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Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) is known by the local name Sisupport Traditional medicine is a material or mixture of materials in the form of plant
child (Sulawesi), family Phyllantaceae. Traditionally used to treat materials, animal materials, mineral materials, preparation of sarian (galenik) or a
various diseases such as overcoming kidney stones, gastric ulcers, mixture of these materials which have been used for generations for treatment
improving liver function, relieving uric acid and lowering blood based on experience (Ministry of Health RI, 2003).
pressure. This study aims to standardize specific and non-specific
parameters of standardized herbal medicines. The research method In order for the quality of medicinal plants to be guaranteed and safe to use, it is
used, namely qualitative and quantitative, was carried out at the necessary to carry out a simplisia standardization process for each medicinal
Pharmacognosy Laboratory of the Pharmacy Study Program, University plant so that it can produce final products, both drugs and extract products that
of Batam. The results showed that meniran simplisa contains are of high quality and according to standards (Sukmayati,, 2015).
secondary metabolites in the form of alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols,
coumarins, tannins, terpenoids, and lignans (phyllanthin and The parameters to be measured in the standardization of simplisia are specific
hypophyllanthin). The Non-Specific Parameter Test obtained the and non-specific parameters. Specific parameters include water and ethanol
results of the water content test of 15.5%, the drying shrinkage test of content tests. Non-specific parameters include ash content, moisture content, and
8.3%, the total ash content of 5.0%, the Specific Parameter Test the drying shrinkage. Thin Layer Chromatography (KLT) test (Depkes RI, 2000).
water-soluble essence test was 40%, and the ethanol-soluble essence
Thus it is very necessary to do standardization due to differences in growing
content test was 1.5%. Soxhlet Extraction Results 10ml. KLT values Rf1
factors such as soil quality, humidity, temperature and different growing locations.
0.375%, Rf2 0.487%, Rf3 0.612%, Rf4 0.912%. The results of this test
Thus affecting the levels of compound content in each of these samples
show that it meets the requirements of the 2017 Indonesian Herbal
(Sukmayati,, 2015).
Pharmacopeia as a standardized raw material for herbal medicines.
Keywords: Alkaloid, Flavonoid, Herb, Non-specific parameters,
Standardization, Tradisional


