Elder Xu believed that if he contacted the principal of Qing University, the

other party would never doubt his aesthetics so much, and would directly list Su
Qinghuan as a key training object.

Principal Lin heard that Mr. Xu mentioned the competitor’s school, so he was a bit
anxious. Mr. Xu hadn’t come to their school to give a few lectures. If Mr. Xu went
to Qingda for a young girl, then they Isn't the Imperial Capital University a big

"Old Xu, don't do this, I'm just curious, okay, surely that girl is called Su
Qinghuan, right? I will arrange for someone to dredge it."

Principal Lin means that a drunkard is not interested in drinking. In his

opinion, let Su Qinghuan be recruited into the school first!

If the other party is really as good as Xu Lao said, then it is naturally

better. If the other party is just a fake, then she will not pass the exams of the
Imperial University anyway and will be dropped out of school.

Count and count, how the Imperial Capital University does not lose, but it can
still earn Xu Lao's favor!


Su Qinghuan didn’t know that she went to the Tiandi Medicine Store to sell a
prescription. Mr. Xu had already admired her so much and even started to pave the
way for her future.

She has received the five million dollars for medicines, which is more than enough
to pay for the hospital. Su Qinghuan also plans to wait for the college entrance
examination to see if there are any suitable second-hand houses. A small two-
bedroom apartment with simple decoration will do, and it doesn’t need to be too
luxurious. .

Then buy a store for her adoptive mother, so that she doesn’t have to set up a
fruit stand in the wind and sun, and there is a place to reopen.
The living environment at the remote tube building in city A is really bad, and
it is extremely unfavorable for the patients to recuperate. Su Qinghuan did not
plan to live there permanently.


In the ward of the Chinese Medicine Hospital of City A, the smell of

disinfectant water spread.

Anyway, I made money, so I don’t need to treat myself too badly. Su Qinghuan
specially packed a few foods at the most famous local Xianwei Ju and brought them
to Su Ruyu.

The beautiful wooden box opens, the preserved egg and lean meat congee exudes a
strong fragrance, and there is a stewed black chicken soup with American ginseng,
accompanied by a few appetizers, the most nourishing.

"Mom, you are too skinny, you can heal faster if you are full."

Su Ruyu was lying on the sick bed, and she looked worriedly across the gorgeous
food container.

"Ah, Qinghuan, why are you wasting money like this? Buying such expensive food, mom
just needs to starve. Now it's almost time for you to go to college. I'm still
lying here and can't make money. You let my mother Are you two sitting in the sky?"

Seeing her adoptive mother’s painful and self-blaming face, Su Qinghuan sighed
and gently stroked the middle-aged woman’s hair.

"Mom, of course I bought these because I had money. It is also good luck. I
bought a few lottery tickets last time and I won a full 50,000 yuan."


Su Ruyu glanced at Su Qinghuan suspiciously, obviously not believing that such

a good thing would happen to him.

"Of course it is true! Anyway, we must have survived the recent period of time
is enough, and I also rented a house, wait a few days after you are discharged from
the hospital, I will take you to move there."

Su Qinghuan deliberately said that she lowered the amount she had on hand,
because she was afraid that Su Ruyu would think too much about it, and even the
purchase of a house was simply said to be rented.

"You still rented a house? Don't we have a house?"

"Mom, there is no sunshine in the tube building, the air is damp-humid, and
the environment is messy and messy. It will harm your condition without any
benefit. We just moved out temporarily and will come back when you are better."

Seeing Su Ruyu's expression has been tangled, Su Qinghuan hurriedly fed a

spoonful of black-bone chicken soup.

"Mom, I spent all the money. If you can't live, we will have to pay the
landlord's penalty."

"You kid... don't discuss it with your mom if you have money. After all, you
are now in a critical period of studying, and mom is afraid you will not have

Su Ruyu feels sad, she is actually the person who has the least idea, and the
original character has followed her. She is weak and cowardly, and dare not give
her own opinions on anything.

"How can I be short of money! I also contacted a kind classmate and waited for a
part-time job in his company after the college entrance examination! Their family
is rich, and I look good and look good. As long as I work as a front desk and type
at least one month. Thousands."

Su Qinghuan used Bo Feibai as a shield without changing her face. Anyway, this
can be regarded as a half fact.

"Want to work part-time after the college entrance examination?"

Su Ruyu was immediately stunned. Seeing her daughter arranged her work so
quickly, she felt that Su Qinghuan had suddenly become the backbone of her family,
as if she had changed herself.

She was sour in her heart, only thinking that Su Qinghuan was forced to grow
rapidly by poverty because of the changes over the past few months.

"Qinghuan... I've suffered you... It's all my mother's incompetence, and I

can't give you a life for a young lady like the Song family."

"Mom, you are talking stupid again. I couldn't grow up to this age without
you. In the future, I will lead you to get rich. We will live more beautifully than
the Song family."

Su Qing chuckled and fed another spoonful of black-bone chicken soup. Su Ruyu
only thought she was coaxing herself, but her heart could not be ironed, and tears

What is this all about!

If there were no mistakes, how could Qinghuan suffer poverty with her?

Thinking of his own daughter Song Qianqian’s mocking eyes, he seemed to regard
her as an enemy.

Looking at the little cotton-padded jacket in front of him, Su Ruyu felt a bit
astringent, so she couldn't help but picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and ate a
few more mouthfuls of rice.

——My daughter is right, she must cheer up, and she has to earn tuition for


In the blink of an eye, it was time for the college entrance examination.

Su Qinghuan was stopped by a Maybach before he even reached the examination room.

Song brothers and sisters got off the car, Song Qianqian in a white dress
looked at her with joy, and ran over with the skirt.

The girl's delicate face has a faint reproach.

"Qinghuan! You finally showed up! Why don't you go home? My parents and
brother are so worried about you!"

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 156: The wealthy
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 156: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong place (13)
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Chapter 156 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken in the wrong way (13)

Su Qinghuan just wanted to walk directly into the examination room, but was
stopped by the strange brothers and sisters Song Qianqian and Song Zilang.

Song Qianqian jealously swept over the girl in the shabby school uniform in
front of her. It was obvious that the white and blue striped dress had been washed
out to dust, but she still couldn't hide Su Qinghuan's amazing beauty.

Song's mother is very beautiful, she is the kind of stunning look. When she was
young, she was a famous beauty in City A.

The original owner is Song's mother's biological daughter, and she has
inherited Song's mother perfectly and gave birth to a good skin.

Clear apricot eyes, black hair like crow feathers, and a cold white skin that
is a little dazzling in the sun.

It’s just that the original owner has a low self-esteem. He has been poor since
he was a child. He has suffered a lot because of his looks. The gangster likes to
tease her, and girls of the same age also quietly exclude her.

The original owner with a cowardly and weak personality often hunches over his
chest, for fear that others will notice him.

But the little fox is different. No matter where he goes, his back is straight
as a benchmark.

Even if there is no powder on the face, there is also a lack of brand-name

watch jewelry decoration, but the whole body aura can completely surpass those
well-dressed rich ladies!


Su Ruyu is actually quite pretty, but she is the kind of beauty of Xiaojiabiyu,
who looks gentle and is not the first big beauty.

Song Qianqian inherited her genes, naturally also this kind of gentle and
gentle appearance, in the face of Su Qinghuan's bright and beautiful type, there is
no bargaining.

In the past, Song Qianqian could laugh at the original owner with a hunched
chest and a hunched back. His temperament is too bad. Even if his innate facial
features are good-looking, the whole person is like an ugly duckling with
inferiority complex.

However, I just saw Su Qinghuan walking under the shade of the trees. I don’t
know how many people looked at her unconsciously along the way, but Song Qianqian
suddenly became a little anxious.

——If she wears such a shabby dress, can she still attract everyone’s attention
like a light?


Song Qianqian was a little scared of the answer, so he didn't dare to think
about it. He could only look at the girl in school uniform with concern and
reproach through his moral commanding attitude.

"Qinghuan! Why don’t you go home all the time? My parents and brother are so
worried about you! You don’t know, if we don’t meet you in the college entrance
examination room today, my brother and I will call 110 to find someone."

The little fox swept across Song Qianqian indifferently, seeing her pretentious
and caring gesture, only felt that her eyes were going to be blind.

"A good dog is not in the way, please get out of the way, thank you."

Song Qianqian did not expect that Su Qinghuan would not even give her basic

The girl in the white skirt pressed her heart in shock, as if Xi Shi was
holding her heart, her beautiful water eyes were filled with sadness.

"Qinghuan, I am obviously caring for you, how can you... scold me like this?
Oh, brother, I'm so sad..."

Song Qianqian quickly leaned towards Song Zilang next to him, hooked his arm to
the other's arm, and silently sold miserably.

Sure enough, Song Zilang frowned soon.

"Su Qinghuan, haven't you taught you the basics of being a human being? We
obviously care about you, but like you, you just treat your kindness as a donkey's
liver and lungs!"

"Puff—you care about me?"

Su Qinghuan sarcastically raised the phone, and the list of recent calls was
directly displayed on it.

"Song Zilang, if your Song family really cares about a daughter who is about
to take the college entrance examination, will they not even make a phone call? Do
not send a text message?"
She did not blacklist these people!

The indifference of the Song family is really ridiculous. Regardless of whether

she is capable of self-reliance or not, as blood relatives, the Song family must
always perform their duties as parents and brothers, but the fact is that there is

Now Song Zilang is embarrassed to show some sibling affection, and she is
disgusting to see her.


Song Zilang was stunned for a moment. He really did not pay attention to where
Su Qinghuan ate and lived these days, let alone make a phone call to ask in person.


His face was a little red, and the original reprimanding words could not be
said. After all, it is a critical period for the college entrance examination. If
Song Qianqian ran away from home, I am afraid that their family would have been

Su Qinghuan looked at the young man who was three to five points similar to
him, showing mockery.

"Master Song, are you speechless?"

Song Zilang's face was slightly stiff when a girl who was a few years younger
could not come to Taiwan, but when he thought that he had arranged for Song
Qianqian to send money to Su Ruyu, his waist straightened suddenly.

"Su Qinghuan, do you have any conscience? Although I didn't call you, I asked
Qianqian to ask Aunt Su about your situation. Is it possible that our Song family
still lacks food for you two?"

Hearing what Song Zilang said, Su Qinghuan glanced at Song Qianqian


"Are you sure this white lotus will come to ask about my mother and me? You
probably don't even know that my mother is sick and hospitalized, right?"

"Aunt Su is sick?"

Song Qianqian's face was panicked. Regarding Song Zilang's request for her to
contact Su Ruyu, she hated Su Ruyu's bones, so how could she do it?

But now that Su Ruyu has this kind of thing, as her biological daughter, she
really can't say nothing at all, so Song Qianqian quickly pushed the pot on Su

"Qinghuan, you and your aunt are too strong, why don't you tell us about this
kind of big thing..."

Speaking, Song Qianqian made a gesture to take out the bank card he was

Seeing Song Qianqian's disgusting appearance, Su Qinghuan gave a cold smile.

"You two are bothered, you didn't pay anything before, and now my mother is
about to be discharged from the hospital, so I am embarrassed to pretend to be a
good person? I can't afford Song Daqian's money, I think it is hot!"


was called the daughter of the Song family as the daughter of the Song family,
Song Qianqian only felt that the other party was mocking her own fisheyes.

Her face is pale.

"Qinghuan, you misunderstood me. I was kind. You can buy some supplements for
Auntie with this card."

Su Qinghuan had no time to pay attention to the pair of strange brothers and
sisters, and she spoke indifferently.

"Are you sure you are still wasting time with me here? Missed the college
entrance examination, Song Qianqian, are you willing?"


Without waiting for the other party to reply, Su Qinghuan took the lead and
walked away.

Song Qianqian saw the figure of the opponent's stride meteor and the ponytail
that was raised high, thinking of Su Qinghuan's previous words, and instantly
biting his nails into his palms with resentment.

"Brother, you can see Huan clearly... She is obviously caring for her."

And Song Zilang struggled for a few seconds, his face couldn't help showing a
bit of entanglement.

"Qianqian, first tell your brother why Su Qinghuan said that her adoptive
mother was hospitalized in our house and didn’t get a cent? Didn’t I ask you to
take care of their situation?"

"Brother, do you doubt me?"

Song Qianqian's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Of course I have contacted them, but Qing Huan and Aunt Su are too self-
esteem, and they don't say anything when they encounter them. What can I do?"

Speaking, the girl seemed to have suffered a great grievance, and tears rushed

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 157: The wealthy
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 157: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong place (14)
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Chapter 157 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken in the wrong way (14)

"Brother, of course I have contacted them! But Qinghuan and Aunt Su are
stubborn, and they don’t say anything when they encounter them. What can I do?!"

Seeing Song Zilang's tangled appearance, Song Qianqian's eyes were filled with
grievances and tears, and the grievance in his heart was even heavier.

-Obviously, he and Song Zilang grew up together, and the two have had a sibling
relationship for more than ten years!

As a result, Su Qinghuan only instigated a few words, and Song Zilang was so
suspicious of himself because of an outsider!


Thinking of Su Qinghuan's previous radiant appearance, Song Qianqian felt even

more frightened.

Su Qinghuan can shake Song Zilang's mind if he doesn't live with them. If this
real daughter is allowed to return to the Song family, wouldn't his status be

What about the marriage contract between her and Shen Zhiyuan, the elder of the
Shen family!

Originally Song Qianqian was not so worried about this matter. After all, the
Shen family also saw that Su Qinghuan was so petty, unable to be on the stage, and
could not become the Shen family’s daughter-in-law.

But today is inexplicable. Song Qianqian has a bad premonition. If Su Qinghuan

is really willing to pull her face down to grab the true ownership of this paper
marriage contract with her, then the difficulty of her marrying into the Shen
family will definitely rise several levels!


Thinking of this, Song Qianqian cried more and more aggrieved. She burst into
tears, and her whole person was like a rose flower destroyed by wind and rain, so

"Brother, it turns out that Qianqian is such a person in your heart, oh oh oh,
I won't care about you anymore!"

Song Qianqian is certain that Song Zilang will not continue to question Su
Qinghuan and Su Ruyu, after all, his relationship with these two people is similar.


And Song Zilang's heart is very disturbed at the moment.

I don’t know if it’s the kind of blood ties that are haunting him. He
intuitively feels that Su Qinghuan’s indifferent appearance does not seem to be a
lie, but now Song Qianqian is crying so painfully, he doesn’t even have the thought
of questioning.
Song Zilang quickly took out the tissue and carefully wiped the tears on Song
Qianqian’s face.

"Qianqian, my brother just asked, but he didn't really blame you, okay, okay,
we Qianqian is the most beautiful. It would be unsightly if we cried into a small
cat to go to the examination room."

Song Qianqian was still tearful, but when he saw Song Zilang comforting him, he
burst into laughter, and directly wrapped Song Zilang's arm like a baby.

"Brother, when Qianqian passes the exam, you must remember to give Qianqian the
best gift for the college entrance examination, otherwise I won't let you
participate in Qianqian's celebration banquet."

"Xiao Nizi is so confident? The college entrance examination is not over yet,
so I am ashamed to say that we have a celebration banquet?"

"Huh! Dad said that he has contacted the director of education of Imperial
University. As long as I can get the minimum score to go to Imperial University, I
will be admitted to the Department of Finance!"

Song Qianqian is indeed okay to study. In addition, she has been invited by
various famous teachers from the Song family to teach piano, chess, calligraphy and
calligraphy over the years. There are also many national professional certificates
that can add points, so she is very confident of winning an excellent place in the
college entrance examination.

Song Zilang smiled helplessly, and scratched Song Qianqian's nose in an

affectionate manner.

"Okay, then my brother wishes you a victory!"

Song Zilang watched Song Qianqian walk into the examination room, thinking of
Su Qinghuan’s arrogant and disdainful back for some reason.

Song Qianqian's college entrance examination is not worrying, what about Su


Thinking of this thorny sister, Song Zilang had a headache. He sighed and
wanted to help her with some relationship, but when he recalled Song's father, it
was right.

——Su Qinghuan is just a pile of mud that can’t be helped. Even if you open the
back door to her, you will have at most two books!

Then what is worth their Song family investment?

Qianqian, such an excellent girl of heaven, is worthy of the whole family's

love and devotion.


Su Qinghuan is already waiting outside the exam room. There are still 20
minutes before the exam begins. The teacher temporarily does not allow students to
enter the room. There are only 10 minutes left to enter the classroom after leaving
the exam.

Just as Su Qinghuan was so bored, she suddenly sneezed.

"Tong'er, who is scolding me?"

"Host, your cheap brother is disgusting that you are not good at school, and
loses the face of their Song family. You said you are too. The time for crossing
over is short. You don't review it these days."


Su Qinghuan touched her nose indifferently.

"I am busy taking care of my adoptive mother, how can I have time to review?"

For the upcoming college entrance examination, Su Qinghuan is not afraid. She
has the ability to remember not forgetting. She has roughly scanned the textbook
knowledge of Country A before, which is not much different from what she had
learned before.

Don’t say how shocking the results are, but at least it’s not difficult to get
to a double first-class university.

So Su Qinghuan temporarily shifted his focus to other places.

After all, in this world, Su Ruyu is the only one who is really good to the
original owner. She may have very few things to the original owner, which is not
worth mentioning to the Song family, but it is Su Ruyu's all.

If, when her adoptive mother is sick, she does not take care of her well enough
to leave her at the root of the disease, then Su Qinghuan will regret it for life.

It’s not good to say that you can retake the exam if you fail the college
entrance examination, but if your mother is gone, it will be a lifelong regret.


Perhaps God’s will, Su Qinghuan suddenly saw Song Qianqian walking gracefully
from the stairs, and the other party’s examination room was next door to her.

Su Qinghuan chuckled inwardly, and then lowered her eyes.

And Song Qianqian glanced at her meaningfully, with a faint concern on her
face, but the ostentation in her words could not be concealed.

"Qinghuan, you will have to take the exam later, don't worry too much about
your grades, it's a big deal to repeat. When the last exam is over, do you want me
to ask the driver to take you back to the tube building?"

"But there is a slum over there, and no one drives a luxury car like Maybach. I
wonder if it will be too eye-catching."

is not just a Maybach.

Is it worth showing off?

Su Qinghuan raised her eyelashes lightly.

"That's Song Zhenhua's car, not yours, what are you proud of?"

The speaker had no intention of listening. Song Qianqian suddenly thought that
Su Qinghuan was showing off that she and Song Zhenhua were fathers and daughters.
Her beautiful face was a little distorted, Song Qianqian took a deep breath.

"It's okay. Dad promised to send me a car when the college entrance
examination is over. It won't be worse than this."

Envy, right?



Su Qinghuan nodded, and did not continue to care about her.

It was like a fist hitting cotton, Song Qianqian's original words got stuck in
her throat.

And at this moment, the entrance bell has rang.

No matter how frustrated Song Qianqian was, he could only go to the examination
room next door.


The first subject is language.

Su Qinghuan scanned all the questions roughly, and found that it was not
difficult on the whole, except that the classical Chinese test was a bit difficult.

But she, a person who is used to living in ancient times, is most familiar with
classical Chinese.

She didn’t take the college entrance examination too seriously. Thinking about
the despising faces of the Song family, she was a bit serious when she wrote, and
the words she wrote became more and more beautiful...

Isn’t she looking down on her?

Sorry, then she has to show her.

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 158: The wealthy
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 158: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong place (15)
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Chapter 158 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken in the wrong way (15)
Su Qinghuan quickly read the difficult classical Chinese article. She wrote
like flying, but the handwriting was very beautiful, with a little charm of hairpin
and lower case.

In fact, Su Qinghuan’s best calligraphy is cursive, but for the college

entrance examination, people with clear and easy-to-understand handwriting have an

Because the college entrance examination grading teacher does not have much time to
read through your answers carefully. If your handwriting is too bad, you will be
deducted from the paper. It may also be because you are too scribble, which
prevents the teacher from extracting your article quickly. information.

After answering the classical Chinese essay, Su Qinghuan began to prepare to

write the essay.

The topic selection of this composition is also very unconventional. It is

about the contradiction between the future development of science and technology
and the ecological environment. Su Qinghuan thought about it briefly, and then
wrote down his own thoughts.


Wait to the last period of the composition, Su Qinghuan looked up at the clock
in the examination room and found that there were about twenty minutes before the
end of the examination.

Other students are still struggling to write.

Su Qinghuan breathed a sigh of relief. She did not have the habit of submitting
papers in advance, so she simply re-checked all the questions and answers three
times to see if there were any smearing errors or incorrect fillings.


After the first Chinese test, there are already various sighs around, mainly
because this year's classical Chinese and modern texts are a bit more difficult to
understand, and there are many people who can't understand the meaning of the
original text.

Su Qinghuan was rather calm and put her mood in the second math.

The mathematics of the original owner is terrible, which can be called a mess,
but Su Qinghuan's mathematics, physics and chemistry has received special training
in a certain plane, and she does not think that this exam will knock her down.

Sure enough, after issuing the paper, Su Qinghuan glanced at the questions in
general, and found that the difficulty of the math paper was much simpler than in
the previous one.

The easier the test paper, the harder it is to open the gap, which can be said
to have both advantages and disadvantages.

Su Qinghuan pondered for a while, and then began to answer the questions
seriously. She did not relax her vigilance because of the simple math questions.
After all, many people lost points because of carelessness.

After completing the last big question, Su Qinghuan felt that the level of the
test questions had suddenly risen back. The test sites of two of the small
questions were a little bit off. Although they were still within the scope of the
syllabus, the question types were very rare.

The little fox calmly used the formula and wrote down his own answers.

If nothing happens, it shouldn’t be a problem to get a full mark in



The time for the college entrance examination passed very quickly, and Su
Qinghuan finished the last exam in a blink of an eye.

When the invigilator finished receiving the answer sheet and announced that he
could leave, the classroom was already boiling, and even some girls burst into

"I'm done! I feel like I will start again next year. Why is the exam on the
first day so easy? The question types on the second day seem to have not been
reviewed at all!"

"Oh oh, I feel so difficult too!"

"Don't be nervous, you are difficult and he is difficult, everyone is the

same, anyway, I will not repeat the grades, after all, high school is too
tormented, as long as I can pass the undergraduate course, I will immediately go
out to travel."


Various kinds of discussions came, and some people even started to vent their
hatred when they went back. The little fox raised his eyebrows and couldn't help
but twitched the corners of his lips.

"Tong'er, it's nice to be young."

"Host, I clearly remember that you used to claim that you were only two years
old. Why, now you are finally willing to admit that you are an old fox?"

"Bah, I am ranked 16th in Qingqiu. Even if I am several thousand years old,

that is the youngest one among our relatives."

Su Qinghuan packed her things, and then got up and left.

As a result, as soon as she walked out of the classroom door, Su Qinghuan saw
two figures, one tall and one short, blocking him.

Lifting his eyes are the two unpleasant faces of Song Zilang and Song


The little fox frowned suddenly, the unhappiness in his expression almost

"Step aside."

Song Qianqian’s lips curled up with a decent smile. From the end of the last
exam, she felt relaxed all over!
The difficulty of the exam this time is not too big for her, and coupled with
her father’s relationship, she is basically a solid foundation!

Because the college entrance examination is over, Song Qianqian even looks at
Su Qinghuan with a little more condescending pity.

——It's just a scumbag who can't even pass the test. Except for a face, he can
talk about it. From now on, she will be a person of two worlds!

"Qinghuan, the college entrance examination is finally over. Mom has something
to miss you. Would you like to come home with us for a meal?"

Song Qianqian blinked his beautiful big eyes, and the outstretched hand wanted
to reach Su Qinghuan’s arm.


Su Qinghuan suddenly patted the opponent's palm as if seeing some garbage.

She looked cold, her eyebrows and eyes seemed to condense the frost of autumn.

"I remember that Mr. Song only said two days ago that I would not step into
the door of the Song family in the future? Why, he changed his mind so quickly?"


Seeing that her palm was slapped off, Song Qianqian's eyes were red, and there
were crystal tears in her eyes, as if she had suffered a great grievance.

"Qinghuan, how can you be so fierce to me? My dad was also angry at the
beginning, and there is no overnight hatred between your biological father and
daughter, don't you want to return to Song's house in the future?"


Su Qinghuan saw Song Qianqian’s weak and innocent look, but she felt that the
goose bumps were coming out, making her nauseous.

"Oh, you can just tell your own purpose, and you don't need to talk about
blood and affection!"

Do they deserve to mention these words?

Song Qianqian is unworthy, let alone people like Song Zilang and Song Father
Song Mu.


Song Zilang saw the disgust between Su Qinghuan's eyebrows, he frowned his
sword eyebrows, especially hated Su Qinghuan's defiant attitude.

"Su Qinghuan, can you have a little education?!"

"Qianqian came to take you back with a kind heart. In the past few days,
Qianqian has said so many good things to your parents in order to take you back. If
you don’t appreciate it, forget it, and still hurt people like this!"

Su Qinghuan hugged her arms and squinted at Song Zilang angrily.

"Not as expensive as the two. Since everyone can't understand each other, there
is no need to waste time here."

Seeing Su Qinghuan turned around and wanted to leave, Song Zilang finally
spoke angrily!

"Stop! Did you forget that next month is your and Qianqian’s birthday, don’t
you even want to have a birthday party?!"

Qianqian asked for this. She said she was afraid of treating Su Qinghuan badly,
and worried that the other party would think too much.

Song Zilang really didn’t want Su Qinghuan’s sister to attend the birthday
party. After all, that time was embarrassing, and it was very close to the time
when the college entrance examination results were obtained.

Su Qinghuan is so vulgar and can't make it to the stage at all. If it is

revealed that she failed the college entrance examination again, what should others
think of their Song family?

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 159: The wealthy
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 159: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong place (16)
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Chapter 159 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken in the wrong way (16)

In fact, Song Zilang was very resistant to this matter.

Su Qinghuan has no education of a famous lady, if it is revealed that she

failed the college entrance examination again, wouldn't the Song family's face be
lost? !

But he asked him to tell him that the family had only done it for Qianqian in
the past 17 years. What happened to it now? ! Isn't it reasonable?

Now it is just to take care of the so-called overall situation, and to add one
more person to the birthday party out of thin air. Song Zilang feels sad for
Qianqian when he thinks about it. His sister is good, just too kind!
In fact, Song Zilang is reluctant to admit that Su Qinghuan will also be a
member of their Song family.

Even if he shed the same blood, even if his facial features are very similar to
those of Su Qinghuan, that still can’t change the fact that Su Qinghuan is a wild
girl who emerged from the countryside!

He and Song Qianqian have received elite education from the upper class since
they were young. Piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, foreign languages, tea
ceremony and horsemanship are all necessary skills to learn.

Needless to say how outstanding it is, but at least when it comes to big
occasions like banquets, it can come up with one or two decent skills, so that it
will not make people laugh.

But like Su Qinghuan’s background, I’m afraid that he can’t even speak the
most basic English words. How can he add luster to the Song family?


"Birthday party?"

Su Qinghuan heard Song Zilang's roar, her brows constricted slightly.

She has some impressions of this incident.

In the memory of the original owner, Song Qianqian also tried to pretend to be
generous, and insisted on holding the original owner to hold a birthday party

But it’s ridiculous that the people in the Song family are all people who
worship high and low. On the birthday party, they just go around Song Qianqian, and
no one comes to dress Su Qinghuan, and the original owner has low self-esteem and
dare not raise objections.

In the end, Song Qianqian pretended that he couldn't stand it anymore, and
found a very gaudy off-season halter dress, threw it to Su Qinghuan, and asked the
makeup artist to put on a very nightclub-like heavy makeup for the original owner.

Obviously it is the right age of youth, the original owner is even more
beautiful than the makeup, even if the makeup artist is just taking the benefits of
Song Qianqian, so deliberately lowering the original owner's appearance.


Under this situation, the original owner stood in front of Song Qianqian, who
was wearing a feather fairy dress and exuding a sweet girlish air, and was simply
insulting himself.

And it’s not just a matter of dressing up too vulgarly, the original owner
himself is also inferior, and is incompatible with the upper class society.

In contrast to Song Qianqian, who is infinitely elegant and noble in every

gesture, the original owner is extremely cramped no matter what he does, and he is
almost despised as an ugly duckling by the people attending the dinner!


Su Qinghuan thought of the images that had appeared in her mind, her eyes
became colder and colder, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her lips.

"Song Qianqian, are you sure you want to invite me to your birthday party?"

Song Qianqian stunned, she waved her hand a little awkwardly.

"No, Qinghuan, you are wrong. It is obviously our birthday party. After all,
we are on the same day."

"Okay, I will go there then, I hope you don't regret it."

The dark black eyes of the little fox appeared bright and brilliant, and her
smiley eyes made Song Qianqian suddenly feel a little inexplicable fear.

Isn't just a wild girl, what's to be afraid of?

Even if looks pretty good, it will only become her background board!

Song Qianqian bit the corner of his lip, and quickly smiled.

"Okay, then Qinghuan, you must come by then. The dress and makeup artist will
prepare it at home, so don't worry."

Song Qianqian is also not worried that Su Qinghuan will hire people to make
makeup. After all, Su Qinghuan has no money. If he really hires people from
outside, I’m afraid he will only laugh generously.

"By the way, Qinghuan, it might be raining soon. My brother and I will take you
back? I haven't visited the place where you and Aunt Su live. Is it really broken?
If you don’t live there I'm used to it, let's go back to Song's house."

As if thinking of something, Song Qianqian suddenly covered his lips, looking


"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, Qinghuan, you have lived in that tube
building for 17 years. You shouldn't be unaccustomed to it, right?"


Su Qinghuan glanced at Song Qianqian lightly, knowing that this green tea was
nothing more than trying to despise her from a bad background.

If she really agrees to let Song Zilang and Song Qianqian send her back, she
may not be sure what these wealthy young masters will dislike the environment on
the tube building.

"Don't bother you, no matter how dirty and messy there is, it's no better than
some people's cheeks."

Song Zilang heard Su Qinghuan's words, and suddenly lost his breath.

"Qianqian kindly explained these things to you, how do you talk? Can't your
tone be better?! Who do you allude to?"

"Do I have a name? Huh?"

Su Qing turned her head lazily with a smile, she tweaked a lock of hair at her
fingertips, but the smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes, as if it was icy.

Song Zilang really can't understand Su Qinghuan's eyes that seem to be soaked
in ice thorns!

I just feel like a stripped clown, laughed at by countless people!

It had been only a few days since he hadn’t seen each other, but he didn’t seem
to know this sister at all!

Song Zilang even faintly felt that Su Qinghuan now is just a prickly head, and
that the previous way of being slapped is more pleasing than now!


Seeing Song Qianqian who was about to be said to be crying, Su Qinghuan

snorted coldly, and then left without looking back.

Song Qianqian looked at her leaving back, and soon cried. She raised her head
to look at Song Zilang, her eyes full of tears.

"Brother, I obviously want to repair the relationship with Qinghuan, why is

she targeting me like this?"


Song Zilang sighed, and touched Song Qianqian's hair with some affection.

"Qianqian, you are a good boy, ignore that woman, she just doesn't know what
is good or bad!"

"Have you prepared for the birthday party, after all, people from the Shen
family will also be here at that time, but you are the little princess who is going
to dance the opening dance with Shen Zhiyuan, you must be beautiful."

Thinking of the birthday party he had carefully prepared for a long time, Song
Qianqian buried his face on even his arms, and those eyes that were originally pear
blossoming with rain gradually became a bit fierce.

—She originally wanted to push Su Qinghuan to Shen Zhiyuan's scumbag cousin,

but Su Qinghuan escaped! Su Qinghuan must be paid for this birthday party!


The sky is dark, as if it will rain at any time.

Now that the college entrance examination has just ended, it is difficult to
take a taxi near the examination room.

Su Qinghuan stood honestly under the bus stop, preparing to wait patiently for
the 103 bus. Anyway, she brought an umbrella and was not afraid of rain.

Just when she was bored, an extended Rolls-Royce Phantom suddenly stopped in
front of her.

The rear-seat window rolled down, revealing a very young and handsome face.

Bai Feibai glanced at her and opened her thin lips.


(End of this chapter)

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eldest lady who was taken in the wrong (17)
The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 160: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong (17)
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Chapter 160 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken in the wrong way (17)

The pure black Rolls-Royce Phantom parked in front of the bus stop. Although
City A is economically developed and the streets are full of luxury cars, this
noble out-of-print model still attracts a lot of attention.

"This is the first time I have seen this car in reality! Absolutely! How much
does it cost!"

"I want to ride in this car too! Even once!"

Someone tried to take out their mobile phones to take pictures, but some
bodyguards in black uniforms sprang from nowhere, and directly and politely
prevented them from wanting to take photos and upload them to social networks.


Soon, the rear-seat window opened, revealing a beautiful face.

is the young master of the Bo family, Bo Feibai.


Su Qinghuan glanced at the young man in surprise, her expression slightly


"How did you know that I was in this examination room? You... came to pick me
up specially?"

In fact, Su Qinghuan is still very curious about Bo Feibai's age. The other
party looks about her age, but from the direction the Rolls-Royce Phantom is
driving, it seems that the other party did not take the college entrance


The young man sat in the back seat. He looked at Su Qinghuan indifferently and
explained concisely.

"What you want is ready."

Bo Feibai obviously loves black, and he is still dressed in black today. His
brows and eyes are as if he was particularly favored by the Creator, and he is
shockingly handsome.

Su Qinghuan did not expect that Bo Feibai would go there in person. After all,
according to her idea, Bo Feibai could send his subordinate Ah Si to deliver the

"Thank you, then."

Su Qinghuan thought that it was because the prescription she had worked in the
Tiandi Medicine Store last time. After all, these days, people with a little money
know that people with superb medical skills are most in need of friendship.

Su Qinghuan was not hypocritical, and soon picked up her schoolbag, opened the
car door and sat next to Bo Feibai.

Concerned that the teenager might have a habit of cleanliness, Su Qinghuan sat
down by the window, trying to leave more room for the other person.

Bo Feibai noticed the young girl sitting farthest away from him. His brows were
slightly furrowed, and his eyes flashed like a sharp light like a falcon.

"Why, am I a snake and beast? Let you avoid it so much?"

Last time at Shenghao Hotel, this little fox was not at all polite, and even
wanted to pinch his chin to inject medicine.

Thinking of that scene, and comparing it to the current situation, the young
man pursed the corners of his lips, and his eyes became cold again.

It's just those eyes, uncontrollably gradually glowing a dark purple.


Su Qinghuan was stunned for a moment. Obviously, she didn't expect Bo Feibai to
say such things. She looked at the young boy's scorching star-like eyes and
considered the words.

"Bo Shao, of course you are not a snake or a beast, am I afraid to disturb

Bo Feibai squinted his eyes, seeing Su Qinghuan’s silly smile, and felt a
little uncomfortable in his heart.

"It's not an interruption."

? ? ?

Su Qinghuan was stunned again, and saw the young man lowering his eyes and
closing his eyes to rest, and he didn't seem to notice how misleading his words
were just now.


The spotless extended version of the Rolls-Royce Phantom is gone.

Song Qianqian and Song Zilang, who just came out of the examination room,
happened to see the scene of Su Qinghuan getting on the bus.
Song Qianqian's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Brother? Did I read it wrong? Why is the girl who just got in the car so like

Song Zilang was also startled, and he nodded solemnly.

"I also saw... Qianqian, you should be right..."


But how is it possible!

Su Qinghuan, a wild girl from the countryside, how could she know a friend who
can afford this kind of car!

That is the extended customized version of Rolls-Royce Phantom!

The value is nearly 200 million!

Looking at such a luxury car, and then looking at the Maybach, which I liked
very much, I always felt like a firefly competing with the bright moon, and it
became scornful in a blink of an eye!

She has never taken such a car out of print in the world!

Song Qianqian's throat couldn't help getting dry, a strong jealousy wrapped
around her heart, almost making Song Qianqian restless.

"Brother, Qinghuan, she...couldn't it be a momentary inconsistency, let's have

a bad old man next to her..."

Although Song Zilang looked down on Su Qinghuan’s piety, after all, he shared
the same blood as Su Qinghuan, and he had never maliciously speculated that his
sister would be this kind of gold worshiper who betrayed her for money!

"Impossible! Qianqian, don't talk nonsense if you don't have evidence..."

Song Qianqian pouted aggrievedly.

"Brother, I didn't mean to arrange such a choreography..."

She pinched her fingers with a bit of resentment, thinking of the luxury car
that drove out of sight just now, that kind of unwillingness and jealousy spread

"But brother, you also know that Qinghuan and Aunt Su have always had a bad
family background. The relatives and friends around are also three-class figures.
How could it be possible to cross so many classes at once?"

She always felt that the Shen family in City A was already the richest man she
had ever seen, but even so, Shen Zhiyuan, the eldest son of the Shen family, was
only driving a Lamborghini worth several million!

People who are willing to spend hundreds of millions to buy a car!

is no longer an ordinary luxury to describe!

is definitely the kind of bad old man who is about to step into the coffin,
and he is willing to spend such a great effort to put on the stage!


Seeing that Song Zilang was still dubious, Song Qianqian immediately added
another fire.

"If Qinghuan is really willing to go to the bad old man for money, what should we
do? Oh, I'm afraid that Qinghuan is too young and will ruin her reputation... and
the reputation of our Song family will also be compromised. what!"

Hearing Song Qianqian's analysis, Song Zilang's face suddenly fell cold!

"Qianqian, calm down first, don't tell dad, I will find someone to investigate
this matter."

Song Zilang's head is very painful. He has been in the wealthy circle of City A
for a long time, and he has never heard of anyone who has the money to panic and
has the confidence to buy this kind of car for it!

That Su Qinghuan is really a bad guy, the second generation ancestor of the
Shen family was still lying in the hospital without making it, so she made another

It's simply that the trouble is not big enough!


Su Qinghuan didn’t know that she had an inexplicable scapegoat.

She sat quietly in the back seat and saw the rain already floating outside the

Seeing that Su Qinghuan had been silent, Bo Feibai spoke softly.

"How is your college entrance examination?"

Su Qinghuan has no habit of arrogance, she turned her head and smiled flat.

"It's okay, quite satisfactory."


Bo Feibai wanted to tell her that Mr. Xu had contacted her with the president
of Imperial Capital University, but as soon as he lowered his head, he saw the
girl’s legs.

Su Qinghuan wears a uniform and skirt issued by the school, just above her

But when I sit down, it shows a lot of snow.

is so white.

Bo Feibai’s eyes were dull, his Adam’s apple slid, and his straight figure
froze suddenly.

[Good night fairies~Guess the body of the thin little fox~]

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 161: The wealthy
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 161: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong (18)
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Chapter 161 The Big Miss Who Was Wrongly Pao (18)

Su Qinghuan did not realize what was wrong.

And Bo Feibai stared at her slender and soft legs for two seconds, and a faint
dark glow appeared in her eyes.

"What's wrong? My clothes are worn backwards?"

Su Qinghuan realized afterwards that the teenager was looking at her, and she
couldn't help but frown.

and Bo Feibai lowered his eyelids, concealing the weird dark purple in the
eagle eyes.

"It's nothing, it's just raining, beware of colds."

