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To the united states of America sanet, To the freemason society,To the German government, and To the

Belgium government (and to the respective intelligence agency due to the abstract nature of matters
discussed in this letter intelligence agency’s will easily dissect the matters discussed ).

My name is Mr Hussen Mohammed I am a 39 years old Ethiopian by birth, I am unofficially imprisoned

by the cia, KGB .I am a great woliye “ ወልይ” ( a woliye is a person with extraordinary gift) I was born may
22 1984 (Gregorian calander) gimbot 13 1976 ( Ethiopian calander).

Approximately 14 years ago cia, KGB, mosad in a joint operation with their Ethiopian similar infrasture
(the junta) bought the two houses behind my family’s house under an athlete who allegedly have a
quatar citizenship but as Google,he is an Ethiopian citizen and runs for Ethiopia who’s name is ayele
abshiro, the two brother attlets ayele abshiro and tesema abshiro owned about 10 houses and a hotel
( amadu hotel) all in my nabour hood Addis Ababa is too wide for them to buy up to 10 houses in each
nabour hood! This crook spy agency’s did cruel and davestating torture,harsment, intimidation and brain
washing ( which failed) on top of all this they infiltrated every aspect of my life destroying my life, I used
to be respected I used to have a job and a car they took away every single thing from me, my repetation
as a genius gone now every body thinks I am a mad man. About 6 years ago the athlete sold one of the
house ( that is adjacent to my family’s house) to the other adjacent Nabors, you see there was another
sleeper cell all along who moved in about 27 years ago. This spy agency’s are still operating in cruelty
conspiring on me,gassing me, controlling my phone,laptop and my internet connection remotely.

Over long years struggling not to give in to the brain washing and torture the inflict on me and to survive
each day, my inborn gift of being a wallye (ወልይ, a wolliye is some one with an extraordinary gift) grew. And I
now hold knowledge of some of our worlds biggest mistrys and biggest secreats.

As a demonstration of my knowledge and to get your undivided attention I will share with you some of
the secrets in our world.( this letter is to be read preferably with some one who knows Amharic, English
and Arabic, ( I have put the interpretation of those words and phreases in amharic inscreption , so you
wont find any difficulty in lack of knowledge of Amharic inscription) you can grasp the weight of my
discussion for begging! with only the knowledge of English language)

The conspiracy behind the battle of adwa ( very important) ( cross check the following information on
your own and gather evidence.)

For long years we have been seeing war vetrners of adawa “አድዋ” old people man and women on TV out
on the streets doing a cultural dance “ቀረርቶ እና ዘለላ” (interpration ) “a cultural song and dance” on broad
day light in front of the whole world. Pay attention to details how old could the youngest soldier be that
participated on the battle of adwa if we take the minimum age as 25 the battle of adwa was 126 years
ago those soldier will be more than 151 years old which is humanly impossible late alone to do a cultural
dance that requites a lost of physical endurance and strength. Check

The conspiracy of prime minster Mr Melds Zenawis death

The photograph of a to meles zenawis dead body never surfaced, meles zenawis have been leaving
secret in coded messages on his speech especially the ones closer to his alleged death, in one of the
most famous speeches he said መለስ መላጣ ነው ማለት ይቻላል ግን መላጣውን መንካት አይቻልም (interpration) “any
one can say Meles zenawi is bold but no one can touch my head”. he stated that his head will not be

touched that there is not going to be a brain surgery and that he won’t dye from post brain
surgery .Prime minister meles zenawi facked his own death and is now alive living underground.

The consperisy of the matrix and insight to the language use to leave clues on the matrix layer.

( please consult with an expert intelligence worker who knows how to read Amharic inscription, the
language Amharic English and Arabic are the core building frame work of the matrix and are often in
combination mixed together in the matrix play book.)

Cremilin ክ ሬ ሚሊን - ክሬ “cre” (ማተቤ, my hard wire) ሚ- me , ሊን - lean,lean back( when read back wards
ሊሬ- leray, Italian currency) let me interpret for people who don’t know Amharic kremlin – my wire me
lean ( lean back)( please consult with some one who knows amharic very well)

They put out a message to Christians thinking that they will trick and get away with it that says, say that
my hard wire is me and lean back and relax the Russian government (military) will help you.

ኢ ማ ኑ ኤ ል ማ ክ ሮ ን - Emanuel macron , ኢ -E dream , ማ- who, ክሮን- your hard wire. They left a message
who is going to touch your hard wire.( intreptration for people who don’t know Amharic) Emanuel
macrone - who e bring it on al who touches your wire)

ኮ ቪ ድ 19 - ኮ ቪ ድ - code ,vid- video code 19 ( interpretation) code 19.

