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Being able to control your reactions, desires, and emotions is one of the most useful traits a
person can have. It is a trait that will make things a lot easier for you in your professional and
personal life. While most people realize how important it is, only a few people actually look for
ways to make themselves more disciplined.

Training martial arts is a good way for adults and children alike to learn self-discipline. It is one
of those things that comes naturally with regular training and dedication to a martial art. Of
course, martial arts classes teach you many other things besides discipline. (https://evolve-


1. Importance of discipline in martial arts

2. Qualities of martial arts students
3. Training procedures

This topic aims the students to;

1. Instill discipline while in the course of their training and even after training


1. Practice discipline and good relationship among themselves be it inside or outside

the training room.

The Importance of Discipline in Martial Arts

The martial arts bestow far more than physical ability

to students; those who choose to study the martial arts
become more aware of their inner selves through their
bodies. To practice, martial arts is to learn how one’s
energy moves and affects them from the inside out.
Discipline Is Key Without discipline, no one can

Discipline Is Key

Without discipline, no one can perfect martial arts. Those who are impulsive or impatient will
struggle the most during their earliest days of training, but they also stand to gain the most as

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Learning self-discipline is a lifelong journey for many; some may not ever even realize how little
discipline they have until they step into a dojo. Martial arts programs create a sense of balance
within one’s self; by learning to focus on the present moment and the body’s energy, students
become more aware and in line with their goals.

Timing becomes liberating rather than confining; through martial arts practice, students begin to
learn that discipline creates harmony, and the right timing in life is everything.

Benefits Beyond Physical Skill

Martial arts discipline is not limited to physical activity. The practice is transformative and
transcendent. Students walk away from programs knowing more about themselves and what they
want to achieve. Even if one decides that martial arts is not their passion, they have acquired a
greater understanding of themselves and earned the satisfaction of seeing something through to

Martial arts teach responsibility for one’s actions. Being accountable is not easy, and it requires a
humble spirit that is not afraid to be honest or vulnerable. Strength does not come from brute
force or senseless aggression; retaliation will only lead to more conflict.

Through martial arts training, students begin to recognize the consequences of their actions, and
they start to question why things are done and if they are right. All of this is done without
confrontation or defiance; it happens within and is demonstrated through action.

Lastly, martial arts teach respect for others. Listening to an instructor can help people surrender
themselves without feeling weak or defenseless. Through martial arts, people learn how to trust,
and they begin to see how trust and respect go hand-in-hand.

Martial arts is a chance to grow and transform; those who seek a new way to manage stress,
build confidence and develop as a human being will discover that martial arts is an unexpected
answer to all of these desires.

Martial Arts Training Make People More Disciplined


Contrary to what you might have seen in action movies,

martial arts is not about dominating your opponents with
your physical attributes. Rather, these ancient combat
styles are all about controlling your opponent using your
techniques, perseverance, and physical tools in a
controlled manner.

Martial arts are all about defeating your opponent using

the best strategy possible. Sometimes, leaning on your
physical strength might be the easiest way to victory
against some people, while your ability to set traps might
be the most effective way for you to overcome other

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The constant need to analyze things and respond to your surroundings, plus the controlled
movements involved in martial arts all help improve your self-discipline.

Other Aspects of Martial Arts that Build Your Self-Discipline Include:

1. Constant training - The only way to progress through the belts in martial arts is through
regular training and practice. There are always new techniques, drills, and setups to learn
regardless of how advanced your skills become.

Training regularly and intensely requires self-discipline on your part. What makes
it easy to stay disciplined during your martial arts journey is the constant growth that
comes with regular training. You can literally feel yourself getting better as the weeks go
by. That ends up serving as extra motivation to get even better.

Learning martial arts also teaches you to be patient since your growth occurs in
baby steps.

2. Clear goals - When you train martial arts, you will be given clear goals that your
Instructor expects you to accomplish. Do not worry, you will not be given huge goals that
take years to accomplish.

How Self-Discipline Helps Your Personal and Professional Life

Having self-control will pay dividends in your

personal and professional life. As children, we all had the
luxury of having parents, family members, and teachers
constantly fussing over us, reminding us of all the important
things we had to do, but once you’re an adult that becomes
your responsibility.