Before 's voice, the boy took out the jacket on the back seat and covered it on
the girl's leg involuntarily.

Seeing that breathtaking whiteness was covered, Bo Feibai's heart was

inexplicably relieved, and the strange purple light in his eyes gradually


"Uh...thank you..."

Su Qinghuan did not expect that a person like Bo Feibai would take the
initiative to care about himself.

In addition, in the Tiandi Medicine Store before, the other party personally
said that he would not want others to wear clothes!

The little fox is holding that well-cut suit, thinking that the price of this
dress is probably not cheap, so according to his thin personality, isn’t it the
equivalent of losing money? !
Grateful and grateful, but the ownership of this dress has become a problem
again. Su Qinghuan stretched out her slender finger a little entangled and poked
the suit jacket.

"Master Bo, what do you do with this dress? Are you not asking for it again?
Or should I pay you?"

When said these words, Su Qinghuan felt a pain in her heart, and she couldn't
help but add another sentence.

"But I don't want to borrow my clothes casually in the future. I'm really
afraid that my family will go bankrupt."

It's not that she wants to take advantage of the thin and unbelievable
advantage, but if the boy pushes a piece of clothing, she will have to pay the
other hundreds of thousands, which is too bad!

"Host, I suddenly discovered that you also have the potential to become a

"Mutual each other, I learned everything from you..."


Bo Feibai saw the entanglement in the girl's eyes. He leaned back in the back
seat a little lazily, and raised his lips with a smile.

"Have I said that you should pay for it?"


Su Qinghuan was startled, her voice was a little tentative.

"What do you want?"

The black-clothed boy looked at the girl's face meaningfully. He only felt that
the girl in front of him was like a little fox. She was so cunning that she wanted
to escape at any time, but she could still cling to her master's feet pretending to
be cunning.

"Anything can be requested?"

Su Qinghuan thought it over. After all, Bo Feibai looked very big, and the
other party helped her several times. Seeing that the temperament is not bad, there
will only be benefits and no harm if the two become friends.

"Bo Shao, please mention it, as long as it is not too excessive. After all, you
provided the medicine for my mother who is seriously ill. I am very grateful."

"Are you grateful to me?"

Thin Feibai's eyes stared into the girl's clear eyes, without seeing a trace
of admiration or fear in the other's eyes.

The emotions that ordinary people will have when they see him, it seems that
there is no such thing as Su Qinghuan.

"Yes, I am not the kind of ungrateful person. If Bo Shao finds useful places
in my future, you can contact me."

Su Qinghuan nodded without any psychological pressure, thinking that Bo Feibai

was probably fancy her potential in medicine or IT.

Su Ruyu moved out of the city hospital yesterday and has moved into her newly
bought house.

In any case, it was also because Bo Feibai helped her secretly that she was able to
find a suitable residence so quickly and make a quick transaction. Su Qinghuan saw
Bo Feibai’s assistant Ah Si in the real estate exchange, and she almost instantly
understood what was right. Bai gave kindness.

She can do these things alone, but it will take longer, but Su Ruyu’s disease
is treated as soon as possible.

Su Qinghuan is not so ignorant of praise.


Seeing the girl's clear and innocent pupils, Bo Feibai only felt that his
heart was scratched by a small fan.

He leaned close, stretched out his long arm and leaned against the car window,
almost invisibly enclosing Su Qinghuan under his body.

"Su Qinghuan, what if I say, I want you?"

It is clear that he has not known Su Qinghuan for a long time, but I don’t know
why, every time this girl appears, he can firmly grasp his gaze.

She is too special, too special to be ignored.

Even though he knew this was a dangerous signal, Bo Feibai chose to obey his
own heart.


Want her?

Su Qinghuan didn't expect this answer, she coughed out of nowhere, and her
expression was inconsistent.

"Bo Shao, are you kidding me?!"

She looks down on her, so she doesn’t seem to like her!

And to be honest, even if you really want to choose a romantic partner, Bo

Feibai should be the first to get rid of it.

Judging from his thin, non-white dress and behavior, this person's family
background is too complicated at first glance, and he suffers from strange
diseases. It is really not a good match.


Seeing the girl suddenly choked with surprise, Bo Feibai’s eyes narrowed
slightly, and he added the second half lazily.
"Don't think too much, just want you to work for me in the future."


Su Qinghuan’s heart gradually fell back to its original place.

"Effectiveness can't be said, after all, I still have to study, and

cooperation in the future is okay."

Su Qinghuan let out a sigh of relief. For the first time, she discovered that
Bo Feibai had the potential to scare people to death. Fortunately, it was just a


Bo Feibai nodded. He felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the girl let out a
sigh of relief.

He squinted his eyes. Could it be that being his girlfriend is not as good as
being his work partner?

Bo Feibai released his hand suddenly, and sat back on the spot with a very cold


Thinking of Su Qinghuan’s previous words and demeanor, he obviously didn’t like

him. The boy was a little irritable in his heart. For the first time, he was
interested in a girl, but instead he became passionate.

Bo Feibai pressed his lips tightly, smelling the faint scent of a girl in the air,
he became more irritable, and tried to restrain himself from looking at the people
next to him.

The sky is cloudy, but it can’t compare to the dull atmosphere in the car

Su Qinghuan thought about the discoloration of Bo Feibai's eyes, and couldn't

help but tilt his head and glance at the other person.

"Master Bo, can I take the liberty to ask about your eyes? If you don't
dislike it, I will give you a pulse?"

Su Qinghuan guessed that it should be a disease brought by the mother's womb,

and it should be cured.


Bo Feibai swept across the girl's profile, still a little hesitating in her
heart, and chose to refuse as soon as she spoke.

"No need."


Su Qinghuan rarely took the initiative to want to see a doctor, but was so
rejected by Bo Feibai, she didn't ask herself to be bored anymore.

The two did not say a second sentence the whole time, and the atmosphere was
like freezing molten iron.

Seeing that he was about to get home, Su Qinghuan breathed a sigh of relief,
who was so bored all the way.

The heavy rain has turned into sporadic light rain, and Su Qinghuan is not so
particular about it, and is ready to run to the community directly holding the
medicinal materials.

As a result, a black umbrella was directly held in front of her.

Bo Feibai looked at her coldly, with a hard tone.

"It's raining, I'll take you home."

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 162: The wealthy
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 162: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong (19)
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Chapter 162 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken in the wrong way (19)

Bo Feibai is obviously accustomed to dignity and dignity. It is obviously a

very simple and trivial matter. From his point of view, there is a kind of strength
that cannot be rejected.

"It's raining, I'll take you home."


Su Qinghuan was stunned for half a second, and did not have the kindness to
return to the absolute prescription. In fact, if something like medicinal material
gets wet, some medicinal properties will be much worse.

Since Bo Feibai took the initiative to stand up, she didn't necessarily have to
hold a lofty air.

It’s just that she didn’t know if she was annoying the other person. She was
okay before, but Bo Feibai’s handsome face had been gloomy, and now she ran to hold
her umbrella again, making people panicked.
——Is it impossible for me to ask myself something? Will it be the code or the

Su Qinghuan could not figure out a reason.


The lead-grey rain clouds in the sky make people feel depressed.

It takes about seven or eight minutes to walk from the entrance of the
community to the building where Su Qinghuan lives.

The two began to be silent again, but the rain suddenly fell heavily.

The original fine raindrops suddenly crashed and poured down.

"Get closer, don't get your... medicine."

Bo Feibai was the first to notice this, and he directly dragged Su Qinghuan

The girl’s arms carried heat that did not belong to her, her thin and white
ears were hot, but she held her tightly without moving.

The black umbrella was originally very big, but the distance between the two
people was instantly pulled closer, and the boy's thin shirt reflected his firm
texture. In this narrow space, it was inexplicably dangerous.

Su Qinghuan’s throat twitched, and as soon as she raised her eyes, she saw Bo
Feibai’s indifferent expression, as if the person holding her hand tightly before
was not him.

"Your shoulder was drenched in rain, so you should hold on to the other side."

Su Qinghuan tried to look at the opponent's back, but was dragged back by Bo

"No need."

The young man felt a little awkward in his heart. As if he was afraid of Su
Qinghuan’s misunderstanding, he explained briefly and concisely.

"The medicine is not good enough."


Su Qinghuan’s gaze followed the black umbrella up, and finally fell on the
young man’s face, and he could even see the other's dense eyelashes when he looked

The little fox couldn't help but tittering in his heart.

"Tong'er, you said Bo is a boy, but his eyelashes are longer than those of a
girl. It's incredible. Just give me points."

"Host, Bo Feibai should like you."

The little fox was taken aback, she swept across the large and small packets of
medicinal materials in her hand with extreme suspicion.
"...Are you sure? Boys like girls, don't they usually help her with things? Bo
Feibai is too straight, right?"

"He is really too straight, this kind of arrogant arrogant has never been in
love, of course he doesn't know how to chase girls!"

"Host, or let's make a bet, I will check Bo Feibai's affection for you now,
don't you know how he feels about you?"

Su Qinghuan’s heart beats, and she feels a little uncomfortable when she looks
at her thin and white eyelashes. She hastened to stop System 233 from eating melons
and watching the show.

"No need!"


It doesn’t take long for them to know each other. Could it be that Bo Feibai
has taken a fancy to his amazing beauty?

Su Qinghuan couldn't help being a little narcissistic, and the system still
poured cold water over.

"Are there few beauties that people have seen?"

"...I'm talking about personality charm, you won't understand a single system
like you."

"Host, you have changed, you are no longer the cute little fox, I want to
break with you."

"It's up to you, anyway, what I said is the truth."

System 233 suddenly died.


Little Fox is not the kind of coy about feelings, because he knew that Bo
Feibai might really have a good impression of him, when he walked to the door of
the house, Su Qinghuan asked a little tentatively.

"Bo Shao, you haven't had dinner yet, do you want to stay for a meal, just as
thank you for taking me home today?"

If Bo Feibai is really interesting to her, she should also figure out how to
deal with it.

Su Qinghuan is a typical straight girl who doesn't like to be emotionally

muddled. She has to make a clear decision on her mind.

There is no love in the host’s original wish, but after thinking about it
carefully, I am afraid that the original host still hopes to be loved by others.

And the system 233 said that Bo Feibai had never been in a relationship
before, and Su Qinghuan's impression of him changed a little.

——After all, this boy looks too superior in both his family background and
appearance. Logically speaking, there should be a lot of girls chasing him.

Bo Feibai squinted those eagle eyes, and saw the sly smile in the little fox's
eyes, and felt that something seemed to have changed suddenly.

"Are you sure you want to invite me?"

"Yes, if Bo Shao finds it inappropriate, then forget it, Bo Shao goodbye."

Su Qinghuan tilted his head, smiling calmly preparing to see off the guests.


This little fox can change his face so fast!

Bo Feibai was slightly annoyed, he took a deep breath, always feeling that his
thoughts were seen through by the person in front of him.

Thinking that Su Qinghuan’s mother was at home, he somehow regretted that he

had not prepared some gifts in advance.

"I... really hungry."

The young man changed his mouth without any explanation.

——If you don’t take the lead to include her in your own place, sooner or later
someone will notice this jade, and he hates his own things being coveted by others.

I saw Su Qinghuan’s mother today, and maybe she will change her name to give a
gift next time.


Su Qinghuan raised her eyebrows, obviously not expecting that Bo Feibai would
really agree.

Perhaps the argument between the two people at the door attracted the attention
of the people inside, and the iron door was suddenly pushed open.

"Qinghuan, are you back? Huh, who is this?"

Su Ruyu swept across the teenager next to Su Qinghuan in shock. This boy is so

It is like a statue made of cold jade by a master of fine brushwork.


Bo Feibai looked calm and nodded towards Su Ruyu very politely.

"Hello Aunt Su, I am Su Qinghuan’s classmate, Bo Feibai, you can call me



"Non-white classmate, hello, hello."

Seeing the noble temperament of the young man, Su Ruyu was a little awkward,
and almost immediately thought of Su Qinghuan’s former classmate’s working part-
time job, and his favor was doubled for a while.

"Are you the good boy who solved our family's urgent need? I would also like to
let Qinghuan be the receptionist during the summer vacation. Thank you so much."

Su Ruyu said, all a little embarrassed to lead him in.

I just feel that the things on the sofa are also a little messy, and I can’t
help but feel embarrassed.

"Fei Bai, you have a good chat with Qing Huan. Just after the college entrance
examination is over, Auntie made a large table of dishes, only two soups left. I
will go and serve it now."

Only two people remained in the small living room for a while, and Bo Feibai
stared at Su Qinghuan with scorching eyes.

"You are going to the current station of my company? Why don't I know?"

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 163: The wealthy
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 163: The wealthy eldest lady who
was wrongly held (20) 2200+ words
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Chapter 163 The wealthy eldest lady who was miscarried (20) 2200+ words

Bo Fei Baiying's eyes locked Su Qinghuan for an instant, his lips smiled
faintly, and his voice was dumb and playful.

"Then should I add you to our company's staff list now?"

"do not!"

Su Qinghuan was a little uncomfortable with his eyes, and subconsciously

stepped aside.

"That was used to prevaricate my mother, Bo Shao, would you deliberately

expose my shortcomings?"

It’s not that Su Qinghuan deliberately deceived Su Ruyu, but just explained to
Su Ruyu that the way she came to pay was too complicated. It would be better to let
Su Ruyu save snacks and tell her a little bit later that her family is no longer
short of money.


Bo Feibai stared deeply at Su Qinghuan. He had investigated everything about

the person in front of him, but from this recent contact, he always felt that the
amazing abilities of Little Fox appeared out of thin air.

"Do you even want to hide it from your mother?"

The teenager did not allow Su Qinghuan to retreat. There were some sundries on
the sofa. Soon, the teenager forced Su Qinghuan into a corner.

"Let me guess, how many untold secrets are there on you? Are you really Su

The young man gave a low laugh, and the light in the living room shone on his
jade-like face. His complexion was white and almost translucent, even more
frightening than the legendary vampire.

Although the environment here is not as dirty and messy as the tube building,
but for a young master like Bo Feibai, it is indeed a little tight.

He is in this kind of place, but he still has that kind of temperament like a
king over the world, with a deep sense of oppression.


Su Qinghuan has a feeling of being seen through at a glance, her palms ooze out
of meager sweat.

"I'm not Su Qinghuan, who can I be?"

Most people will not believe that such a thing as crossing rebirth is good!

She is not afraid of taking DNA to test!

Just as the two faced each other, suddenly, a loving female voice came from
outside the living room.

"The soup is ready!"

"Hey, you two--"

Su Ruyu stared at the young men and women who were very close on the sofa in
shock, only wondering if his eyes were spent, and he almost couldn't hold the soup.

In her exclamation, Su Qinghuan raised her head coldly, but it happened that
Bo Feibai was also looking here, her lips suddenly touched Bo Feibai's chin.



For a moment, there was an awkward silence in this small room.

The chin was rubbed by the girl's crimson lips, and the warm touch made Bo
Feibai's eyes deep.

He wanted to say something, but Su Qinghuan reacted very quickly, jumped up

from the sofa extremely quickly, and almost escaped from the scene of the accident.

"Mom, don't get me wrong... I and Bo Feibai are just ordinary friends. I will
help you bring the soup!"
Seeing that the girl was too busy to clear the relationship, the corners of
her thin lips curled up with a chuckle, and she felt a little more self-confidence
in her heart.

His eyes became darker and darker, and his fingers brushed his chin
intentionally or unintentionally, only to feel that the temperature of a girl's
thin lips still remained there.


And Su Ruyu was in a complicated mood. She scanned the long-length jade boy in
the living room, and then saw her intimate little cotton-padded jacket, but she
didn't have the sense of resentment that the domestic cabbage was arched by a pig.

After all, Bo Feibai is too good-looking.

Even if Su Ruyu does not know brands such as Haute Couture, he still vaguely
feels that this young man exudes a lot of extravagance, and he should not be from
an ordinary family.

Su Ruyu looked at Su Qinghuan with the look of a grown-up daughter.

"It's okay, I started with friends."

How does this sound so misleading?


Su Qinghuan was a little depressed. She didn't expect that she just wanted to
figure out what Bo Feibai thought about her first, but Su Ruyu first misunderstood

She wanted to say something anxiously, but Bo Feibai took the lead in the black

"Aunt Su is right. After all, Qing Huan is still young. Now that her college
entrance examination is over, I will dare to come to your house."

"……Hey you--"

Bo Feibai has almost no qualitative things, but it gives people a feeling that
he and Su Qinghuan have been together before, but because of their young age, they
have not been able to make it public.

Su Qinghuan used to like to use words to cheat people, but now she is thrown
out by Bo Fei for nothing, and she feels quite upset.

She knows that there is Bo Fei in vain now, I am afraid she can't explain
everything clearly.

"Mom, don't think about it, let's eat first."

"Okay, but Qinghuan, mom is not that old-fashioned, don't worry."

Talking, Su Ruyu seemed to think of the love when he was young. She was still
happy at first, but just thinking that she was abandoned by her lover, her eyes
could not help showing a bit of sentiment, and her eyebrows were also gloomy and
Su Qinghuan knew that she had met someone unfairly, so she quickly held down Su
Ruyu's hand and turned the subject away.

"Mom, this corn radish pork rib soup tastes really good. Have you steamed it
all morning?"

"Student Bo, you can eat too."

Can't stop your mouth if there is something delicious?

Su Qinghuan put a chopsticks ribs into a thin and white bowl.


And Bo Feibai looked at the ribs, not knowing how to say he should not share
chopsticks with others, his eyebrows were dark.

"Host, you don't have to give Bo Feibai food, he has a cleanliness addiction."


Su Qinghuan was a little embarrassed, she wondered if she would take the
opportunity to change a bowl for Bo Feibai.

"This bowl doesn't seem to be cleaned, or..."

As a result, before she finished speaking, Bo Feibai lowered her head and
tasted the pork ribs with a calm expression.

"No, you read it wrong."

The young man's face didn't mean to be reluctant, but Su Qinghuan looked at his
handsome and gentle face, and felt inexplicable in his heart. There was a kind of
emotion that I didn't know whether it was moved or other emotions were spreading.

There were people who were willing to change their original habits for her.

Perhaps love itself is a kind of accommodation.

There was a bit of prejudice against teenagers in her heart, but now it seems
to collapse.


Su Mu's craftsmanship is very good.

Usually, Su’s family rarely eats such a hearty meal, but today because it is
the end of the college entrance examination, there are a variety of dishes on the

In addition to corn and radish ribs soup and another sweet soup, there are
almond tofu, beef offal hot and sour pot, boiled mutton slices, glutinous rice
chicken and four-hit meatballs.

Su Qinghuan was originally worried about whether Bo Feibai would put on the air
of a young master. He disliked that these dishes were not as delicious as a private
chef, but the other party was very generous, and was polite and polite to Su Ruyu's
Waiting to eat and drink enough, Su Qinghuan sent Bo Feibai out the door, and
sincerely thanked Bo Feibai.


When came back, Su Ruyu stopped the little fox at once.

"Qinghuan, did that boy like you just now?"

is nothing more than a meal. In fact, Su’s mother looks down upon her, the
more satisfied she is, and she thinks the other party is young and not frivolous.

Scanned her daughter's beautiful eyebrows again, and felt that she was a good
match for that boy.

"Qinghuan, you will be eighteen next month, and you can also fall in love."


Su Qinghuan couldn't tell what Su Ruyu meant when she heard this, she suddenly
got a little big head.

"Mom, Bo Feibai and I are really not boyfriends and girlfriends, at least not

"Ah?! Then my mother looked at Feibai classmates very politely and cared for
you, and didn't dislike our family being so shabby..."

Su Ruyu was a little embarrassed when it came to this.

"Anyway, you have a birthday next month. Or invite the other person to the
house. Let's celebrate your birthday together, right?"

Seeing that Su Mu obviously wanted to match herself with Bo Feibai, Su Qinghuan

tilted her head helplessly.

"Mom, don't think too much about it, just let the flow go, and there is a
birthday party at the Song family. Do you want to go to the Song family with me?"

Hearing the words Song Family, Su Mu suddenly shook her hand, her face as white
as snow.

She didn’t forget how she was kicked out!

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 164: The wealthy
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 164: The wealthy eldest lady who
was miscarried (21) 2200+ words
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Chapter 164 The wealthy eldest lady who was miscarried (21) 2200+ words

Mother Su looked pale when she heard the little fox mention the word Song
family, her fingers trembled, and she couldn't even lift her head.

She will never forget how embarrassed she was when she was driven out of the
Song family. Mr. Song and Mrs. Song were wearing luxurious clothes and looked at
her condescendingly, as if they were looking at a mass of garbage.

"The inferior is the inferior, but even if he looks a bit more attractive, he
dares to dream of things that do not belong to him! Even Butler Wu dares to hook

But the most terrifying thing is not those mocking words, but from the
unbelievable eyes of his biological daughter Song Qianqian.

At that time in the kitchen, it was clear that Qianqian was there, but she did
not help herself to correct her innocence!

If you just didn’t explain it to her, forget it, and even said something

"Aunt Su, I didn't expect you to be such a person. I really hope that what I
see is not true."

The shocked tone and the disgusting eyes cut Su Ruyu's body like a knife.

One knife after another, dripping with blood.

Su Ruyu did not want to believe that her biological daughter would also help
the Wu steward to slander herself, even less that Song Qianqian actually wanted her
to get out of the Song family.

She finally chose to be silent. What's the use of explanation?

After knowing that Song Qianqian also hated her so much, Su Ruyu silently carried
the scapegoat for her and Su Qinghuan to have a better life in Song's house.

After all, even if she hadn’t raised Song Qianqian personally for a long time,
Su Ruyu was still close to this daughter. Her daughter hated herself so much, and
it was too difficult to be in the Song family.

While Su Qinghuan and herself had been in poverty for 17 years, Su Ruyu still
hoped that her adopted daughter could also live a life of dignity and grace.

It’s just that Su Ruyu didn’t expect that Tiger Poison still doesn’t eat
children, but the Song family can ignore her heart and liver to such a point.

They were also the ones who were stubborn to take Su Qinghuan back, and they
were also the ones who disliked Su Qinghuan's little family and couldn't get on the

Su Ruyu then realized that the adopted daughter might be happier with her.

They can earn money slowly, but the feeling of being trampled on their dignity
is too uncomfortable.

Su Ruyu has tasted this kind of pain herself. Her life is already a joke, and
she does not want her daughter to be so young and live so humble like her.

Su Ruyu pressed her hands awkwardly, and didn't even dare to look up at Su
Qinghuan's eyes.

"Qinghuan, anyway, you are still the biological daughter of the Song family.
They are willing to celebrate your birthday. It is always a good thing. After all,
it is good for your future to get in touch with some big people in the upper

She paused, her expression increasingly embarrassed.

"But...I won't go. After all, my mother's affairs were a lot of trouble at the
beginning. No one but you wants to believe that I am innocent. Mom is afraid that
going together will shame you."

"Mom, you never shame me."

Su Qinghuan knows how fragile the adoptive mother’s heart is. Her first half of
her life was too bitter. A beautiful, single woman with a baby can survive today by
setting up a fruit stand. You can imagine how much pressure she has endured.

Seeing that Su Ruyu still had an expression of anxiety, Su Qinghuan took a step
forward and took the initiative to hold her adoptive mother in her arms.

"Mom, if you don't want to go to Song's birthday party, just forget it, but
you must attend the university opening ceremony in September."

Su Qinghuan has predicted that her results should be able to get a good

If there is no accident, the outstanding student scholarship of the applied

school should be available, and there will be a speech at the opening ceremony.

She hopes that Su Ruyu will witness the brilliance of her life together at that

"University opening ceremony?"

Su Ruyu looked at the young girl in confusion. In fact, both of their mother
and daughter have a kind of introverted personality, and they rarely express their
love actively in this way.

Now being held in her arms by the little cotton-padded jacket, she has the
feeling that her daughter has really grown up and can carry a piece of sky for the

Mother Su’s eyes were sore, she tried to restrain her tears from falling.

"Qinghuan, are you doing well in the college entrance examination? It is a

pity that my mother has no abilities and can't give you a better education..."

She feels ashamed of Su Qinghuan. Although her mistake was an accident, her
biological daughter has enjoyed such an elite education in the Song family.

Qinqi, calligraphy and painting, financial current affairs, these things Song
Qianqian can talk about, and will not be too stage fright on any big occasion.
But where is the real daughter Su Qinghuan?

Being by my side, what I can bring to the other party is nothing but a meal and
a meal for the poor, and sometimes I even have to save money for tuition.

Even now, the Song family still refuses to admit this pro-daughter, and is
unwilling to change her surname...

Su Qinghuan looked at Su Ruyu calmly, took out a tissue and wiped the tears
from her mother's face.

"Mom, you should be happy for me. I have performed supernormally this time. I
used to hide my strength in a low-key manner. No matter what Qingda and Imperial
University are. I would like to go abroad if I am not afraid of being too far away
from you."

Su Ruyu burst into tears and laughed. She didn't worry about Su Qinghuan's
words, but knew that her adopted daughter did well in the exams, and at least she
had a college degree, so she was relieved.

"You little girl, bragging."

"It’s not bragging. Mom, you have to take good care of it anyway. I will take
you to the university to attend the ceremony. Others will praise us as a pair of

Su Qinghuan said, she slyly pinched Su Ruyu's haggard face.

Obviously the adoptive mother is less than forty years old, and the facial features
given by God are quite beautiful, but because of the hard work of these years,
there are a lot of fine lines and chloasma on her face, which hides six out of ten
of these delicate facial features. seven.

With a thought, she showed Su Ruyu the pills she had prepared.

That was the prescription she sold to Mr. Xu last time for 5 million. Now Mr.
Xu has the finished product, and the first batch was sent to her.

"Mom, I'm serious. I bought these **** from a master specially."

"You take seven capsules a week, one capsule a day, and two months later, you
will be white and white. Make sure your skin is one degree brighter and there are
no melasma. People will praise it by then."

"You... These meatballs don't even have a label. They are Sanwu products? Are
they really useful?"

Su Ruyu showed suspicion, and I was really afraid that Su Qinghuan was deceived
by some quack.

"Of course it's useful. That master is the private doctor of Classmate Bo.
Just believe me."

Su Qinghuan pushed all this to Bo Feibai. Sure enough, Su Ruyu had a natural
sense of trust in Bo Feibai, and immediately nodded and agreed.


Su Qinghuan made a decoction for her foster mother. Although the medicine was
bitter, after adding rock sugar, she finally coaxed Su Ruyu to drink the medicine

After two weeks, Su Ruyu's whole body has improved a lot, and even her
complexion has become much brighter.

Although she couldn't tell why, she also began to believe that the medicine
for adopting daughters was effective, and never said that it was a prescription for
traveling medicine.


Soon it’s time for the birthday party.

Su Qinghuan arrived at the villa area of the Song family one day in advance
according to the requirements of the Song family.

Song Qianqian saw Su Qinghuan, who was still just a simple white T and jeans,
and felt relieved.

She walked down the stairs with a smile, smiling like a fairy princess from

"Qinghuan, you are here."

Su Qinghuan nodded indifferently, and wanted to go upstairs with his luggage.

And Song Qianqian hurriedly stopped her, her voice mixed with a bit of
glamorous maliciousness.

"Qinghuan, I'm so sorry, because you haven't lived at home for almost a month,
and your room has been occupied for miscellaneous things. Should you be wronged to
live in the maid's room on the first floor?"

"Anyway, you will stay at home for one night and leave after your birthday.
Would you mind?"

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 165: The wealthy eldest lady who
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Chapter 165 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken the wrong way (22) 2200+

"Qinghuan, anyway, you will only stay for one night and leave after your
birthday. Would you mind staying in the maid’s room?"

Song Qianqian was wearing a white nightdress, her beautiful face was full of
guilt, but the provocation deep in her eyes did not escape Su Qinghuan’s eyes.

Su Qinghuan coldly put down her luggage, she raised her head indifferently, and
looked at Song Qianqian's malicious eyes.

"Do you want me to live in a maid's room? Do you think this is appropriate?"

"Qinghuan, I didn’t mean that... You misunderstood me, I didn’t mean that you
only deserve to live in the servant’s room..."

Song Qianqian bit the corner of her lip pretentiously, her expressions were
innocent and weak.

"It's just now almost ten o'clock in the evening. Anyway, you won't stay at
home for too long. Can't you just wrong you temporarily? You are the most

"I'm sorry, I am born with a small belly and chicken intestines, so I care
about everything."

Su Qinghuan spread out her hands like a bully.

"I always don't like other people putting words like "Virgin Mary" on my head.
Since Miss Song, you are so kind, lovely and generous, why don't you go to the
maid's room and give me your room?"

Su Qinghuan would not do things like harming oneself and others, unless that person
is worth it.

The white lotus flower, like Song Qianqian, the mother of saints, damages the
teeth of others, but opposes revenge and advocates tolerance, which is ridiculously


"You, let me move out——"

Song Qianqian's eyes widened in disbelief.

Seeing Father Song and Song Zilang heard the movement coming over, she ran
towards the two men with a grievance face, tears on her face, as if she was about
to drop a few pearls at any time.

"Dad, brother, Qinghuan, she is so unreasonable. It's too late today. I advised
her to stay in the servant's room for one night, but she must let me give her my

"Dad, I don't want to live in the maid's room, it's so dirty and
Song Qianqian cried as he spoke. The reddish tail of his eyes really interprets
the words "Pear Flower with Rain" to the extreme.

Father Song felt distressed all at once.

How could his precious daughter live in such a dusty place? !


Song Zhenhua glared at Su Qinghuan fiercely, thinking that this biological

daughter was just a troublesome spirit who had nothing to look for!

"Su Qinghuan, do you still have any education? Qianqian kindly wants to take
you to a birthday party. You actually avenge your revenge and let Qianqian live in
the servant's room. Don't you feel ashamed?"

"She lived in my room, why should I be ashamed?"

Song Zilang also frowned upon hearing this, he held Song Qianqian distressedly,
and the look in Su Qinghuan's eyes was rather unkind.

"How can it be your room!"

Seeing that the Song family wanted to deny it, the girl in front of her who
was wearing a simple white T and jeans sneered coldly.

"You keep saying that I robbed her of her birthday party. I want to be
tolerant and grateful for her willingness to take me back for her birthday. Then,
who is the biological daughter of the Song family?"

"Song Qianqian took possession of the magpie's nest by herself, and enjoyed 17
years of glory in the name of the daughter of the Song family. Everything about her
should have been mine. Just because she was willing to co-host a birthday party
with me, I would be grateful to her. What is the reason for this?"

Su Qinghuan paused, she reached out to Song Qianqian, her clear apricot eyes
were full of sarcasm.

"She disliked the messy and messy house of the servants, but she was so
embarrassed to tell me not to care about it. You people say that benevolence,
justice and morality are good for me. Then, can you not even clean up my room in

"Song Zilang, I ask you, if you didn’t go home for a month, even if you were the
one who was wrongly held, and learned that your own room was used as a utility
room, your attitude would be much better than mine. ?"

Father Song was so angry that his nose was crooked!

"You are a strong word!"

No matter what Su Qinghuan said, people's hearts are biased.

One is the biological daughter who is left out and is very ordinary in all
aspects, and the other is the carefully cared and excellent adopted daughter. Of
course, he cares more about Song Qianqian's feelings!

And as a young man in his twenties, Song Zilang is obviously better in empathy
than Song's father.

Song Zilang, who was arguing for Song Qianqian, was immediately silent.

When he heard Su Qinghuan’s questioning, Song Zilang subconsciously made the

assumption that the wrong person was himself. He found that he really couldn’t be
so rational!

may even be far more resentful and out of control than Su Qinghuan today!

Song Zilang did not know why, at this moment, seeing Song Qianqian's rainy
face, he felt a little embarrassed. He guilty of pulling back his arm around Song
Qianqian, showing guilt.

"Dad, don't blame Su... Qinghuan."

At this moment, he inexplicably understood Su Qinghuan’s feelings. Song Zilang

felt ashamed and wanted to be a little better to this sister who had blood

Song Zilang looked harsh.

"Dad, who is in charge of arranging Qinghuan's accommodation? I know that the

birthday party is about to be held, why not tidy up her room in advance?"

Birthday party will be at noon tomorrow, and an open-air banquet will be held
in the garden of Song's family. So the makeup artist and others all come to do the
styling in the morning. This allows Su Qinghuan to stay overnight.

Accordingly, these are small things, and someone should have arranged them long

Who knows that the underlings of the Song family are so arrogant and ill-
informed, so neglect this unloved Miss Song family!


Song Qianqian didn't expect Song Zilang to get to the bottom of it this way,
she panicked and quickly tangled her fingers.

"Brother, I’m sorry...I’m responsible for this matter. I once told it to Butler
Wu. Maybe it was the birthday banquet at home recently. Butler Wu was too busy and
forgot it for a while."

"Steward Wu?!"

Song Zilang was taken aback, inexplicably, it emerged that Steward Wu had
complained about Su Qinghuan's foster mother, Yang Hua. Something flashed in his
heart quickly, but he couldn't grasp the point.


Father Song didn’t care about Su Qinghuan’s life or death at all. He was too
lazy to take care of such trivial matters and went straight upstairs.

And under Song Zilang's instruction, soon, butler Wu was summoned over.
Wu Fugui has been an old man in the Song family for more than ten years. He
knows the whole story. It was Song Qianqian who instructed him to ignore Su
Qinghuan’s return.

As a result, he also had a hypocritical apology on his face, and he casually

handed a cup of tea over.

"I'm sorry, Miss Su, this matter is because Wu is too old and forgetful, but
it's so late today, Miss Su, please feel wronged, don't make us difficult to do as

Su Qinghuan looked at this steward Wu’s disgusting face, she thought of the
crying adoptive mother at home.


The little fox sneered, and directly overturned the tea that the opponent had
handed over, and threw it at his feet!

"Sorry, the Song family paid you to come here, not for you to eat plain rice!"

"Even the cup of tea is cold, and the house is not cleaned up. Why don't you
just say that you are old and want to resign?"


Steward Wu didn’t expect that after staying in Song’s house for more than ten
years, he would be asked to get out of Song’s house by a little girl!

Steward Wu wants to ask Song Zilang for help.

"Young Master, look at Miss Su's temper, I..."

However, Song Zilang was staring at the overturned cup of cold tea, not
feeling it.

He had never received this kind of treatment in the Song family, but Su
Qinghuan, who was a compatriot, was...

"Apologize to my sister!"

"Young Master, you?"

Steward Wu stared in disbelief. Song Zilang had only admitted to having a

younger sister before!

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 166: The wealthy
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 166: The wealthy eldest lady who
was wrongly held (23) 2200+ words
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Chapter 166 The wealthy eldest lady who was wrongly taken care of (23) 2200+

Steward Wu stared in disbelief. Song Zilang had only admitted to having a

younger sister before!

"Master, you asked me to apologize to Miss Su. Are you serious?"

Song Qianqian also stared at Song Zilang in amazement, her eyes blinked, and
two lines of tears fell in an instant.

"Brother, when have you been so irreconcilable? Even if Butler Wu did not do well,
but Qing Huan she threw a cup with tea and hurt people! Fortunately, the cup of tea
was cold, otherwise, but Butler Wu was scalded. manage?!"

"This is obviously Qinghuan's bad job..."

She was a little frightened from the moment Song Zilang pushed her arm away.
After all, although the Song family treated her very well, Song's father always
believed that the inheritance of the family business was a man's matter.

Father Song had already handed over most of the shares to Song Zilang, and only
promised Song Qianqian to receive dividends from the shares!

In the future, the master of the Song family is destined to be Song Zilang!

If Song Zilang wants to defend Su Qinghuan’s hillbilly, what will she do?

So you must step on Su Qinghuan severely, so that she will never stand up!


Song Qianqian shed tears. She stood hypocritically on the moral high ground,
with a look of grievance and distress on her face.

In the past, Song Qianqian was best at the appearance of pear blossoms with
rain, and it was indeed pitiful enough, but Song Zilang didn’t know why, seeing her
crying today made her heart very upset.

Su Qinghuan’s phrase has always emerged, if he is the one who held the wrong
person? !

Song Zilang took a deep breath. He is usually easily confused by Song Qianqian,
but if his own interests are involved, his mind is calmer.

"Qianqian, don't cry. This is the fact that Steward Wu is not doing
authentically. Even you are wrong. Qing Huan is also the eldest of the Song family
no matter what, she will not be so despised by a subordinate!"

Song Qianqian did not expect that Song Zilang would defend Su Qinghuan again
and again. She was very anxious and wanted to maintain her kind image...

"Brother, you made a mistake. Butler Wu didn't despise Qinghuan. Hey, it's all
my fault. If I can get more snacks, things like today won't happen..."

"Qinghuan, can you forgive me? It's my fault..."


Su Qinghuan did not expect Song Zilang to speak for herself, so she raised her

"Tong'er, I can't think that my cheap brother is not too stupid. He has not
been bluffed by the woman Song Qianqian."

"Host, how do I feel that you are whispering when you say this, don't you want
to retaliate against the Song family?"

The original owner did not have this in his wish, but Su Qinghuan really wanted
to see the Song family biting each other for profit.

Just looking at Song Zilang now, he is not that annoying, and he is barely

"Besides, I'm very busy and I don't have time to pay attention to the Song
family. However, if you do many unjust actions, you will die. I only promise that I
will not do too much. If they fall apart, they can't blame me."

Su Qinghuan lazily held her arms, watching Song Qianqian perform with tears.

"Song Qianqian, if you are really guilty, you don't have to say these three
words to me, sorry. The apology on your lips is just a matter of moving your

"What do you want?"

Song Qianqian was stunned at the same place. She originally thought that she
would cry a few more times and lower her posture, so that this matter could be

After all, Su Qinghuan is so arrogant, even if it is spread out, she is just

as unreasonable as a shrew!


At this time, even Song Zilang looked to Su Qinghuan, his brows wrinkled
slightly, and he didn't want Su Qinghuan and Song Qianqian to make a fuss too much.

After all, the palms and backs of the hands are all meat. Although he decides
to treat Su Qinghuan better now, it does not mean that he wants to see Song
Qianqian being bullied.


Seeing that Song Zilang wanted to dissuade herself, Su Qinghuan smiled coldly.

"Why, do you feel sorry for Song Qianqian? I'm not asking her to go up to the
sword and down to the fire. Isn't she guilty for not tidying up my room? Then take

"Do you still want her to change rooms with you?"

Song Zilang furrowed his brows deeper and deeper. He even thought about whether
to give his room to Su Qinghuan for one night. He is a big man who can spend the
night on the sofa in the living room.
Su Qinghuan shook his head.

"No! I think Steward Wu is here, so he and Song Qianqian will clean up the
room for me together!"

She paused, her expression was cold and cold, with a bit of sarcasm.

"I’m a person with thick skin and thick skin. I don’t have to ask too much. I
don’t need to decorate it as expensive as Song Qianqian’s room. Just give me a bed
and move all the debris out. Is this requirement difficult?"


Song Zilang did not expect Su Qinghuan to mention this!

To be honest, this requirement is really not excessive, it can even be

considered very mild!