Omicron strains ኦ ሚ ከ ሮ ን - ኦ - o , ሚ - me ,ክሮን -crone- on your hard wire. They left a clue that says I
touch your hard wire.( intrpretion for people who don’t know Amharic) omicron – o me on your wire.

The following people left an encoded message in the interpretation of their names just like prime
minster Emanuel macrons.

ሀ ይ ለ ስ ላ ሴ - Haylesalisa ( emprior haylesalisa)- they left a clue that he wants to be hi (god) for the sake
of selase.ሀይ means ከፍ

መ ን ግ ስ ቱ ሀ ይ ለ ማ ሪ ያ ም. -Mengistu haylamerim (former presidant of ethiopia corenal mengistu

haylamarim -they left a clue that he wants to be god for the sake of virgin Mary.

ሀ ያ ለ ማ ሪ ያ ም ደ ስ(ሳ) ለ ኝ - Haylamarim daselen ( the former prim minster of Ethiopia haylamerim

desalen) they left a clue that he wants to be god for the sake of virgin Mary so asking support and
happens of the Christians.

Pay attention to what an ኤል (al) is.

ሩ ፋ አል - rufael- ru-ሩ - rule , ፋ-fa- the fa games ኤል- al – los angles

አ ማ ኑ ኤ ል - Amanuel -አ- aa - ( I don’t know),ማ - ma- who, ኑ -nu- bring it on,ኤል-al- los angles.

ራ ጉ ኤ ል - Raguel-ራ-ra- ጉራ (boast), ኤል-al- los angles, boast los angles

ኡ ራ ኤ ል - ኡ -au- ( I don’t know) , ራ -ጉራ -(boast)

እ ስ ራ ኤ ል - እ -awe- የተደረበ (overlaping) eye watching , ስ - silence, ራ -ጉራ - (boast)

ኤል - (al) ኤ - (A) ,ኤል (l),Al- lA los angles.

So what is it that they want with the city of los angles? It is about the matrix revolution (to the best of
my knowledge)

Most Hollywood movies showing , alien invasion or a deadly virus outbake where the human race is
faced with the danger of annihilation focus ( almost all) on one central subject , the city of los angles as
the last standing strong hold of the human race.

Now that I got your attention I will give you insight on a wide scale on what is going on in our world.
Please give me your undivided attention.

In Ethiopia there is a famous song it get like this ታየ ታየ በቀራ ኒዮ ላይ ታየ ታየ ታየ በጎሎ ጎሎጎታ ላይ ታየ kera
neayo means neayo read Quran which neayo? Neayo in the movie the matrix. There is also a place in
Addis Ababa called kera neayo if you go to kera neayo you will see some unusual will find
a high tention cables on the sky ( that looks like the national grid in the united states) if you follow those
cables they will lead you to goma ketaba ጎማ ቁጠባ ( their between the road to goma kutaba ጎማ ቁጠባ and
tekla hymanot ተክለ ሀይማኖት ) you will see some thing shocking and outrageous a particle acclerator (to
the best of my knowledge) out their in broad day light in front of the whole world behind it there is a
cliff and a wall and a compound painted yellow and green ( vertically) I asked the people around their
they told me it is a resting place for the tabot የታቦት ማደሪያ ነው behind it there is gigantic portion of the
city fenced with color coded fence yellow and green the entire place looks like a devastated land it has
been like that for about 4 years who does it belong to why is it devastated why is it color coded. That
place is the landing sight of extraterrestrial troops landing sight in another dimension that briged our
atmosphere just about when co vid 19 break out ( ኮ ቪድ, ኮ ቪ ድ video code 19) ,it is a related matter,
some sign. if you follow the fenced compound it will lead you to the back of teklahymanot ተክለሀይማኖት
church next to it there is a round about 9 oclok there is a small monimumt between the lain that has 4
symbols of a foot ball you see they left them a clue on how to build a mass distraction weapon ( which
the clue football points to is a necular weapon), the square is where tedroses canion መድፍ used to be
before it was relocated to in front of ሰይጣን ቤት ( the devils house).

What is the connection of the above conspiracy’s with the matrix? (And what is the matrix)

The matrix is a super natural phenomena portrayed in the famous Hollywood movie the matrix where
human are in a dream and they don’t know that they are in a dream.