Many people have a hard time transitioning into that

newfound role when you suddenly become responsible for
your actions. That can significantly affect how much success
you enjoy later in life. Successful people tend to be the ones
who are self-motivated. These are the people who always find
a way to show up at work regardless of how tired they are or
the student who never fails to submit coursework on time.

Here are some other ways having self-discipline makes life a lot easier:

 Prevents you from acting impulsively and rashly

 It makes it easier for you to fulfill promises to others and yourself
 It helps you overcome laziness
 It gives you the strength to continue working on things after the excitement has worn off

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 It makes it easier for you to stick with your workout and diet routine
 It reduces the amount of time you spend on unproductive tasks like watching TV
 Helps you to overcome addictions
 Gives you the strength to keep up with coursework in school
 Helps you to stay on top of your responsibilities at work
 Makes it easier for you to constantly work on improving yourself
 Makes you a more dependable friend and employee

Other benefits of training include:

 Self-defense skills
 Improved physical fitness
 Increased energy
 New support system
 Reduced stress

Eight (8) Qualities of a Great Martial Arts Student


1. Empty Your Cup. One thing a teacher does NOT like to hear is, "But this is the way my
old teacher taught me," or "This is the way we did it in karate (or TKD or insert the name
of any other style here).
If you want to study the old art, go to the old teacher. Leave it at the door when
you enter a different class. Learn new things and you just might like it better. Use your
old style to inform your new experience. Fold it into your new insights. Otherwise, go
back to the other style.
2. Leave Your Ego at the Door. A good teacher is a good coach. He or she will bark at you
sometimes because your teacher wants you to improve.
3. Bring SPIRIT to every class. When a teacher takes the time and effort to teach, it is
disheartening when a student acts slow, lethargic and tired. Sometimes, students just go
through the motions as if they are simply going through the moves but don't intend to do
it perfectly.
4. Know the Difference Between Quality and Quantity. You are tired of practicing this
technique or this form for the hundredth time. You want to move on to something more
advanced, flashier. You learn the choreography of one form and then begin the next one.
The great martial arts student understands that when you pay your dues and put in
the sweat equity of practicing one movement, one fighting application, one form, one
strategy over and over and over, hundreds, even thousands of times, that's when quality
finds you.
5. Keep Practicing the Basics. The tendency for a lot of us is to stop practicing basic
techniques as we learn more. The truth is, it takes years to get a movement or technique
right. It takes years to apply the right body mechanics and to truly internalize a movement
or technique. A great student remains sharp on techniques he learned as a novice and

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works them into regular practices. One of the best practicing methods is to divide the
material you've learned into a list that enables you to practice everything in your system
at least once a week or more.
6. Treat Practice Material Like a College Class. In college, most of the work and
research is done outside of class. For great martial arts students, the same is true. This
requires not just physical practice, but thinking and research. What does this movement
mean? How do the body mechanics apply? What is the history of this art or this form?
How does it relate to other techniques and principles I've learned?
Technology makes research a lot easier. You can learn a lot about practically
anything with a few clicks of a mouse. It can unlock new knowledge and a deeper
7. Learn from Defeat. Don't Let Defeat Stop You. I've had some very promising young
students in the past who have attended tournaments, competed with other students at their
level, and did not win. Sometimes, the defeat causes them to leave the arts.
8. Make the Philosophy a Way of Life. A good martial art should make you more
peaceful, more connected to the people and the world around you. Great students make
this attitude a way of life. That does not mean you ignore cheats, frauds, or criminals. It
does not mean that you tolerate mistreatment or cruelty. It does not make you passive.
Just the opposite. You should develop the confidence to be who you are, to treat everyone
as equals, to respect others, but also to seek justice and to defend those who cannot
defend themselves.

Other Qualities of a Good Martial Arts Player

1. Discipline
2. Passion
3. Humility
4. Confidence
5. Goal-setting
6. Patience
7. Versatility
8. Open mind
9. Optimism

Training Procedure

The following are the Martial arts training procedures:

1. Students must bow before entering the Dojo

2. Students will form
3. Bow to the Sensei or any higher belt leading the training
4. Training proper
5. Students will bow again to the Sensei after the training proper

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6. Bow to the Dojo before leaving



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