But let Song Qianqian, a daughter-in-law, come to clean Su Qinghuan’s room in

person, which is undoubtedly a greater humiliation!

Song Qianqian froze immediately, and she looked towards Song Zi with tears in
her eyes, with hope and pleading in her eyes.

" don't really want me to tidy up the room for Qinghuan, do you?"

Song Zilang gritted his teeth, thinking of the contempt Su Qinghuan received in
the Song family. He didn't care about it before, but at this moment, he came to his

Song Zilang intends to repair the relationship between the two younger sisters
at home, so he said to Song Qianqian happily.

"Qianqian, you are the kindest, be good, go and clean the room for Qinghuan, it
will be over at most half an hour, you can."


Song Qianqian has always advertised her high moral character with tolerance and
generosity. Now the real thing has fallen on her shoulders, and a thick haze and
hatred surfaced in her heart!

But the top hat is already on, so it is difficult to take it off.

Song Qianqian wanted to tear Su Qinghuan’s face to pieces, but at this moment
he could only nodded aggrievedly to cover up the hostility in his lower eyes!

"Okay. Brother, I will do it."


Song Zilang touched her head very comfortably, and then went to sleep.


In a guest room facing south on the second floor, Su Qinghuan spoke to Song
Qianqian, who had an ugly face, with a terrible smile.
"Miss Song, please hurry up. By the way, I think you will not put a few
needles in my bed? This method is too bad, right?"

Song Qianqian's hand froze suddenly, and she really had a needle hidden in her
hand. Su Qinghuan's words were broken, and she hated the girl in front of her!

She grew up so old that even Song's father and Song's mother did not instruct
her to do work!

Why is this hillbilly who lives in a slum so arrogant!


After finishing cleaning Su Qinghuan's room, more than half an hour has passed.

With Su Qinghuan speaking like this, Song Qianqian did not dare to directly
resort to any vicious tricks, but deliberately did not remind Su Qinghuan that the
time to attend the banquet was not in the evening, but started at ten in the
morning, and also adjusted the alarm clock to 9:30.

Song Qianqian exhaled and sent a text message directly to the makeup artist she
contacted, sister Lin.

The other party is the most famous stylist in City A, and international stars
like to use her.

"Sister Lin, you must arrive early tomorrow and help me draw the most
beautiful makeup!"


Holding the idea of yanking the audience, Song Qianqian really woke up early
the next day.

For the sake of good skin, she also specially put on a mask, which is really

Seeing herself in the mirror, Song Qianqian became more and more proud.

—The hillbilly is nothing more than a jumping clown. She doesn’t even have
suitable clothes. Sister Lin also promised that she would not give Su Qinghuan

She wants to see how Su Qinghuan will have the face to be on stage with her!

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 167: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong place (24)
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Chapter 167 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken in the wrong way (24)

The morning light shone, and Song's house has been decorated, and the
magnificent living room is filled with flowers in a staggered manner.

One of the most conspicuous is Song Qianqian’s favorite perfume lily. There are
large clusters of each other, and you can smell the quiet fragrance without getting

But the place where the banquet is actually held is not indoors. According to
the preferences of the adopted daughter, Song Zhenhua and Mrs. Song designed the
18-year-old adult ceremony into an outdoor lawn banquet.

Along the red carpet in the living room all the way out, you can see the Song
family’s large garden with ribbons flying, hooked on the lush flowers and trees
from time to time, clusters of flowers.


Everything is ready, just waiting for the real protagonist to appear.

Although Song's father and Song's mother had held a birthday party for Song
Qianqian for 17 years, this year was different. One was that he had never held such
an outdoor birthday party and was a little nervous. The other was that Song
Qianqian finally became an adult after the college entrance examination. I want to
show off my wonderful daughter.

When Father Song and Mother Song got up, they rushed to Song Qianqian's room and
knocked on the door.

"Qianqian, are you dressed up?"

"Mom and dad, come in, I'm almost done with my styling, I just need to choose

Hearing Song Qianqian's sweet voice like a lark, Song father Song mother
quickly opened the door, and she saw the famous makeup artist Lin Sister fixing her
daughter's hair.

"Mr. Song, Mrs. Song, do you think Qianqian should wear a small crown on his
head, or simply use a pearl hairpin and focus on the gypsophila necklace on his

Sister Lin, a blond-haired make-up artist, bowed politely to Song Zhenhua and
his wife, with a very pleasing look. Generally, the tips for coming-of-age gifts
for the daughters of large families are very generous.

In addition to the agreed price, if the style you make is satisfactory to them,
there will be an extra high thank you fee.

Song Qianqian stood up with a little shame, and turned a circle towards the
father and mother of Song behind him to show her own shape.

"Mom and Dad, do you think I look good in a small crown now?"

Song Qianqian was born quite beautiful, especially her eyes, as if a stream of
tears were falling, and the water was as fresh and pleasant as a deer. She was the
kind of delicate beauty who would have a desire to protect regardless of boys or

At this moment, the stylist sister Lin also chose Song Qianqian in a light pink
dress based on her pitiful traits, her chestnut hair spread out, and she only wore
a crown on the top of her head.

Song Qianqian's dress is a gentle and lovely tube top design, arms are lightly
stretched, the skirt is just to the knee, will not be overly exposed, giving people
a feeling of small lotus with pointed corners.

The silk fabric reflects the sweet face of the girl, which not only has the
feminine temperament of everyone, but also feels close like a girl next door. It is
not too cold and makes people feel that Song Qianqian is soft as water at a glance.


Song's father and Song's mother looked at Song Qianqian's soft and surprising
face, and her eyes suddenly became stunning.

"Pretty, so beautiful! But Qianqian... Isn't this crown not very good for

The crown generally gives people an extra noble feeling, just like a queen, but
Song Qianqian's looks and temperament are more delicate, and some can't suppress
the crown inlaid with large pink diamonds.

Song Qianqian actually noticed this, but she really liked the jewels on it, so
she squashed her mouth a little regretfully.

"Well, Sister Lin, why not change to a pearl hairpin and a gypsophila


Lin knew what Song Qianqian was up to, so she kindly took out a more gorgeous
and shiny red diamond necklace next to Song Qianqian to have a look.

"Miss Qianqian, in fact, you see, jewelry is not as gorgeous as possible. After
all, it is clothing jewelry lining people, not people lining jewelry, like this red
diamond necklace necklace is too flashy, like nouveau riche, who can control Is

"You are still wearing a pearl hairpin, and it has that small and refreshing
beauty. It is simply the first love of the nation in the TV series!"

Song Qianqian was immediately pleased by Sister Lin’s words. She bit her lip,
pretending to be embarrassed and self-effacing.

"Sister Lin, your mouth is so sweet, how can I look so good, don't compliment
Speaking, Song Qianqian scanned the red diamond necklace that almost dazzled
people's eyes, and couldn't think of anyone who could wear such exaggerated jewelry
to be so beautiful and vulgar.

"Where am I to compliment, Miss Qianqian, which male **** is not impressed by

such a beauty as you?"

Seeing herself in the mirror with a pearl hairpin and a gypsophila necklace,
Song Qianqian looked around, more satisfied with the look in her heart, and she
smiled expectantly.

"As long as Zhiyuan brother likes it."

According to the original arrangement, she and her fiance Shen Zhiyuan are
going to dance the first dance of the birthday party today, which must not be taken


"Qianqian, put a hundred hearts on you. Today, you are definitely the most
beautiful little princess at the birthday party. How can that **** of the Shen
family dare to despise you?"

Song's father and Song's mother are also very satisfied with the effect of
Lin's makeup.

The famous stylist at home and abroad is really extraordinary, and Song's
father immediately gave her an extra shopping card.

"Not bad, Qianqian is really thanks to your skill today."

Lin casually swept it, and saw the 50,000 credit line at the back, she
immediately put the card in her pocket quietly, coming so easily, her smile became
more and more flattering.

"Mr. Song is the natural beauty of Miss Qianqian."

Song Qianqian also stood up. She was going to find Shen Zhiyuan first and let
her fiance see her stunning appearance today, but before she reached the door, she
saw her brother Song Zilang pushing in.


Song Zilang saw Song Qianqian dressed up like this today.

"Qianqian, you are so beautiful."

"Brother, you are so proud of me. I'm proud." Song Qianqian smiled
pretentiously. She scanned the wall clock in the dressing room, frowning as if
suddenly thinking of something.

"Oh, Mom and Dad, have you seen Qinghuan? Isn't she still up?"


Song's father and Song's mother had always focused on the adopted daughter, and
then later realized that he had a biological daughter upstairs!

They scanned the alarm clock on the wall and saw that it was already half past
nine, and they were shocked.

"What the **** does that evil spirit want to do?! The banquet will start after
ten o'clock. Is she trying to make our family shameful?"


"Are you looking for me?"

Su Qinghuan opened the door lazily. Of course she knew Song Qianqian had
changed the alarm clock. She followed the other party's meaning, wearing
yesterday's white T and jeans, staring at Song Qianqian with a smile.

"Why didn't I know that the banquet started after ten o'clock? Isn't it a
dinner party, none of you told me?"

Song Zilang was stunned when he heard this.

He clearly explained that Song Qianqian told Su Qinghuan, how could this be?

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 168: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong (25)
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Chapter 168 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken in the wrong way (25)

Song Zilang was stunned when he heard this. He clearly explained that Song
Qianqian told Su Qinghuan.

The young man who looked a little similar to Su Qinghuan immediately swept
towards Song Qianqian. He only thought that Song Qianqian had forgotten for a
while, and his handsome eyebrows suddenly showed displeasure.

"Qianqian, why didn't you tell Qinghuan about this? What time is it now! What
if you delay Qinghuan's styling?"

Too many guests came to Song's house today. Even if Song Qianqian is to be used
as the protagonist of the birthday party, can’t let Qinghuan become an ugly
duckling as a foil?


Faced with Song Zilang’s question, Song Qianqian looked extremely aggrieved.
"Brother, I obviously told Qing Huan that I would have a banquet at noon, but
Qing Huan was in anger at that time and always minded that she wanted to live in
the servant's room. Maybe she was listening?"

Song Qianqian bit her crimson lips tightly, her eyes suddenly flushed.

"Brother, don't you believe me?"

Obviously, after staying in the Song's house for so long, Su Qinghuan has only
come to the Song's house for more than a month. Could it be that the brother-sister
relationship for so many years is no better than that of that **** woman who
instigates casually?

Speaking, Song Qianqian held his hands angrily, trying to conceal the
resentment in his eyes.

Since Song Zilang defended Su Qinghuan yesterday, she has been very
dissatisfied with this brother, and now there is an indescribable hatred spreading
in her heart.


Hearing Song Qianqian shaking the pot like this, Su Qinghuan's thin lips made
a small smile.

"Song Qianqian, when did you tell me to have a banquet at noon? Is it because
I am deaf, or is the cost of lying too low now? Song Qianqian, are you afraid that
I will overwhelm your limelight?"

"You, Qinghuan, how can you slander me so much!"

Song Qianqian saw Su Qinghuan’s face that looked like a smile but not a smile,
and always felt that all his little abacus had been seen through!

No, how is this possible!

She swept through Su Qinghuan’s white T and jeans, and her hair that was messed
up because she had just woke up, and the panic in her heart suddenly disappeared.

——Even if Su Qinghuan is naturally beautiful, but at birthday banquets, it

would be laughable to dress like this. Su Qinghuan really dared to go out like
this, that would be self-humiliating!

Understanding this point, Song Qianqian was not so nervous anymore. She bit the
corner of her lip, with a magnanimous appearance of resisting grievances and
opening up others.

"Qinghuan, now is not the time to be entangled in whether you have heard the
schedule. It is only more than half an hour before the banquet started. What about
your makeup?!"


Father Song obviously also understands how tight time is. Song Qianqian got up
at 6 o'clock in the morning and started applying facial mask to do styling!

And Su Qinghuan!
He swept through Su Qinghuan's rough and messy appearance, thinking that he
would be ruined by this wonderful work of their Song family's reputation, and
suddenly became angry.

"Qianqian, don't bother about this evil spirit. Dad believes you are innocent!
And now that time is so tight, where can I have time to argue with you! Just say
what to do?!"

"Su Qinghuan, you don't want to go on stage like this, do you? Are you going
to embarrass our family?"

Song Zilang didn't expect that Song's father would be so bad at each other. He
immediately wanted to explain to Su Qinghuan a few words, or Song Qianqian saw that
the signs were wrong. Father's hand.

"Dad, don’t scold Qinghuan, and let someone style Qinghuan! Even if it’s not
too delicate, you still have to change your clothes and comb your hair!"

Speaking, Song Qianqian gave Sister Lin a look, and sincerely fetched a yellow
dress from the coat rack.

"Qinghuan, your skin is white. Although this is the style of last year, it is
also a high-end style. You can try this little skirt. It will definitely match your
skin tone."

Su Qinghuan looked at the clothes in Song Qianqian's hand amusedly. She picked
it up in the expectant eyes of the other party and shook it directly at the crowd.

"Are you sure, you want me to wear such a backless outfit?"

Song Qianqian is wearing Chanel’s new season, but he is embarrassed to take a

skirt that I don’t know how long it has been at home to prevaricate the original

The ladies of the upper class always love to compare. If you wear a seasonal
skirt, it is enough to prove that you are not taken seriously at home and have no

Even more exaggerated is that Song Qianqian also instructed the makeup artist
to give the original master a strong nightclub outfit, plus that backless skirt is
almost like some indescribable practitioner!

Standing next to Song Qianqian who looked like a fairy, it was full of dusty


Song Qianqian's beautiful eyes blinked, and the whole person was innocent and

"Qinghuan, what's wrong with the halter skirt? This is originally a banquet
occasion. You have white skin and you will definitely look good on it..."

As she said, she covered her heart with one hand, and fell into Father Song’s
arms a little bit weepingly.

"Dad, why does Qinghuan always misunderstand me? I obviously want her to wear a
beautiful little dress. She originally said that I didn't tell her the time on
purpose, but now I don't mind Qinghuan stealing my limelight. , She still said that
to me..."

Under the guidance of Song Qianqian's eyes, Sister Lin also stood up with
righteous indignation.

"Ms. Su, are you too white-eyed? Ms. Qianqian kindly provided you with a dress
for the banquet, showing your back. Will you have less meat?"

"I can't serve someone like you who maliciously speculate on others!"

Song Qianqian stood up pretentiously and wanted to grab Sister Lin’s hand, but
rushed for nothing.

"Sister Lin, Qinghuan is still young, don't leave! Otherwise, who will be
responsible for Qinghuan’s styling, woooooo... Qinghuan, please apologize and
invite people back..."

Song Qianqian had tears on her face, but she was very happy in her heart,
wanting to see Su Qinghuan collapse.

This kind of effect is what she wants. She didn’t want to let Sister Lin put
makeup on Su Qinghuan. Now she is procrastinating, and she wants to find a maid who
knows how to put makeup on Su Qinghuan's face. The more vulgar the better!


Unexpectedly, Su Qinghuan glanced at Sister Lin faintly, opened her lips

lightly, and her voice was steady.

"It doesn't matter if she rolls, she has a bad aesthetic level and can't make
it to the table. It's better to do it myself."

"You all go out, don't hinder me."

? ? ?

Song Qianqian scanned Su Qinghuan’s face in disbelief, almost wondering if he

had heard it wrong.

But Su Qinghuan sat down with a calm expression on her face, and directly
summarized what she wanted to use.

When Su Qinghuan was the first to pick up the red diamond necklace that flashed
blindly on the table, Song Qianqian's mouth suddenly twitched!

This aesthetic!

Song Qianqian was so happy to be a good person this time, she showed a
considerate smile and closed the door for Su Qinghuan.

"Dad, brother, let's go out, don't affect Qinghuan."


Only Sister Lin was still waiting outside the door with anger, she just
borrowed the donkey from the slope, but Su Qinghuan would dare to laugh at her poor

Seeing that the banquet was about to begin, the internationally renowned stylist
opened the door mockingly.

"Miss Su, are you finished? You—"

When she saw the figure inside, sister Lin's pupils shrank suddenly, and all
the words were stuck in her throat...

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 169: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong (26)
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Chapter 169 The Big Miss Who Was Wrongly Pao (26)

"Miss Su, are you finished? Don't cry and beg me to help you—"

When she saw the figure inside, sister Lin's pupils shrank suddenly, and all
the words were stuck in her throat...

How can there be such a beautiful woman in this world?

Mingming has just turned eighteen, but the aura of the whole body is even more
noble than the queen of the mother's world!

How to describe this kind of direct beauty?

Not as gentle and beautiful as Song Qianqian.

is not like the tacky seductiveness of nightclubs.

Su Qinghuan did not wear the orange and yellow backless dress selected by Song
Qianqian, but chose a more difficult one-line burgundy dress!

The workmanship of that skirt is not complicated, and it has a low-key sense of
luxury. Song Qianqian also wanted to try it!

But the waist is too tight, and it can hardly tolerate a trace of fat. She
can't wear it even if she tries to lose weight!


Now this dress is worn on Su Qinghuan, but it seems to be tailor-made for her.

The silhouette of the skirt fits her exquisite waistline and shoulder blades
perfectly, and the velvet fabric is full of drape, flying at the girl's feet while
walking, just like blooming red lotus flowers!
Obviously this red is already amazing enough, but Su Qinghuan even wore a more
eye-catching red diamond necklace!

The burgundy dress is actually a minimalist retro style, there is no innovation

at all, it just reveals the girl's slender collarbone.

But because of the exaggerated L-shaped red diamond necklace decoration, the
neat shape suddenly becomes a bit more clever!


Two diametrically opposite styles appeared on Su Qinghuan at the same time, and
they were so cleverly neutralized!

Sister Lin's breathing was stagnant, she couldn't help but raise her head, she
stared at Su Qinghuan's face as if she lost her soul.

"How can it be so beautiful?"

Lin murmured to herself, really can't believe that the person in red can also
reveal a kind of cold aura!


Su Qinghuan’s facial features are indeed extremely delicate, but Sister Lin, at
first glance, even feels that her face hasn’t been greased or powdered, just a
simple foundation, revealing the girl’s clear complexion.

If others do this, they will definitely look too dull, and they will be
overwhelmed by highly saturated skirts and jewelry, but Su Qinghuan is not!

Her lips were only slightly painted with retro red, and the whole aura was
completely suppressed.

She doesn’t have to say a word, she doesn’t have to show off her graceful
figure, like some red-carpet actresses do, she doesn’t have to show off her
graceful figure, she can directly capture everyone's eyes as long as she stands

This kind of aura is definitely not the kind of neighboring girl who makes
people feel so close, nor is it the Jiaojiao princess who needs to be cared for by

She is destined to be the queen!

Let everyone surrender at a glance!


Lin took a staggering step backwards, and she suddenly believed that Su
Qinghuan’s saying that she was too poor was not a mockery!

If she wears this dress for others, she will only try to make the overall look
correct and be able to praise her beauty.

But Su Qinghuan is different. When she appears, she is the focus!

The clothes are just her foil!


Su Qinghuan glanced at Sister Lin indifferently.

"Get out of the way, you are in the way."

Although sister Lin is a greedy person, she really has aesthetic pursuits. At
this moment, she is defeated in her best field, and she can't help but gritted her
teeth to stop Su Qinghuan and sincerely apologize.

"I'm sorry, Miss Su, I shouldn't slander your aesthetics. I hope I will have
the opportunity to get your guidance in the future."


In the Song's garden, the sun is shining and the birds and flowers are scented.

The fountain in the center of the lawn has jumped up with the orchestral music,
emitting a dazzling brilliance under the sun.

Song Qianqian didn't know what was going on in the dressing room, so he stepped
on proud steps and appeared at the place where the official banquet was held.

She almost laughed when she thought of Su Qinghuan casually picking up the red
diamond necklace when she was leaving.

——Sure enough, it is a soil bun from the country, and even an internationally
renowned stylist like Sister Lin dares to complain, and the aesthetics are even
more unflattering!

——There are so many accessories on the dressing table, Su Qinghuan took the
most exaggerated shape, and it is indeed a nouveau riche aesthetic, so earthy and


Song Qianqian looked at the various props on the scene and was very satisfied.

Especially the long tables on the lawn with Western-style Brock style, as well
as the delicate fragrance of perfume lilies on each table, she personally went to
the market to select them!

Song Jiaken arranged according to her thoughts and spent a lot of money. This
is the best proof of her being favored!

Even if Su Qinghuan has the blood of the Song family, what about it!

Only she is the only focus of today’s high-end banquet!


Butler Wu also stepped forward and ordered the servant to arrange the food more

The long table is full of various snacks, and the servants are busy pouring
champagne into the goblet, making the luxury of the upper class more and more eye-
"Miss, are you satisfied with today's arrangement?"

Song Qianqian nodded, with a noble and elegant smile on his face.

"Steward Wu, you have worked hard, and I will help you with a few more words
in front of my dad."

Butler Wu is her person, and she has solved a lot of nasty things behind her
back. If Song Zilang really dismisses Manager Wu because of Su Qinghuan, then Song
Qianqian’s heart is dripping blood!

Thinking of Song Zilang's recent changes, Song Qianqian gritted his teeth, and
that beautiful face became a little distorted.

Even if Father Song loves her again, she will not be able to inherit the family
business of the Song family, so it is necessary for Song Zilang to see clearly who
is the little princess put on the stage by the Song family!

Thinking of this, Song Qianqian straightened his back a bit.


It was time for the official admission, Song Qianqian soon saw many men and
women in costumes walking towards the lawn.

Song Qianqian stood next to Song Mu, holding the master’s style, and leaning
decently and smiling at them.

"Hello, Uncle Zhao, you are really getting more and more aura. When next month
Qianqian must visit your home in person."

The middle-aged man named by Song Qianqian as Uncle Zhao is the top leader of
City A. I don’t know how many people are cheating!

The other party was holding the mayor's shelf, but nodded indifferently, but
didn't look directly at Song Qianqian's face.

"Qianqian is getting more and more beautiful."


Song Qianqian didn't have any irritation either. She had found her place among
many young people, and countless men and women present were enviously complimenting
her, not bad for Mayor Zhao.

And Song Qianqian was holding the skirt, trying to approach her fiancé Shen
Zhiyuan, only to find that the other party looked at somewhere as if lost.

"Zhiyuan, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Zhiyuan breathed a little quickly and grabbed her arm.

"Qianqian, who is that?"

Song Qianqian froze for a moment, a little bit confused, but he heard
exclamations from all around him.

"Gosh, that girl is too beautiful, how come I have never seen it before!"
(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 170: The wealthy
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 170: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong (27)
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Chapter 170 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken in the wrong way (27)

There was a burst of exclamation around this.

"Will it be a female star who hasn't officially debuted yet? This is as

beautiful as the one in the painting. God was too partial when he created human

"That temperament is really amazing! Noble to me that she is not like a star,
but like a noble lady from a big chaebol!"

"Don’t you think her dress is very special in color? Few people dare to
challenge this tailored velvet red dress? I want to find the same dress and wear

"Oh, it’s the ability of others to dress nicely. Look at that girl’s shoulder,
neck and waist line, which is superior to the model. Ordinary people can’t control
this kind of skirt, okay!"


Song Qianqian heard those remarks, and only felt her ears buzzing, she looked
at the girl in a burgundy dress ahead in disbelief.

How could it be...Su Qinghuan? !

How could that soil bun have such a temperament and manner?

Seeing Su Qinghuan's tall and long legs faintly exposed while walking, she
couldn't help but lowered her head and glanced at her light pink puffy knee-length
skirt, how her two legs were cramped.

Originally Song Qianqian thought that this skirt was good everywhere, but now
that Su Qinghuan compares it, he feels that he is an ugly duckling!

can't compare with the other party's atmosphere at all!


"Who made this makeup for you?! Sister Lin made the look for you, right?"

That **** girl accepted her money, and even dared to please both sides!

Song Qianqian gritted his teeth and walked forward. If it weren't for the
presence of others around him, Song Qianqian stared at Su Qinghuan's headdress, and
even wished he could just scratch Su Qinghuan's hair!

The little crown she had originally fancyed was still on Su Qinghuan’s head!

The most terrible thing is that even Song Qianqian has to admit that Su
Qinghuan is very suitable for wearing this, and there is no feeling of children
wearing adult jewelry.

Even though she has just turned eighteen, her aura is so powerful!

Su Qinghuan glanced at Song Qianqian indifferently, her lips twitched slightly,

with a hint of interest.

"Why, do you think that woman is qualified to be my makeup artist?"

"You lied! If it wasn't for the makeup that Sister Lin did for you, could you
still do it yourself?"

Song Qianqian clenched his teeth tightly, and concluded that Su Qinghuan was in
the care of the big!


The people beside saw Song Qianqian and Su Qinghuan's argument, they couldn't
help but stare in surprise.

They still didn’t understand Su Qinghuan’s identity.

At this moment, the internationally renowned makeup artist Lin stumbled out.
The golden-haired woman changed her conceit and looked at Su Qinghuan with

"Miss Su, can you leave me with a contact information, I really like your
makeup style."

It takes only more than half an hour to complete such a complete set of styling
quickly. Su Qinghuan is so talented in this regard!

The most important thing is that Su Qinghuan’s makeup is not full makeup!

Obviously, she knows how to choose the key points of makeup and make it simple.
With a clear base makeup, she can give the whole makeup soul with a touch of retro

How can she not let her yearning for such a magical pen?


Su Qinghuan had already rejected Sister Lin once when she was in the Song’s
villa, but she did not expect this woman to be so persistent.

The little fox lifted his hair, and a smile appeared on his cool and beautiful
face, with a bit of mockery and coldness.

"You don't need to leave your contact information. I just make it casually. I
don't have any skills to speak of, and I can't put it on the table."

Sister Lin, with blond hair, immediately looked panicked.

I used to mock Su Qinghuan at the beginning, but now I hear it from the other
party, and I only feel ashamed of my face!

"It's all my fault! Miss Su, I don't know Taishan!"

Lin knew that she might have offended the other party, so she couldn't get Su
Qinghuan's contact information.

As a great make-up artist, she was not even as good as a student who had just
turned eighteen, so she immediately hid in shame.

And Song Qianqian heard Sister Lin’s words, his face was as wonderful as if he
had overturned the palette.

Is it true that Su Qinghuan can achieve such results in a casual way? !

How can she believe it!

Seeing Su Qinghuan turn around and want to leave, Song Qianqian gritted her
teeth and stretched out her arms. With tears in her eyes, she pitifully stopped in
front of her.

"Qinghuan, stand by for me! I have always been so good to you, and you know
how important today's birthday party is to me, but why are you stealing the

"Stealing your limelight?"

Su Qinghuan raised her eyebrows funny.

"If I remember correctly, today is also my birthday party?"

She proudly raised her chin, her delicate face seemed to be caged with frost,
and she could only be seen from a distance, not to play with it.

In the contrast of the fire-like red skirt, it is a bit more compelling and


Hearing this sentence, everyone almost dropped their jaws!

"What, she is the daughter of the Song family who has been left behind?"

"Isn’t the Song family’s true daughter just a soil bun who can’t support the
wall with mud? Today, at the sight of such outstanding temperament, it is no
different from the wealthy and wealthy lady?"

"It is said that dragons beget dragons and phoenixes beget phoenixes, and that
the son of a mouse will make holes. I didn't believe it before, but now I believe
it makes sense! Su Qinghuan does have a first-rate manner and temperament!"


And Song father Song mother also heard the restlessness here, Song father
almost saw the girl in the red skirt flamboyant at first sight.
Seeing the familiar facial features, he could hardly believe that the focus of
the crowd was Su Qinghuan!

Just as Father Song was shocked, Song Qianqian, who looked like a pear flower
and rainy, ran towards Father Song and shed tears in the middle-aged man’s arms.

"Dad, woo woo woo, Qing Huan bullied me..."

Father Song's mood is very complicated. Of course, he has also heard the
comments from those around him along the way. Others say that Su Qinghuan is worthy
of their Song family's daughter, as noble as a fairy.

Even if you don’t like Su Qinghuan anymore, but this time Su Qinghuan is so
acting like Song's parents, Song's father is not good at throwing this pot on Su

He had to softly comfort Song Qianqian.

"Qianqian, it's okay, I can see that Huan is not intentional, who knows that
she has such a good makeup skill?"

Song Qianqian was here to find comfort, but when Father Song was so choked,
almost all the blood on his face faded.

Father Song also realized that he had said something wrong. He had always loved
Song Qianqian the most, and soon recovered from the amazement of Su Qinghuan, and
said to the little fox with a cold face.

"Su Qinghuan, why don't you come over and apologize to Qianqian! I'm still a
student, I don't know if I study hard, just applying fat and powder is a

"Look at Qianqian. He has good grades, good piano, and dancing! You have to
learn more piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, so that you can tell us the face
of Song parents, don’t you know?"

Su Qinghuan raised her eyelids amusedly, and brushed her brows carelessly with
her fingers.

"Qinqi, calligraphy and painting? Have you trained me since I was young?"

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 171: The wealthy
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 171: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong (28)
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Chapter 171 The Big Miss Who Was Wrongly Pao (28)

"Qinqi, calligraphy and painting? Have you trained me since I was young?"

Su Qinghuan's eyelids lifted slightly, her cold eyebrows with icy sarcasm.

"Mr. Song, the best time to plant a tree is ten years ago, followed by now."

"But you haven't given me any money or energy for the past seventeen years,
but you expect your daughter to directly become a proficient wealthy lady, don't
you think it is ridiculous?!"

Speaking of this, a resentment that belongs to the original owner struck,

making Su Qinghuan's fingers tremble.

As a person who has fully received the memory of the original owner, the
empathy is almost like a shadow. Su Qinghuan can fully understand the original
owner's feelings of inferiority and unwillingness.

Su Qinghuan let out a sigh of relief, still with such an unshakable icy color
on her face. She proudly lifted her chin, and there was no hint of resentment in
her eyes, only full of indifference.

"Mr. Song, let me tell you, even if I am really good at piano, chess,
calligraphy and calligraphy, that is not a reason for you to show off, because you
have not made any contribution to it!"


The girl's tone is obviously not high, but the words and sentences are like the
sword of the heart, which directly pierced Song Zhenhua's hypocritical fig leaf!


Song Zhenhua, as a middle-aged man who has been wandering in the mall for many
years, has ever been taught such a lesson by a yellow-haired girl!

Especially the other party is his own daughter, so he can’t get off stage in
front of so many people!

He clasped his hands tightly, his complexion looked as if he was about to


"Asshole thing! What nonsense are you talking about! If you can't get it by
yourself, don't talk about your biological parents. Don't mention the extra skills
of art. You can see your academic performance. This time, you may even take a
second copy of the college entrance examination. Not on!"

"There are also precious sons in the poor family. You can't study on your own.
Do you have to rely on your parents for not paying for your tuition?!"

Song Zhenhua was talking, looking at Su Qinghuan’s beautiful face, she was full
of disgust!
No matter how good-looking the other person looks, he is a thorn to lose the
Song family's face after all!

Where is Song Qianqian so intimate and cute!


Father Song directly pulled Song Qianqian's hand.

"Everyone, Su Qinghuan keeps saying that our parents have not fulfilled their
responsibilities, but you see Qianqian, she has never hired a tutor in her cultural
class, but she is not as good as her language?"

"Not to mention those piano certificates and painting awards! The college
entrance examination is about to give results, I believe Qianqian will definitely
be able to attend the best school!"

Father Song was so angry that Su Qinghuan couldn’t come to Taiwan, so he wanted
to show off the excellent resume of his adopted daughter, and Song Qianqian was
praised by Song’s father so that he could regain his confidence.

Song Qianqian finally no longer feared Su Qinghuan’s light at the moment, she
was moved by her father Song, and even her tone of voice was much more tolerant and

"Dad, don’t talk about Qinghuan like that. In fact, I was lucky enough to
study. Qinghuan culture class is not good, but she can make up. Even if she can’t
be a high-tech talent in the future, she can still be a beauty artist..."


Su Qinghuan suddenly laughed when she heard this, she lazily stared at Song
Qianqian's hypocritical appearance.

"Beauty artist? Excuse me, Song Qianqian, I don’t have your turn to plan my

Song Qianqian's face turned pale, and a few tears were in her beautiful eyes.

"Qinghuan, I don’t mean to look down on the service industry. Don’t get me
wrong. I just said casually. At least you are talented in beauty, and you are
different from the usual you."

She has a weak voice, but she secretly belittles Su Qinghuan because she has
such a beautiful face through makeup.

Many people present had never seen Su Qinghuan's original face without makeup,
and they couldn't help but wonder if she had changed her head after makeup.

Su Qinghuan smiled upon hearing the words.

"Indeed, unlike some people, they are the same ugly before and after makeup."


Song Qianqian clasped his fingernails to his palms, almost his heart exploded!

This **** bitch!


And when people around heard that Su Qinghuan didn't give face so much, their
original affection for her was suddenly exhausted.

sighed all around, then I really realized that Su Qing Huanguang had a good
skin, but it was actually a straw bag without any culture!

"Hey, Su Qinghuan doesn't understand piano, chess, calligraphy, and

calligraphy. This is too uneducated? I heard that she can't even pass the exam.
This degree is impossible to get in the circle!"

"Yes, I really lose the face of the Song family!"

Hearing those comments, even Shen Zhiyuan, who was originally amazed by Su
Qinghuan, returned to his mind.

He was originally a serious face control. Although he had seen Su Qinghuan

before, but at that time the girl always bowed her head and made her inferiority
boring. Today is the real glimpse of the beauty.

Shen Zhiyuan and Song Qianqian didn’t have a deep relationship. Originally, he
thought that the person he really had a marriage contract was actually the real
daughter of the Song family, and whether the Song family should be replaced by Su

But now it seems that marrying Su Qinghuan really can’t get it!

There is no shortage of beautiful women in the upper class. Without a little

connotation, you can’t get on the stage!


Song Qianqian knew that public opinion was already on her side, especially when
she saw that her fiance’s eyes no longer stuck to Su Qinghuan like glue, she sighed
in relief and walked towards Shen Zhiyuan in full.

"Brother Zhiyuan, shall we dance the opening dance?"

Shen Zhiyuan nodded, holding Song Qianqian's arm gently with a smile.

Father Song is the one who loves this adopted daughter the most, and
immediately made a look and signaled the orchestra to start playing music.

In an instant, the melodious sound of silk and bamboo emerged, with the
fragrance of birds and flowers, making people feel a little better.

In such formal outdoor banquet occasions, the protagonist has always performed
the first dance with the most different meaning.

Father Song almost didn't even think about it, so he decided to let Song
Qianqian start, completely ignoring the existence of another daughter in the


However, when Shen Zhiyuan and Song Qianqian were about to walk towards the
center of the red carpet, a clear and cold female voice disrupted their movements

"Wait, don't the candidates for the opening dance just ask me?"

Everyone turned their heads in amazement and saw Su Qinghuan standing lazily
next to the hot spring, with Furong like a face and willow like an eyebrow, what a
peerless beauty.

The orchestra stopped playing, and Song's father was so angry that his mouth
was crooked.

"Can you dance ballroom dancing?"

Su Qinghuan nodded, her expression very calm.

"I watched club performances in high school, I remember the dance steps."


I am embarrassed to say that I will just watch others skip it? !

Father Song was thunderous upon hearing this!

"Su Qinghuan, don't mess around, I'm afraid you don't even have a partner?"

Su Qinghuan’s eyes swept across the crowd lazily.

Many elder brothers were suddenly worried, for fear of being embarrassed by her
choice as a dance partner.

Just then, an elegant and magnetic male voice cut through the deathly silence.

"Miss Su, am I honored to invite you to dance a song?"

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 172: The wealthy
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 172: The wealthy eldest lady who
was miscarried (29) 2200+ words
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Chapter 172 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken the wrong way (29) 2200+

Although many big brothers like Su Qinghuan’s face, it does not mean that they
will be willing to embarrass with a vase that can’t dance in front of so many

Song Qianqian even saw someone taking a step back silently, and the disgust in
his eyes was obvious.
There was a generous smile on her face immediately, and she pretended to speak
to Su Qinghuan.

"Qinghuan, let you do the opening dance on your next birthday, after all,
ballroom dancing takes a long time to practice. If you don't have a partner, you
can't force it~"

Just then, an elegant and magnetic male voice rang.

"Miss Su, am I honored to invite you to dance a song?"

Bo Feibai wore an expensive and elegant black suit. The carefully tailored suit
seemed to be tailor-made, which perfectly outlined the tall and handsome figure of
the teenager. The silver tie with dark patterns was tied into a Windsor knot. He
looks like a classical gentleman.


Su Qinghuan followed the voice and saw the handsome face of Bo Feibai. The
clear apricot eyes suddenly lit up, like jewels of brilliance.

It's him!

"I can't ask for it!"

Su Qinghuan slightly nodded towards Bo Feibai from the air, then smiled lightly
and swept across the crowd.

"Excuse me, Song Qianqian, I'm afraid I won't wait for the opening dance next
year. I have a partner."

Speaking, the little fox lifted the skirt slenderly and walked towards Bo


And Song Qianqian's blood became stiff, and her heart was irritated. She really
couldn't think of anyone who would be willing to help Su Qinghuan in this early

You need to know that Su Qinghuan admits that he has only seen other people
dance, so some people will want to have a crappy partner?

Song Qianqian turned her head, and when she saw the man Su Qinghuan was running
towards in the crowd, her pupils widened and her breathing became rapid.

Which family son is this?

Why does she seem to have never seen her before?

I saw that young man turned against the sun, his handsome face was half-bright
and half-dark, as if he was coming with stars and the moon, and suddenly robbed
everyone's sight!

As the teenager gets closer and closer, everyone can clearly see the facial
features that are like God's meticulous crafting.

Bo Fei Bai’s eyebrows and eyes are unbelievably beautiful, her eyes are like
cold stars, her nose is dangling, and her skin tone is so white that she looks like
a vampire, which is unforgettable.

"When did City A have such outstanding characters?"

"I have attended a lot of celebrity banquets, it seems that I have never seen
this person."

"I seem to have seen the watch in his hand. It is the latest Patek Philippe
model. Good deed, which chaebol is definitely the young master of everyone, right?"

As everyone talked, they couldn't help but stare at Bo Feibai's face


The boy’s cold eyebrows are shining under the sun, as if there is a special
kind of magic power, when you stare at him, you can no longer look away, you can no
longer look at other scenery!


Song Qianqian held his hands tightly, and couldn't believe that such a perfect-
looking man would actually fall in love with Su Qinghuan's bun!

She took a deep breath and couldn't help but sore Su Qinghuan.

"Qinghuan, who is this young man? Isn’t it the dance partner you specially paid
for? No wonder you wanted to grab the seat for the opening dance. You came here

After Song Qianqian said this, the faces of the people present changed, and the
look in Bo Feibai's eyes was not as respectful as before.

"Yes, I basically know the younger brother of the rich and aristocratic family
in City A, but I have never seen this one!"

"Hahaha, I'm so ridiculous, a bunny asked a little white face to be an actor

to set off himself, so I'm really not afraid to spread it out!"

Shen Zhiyuan held Song Qianqian in his hand. He was unhappy that his fiancé had
been staring at a beautiful young man of the same age. Now he heard the comments
from everyone, he stood up and swept past Bo Feibai condescendingly.

