The Great Internal War

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The Great

The Great Internal War

Written by Average2Elite

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should in any way be substituted for
medical advice. I am not a Doctor or
Dietitian. Use all of the information
provided at your own risk.
Average2Elite assumes no liability
for any damages that may occur as a
result of the implementation or use
of the products or services offered
hereon. Consult your physician
before starting any exercise or
nutrition program.
Low testosterone in men is at an all
time high especially in western
culture. In fact, most men in
western culture suffer from low
testosterone. Testosterone has
been declining drastically over the
past hundred years. It is estimated
that the average man’s testosterone
of today ranges from 270 ng/DL to
700 ng/DL. Which is sad when
compared to the average man a
hundred years ago that ranged
from 800 ng/DL to 2000 ng/DL.
This has become the norm. Modern
men are being stripped of their birth
right. It is my mission to transform
men from the weak slave that society
wants you to be to the elite man that
your meant to be. In this guide you
will learn the silent but deadly killers
of your testosterone and how to
avoid them at all costs.
The Deadly
Sins of
There’s this insane idea in both athletes and
fitness culture of “no pain no gain” Which is not
true. Overtraining your body can do much more
harm than good. When it comes to training it’s
about the quality not the quantity. There’s no
point in pushing yourself to exhaustion every
time you train. It’s not gonna make your body
look better any faster or make you a champion
overnight. Instead you’re actually making your
results take longer to come as well as
destroying any progress you’ve made.
Mental Signs:
Mood swings, mood changes
Very little motivation
Low libido
No focus
Decreased appetite

Physical Signs:
Decreased strength and agility
Increased pain after training
Decreased muscle mass
When the body is exposed to more stress than
it can manage at one time your testosterone
declines. Because the body’s nervous system is
not able to manage these spiked stress levels.
Which causes hormonal imbalances and other
internal issues within the body.

This could be easily fixed with quality training

and proper recovery. Which will in turn keep
your testosterone levels high, boost your
performance, and increase your overall mental
Take Some Time Off:
If you have been experiencing any of the
symptoms mentioned earlier. Giving your body
some time to recover is probably your best
option. Because chances are you’ve been over
training and continuing this will not only lower
your testosterone, but increase your chance of
injury. You can take a week or two off from
training so that your body has optimal time to
recover and heal.

Decrease The Intensity of Your Training:

For example, if your training normally consist of
3 or more sets you can reduce this down to 2 or
1 set. This can also be done with number of
repetitions you usually do and the amount
weight you train with. This will reduce your
work load reducing the stress of your body.
Get Adequate Calories and Nutrition:
Overtraining burns alot and calories and
depletes your body from the proper nutrients it
needs. The solution to this is to consume your
caloric need or exceed it in order for your body
to have the optimal fuel it needs for energy.
Secondly, you should be consuming nutrient
dense foods as these nutrients will help your
body repair itself. Not having a nutrient dense
diet will cause the results from your training to
inevitably plateu. Consuming foods rich in
vitamins and minerals will allow you to avoid
this and get the most out your training giving
you the results you truly desire.
Everyone has heard it time and time again you
need your sleep, but most people don’t realize
how important sleep quality is. You need
quality sleep especially if you’re a man.
Because poor sleep can be detrimental to your
testosterone. There was a study done in which
men had their testosterone measured both
before and after the experiment. The men slept
only 5 hours for a week and then had their
testosterone levels tested. The results were
quite alarming their testosterone had
decreased by 10 to 15%. Which may not seem
like a lot, but when considering that this
happened within only a weeks time that is fairly
quick. Just imagine someone doing this on the
regular basis. Well that is the case for most men.
It does not help that our natural sleep patterns
are constantly being bombarded with sleep
disruptors such as blue light. Which is always
being emitted from our electronics such as our
TVs, computers, and cellphones. All these
devices that are seen as harmless
entertainment to pass time are actually
disrupting your natural sleep patterns also
known as your circadian rhythm.

Our circadian rhythms is our body’s natural

internal clock. Our everyday technology
disrupts this natural clock and causes poor
sleep habits which overtime decreases
testosterone dramatically. Making your goals,
ambitions, and basic health difficult to attain.
The first step in improving sleep quality is to have a
proper sleep schedule. Having a sleep schedule
will ensure that your circadian rhythm is being
corrected and this will in turn naturally start to raise
your testosterone back to it’s optimal level. A great
way to get your natural sleep schedule back on
track is to make sure that artificial light and blue
light is being blocked out at least two hours before
going to bed. This can be done by making sure
that lights and electronic screens are turned off
prior to going to sleep. Also investing in some
quality blue light glasses will make sure that your
phone screen is not tampering with your natural
melatonin production. Using this as a precaution if
your going to be on your cellphone or an electronic
device late at night is one of your best options.
Another thing that can be done if your going
to be on your electronic device late at night.
Which is mainly for your cellphone you can
go to your settings and change your screen
temperature to a warmer color, filtering out
the blue light.
When the body metabolizes alcohol the
production of testosterone decreases. In fact,
scientific studies show that men that consume
alcohol consistently after approximately five
days. Have a significant decline in testosterone.
Which is very alarming when you consider that
there are men that consume alcohol on a
everyday basis. Just imagine the damage that’s
being done not only to your testosterone but
overall health as well.