I will latter in explain how the movie came to as and the fact that we ( all the human race) are entrapped
in a dream by referencing to the holy Quran.

Our world as we know it is made out of a dream in some how similar way that is portrayed on the movie
the matrix.

The above conspiracy’s shows that the matrix participants left hints and clues on the matrix framework.

Why do they leave such traceable clues? Because there is a law I guess in the arc of the covenant that
states the matrix activities must be referenced in a human track able way.

Some Hollywood movies are messages inspired by a Devin inspiration (from god) and this movies teach
people of earth the secrets of the university and the secrets of the matrix (our world) in a way that the
human race with all the limitations imposed on as ,can grasp and understand.To mention some of this
significant movies.

Planet of the apes, The matrix, The hunger games, I robot, The matrix reloaded ( very important for our
revolution) , brave heart, independence day, David ( super important), mortal combat, Out brake (very
important it teaches people of earth about covid corona long before it happened)

If you pay attention to the American movie the planet of the apes, the apes were told never to go to
kalima, that same place kalima is also mentioned in holly Quran kalima te LA he tama te ካሊማቲላሂ ታማ ቲ.
(it can be interpreted with the knowledge of amharic, english, and Arabic in combination as kalima is
inflicting te ( mind control) and saying it is not him kalima is seek with te )

Try to relate the story of The people of the cave mentioned in holy Quran with the story of The people
of the matrix. in holy Quran it says the people of the cave look like they are awake for some one who
sees them but they are asleep relate this story with the story on the movie the matrix and people of
earth, we ( people of earth) are the people of the cave mentioned in holy Quran.

Watch the American movie David very attentively pay attention to details , the movie discusses exactly
what is happening to all the human race here in this planet. David was hard wired to love his foster
mother, David goes along distance in a lost of trouble so that his mom loves him, David goes all the way
to where the lions weak David goes farther to find the tooth ferry, David was buried under the ice for
some 2000000 light years then the aliens came they awakens David and read his life memory, and asked
David what he wants, David insisted that what he wants is for his mom to love him, that Mon who hard
wired him and put him through all that trouble, pay attention to detail, ( there is message for some one
deeply think) the moon was guarding David all along the moon is visible through the window when the
aliens ask David what he wants he insisted that what he wants is for his Mon to love him even for a
single day then the moon stepped away just then the aliens discussed and gave the order to give David
what he wants David got what the hard wire wished on him and David dyed , you see every human is
hard wired by the arc of the covenant and no one have his/her free will.

What is the arc of the covenant?

For starters the arc of the covenant is not the actual covenant, but the covenant is nothing but an
agreement signed by the gods as simple as that. An agreement between slave masters that are holding a
vast number of creatures enslaved. One of the purpose of the covenant is so that every human and
extraterrestrial knows the details and conditions of the agreement Like what was the life of the
gods ,the slaves before the agreement and most importantly before the matrix what events lead to the
signing of the covenant which individuals extraterrestrial and humans were involved in the signing of the
covenant where they are now exertera but they have been hiding the covenant and milking as like a

About the origin of the united states sanet.

The very origin of the united states’ of America is directly linked with the freedom and free will ( yet to
be established) for all races including divers extraterrestrial rases, Democratic government over the
entire vastness of life where ever it is, United States of America put the bench mark for freedom and
equality of the human race here in planet earth. United States of America is not just about the freedom
and prosperity of one nation it is supposed to play a crusial role on the actual birth of a democratic
government on the entire vastness of space and life, as planned, and on the giving of freedom to the
human rase from the matrix (from a dream being milked like a cow). I am a great woliye and I know the

origin of the us sanet and my origin how we ended up in a dream how we got separate we are from the
same kingdoms territory we set out for the same Nobel and enlightened cause free will for all and
Democratic government for all, all for free, we and i are practically brothers we were separated and
raised in different locations with different religions we were made turn enemy to one another.

Martin Luther king didn’t make his Nobel and enlightened dream come true just because he was a
citizen of the united states’ of America, the fact the United States of America being concerned of only
the enlightenment, prosperity and freedom of one nation is the bench mark of the dying of big ideas and
big dreams like martin Luther king.

The story of the captives and the Babylon treaty.