"Hey, boy, are you really an actor hired by Su Qinghuan?"

Shen Zhiyuan became more and more disdainful. He raised his chin proudly,
hating this young man for stealing the limelight.

"Birthday banquets are all distinguished guests. I advise you to be a little

self-aware. Get out before we reveal your true identity. Don't be embarrassed


"You let me go? Young Master Shen, I hope you won't regret this sentence."

Bo Feibai heard Shen Zhiyuan's words, his cold and indifferent Feng eyes
suddenly narrowed dangerously.

Looking at Bo Feibai like that, Shen Zhiyuan only felt that his blood was frozen!
Really saw a ghost, a little white face is so arrogant?

"Do you dare to threaten me? Could it be that you can still move the Shen

Shen Zhiyuan, as the most popular young generation in the circle of power and
nobility in City A, he repeated this sentence sharply wherever he had been so

"Yes, I'll let you go, what's the matter!"

Just when Shen Zhiyuan was furious, Su Qinghuan interrupted him coldly.

"Excuse me, Master Shen, this is the villa of the Song family. I am the
daughter of the Song family, and classmate Bo is my friend. It is normal to attend
this birthday party. Why do you decide to stay?"

"Bo classmate?"

Hearing these three words, the people present all had the conclusion that there
is no rich family surnamed Bo in City A. It turns out that this person is really a
poor actor invited by Su Qing, who dares to come out to fight the autumn breeze
after he looks good and dressed up!

Shen Zhiyuan was irritated by Su Qinghuan’s attitude, and almost wanted to yell
at him, but Song Qianqian stopped him weakly and signaled Shen Zhiyuan not to get

"Brother Zhiyuan, why are you angry with Qinghuan’s classmates?"

Song Qianqian paused. She looked at Su Qinghuan and Bo Feibai, who stood side
by side in front of her. Seeing that they were like a pair of golden boys and
girls, a little jealousy flashed in her heart.

——Fortunately, the one next to Su Qinghuan is just a fake-hand style like her
with only a face that makes sense!

Song Qianqian bit her lip, and she stared at the dazzling diamond watch in Bo
Feibai's hand, looking like she wanted to say nothing.

"Qinghuan, it's not that I want to prevent you from making friends, but you
look at this classmate, but you also admire vanity too much. Patek Philippe is
worth three million yuan, right? He can't buy it at all..."

Song Qianqian hadn't finished speaking, Song Zilang, who had been waiting for
guests in the villa, brought Mayor Zhao over.

Mayor Zhao, who has been arrogant and clean since the banquet, suddenly changed
his face.

"Master Bo, why are you here!"

While talking, the middle-aged man bends down respectfully towards Bo Feibai.

That kind of respectful attitude, I just stayed with everyone present!

You should know that this banquet is the most generous of the Shen Family
Benzong represented by Shen Zhiyuan!
But Mayor Zhao, even in front of Mrs. Shen, has always met as a peer!


"Mayor Zhao, do you know this little white face who eats soft rice?"

Shen Zhiyuan looked in a daze, he gritted his teeth, and wanted to ask Mayor
Zhao if he was deceived.

And Mayor Zhao was shocked and quickly threw away Shen Zhiyuan's hand.

"Master Shen, who do you say is Xiao Bailian?"

Bo Feibai gave Shen Zhiyuan a lazy look. He held Su Qinghuan's hand, his smile
revealed a hint of evil.

"Yes, the little white face who eats soft rice, Master Shen looks pretty good,
do you want to try this taste?"

Shen Zhiyuan didn't understand the other party's meaning, he suddenly received
a call.

"Dad, I'll talk about anything later, I'm busy now..."

is the call of Mr. Shen, and he yells at Shen Zhiyuan as soon as he speaks!

"Busy you ghost!"

"Sickness! Who on earth did you offend! Our Shen family's industry is suddenly
held accountable! Many investors will withdraw their capital without giving
reasons, and the stocks will also be attacked!"

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 173: The wealthy
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 173: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong place (30)
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Chapter 173 The Big Miss Who Was Wrongly Pao (30)

Shen Zhiyuan listened to the spit of old man Shen on the phone in disbelief,
only feeling that the blood was flowing backwards all over his body.

"Dad, are you kidding, right?"

Shen Zhiyuan simply cannot accept the fact that the Shen family is about to go
bankrupt! But soon, there will be reality to teach him to be a man!

"Sick! I hope today is April Fools' Day more than you! Who did you offend?
Hurry up and apologize!"

"I don’t care whether you cry or ask for mercy, or kneel down to beg for mercy.
Our Shen family’s century-old foundation cannot be destroyed in your hands!"

Shen Zhiyuan listened to the call in a daze. It was clear that the sun was
shining and the temperature was warm today, but he was thrown into the ice and
snow. His feet could not move and he could only froze in place.

He looked back at the long jade young man not far away, as well as the cold
smile on the corners of his lips. He didn't dare to look down anymore in his heart.

"Bo Shao, I have no eyes to know Mount Tai, please let me go!"

Shen Zhiyuan said, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he wanted to kneel down.

The people around were shocked when they saw this scene. The Shen family was the
most prestigious wealthy family in City A. However, who could have imagined that
when facing Bo Feibai, it was like the fireflies in front of Haoyue. A little bit
of light!


Song Qianqian is the most desperate among the crowd!

He never knew that there are people outside the world, there are people outside
the world, and there are days outside the world. He has always felt that he is the
fiancé of the dragon and the phoenix, and he needs to bow his head to others!

"Brother Zhiyuan, don't kneel! I beg you!"

If Shen Zhiyuan were to kneel to Su Qinghuan’s man, where would she put her

At this point, Song Qianqian is still extremely selfish in her heart, and she
always thinks about herself!


Shen Zhiyuan was firmly supported by Song Qianqian, and she forbade him to

Song Qianqian raised his eyes and looked at Bo Feibai, his eyes full of

"Young Master Bo, I don’t know how sacred you are, but you make a complete loss
of face in a few words. Don’t you feel that your identity is insulting?"

Bo Feibai raised his eyebrows and was about to say something, but Su Qinghuan,
who was standing next to Bo Feibai, smiled at him and stopped him first.

"Ms. Song, your theory is very interesting. You slandered your classmates for
admiration of vanity when you didn't agree with them. When you wanted to drive him
out of the banquet, didn't you think that you were too embarrassed to say a few

Song Qianqian was mad at Su Qinghuan’s words.

She bit the corner of her lip, and there were countless emotions in her
beautiful eyes, but in the end tears fell.

"Qing Huan, because I have the same parents as you, can you let Young Master Bo let
his brother Zhiyuan go? He really offended Young Master Bo unintentionally. If you
don't know who is innocent, you can't be tolerant. ?"

Su Qinghuan was bored to see Song Qianqian’s pear blossoms with rain.

She swept across Song Qianqian deeply.

"Tolerance? Song Qianqian, in your eyes, it's not the powerful and powerful
party that is qualified to manipulate other people's lives. As for the weak, they
are just the ants trampled by you."

When the original owner was the most humble, Song Qianqian chose to let Shen
Zhiyuan's scum cousin, Shen Tianhu, trample on this beautiful girl.

At that time, Song Qianqian thought, was the original owner innocent?


Su Qinghuan suddenly felt a little tired, she stretched out her hand and took her
thin arm.

"I don't want to dance anymore."

The girl's voice was cold, reflecting the extravagance of the scene, and she
became more and more lonely.

Bo Feibai stared at the girl’s eyelashes, not knowing why she was suddenly so
unhappy, but he had investigated Su Qinghuan’s question about why the little fox
appeared at the Shenghao Hotel that night.

The dark black eyes of the young man suddenly showed a strange purple.

He looked at Song Qianqian, who was still mourning Qibo's sympathy not far
away, as if looking at a dead person.

"Do you want me to help you solve her?"

The boy’s voice is very soft.

The people present were a little vague and didn't understand the meaning of Bo
Feibai, but Song Qianqian was shocked by Bo Feibai's narrow and cold eyes!

For a moment, she even suspected that the other party wanted to kill her!

No, how is it possible!

Although she still doesn’t know Bo Feibai’s background, but as long as she is a
normal person, she won’t get blood on her hands for a woman, right?

Su Qinghuan saw Song Qianqian's shoulders trembling and terrified, she pulled a
faint smile from the corner of her lips, and shook her head at Bo Feibai.

"Need not."

It's just a jumping clown, there is no need for dirty hands.

With Song Qianqian's personality, she will soon pay the price for her
selfishness and greed.

Bo Feibai frowned, apparently a little surprised by Su Qinghuan's magnanimity,

and Su Qinghuan didn't explain to him more, just faintly squeezed the boy's hand

"I'm a little tired, can you give me a birthday in another place?"

The boy was startled, and was a little surprised by the girl’s invitation.

"Where to go?"

Su Qing Huan opened her lips concisely.

"my home……"

Because Su Ruyu is still at home.

Compared to this magnificent Song's villa, and the men and women with false
smiles between the clothes, the shadows, and the arms, she missed the benevolent
face of her adoptive mother even more.


Seeing the smile on Su Qinghuan’s lips, Bo Feibai nodded, holding the girl's hand

——When he went to Su Qinghuan’s house last time, he didn’t bring anything. This
time he just asked his subordinates to prepare some gifts and give them away.

No matter what Su Qinghuan thinks, he is bound to win this girl, so it is

necessary to please the future mother-in-law.


Bo Feibai and Su Qinghuan talked with no one beside them, and turned around to
leave, which immediately shocked Song's father and Song's mother.

Father Song came over with a bad face, and gave Su Qinghuan a warning.

"Qinghuan, why are you leaving so soon? Didn't you say you want to dance the
opening dance?"

The middle-aged man said, he couldn't help but glanced at the young man next to
Su Qinghuan with a flattering look, his expression changed very respectfully in a
blink of an eye.

"Master Bo, it was our Song family who was not entertained well before. You
should stay here with the little girl Qinghuan and finish the birthday cake we
Father Song has taken the identity of Bo Feibai from Mayor Zhao’s mouth. Hey,
he is actually the grandson of the most famous CEO Bo in the imperial capital!

The Bo family chaebol in the imperial capital, how dare ordinary people want to
have a little relationship with them!

Even if it is a wealthy family like the Shen family who already has a good
foundation, when placed in front of the Bo family, it is not worthy to carry shoes!

Originally, Song Zhenhua looked down on her own daughter, and thought she
could not get on the stage.

But now it’s different. If Su Qinghuan can please Bo Feibai, even if he doesn’t
formally get married, it’s okay to put it outside as an outside room in the future!

With this kind of nepotism, if Bo Feibai can lead them to the Song family and
introduce a list, just a little fortune leaked from the Bo family’s fingers will be
enough for him to spend most of his life!

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 174: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong (31)
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Chapter 174 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken in the wrong way (31)

Father Song did not dare to expect Su Qinghuan to officially step into the door
of the Bo chaebol!

In the eyes of Father Song, let alone an uninfluenced wild girl like Su
Qinghuan, even a real pampered lady in the imperial capital would not be able to
marry the Bo family and become the Bo family young lady!

"Step aside."

Bo Feibai saw Song Zhenhua's high voice towards Su Qinghuan, his eyes suddenly

——If he didn’t know that the other party was Su Qinghuan’s biological father at
all, I’m afraid Bo Feibai would punch him directly.

Father Song obviously didn't know the least bit of self-knowledge. How could he
be willing to let such a big Buddha go straight away, and he was cautiously stopped
in front of Bo Feibai.

"Young Master Bo, don’t hurry. If you like a little girl, Qinghuan will
accompany you to stroll around Song's house tonight. You can also stay overnight."

Father Song's eyes were very eager, and the flattering light almost overflowed.

He used the words “stay overnight” in a cryptic manner, but all the people
present were smart people, so Father Song had to say that he wanted to send Su
Qinghuan directly to Bo Feibai’s room!


Father Song just finished speaking, two cold eyes directly locked on him.

One is from Su Qinghuan, and the other is from Bo Feibai.

Su Qinghuan was mocking, perhaps because of the original owner’s remnant

thoughts. At this moment, hearing Song Zhenhua’s words of selling a girl for glory,
I still feel a deep chill.

She stared at Song Zhenhua indifferently, her bright eyebrows as if she was
enveloped in a layer of frost and snow, and the chill was pressing.

"Mr. Song, who on earth are you when your daughter is? Is it a tradeable

"Qinghuan, what are you talking nonsense! If you don't trade, Master Bo can
see you. That is the blessing of your three lives."


Su Qinghuan chuckled, and almost vomited when she heard this!

Don’t say that she and Bo Feibai are currently not boyfriends or girlfriends,
but they have a good relationship with each other, but even if she is moved by Bo
Feibai, she will not think that she is good enough to match any man in this world.
It is a blessing!

She is her, the unique Su Qinghuan!

She disdains to be an accessory of any man, and there is no need to use

anyone’s blue eyes as a proof of her success in life!


Bo Feibai saw the girl's indifferent eyes, ripples in his eyes floated, and he
felt a little more pity for Su Qinghuan in his heart.

——Although he had asked about the faces of the relatives of the Song family a
long time ago, after all, he could not hear as much as he could see. Now that he
really saw Father Song like this, he knew how uncomfortable Su Qinghuan was in the
Song family.

It’s no wonder that Su Qinghuan would rather go back to the rudimentary second-
hand community for his birthday than face the wolves of the Song family here.

Bo Feibai held Su Qinghuan's hand with a complicated expression.

The warm and dry palms of the teenager came with a faint temperature, so that
Su Qinghuan's heart gradually calmed down.

Su Qinghuan nodded slightly and smiled helplessly.

"Let you see my joke."

"You are not a joke, those talents are..."

Bo Feibai shook his head solemnly. He swept over the faces of those present,
passing over the faces of Song Qianqian, Shen Zhiyuan, Song Father Song Mu and

The boy spoke blankly.

"Mr. Song, you don't have a daughter like Qing Huan. You don't even know that
you can be her father. You really don't know how cheap it is."

Song Zhenhua turned blue when he heard Bo Feibai’s words. Although he wanted
to please the other party, he didn’t think of himself as an elder!

"Young Master Bo, don't be confused by this wild girl in a few words——"

"As for myself, I have been pursuing Qinghuan, but I have not yet been
promised. If Qinghuan can see me, I will be lucky for my three lives."


The people present were shocked to hear Bo Feibai’s lower-profile words!

The so-called easy-to-get priceless treasures and rare lovers, they looked at
Su Qinghuan in a daze, and the envy in their hearts was self-evident!

I really don’t know how Su Qinghuan has such good luck!


People may just be envious, but Song Qianqian is crazy with jealousy and hatred
in her heart!

Who would have thought that his fiancé, whom he has chosen by many thousands of
choices, would not even count as a scallion in front of Bo Feibai? !

She couldn't suppress the jealousy in her heart, she rushed towards the two
teenagers who turned and left without even thinking about it.

"Young Master Bo, please wait! I have something to say to you!"

Bo Feibai glanced at her coldly, only to think that the adopted daughter of the
Song family was really ridiculous. Song's father and Song's mother did not cherish
the real pearls, but instead regarded fish eyes as treasures.

The look in this boy’s eyes is terrible!

Song Qianqian swallowed hard, her thin lips trembled, and finally she couldn't
restrain the surging jealousy in her heart, and frantically smeared Su Qinghuan.

"Master Bo, I know you like Qinghuan, I shouldn’t have said these things, but
"Then don't say it."

Su Qinghuan glanced at Song Qianqian with a cool look, and the corners of his
lips were filled with a smile.

"No, I must say!"

Song Qianqian glared at her bitterly, yelling uncontrollably with that sinister

"Bo Shao, the college entrance examination is over, Qing Huan may not even be
able to pass a second book!"

Song Qianqian talked more and more happily, and even increased the volume a

"Qinghuan is not only bad for cultural classes, but also does not understand
piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. If you like a person, don’t you only care
about the other’s appearance, but don’t you worry that she is a vase with no
connotation at all?"

Su Qinghuan is a vase?

Bo Feibai’s lips teasedly aroused, thinking that Xu Lao wanted to dig the girl
around him to work with him at any cost, but felt that he had just heard the
biggest joke of this century.

The young man's eagle eyes narrowed carelessly, and he held Su Qinghuan's hand
affectionately, and the cold face even showed a bit of enchantment at this moment.

"Vase matches the common folk, it's enough, I'm also very superficial."

There was an uproar all around , apparently he did not expect Bo Feibai to be
so self-deprecating!


"Bo Shao, you—"

Song Qianqian's chest rose and fell sharply. She wanted to say something, but
Bo Feibai had already walked away with Su Qinghuan. She was so angry that she
staggered and fell directly to the ground, almost unable to sit down!

Song Zilang was beside him the whole time, and he was shocked when he saw Song
Qianqian's vicious eyes.

Although he knew that Song Qianqian did not like Su Qinghuan, Song Qianqian’s
words to Bo Feibai just now clearly wanted to ruin Su Qinghuan!

Song Zilang swept past Song Qianqian in a daze and disappointment.

"Qianqian, how can you say that Qinghuan?"

He originally thought that Song Qianqian was just a little arrogant, and his
nature was still kind.

But now, he suddenly began to wonder if the adopted daughter, whom the Song
family had always loved, was a simple-looking viper after all!
"Brother, let me explain..."

Song Qianqian saw Song Zilang's eyes, and his heart was flustered, but at this
moment, there was a cry of exclamation all around!

"God, the college entrance examination results are coming out! Imperial
Capital University has also announced the first batch of recruiting lists!"

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 175: The wealthy
eldest lady who was taken in the wrong (32)
The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 175: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong (32)
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Chapter 175 The Big Miss Who Was Wrongly Pao (32)

"God, the college entrance examination results are out!"

Country A’s application for the college entrance examination was over a long
time ago. At that time, candidates didn’t know the scores for blind selection of
colleges and universities, so the announcement of the college entrance examination
results this time is equivalent to letting everyone know if they will fail!

Song Qianqian heard the guest's exclamation, her eyes widened, she immediately
got up from the ground, quickly took out her mobile phone and started to check the

God bless, she must have an amazing result!

The Shen Group was attacked by Bo Feibai in business, and the Shen family was
about to be abolished. Song Qianqian thought she was so good, and her marriage
contract with the Shen family did not need to continue!

If she can have a brilliant performance in the college entrance examination,

enter God Capital University, and wait until the Imperial Capital, then she will be
able to break into the top wealthy circle, maybe she can find a better husband and
wife than Shen Zhiyuan!


Holding this thought, Song Qianqian tremblingly stretched out his fingers, and
clicked on his scores for each class.

She is a science student, but physics and mathematics have always been her
weaknesses. Although Song Qianqian has long guessed that she will miss the physics
this time, after all, the physics problem is too difficult.

But Song Qianqian did not expect that she was most confident of getting a high
score in mathematics, and she only scored 125 points!
After all, the math test papers are being released this time. Except for the
last big question, the other questions can be called sub-questions for outstanding
students. Many students who hit the Imperial Capital University can get high scores
of more than 145!

Song Qianqian blinked in disbelief.

She staggeredly glanced at her total score. The total score of the college
entrance examination was 750. The Imperial College has announced the minimum score
of 710 for this admission.

Kingda University, which is almost as famous as Imperial University, has a

minimum admission score of 705!

And she herself, even if she added her national competition and the additional
points for provincial outstanding students, the total score was still stuck at 702!

Song Qianqian's eyes widened, and he didn't want to admit that he had lost the

Emperor Capital University has always been her goal in this life. She thinks
she can go to Qingda, which is a little worse, even if she doesn’t work. How could
this happen?


Seeing Song Qianqian's painful appearance, Song's father also leaned forward
nervously. When he noticed the above score, he took Song Qianqian's shoulder with
some comfort.

"Qianqian, it's okay. You can't go to Imperial Capital University and Qingda
University. You still have Renda University you can go to. They are all first-class
universities, and they are almost the same."

Small difference?

The whole country, who didn’t know that Renda was already in the second tier,
and there are natural barriers to the two famous universities, Imperial Capital
University and Qingda? !

Song Qianqian couldn't believe that she entrusted Song's father to have so many
extra points in the relationship, and she still couldn't go to the college she
liked. She clenched her fists sadly, and could only mutter to comfort herself.

——Forget it, Renda can still get it, it's better than Su Qinghuan, I can’t even
get a second copy!

Father Song and Song Qianqian’s brain circuits were almost imprinted in a mold,
and he coaxed happily.

"It's okay, Qianqian, you are still the pride of our Song family. Unlike your
unstinting sister, Qing Huan doesn't know if she can have a school for the college
entrance examination. It's shameful."

Song Zilang frowned in disapproval.

"Dad, how can you say that so happy? It's too much, right?"
After all, educational resources are different. Can Su Qinghuan’s previous
school be comparable to Song Qianqian?


"Why can't you say that wild girl?"

Father Song sighed at the thought of Su Qinghuan leaving the birthday party
with Bo Feibai directly.

"She's not influential! Finally, our Song family had the opportunity to
cooperate with the Bo Group, and she abruptly died!"


Song Zilang's brow furrowed deeper and deeper. It was obvious that he was
friends with Qinghuan, and his father had never known each other before. Can this
relationship be cooperative? How can Su Qinghuan be?

In Song Zilang’s disapproving eyes, Song Father didn’t think there was anything
wrong, until the guests exclaimed again.

"Oh my God, Mr. Song, Miss Su Qinghuan, who is on the admission list of the
Department of Medicine of Imperial University, is your daughter?"

The people present were startled when they heard this.

Emperor Capital University will attach the location and school of each other's
city when it is publicized.

Song Qianqian breathed tightly, and shook his head resolutely in disbelief.

"Aunt Lin, are you mistaken? How could it be Su Qinghuan? She couldn't even
pass the test."

The woman called Aunt Lin gave a puzzled start.

"But I saw Su Qinghuan on the admission list of Imperial Capital University,

with the name of the No. 1 Middle School in City A. There are always so many people
with the same name and the same surname in City A, right?"


Now, even Father Song is silent!

Only Song Zilang exuded ecstasy, and he nodded proudly.

"That must be my sister, because when I changed the school to Qinghuan, the
school registration system showed that there was no student with the same name as
her in this year!"

Although Song Zilang did not know how Su Qinghuan was able to be a university,
his first thought was to congratulate him.

soon sent a text message to Su Qinghuan.

——Sister, your **** is now in the Department of Medicine at the university,


And Song Qianqian was shocked, she clutched Father Song's arm tightly, and she
shook her head almost frantically.

"No, it's impossible! How could that hillbilly be able to be a university?!

She obviously has such poor grades!"

Song Qianqian said, suddenly thinking of Bo Feibai, who was leaving with Su

The young man is dressed in black. As long as he stands there, he has a good
temperament. The moment he comes out more and more, he is more aura than the model
on the T stage!

Could it be... the prince of the Bo family consortium is doing the trick? !

——It's just a gangster wild girl, she can still be regarded by this kind of
noble son, and she does not hesitate to tamper with the college entrance
examination volunteers for her!


The intense jealousy is like a poisonous snake entwining her heart, the tighter
and tighter it is, and even Song Qianqian's original clear beautiful eyes are full
of red blood!

She doesn’t even have a university in God. How can such a sacred institution
stigmatize a hillbilly who opens the back door!

Song Qianqian gritted his teeth, almost immediately opened Weibo, and sent a
report letter on his trumpet.

She wants to ask the navy to help, so that Su Qinghuan will be ruined!


Su Qinghuan is on the way home with Bo Feibai at this moment.

Seeing Song Zilang’s message, the girl’s cold and lonely eyebrows became
slightly more vivid.

In fact, she was not surprised by this result, but at the moment the dust
settled, she still tickled the corner of her lips and returned a message.

--thank you, I know now.

"What is so happy?"

Bo Feibai noticed the stretching of the girl's expression, his eyesight was
very good, and he caught the words Imperial Capital University at a glance.


Su Qinghuan smiled and nodded. She hadn't checked the score yet, and was about
to click on the network to check it. As a result, a news came out directly from her
mobile phone.

--shock! The Imperial Capital University was exposed to shady, a century-old school
unexpectedly bowed its head to recruit an inferior student for privilege!

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 176: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong place (33)
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Chapter 176 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken in the wrong way (33)

Su Qinghuan saw that hot search title, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Sure enough, I saw my name hung high on the pillar of shame when I opened it.

The blogger also specially attached a high-definition steal-photograph, which

was a close-up of Su Qinghuan sitting in Bo Feibai’s Rolls-Royce Phantom on the day
of the end of the college entrance examination.

"Hey, this is coming prepared..."

Su Qinghuan laughed instead of anger. She had guessed that this post was a
ghost of Song Qianqian. The corner of the little fox’s lips lightly squeezed, and
his slender fingers swept across the screen, and directly clicked on the comment.

The blogger’s post has only been posted for ten minutes, but the following
comments have been reposted over 10,000, and there is a trend of becoming more and
more popular.

The following lines are all curses.

"What is the origin of this girl named Su Qinghuan? City No. 1 Middle School
has been upset about her grades over the years. She takes the exams all the year
round at the end of the crane. Why is this kind of person admitted to Imperial

"I heard that this year's national college entrance examination champion
scored 749 points, and only one point was deducted. I also applied for the
Department of Medicine of Imperial University. I really don't know what it feels
like to be a classmate with such a gluttonous scholar."

"Yeah, are the powerful second generations so arrogant? Openly challenge the
fairness of the college entrance examination?"

“No wonder it’s said that it’s hard for a poor family to have a good son.
Everyone always thinks that the college entrance examination is fair. Now it seems
that the education admission of country A is too poisonous. Sooner or later I will
wait for the poor players to pill!”
"The Rolls-Royce Phantom alone can't be beaten by 200 million, right? Riding
in a top luxury car, the college entrance examination can be opened, ordinary
people shed tears of resentment."

Because Song Qianqian did not dare to provoke Bo Feibai, the report post
avoided Bo Feibai’s name as much as possible. Even the license plate of the luxury
car was mosaic, but Su Qinghuan’s face was very clear.

Some netizens with a little IQ have also discovered blind spots.

"But to put it weakly, Su Qinghuan's biological father is Song Zhenhua, the

rich businessman boss in City A, but the Song family is just ordinary wealthy, and
the family's total assets are estimated to be two or three billion. How can it be
possible to open a Phantom?"

"I see that Su Qinghuan's photo looks pretty good. Couldn't it be the lousy
old man of the top wealthy who came next to the Song family?"

"Mom, the old man smiled to win the beautiful girl and passed her the college
entrance examination directly to the Imperial University? This picture is so spicy!
That Su Qinghuan looks good, but his heart is really dirty!"


Su Qinghuan read those comments, the expression on her face became a little
solemn, she was nothing, she was not afraid of the shadow leaning.

I'm just a little worried that Su Ruyu will get those spitting voices when she
brushes Weibo. After all, the adoptive mother's heart is not as strong as hers.

"What's wrong?"

The teenager sitting next to her saw the gloom between the girl's brows and
eyes, and immediately glanced over.

After seeing the message on the girl’s screen, he immediately ordered the
special help in the front row.

"A Si, find someone immediately and delete all the dirty things on Weibo."

"Master? Which hot search do you mean?"

Asi hasn't looked at the phone yet, and is a little puzzled.

But Su Qinghuan directly grabbed the hand of the boy next to her, took a deep
breath, and smiled at Bo Feibai.

"It's okay, thin, deleted, but it seems that we are guilty of conscience, I am
going to verify a Weibo account to clarify this matter later."


Bo Feibai heard the words, and the handsome sword eyebrows wrung unmarked.

"Are you crazy? Netizens' spit stars can drown you, and there will even be
people who don’t know the inside story-flesh you. The autoclave is serious when it
hasn’t spread too much now."

The young man pondered for half a second and looked at her worriedly.

"Even if Mr. Xu comes out to testify, not everyone will believe that you were
recruited with special medical skills. After all, you are too young."

Bo Feibai still doesn't know the true strength of Su Qinghuan's college

entrance examination. He always thought that Su Qinghuan's superb medicine refining
skills deterred Xu Lao, and then he opened up the Qingyun Road to the University of

Su Qinghuan looked at him in surprise, with a very strange expression.

"What's the matter for Xu Lao if I can be a university?"

Su Qinghuan said, directly opened the college entrance examination scoring

system, entered his admission ticket, and shook the total score on Bo Feibai.

Little fox smiles charmingly.

"This grade is more than enough for a university, right?"

Su Qinghuan had guessed that her grades should be good, but she was a little
surprised when she saw the high score of 749.

With a total score of 750 in the college entrance examination, Su Qinghuan didn't
click to look at the scores of individual subjects, thinking that he must have a
full score in mathematics, physical chemistry, and probably lost points in Chinese

She thought, the scoring teacher was still merciful, and she was only deducted
one point for the composition.


749 points?

Bo Feibai's deep eyes became darker and darker, and the whole person was
immediately stunned.

"You turned out to be the top pick in the college entrance examination this

Looking at the news today, it was said that this year he had a top scorer with
a perfect score. Bo Feibai has no interest. After all, the difficulty of the
college entrance examination paper is just a piece of cake in his eyes.

But this champion is Su Qinghuan, that's interesting!


Bo Feibai almost thought for a moment that it was Xu Lao who passed the bottom
of the test paper to Su Qinghuan, but then I thought about how Xu Lao, who cares
about fairness like that, would let Su Qinghuan go for fraud.

"Is it weird?"

Su Qinghuan chuckled across her lips, her apricot eyes were curved like
crescents, and her desertedness faded at this moment, showing a bit of playfulness
at this age.

Bai Feibai took a deep breath.

"So you used to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?"

Judging from his investigation of Su Qinghuan, the girl’s past seventeen years
of experience is weak and mediocre. Apart from a beautiful face, she has no other

But these data are really far from Su Qinghuan himself!

"Let's put it this way, just treat it as a bit of my evil taste."

Su Qinghuan nodded calmly, and then quickly authenticated Weibo with his real
name and posted his college entrance examination scores online.

——749 points, I don’t know where my point is deducted, curious.

After 's words, Su Qinghuan also put on a bun with a question mark to sell cute
emoticons, which was very unsatisfactory.


At first, some people thought that this so-called "Su Qinghuan" account was
used to keep up the popularity.

"I advise you to delete Weibo, don't compare this year's college entrance
examination champion with a dog who opened the back door!"

"The blogger is too much! Please apologize to the college entrance examination

Seeing things getting worse and worse, who would have thought that the official
account of the college entrance examination in City A would forward Su Qinghuan’s

——Hello, Su Zhuangyuan.

After this sentence, the official blog also posted nine long pictures, which
are the answers to the examination papers of Su Qinghuan's college entrance

Out of the selfishness of the official blog, the first page is Su Qinghuan’s
college entrance examination composition. The characters in small letters are
pleasing to the eye, but the writing is eloquent, the discussion is old and the
logic is clear, and it does not look like it was written by a high school student.

Su Qinghuan was surprised to find that her language turned out to be full

Instead, math deducts a point?

how come?

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 177: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong (34)
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Chapter 177 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken in the wrong way (34)

Su Qinghuan was surprised to find that her language turned out to be full
marks, but a point was deducted for math!

How could this be?

She clearly remembers that her math is all right.

On the third day of the end of the college entrance examination, the country A
official gave the standard answers to each subject. That day, Su Qinghuan hurriedly
passed by and quickly estimated the results of each subject.

Mathematics is the subject that deserves perfect score!

"What did you stare at the last math problem? Still can't figure out where your
point was deducted?"

Bo Feibai saw the girl's stunned brows and couldn't help but help her magnify
the process of solving the last problem.

Bo Feibai has always been a juvenile genius. He did not take the college
entrance examination in Country A, but he has been sent to the Department of
Finance of Imperial University in advance.

In fact, university subjects are not difficult for him. Last year, Bo Feibai
presented a final examination paper for his cousin who is a professor of
mathematics at Imperial University.

After being used as a coolie by his cousin once, Bo Feibai was particularly
disgusted with such things as examination papers.


At this moment, seeing Su Qinghuan’s answering process, the teenager couldn't

help but shook his head and laughed.

"Xiao Nizi, fortunately, you have always thought you are smart, why didn't you
find that there was a problem with your problem-solving ideas?"
"The scoring teacher is still merciful, otherwise you can deduct all the five
points for this small question."

Su Qinghuan frowned, her eyes widened in confusion.

"How come? I know that the answer is correct, and I was very careful in solving
the problem, and did not skip any steps."

"Yeah, you..."

Bo Feibai smiled helplessly. Seeing the girl's eyes widened, she couldn't help
but slid her throat, stretched out her slender finger and nodded her forehead.

Feeling the delicate touch, Bo Feibai's eyes darkened slightly, and he

concealed his uncomfortableness without a trace.

"Since you have taught linear algebra by yourself, why don't you know that this is
what the university of country A can learn? It is even super-level when used in the
college entrance examination. If you do not use the knowledge points of high school
to solve the problem, you can deduct all the points. ."


So the examiner is kind to her?

Su Qinghuan suddenly realized that she slapped her forehead and was never
wronged again.

"No wonder, it's mainly because I didn't prepare in time and didn't have time
to review and take the test directly."

When she crossed over, she was only three days away from the college entrance
examination, and she was busy saving money for Su Ruyu's treatment and life-saving.
Whenever she had time to review the knowledge points of high school, she confused
the content of the university for a while.


The young man heard Su Qinghuan’s frank words, and suddenly the corners of his
mouth twitched. He had the urge to record what she said just now.

"If you put that remark just now on Weibo, do you believe that there will be
millions of candidates who want to beat you?"

Nude exams without reviewing can be admitted into the college entrance
examination champion, who would believe?

Su Qing smirked, and said something mischievous.

"Average, third in the world, thin and thin, I am not as good as you in this

"...poor mouth."

It was almost at the door of Su Qinghuan’s house, and Bo Feibai saw a flower
shop on the side of the road and asked Ah Si to stop.

Go down and buy a bunch of white roses.

"give you."

The boy looked at the girl's eyes sincerely.

"I hope you like the floral language of white roses."

——I am enough to match you.

Geniuses have the pride and sympathy of geniuses.

In Bo Feibai’s eyes, Su Qinghuan is so special.

Maybe it was when the girl entered the window that day, when the girl typed the
first line of code in his notebook, the girl in front of him threw a stone in his
heart, causing different ripples.

"Master Bo, are you confessing to me?"

Su Qinghuan blinked her eyes in amazement, her apricot-like slender eyes fell
into the sky full of stars, so bright that her ear tips burned.

The teenager has no experience of confessing to others.

also did not expect Su Qinghuan to be so straightforward.

He took a deep breath.

"Yes, Qinghuan, I fell in love with you at first sight."

This matter was so embarrassing to admit it, because he was proud by nature,
and the strange sentiment that was once the first side was suppressed by himself.

But seeing the sweetheart he fancy is getting better and better, the sense of
urgency in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

There is an impulse to quickly settle the relationship between the two of them,
let others know that she is his, and no one can take it away.

If both of them are not at the legal age for marriage, Bo Feibai even feels
that he would have the urge to obtain a certificate directly from the girl in front
of him.


Su Qinghuan looked at the boy in front of her slowly, and found it interesting
that her thin eartips were red, and she couldn't help but play tricks.

"Then what if I don't agree? I can remember that someone once saw me for the
first time and let me go."


Bo Feibai has an urge to yell at himself the day he just met Su Qinghuan.

He twisted his handsome eyebrows, and his expression was very sincere, but it
was obvious that he had lived with people for a long time, and even apologized a
bit bluntly.
"Qinghuan, I'm really sorry, then I should go now? I didn't mean to say that
about you that day..."

"If I knew that I would like you so much now, I would definitely protect you
and not let you go."


Su Qinghuan saw that Bo Feibai's face rose more and more red, and he didn't
even know how to use a love sentence, and finally stopped teasing the boy in front
of him.

"It's teasing you."

Su Qinghuan was a little surprised if she had picked up a treasure by accident,

she quickly took Bo Feibai's hand.

"My mother has always liked you very much. She said that she felt that you
were suitable to be a son-in-law when she first saw you. No, this is called the
fate of heaven."


Bo Feibai let out a long sigh of relief. He was really worried that Su Qinghuan
would not agree, and he even had some dark thoughts in his heart.

——He wants to respect Su Qinghuan’s wishes, no matter one year, two years, or
three years, he is willing to wait, but if Su Qinghuan dares to like others, he
will also grab this girl as his wife.

Now that Su Qinghuan is willing to accept herself, Bo Feibai’s gloomy and

paranoid eyebrows suddenly rise.

The boy immediately asked Ah Si to swipe millions of extra cards, all of which
were gifts for the future mother-in-law.

Wait to Su's house, Su Ruyu saw Bo Feibai carrying things inside box by box,
and almost thought that this kid was here to pay the betrothal gift, so she was
frightened on the spot.

Fortunately, Su Ruyu let go of hearing that the two people just started
dating, and the future son-in-law became more and more satisfied.


The atmosphere of Su's family can be described as pleasant and harmonious.

But Song Qianqian was already mad at the moment.

She stared eagerly at the top post of the college entrance examination official
blog, and the hatred in her eyes burned like a tongue of fire.

"Impossible, how could that little **** pass the test of God Capital
University? She must have bought the examiner to leak the test!"

Song Qianqian frantically asked the big V to report the insider.

As a result, just after finishing the money to buy the navy, two police
officers in uniform suddenly walked outside the door.
"Hello, Miss Song, please go to the police station. We suspect that you are
related to the case of drug abuse of underage girls."

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 178: The wealthy
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 178: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong (35)
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Chapter 178 The wealthy eldest lady who was taken in the wrong way (35)

Song Qianqian has a frantic pace on the Internet. Not only did Hei Su
Qinghuan’s results be purchased, but he also used his trumpet to post many Weibo
that slandered Su Qinghuan’s private life.

Later, Song Qianqian even did not hesitate to post to discredit his mother Su
Ruyu, saying that when Su Ruyu was a babysitter in the Song family, she was always
a water-Yang Hua, cheeky hooking up with a married man!

It’s no wonder that the daughter raised by Su Ruyu also looks like her, and she
can’t walk when she sees a powerful old man.

Naturally, these news have also been uploaded on the Internet. Many people have
begun to question the authenticity of Su Qinghuan’s test papers posted on the
official Weibo of the college entrance examination.

If there are really leaks in the college entrance examination, why do they
believe that Su Qinghuan’s scores are reasonable?

There are also professionals who have specially analyzed Su Qinghuan’s math
test papers and composition writing.

It is said that Su Qinghuan used the content of university test sites when
solving math problems, and the depth of the relationship between technology and
environmental protection depicted in the composition is completely different from
the pen and ink that high school girls can write.


There are countless curses on the Internet.

Bo Feibai wanted to delete the post directly, but Su Qinghuan suppressed it.
After she enrolled in school, she would soon prove her strength.

Forced deletion of posts will only inspire dissatisfaction among more netizens.
After all, it is a heart disease of most people that it is difficult to have a good
son in these years. If the college entrance examination is really unfair, everyone
will lose confidence in the Ministry of Education of Country A.
Su Qinghuan faintly held Bo Feibai's hand.

"Fair, wait and see, there will be no such voices when the Imperial Capital
University starts. The most important thing now is to calm my mother's emotions.
Please find a reliable tour group and let her go abroad for two months. Bar."

