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v mM SCHOLASTIC] a ererninty ae AUTHOR’S NOTE A few years ago, my mother sent me a book | made when | was a little boy. It was illustrated with drawings of David doing all sorts of things he wasn't sed to do, and the text consisted entirely of the words “no” and ok ere the only words | knew how to spell! | thought it would be fun to make a new version celebrating all the time-honored ways moms say “no.” Like the original, it was called No, Davia! In the sequel, David Goes to School., David found out that his teacher had her own ways of saying “no.” Well, now is David’s turn to speak, and it turns out that “no” is a big part of his vocabulary, too. Of course, when his mom says “no,” i's because she worties about his safety, and she wants him to grow up to be a good person. Deep down, she’s really saying, “I love you.” But when David says “no,” it usually means “| don’t want to get in trouble!” To my little troublemaker, Emma; and to Heidi, her mom, who has to say “no.” 'No pal of hs publeaton may be reproduced In whale erin pat of stredtn avettevat system, 01 ransmited in any orm or By any means lectrenc. mechanical photocopying. recording. or other. without waton| perrision othe pubes For rermation tegaring eermision wie to Schelasic Ine. Aeron: Permisons Deparrent. 557 roadway. New York NY 10012 This book was eighall publsned is hardcover by the Ble Sk Poss n 2002 lean ore oaseasist s CCoprignt @ 2002 by David Shannon, Alright eserves, Puolined by sonolste ne. SCHOLASTIC and anoclares logos ore ademas ‘nailer regeteres adem of Scholae ne Printed in Malaya Fist Scholoste paperback pining. Soptersber 2008 When David gets in trouble, he always says... ) at Te CO No! T+s wot rn ¥ fault!

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