The following American song tells the story of the captives and the bablone wall and the history how the
matrix was built. ( study the entire lirex )” By the rivers of bablone were we sat down ah we weaped
when we remberd Zion as away in captivity required of as a song how can we sing the Lords song in a
strange land …. Dark days are gone bright days are here ( we arrived on a negotiation) my sunny one so
sincere I love you you you ( it sounds like a robot running out of battery, pay attention to details) she is
crazy like a fool what about daddy cool ( cool represents some thing precautious and valuable) freeze
put your hands up in the air and give me all your money ….. To the Moscow cheeks it was such a lovely
deal.(Russia was behind the baboons treaty)”

The following Ethiopian song tells the story of the captives and the bablone wall ( study the entire lyric)
አትማይ አትማይ በሰላም በኔ ነብሴን ሽጠሽ ክብሬን ወደሽው ከኔ ስትሰርቂ እንዳመልሽ ያውም ፈቅደሽ ቦረግሽው ምን የሚሉት ፈሊጥ
ነው ድረሱልኝ የምትይው በክፉ ቀን ጊ ዜ ብትጠረኝም ወይ ብዬ እንዳልመጣ አርጎኛል አውቆብሻል ጆሮዬ ላም ባልዋለበት ኩበት ለቀማ
ይግባሽ ትርጉሙ እንድንግባባ .

(read the above lirix's after reading the paragraph below)

Back in OutSpace In our perasious kingdoms territory the Indians, Caucasians and Arabs ( Indians are
Arabs and Arabs are Caucasian) used to live in peace and harmony, our kingdoms government is/was
the most civilized and most powerful and we were in forcing measures to fight slavery all over the
vastness of space ( please note I am in a slow speed( speed is very important for my eye to function well)
I can’t see far, the story looks primitive) , the isrealys and Russians ( some Indians too) who opposed this
new measures refused to abolish slavery and started plotting on as, I know that there was a war at list
two times which our kingdom won both, the isrealys and Russians piloted a plot and the to be captives
them self’s raised a very big distress call to our kingdom. ( ምን የሚሉት ፈሊጥ ነው ድረሱልኝ የምትይው
“interpretion” what type of trick is that you rases a false distress call) Our kingdom sent all the primary
emergency troops to the distress location, with that window the captives who at that point didn’t have
their free will fleaded with the Russians and isrealys to the dry worlds (dead sea), our kingdom found
about what was going on and sent the secondary emergency troops to the chase the secondary
emergency troops cot up to them after they passed the Barrier in to outer space and there was a war on
the chase our troops freed up to 40% of the captives, the isrealys and Russians holding the captives
reached the Japan is dry world our troops and all space ships were orders to stand down and keep the
perimeter, it took long years the captives in sever slavery the gods changed their creation the E (what is
symbolised by E in several places in the matrix structure is like a dream host) was changed they changed
then in to four legged females and wife’s for the upper hierarchy ( I don’t know what happened in the
middle, I can’t see far ( search information)the particle accelerator ( being run and operated from the

united states embassy )block me ( blind me)) it took long years of negotiation I also know that there was
a war and negotiations were opened, there was an intervention through negotiation a seize fire was
reached, we arrive and sat down with the captives by the rivers of bablone which is in present day Addis
Ababa Ethiopia ስድስት ኪ ሎ አካባባ” sidist kilo nabourhood” this is how the baboon wall was erected and
the matrix constructed ሰስድስት ኪሎ የ ሰመአታት ሀውልት “sidist kilo sematat monimunt” has a close
resemblance to the Washington monument, (,compare and contrast the two monuments)this is the
history how the baboon wall was erected in Washington in in front of the great Abraham Lincoln.” The
Washington Monument, designed by Robert Mills and eventually completed by Thomas Casey and the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, honors and memorializes George Washington at the center of the nation's
capital. The structure was completed in two phases of construction, one private (1848-1854) and one
public (1876-1884).” “from the National park service U.S. Department of interior” Note: I was born on
may 22 1984 Gregorian calendar and (ግንብ means in Amharic wall and ግንቦት means your wall ) ግንቦት(9),
13, 1976 Ethiopian calendar, compare and contract the date with the date on the above article.
( germens pay attention I was searching for a connection for long years today the above information,
date of the construction of the Washington monument just appeared on google search if the CIA is
trying to make me look like a fool by showing me wrong web site and wrong information please note
that the Americans and the united states sanet are not the only brothers of mine).(comment added one
day letter from finding the above document, us sanet and the free masons take a closer look at the
entire history of the Washington monument ( including in the designing and construction phase there
are in coded messages clues pointing to different matter ( don’t rule out (even) supernatural
phenomena as an accident.