Su Ruyu doesn’t understand foreign languages, and he doesn’t read too much
domestic news when he reads news abroad.


Song Qianqian really offended her inverse scale this time.

Being hacked by someone posting, the little fox will not be so irritable, but
if she cares about someone she cares about, I'm sorry, she will give it back ten

Su Qinghuan has sorted out the evidence of Song Qianqian's crimes and submitted
it directly to the police station. Presumably, the people at the police station
have already arrived at the Song’s villa.

Thinking of this, Su Qinghuan couldn't help but curled her lips and drew a
cruel smile.

—Song Qianqian is determined to test the best colleges and universities, but I
don’t know what it would be like to spend his college life in prison.


Bo Feibai is busy reading the news on Weibo at the moment. After scanning the
latest post of the **** the verified Weibo, there are only four words that are
clear by the clearer, which is very eye-catching.

He felt unbearable, because Su Qinghuan did not have the permission to turn off
comments at all.

Under the Weibo that the clearer self-cleared, comments on Wuyangyang are
basically foul language.

On the other hand, the little fox seemed careless and heartless. He didn't care
about these malicious attacks at all. Only when he encounters a post that slanders
her adoptive mother, will Su Qinghuan end the post to delete it.


The young man's heart is like Mingjing, he understands that perhaps only Su
Ruyu is the most important to Su Qinghuan.

Bo Fei Bai's eyes darkened, and he began to jealously of the middle-aged woman

—Knowing that the other party is Su Qinghuan’s adoptive mother, she has been
with Su Qinghuan for eighteen years. It is only natural that the little fox cares
about her and protects her.

But I don’t know why. He originally wanted Su Qinghuan to be his girlfriend,

but since Su Qinghuan agreed to be with him, he began to greedily want more.

I only want to see her in her eyes.

Want to keep her from being distracted by other trivial matters.

The young man’s eyes were deep, and he couldn’t help but stretched out his long
arms and hugged the girl who was holding the mobile phone to read the news in his

"what you do?"

Su Qinghuan exclaimed in a low voice, one of his weight was unstable, and he
fell directly onto the boy's lap.

She always felt that Bo Feibai was a deadly arrogant, and she was a little
unaccustomed to the sudden intimacy of young people.

Unexpectedly, Bo Feibai hugged her tighter. He put his head on the girl's shoulder
and sniffed the faint fragrance of lime shampoo in the girl's hair.

"Qinghuan, I have asked Ah Si to find a professional tour team to send Aunt Su

to the Maldives to see the sea. How can you thank me?"

Su Qing smiled and hooked the boy's arm back, she pressed the boy's thin
shoulders, her eyes jokingly.

"Fei Bai, why are you so stingy all of a sudden? We are both boy and girl
friends, and still want to get paid?"

"Thinking, thinking every day, Qinghuan, can I kiss you?"

Bo said this for nothing, but he lowered his head without waiting for the girl
to answer!

The boy caught the girl’s lips accurately.

He has never kissed a girl.

I never thought that the taste of a girl would be better than imagined.

The long and curly eyelashes of the teenager trembled, his hand hooked to the
girl's slender waist, and he couldn't help holding the girl tighter.

"Qinghuan, I like you so much, more people and things in this world."

I like it so much that my whole heart is swollen-inflated.

He is proud by nature, but if anyone in this world can make him bend his waist
willingly, there is no doubt that it is the little fox in front of him who takes
his heart away.


Su Qinghuan’s porcelain-white arm was wrapped around the boy's arm, and his
voice was sly.

"Of course I know you like me, otherwise why would I be with you?"

"No, you don't know..."

Bo Feibai opened his eyes bewilderedly. Some distant memories flashed in his mind
quickly, but he couldn't capture those specific pictures at all. He just felt like
he had been with the girl in front of him thousands of years ago. acquaintance.

It is his fate to chase her.

She is his bone in bone, flesh in flesh.

Bo Feibai's eyes showed a strong possessiveness, and he couldn't help but clasp Su
Qinghuan's waist tightly, making the girl had to look at himself face-to-face.

The boy's voice is incredibly hoarse, and the rising tail is even more

"Qinghuan, we are all eighteen years old, do you want to try to do bad things,

The young man's expression was gloomy, as if countless undercurrents were

surging. He had never thought that he would be such a person, but looking at the
girl's moisturizing lips, he couldn't help but want to plunder more.

Su Qinghuan heard this, she was dumbfounded, and her cheeks floated with a
faint red.

What about the innocent teenager who has never been in love?

The girl looked at Bo Feibai’s handsome face in disbelief, her eyelashes

trembling slightly.

"It's not white, are you serious?"

Bo Feibai nodded, the boy's eyes lingered on Su Qinghuan's porcelain-white

face, and then down, he noticed that the neckline of the girl's shirt was slightly

That small piece of lustrous texture is like the best jade, the collarbone is
slightly exposed, slender and bewildering, let the boy's eyes stick to it, wanting
to see more.

Bo Feibai stared at Su Qinghuan for an instant, sparks ignited on the tip of

his heart, burning him out of sanity, and the blood in his limbs seemed to be

"Qinghuan, are you willing?"

Seeing the girl staring at herself blankly, Bo Feibai could no longer control the
beast in her heart, so she couldn't wait to seal her lips!

Su Qinghuan was pressed on the sofa, and the kiss came like a storm—

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 179: The wealthy
eldest lady who was taken in the wrong (36)
The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 179: The wealthy eldest lady who
was taken in the wrong (36)
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Chapter 179 The Big Miss Who Was Wrongly Pao (36)

The little fox was pressed on the sofa, and the boy pried her lips and teeth
open, and kissed like a storm—

Bo Feibai has never been so close to any opposite sex. He was originally the
age of blood-qi Fang Gang, and he was a beloved person in front of him. The young
man quickly breathed and couldn't help holding the girl's head closer with his

" are so beautiful..."

The young man held the girl's face religiously, his eyes greedily traced the
girl's eyebrows, and the low voice was so dumb that Su Qinghuan's heartbeat could
not help but start to bang.

Seeing the temperature rising higher and higher, suddenly a phone on the coffee
table rang.

"Qinghuan, leave it alone."

The young man's eyes suddenly narrowed dangerously, revealing a sense of

displeasance of being interrupted, but Su Qinghuan still felt embarrassed and
whispered when he heard the ringing of the phone.

"It's Ah Si's call. Maybe it's really important. Let's pick it up..."

Bo Fei’s unattractive face suddenly became gloomy, his thin lips pressed into a
straight line, he let go of the girl with a cold face, connected the phone, and
turned on the hands-free.

"Si, you better have something to do."

The poor little assistant didn’t know where he had offended his young master,
but Ah Si was a personality. Hearing the youth’s unpleasant tone, he quickly
reminded him tremblingly.

"Master, Song Qianqian has been arrested by the police, and Wu Fugui, the
housekeeper of the Song family, and Shen Tianhu, who almost killed Miss Su, have
all been transferred to the court."

"The police reminded us that the trial will start next week and ask Miss Su to
appear in court, but it depends on Miss Su's personal intentions."

In fact, the facts of this kind of case are not too complicated, and it also
involves the reputation of the girl. Su Qinghuan does not need to appear in court
and let her attorney appear on the court.

Bo Feibai glanced at the girl with a messy shirt not far away, his throat was
dry, and he took a deep breath forcibly, returning his self-control.

"Qinghuan, do you want to appear in court?"

Su Qinghuan saw the teenager's forbearance and restraint. She blinked badly,
twitched a strand of hair with a smile, lying lazily on the sofa like a cat.

"Go, of course. It's rare to see such a good thing as a dog. Why refuse?"

"Okay, then I will go with you."


Su Qinghuan was about to talk to Ah Si about the arrangements for appearing in

court, but Bo Feibai made a decisive decision, took a step ahead of her, and hung
up the phone.

The young man put his hands around the girl's shoulders, the cold ink eyes that
used to be rippling, like a fire shining.

"Qinghuan, leave those trivial matters alone, shall we continue? Huh?"

"The matter of going to court is the business."

Su Qinghuan placed her fingers between the lips of the two of them, blinking
and blinking with a pair of innocent eyes, she likes to look at the look of Bo Fei
Bai suffering.


Bo Feibai was getting darker and darker by Su Qinghuan's appearance. He locked

the girl's hands and held the girl directly into his arms.

"Qinghuan, are you a vixen sent by God to kill me?"

Just saw her lazy smile on the sofa, he thought this little fox was too bad,
knowing how uncomfortable he was, he wanted to answer the phone!

Su Qinghuan shook his head earnestly.

"It's not a vixen, it's a fox fairy."


Is there a difference between ?

Where is the young man's mind to distinguish the difference between the two? At
this moment, regardless of whether the girl is a demon or an immortal, he must
surrender her, and can no longer let her out to confuse sentient beings!

"Then I will eat you fox today..."

Su Qinghuan felt hot when she heard the boy’s words.

"Hey, foxes are a protection animal, and it is illegal to eat foxes!"

"No matter, I am doing harm to the people."

Bo Feibai smiled, he squinted the girl's face, pecked the girl's pink lips, and
then directly hugged the girl in his waist.

Silk tulle curtains floated gently, hiding the scenery of the room.


City A court soon began to accept Su Qinghuan’s case.

Song Qianqian had previously instructed Wu Fugui, the butler, to do some ugly
things, and also misappropriated the money of Song's enterprises, causing economic

The scumbag Shen Tianhu attempted to injure him, but the evidence was solid,
and several old cases of him bullying men and women were involved, all of which
were shocking.

The court finally sentenced Song Qianqian to five years imprisonment, Shen
Tianhu five years, and steward Wu Fugui three years.

After the verdict came out, some people who had good intentions uploaded it to
the Internet, which caused a lot of waves on Weibo and major newspapers.

Netizens learned that the Weibo account that reported Su Qinghuan’s cheating on
the college entrance examination was sent by Song Qianqian, and Song Qianqian
forged all kinds of evidence to spread rumors that Su Ruyu and Su Qinghuan were
insecure in their private lives!

Many netizens expressed shock and disbelief.

"Oh my God, if you remember correctly, Su Ruyu is Song Qianqian's real mother,

"That is to say, a fake daughter who doves in a magpie's nest is not only
jealous of the biological daughter of his adoptive father and adoptive mother, but
even wants to kill his own mother for the sake of prosperity and wealth? My chills
are erected."

"Tsk, there are so many wealthy people, you see that I am so poor, no one
deliberately wants to harm me."

"It's really Sheng Mien, fighting Mi's hatred. If I were the biological parents of
the Song family and raised such a white-eyed wolf, I would be so angry.
Fortunately, my daughter is a talented person, and she is also a college entrance
examination champion. ."

Public opinion has now reversed to a certain extent, and some people have
called on the keyboard man to stand up and apologize to Su Qinghuan, but not
everyone believes in Su Qinghuan’s strength, and soon there is a new debate.

"Who believes that Su Qinghuan is the No. 1 in the college entrance

examination? One yard goes to one yard. Su Qinghuan is innocent about the mistake,
but she does have poor grades in the past? How could it be that the college
entrance examination suddenly became a **** of learning?"

"Yes, the unfairness of the college entrance examination is very serious. It is

much more serious than the consequences of the two families' mistakes! If the
Ministry of Education of Country A does not give an official account, I will not
apologize to Su Qinghuan!"

In the living room of Song's villa, Song Zilang is scanning Weibo.

Seeing those **** comments on the Internet, the youth showed a wry smile on his

——He didn’t expect that, in just one month, so many things happened.

His sister Song Qianqian, whom he has always loved, went to jail, but his
sister Su Qinghuan refused to admit his ancestors.


Father Song had just walked down the stairs and saw his son’s notebook browsing
interface, especially the comments from netizens who envied the Song family’s
picking up a daughter who was the top student in the college entrance examination.
He excitedly spoke to Song Zilang.

"Zi Lang, isn't the Imperial Capital University opening? I heard that your
sister will speak on behalf of the freshmen, and will invite her parents to

"Hurry up and take your sister back and have a lively confession banquet. Be sure
to invite Shao Bo to attend and witness Qing Huan’s change of our Song family’s
surname! You see, she is so old, what is it like to live outside all the time? ?"

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 180: The wealthy eldest lady who
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Chapter 180 The wealthy eldest lady who was wrongly taken care of (37) 2200+

"Zi Lang, hurry up and take your sister back. You think she is so old, what is
it like to live outside all the time?!"

Father Song burst into laughter. There is a daughter who can get the top prize
in the college entrance examination, and she can also seize the heart of the heir
to the Bo chaebol. Then how can he not share a piece of the pie as a relative?

What people outside now say about him?

Lost the sesame seeds, but picked up the watermelon!

He thought about it, not only to make Su Qinghuan become Song Qinghuan, but
also to let Bo Feibai recognize him as his father-in-law!

Such unparalleled good luck has come to yourself, of course, you have to hold
a pro-family banquet and show off!

Then wait until the start of the Royal Capital University, and then dress up
with your wife to attend the freshman speech!

It is said that the freshman speech will be broadcasted nationwide, so I am

really going to be famous!

Let all netizens see that they are the fathers of the top students in the
college entrance examination, and then take the opportunity to advertise to Song's
enterprises on the stage and make a huge amount of traffic!


Song Zilang couldn't help feeling a headache when he saw the face of Song's
father, the villain, Dezhi.

He reminded awkwardly.

"Dad, you forgot what you said before. There is only one daughter at home,
Qianqian. How can I invite the second sister back?"

Father Song blew his beard and stared with anger when he heard this.

"You! Stupid! We shed the same blood as Qing Huan, and she is rebellious and
unfilial if she doesn't recognize her ancestors returning to her ancestors!"

"Also, don't mention Song Qianqian's unfavorable name! She is in jail, don't
affect the reputation of our Song family, it's good, she is not our family's
daughter, why should we be scolded?"

Since Song Qianqian went to jail, Song's father changed his affectionate
attitude towards Song Qianqian and avoided her like a snake and scorpion. All the
servants in the family were prohibited from mentioning this woman's name.

Song Zilang saw the utilitarian attitude of Song's father, he was very

"Dad, if you want to invite Qing Huan to go home and change her surname, you
will go by yourself. I won't go anyway."

He has already determined that Su Qinghuan is his own sister. No matter what Su
Qinghuan is called, he will love him, but he will not impose his personal wishes on
the girl. Bundling Su Qinghuan with blood must do something uncomfortable.

Some things, if you miss it, you miss it. They can only make up for it, and
they can’t ask for anything.

"Asshole thing! I really raised you in vain!"

Father Song was so angry that he saw Song Zilang's firm refusal, and he kicked
the chessboard on the coffee table!
If he can please turn back that thorn, as to let Song Zilang go?

Father Song had previously visited Su Qinghuan’s community with great fanfare
for his own benefit. As a result, good guy, Su Qinghuan didn’t know where to find a
bodyguard, so he blasted him out!

Father Song still remembers the girl's indifferent eyebrows. It is clear that
the other's height is only over 1.6 meters, but he has a feeling of being
overlooked by this big man.

——Mr. Song, if you don’t want to be on the social news, I advise you to get out
as soon as possible, otherwise I can’t guarantee that one day when I’m in a bad
mood, I will snipe your Song’s stock.

Father Song shuddered on the spot, he instinctively did not want to believe
that Su Qinghuan would do this, and he would not believe that Su Qinghuan had this

But Bo Feibai told him lazily that he had his own little daughter's hand in the
financial market of the Shen family back then!

Father Song ran away timidly, and he could only scold Su Qinghuan, the white-
eyed wolf, for being unfilial!

What he said was Su Qinghuan’s biological father, with the same blood flowing
in his bones. When she really wanted to use Su Qinghuan, could she refuse?

Father Song decided to figure it out slowly.


Although Song Zilang rejected Song's father, he hesitated to send a text message to
Su Qinghuan to remind him.

——Sister, dad wants me to ask you to come back and change your surname. I
refused. The Imperial Capital University is about to open. Please pay more

Su Qinghuan saw the message on the screen, and a sneer flashed across the
corner of his lips. Father Song was really disgusting.

She has improved her impression of Song Zilang recently, but she hasn’t gotten
too close. If she really wants to target the Song family in the future, she can let
Song Zilang take a shot. She sent two words of thanks to Song Zilang.

Bo Feibai was right next to Su Qinghuan, and he naturally saw the news.

"Do you want me to help you solve your father?"

The Song family is mainly engaged in the clothing business. Recently, it has
been in a recession. If he makes a move, it will be enough to make Song Zhenhua
burn out.

"No, he is just a clown."

Su Qinghuan shook her head. She looked at the juvenile’s affectionate and
paranoid eyes. She couldn't help but lifted her head and pecked the juvenile’s
"It's not white, you are so kind."

Feeling the temperature of the girl's thin lips, Bo Feibai's eyes were dull,
and only a dryness surged upwards, and a low smile overflowed from his throat.

"That's OK? Qinghuan, you are too easy to be satisfied, and there are

Speaking, he hugged Su Qinghuan.


On the day when the imperial capital university held the freshman ceremony,
Song's father and Song's mother were blasted out without an invitation. They lost
their face and blocked the gate of the imperial capital university and refused to

Song Zilang had long expected this ending. He did not attend the ceremony, but
went to visit the prison in City A.

In just one month, Song Qianqian was pale and haggard like a puppet. When she
saw Song Zilang, she cried madly.

"Woo, brother, I was wronged, I want to go out."

Song Zilang's heart is very complicated. In fact, he still has some affection
for Song Qianqian, but after knowing that Song Qianqian has done so many dirty
things, he doesn't know how to face this girl.

Song Zilang still hoped that Song Qianqian could repent and be a good man in
the future. He took a deep breath and spoke to Song Qianqian.

"Qianqian, I am not here to save you, do you know what day it is?"

Song Qianqian was stunned for a moment, and didn't understand what Song Zilang

"Brother, you..."

"Today is the first day of school at Imperial Capital University."

Speaking, Song Zilang gave Song Qianqian a live broadcast.

On the screen, a girl in a white dress appeared generously. There are already
tens of thousands of people sitting in the audience. Moreover, this live broadcast
is facing the whole country and even the world, and Su Qinghuan has no stage

She bowed to everyone present, and then gave a speech in both Chinese and

On the stage, she smiled freely and confidently, and her wise speech was far
more moving than her own beauty. Everyone couldn't help but revolve around her.
Even if someone could not understand English, she felt it was a kind of beautiful

There were also many foreigners in the audience of Imperial Capital University,
all of whom were shocked by Su Qinghuan’s fluent and beautiful English spoken
A French reporter asked questions in French.

"Miss Su, who do you think you want to thank for this achievement today?"

Everyone thought that Su Qinghuan would answer the meaning of the sentence with
an interpreter, but Su Qinghuan took the microphone directly and spoke fluent

"I am most grateful to my mother."

Then, Su Qinghuan waved to Su Ruyu in the audience to signal her to come on



Seeing a very elegant middle-aged woman in a small dress on the screen with
smooth skin like jade, Song Qianqian couldn't believe it was Su Ruyu who was a
babysitter in the Song family and was old and dirty!

how can that be possible!

Don’t say Song Qianqian doesn’t believe it, even Song’s father and Song’s
mother who watched the live broadcast at the entrance of the Imperial Capital
University stared in shock!

This unfilial girl who turned her elbow out!

This glory should belong to him!

Father Song shouted at the security guard unwillingly.

"You let your college entrance examination champion this year come out! The
one on the stage is not her biological mother at all, we are Su Qinghuan's
biological parents!"

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 181: Ladies of the Republic of
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Chapter 181 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (1) 2200+ words

This unfilial girl who turned her elbow out!

"Is this how your Imperial University teaches and educates people? Encourage
students to not even recognize their parents?!"

Song Zhenhua shouted more and more angry. Today was the opening ceremony of
Imperial Capital University. There was a circle of reporters at the door. He wanted
to attract all the attention!

Soon someone with a good person swiped the picture and uploaded the distorted
face of Song's father to Weibo.

Unreasonable netizens condemned Su Qinghuan for being too much, but at the
moment Su Qinghuan is giving a speech at Imperial University. Many people are
fascinated by her appearance on stage and stand by the little fox one after

"Who on earth said that Su Qinghuan's college entrance examination champion was
bought? Look, this temperament, this talk, I think Miss Sister will be a good
diplomat in the future, polite and courteous, and she looks thief and beautiful. It
was stolen!"

"Woo, me too, how could I bear the heart of such a fairy? I used to suspect Su
Qinghuan of cheating, and now I completely bow down under her pomegranate skirt!"

"Looking at her exchanges with reporters and quoting the scriptures on the
spot, there are no drafts at all! Many poetry dictionaries that I have never heard
of have come in handy. They are also 18 years old. Why is the gap so big?"

"Yes, it’s no wonder that there is a poem in her belly, Miss Sister definitely
not only has a beautiful face, I also enjoy it when I cover her face and listen to
her speech, I love it!"


There are also insiders who exposed that the Song family had never nurtured Su
Qinghuan, and often abused her as a harmful evil. The most overwhelming thing was
that one week before Su Qinghuan’s college entrance examination, her adoptive
mother was hospitalized and did not support her, and let her get out of the Song

Those who made the rumors that Su Qinghuan went to the Rolls-Royce Phantom to
be a bad old man and were beaten in the face, obviously it was the car of Bo
Feibai, the young master of the Bo family, and the two were boy and girl friends!

All of a sudden, public opinion was in an uproar!

No Mother dared to jump out and scold Su Qinghuan for being ungrateful. The
vast majority of netizens with normal three views are on Su Qinghuan’s side.

"Little fairy's parents are too shameless, I really feel sorry for her, but
fortunately the hardest time has passed!"

"The little fairy's adoptive mother is also very temperamental. She is almost
forty and looks like twenty-seven, gentle and gentle."

"I will never buy anything from the Song family in the future. It's disgusting.
Fortunately, the fairy now has the care of her adoptive mother, and she has a
little love."

There are even a large number of netizens who have become Su Qinghuan’s
boyfriend and girlfriend fans.

"The first day I want to grab a girlfriend with Bo Shao."

"I am different, I am a girl, but the little fairy is too charming, I want to
be Su Qinghuan's girlfriend, hee hee."


After the speech, Su Qinghuan announced that he had nothing to do with the Song
family. If Song Zhenhua cheated money under her banner, he would go directly to the

That night, Song's stock fell again and again.

Father Song was devastated, and he didn't even have a chance to stop Su
Qinghuan at the Imperial Capital University, and was driven away as soon as he
arrived at the door.

And Song Zilang guessed this kind of development, he just sighed, did not enter
the family business, but made a breakthrough with his own strength.

Since that visit to the prison, Song Zilang never went to see Song Qianqian
again, because he would never forget Song Qianqian's hysterical howling, and he did
not want to admit that he was wrong.

What's the use of a sister like this?

May be locked up in jail for the rest of his life, but it is better for Song


Many years later, Su Qinghuan has become an outstanding medical professor at

Imperial Capital University. He has made outstanding contributions to Chinese
pharmacy in Country A, and his name goes down in history.

She not only developed the theory of integration of Chinese and Western
medicine to a more far-reaching level, but also out of kindness, she put forward
many measures to improve the current medical environment, and suggested legislation
for injury medicine. Many doctors have benefited from this.

And after Song Qianqian was released from prison, she was actually still young
and good-looking, and the Song family cultivated her artistic skills in the past.
If she repented, she could lead a good life.

But her habit of restoring and disgusting labor has not changed. She will only
hold the temper of the eldest lady and refuse to re-enter the college entrance
examination. Instead, she reconnects with her former fiance, Shen Zhiyuan, with her

Shen’s family has long been badly injured, but they are always richer than
ordinary well-off people, and Shen Zhiyuan is also a gentle scum, having a wife and
fooling around with Song Qianqian.

Song Qianqian was finally disfigured by the angry original partner, crying
madly that she was the jewel of the Song family.

One day, Song Qianqian had become a beggar on the street, and she was in a daze
when she saw a huge poster hanging in the center of the street. It was a young
woman wearing a white doctor's uniform, with stunning eyebrows.

Below read the words "Light of Medicine, Pride of the Country", Song Qianqian
lowered his head sadly, tears spreading silently.

Obviously, it shouldn’t be like this.


Su Qinghuan returned to the system space. She walked away first. Before closing
her eyes, the old boy had gray hair, but her eyes were still very clear.

The other party kissed her eyelashes. He was proud of his life and never shed
tears. At this moment, a large cold teardrop fell on the face of the little fox.

"Qinghuan, no matter where you go, I will find you, please wait for me in the

The little fox blinked in a daze, and saw Bo Feibai’s pious and paranoid eyes,
and only felt that the dark and faint eyes looked familiar.

This endless plane of reincarnation made her heart seem to have been burned by
the tongue of fire, igniting a glimmer of hope that shouldn't be there.

"Tong'er, I always feel that Bo Feibai is the same person as them, right?"

The disfigured girl with a white face panicked at the water mirror, she simply
turned into a real body, turned into a stubborn little fox with pure white fur,
with doubts in her eyes.

System 233 shuddered, and it coughed slightly.

"Host, you just think a lot. There are so many planes in the world, how can it
be so easy to meet the same person? Five thousand points have already been paid, do
you want to go to the next plane?"

Su Qinghuan gritted her teeth and decided in her heart to collect clues by


After a while, the world has changed.


Kyushu Country, Jiangcheng.

Su Qinghuan felt her head dizzy, she tried to open her eyes, but found it very

In particular, her neck was particularly painful, like being strangled by a

rope. The hot pain made her very tired.

She was lying on the carved ivory wooden bed, the window was open, and it was
raining outside, which was annoying.

There seemed to be a few little girls waiting in front of her bed, and they
could be vaguely heard gossiping.

"The young grandma is really miserable. The young master just came back from
studying abroad and clamored to divorce his wife!"
"Isn’t it, the young grandma married our Zhang family when she was fifteen
years old, but on the wedding night I heard that the young master didn’t even enter
the inner hall, so he turned the window and ran away overnight. Even Hipa was
revealed by the young grandma herself!"

"Hush, keep your voice down. Young grandma is also pitiful. My father has just
been buried for two days. Master Su straddles black and white. How beautiful? If he
is still there, how dare the Young Master mention divorcing his wife?"

Young grandma, are you talking about her?

This old name made Su Qinghuan frown, but she was so dizzy, she still couldn't
wake up, only to hear those little girls still talking.

"Hey, the tree fell and scattered, not even a natal family! I heard that Su's
firm is going to have a meeting recently, and Su Wuye is really ruthless. The old
president is not dead for two days, and he is ready to take over as the president!"

"Tsk, no wonder the grandmother is going to hang herself! My father is gone,

and my husband doesn’t want her. My clan is still a ruthless character. What can I
do except death?"

"If you want me to say, don't blame the young master for being ruthless. Now
that he believes in free love, how can the young grandma compare to that adjutant
Zhao's daughter?"

"Yes, Ms. Zhao is a talented woman studying abroad, and she has been
classmates in Dongchen Country with the young master for three years. The young
master is brave enough to break through the feudal obstacles and pursue love!"

[Desire to survive, take the Republic of China into reality, pure hooves~
This little fox is very shabby, fight! The hero is Warlord Mu Beicheng, don’t stand
wrong cp]

【The place name of Kyushu country comes from the book "The Emperor of Flash
Marriage is too cold", the old book is finished, it is very beautiful, welcome to
read! 】

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 182: Ladies of the
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 182: Ladies of the Republic of
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Chapter 182 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (2)
Probably it was Su Qinghuan who had just been rescued from the original body
hanging, so he couldn't open his eyes.

In the darkness, she heard the maids talk more and more excited.

"Who makes the young grandma unable to keep up with the young master, divorce
is the new trend of the times now!"

"I heard that Miss Zhao is a talented woman studying abroad, and she advocates
freedom and equality the most! I don't know if she will be the young lady of our
Zhang family in the future, will it be better for the children of us!"

Su Qinghuan frowned, vaguely guessing that the body she was living in should be
in a bad condition.


At this moment, a sharp female voice stopped those maids who were not too big
to watch the excitement.

"My lady is still Zhang's young grandmother! What's the matter with you one or
two serving? Didn't you even feed the medicine?"

"Chew the roots of the young lady's tongue behind her back, and don't be
afraid of being fired! Go all the way, don't annoy my lady!"

The little girls who were discussing only agreed to a few times and then
retreated. Su Qinghuan was in a daze when someone cut before leaving, and the sound
of closing the door was particularly heavy.

Even if the original body is to be dismissed, these people are too snobbish,


Su Qinghuan was half awake, wondering that the original body had no place in
this Zhang family, or it was too soft-tempered.

——Even if the tree falls down and looses, it won’t even be overwhelmed by a few
people, and it’s going to be shameless like this.

The little fox clenched his hand slightly, and saw a pink figure sitting in
front of his bed. The other party’s tears fell and fell on her hand outside the

"Woo, my fateful lady, how can this be good? Master is dead, and the fifth
master is busy trying to succeed as the chairman, Zhang Family dare to bully you
like this!"

"Zhang Yaozong that damned white-eyed wolf! Even the hipa on the wedding night
ran away! The tuition for studying abroad is still paid for with your dowry money!"

"He left once, but you worked hard at the Zhang family to serve your in-laws!
You have worked hard for the past three years, even if you have not done anything!
With money, effort, and dedication, where do you want to be divorced?!"

"How can their Zhang family be so cruel? Uuuuu..."

The girl cried more and more sad, and in the end she took a sip of righteous

"The old man shouldn't have promised you to that bastard! It was the Zhang
family who wanted to marry you, but now you keep saying what free love is? I think
Zhang Yaozong just stayed abroad with the Zhao family to stay vacant. There is no
courtesy, justice, or shame!"


The maid in front of her was probably the one who came to Zhang's house when
the original owner was married, and she was very loyal.

But Su Qinghuan is currently ill. Hearing this little girl's ups and downs, I
feel a little headache.

She spoke weakly.

"Water...I'm so thirsty..."

"Miss, are you awake? Xiaotao will pour it for you!"

The pink figure grabbed the little fox's hand in surprise, and hurriedly
brought the white porcelain bowl on the side of the bed.

Su Qinghuan’s lips were pried apart by a spoon, but what was poured in was not
water, but bitter concoction.

"Cough cough's bitter."

The concoction was obviously mixed with the excessive amounts of Coptis and
Scutellaria, and without rock sugar in the boil, Su Qinghuan swallowed it into his
mouth and almost vomited it out!

But when she was stimulated by the liquid medicine in this way, she found that
her spirit seemed better than before, and she finally opened her eyes completely.

"Stop feeding the medicine, I want to drink clean water... You are...cough
cough, Xiao Tao, right? Pour me a glass of water."

Su Qinghuan calmly scanned the girl who was about eighteen or nineteen years

The opponent has a round face, his facial features are not beautiful, and he
has a few freckles, but his eyes are full of clever energy.

Xiaotao wears a long braid, and her clothes are in the style of a top and a
skirt. A pair of light gray cloth shoes are too thin and slender, and they are
obviously too tangled!

Heaven, won’t the original body have her feet wrapped like Xiaotao?

Feudal superstition kills people!

Su Qinghuan's scalp was numb, she quickly stretched her feet out of the quilt,
and saw that although her feet were slender, but the size was normal, she quickly

——Fortunately, the original body is not foot-bound, otherwise she would have to
walk to death!


Xiaotao shuddered when she saw Su Qinghuan’s abnormal behavior, and her tears
fell again.

"Miss, how come you are not even familiar with Xiaotao, ooh, miss, don’t scare

Seeing that this little girl was about to cry again, Su Qinghuan's head grew
big. In fact, she didn't have much experience in comforting others, so she could
only shake her head and smile.

"Little Tao, don't worry, I'm just a little faint, don't you recognize you
now? Pour me a glass of water."

There was a smell of coptis in her throat, she really couldn't bear it.


Then Xiaotao hurriedly poured a bowl of clear water and came over. Su Qinghuan
found that Xiaotao should bind her feet and it was not very formal, because she was
walking very fast.

Su Qinghuan felt a little pity for this little girl, she took the initiative to
open the brocade and put on the shoes, and walked towards the dressing table.

Bronze mirrors in the Republic of China are not very popular anymore, but the
diorama is now new, and the Zhang family is still rich and wealthy. The diorama on
the dressing table clearly reflects the face of the little fox at this moment.

The girl's complexion in the mirror was a little sickly pale, and her thin neck
had deep scars, which were obviously traces of hanging herself.

Su Qinghuan felt a dull pain as soon as she touched the wound.

The facial features of the person in the mirror are not particularly clear,
because the original owner has a thick layer of bangs, almost completely covering
his eyes.

The little fox looked down. He was wearing a dress similar to Xiaotao’s jacket
and skirt. The clothes were not old and used. They were all snagged, but the
material was better. They should be made of silk.

Looking at the old dress that was obviously not well-fitting and very bloated,
Su Qinghuan curled his lips.

——Sure enough, the original owner didn't care about Zhang's family. As a young
grandmother, Zhang's family would not even give new clothes that fit.


Just as Su Qinghuan complained inwardly, there was a sudden sound of rapid

footsteps outside the door.

A young man wearing a Western-style white shirt and black trousers walked in.
He was holding a thin piece of paper in his hand and his face was very gloomy.
"Su Qinghuan, today's letter of dismissal, you have to sign it if you don't
sign it! I already have Miss Zhao in my heart, and it is impossible to continue
this wrong arranged marriage with you!"

The man raised his chin proudly, without looking directly at Su Qinghuan.

In his opinion, the old-fashioned woman like Su Qinghuan is the remnant of


If it is not weak, even the feet are almost bound!

She doesn’t understand any new culture, she doesn’t deserve to stand beside him
at all!

He Zhang Yaozong is a progressive young man in the new era. He must not let
such a rotten and unspeakable woman become his wife!


Xiaotao burst into tears when she heard the man's words, she pleaded bitterly.

"Master, my lady has just been rescued, you are forcing her to die!"

"A couple hundred days of grace in one day, please think about it again!...Xiao
Tao knelt down for you..."

Su Qinghuan's eyelids twitched, and she quickly grabbed Xiao Tao who was about
to kneel.

She swept the menacing man coldly.

"Heh, I can't think of some new youths who claim to be full of foreign ink,
who will only engage in feudal divorce! They can't even write a divorce agreement!"

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 183: Ladies of the Republic of
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Chapter 183 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (3) 2200+ words

Su Qinghuan stood upright, and she sarcastically swept the man in western dress
in front of her.

"Master Zhang, you also stayed in Dongchen Country for three years to study.
How come you only talk about freedom and equality, and even divorce is considered
divorced wife?"

The little fox said, winking at Xiaotao, and motioned to the other person to
support herself. She sat loosely at the jujube wooden table, sipping tea casually,
and didn't even bother to give Zhang Yaozong a look.

"Or, in the past few years, Master Zhang has forgotten the words courtesy,
justice, integrity, and shame? Seeing a beautiful girl studying abroad, the three
souls are lost and the seven souls are gone, and they are directly involved in the
progressive thinking and cheating!"

"I keep talking about freedom and equality, but my mind is full of male thieves
and women prostitutes!"

"Who do you call a male thief and a prostitute?!"

Zhang Yaozong looked at Su Qinghuan in disbelief, his eyes widened!

Even Su Qinghuan’s maid, Xiaotao, opened her mouth wide in surprise. Why did
her own lady look like she changed after she found her death once? The lady used to
see Zhang Yaozong as a little daughter-in-law!

"Whoever should be scolded."

Su Qing smiled and raised his head, and slowly took a second sip of tea.
Although the tea was cold, it could reduce the smell of coptis in his mouth.


Zhang Yaozong has always been a genius of the new era, he is highly sought
after everywhere, has never been ridiculed like this!

It is a trend to engage in free love now. Many advanced elements advocate

divorce under the banner of opposing arranged marriages and seeking the true
meaning of life. This kind of thing is not uncommon throughout Kyushu!

When Zhang Yaozong was studying abroad, he fell in love with Zhao Wanrou, the
daughter of Adjutant Zhao, at first sight. After knowing that the other party was
also from Jiangcheng, there was even more a sense of sympathy for the fellow
villagers to see fellow villagers and tearful eyes!

The two have always felt that they are true love, so Zhang Yaozong gave up Su
Qinghuan. It was not a shameful thing, but the progress of the times in conforming
to the trend and resisting feudal oppression!


Zhang Yaozong's face flushed flushed, and he patted the table impassively.

"What do you know as an old-fashioned woman! At the beginning, my Zhang family

married you with a sedan chair. You were in Zhang family for three years and
nothing happened. What's wrong with you after I divorced according to the divorce

"Master Zhang, you are not mistaken? You ran away over the wall on your
wedding night. If I had something in your stomach for three years, I would not be
your seed after birth!"

"Or Young Master Zhang himself has something indescribable, so he is willing

to ask his wife to cuckold himself?"

Su Qinghuan glanced pointedly at Zhang Yaozong’s trousers and laughed


"Then I feel a little sympathetic to the daughter of Adjutant Zhao. A good-

looking young girl in the family, I never thought of being so active to be a
concubine with you, but even if I marry into the Zhang family, I can only be a
living widow like me."


Which man can stand he is said to be inhumane!

Zhang Yaozong's ears were buzzing with anger, but Su Qinghuan deliberately
opened the window of the room, causing a lot of maids to listen to the corner,
maybe tomorrow the shop will have to talk about his hidden illness in that area!

"Su Qinghuan, you are so vulgar! I and Wanrou are true love, how can you
dismantle the foul language of a shrew like you!"

"Yes, yes, you are true love, after all, they are scumbags and scumbags. They
have similar smells, and their roots are all rotten."

"You shameless shrew, did you talk to your husband like this? It's really the
opposite. I, Zhang Yaozong, will teach you what is called feminism today!"

Zhang Yaozong’s eyes burst with bloodshot eyes, and immediately stretched out
his palm to wave it towards Su Qinghuan’s face.

Before it hit Su Qinghuan's face, it was blocked by Su Qinghuan violently

picking up the stool.

The girl glanced at Zhang Yaozong, and sarcastically scanned his physique with
thin arms and thin legs.

"Master Zhang, you just want to do it, but you just said it?"

"Okay, you fight! I want to see, tomorrow you go to the Western study abroad
circle, and tell a good story about you not only to imitate the feudal remnants and
divorce your wives, but also to beat women!"

Su Qinghuan put down the chair as he said, and took the initiative to move his

Her face is as indifferent as ice and snow, even this bloated old-style jacket
skirt can't conceal her full of energy.

"I heard that Dongchenguo is not the most advocating gentleman character? Or
Zhang Shaoye, you have read all your books in the belly of a dog, and you don't
even understand what is meant by respect for a lady?"
The scholars of this era love face the most.

The advocacy of free marriage is a common trend, and there are many divorces
among scholars, but that does not mean that they can divorce their wives according
to seven births.

To engage in the feudal ancestors, wouldn’t it mean to laugh out loud?

As for beating a woman, it is even more excessive. If it is publicized, I am

afraid that those male students studying abroad will laugh at him. Even the Miss
Zhao Wanrou, whom Zhang Yaozong is thinking of, will be surprised that her
sweetheart will beat women!