Meniran plants were planted from seedlings purchased and then planted in Kurnia Djaja Alam (KDA) Housing, Batam Kota, Batam City, Ethanol soluble juice content weigh 5 grams of meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) simplisia powder
Riau Islands where the researcher lives. Harvesting was done after the age of 90 days (3 months) and was considered sufficient for into a 100/200 ml erlenmeyer flask. Add 100 ml of 95% ethanol or 96% ethanol. Shake for 6 hours
harvesting. then leave for 18 hours. Filter using ordinary filter paper, the filtrate is collected. Take a vaporizer
Collection of meniran herb samples that have been harvested then weighed and obtained as much as 600 grams. At the time of cup and calibrated. Take 20 ml of filtrate and put it into a vaporizer cup that has been tared.
harvesting the meniran plants were separated from the soil and then cleaned. Then proceed with the sorting stage by separating the Evaporate on a waterbath until constant weight. Calculate the juice content in percentage. Calculate
parts used for making simplisia and dirt that is still attached to the leaves, then washing with running water for 3 times. the percentage of water and ethanol soluble essence. Secondary metabolite test results of ethanol
After washing, the weight of the leaves was 520.5 grams, because of the water that added weight to the leaves. Next, knitting is done extract of meniran herb.
using scissors and hands. 3-5 cm in length. After that, it is dried with a drying temperature of 20-25 ° C, the goal is that compounds that
are easily decomposed by the sun are not lost, the time required for this drying is 3 days.
After that, the dry sorting process is carried out and the weight obtained is 335.3 grams. This shows the amount of simplisia shrinkage
of 185.2 grams. The final stage is packing which is packed in glass bottles with a storage temperature of 20-25 ° C and protected from
direct sunlight.
Alkaloid Test A total of 20 mg of sample was added with 2 ml of 2 N HCI and 2ml CHC13 and shaken, after which 1 ml of acidic solution
was taken and reacted with Dragendrof, Bauchardat and Meyer reagents of 1 drop each. Positive alkaloid is characterized by the
formation of white precipitate with Meyer, brownish red precipitate on Dragendrof reagent and yellow precipitate on Bauchardat
Flavonoid Test A total of 2 mg of sample added with magnesium metal then added 1 ml of amyl alcohol and 1 ml of concentrated HCI Moisture Content Test Sterilize the porcelain crucible and lid (position the porcelain crucible open,
then shaken, positive flavonoids if formed red, yellow and orange colors. place the porcelain crucible cover next to the porcelain) in the oven for 30 minutes at 105˚C, then
Saponin Test A total of 3 ml of sample was put into a test tube, then added 10 ml of hot water, cooled then shaken vigorously for 10 cool in a desiccator for 5 minutes. Weigh the porcelain crucible and lid. Put 3 grams of meniran
seconds. If a 1-10 cm high foam is formed which is stable for not less than 10 minutes and does not disappear with the addition of 1 (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) simplisia powder sample. Put it in the oven at 105˚C. for 30 minutes.
drop of hydrochloric acid 2, it indicates the presence of saponins. Move to the desiccator for 5 minutes then weigh the result minus the weight of the initial porcelain
Tannin Test A total of 3 ml of sample is added with 2 drops of 1% iron (III) chloride reagent. If a blue-black or green-black color occurs, it crucible that has been weighed, the results of cycle 1 are obtained. Do this for up to 3 cycles in the
indicates the presence of tannin. same way. Then calculate the number of cycles 1, 2 and 3 using the following formula. 𝐰 - 𝐰𝟏𝟏 𝐰 𝐱
Drying Shrinkage Test
Sterilize the porcelain crucible and lid (the position of the porcelain crucible is open, put the
porcelain crucible cover next to the porcelain) in the oven for 30 minutes at 105˚C, then cool in a
desiccator for 5 minutes. Weigh the porcelain crucible and lid.
Put 2 grams of meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) simplisia powder sample. Put it in the oven at
105˚C. for 30 minutes. Transfer to a desiccator for 5 minutes then weigh the result minus the
weight of the initial porcelain crucible that has been weighed, then get the results of cycle 1. Do this
for up to 3 cycles in the same way. Then calculate the number of cycles 1, 2 and 3 using the
following formula. 𝐰 - 𝐰𝟏𝟏 𝐰 𝐱 𝟏𝟎𝟎%
Ash Content Test
SPECIFIC PARAMETERS Water Soluble Essence weigh 5 grams of powdered simplisia. Put into Sterilize the cup and lid (open cup position, place the cup lid next to the porcelain) in the oven for
Organoleptic Non-Specific Parameter Test includes 100ml erlenmeyer flask. Add 100 ml of chloroform saturated water 30 minutes at 105˚C, then cool in a desiccator for 5 minutes. Weigh the cup and lid. Next, add 2
organoleptic examination of the extract observed to solution. Shake for 6 hours then leave for 18 hours. Filter with ordinary grams of meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) simplisia powder. Burned using a stove with a
describe the shape, color, smell and taste using the five filter paper, the filtrate is collected. Take a vaporizer cup and temperature of >500˚C for 20 minutes to become ash. Weighed the result minus the weight of the
senses orgnoleptis observation results as in Table 2 equilibrated. Take 20 ml of filtrate put into a vaporizer cup that has been initial cup. Then calculate the ash content using the following formula: 𝐰 - 𝐰𝟏𝟏 𝐰 𝐱 𝟏𝟎𝟎%
below. tare. Evaporate on a waterbath until constant weight. Non-specific parameter test results of meniran herb extract.

Dapartemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, (2000). Parameter Standar Umum Ekstrak Tumbuhan Obat.
The preparation of meniran powder starts from the stages of planting,
Jakarta: Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.
harvesting, wet sorting, washing, chopping, drying, dry sorting, and
Dapartemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. (2003). Penyelenggaraan Pengobatan Tradisional. Kementrian
packing. The results of meniran powder simplisia obtained 150 grams of
Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Jakarta.
organoleptical observations of ethanol viscous extract with green color,
Harbone. (2006). Metode Fitokimia, Penentuan cara Modern Meganalisis Tumbuhan. Institut teknologi
aromatic odor with a bitter taste, the results of secondary metabolite
tests of ethanol extract of meniran plants contain alkaloid compounds,
Harrizul R., R. Septika, A., Boestari. (2013). Karakteristik Ekstrak Herba Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.)
saponins, tannins, flavonoids. Test of non-specific specific parameter
Dengan Analisa Fluoresensi. Jurnal Farmasi Higea, 5(2) : 134.
values, namely water content test 15.5%, ash content test 5.0%, drying
Sa’adah, H., Nurhasnawati, H., & Permatasari, V. (2017). Pengaruh Metode Ekstraksi Terhadap Kadar
shrinkage test 8.3%, water soluble juice content 40%, ethanol soluble
Flavonoid Ekstrak Etanol Umbi dengan Metode Spektrofotometri., Jurnal Borneo Journal of
juice content 1.6%, KLT value Rf1 0.375%, Rf2 0.487%, Rf3 0.612%, Rf4
Pharmascientech, 01(01), 1–9
0.912%. The results showed the standard of Indonesian herbal
Sukmayati, A., H.A. Setyorini, & Triwahyuni. (2015). Pengujian Mutu Dan Penetepan Kadar Filantin Pada
pharmacopoeia and met the standard to be used as a standardized
Ekstrak Etanol Herba Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn). : Bul. Penelit, Kesehat, 43(1): 11-16
herbal medicine.

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