pay attention this is the history of the us sanet that only few knows about (to the best of my
knowledge). The captives were taken to the dryer worlds ( present day seninomus is Japan) they ( the
gods, slave masters) mostly isrealys ( which also means Russians),Indians and japans)) changed their
creation in to four legged creatures and wife’s to the upper hierarchy the were changed to women’s
( which we don’t have in our world) (I am most certainly shure that this must be the reason. Why the
Freemason is entirely made out of the male race),. the captives souls was torn apart alive for the upper
hierarchy to penetrate and drink straight from their soul the females ( captives) in such a cruel way that
their brothers (we) had never done to anyone, they were forced them to love and cherish being raped
( trained and invaded by hard wire) they were forced to carry the seeds of the upper hierarchy in their
soul and become pregnant and give birth to slaves all this was done by what you may pensive as
supernatural ( compared to human wisdom but a simple matter for an advanced being with it’s free will
and all it capability and eye) their wisdom there blind eye were calibrated beyond the point of
differentiating good and evil it was turned in to a ritual a religion and surrender kneeling down they took
it as natural and a blessing. Long story short negotiations were open and we their brothers ( which
includes, Abraham Lincoln …( before we got separated)) arrived to the negotiation at bablone, a very
long story and honestly I don’t know all the details the slave masters ( the gods ) argued that the
captives have their free will and they don’t have any objection to what is being done to them that they
love and trust their religion their gods. And there was a temporary seize fire a window to talk to the
captives alone ( that is what is known as the bablone wall) and we meat them they for the first time got
their eyes and remberd their life in Zion we all weeper ( cried in love) and there came an argument that
the captives have an objection and it was not on their wish, long story short three (3) debated on wishes
( supposedly) of the captives were put in place ( in tree “ (ዛፍ)”, in stones I guess) and this three tree's
(wishes) were hard wired to their brothers (we you and I and others) and three debated on ( negotiated

on) wishes of their brothers (as) were put in tree’s and put in place on behalf of the captives and hard
wired to the captives and one known as neayo. ማትሪክስ the ma ( who?) Three ዛፍ( tree, three), rix
ክስ( three (3) accusations, tree accusations), that is how the matrix was created in short and that is the
origin of the female race in our planet our sister and mother’s and daughter are victims of seviour
slavery. That is the clue the us sanet left for your self I hope this will trigger your awakening some how
may be you have a prophesy or some the American movie I robot, Dr lanin is silenced ( he
cannot tell us in detail, his answers are limited we must ask the wright question because of the arc of
the covenant and the 3 laws) Dr lanin gave sunny ( rember the American song by the rivers of bablone,
“my sunny one so senvire” ) a strong left arm to inject Viki with the Nanites, and sunny can choose not
to obay the three (3) laws( the arc of the covenant), Viki a square cub runs saying it is for your own
protection enslaving all.

What are my intentions.

My intention is free will for all life that exist, that will exist on the entire vastness of life wherever in
space ( which also include the human race), no more being imprisoned in the matrix, in an E, in a dream,
in a farm, no more farming life, no slavery, freedom for all, no life is a ser,vant for another life ( not even
god is allowed to have servants ( reverse slaves), no life is food, there is no such thing as one free will
giving up its free will on its own free will, no more hard wire, no more being milked like a cow,
democratic government with a periodic election for officials on the entire vastness of space, freedom
and equality for all life and I don’t ask any payment any thing in exchange for my service and for my
struggle it is all for free.

Outer space and intelligent creatures out their and their condition

In outer space there are divers intelligent, Sami intelligent and non intelligent extraterrestrial creatures,
where do humans come from? From outer space we are not actually here it is a dream, in outer space
there are vast number of kingdoms humans are from diverse extraterritorial origin here in the matrix we
are all humans but out their we are different creatures, those diverse extraterrestrial creatures live in
sever form of slavery almost all in a E farm (in a dream) as farm creatures for the upper hierarchy there
slave masters all clame to be god out their there are actually billions of gods, there is no government
(not at all) governing the entire vastness of space. Outer space is filled with kayos sever form of slavery
war among kingdoms and tribes

In the matrix alone ( the vastness of space and the living inhabitance in capsulated in this cave that we
live in) there are 100’s thousands of gods declared by the arc of the convenient and there are 100’s of
thousands of religions and rituals grouped in to religion alliances ( viky ,I robot, a square cub runs saying
it is for your own protection enslaving all. in this world the very definition of god miss spelled as owner
with out giving free will, every slave master is god as declared by the arc of the covenant.