After all, Zhang Yaozong originally came up with this Ms. Zhao by brushing up
on a gentleman's personality that is completely different from that of men in the
old society, and being kind to ladies!


Zhang Yaozong didn't expect Su Qinghuan to poke him in the dark!

The man put down his hand sullenly, but his face was blue and white, as if he
had turned the color palette upside down.

"Okay, I won't beat you! Then let's not divorce! We can get a divorce!"

Zhang Yaozong said that he had looked at the arranged wife he hadn't seen in
three years, Su Qinghuan in his memory was shy and gentle, and his eyes under the
thick bangs always looked at him quietly like a small deer, stumbled even when he

Why is this woman so violent now!

Sure enough, she is an old-fashioned woman, how can she compare to his bright
and generous Miss Zhao!

Comparison, Su Qinghuan is really vulgar, even a man has a hidden illness, and
he is not afraid of smearing his ears!


"Since Master Zhang, you have figured out the divorce, OK, then I will write
the divorce agreement."

"Just you? Can you write?"

Zhang Yaozong glanced at Su Qinghuan suspiciously. He knew that his arranged

wife had only been in an old school for three years, and she had almost wrapped her
feet. It would be good for this woman to understand a few big words, and she wrote
a divorce agreement?

Su Qinghuan ignored Zhang Yaozong’s eyes, she directly asked Xiao Tao to bring
pen, ink, paper and ink.

Considering that this is an official document, Su Qinghuan did not use cursive
fonts, but directly wrote the full text in a correct thin gold body.

After a while, Su Qinghuan had already put down the brush.

"Master Zhang, let’s take a look. This is two copies. I have already signed my
name and pressed my handprint. It's your turn!"

Zhang Yaozong hummed, obviously not convinced that Su Qinghuan could formulate
any regulations.

As soon as he took the blank sheet of paper, he was suddenly shocked!

"This word..."

is so beautifully written!

He also likes thin gold bodies, but he can’t get the half-heartedness of Su

Zhang Yaozong tightened his thin lips. If it weren’t for Su Qinghuan to wave a
bit on the spot, he must suspect that Su Qinghuan was looking for a ghostwriter!

The man couldn’t help but glanced at Su Qinghuan high, but when he thought of
Su Qinghuan, he would be more prettier. His words were vulgar!

He gave a cold snort, quickly scanned the full text, and signed his handprint
without finding any problems.

Su Qinghuan's eyelids twitched and let out a sigh of relief.

She quickly grabbed a piece of paper and stuffed it into her arms, smiling.

"Since we have all signed the divorce letter, Master Zhang should quickly
return my dowry!"

"I was married to your Zhang family at the beginning, but there are a lot of
dowry! The expenses of Master Zhang's three-year overseas study were all deducted
from my dowry. A rough estimate is at least two thousand oceans!"

Zhang Yaozong's face turned black when he heard this!

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 184: Ladies of the
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 184: Ladies of the Republic of
China, online face slaps (4)
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Chapter 184 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (4)

Zhang Yaozong did not expect that they were all divorced, and Su Qinghuan, a
shameless woman, wanted to return to dowry!
The man's face was blue, and he slapped the table furiously.

"Su Qinghuan, are you endless? You used to marry our Zhang family, that is the
wife of the Zhang family! Isn't it just a matter of the husband to use your money
to study abroad?"

"Where is your dowry! That's all from our Zhang family!"

Su Qinghuan heard Zhang Yaozong’s upside-down black-and-white words, his face

was a little painful with a smile.

She waved to Xiao Tao, who was frightened and silly next to her.

"Little Tao, you take my dowry list here!"

Su Qinghuan said, suddenly stood up, and directly splashed Zhang Yaozong's face
with the cold cup of tea!

"I want to see, some scholars who just didn't dare to act, they are even
greedy for the dowry of a divorced ex-wife! I really want to laugh at it!"


"Do you dare to splash me?"

Zhang Yaozong did not expect Su Qinghuan to be so courageous!

He couldn't believe it and swept over his new white shirt that had been
splashed with tea, and he felt a pain in his heart!

This western-style dress was custom-made in Dongchen Country at a high price.

He was originally waiting for Su Qinghuan to go to see his sweetheart to propose a
wedding dress!

"I'm not even afraid of death. People who have been hanged once are not
surprised to splash you on impulse?"

Su Qinghuan sat down neatly, with a cold expression on her face. She brushed
her red nails dyed with balsams in a very bored manner, feeling strange.

"It’s Master Zhang, if you don’t want to return my dowry of a divorced young
woman, then I can only sue the official. The patrol house in this era is not so
easy to enter."

"I heard that your sweetheart's father is Adjutant Zhao of the Warlord's
Mansion. What would he think of you if he knew that you were still greedy of your
ex-wife's dowry? Even if Zhao Jia was happy, what would scholars think of you?"


Su Qinghuan had already noticed that this new youth who claims to be
progressive and equal in front of him is actually sour and rotten in his bones, and
what he loves most is face!

Zhang Yaozong was stunned by Su Qinghuan’s careless words!

That’s right, he doesn’t make sense anywhere in this matter!

Even if he was splashed with water in front of him, where did his dowry return
to Su Qinghuan?

Although the Zhang family can be regarded as a wealthy family in Jiangcheng, it

is only a small rich, and it is still rich!

How can it be compared to Su Qinghuan's dad who served as the president of the
Su Clan Chamber of Commerce!

If it weren’t for Mr. Su’s kick, I’m afraid Zhang Yaozong would not dare to
divorce his wife!


Seeing the man's face turned white and red, Su Qinghuan snorted coldly.

"What? Master Zhang really wants to go with me to the patrol room to see the

Although she has not yet accepted the memory of the original body, she already
knows that she is the daughter of a true gentry from the previous maid’s comments
and Xiao Tao’s tone.

It's just that Mr. Su is dead, and there is only such an only daughter under
his knees. It's no wonder everyone is scornful and wants to eat a piece of meat.

Su Qinghuan's eyes were slightly cold, and he directly read the dowry list.

"Master Zhang, I was only fifteen years old when I got married to the Zhang family.
My father pityed me for my frailty, but he gave you a lot of money in the Zhang
family, and there are three prosperous shops facing the street in Jiangcheng, and a
lot of money. Unclear jewelry calligraphy and painting."

"You don't want to lose these things at all?"

Zhang Yaozong is more shocking as he listens!

He was furious and wanted to reach out to grab Su Qinghuan’s dowry list.

"You shameless shrew! It is already something of our Zhang family, why do you
want to take it back!"

Seeing Zhang Yaozong wanted to tear off the dowry slip, Su Qinghuan smiled lazily.

"What's the use of tearing this one out? My parents still have more than a
dozen backup copies. Can you finish it?"

Su Qinghuan is just casually bluffing people.

But she has the ability to remember the things on the dowry list. After reading
the things on the dowry list, it’s good to copy them silently. It’s not difficult
to find a piece of old paper and press the ink pad.

Meeting a thorn like her, Zhang Yaozong would find it hard for Zhang Yaozong to
repay the bill!


The man was shaking with anger by Su Qinghuan’s words!

"what the **** do you want?"

"Not very good, just take back what belongs to me, Master Zhang can't do this,

Zhang Yaozong saw that there were many maids outside the door listening to the
corner, but he felt that he had lost all his face in this life!

He saw that Su Qinghuan was obviously trying to pursue it to the end, and his
expression became more and more ugly.

Zhang Yaozong said with a stiff face and reluctantly explained.

"Su Qinghuan, just accept it when you see it! Now that the world is chaotic,
gold can keep its value. Most of those calligraphy and paintings and antiques are
not worth much. Jewelry is a filial piety to Zhang's clan, and there are very few
silver tickets left!"

"As for those shops, they have already been handed over to my second cousin!"

Speaking of the rogue second cousin, Zhang Yaozong's eyelids jumped and he
quickly closed the windows of the room, lest he might hear the corner of the wall
by unknown neighbors.

His voice softened a bit.

"Su Qinghuan, what a couple, you don’t know, what kind of rascal my second
cousin is!"

"What's more, he is still on your fifth uncle now. It's pretty good that he
can pay dividends to the shop every year. How could he return the shop!"


Su Qinghuan frowned. She hadn't received the memory of the original owner, and
she really didn't know who Zhang Yaozong's second cousin was.

As for the so-called fifth uncle of the original owner, I heard it from the
mouths of several little maids and Xiaotao.

seems to be the ruthless role that the original owner's father was just buried
in, he was going to grab the chairman of the Su Clan's Chamber of Commerce!


Zhang Yaozong mistakenly took Su Qinghuan’s thoughts at this moment as a

meaning of reconciliation, so he said, how could Su Qinghuan not be afraid of his
second cousin!

What's more, the second cousin is still climbing Su Qinghuan's fifth uncle
behind him.

The fifth master of the Su family, Su Qian!

That's Jiang Cheng's resounding and ruthless character!

Su Wuye is obviously only in his thirties. He is the adopted son of Mrs. Su.
Although he has no blood ties in the Su family, he is in the same generation as Su
Qinghuan’s dead father.

The other person looked at Sven and Wen more like a scholar than him, but that
was a smiling tiger, the real murderer did not see blood!


Zhang Yaozong thought that Su Qinghuan was also scared, so he let out a sigh of

"With Su Qian, what good fruit will you have even if you return to Su's

Su Qinghuan shuddered when Zhang Yaozong mentioned the name, and she couldn't
help feeling curious.

She raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"Who is Su Qian, my fifth uncle? Will he prevent me from returning to Su's


Zhang Yaozong was shocked when he heard Su Qinghuan’s words, and his eyes
showed a bit of contempt!

"Why can't you remember the name of the fifth master!"

"You don’t want to think about saying that your father died strangely and was
the cruel hand of your fifth uncle! Tsk tsk..."

Sure enough, she is a stupid woman who hangs her head!

Zhang Yaozong was holding a silver ticket worth one hundred oceans, and wanted
to preclude Su Qinghuan from leaving. He was condescending!

"You are dead when you return to Su's house now. This young master is kind,
and this hundred oceans will be used as compensation for your dowry! Get out!"


[Male main commander Mu Beicheng, in the mid-stage, don’t stand on the wrong
side of the little angels~]

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 185: Ladies of the Republic of
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Chapter 185 Lady of the Republic of China, online slaps (5) 2200+ words

Su Qinghuan saw the silver ticket worth one hundred oceans and looked at Zhang
Yaozong with sarcasm.

She slapped the banknote on the opponent's face!

"Zhang Yaozong, did you send me as a beggar? This hundred oceans, even one-
tenth of your overseas tuition is not enough!"

The cold and pale face of the little fox made a cruel smile, and she chuckled.

"Let me tell you, I will take the shop back by myself! As for the remaining
jewelry, calligraphy and paintings, as well as other money in the box, you can
convert them into silver tickets and give them to me!"

Su Qinghuan faintly estimated a number.

"I don’t make it difficult for you. The Zhang family now estimates that my
dowry has been spent in a lot of ways. If you put together a ten thousand ocean, it
will be over!"

In fact, those jewellery and play are far more valuable, but now the world is
too chaotic, and it is true that only gold is the most valuable in troubled times.
Those antiques have been taken out by Zhang Yaozong to splurge and give away, and
they will definitely not be retrieved.

It’s not bad to take out cash once.

"Ten Thousand Oceans? Are you crazy?!"

Zhang Yaozong opened his mouth wide in disbelief, he only felt that his blood
was going to flow backwards!

That is ten thousand oceans!

The poor nowadays may not earn a hundred oceans a year!

Even in a developed city like Jiangcheng, a seven-story concession building is

only five thousand oceans!

Before Zhang Yaozong went to the imperial capital to see the square and square
house, it was almost the same number!

If the world continues to chaos, I am afraid it will be more difficult to make



Su Qinghuan saw Zhang Yaozong’s ugly face, and she only felt disgusted, and she
really didn’t want to get entangled with this kind of person any more.

"Ten thousand oceans paid off my dowry, it's still cheaper for you Zhang
family! If you don't want to, then you can get my various antique jewellery back!
Breakage costs are another loss!"
Those are priceless!

Now there is a risk of not being able to sell it, but in a few hundred years,
it may be worth hundreds of millions of dollars!


Zhang Yaozong was so angry that Su Qinghuan's mouth trembled, and he could only
take a bite of a **** in desperation.

"You ignorant and vulgar old-style woman! I only know that you keep the money on
your lips all day long, and you are covered with copper and rotten smells! Those
literary calligraphy and paintings were given to classmates and friends, that is to
find their true value. !"

"If it falls into your hands, you won't even be able to appreciate landscape

Su Qinghuan laughed coldly when she saw that Zhang Yaozong wanted to give
herself a fig leaf of a literati.

"Even if I don't understand art, you can use my dowry to please others? I'm
sorry, I just got into the eyes of money, you have to pay!"

"Although your Zhang family is not very wealthy, you can sell the house and
put together a ten thousand ocean! Otherwise, wait for the newspaper to see you, or
you can go to jail!"

Su Qinghuan said, and motioned to Xiaotao to go with him.

"Little Tao, call a car."

Xiaotao saw her lady's posture today, she was bluffed for a while, and she
only felt that she hadn't recovered yet.

She sighed quickly, followed in the footsteps of Su Qinghuan, and found a



Zhang Yaozong looked very ugly when he heard Su Qinghuan’s threat.

——It’s nothing to leave an old-fashioned wife who arranges a marriage, and it

can even be regarded as a happy event that conforms to the trend, but if he is
greedy for Su Qinghuan’s dowry, how can he be a man in Jiangcheng? !

In Miss Zhao and his classmates, Zhang Yaozong has always been a courteous
person. These years, the face is too great!

But it's ten thousand oceans, how did he get it together? !

I can’t really sell my ancestral home, right?

Zhang Yaozong's teeth clenched.

——This **** is really shameless, she's divorced and so embarrassed to ask her
ex-husband for money!

He took a deep breath and immediately made a call to his second cousin on the
old-fashioned telephone, and his eyes showed a bit of relentlessness.

"Is it the second cousin, I have something to tell you, I have divorced Su
Qinghuan that **** woman!"

"Didn’t you like her face before, anyway, the fat water does not flow into the
field of outsiders, now she is an orphan, and she will give you a pleasure!"

He didn’t believe that, a soft and weak woman, just a bit more slogan, and
delusional to get back to the shop from Zhang Ergou!

Don’t even think about it if she goes back to Su’s house!

Su Qian's kind of ruthless person, it is light to not kill Su Qinghuan!


"Miss, you are so prestigious at Zhang's house today, but are we really going
back to Su's house?"

Xiaotao sat with Su Qinghuan on the rickshaw, her face worried.

"Fifth Master is not a good person to get along with... It is said that Su's
firm is about to hold a meeting to select the successor chairman, Xiao Tao is
really afraid that it will be more dangerous for the young lady to go back."

Su Qinghuan raised her eyebrows and smiled when she heard Xiaotao's worried

"My fifth uncle is really so cruel? Even a female junior should be targeted?"

Now in the Republic of China, women have no status, and ordinary men don’t
think that women’s generations can make waves.

Seeing Xiaotao's silence, Su Qinghuan squinted her eyes!

The original owner is really miserable enough, even if he is abandoned by his

husband, his relatives are still eye-catching wolves!

Xiaotao shook her head tangledly, a gentle and handsome figure flashed in her
mind, and her voice hesitated.

"I can’t say that either... It’s just that now everyone says that the fifth
uncle killed the master, Xiao Tao is a little scared..."

"I will close my eyes and rest my mind. When you reach the destination,
Xiaotao, remember to call me."


Su Qinghuan knows that Xiaotao is a maid at Su’s house, and she doesn’t know
how to talk about shopping malls.

She quickly called System 233.

"Tong'er, send me memories quickly!"

Take advantage of the gap between closing her eyes and resting her mind, Su
Qinghuan flashed back countless memories in her mind.

The original owner has the same name as her, and she is the daughter of the
president of the Su Clan's Chamber of Commerce. When the old man was young, the old
man was black and white.

Elder Su begged several wives, and only the only daughter of an original wife
like Su Qinghuan, and she was posthumous, weak and slender, unable to withstand the

Although he had many wives and concubines, he failed to give birth to a son,
so he died of the issue of heirs. He was still very fond of the original owner. He
liked the youngest son of the Zhang family who could study and gave him a lot of
dowry and money.

Who expected that Zhang Yaozong was very shameless, not to mention that he fled
abroad on the night of his wedding, he would divorce his wife when he came back!

If it weren't for the little fox to cross over, the original owner would really
hang himself in depression!

And the father of the original owner did indeed die strangely. He had a stroke
a year ago and was a little unconscious. Everyone thought it was Su Qian, the fifth
master of the Su family.

However, this is not the case. Even if Su Qian does not make a move, this Su
Clan firm will sooner or later be his world.

The real murderer who killed the old man Su was the second cousin of Zhang
Yaozong's white-eyed wolf.

——Zhang Ergou!

Zhang’s big room likes to give children a low name to support them.

But Zhang Ergou didn't like this name when he grew up, so he changed his name
to Zhang Er, and only allowed others to call him second master.

Because the location of the three shops of the original owner was so good,
Zhang Ergou was caught in his hand. He didn't want to pay it back, so he just came
here to do nothing.

Of course, Su Qian knew about this, but the death of Old Man Su was profitable
and harmless to him, so he chose to sit on the sidelines!


The situation of the original owner is indeed internal and external troubles!

Su Qinghuan finished reading the memory and was about to ask the original owner
what his wish was. As a result, the rickshaw drove into a dark and secluded alley
and stopped directly.

"What's wrong?"

The car was bumping, Su Qinghuan opened his eyes at once, and saw a man with
thief eyes standing in front of him, looking at him covetingly.
"Brother daughter-in-law, long time no see, I heard Yaozong say, are you

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 186: Ladies in the Republic of
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Chapter 186 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (6)

Su Qinghuan looked at the man with the wicked eyebrows and the mouse-faced face
in front of him.

"Zhang Ergou, since I have divorced Zhang Yaozong, then I am not your sister-

"Two...... Two, you guys talk, the younger one will leave first."

The rickshaw driver also knew the Zhang Ergou. He had already taken the money for
the two girls to ride the car. Now that the posture was wrong, he stumbled and ran
away with the car.


This woman dared to call him so!

Zhang Ergou's face changed. He has been mixed up in Jiangcheng over the past
few years. For many years, no one has dared to talk about him in person!

"Sister-in-law, no...Miss Su, after all, we were also related in-laws before.
Miss Su's tone seems to be very dissatisfied with me?"

Zhang Ergou was wearing a flowy floral shirt, and his thin, slit eyes swept
across Su Qinghuan’s porcelain-white cheeks.

——The original body is 18 years old this year, but it is still very thin and
most importantly, it is still a young.

Zhang Ergou wanted to marry Su Qinghuan before, but Father Su couldn’t look
down on him like this, so he finally chose Zhang Yaozong, the youngest son of
Zhang’s second room who had studied.

This matter keeps Zhang Ergou in his heart.

He used to worry about the prestige of the old man of the Su family, and now he
has killed him, and his cheap brother has divorced Su Qinghuan. Isn't this just the
right thing to grab this delicate beauty in his palm?

Zhang Ergou was a famous rogue in Jiangcheng. Now he is working under Su Wuye's
hand, becoming more and more unscrupulous. Even Xiao Tao pulled Su Qinghuan's
sleeve in fear when he saw the look in his eyes.

"Miss... shall we go?"

Two young girls confronted a scorpion, how it was a little scary.

The back door of Su's Mansion is at the end of this alley. Xiaotao now wants to
take Su Qinghuan home quickly. Seeing Zhang Ergou's splashy skin is really


Xiaoyu pattered underground, and the alley was deep and very depressing.

And Su Qinghuan just cast a glance at Xiaotao calmly.

"If you don't tell Zhang Ergou clearly, we won't leave."

The original father was killed by this **** with a little bit of chronic
medicine. Although Su Qinghuan still didn't know what the original body's wish was,
most of them couldn't get away with revenge for his father.

"Miss, don't try your best..."

Xiaotao panicked and wanted to pull Su Qinghuan's sleeves, but saw a girl who
was slenderer than herself stood in front of her, as if she didn't understand the
meaning of Zhang Ergou's dirty eyes.

Su Qinghuan shook her head at Xiaotao again. She looked at Zhang Ergou with a
smile, and even took the initiative to walk two steps closer.

Beauty approached, as if a faint fragrance of cold plum was floating in the

air, Zhang Ergou stared at Su Qinghuan’s neck with some ecstasy.

There are traces of being strangled by a rope. Of course, he also heard about
Su Qinghuan hanging himself. Now he can’t help but feel like a horse, and feels
that his cheap brother really doesn’t know how to pity Xiangxiyu.

At any rate, the woman in front of him is also Father Su’s daughter, and it is
not a loss to play. Now Kyushu has not abolished the polygamy system, and many
people have several concubines and wives.

I like the woman next to me, just keep it outside.

Zhang Ergou smiled, the two stood very close, thinking that Su Qinghuan was
helpless now, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to grab the girl's waist.

"What does Miss Su want to tell me? Is it because she still wants to be the
wife of our Zhang family? They say that the tree has fallen and the cat is
scattered. Since Miss Su is divorced with my brother, do you want to think about

"Considering you?"
Su Qinghuan stared at him with a smile, but suddenly her figure approached. The
girl's voice was cold, and she was inexplicably fox-like charming and sentimental,
making Zhang Ergou's heart as if she was scratched by something.

As soon as the two got close, Zhang Ergou felt Su Qinghuan’s hand stopping in
front of him, and the other one clicked on the waist of his trousers, and then
quickly retreated to the wall.

Zhang Ergou only felt that Su Qinghuan's cold plum scent was more intense, and
the swaying rain made his heart more itchy, almost thinking that Su Qinghuan was
flirting with him-hide-and-seek.

——I was originally a cousin, and my natal family has lost the backbone. In this
turbulent world, it’s good for a woman to eat and eat. What if she doesn’t find a
man to rely on?

"Don’t be ashamed, Miss Su? Anyway, Zhang Er is also a famous figure in

Jiangcheng. If I eat a bite of food, I will never let Miss Su be bullied, right?"

The girl raised her eyebrows lazily. She hooked a strand of hair at her
fingertips. It was obvious that the old-style coat skirt was gray, but the girl’s
eyebrows were colder than the red plums in the snow, and she was amazing.

"Do you want me to marry your father-killing enemy?"

Zhang Ergou heard the first few words and thought it was a play, but when he
heard about killing his father’s enemy, his face changed.

"how do you know?"

Zhang Ergou subconsciously wanted to touch the gun on the waistband of his
pants, but before he touched it, he heard the sound that was as clear as a bird.

"Are you looking for this?"

Zhang Ergou raised his head, and before he could see what Su Qinghuan was
holding, he felt a bullet coming through the air.

Suddenly, passing through his eyebrows.

The big man nearly 1.8 meters tall fell to the ground.

He didn't even have time to say something extra, and died unexpectedly.

At the same time as the gunshots fired, a thunderstorm struck across the sky,
and there were no people in the nearby alley to come out to watch the excitement.


Only Xiaotao looked at this scene in disbelief.

Xiaotao's eyes widened in horror, and her fingers pointed at the bleeding
corpse on the ground.

"He... he he he..."

It's actually been a long time without a complete sentence.

Su Qinghuan gently wiped the short gun with grace, and put it in her arms.

"It's just a dead person, what's to be afraid of?"

The girl swept across Xiao Tao's horrified face, and there was a bit of
compassion on her face.

"Little Tao, in this world, either he died or I died, do you think I did
something wrong?"

Xiao Tao looked at Su Qinghuan in amazement, only to feel that the girl who
was younger than herself was so unfamiliar and so powerful.

But inexplicably, she was calmed down by Su Qinghuan’s brows and eyes.

Xiaotao remembered that Su Qinghuan had previously said that Zhang Ergou was
killing her father and enemy. She gritted her teeth, believing and defending her
own lady blindly.

"Miss, what about Zhang Ergou's body?"

The two weak girls, even if they move him, are too conspicuous.

"Don't worry about him."

There are too many people on the scene of the corpse in troubled times, and
there are so many people that Zhang Ergou has made enemies. Apart from Xiaotao, who
is going to correct her as the murderer?

Su Qinghuan bent down with a calm expression, picked up the jade finger from
Zhang Ergou's hand, and wrapped it in a silk kerchief disgustingly.

She thought of the fifth uncle Su Qian who had been watching from the
sidelines, and smiled with interest.

——It’s time to give Su Wuye a generous gift.

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 187: Ladies of the Republic of
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Chapter 187 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (7)

Su Qinghuan disgustedly wrapped Zhang Ergou's jade ring with silk paw, her
eyebrows were a little cold.

——It’s time to give Su Wuye a generous gift.

At first, Su Qinghuan was still hesitating whether to face this big Buddha, but
the system had just passed her the original wish of the owner.

Unexpectedly, the original owner, a weak woman who was abandoned by the Zhang
family, was most concerned about not being divorced by Zhang Yaozong, but
regretting that she was too weak, letting her father's huge family business
collapse, and even her father was poisoned and killed.

So the original owner first hopes to avenge his father and let Zhang Ergou kill
and pay for his life.

The second is to hope that the little fox can keep the Su family's business and
not fall into the hands of those wolves, tigers and leopards.

The third thing is to want to slap Zhang Yaozong in the face and live better
than that scumbag, so that he and the so-called Miss Zhao can no longer be a loving


In fact, the first and third of this wish are simple. Zhang Ergou is now dead,
and Zhang Yaozong’s scumbag ex-husband is actually in this position, and Su
Qinghuan’s eyes are not enough.

On the contrary, it is difficult to hold the Su family's industry.

After all, in the memory of the original owner, the fifth uncle Su Qian looked
at the gentleman and a scholarly fan. In fact, the methods were far more fierce
than Zhang Ergou, and he was definitely not an easy-to-get-on character.

However, the more difficult and challenging things are, the more interested Su
Qinghuan is to intervene.

In the past few worlds, she was a little constrained, and the original owner
was mostly in love, and rarely wanted to do a good job in her career, but now
Kyushu is a real messy world.

——This is the worst time and the best time.

For women, it may be from this time that they truly began to resist the
oppression of the old society and gradually gained status.


Su Qinghuan thought of something interesting, and couldn't help but raised an

eyebrow at Xiaotao.

"Little Tao, will you betray me?"

The little girl in pink clothes looked at Su Qinghuan, and was stunned by the
girl’s smile at the moment.

She is a rough person and hasn’t read many books. She just feels that her face
is wet by the rain at the moment, and her hair clings to her ears randomly. She
looks like a fairy and a demon, and she is indescribably beautiful.

Xiaotao blushed inexplicably, not daring to look at Su Qinghuan's face, she

shook her head hastily.
"Of course I won't! Miss, I will always follow you."

She originally felt that her lady was too weak and needed to be guarded by
herself, but she didn't know why, but at this moment she wanted to use Su Qinghuan
as the backbone.

"Miss, what shall we do now? Shall we go back to Su's house?"

Su Qinghuan nodded.

"Of course I want to go home."

If I don’t go back to the Su Mansion, how can I grab the family property?

Su Qinghuan brushed her temples carelessly, and the corners of her lips smiled
astonishingly cool.


Su Qinghuan and Xiaotao walked towards the Su Family Mansion. Before entering
the gate, they heard a noise of crying and grabbing the ground.

"Wang Ma, what can we do? Will Wu Ye let us continue to stay in Su Mansion?"

"Woo, Xiao Lian didn't want to be driven back into the building. The master
saved me, so I should hit him to death and follow the master."

After those sharp young cries, there was a calm middle-aged female voice.

is the housekeeper of Su Mansion, Wang Ma.

"Calm down, ladies and gentlemen, Wu Ye shouldn't be such a rush to kill, he

is going to succeed the president of the Chamber of Commerce, and he is still
living in a bungalow on the other side of the concession, and he has never been to
the old house!"

"You were also the master who accepted the door in the first place. Who said
that the fifth master will drive you out of the house?"


Hearing the discussion inside, Su Qinghuan raised her eyebrows. There was no
surprise that the five aunts and wives left by the original father were so

It didn’t take long for Elder Su to be buried. The Su Mansion is now in panic.
Only the aunts and wives left by Elder Su are the masters, but these women are
soft-tempered and are not a few years older than Su Qinghuan.

There is no butler Wang Ma of Su Mansion who has the right to speak.

Wang’s mother used to be the old servant next to Mr. Su, and later became Su
Qinghuan’s mom. Most of the subordinates in Su Mansion had to obey her discipline.


Su Qinghuan walked into the living room. She scanned the scene of leaning
against the red nest in the living room and cleared her throat.
"Mother Wang, I'm back."

They all said that there were three women in one scene. Su Qinghuan had a
headache when seeing the dwarf wives crying in the living room.

——It didn’t take long for Mr. Su to die. On the surface, these aunts and wives
said they wanted to die with Mr. Su, but in fact they didn’t even wear filial

After all, nowadays people go to cool tea, and the branches of the Su family
are busy grabbing the inheritance. Who cares whether these women wear filial piety

Instead, it was the old man Wang Ma. On the sleeve of a gray-blue cloth, there
was a white hairpin mourning the deceased.


The women in the living room all turned their heads in shock, and were stunned
when they saw Su Qinghuan with a calm smile on his mouth.

"Miss? Are you back?"

It was Wang’s mother who was the first to react. She had been a nanny for Su
Qinghuan, almost treating the original owner as her own daughter. At this moment,
seeing the scar on Su Qinghuan’s neck, her eyes suddenly became red.

"My hard-failed lady, Zhang Yaozong's god-slaying king-Eight Laozi, how can
you be willing to abuse you like this?"

Seeing that Wang Ma was about to pounce on herself, it was probably the
original owner's emotions. Although Su Qinghuan did not like the closeness of
strangers, at this moment, she also felt a little more close to this woman.

She shook Wang Ma's hand, her expression relieved.

"Wang Ma, I'm fine. Zhang Yaozong and I have divorced, and it has nothing to
do with their Zhang family."

Oh, of course, the ten thousand oceans Zhang Yaozong owes her must be paid


The few women present froze again. Although there are not a few divorced people
in the Republic of China, they all have the old-style education, and they still
feel that a divorced woman is similar to a divorced cousin.

A fairly shrewd auntie thought that Su Qinghuan would return to Su's house so
soon, and stepped forward cautiously.

"Miss, what are you going to do from now on? Have you stayed at the Su

There is no man in the Su family who can carry the main beam. Now that Su
Qinghuan is back, they can take a step back and use Su Qinghuan as a shield.

"Aunt Hong, I am the daughter of my father, of course I will stay at Mansion

Su Qinghuan swept over several women present, and a trace of cold determination
flashed in his eyes.

"From now on, I will guard this family and inherit my father's inheritance!"

"Miss you—"

Wang Ma suddenly exclaimed.

Many aunts and wives were also stunned.

Does inheriting the family business mean what they think?


However, the girl's expression was cold, and she made noises every word.

"If everyone present here can trust you, they will be mine in the future!
Listen to me!"

"You can't believe in me, now my father is dead, you are also free, you can
leave on your own!"

Before the words were over, the little fox took out the gun in his arms, snapped it
on the table!

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 188: Ladies of the Republic of
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Chapter 188 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (8) 2200+ words

Since ancient times, inheriting family business has always been a man’s

And now the world is so chaotic, how can a weak woman Su Qinghuan provoke the
leader of the Su family!

Wang’s mother was the first to react. She swept the short gun on the table,
subconsciously thinking that it should be a toy to fool children.

"Miss, don’t be self-willed. You are only 18 years old this year. Even if you
are hurt by the white-eyed wolf of Zhang Yaozong, you still have to remarry. How
can you stay in Su's house?"

Wang’s mother knows how soft the original character is. She really doesn’t
believe that the weak girl in front of her can carry the sky. She stared at Su
Qinghuan seriously and shook her head in disapproval.

And Su Qinghuan had long expected that her mom would not agree. She narrowed
her eyes and smiled, sitting on the table lazily and calmly, but she turned her
legs up as a pretty girl.

"Mother Wang, why should a girl marry? I'm dignified Miss Su, can't I


The remaining five aunts, look at me and I look at you. They all stared at Su
Qinghuan in shock. Obviously, I couldn’t believe this was what my lady could say.

Although the five of them were a little careful in the Su family, they knew
that it was extremely difficult for Old Su to have children, so they broke off the
idea of becoming a mother of the house by being pregnant, and basically regarded Su
Qinghuan as half a sister and half a daughter.

Hearing that Su Qinghuan wanted to hire a son-in-law at this moment completely

broke through the three views of this group of women.

"Miss, you are not burnt, are you?"

The Kyushu Kingdom has been tainted by Confucian culture for thousands of
years. Even if the family is poor, which ambitious son-in-law would be willing to
come and be a son-in-law?

Even if there are those who are really willing to join the family, they are
mostly wolf ambitions, fancy the Su family’s fortunes, and want to lose out!

Wang’s mother is almost fifty years old anyway. Seeing more stories of this
kind of unhappy man, she is really worried that Su Qinghuan will suffocate her
heart after being divorced from his wife and want to retaliate against Zhang’s

"Miss, you might as well be soft with Wu Ye. Wu Ye only values the Su family's
huge assets, but we can't compete with them, so we might as well just give up."

"The fifth master will not be troubled with you if you take the family property.
Let the fifth master give you the palm of your hand. As your patron, see if there
are any unmarried, upright sons in Jiangcheng, so that you can marry again
gracefully. go out."

The middle-aged woman tried to touch Su Qinghuan’s forehead to see if Su

Qinghuan’s brain was really burnt, but the little fox suddenly stood up.

"Wang Ma, you are really confused. If Su Qian really cares about the life and
death of my cheap niece, will he let the Zhang family bully me so badly?"

Su Qinghuan took a deep breath, her voice extremely cold.

"I'm not a kid anymore, I don't need to rely on anyone."

Speaking, Su Qinghuan suddenly picked up the gun on the table and hit a vase in
the living room.

With a bang, the vase cracked.

The women in the living room screamed loudly. They didn't expect that Su
Qinghuan was actually holding a real gun!

Seeing Su Qinghuan’s cold eyes, even Wang Ma was stunned.

Miss, is this serious?

"I still said that. If you want to follow me, just continue to stay in the Su
Mansion, and leave by yourself if you don't want to follow me."

Su Qinghuan scanned the bright faces of Aunt Hong, Xiao Lian and others. The
youngest aunt was only one year older than her, and she was nineteen this year.

Women live on men. This is the tragedy of the times.

"You have also worked hard to serve my father these years. Now my aunts are
almost in their 20s to 30s, and the road ahead is still long..."

The girl paused, it was rare for her to have a bit of compassion for the same
**** in her heart, and even her eyebrows that had been dyed like ice and snow were
stained with warmth.

"If all aunts want to remarry out of the house, I can also prepare a little
dowry for you on behalf of my father, and I will treat it as all these years of


Several aunts really had this idea, but they were embarrassed by Su Qinghuan's
face to face, and they lowered their heads in shame.

And Wang Ma felt even more buzzing in her ears.

"Miss, are you crazy? Are you going to give your father a green hat?"

"My father passed away, how can I say that he was cuckold?"

Su Qinghuan sighed: “If he is alive in the sky, I’m afraid he will be happy to
make more pairs of lovers.”

Love in troubled times is more like finding solace. Everyone doesn’t know which
day they will die. There is wine and drunk now.


Several aunts realized that Su Qinghuan really wanted to let them be free. Aunt
Hong, who had thought of Su Qinghuan as a shield, couldn't make a sound on the

"Miss...we are not leaving, we stay with the lady."

The most rare thing in this world is a little sincerity. Of course, they are also
afraid of facing Su Wuye. The current situation is chaotic, and no one knows what
will happen to go out, but at this moment everyone's minds are a little firmer. .

Su Qinghuan saw that the aunts were crying and want to stay, Su Qinghuan
nodded, not surprised by this result.

"Okay, then you go and do something for me."


Su Qinghuan returned to the former boudoir of the original owner. She was lying
on the mahogany-carved chaise couch, thinking of those crying women at home, and
she felt a little heavy.

"Host, why are you so upset? Are you really afraid that the door-to-door son-
in-law is not reliable as you told Wang Ma?"

System 233 thought that Su Qinghuan once had another shot into the soul pill,
and couldn't help but eagerly said.

"But the host, in fact, I think what Wang’s mother said is reasonable. You
definitely don’t like the kind of short and poor son-in-law. If the other party is
a young talent, you definitely don’t want to be a parent."

"Host, anyway, you have a shot of the soul pill that you haven't used yet. As long
as you get pregnant once after taking it, I advise you to find a little brother who
has a good face. There are also many foreigners."

"Shut up, you! I'm not worried about this."

Su Qinghuan is full of black lines, she hasn't been so impatient yet.


The next day, the morning light shone.

Jiangcheng Concession, a beautiful western-style building in Wanghu Mansion.

A man wearing a black gown sat on the velvet sofa. He cast his eyes
indifferently and scanned the fresh Jiangcheng Morning Post on the table.

The first thing that catches your eye is the huge divorce news that occupies
the main page.

"Beyond the nickname, Su's firm daughter and Zhang Yaozong's great talent
announced their divorce! 》

The news uses the spring and autumn style, but it has obvious biases. It has
described the ugly face of Zhang Yaozong's escape from the wedding night three
years ago, and even alluded that Zhang Yaozong was inhumane.

Su Qian scanned the full text with a glance and ten lines. He curled the
corners of his lips indifferently, and a tearful face flashed in his mind many
years ago.

He was a little surprised that his weak niece would instigate reporters to
attack his ex-husband in this way.


But Su Qian didn't take this matter too seriously, until the butler suddenly
ran over in a panic, holding a small box made of gold and jade.

"Wuye! Miss Qinghuan said that I want to see you!"

"No see."
Su Qian shook his head. He put on his black felt hat and was about to go to the
Su Clan firm for a meeting to prepare for the succession of the chairman.

Unexpectedly, the butler puffed open the box and offered it tremblingly.

"Fifth Lord, but Miss Qing Huan said, you will want to see her if you look at
the things in this box."

The box opened suddenly, revealing a jade-like transparent jade finger, which
was still bloodied.

In the morning light, the fingers were so faintly infiltrating.

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 189: Ladies of the Republic of
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Chapter 189 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (9)

Seeing the blood-stained jade finger, the deep eyes of the man in the black
gown narrowed slightly, and there was a hint of coldness between the handsome
eyebrows, but they soon disappeared.

"Since my niece is so free, please invite her in."

Su Qian said, seeming to casually take the gold-carved jade jewelry box.

The voice he gave orders to his servants was always gentle, but the fingers
holding the jewelry box were a little tight, opening the blue blood vessels.


Su Qinghuan waited outside the carved iron gate of Wanghu Mansion. She looked
at the small western-style building where Su Qian lived, a little envious in her

Although the combination of Chinese and Western styles in the Su House is also
beautiful, the decoration and furnishings inside are not as completely westernized
as the western-style buildings in the concession, and they have the most advanced
electronic equipment nowadays.

Su Qinghuan wondered whether he should wait for Zhang Yaozong's ten thousand
oceans to get his hands before buying a bungalow. At this moment, Su Qian's
housekeeper came up and waved his hand at her respectfully.

"Miss Qinghuan, Master Wu wants you to wait in the living room."