Ethanol is very toxic to the testicles. This is very

problematic as the testicles are responsible for
the majority of a man’s testosterone production.
This leads to multiple health problems that are
very problematic to have as a man. For
example, the body’s hormones are imbalanced
leading to a massive production of estrogen.
Causing muscle mass loss, low sex drive,
increased body fat and many other health
There were two studies done that monitored
men after they consumed large amounts of
alcohol. Study 1- Published in a journal titled
“Alcohol“ studying a small group of 8 healthy
men. The 8 men drank1.75g of Ethanol per KG
of bodyweight. The men were then monitored
for 24hrs after the drinking ended. For most of
the men their testosterone was reduced for 12
hours after drinking and for some their
testosterone was greatly below their normal
baseline level even after 24hrs. Study 2- This
study followed a similar procedure. Men were
asked to consume alcohol and after 24hrs they
would have their testosterone levels tested.
These researchers found the same trend that
even after 24hrs the testosterone of the men
was reduced significantly.
Frequent alcohol consumption creates a lot of
hormonal imbalances that, lead to many health
problems. Which is why heavy alcohol
consumption should be avoided as a man. If
you do consume alcohol make sure that it is in
moderation and not on an everyday basis. You
should also be consuming adequate nutrients if
you want to combat the affects of heavy
alcohol consumption. These nutrients include,
cod liver oil, egg yolks, bone broth, liver, and
animal fats. These nutrient dense foods will
provide your body with the specific vitamins
and minerals it needs to help it recover from
heavy alcohol consumption.
Now I know many misinformed fitness gurus
are going to tell you that you should be
consuming low fat. However, this is not true
consuming low amounts of fat is not only
harming your health, but it is killing your
testosterone levels. Your body needs a healthy
amount of fats to help process nutrients
specifically fat soluble vitamins and help aid in
the production of testosterone. If your lowering
your fat intake to less than 10 to 20 grams per
day it is going to drastically lower your
testosterone levels. Having a low fat diet that
has barely any fats or saturated fats is going to
make testosterone production very difficult.
Because your cholesterol intake is going to be
at a very low level.
Healthy fats and saturated fats are essential for
your health and testosterone production.
Natural fats that can be consumed include,
organic extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed
macadamia, organic virgin coconut oil,
unrefined organic palm oil, fat and lard from
pigs allowed to graze, tallow and suet from
grass-fed cows and sheep, and poultry fat from
pastured poultry. All these fats being in their
healthy forms will provide your body with a
great of quality healthy fat aiding in
testosterone production.
Vitamin and mineral deficiency leads to very
low testosterone levels. The modern lifestyle
and diet that most people follow is killing your
testosterone. All the processed food that is
consumed does not have adequate nutrients
and combined with a sedentary lifestyle this is a
recipe for hormonal disaster. Without the
nutrients needed for testosterone your body
will soon start trying to substitute for these
vitamins and minerals. Which will start to cause
a host of other problems. Because the immune
system and organs of the body will not function
Micronutrients play a vital role in your hormonal
health especially a healthy production of
testosterone. Micronutrients that should be
apart of the diet includes, vitamin D3, vitamin
K2 zinc, magnesium, boron and selenium.
These micronutrients will not only ensure that
the body has healthy testosterone function, but
good bone health also. All these nutrients can
naturally be found in foods. For example,
vitamin D3 can be found in lard, raw butter, egg
yolks, and sunlight. Vitamin K2 can be found in
raw cheese, emu oil, lard, and natto. Zinc can
be found in veal, oysters, raw cacao, dark
chocolate, and liver. Sources for magnesium
include, beef, chicken or fish broth. Sources of
boron include, apricots, dates, avocados, and
nuts. Good sources of selenium include,Brazil
nuts, sardines, and grains grown in selenium
rich soil.
Overly watching porn has become a huge
problem in modern day men. Constantly
viewing pornography, and explicit images
releases a massive amount of dopamine. This
combined with masturbation gives your brain
an overwhelming amount of stimuli. Which is
what makes it so addictive. With such a
dopamine rush everything else in life starts to
pale in comparison. You began to have no
motivation to do anything and even being with
a real women starts to no longer excite you.
This is a huge problem because even if you did
want to have sexual intercourse with a woman.
The erectile dysfunction that porn has given
you will make this very difficult. Not only will
you have psychological damage from this by
constantly ejaculating your testosterone levels
will be very low causing estrogenic symptoms
to occur in your body.
Having these femine traits from low
testosterone, over production of dopamine,
and estrogen is a very dreadful, unfulfilling life
for a man. Because the natural drive and
ambition to conquer and be successful. That is
naturally within in all of us because of
procreation is being stripped from you. These
habits are not naturally aligned with the lifestyle
that we are meant to live as men. We are meant
to be having sex with real women not
obsessing over videos and pictures.
You should only be getting sexual satisfaction
with a real person nothing virtual. This will help
with the neuroplasticity of your brain making it
rewire itself. Which will start changing your
perspective and outlook on life. Because your
endorphins will begin start regulating in a
balanced healthy manner again. Your
testosterone will also begin to skyrocket.
Because now you will not be getting sexual
stimulus from porn, so your brain will naturally
reboot itself to desire real sexual stimulus.
Which will give you the motivation and
ambition you need to accomplish the things
you set out to accomplish. For example, our
ancestors did not have porn, so the only way
that they could get sexual satisfaction was
through procreation. Which is why their
testosterone had to be very high in order to
survive competition, predators, and the
If they didn’t have the testosterone to give them
the drive they needed to fight and collect
resources. They wouldn’t have gotten the chance
to procreate. So, aligning yourself with this natural
way of life you are living the life you were meant to
live as a man. By your testosterone increasing you
will start to see improvements in your energy,
confidence, and mental well-being.
Now that you know the major things that are
ruining your T levels. You can now use this
information to prevent this from happening to you.
Doing so will help you reclaim your life as a man.
You don’t have to live in misery because you feel
that a piece of you is missing. Instead you can
flourish and set out to accomplish the life you truly
desire. The only thing between you and the life you
truly want is the first step, so take it and become
the man you want to be.

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