Type of souls

The people from the northern hemisphere with the exception of Japan, Israel, and Russia are
extraterrestrials from the wet worlds their (my self included) our soul is like a pearl with air born
capability it needs water to survive ( the human mind is an eye and an eye is not much prosperous and
magnificent in the absence of water like in the dead sea which I am in) on the contrary people from the
southern hemisphere are extraterrestrials from the dry worlds with the exception of Australia ( the case

of south America is similar with the case of Africa they are all captives( and africa is a general
exceptional case) the people of the dry worlds there soul is like a magnetic flux it can survive in both dry
( with absolutely no water) and wet worlds the troubling fact is their souls have a neculus and a body
mass in contrary to the northern people, there souls body mass survives with the neculus removed ( it
becomes recessive but it survives) that is where the term tabot comes from ( it is a sever ,worst form of
slavery) the slave master (god) holding their neculus can override them 100% what is more troubling is
both the neculus and the body mass can break apart in to thousands of pieces and mend back together
and survives well. It means their soul has a capability to break apart in to thousands and get in to
thousands of avatars or slaves and drive them it is very dangerous matter and it is happening all along if
you payed attention the southern people are experts in massive scale manufacturing of goods this is an
example of their souls capabity.

Pearl harbor

How on earth did those small air crafts with that times technology fly all the way from japan bomb the
bay in the United States and make it all the way back to Japan without refulling? And pay attention
Japan from the dry worlds orginaly attacked pearl harbor ( pearls harbouring together).

I have been trying to blow the weasel for years, but my emails are being blocked and moniterd by
CIA,KGB and mosad. I even have tried a non us email carrier and it looks like the only intelegence agency
which accept tips and reports are united states government agency’s, how come? Because the cia is
controlling and monitoring the internet.

Ebola, varpus and covid 19

Ebola, varpus and covid 19 are man made viruses released opon a treaty with the united nations, Ebola
is one of the first drawing viruses ( in my life time) to be released it served many purpose (yet I haven’t
figured out the dynamics up to now) it also served as a dround work preparation for the up coming
viruses, varpus was realised on sep 2015, varpus is a DNA figuring virus, all the x gens on every human
and animal were realised and an automatic action upon the treaty ( the covenent) released all the y
gens. Covid 19 is a drawing virus, every human and animal soul were drawnen inside its self ( their soul)
and during covid 19 treaty with the united nations all the x and y gens released by varpus were grouped
In to party’s upon the covenent on religious grounds taking the hosted identity and in to multiple
parallel existence which the human brain don’t become aware of unless each parallel existence one at a
time, which is a very dangerous type of slavery and blinding.

let me show you some of the vocblarys of the matrix

Matrix ማትሪክስ - ማ- who, ትሪ - tree ( also seninomus to three (3)) , ትሪክ - trick, ክስ - accusation

Olympic ኦሎም ፒክስ - ኦ- o, ሎም- also a law, ፒክ- pick, ክስ- accusation.

ቶ- a mind controlling weapon.

ቲ- a mind controlling weapon.

ር- a pair.

ቶር - for, ዴኒስ ቲቶ- Dani’s teto (a Russian astronomer)

ትሪኒቲ- trinity, ትረ ኒ - tree kneal down, ትሪ_ቲ- threaty,

ኦርቶዶከስ-ortodox, ኦር- o is paired with ቶ, ዶ-do is an entity,ክስ- some body has an accusation.

ኢጅብት-Egypt, ኢ-E (dream), ጅብ- hayna (evil,ስግብግብ),ኢት-ብላ ( like a chase move) ጅቡቲ - djebuti, ጅቡ ቲ-
the hyna is te,

ክርስቶፈር ኮሎምበስ - christofre colombus- ክር-hard wire, ስ silence, ቶ ፈር- to is fer ( I am always curious what
fer is but I still don’t know), ቶር- watch the movie for, ኮሎም በ ስ-ኮ - ko is also a low by sylencing.

I am exosted beyond the point of exostion calling out for help for years with no tangible help arriving
each year as the time passes by drawing in to more and more entrapment, I am fighting alone ( mostly) I
am in a very vulnerable situation tired and exosted please send me a tangible help as soon as possible.

My address is

ጉለሌ ክፍለ ከተማ, ወረዳ 9,የቤት ቁጥር 352 Addis Ababa

Telephone- 251931587677,251711668831.

Please help me

Scincarly Hussen Mohammed

Tue- Nov- 29, 2022

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