Su Qinghuan also didn't mind that man put on the stage, judging from the host's
memory, this Su Wuye really was not provoked by ordinary people.

Although the other party is the adopted son of a branch of the Su family and
has no blood relationship with the Su family, he is in the same generation as the
father of the original owner. He was only in his early thirties, and he broke out
of the world in Jiangcheng. He is a famous figure.

Elder Su does not have a son under his knees, and most of his clan members are
old and unable to do what he wants. It is normal for this rising star to be unable
to compete.


In such a chaotic world, Su Qinghuan is not a Virgin, nor a savior, and cannot
shelter everyone at all. At most, he can give a little warmth to those who are kind
to the original owner.

At the very least, the women in the Su family mansion, she has to guard.

Su Qinghuan has always taken care of her shortcomings. When she approached the
living room, she saw the man sitting on the velvet sofa and reading the newspaper.

"Good Uncle Wu."

Su Qinghuan spoke respectfully, but there was no respect in his eyes.

Su Qian did not look up as if he hadn’t heard what she said.

This guy is giving her a slap in the face!

The little fox felt a little annoyed, and she didn't speak at all, just staring
at the man on the sofa with clear eyes.

Su Qian is thirty-one years old this year, with a thin body and a heroic face. He
looks like a scholar in a notebook, but there is a thin scar from his forehead to
his eyelashes, which is indistinguishable from a distance. It looked a little

This scar does not damage the beauty of the man, but it is a little bit more


About half an hour later, the man who had read the newspaper stood up.

Su Qian gave Su Qinghuan a cold look.

"I don't know what wind is blowing today, so you can come to Wanghu Mansion to
find me in person."

In the past, this cheap niece with no blood relationship feared him the most,
she didn't even dare to look at him, she could only stand tremblingly on the side.

"Uncle Wu doesn't like Qinghuan coming?"

Su Qing blinked at Su Qian with a smile, and she even walked to the coffee
table in the living room very actively, took out the Yuqian Longjing she had
prepared a long time ago, and offered a new cup of tea to the man.

"The tea you read in the newspaper is cold, why don't you drink a cup of
refreshing tea?"

Rarely, the girl wore a new moon-colored cheongsam, which outlined her slender
figure. At this moment, she bent slightly to make tea, revealing a jade-colored

Seemingly charming.

Su Qian saw this scene and couldn't help frowning.

He doesn’t see Su Qinghuan too many times every year. It’s basically when Su
Qinghuan is not out of the pavilion.

But at this moment, Su Qinghuan combed a nice hair bun, combed all the bangs
up, revealing the classically oval face.


"Why is Uncle Wu staring at me like this? Wouldn't he even dare to take a cup
of tea from my niece?"

Su Qinghuan’s lips curled, which seemed to be provocative, but also some kind
of unspeakable bewitching.

"This is the Dragon Well in front of the rain I specifically asked Wang Ma. It
was harvested from the mother tree planted by the Hupao Spring. This year, there
will be such a small harvest, especially for my uncle’s early adopters."

Su Qian had a dry throat inexplicably, he lowered his eyes, and casually
accepted the tea favored by Su Qing.

"Then it would be disrespectful."

Seeing the green tea leaves stretched out in the white porcelain tea cup,
shining brightly, Su Qian couldn't help but think of the blood-stained jade finger.

This tea is indeed excellent.

It's just this's a bit worse.


"Uncle Wu thinks this Longjing before the rain is still in line with your

"It's OK."
Su Qian nodded coldly. He scanned Su Qinghuan’s bright and fresh face, always
feeling that his cheap niece was different.

"What did you want to come here for when you came to me today?"

"Uncle Wu is a refreshing person, so naturally my niece can't hide it. Let's

know that people don't talk secretly. I came here today to find Uncle Wu for two

Su Qinghuan said, stretched out her scallion-like white fingers, and her pink
nails dyed with balsam fell on the newspaper, making her heart swaying

"My fifth uncle must have known about the divorce between Zhang Yaozong and I,
but he still owes me a dowry fee of 10,000 yuan."

The girl paused, her beautiful eyes gleaming, as if they were hooked tightly.

"I am a daughter after all, and my fifth uncle is an elder, and I drank the
tea I respected. Would you like to come forward to solve this matter for Qinghuan?"

Su Qian looked at Su Qinghuan and nodded lightly.

"Yes, this is a trivial matter, what about the other one?"

"Another one... I want to take back my father's property and become the
chairman of this Su's firm. Does Uncle Wu think there is hope?"

The young girl came up to the ground curly and suddenly stretched out her white
fingers, hooking them on the man's arm like a little love.

She raised her head, and a gorgeous hibiscus noodles slowly bloomed in the eyes
of men.

"I don't know if Uncle Wu can still remember, my father once joked that he
wanted to marry me to you?"

There was a sweet smell lingering, Su Qian's figure stiffened, and the girl
suddenly approached and bewildered for a moment.

There is indeed such a thing.

At that time, Su Qinghuan was only fifteen years old. Father Su saw that Su
Qian's wolfish ambitions were too weak to recover, so he thought about it or simply
match them up.

At that time, Su Qian naturally didn't look down on such a yellow-haired girl.

What did he say?

—Even if there is no blood relationship, how can there be any reason for an
uncle to marry a niece?


Su Qian frowned, he wanted to push the girl away.

In the end, he felt that something was touching his waist.

"Uncle Wu, would you mind accompany me to the Su Shi Chamber of Commerce?"

The little fox has big innocent eyes, and her smile is a bit of a girlish

is in stark contrast to the harsh means of threatening people with guns.

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 190: Ladies of the Republic of
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Chapter 190 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (10) 2200+ words

Su Qian is usually impossible for people to get close so easily.

Only facing this eighteen-year-old niece, she relaxed her vigilance

inexplicably. In the eyes of Su Qian, Su Qinghuan was only a half-year-old child
and knew nothing.

But even if Su Qinghuan was pointing a gun at it, the man's cold eyebrows still
remained unmoved.

"Zhang Ergou, you killed it?"

Su Qian's expression was calm, he only felt that the fragrance of Su Qinghuan's
body was a bit too fragrant.

Obviously it was a clear cold plum fragrance, but he kept digging into his
lungs, making the man's eyes a little gloomy.


"What do you think of Uncle Wu?"

Su Qinghuan blinked her eyes charmingly.

She neither admits nor denies. Now that Kyushu is the country's technological
development method, it will not be said if there is no monitoring. It is difficult
to extract fingerprints at all.

Su Qian squinted his eyes solemnly, and for a moment, the man almost doubted
which vixen had possessed his little niece.

He took a step back, turned his head indifferently, and did not look at Su
Qinghuan's face that was especially confusing without applying pink and white

"Zhang Ergou is an important member of the Chamber of Commerce, have you ever
thought about it?"

"Uncle Wu knows best why he died? Why bother to ask me?"

Su Qing smiled and calmly, her hand that didn't hold a gun stroked her hair,
and her hand brushed the hair bun. There are no different styles to describe the
surprise of that moment.

And Su Qian just looked at her quietly, he suddenly remembered the cause of Su's
death, the man rarely felt a trace of compassion, but the meaning of pity was too
weak, and now this troubled world is much more miserable than Su Qinghuan. People.

The weak can only be trampled on, and the strong are qualified to go to higher

The man opened his thin lips lightly, and his voice was still as quiet as a
pool of water.

"Okay, I will take you to the Chamber of Commerce."

After all, she is just an eighteen-year-old girl. Even if she threatens

someone with a gun, what storms can she really bring out?

A shopping mall is like a battlefield, a place where people cannibalize without

spitting out bones, but it is not a place that can be invincible simply by
eliminating a Zhang Ergou.

This cheap niece thinks too simple.


One hour later, Su Qian brought Su Qinghuan to Su's firm.

Several branch bosses in charge also came, and someone respectfully presented
Su Qian with a cigar.

"Fifth Lord, didn't you say that today's parliament was cancelled? Why did you
suddenly summon the younger ones?"

"He didn't call you here, it was me."

A female voice resounding like a yellow eagle out of the valley.

Everyone was startled, and when they looked up, they saw someone raising the
curtain of the Chamber of Commerce.

A stunning and vulgar face appeared immediately behind the curtain.

Furong noodles, distant mountain eyebrows, dark lips lightly.

Su Qinghuan wore a tailored cheongsam, skin white as snow, black as ink, the
cheongsam also outlined a kind of beauty between a girl and an adult girl.

Nothing is not exquisite, and no one is not ecstatic.

The group of masters present involuntarily relaxed their breathing a little,

reluctant to look away from the slender figure.


Everyone didn't recognize who the girl was at first, until the girl called out
Wushu generously and sat next to Su Qian.

The bosses of these chambers of commerce suddenly changed their expressions.

"It turned out to be Miss Qing Huan."

Some of them have seen Su Qinghuan before, but the former Su Qinghuan is too
far away from the present one.

Although there is not much difference in the facial features, the whole
person's temperament, style and dress seem to be a different person, so that they
all mistaken each other's identity for a while.

The bosses couldn’t help but feel a little contempt in their hearts. The
divorce between Su Qinghuan and Zhang Yaozong has spread all over Jiangcheng. In
this age, the cousin doesn’t stay at home well, so why are you embarrassed to show

"I don't know what Ms. Su is doing today?"

Su Qinghuan calmly propped up Erlang’s legs and smiled like a flower.

"My father just drove the crane to the west, I, as a daughter, naturally also
want to inherit my father's will, and come back to my Su family's property!"

She has a natural look, and the faces of several men present have changed.

An old man from the firm who relied on his seniority gave Su Qinghuan a
contemptuous glance.

"Miss Qinghuan, everyone knows that your father is gone, and you are deeply
saddened, but it is different from whether you can inherit Su's firm. You are a
weak woman who has just been abandoned by her husband's family. Would you like to
come to the firm to plug in?"

"That's right, Miss Su, you will remarry sooner or later, and you will be from
another family, so why bother arguing for power with us?"

Su Qinghuan stood up with a bang, and she looked around at several branch
bosses present.

"I remember that in the laws of Kyushu, it was never said that women can't
inherit the family property, right? What's more, I will never marry out in my life,
I have always belonged to the Su family?"

"How could it be that you are still so young?!"

The man present swept through Su Qinghuan's slim and beautiful figure, really
suspecting that Su Qinghuan was dressed in such a splendid manner and would be
willing to be a nun at home.

"I can recruit extras."

Su Qing Huan said concisely.

Not to mention the men were stunned, even Su Qian, who had been silent on the
side, glanced at Su Qinghuan in surprise.

"you are serious?"

"Yes, I have thought about this a long time ago."


The branch bosses at the scene looked at each other. It was ridiculous that
they saw a woman so swearing to find a son-in-law for the first time.

Several bosses didn't dare to act rashly, so they looked at Su Qian as if asking
for help.

"Wuye, what do you think?"

They all said that the gun was shot, and the title of the chairman of this firm
could not have been given to them. It depends on what Su Qian thinks.

Seeing that everyone's eyes fell on him, Su Qian slowly introduced the very
delicate jewelry box with gold carvings and jade.

"This jade pull finger, you must have seen it before?"

"At the corner of Wutong Lane this morning, someone found the body of Zhang

Thinking of that Poppy, the expressions of those present suddenly changed.

"Zhang Ergou is dead?! Then this finger..."

"I gave it to the fifth uncle."

Many men looked at Su Qing’s smiling faces, and felt inexplicably panicked. It
was always such a weak woman who killed Zhang Ergou, right?

How can it be!

But looking at Su Qian's face, everyone felt that this was probably true. This
absurd fact made many people feel angry.

It's okay to be pressed by Su Qian, but if you let a little woman control them,
what would it be like?

"Fifth Lord, I still think you are more suitable to be the president of our
chamber of commerce than Miss Qinghuan!"

"Yes! Although Miss Qing Huan is the daughter of the old president, but she
has no management skills, how can we rest assured!"


In the midst of all the discussions, Su Qian glanced at Su Qinghuan with a cool

"Niece, you don't think I want to grab your things, but you are indeed, unable
to convince the crowd."
This old fox!

Su Qinghuan cursed inwardly, her voice was sweet.

"People will grow up. My uncles won't let me try and show off my abilities.
How can I say that I can't convince the crowd?"

Su Qian saw Su Qinghuan's persistence, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"What do you want to manage?"


Su Qinghuan spoke promptly, and the man present immediately exploded. The look
in Su Qinghuan’s eyes changed.

Su's firm is involved in many industries, and Paramount is indeed the fastest
to get money.

But which daughter of a good family would want to take care of such a romantic
place? !

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 191: Ladies of the Republic of
China, online face slaps (11)
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Chapter 191 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (11)

Su Qian glanced at the little fox beside him in surprise, only to think that at
this moment, the girl who was only 18 years old had a way of thinking that he could
not see through.

"Are you sure you want to manage Paramount?"

Although Su Qinghuan had always said that she would never marry out in this
life and would find a son-in-law, but Su Qian did not believe it very much.

In this era, he will choose to be the man who is the door-to-door son-in-law,
and his aptitude is generally very poor. At any rate, this niece is also a spoiled
master since childhood, how could she be attracted?

What's more, if Su Qinghuan really wants to manage that kind of Fengyue Song
and Dance Hall, I am afraid that those slightly powerful nobles in Jiangcheng will
not be willing to welcome Su Qinghuan to start.

After all, Su Qinghuan has already been divorced once, and if he doesn’t take
good care of Feather, how can he find a beloved one?


Su Qinghuan knew what Su Qian’s eyes meant, she raised her eyebrows and smiled,
looking at the man next to her with some meaning.

"Why, Uncle Wu doesn't believe I can manage it, okay?"


Seeing Su Qinghuan so confident, Su Qian frowned.

"Since you want to manage Paramount to prove your strength, that's okay, but
if you can't make Paramount a top three song and dance hall in Jiangcheng, then you
don't have to think about becoming the president of the Chamber of Commerce."

Su Qinghuan heard the man's words, and his eyes scanned Su Qian's face

"What's the point of the first three? Be the first to do it. Since Uncle Wu is
willing to give me this opportunity, I will definitely not let down your


He clearly wanted this little girl to retreat.

How could Su Qinghuan somehow make Su Qinghuan think that it is so easy to be No. 1
in Jiangcheng?

The man's eyes were dark, he looked at the girl's charming face, and he rarely
suggested something kindly.

"Qinghuan, Wushu, as someone who came over, still persuade you to give up. If
you are a girl with that kind of industry, who will want you in the future?"

"If Qinghuan can't get married, can't Uncle Wu support me?"

The girl spoke very slowly. She leaned close to Su Qian's face, perhaps because
the distance between the two people was too close, and there was a hint of

This fairy...

Su Qian squinted his ink-colored eyes and thought for a moment that Su Qinghuan
wanted to reach out and hook his shoulders.

Just like she did in Wanghu Mansion earlier.

But the girl did not.

Almost the second after Su Qian's eyes were squinted, the girl retreated.

The man pursed the corners of his lips, and an inexplicable sense of loss
flashed in his heart.


And everyone looked at the pair of uncles and nephews in horror, only thinking
that Su Qinghuan’s just provocative behavior was crazy.

Jiang Cheng who doesn’t know that the fifth master of the Su family has never been
compassionate towards women. For him, the words pity for weak women do not exist.
It is far better to earn more money and expand more power. Come with a sense of

In the face of everyone's gaze, Su Qinghuan just smiled, and added a frank

"Uncle Wu will never be so poor that he can't even give his niece a bite of
food, right?"


Give her a bite of food?

I was afraid that this cheap niece would have too much appetite, and even
wanted to swallow his power together.

Su Qian's Adam's apple rolled a little, and slowly spoke.

"I'm afraid I can't afford it, Qinghuan, my uncle will advise you again,
marrying well is better than working hard in this chamber of commerce."

"But what if I just think it’s fun to work in the mall?"

The bosses of several branches saw Su Qinghuan and Su Qian tit-for-tat, but
they didn't notice the strange atmosphere between the pair of uncles and nephews.
They only felt that Su Qinghuan was really not afraid of death and dared to provoke
Su Wuye all the time.

They retired one after another.

In the big business, only Su Qinghuan and Su Qian are left.


A man in an ink-colored gown sat down and took a sip of some warm tea.

"Getting the management right of Paramount, are you satisfied now?"

The tea in the commercial store is also quite good, but the quality is slightly
worse than the small bag of Yuqian Longjing sent by Su Qing Huan.

Su Qian tasted the bitter aftertaste of the tea, and simply put down the cup.

"Not satisfied."

Su Qinghuan shook her head, sat down next to the man, and smiled jokingly.

"Uncle Wu, are you really unwilling to raise me?"

The girl stretched out her thin white lotus arm, her moon-white cheongsam
stretched out, and the beautiful Su-embroidered lotus bloomed at the skirt of the
skirt, but although the lotus was beautiful, it was still not as bright as the
girl's half-sharp brilliance.

Su Qian examined Su Qinghuan’s appearance in cheongsam, but felt that he no

longer knew this niece at all.

Seeing the bosses of the Chamber of Commerce before, they couldn't help but
stare at the show legs exposed under the split ends of the girl's cheongsam, Su
Qian felt a little uncomfortable.

Just as an ordinary elder, he is not qualified to control what Su Qinghuan



The man thought of what Su Qinghuan wanted to do, his brows were slightly
frowned, and the corners of his lips smiled ironically.

"Raise you? Since you are so capable, why do you need to rely on me?"

"Uncle Wu, you are wrong in this sentence. Who would mind having one more
general under his hand?"

Su Qing stood up with a smile and made no secret of his ambition to step on Su

"This Su's firm is destined to have only one president, Uncle Wu. I won't be
polite to you."

Su Qian is already the vice president, and he is destined to carry the prefix


The man was choked by her for half a second.

His eyebrows suddenly fell cold.

"The fifth uncle is waiting to see your means."

In the hands of a little Nizi, it’s a question of whether Paramount can be

opened. Who on earth makes her so arrogant?

Little fox smiles faintly.

"Okay, the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, Wushu, I will
not let you down."


Soon, Su Qinghuan did something that shocked the entire Chamber of Commerce.

That is Su Qinghuan’s open recruitment of dancers throughout Jiangcheng.

Before, Paramount also recruited dancers, but it was impossible to inspire so

much. What's more, Su Qinghuan made great efforts this time and directly said that
once hired, he would double the price of the market!
The dancers who can speak foreign language are selected and selected, and she
personally screens them as an interviewer!

If the profits brought to the ballroom in the future are high, there will be
additional commissions!

This posture is so troubled, the whole Jiangcheng knows it!

After the divorce, the father of Su’s daughter did not cry and grab the ground,
but ran away to open the dance hall!


In this era, a woman doing this kind of thing can be said to be very

It's not just that Su Qian is not optimistic about Su Qinghuan, this matter
even spread to the ears of Su Qinghuan's ex-husband Zhang Yaozong!

In the restaurant, Zhang Yaozong is very fortunate that he has divorced from
such a woman who is not sure about what to do. The daughter of Adjutant Zhao that
he likes is much more than Su Qinghuan's guardianship!

Just as Zhang Yaozong was proud, Zhao Wanrou, who was sitting opposite Zhang
Yaozong, suddenly broke his illusion.

"Yao Zong, let's break up!"

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 192: Ladies of the Republic of
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Chapter 192 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (12)

Zhao Wanrou wore a new-style dress. She curled up the most popular wool curls
nowadays. She also wore a sun hat with light pink feathers on her head, and her
face the size of a palm became more attractive.

"Yao Zong, let's break up."

Zhang Yaozong is fortunate to be divorced from the **** Su Qinghuan, so he can

go to Adjutant Zhao’s house to propose a marriage. Who would have thought that his
sweetheart would say such a thing!
The man's pupils widened in disbelief.

"Wan Rou, what you said, I was divorced for you in the newspaper. You said so
well, but now you are breaking up. Have you ever thought about my feelings?!"

Seeing the man in such pain, a woman in a white dress bit her lip, her face a
little apologetic.

"Yao Zong, I don't want it either, but Miss Su has been making a lot of noise these
days when she opened a ballroom to recruit dancing girls. Who in Jiangcheng doesn't
know the name of your ex-wife? If I have been with you, our Zhao family will also
be affected. Shameful!"

"not to mention……"

Zhao Wanrou lowered her head in embarrassment and glanced at Zhang Yaozong’s
trousers with embarrassment.

"Ms. Su also named her by name and said that you might... ahem, my father would
not allow me to marry an inhumane man!"

Zhao Wanrou couldn't say anymore, a red cloud appeared on her face.

"Yao Zong, I'm sorry, let's get together and relax."


Where does Zhang Yaozong want to get Zhao Wanrou and even worry about this!

He stood up with an iron face, and wanted to pull Zhao Wanrou's arm.

"Wanrou, don't be fooled by that woman's lies. I ran away on the wedding night
three years ago because I was clean and self-clean. I couldn't touch a woman who
arranged a marriage. How could it be because I was inhumane?"

"You believe me, if you choose to be with me, I will definitely not let you

"Yao Zong, you..."

Zhang Yaozong looked at Zhao Wanrou affectionately, his still handsome face
showed a little pleading.

"Wanrou, listen to me first. I know that when I let you be with me under such a
great pressure, I did not do well, but when I returned to China, I divorced the
shameless woman. I also wanted to give you a reputation!"

"We are free to love, and we are fighting against the entire feudal world. We
have been together for so long. You know how I treat you well. Do you want to
retreat now and be constrained by the eyes of the world?"

Just as Zhao Wanrou was stunned and wondered if she should not break up,
suddenly, there was a burst of applause in her ear.

"It’s really wonderful! Xiaotao, have you ever noticed that in the mouths of
some well-dressed beasts, the dowry of the wife is taken away, and the family is
left alone, which has become synonymous with good character?"
"Miss, you exalt some people too much. In Xiao Tao's view, people can't even
compare with birds and beasts!"


Zhang Yaozong's expression suddenly changed when he heard the familiar voice.

And the master and servant’s singing and singing into the ears made Zhao
Wanrou's face, who was about to be touched by Zhang Yaozong, even more embarrassed.

She hurriedly put her hands away, and as soon as she turned around with Zhang
Yaozong, she saw two women climbing up the stairs not far away.

Only one glance, Zhao Wanrou guessed the identity of Su Qinghuan.

"Are you... Miss Su?"

It was the first time Zhao Wanrou saw Su Qinghuan.

She has always admired new styles of dresses, and she doesn't like those old
styles. The jacket skirts separated from top to bottom are too bloated and old-
fashioned, and the cheongsam is easy to look dusty if it is not worn well.

But the girl walking in front of me is a very delicately cut lavender


The hem of her skirt was embroidered with wisteria flowers of the same color.
Under the sun, the material was made of unknown material, and it was shimmering
like a water wave. It was really beautiful.


"Unexpectedly, Miss Zhao knows me."

Su Qinghuan nodded at Zhao Wanrou, her expression very polite.

The original partner's such generous attitude made Zhao Wanrou more and more
confused about where to put her hands.

Before, Zhang Yaozong had been brainwashing her with her. He married the
daughter of the president of the Su Clan's Chamber of Commerce under pressure from
the family. It is said that the other party almost bound her feet and was a very
vulgar feudal woman.

But looking at Su Qinghuan’s noble and elegant temperament, Zhao Wanrou even
began to wonder if Zhang Yaozong had deceived herself before.


Zhao Wanrou glanced at Zhang Yaozong with some suspicion, and saw that the man
also looked at Su Qinghuan dumbfounded, with an unbelievable appearance.

"Are you... Qinghuan?"

"Master Zhang, we are already divorced. Please don't be so intimate, thank


Su Qinghuan blinked, and took Xiaotao to sit at the table opposite Zhao Wanrou
and others.
Her posture is too natural, but Zhao Wanrou feels ashamed of herself.

"Yao... Yaozong, since you have something to do with Miss Su, then I will
leave first. The matter of the breakup will not change. You didn't look down on
Miss Su at the beginning, and you must look down on me even more."

"Wanrou, don't go!"

Zhang Yaozong finally persuaded Zhao Wanrou. He knew his girlfriend best and
had a very soft personality. He thought he could persuade the other party not to
break up. Who would have thought that Su Qinghuan would ruin all his plans as soon
as he came!


"Miss Zhao really can't go."

Su Qinghuan motioned Xiaotao to step forward.

She glanced at the agate bracelet on the wrist of the girl in the dress.

"If I read it right, this red agate bracelet in Miss Zhao's hand was given by
Zhang Yaozong?"

"Oh, and this wonderfully colored South Sea pearl necklace on your neck, is it
also a gift from him?"

Zhao Wanrou was stunned for a moment, she did not expect Su Qinghuan to even
guess this.


She broke up with Zhang Yaozong, but the things Zhang Yaozong gave were quite
expensive. As a young woman who loves beauty, she really couldn’t bear to return


Seeing Zhao Wanrou nodded, Su Qinghuan glanced meaningfully at the man standing
next to her.

When Zhang Yaozong saw her look in her eyes, his heart shook, and a faint
premonition flashed through.

Before he could stop, the man heard Su Qinghuan speaking coldly.

"Little Tao! Take off the things that Miss Zhao wears on her hands and her

"Miss Zhao, I’m afraid my ex-husband didn’t tell you before? Those things are
my personal dowry from the Su family. I didn’t expect these jewelry to fall into
the hands of Miss Zhao. I wonder if there is anything else?"


Su Qinghuan’s lips and smile are ironic.

Clearly the girl's face is extremely beautiful, but Zhao Wanrou's head banged,
she only felt that she was stripped and thrown into the ice and snow on the street!

She subconsciously protected her necklace and bracelet.

"No, you can't grab my things!"

She never thought that she would be humiliated by someone so blatantly picking
up things like this, the daughter of her dignified adjutant!

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 193: Ladies of the Republic of
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Chapter 193 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (13)

Zhao Wanrou never thought that she would be so blatantly humiliated by her
dignified adjutant daughter!

She pressed her jewelry tightly and refused to give in.

The maid Xiaotao gave Su Qinghuan a hesitant look.


"Little Tao, you must never learn from Miss Zhao. After all, people had the
courage to be a married third, and it’s not surprising that they would care about
this little profit now."

Su Qinghuan sat down arrogantly, her eyes ironic.

"Miss Zhao, are you unwilling to return things to the original owner?"


Although the business of this restaurant is not particularly good today, there
are also a few tables of guests eating and drinking on the second floor.

At this moment, he noticed the sound of the table, and couldn't help but cast a
gossip look at this side.

Especially Su Qinghuan is still so bluntly to say the cause and effect,

everyone's eyes are not right when looking at Zhao Wanrou.

"I can't think of a lady who has stayed abroad, would actually do such a
shameful thing."

"People's hearts are not old!"

"The dowry that accounts for the original match will not be returned. Aren't
you afraid to say it out and laugh to death?"


Zhao Wanrou heard those comments, her expression was very humiliating, and her
tears fell straight down.

She looked at Zhang Yaozong as if asking for help.

"Yao have something to say!"

As Zhang Yaozong saw the tears swaying from his sweetheart, his heart was so
distressed, the man stepped forward abruptly and defended Zhao Wanrou righteously.

"Su Qinghuan, what's the matter with you shrew? How can you be so shameless!"

Zhao Wanrou was obviously a little afraid of Su Qinghuan, and now she couldn't
help but snuggle into the man's arms.

Zhang Yaozong quickly took the girl's arm in a hurry, and suddenly forgot the
fact that the woman had just broken up with him.

"I gave these jewelry to Wanrou. Even if you want to go back, you should tell
me instead of bullying a weak woman!"


Su Qinghuan raised her brows amusedly when she heard what the man said.

"Zhang Yaozong? You take my dowry at the bottom of the box and give it to
others at will. You still have reason? Even if you go to court, you must pay for
these things today!"

Xiaotao has always listened to her lady's words the most. This time she quickly
got close to Zhao Wanrou without waiting for Su Qinghuan's instructions, and neatly
took off the agate bracelet and pearl necklace!

"Miss Zhao, you are offended!"


Zhao Wanrou saw the jewellery taken away by others, tears streaming down her

In the face of the pointing eyes of everyone, where did she receive such
accusations in her life, she only felt angry and shameless, wishing to find a hole
to hide!

I would have liked Zhang Yaozong at the beginning. Isn’t it because the other
person is tall and handsome, and also so gold and considerate, so I always give her
precious jewelry?

Unexpectedly, when things are up to now, I didn’t get much benefit, but lost
such a big face in front of everyone!

The gain is more than the loss!

Zhao Wanrou was originally an exquisite egoist. She couldn't care about Zhang
Yaozong anymore. She pushed away the other's arm, took off her veil to cover her
face, and ran away in embarrassment.



Zhang Yaozong was shocked, and wanted to chase Zhao Wanrou. Zhao Wanrou said
before that he had to break up and he must win back the beautiful woman's heart!

But heard the cool voice of the girl behind him.

"Master Zhang, you can go after your little love, but before that, should you
liquidate all my dowry and pay me compensation?"

"The ten thousand oceans that I said at the beginning, why haven't you arrived

It’s okay not to mention this, but Zhang Yaozong becomes anxious when he
mentions it!

The man suddenly stopped, wishing he could slap Su Qinghuan's face with a slap.

It happened that there were so many good deeds in the restaurant staring at
him. How could he not do anything. If it spread, how could Zhang Yaozong be a man
in Jiangcheng in the future?

He stared at Su Qinghuan with humiliation.

"Pay it! Can't I pay it?! You arrive at Zhang's Mansion at 6 o'clock tomorrow
evening, and I will give you a satisfactory explanation!"

I don’t know how Su Qinghuan touched Su Wuye, and even let someone come to
collect debts!

Thinking of that terrible man, Zhang Yaozong did not dare to do anything to Su

He clenched his hands tightly with his eyes open, he only felt that his face as
a scholar was lost!

All this is not as painful as Zhao Wanrou’s running away!

My girlfriend wants to break up with him!

It was Su Qinghuan, a **** woman!


The next day, Su Qinghuan arrived at the door of Zhang Mansion on time.

Zhang Yaozong refused to sell the house, so naturally he couldn't make up

10,000 oceans at once.

In the end, he could only pick and choose with embarrassment. He chose some
family property calligraphy and paintings that had not yet been sold, which was
worth more than half of the amount.

Traditional antiques are actually not that valuable, but Su Qinghuan thinks
it’s good to keep them, and pass them to the descendants of the original body in
the future, maybe they will become a treasure handed down many years later.

"Is this enough for you?"

Zhang Yaozong gritted his teeth tightly, reluctant to see those famous

He regrets why he squandered Su Qinghuan’s dowry so lavishly, and even gave a

lot of things to his classmates and friends, and now those who are really asking
for it, can’t get it back!


Su Qinghuan asked someone to send these things back, and then left Zhang
Mansion. After such a toss, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Yaozong looked at her away back in pain, and then drooped down his eyes.

——It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!

Now Su Qinghuan will reopen Paramount on the first day of next month. He has
privately invited Paramount’s opponent to hit the place, and he must let this ****
know what regret is!


Su Qinghuan walked out of Osmanthus Alley and saw the lanterns hanging on the
streets and alleys, feeling a little bit emotional.

She walked to the Qingshui River, and heard a woman’s laughter from the water
alley on the other side, and there was also a faint scent of powder.

It is said that business women do not know the hatred of subjugation.

However, in this troubled world, some men may not have come with a show-girl

Just as Su Qinghuan was thinking about life, he suddenly felt an extremely

tall figure rushing behind him.

She vigilantly wanted to shoot back, who knew that the other party suddenly
hugged her waist, and the two of them fell directly onto the awning boat closest to
the shore!


Su Qinghuan felt a tearing pain from her ankle. Fortunately, she did not hear
the sound of a fracture, but the injury is beyond doubt!

Just as she was about to swear, the man who ran out inexplicably unbuttoned his
jacket suddenly and threw it into the water!

The man showed his tall and fit arms and pressed her under his waist!

"This girl, it happened suddenly, she is offended!"

A cold voice came, and Su Qinghuan was caught in the lips before she could
raise her head!
The awning boat shook for a while, and in an instant, with the moonlight, the
man’s eyebrows suddenly became clear...

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 194: Ladies of the
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 194: Ladies of the Republic of
China, online face slaps (14)
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Chapter 194 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (14)

"Sorry, I am offended."

The man spoke apologetically, he pressed her arms, and their lips touched

Along with the cold mint breath, a touch of warm and unfamiliar touch swept
through the brain, making Su Qinghuan suddenly widened her eyes!

——Is the law and order in Jiangcheng so bad?

Where did the apprentice come from!

The awning boat shook for a while, and in an instant, by the moonlight, the
man's eyebrows suddenly became clear before his eyes.


Su Qinghuan unhurriedly wanted to kick the other person, but when she saw the
other's facial features, her original mind was shaken for a moment.

This man was born too nice!

How can I be so downhearted that I need to be strong on women!

The man's bronze skin shows the rare masculinity of this era.

The outline of his eyebrows and eyes are as deep as a mixed race, but his
facial features are the most classical phoenix eyes. When he squints to see people,
he is not angry and arrogant. The eyes are dark, giving people an unfathomable

Even if the other party is kissing herself now, but the action is only very
rush and stiff, unstructured, as if to complete a certain task, there is no evil
thoughts at all.


If something is abnormal, it is a demon.

Su Qinghuan wouldn’t even lose sight of this point. She felt that this man
should be a practicing family, and judging from the aura of the whole body, the
last possible identity would be a soldier.

"Someone is chasing you?"

In this troubled world, the least valuable is human life.

The handsome man was a little surprised that Su Qinghuan was so smart. He was
taken aback when he saw the girl hugging his waist against the guest, and ordered
very neatly.

"Spread my hair out!"

She wore a cheongsam today with her hair combed. The original owner’s hair can
reach her waist when it is almost spread out. As long as the hair covers the man’s
face, those who chase and kill will not be able to see the other's facial features
for a while.


The man’s eyes are shining. It is the first time he has been so close to a
woman. He was afraid of scaring this little girl into tears, but he did not expect
that the courage of the other party was far greater than the Yingying Yanyan he had
seen before.

"Girl, thank you."

The man gritted his teeth, and didn't talk pretentiously, but quickly threw Su
Qinghuan's hairpin to the ground, pretending to bite the girl's neck.

The girl’s long hair like a waterfall cascades down directly, reflecting her
unparalleled eyebrows under the moonlight, like the most beautiful dream in the

It's just that in this situation, the man doesn't have the mind to pay more
attention to the beauty of the woman, but just vigorously hug her tightly in the


At the moment when the awning boat was shaking, it made a creak and creak that
made the cheeks flush.

And Su Qinghuan heard urgent footsteps behind him.

"Hey, you wild mandarin ducks! Have you seen a man who is about 1.8 meters
tall run by?"

Jiangcheng is a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. The height of
most men is about 1.7 meters. In addition, the appearance and aura of the people
they are chasing are extremely eye-catching. If the opponent is running on the
street, it is impossible not to be eye-catching!


"What kind of wild ducks! Give some respect! I'm good with your own mother-in-
law, and you are also interested in watching it? Hurry up! Don't take the uncle's

The man deliberately changed his voice, and it sounded like a countryman.

His head was buried on Su Qinghuan’s shoulders, and Su Qinghuan felt a touch of
warm and greasy liquid on the other’s forehead.

is blood!

He was actually injured!

Su Qinghuan was slightly startled, probably because of the intuition for many
years, if the other party is a bad person, it is impossible to have such a straight
look, she quickly pretended to scream in embarrassment.

"We didn't see any strange men, oh oh oh... you guys are not leaving yet?"


The girl half raised her face as she talked. Because of her previous kiss, a
few strands of lazy hair hang down from her temples and stick to her porcelain-
white side cheeks until they ran across the girl’s thin pink lips.

The embarrassing and annoyed appearance at this moment made the fierce big men
on the shore amazed.

"Boss! Forget it, just a young couple! It is important that we hurry up to

pursue talents!"

The man who took away the eyebrows and mouse eyes gloomily swept Su Qinghuan,
he wanted to say something, but not far away there was a burst of firecrackers from

His eyelids twitched.

"The man may have ran towards there. We are divided into two groups, chasing!"


Seeing those sturdy men in black all put aside, Su Qinghuan breathed a sigh of

"Girl, thank you."

The man with eyebrows and cold Yi raised his head and saw Su Qinghuan's clothes
being torn apart by him. He quickly opened his eyes uncomfortably, and wanted to
draw back towards the other end of the Wu Peng boat.

It was Su Qinghuan who stopped him first.

"Don't move, it's easier to punch your eyes when you run away."

Su Qinghuan looked to the side and found that there were old clothes and gray
coats left by the fisherman on the awning boat.

"Wear this first and go."

Su Qinghuan threw his coat to him, and no woman consciously examined the man’s
eight-pack abs.
Seeing the man's swift dressing action, Su Qinghuan's lips smiled, her eyes
are more like deep-sea vortexes that can **** people away, dangerous and confusing.

"Are you a soldier?"


The man squinted his eyelashes, obviously he didn't expect Su Qinghuan's head
to turn so fast.


"What is your name, do you have a marriage?"

Although Su Qinghuan is true to face control, it is rare to see a person of

the opposite sex.

The original owner’s wish has always been to guard the Su family, but it is not
so easy to recruit a door-to-door son-in-law. Su Qinghuan looked at the man with
good looks, and suddenly moved a little bit to call the other party back to the Su
family as the doorman.

Mu Beicheng looked at the girl hesitantly, still did not say his full name, but

"My surname is Mu, I have never been married."

Last name Mu?

I have never heard of any son of a famous family in Jiangcheng with this

That's a show!

Su Qinghuan’s eyes lit up, blinking her crescent eyes, her smile seemed to fall
into the sky full of stars, bright and charming.

"Then do you want to think about me? They all say that life-saving grace
should be promised, what do you think of Mu Gongzi?"

The two had sat very close, and when they approached again, the little fox's
long hair fell down and fell on the man's shoulders and cheeks, like a kind of
silent itch.


Mu Beicheng stared at the girl's lips. He had never been close to female ****
before. He was also in a state of urgency just now, but looking back now, he was
indeed a bit too abrupt to Su Qinghuan.

He shook his head sharply.

"Sorry, my country is turbulent, Mu has never thought about marriage."

Before Su Qinghuan could answer, the man plunged into the water.

Seeing the figure faster than Yuyu, Su Qinghuan curled his lips.
Suddenly took out a gun from under the cheongsam.

This is from a man.

A handful of Browning.

This man surnamed Mu...

I am afraid it is not an ordinary soldier.

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 195: Ladies of the
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 195: Ladies of the Republic of
China, online face slaps (15)
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Chapter 195 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (15)

Su Qinghuan took the Browning to play for a while, and then stretched his feet
into the vast river in anguish.

"Hey, is it really that hard to find a son-in-law?"

After finally seeing a favorite, he ran away without hesitation!

A great shame!

The temperature is high in the summer night, and the river water is cool at the
moment, which gives people a touch of comfort.

She almost twisted her ankle just now, but now she doesn't have that pain. She
should have been very angry, but when she saw Mu Beicheng's cold face, Su Qinghuan
subconsciously forgave the other person.

It seems that I am also a face control in my bones.

Su Qinghuan smiled with her lips curled, she lowered her head and looked at the
vast river, subconsciously looking at the face in the water.

The water under the moonlight reflects the beautiful facial features of women.

Su Qinghuan originally had some doubts whether her charm had declined.
But it shouldn’t.

With such a beautiful face, the young man with the last name Mu just didn't
even move at all?

Said the refusal directly?


Su Qinghuan curled her lips again, and then quickly took Browning in her arms
and went home.

It's not that she has to be greedy for something like that man, but
inexplicably feels that perhaps with such a token, the two will meet each other.

When Su Qinghuan returned to the Su Family Mansion, it was already night, and
it was close to ten o'clock in the evening.

In this era, it is rare for women to go home so late.

"Miss, you are back!"

Su Qinghuan nodded when she saw Xiaotao, the maid rushing towards her, and she
just wanted to ask Xiaotao to prepare hot water for her bathing, but when she
didn't realize it, she saw Xiaotao's anxious eyebrows.

"Miss, you didn’t know that Master Wu has been waiting for you at home. If you
don’t go home in a while, Master Wu will send someone to find you on the street!"

Su Qinghuan squinted her eyes slightly, and when she turned her head, she saw
the elegant figure beside the Eight Immortals table in the living room.

The other party is wearing a gray-blue gown with a Buddhist bead in his hand,
and is staring at him for a moment.

Su Qian slightly nodded at Su Qinghuan, with emotions that the girl could not
understand surging under his eyes.

"Qinghuan, you are back."


Su Qinghuan saw the string of prayer beads, and there was a strange feeling in
his heart. Master Zhan Chen liked to wear prayer beads before. Perhaps it was such
a strange mood that made Su Qinghuan a rare pleasing eye for Su Qian today.

She joked.

"Unexpectedly, Uncle Wu, you, such a powerful, vertical and horizontal black
and white figure, would also use Buddha beads to buy peace of mind."

Su Qian stepped forward, staring at the girl's unruly hair and her slightly
moistened lips, her eagle eyes suddenly showed a hint of hesitation.

"where did you go?"

Speaking, the man saw the girl’s lotus white arm, there seemed to be some

In desperation, Su Qian wanted to pull Su Qinghuan's hand and examine it carefully.

But Su Qinghuan took a step back without a trace.

"Doesn’t Uncle Wu know? I went to Zhang’s Mansion today to get my dowry back.
Thanks to my uncle Wu who transferred me from there."

Seeing the little fox's alienated gesture, the man's thin lips pressed into a
straight line, and he looked deeply at Su Qinghuan.

"What about your hairpin?"

"And what's the matter with the red mark on your hand?"

Su Qinghuan couldn't help but feel a little funny seeing Su Qian's reprimand
like an elder.

She raised her hand and stroked the shredded hair on the side of her temple,
her slender apricot eyes were slightly amused.

"Uncle Wu, I'm such a big man, can't it be impossible to walk around in
Jiangcheng? The hairpin accidentally fell off when I came back. The arm might be in
a narrow alley, so it's rubbed against the wall."


Hearing Su Qinghuan’s nonchalant perfunctory tone, Su Qian only felt that he

was **** off by Su Qinghuan.

He didn’t know why he came to Su’s mansion to take care of the life and death
of a little girl.

I just heard people say that his cheap niece quarreled with his ex-husband and
the daughter of the adjutant Zhao in the restaurant, so he subconsciously wanted to
visit the Su Family Mansion.

I thought I could wait for Su Qinghuan early, but saw the girl come home late.

"No matter how old you are, I will always be your uncle."

The man in his early thirties has a stern face and looks like a high-profile

Su Qing smiled and sat down, motioning Xiaotao to serve Su Qian with tea.

"Okay, I'm a junior in Su's family, but if I'm in a business, I wouldn't be so

polite to my uncle."

Su Qian saw Su Qinghuan's rebellious look, and he sighed in his heart.

His eagle eyes are shining brightly.

"That's how you want to be the chairman of the chamber of commerce?"

The man paused, his voice a little hesitant and authentic.

"If you want, Uncle Wu will protect you from now on. In the huge Jiangcheng,
no one dares to bully you."

She is just a little girl after all.

Su Qinghuan's things that Su Qinghuan did in Paramount have also seen Su Qian.
He didn't think Su Qinghuan could really make a name for himself.

"Uncle Fifth wants me to stay under the control of others?"

Su Qinghuan’s lips and smile are slightly cold.

"Then it seems that Uncle Wu can't drink niece's tea. After all, this Su's
firm was originally my father's property. I want to take over. Isn't it right?"


This stubborn little girl!

Su Qian stroked the jade finger on his left hand, and the rare trace of
tenderness was also wiped out.

"Okay, then I will wait and see! One hundred happy gate opens early next
month, I will definitely join in!"

The man walked away coldly.


Xiaotao stood beside Su Qinghuan timidly.

"Miss, wouldn’t it be too good for you to annoy the fifth master so much?"

Su Qinghuan shook his head indifferently.

"I and him are destined to be hostile, who makes the interests mismatched?"

Little fox's expression also became cold, she didn't fail to see how Su Qian
meant to her, she had also considered whether to be with Su Qian or not.

After all, both of them have the surname Su, which saves the trouble of this

Who knows, but inquired about some "interesting" personal matters.

For example, Su Qian took away a girl who looked exactly like her in the
metropolis a few days ago, who was only sixteen years old.

For people like Su Qinghuan, anyone looking for a stand-in for her, no matter
whether she has done anything or not, is no longer in her choice.


Concession, Wanghu Mansion.

Su Wuye sat in the living room, his cigar burning with white smoke at his

—Damn, he never thought he would be tempted by a little girl, let alone his

But it is inexplicable, the girl's smile will run into his dream.

Su Qian had long known that Su Qinghuan’s ex-husband Zhang Yaozong had bought
the boss of Metropolis these days and asked him to find fault. Originally, he still
wanted to help Su Qinghuan...

Now it seems that it is really unnecessary!

Since she had to fly to a world that belonged to a man to toss, he waited for
her to break her wings and blood flow, and finally had to return to his shelter!

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 196: Ladies of the Republic of
China, online face slaps (16)
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Chapter 196 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (16)

Su Qinghuan has done a lot of things recently, maybe because that day and Su
Wuye completely tore their skin, the two began to steal business tacitly.

Su Qian is an old man in this shopping mall. Naturally, he is better than the
newcomer Su Qinghuan, but Su Qian did not expect that this little girl would not
hesitate to give three points to the profit. Into the price!

If the market fails to expand, then the labor costs will be included, and the
cost may even be discounted in the end!

Everyone was waiting to see Su Qinghuan’s jokes, and they didn’t know what kind
of ability Su Qinghuan relied on to forcibly take down many old customers who had
originally been Su Qian’s obedience.

Those mall owners talked about this matter as secretive as they were, and just
smiled and said, who’s doing business isn’t it?

Since the Su family’s young lady voluntarily allowed them 20% interest, of
course they also accepted the offer.


Su Qian was naturally annoyed, and he didn't give up on Su Qinghuan. There were
three major trading houses in Jiangcheng. They were originally respected by the Su
clan, but now the two are fighting in their nests, and the remaining two are also
happy to watch the excitement.

Want to wait for them to win the bloodshed, so as to pick up a fisherman's

It’s just that these people didn’t know that Su Qinghuan wore a new-style
cheongsam and entered the concession of Dongchen country so carelessly, chatting
with the blonde foreigners very happily!

Everyone didn't wait for Su Qinghuan to fall from the clouds, but instead
watched her and the foreigners of Dongchen Country had a big deal!

even let the foreigner of the foreign business firm give a thumbs up in
awkward Chinese.

"Miss Su is great, Paramount will reopen next month, and we will definitely
join in!"


Now that Kyushu is poor and weak, many people like to make foreigners superior
to others.

With these blonde foreigners taking care of Su Qinghuan’s business, even Su

Qian couldn’t do anything about her for a while, and she was robbed of a lot of

Under this situation, the official opening of One hundred happy gates at the
beginning of next month will be particularly eye-catching.

Everyone craned their necks, wanting to see what the 18-year-old girl like Su
Qinghuan could make.


It's just that the change came faster than everyone thought. This closed and
reopened event was called to a halt!

No one thought that the war in the north had just ceased recently, everyone was
relieved, and Jiangcheng such a rich land boundary would suddenly change the

The new official took office with three fires, the first one burned on the
heads of major ballrooms, and the above directly ordered various entertainment
venues to take the lead in rectification and closure!

Especially, dancers under the age of 18 are not allowed in major dance halls!

Other various industries, if they are a bit out of bounds, will also be

Jiangcheng has always walked in the most drunken land in Kyushu. Not to mention
the fact that the war has just ceased, even if the war is really raging, everyone
is drunk today, drunk tomorrow, sorrowful tomorrow, and sorrowful.

The money in troubled times is the most difficult to earn, and the above is
also turning a blind eye to these messy things. Who knew that this new warlord
would make such an unexpected decision!


Many business owners have not seen the face of the new warlord, they are
already suffering.
Some people want to go to the Warlord’s Mansion in person to find a chance to
be accommodating.

They directly selected a few beauties, brought a few good calligraphy and
paintings, as well as cigars and wines produced by Dongchen Country, and wanted to
explore the tone of this new warlord.

As a result, without exception, I ate closed doors.


All of a sudden, the bosses of Jiangcheng sighed.

But Su Qinghuan didn’t complain, anyway, Paramount was closed before. Although she
made money, she went the right way. Even the newly signed dancers of Paramount were
under 18 years old, but it would never happen. That kind of bullying the weak.

On the good day of the first day of the junior high school, the venues could
not be opened.

She still stood in front of the Barrage Gate, watching people hang up two
prosperous couplets in person.

The girl's apricot eyes flowed, and she whispered to Xiao Tao.

"Little Tao, the couplet on the right is going down a little bit."

"Hole, miss, don't worry."

Just as Su Qinghuan was instructing Xiaotao to hang up the Paramount couplet,

he suddenly heard a slightly mocking voice behind him.

"Unexpectedly, my niece is so yaxing, and the business can't be done, so I

still post couplets here?"

Su Qinghuan turned around and saw Su Qian's gloomy and handsome face.

Seeing the cyan under the other's eyes, she raised her eyebrows with a smile.

"Where is Uncle Wu, with the good fortune you gave, how could my niece not be
able to do business?"

Su Qinghuan said, glanced at him provocatively, and slashed the white jade
bracelet on his left wrist intentionally or unintentionally.

"No, the boss of Toyo Commercial Bank also said that he would introduce me to
a new ferry business, and he also invited me to visit Dongchen Country as a guest."

Talking about this, Su Qian has a trace of depression in his heart, and he has
been fighting for this business for a long time.

I just didn’t expect to be picked up by a little girl.

The man looked up, and he caught a glimpse of Su Qinghuan's couplet hanging at
the door of Baile Gate.

Shanglian means "people meet in a prosperous age and thousands of families",

xialian means "Hu Mu Chunyang everything is prosperous", and Heng Pian means
"Guotai and Min'an", which is a very good word.

Such a couplet at the entrance of the song and dance hall, it is inevitable
that it is a bit nondescript, especially with current events like this, how can I
not think of the word Antai.

Su Qian gave Su Qinghuan a mocking look.

"Do you want to borrow a couplet to please the newly appointed warlord? The
Metropolis heard that a few charming foreign girls have been recruited. They also
used the concession to pressure the new warlord. It's opened."

"Qinghuan, I think the investment you made for the new dancers in the previous
period, I'm afraid it will be overwhelmed, right?"

Su Qinghuan signed a lot of dancers who can speak foreign languages. One-third of
them are under the age of eighteen, and two-thirds of them are old faces in other
dance halls. They may not be able to arouse guests. Freshness.

She was originally hired with money above the market price, and spent such a
large sum of money. Now the new warlord has imposed such a ban, I am afraid it will
be wasted.


Su Qinghuan glanced at Su Qian lazily.

"Have Uncle Wu inquired, who is the new warlord, and who is the name?"


Su Qian squinted his eyes, then shook his head.

"The other party has not been behind closed doors until now, only knowing that
he is from the north."

Su Qinghuan smiled happily.

"But I know that the other party's surname is Mu. Believe it or not? At most
on the fifth day of the first lunar month, my Paramount will be able to come back
to life and become the number one golden cave in Jiangcheng?"


Faced with Su Qian's stunned eyes, Su Qinghuan directly reached out and called
a rickshaw.

"Master, please take me to the Governor's Mansion on Jiangcheng South Road!"


The Warlord’s Mansion is heavily guarded.

The guard's guard recently saw a lot of businessmen who came here to look for
the Overseer, and directly ordered Su Qinghuan to chase away his guests.

"Walk around, you are not welcome here!"

(End of this chapter)

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Home » The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day THGBED » Chapter 197: Ladies of the
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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 197: Ladies of the Republic of
China, online face slaps (17)
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Chapter 197 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (17)

If you were someone else, you would have been blasted out by the warlord’s

However, the Su Clan's firm is gaining momentum recently, and Su Qinghuan has
also become the No. 1 figure in Jiangcheng, so the guard of the Warlord’s Mansion
is a little more polite.

"Boss Su, it's not that we are unwilling to accommodate you, but the warlord
has indeed given orders long ago. Any Jiangcheng merchants who have come to him
recently will not be seen."

The guard wearing a navy blue uniform and high boots carrying a gun, looking at
such a beautiful and beautiful Su Qinghuan, he couldn't help feeling a little bit
of emotion.

According to common sense, men don’t have the four things that don’t love wine,
wealth, and gas.

But those merchants who had been behind closed doors before, also used a
thousand methods, and failed to see the new warlord side.


Su Qinghuan smiled indifferently, and directly handed a brocade box to the


"This little brother, I don’t mean to embarrass you deliberately. It's just
that what is left by the Lord Overseer is in this box, and there is also a letter
from me in it. Wait until the Lord Overseer sees it."

Speaking, Su Qinghuan nodded at him slightly. She wore a dark green cheongsam
today. Most people can't hold down this color at all, and will only look very old-

But this cheongsam was worn on the girl's body, but it was extraordinarily
fitting. Every gesture was amazing, and the skin was as shiny as jade immersed in
river water.

said that she was beautiful and touching, and the guard was stunned by Su
Qinghuan’s smile before she knew it.

Su Qinghuan is not an ordinary person after all, but the real leader of Su's
firm now. The little brother did not suspect that Su Qinghuan was lying, but
directly opened the box and checked it first.

I don’t know this, I was shocked at first glance.

It turned out to be a Browning!

This gun...

As for the engraved and gilded letter envelope, it was written in the four
characters of Warlord Respect and Qi, and the guardian brother's heart was
pounding, so he nodded to Su Qinghuan respectfully.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I will send you the warlord."

"No need, the warlord will naturally understand after reading my letter, I
will go back first."

Su Qinghuan smiled brightly, and then beckoned to the rickshaw driver to take
her away.


The rickshaw had just turned around and hit a new-style car head-on.

From the open co-pilot window, Su Qinghuan met the woman in the window

The other party obviously dressed up specially today, dressed in a new-style dress,
and the pink lace skirt is layered with pearls. It looks quite beautiful and
foreign, even if it is so far away, you can still smell the other party’s body. The
strong perfume smell that comes.

is impressively Zhao Wanrou, the daughter of Adjutant Zhao.

Zhao Wanrou obviously did not expect to meet Su Qinghuan here.

She changed her face and directly signaled the driver to stop.

The woman in a dress glanced at Su Qinghuan suspiciously, her voice a little


"You... Su Qinghuan, I have broken up with Zhang Yaozong, why do you want to
come to the Warlord's Mansion to fight!"

Zhao Wanrou said more and more guilty conscience.

"Did you know that I am going to have a blind date with the Overseer today, so
you came here to ruin my reputation?"

Blind date with the Overseer?

Su Qinghuan did not expect to hear such an interesting anecdote during his
short stay.

The man who jumped into the river and fled a few days ago flashed in her mind.

——The other party vowed to tell her at the time that the situation was
turbulent and she was homeless.

Why are you going to have a blind date with this white lotus who just broke up
with her ex-husband?


Su Qinghuan raised her eyebrows, her apricot-like eyes raised slightly, thick
and charming like a fox who fell into the mortal world.

"Miss Zhao, are you being affectionate? Your car is in the way, please get out
of the way, thank you."

Just when Su Qinghuan's voice just fell, the middle-aged man sitting in the
back of the car suddenly gave orders.

"Wanrou! Why are you arguing with Miss Su! Old Xu, drive the car to the right
and let Miss Su go!"

The middle-aged man is naturally Zhao Wanrou’s father, Adjutant Zhao.

Adjutant Zhao is already an old person in Jiangcheng's official career. The

previous warlord was transferred to the front line, and he did not leave, which
shows how insightful this person is.

Now the wind and rain are precarious, and there are not many good men who are
truly dedicated to sacrifice for the country. At least most of the officials would
rather stay in Jiangcheng, a wealthy land, and enjoy the illusory glory of drunken
gold fans.


Su Qinghuan glanced at the middle-aged man wearing a woolen hat. She had seen
this adjutant Zhao before, but the two did not communicate much.

At this moment, the other party is so polite, and her smile is also gentle.

"Thank you Adjutant Zhao, the Paramount will open another day, please have

"That is natural."

Heh, I’m afraid this little lady’s parade will not even open again!

Adjutant Zhao nodded without a smile.

Seeing that the rickshaw that Su Qinghuan was in was getting farther and
farther, he turned his head and patted his daughter's shoulder comfortably, his
voice slightly complaining.

"You stupid boy, why are you fighting with that cousin? Don't be afraid to lose
your face. The warlord hasn't been out recently. The blind date was arranged by the
warlord's grandmother far north. How could anyone else know? "


Zhao Wanrou squatted aggrievedly.

"Dad, am I not afraid?"

Thinking of being in the restaurant that day, Su Qinghuan asked the maid
Xiaotao to unload her jewelry on the spot, and Zhao Wanrou sighed in her heart.

I just feel that I have never been so embarrassed in my life.

She thought about it, and then pulled her father's arm with some fear.

"Dad, what kind of person is the Overseer? He has become such a big official.
Why doesn't he have an aunt and wife around him? Isn't he looking fierce?"

Zhao Wanrou was a little worried.

Adjutant Zhao laughed and made a sloppy look.

"How come? The other party is the Overseer, I promise you will like it better
than the kid who saw Zhang Yaozong!"

In the past, Adjutant Zhao felt that Zhang Yaozong was not worthy of his
daughter. After all, at that time, he was still a married man when he hooked up
with his daughter in Dongchen Country.

Later, the newspaper said that Zhang Yaozong was inhumane, and Adjutant Zhao
even looked down upon him, and quickly ordered his daughter to break up with him!


"Will it be better than Yaozong?"

Zhao Wanrou opened her eyes in confusion, her hands kept twisting the Su
embroidery double-sided handkerchief, a little afraid that her father was
comforting her.

She raised her head in anticipation, and got out of the car with her father,
trying to get past the stone lions in the Warlord’s Mansion.

At this moment, a long figure suddenly appeared inside the door.

At the moment when the opponent appeared, it seemed that the gloomy sky
suddenly lit up.

The man was dressed in a rigorous navy blue military uniform. His eyebrows were
handsome and majestic, and his sword eyebrows were sharp and sharp. The phoenix
eyes swept over, like the ice and snow falling in the winter, biting into the

This, is Warlord Mu? !

Zhao Wanrou opened her mouth and was fascinated by the man almost instantly!

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 198: Ladies of the Republic of
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Chapter 198 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (18) 2200+ words

Zhao Wanrou stood in a daze and was fascinated by the man almost instantly!

In her mind, she has filled up many images of the five big and three thick
strong men, and she was even afraid that the other party would have any scars on
their faces.

Who would have thought that this new superintendent, who had just come to
Jiangcheng to rectify all industries, would be such a young and handsome figure!


Zhao Wanrou has always thought that she only likes white-faced scholars like
Zhang Yaozong, but now she looks at a tall, handsome man with bronze skin, but her
heart beats wildly.

In contrast, Zhang Yaozong is really a beast!

Zhao Wanrou has always advertised that she is a progressive young woman in the
new era, and she looks down on old-style etiquette.

But she heard from her father that the newly appointed warlord was a true fan
of old-school customs, otherwise the dance hall would not even be shut down.

Her pretty face turned red, and she bent down almost subconsciously, performing
an old-style woman etiquette.

"Hello, Governor Mu, I am the daughter of Adjutant Zhao, Zhao..."

Before she finished her words, she saw the man glance at her coldly, as if he
didn't care about her at all, and spoke directly to the guard next to her.

"Prepare a car and go to Su's Mansion."

What are you going to do to Su's Mansion? !

Is the information the father received wrong?

Mu Beicheng’s blind date list also includes Su Qinghuan, a shameless shrew?

Or is it said that Su Qinghuan has no shame to a certain extent, and took the
initiative to come home to recommend the pillow?

Since Su Qinghuan was abandoned by the Zhang family, and he blatantly competed
as a woman in the mall, and even solicited dancers for Paramount, the ladies circle
in Jiangcheng faintly regarded Su Qinghuan as a joke.

——Which family with good looks would be willing to marry such a daughter-in-


Zhao Wanrou gritted her teeth, and a clear and beautiful face suddenly appeared
in her mind.

The other party is wearing a dark green cheongsam, sitting in an old rickshaw,
and also very graceful and elegant. Her temperament is not like those old-fashioned
women that are common nowadays, but a little more magnificent than her, a female
student studying abroad.

Zhao Wanrou was startled, she stretched out her arms in a hurry, and stopped
directly in front of Mu Beicheng.

"Warlord, why are you leaving? Your blind date today is me. Did you like the
beauty of that business girl from the Su family? That's why you are planning to
look for her?"

Su's merchant girl?

Is this talking about Su Qinghuan?

Mu Beicheng frowned his sword eyebrows, he swept across Zhao Wanrou’s delicate
and delicate face impatiently, his voice was cold.

"Step aside."

The man's eyes are so terrible!

Zhao Wanrou shook her hand involuntarily, but she couldn't help but be moved
when she saw the handsome face of the man.

She pretended to be the daughter of Adjutant Zhao, and the other party would
not take her easily, so she lifted her slender neck and spoke with a pitiful

"Warlord Mu, you may not know that although Su Qinghuan is beautiful, but the
other party has already divorced once, this kind of cousin does not even have the
qualifications to give you a partial house!"

"If you like it, the old lady of the Mu family won't allow you to carry it

Mu Beicheng's brows twisted into a word Sichuan, he suddenly took out a

handful of Browning and pointed it directly to Zhao Wanrou's forehead.

"Have you said enough?"

! ! !
Zhao Wanrou never expected that a man would hold a gun at herself!

She had never encountered such a battle in her life, and her two slender legs
were trembling with fright, and the carefully decorated face quickly became pale.

"Warlord Mu... Wanrou is the blind date arranged by the old lady, and every
word comes from the bottom of your heart. Don't be fooled by the next cousin. You
are sincere in misunderstanding Wanrou!"

The girl bit the corner of her lips grievously, and her tears fell instantly.

Her face is bright and white, and this tearful look adds a bit of weakness,
which makes people can’t help but want to treat her as a porcelain doll.

This trick may work against other men, but when used in Mu Beicheng, it is no
different from showing the blind to the blind.


"You are very noisy."

The man looked at Zhao Wanrou with deep eyebrows, and when he saw that the
other party kept pressing on him with the old lady, Mu Beicheng opened a blue vein
on his forehead.

He spoke directly to the guard.

"Pull down this gibberish woman!"

The guards didn't care if Zhao Wanrou was a weak woman. Soon two guards came
forward and cut Zhao Wanrou's hands behind her back.

Adjutant Zhao was shocked when he saw this posture, and hurriedly followed Mu
Beicheng to intercede.

"Warlord, please let the little girl go. She is too young to be sensible."


Mu Beicheng thought of Zhao Wanrou’s previous words that vilified Su Qinghuan,

and even said that the next cousin did not even have the qualifications to be his
aunt, and the corners of the man’s lips showed a hint of irony.

It is said that the foreign devils in Dongchen Kingdom most pursue equality and
freedom, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

"Adjutant Zhao, I think your daughter has been educated abroad for so many
years, I am afraid it is in vain."


Adjutant Zhao was still in the mist, and he saw that Mu Beicheng had snapped
his fingers directly, and then passed him to sit in the black car, and walked away
in the blink of an eye.


One hour later, heavy rain poured down in Jiangcheng.

No people can be seen on the street.

Mu Beicheng, holding a **** umbrella, appeared in Qingguo Alley where the Su

Family Mansion was located.

The door of the Su Family Mansion was open, but it was extremely quiet. The man
walked all the way to the main hall without even seeing anyone.

Mu Beicheng's expression was heavy, and suddenly he heard a sound of pipa.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw that behind the pearl curtain in the
hall, he did not know when he sat a beautiful woman with a beautiful face and a
beautiful appearance.

"I have a relationship,

Sing to all the public,


Quiet, quiet,

let me do it,

Sing a Qinhuai scene,

Said carefully,

Sing to all the public,

Qinhuai is flowing slowly,

Pangu till now,

Splendid Jiangnan,

Jinling style and elegance,


The hall is wide and deep,


Water ripples,

A paradise. "

Su Qinghuan looked at him with a smile across the pearl curtain, brushing the
strings with his bare hands, playing and singing the most famous Qinhuai scene in


Mu Beicheng fixedly looked at Su Qinghuan and sincerely applauded.

"Miss Su, you have a good singing voice and you can play the pipa very well."
He clapped, and stopped after only three times.

"Thank you, the warlord, for your support, but you are the first to hear
Qinghuan playing the pipa."

"It's an honor for Mu Mou."

Su Qinghuan saw the man with a cold expression, her eyes looked at Mu Beicheng
for an instant, put down the pipa, and spoke somewhat jokingly.

"Farewell by the water that day, did the Overseer ever think that we will meet

Since he was kissed by the Mubeicheng River that day, even if it was an
emergency, Su Qinghuan was a little bit too cold about finding a son-in-law.

Or follow the system’s suggestion and borrow one!

At least Mu Beicheng can still be admired by her.


The girl's eyes were astonishingly bright, and Mu Beicheng was inexplicably

Thinking of the content of the letter, the man's face instantly became more
serious, and he held his fist directly towards Su Qinghuan.

"Ms. Su, you are a heroine who is not bearded, five thousand pannicillin, if
you are willing to give it to the frontline fighters, Mu is grateful!"

It is said that gold in troubled times is valuable, but penicillin, an

antibiotic medicine, is truly priceless, and I don’t know how this little Nizi
sourced it!

"If I donate, how can Warlord Mu thank me and promise me like this?"

The girl said, and made a move that shocked Mu Beicheng!

She blinked her eyes charmingly, then suddenly wrapped the man’s neck and sat
directly in his arms!

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 199: Ladies in the Republic of
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Chapter 199 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (19)
"If I donate, will Warlord Mu agree with him?"

Su Qinghuan embraced the man’s shoulders and neck, her mouth opened lightly,
and people couldn’t help but want to gently pull the hair away and kiss her lips.

Mu Beicheng never expected this little fox to be so bold. He stared at the

girl's face like white snow, his eyes darkened!

"Miss Su, please respect yourself."


While speaking, the man's thin lips tightened. He should have blamed Su
Qinghuan for being too frivolous, but thinking of what he did to Su Qinghuan, it
seems to be more than it is now...

The beauty in pink is in the arms, which may be a good thing for other men, but
Mu Beicheng didn't even lift his eyelids.

On the contrary, his expression became colder.

"Does the Overseer think Qinghuan is not beautiful enough to be eye-catching?


The girl's ending voice was raised slightly, her eyebrows were awkward, and her
thin, scarlet lips moved slightly, making people more and more wanting to hold her
in love for a while.

Even Mu Beicheng, who has never been close to women, was surprised that the
girl’s smile at this moment was too lethal.


The man kept his eyes open, trying to ignore the strangeness of the girl
holding him, but his fingers stiffly burst into blue veins.

He hesitated.

"No, Miss Su is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

Although Mu Beicheng really wanted the five thousand plate nicillin, after all,
this is a life-saving medicine for frontline fighters, but it is no compliment to
say that Su Qinghuan is beautiful.

Although I have only met her twice, the woman in front of me is indeed a rare

In this world, some women are beautiful in their skin, and some women are in
amorous feelings, but Su Qinghuan happens to be the one who has both, with both
stunning skins and charming bones.


Su Qinghuan was slightly amused by Mu Beicheng's sincere remarks.

Her jade-white lotus arms encircled the man’s shoulders and neck, rubbing the
tip of the man’s nose like annoyance, and her voice seemed like anger and
"Since the Overseer also thinks Qinghuan is good-looking enough, do you mind
if I once married and divorced?"

Most men and women in this world really cannot break free from the shackles of
this era.

If Mu Beicheng nodded, Su Qinghuan would not be able to criticize the other

party. It was just a pity that the other party was not a beloved.


The man was a little surprised. Su Qinghuan would use this to question him.

His long and narrow eyes narrowed, and his pair of phoenix eyes were as deep as
cold stars in the night sky.

"Miss Su laughed. If Mu Mou would look down on you because Miss Su had married
the wrong person, then Mu Mou was narrow-minded."

As if he was afraid that Su Qinghuan would not believe it, Mu Beicheng took a
deep breath, his expression becoming more solemn.

"It's just that I once told Miss Su that there is no such thing as Xu Qing in
this person."

Family and country are turbulent, Mu Beicheng is already ready to go to the

front and sacrifice at any time.

The family has been repeatedly instructing Mu Beicheng to not allow Mu Beicheng
to take risks, but Kyushu is now in a precarious state. Which hot-blooded man can
be willing to hide in the back?

Mu Beicheng was actually not happy to be sent to this drunken and fanciful
Jiangcheng as a warlord.

But this is the arrangement of the old lady of the Mu family.

Mu Beicheng secretly decided that he will stay in Jiangcheng for a year at

most. If the frontline warfare changes, he will always return to the place where
his comrades need it most.


"Then, Master Overseer thinks that his life may be sacrificed for the country
at any time?"

Su Qinghuan stood up solemnly, but it was rare to take a high look at Mu


In fact, the previous Jiangcheng warlord Su Qinghuan had also seen him. The
other party was a middle-aged man with a big belly, and he was completely thinking
about fishing for oil and water in the comfortable boundary of Jiangcheng.

Although there is the golden finger of the system, Su Qinghuan knew that
Jiangcheng would not last long, and I am afraid that chaos will erupt at the end of
this year.

This is the sorrow of the times, and it is also the inevitability of the times.
The brave and fearless sacrifices of the soldiers will lead to the prosperity
of Kyushu in the future.

This fate is not something she can easily change.


"Miss Su doesn't believe that Mu can do it?"

Seeing Su Qinghuan’s stunned expression, Mu Beicheng was not surprised either.

"Naturally believe it, but I can see that you should have a good family
background, Master Overseer. If you really wanted to escape the troubled times, you
didn't choose to join the army, just go abroad and stay overseas without

The choice of most wealthy children is to go to Hong Kong Island if they are
not simply staying in the borders of Dongchen Country and other places.

May be thirty years away, or even change your nationality directly in this


Su Qinghuan was still a little unwilling, she was a little tentative.

"In fact, little girls have no hobbies that are difficult for a strong man.
Believe it or not, I really like you, and I don’t care if we have a long-term

"If the Overseer doesn't dislike it, we two promise each other for life
without involving a third party. Why not?"

The turbulent times are tumultuous, and it’s not bad if you can live through
tomorrow. Why do you need to be tied together for a long time?

"...but I think it's different. Miss Su is still young. It would be a sin to

be a widow all her life because of Mu."

Mu Beicheng explained seriously.

Su Qinghuan saw that this man was so persistent, and finally only sighed with
regret. Maybe this is Mu Beicheng’s belief?

"Well, since the warlord cares so much, what about my request? The five
thousand pannicillin was actually sent to the front. I just hope the warlord can
promise me three wishes."

"If it's not something that hurts the world and violates principles, Mu can
give it a try."

The man breathed a sigh of relief. He saluted Su Qinghuan with an extremely

sincere expression.

At this moment, hearing that Su Qinghuan had really donated things to the front
line, her cold face couldn't help showing a smile.

Perhaps for a man like Mu Beicheng, there is nothing more concerned than the
better situation of the Kyushu fighters.

Su Qinghuan sees the man’s smile, and he feels inexplicably happy for him.

The girl stretched out her slender fingers.

"The first wish, I hope that if the Overseer really rushes to the battlefield
in the future, please remember that there is still a little girl in this world who
cares about you, and I hope you will return safely."


What kind of wish is this?

is clearly a blessing?

Hearing the girl's childish wish, Mu Beicheng suddenly became dumbfounded.

The girl's finger suddenly hooked his little finger.

"I want Master Overseer to cherish my life for me, don't you agree to it?"

said that ten fingers connected to the heart. At this moment, the tangling of
the fingers of the two finally made the man's face a little strange. There was a
trace of warmth in his heart, and it was rare to speak so seriously to a woman.

"Okay, I promise you."

Carry on the promise of the king and keep it for a lifetime.

Mu Beicheng is really a little bit curious about the content of Su Qinghuan’s

next two wishes.

"What about the second one?"

(End of this chapter)

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The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day Chapter 200: Ladies in the Republic of
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Chapter 200 Lady of the Republic of China, online face slap (20)

"Isn't the Overseer afraid that I will be harder?"

Seeing Mu Beicheng's solemn appearance, Su Qinghuan smiled lightly and

couldn't help taking a step forward, getting closer to the opponent.

There is a light and distant fragrance from the girl's body, like orchids and
flambs, like musk and not musk, as if it is always going to the human lungs!

In fact, for an officer like Mu Beicheng, in this life, he would rarely be

assured of letting others be so close to him, especially in a position like the
back, he would be more or less vigilant, but Su Qinghuan was the exception.

also couldn't tell any reason, but inexplicably thought that this girl would
not harm him.

This is a man’s instinct.

Mu Beicheng fixedly looked at Su Qinghuan, he shook his head solemnly.

"I believe in Miss Su's character, a person who can think for the country and
for the soldiers, even if he is not a saint, he is an uncrowned hero."


"This is the first time someone described me like this."

Su Qinghuan's hand trembled slightly. In fact, she would rather be a selfish

person than a so-called hero.

Regarding the current situation in Kyushu, Su Qinghuan may know better than

According to the system, she obviously can choose to watch it completely


But really in it, even if he knew that he could not change the destined fate,
Su Qinghuan hoped that his country would not be in dire straits.

This is also the reason why she took such a risk and did not hesitate to spend
a lot of money to buy those penicillin.

Currently, the domestic production level in Kyushu is too bad, and some basic
equipment for refining western medicine is almost non-existent.

In the battlefield without antibiotics, if Kyushu wants to win, the price will
be even greater. Even if it can come back after more than a decade of hard work,
countless people will shed blood and sacrifice for it.


Su Qinghuan thought of the painful scenes in history, she felt a little

uncomfortable, and when she looked at Mu Beicheng again, she felt a little more
nameless pity.

"In fact, Lord Overseer really didn’t think about traveling across the oceans and
not coming back? You are also someone else’s son, someone else’s heart, and if you
want to, you will become someone else’s husband and father in the future. You
should have more For a colorful life."

Su Qinghuan is not persuasive, but more curious.

Seeing a man wearing a navy blue military uniform, Feng Ji buckles meticulously to
the top one, Su Qinghuan knows that for people like Mu Beicheng, dressing is like a
human being. In this life, he almost strictly abides by discipline and pursues
regularity as much as possible. .
What about other than discipline?

Man is not a machine.


"No one has ever asked me these things before...Miss Su, you are such a
wonderful person."

It is said that scholars die for confidants, maybe Su Qinghuan is such a

special existence.

Even if two people have only seen a few moments, there seems to be an
inexplicable fate that ties the two of them together, unable to disperse, let alone
ignore their inner voices.

In the eyes of others, maybe he was born in the family of the powerful,
talented and beautiful, and everything is at your fingertips. Who can't be without
this battle?

Even if there is no Mubei City, there may be other Shenbei City and Zhoubei

But if everyone thinks this way, the situation in Kyushu will be over, and
everything will only get worse.


"Miss Su, do you know? Maybe others are accustomed to looking up at me, or they are
born to think I should be strong, but Miss Su, you have a weird compassion that
doesn't even fit the thinking that a person of your age should have. "

The man laughed at himself, his long eyelashes covered a layer of shadow under
his eyelids, covering all his expressions.

His frowning brows gradually unfolded, and his face is not so tragic that he
sees death at home, nor is it the kind of joking that casually perfuses others.

Mu Beicheng's expression gradually became firm, his hands clenched into fists.

"But Miss Su, even if it is not me, there must be others. Maybe my natural
dignity does not allow me to escape, nor does it allow me to retreat."

"Where does the home come from without a country? Even if I choose to travel
across the oceans, even if my descendants will be full of prosperity, but after all
I am in a foreign land, I always feel that there is a big rock in my heart."

However, no one wants to be strong forever, and warriors are not invincible.
There is always one person. She may not be the best and the most beautiful, but the
empathy of the other person can make people feel a touch of warmth.


Su Qinghuan looked at the handsome and resolute face of the man, only feeling
that the bitterness in his heart was deeper.

"Master Overseer, so you are a very good person."

"Actually, my wish is very simple. The second one is just to allow you to allow my
Paramount to open. Your original intention was good, but in this troubled world,
many homeless girls are also Need to eat and support the family."

"I can't guarantee how good a life I can lead them, but at least, I will not allow
my dancing and singing girls to sell themselves. As for those girls under the age
of eighteen, it is impossible to have what you imagine. Those transactions."


Mu Beicheng didn't expect Su Qinghuan to say this. He listened to the girl's

words in a daze. He only thought it was incredible, and he laughed blankly.

"This is the first time I have heard a businessman say that doing business on
your own is not for profit, but for the protection of human rights and the lives of

If you put it to others, Mu Beicheng would definitely not believe it.

But perhaps because of the five thousand banpanicillin, the man began to
believe Su Qinghuan a little bit.

"Does the Overseer find it ridiculous? But I can guarantee that I can maintain
the safety of those weak women in troubled times and make money."

There is no conflict between making money and personal dignity.

“It’s just that some people think that the ballroom is too dirty. In fact,
after you asked the ballroom in Quanjiang City to close, hundreds of dancers have
taken to the streets to parade.”

"If you put it in the old world, only men make money in this world, and women
have to depend on men, so they can only obey the three obediences and four virtues
and cannot show their faces."

"But now this world is different. Those dancers are not so much earning a
monthly salary of the ocean, but earning a dignity and earning a living."

The so-called women’s liberation and the gender equality movement in later
generations were also caused by this war.

Not only in Kyushu, but even in a place like Dongchen Country that advertises
freedom and openness, it is also because of the shortage of manpower after the war
and the beginning of the factory assembly line that women have made a different
change in this world.


Mu Beicheng had no idea that these words would come from a traditional woman
who had only been in school for a few years.

He looked at Su Qinghuan deeply with his eyes, and couldn't help but stretched
out his hand, applauding Su Qinghuan.

"Miss Su, if it weren't because I investigated your background information in

advance, I must have thought that you are the kind of new-style woman who has
stayed in school."

(End of this chapter)

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