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CONTEMPORARY WORLD Treat each lesson not as an end in itself but

as window to the broader phenomenon
LESSON 1 – What is Globalization? globalization.

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to: LESSON 2 – The Globalization of World
1. agree on a working definition of globalization Economics
for the course;
2. differentiate the competing conception of At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
globalization; and 1. define economic globalization;
3. narrate a personal experience of globalization 2. identify the actors that facilitate economic
All this talk of large, intersecting processes 3. narrate a short history of global market
may be confusing. Indeed, it may be hard to assess integration in the twentieth century; and
globalization or comment on it because it is so 4. articulate your instance on global economic
diffuse and almost fleeting. Some scholars have, integration.
therefore, found it simpler to avoid talking about
globalization as a whole. Instead, they want to International economic integration is a
discuss “multiple globalizations,” instead of just central tenet of globalization. In fact, it is crucial
one process. to the process that many writers and
commentators confuse this integration for the
For anthropologist Arjun Appadurai, entirely of globalization. As a reminder,
different kinds of globalization occur on multiple economics is just one window into the
and intersecting dimension of integration that he phenomenon of globalization; it is not the entire
calls “scapes”. An “ethnoscape,” is about the flow thing.
of culture. A “technoscape” refers to the
circulation of mechanical goods and software; and Nevertheless, much globalization is
an “ideoscape” is the realm where political ideas anchored on changes in the economy. Global
move around. Although they intersect, these culture, for example, is facilitated by trade.
various scapes have differing logics. They are thus Filipinos would not be as aware American culture
distinct windows into the broader phenomenon of if not for the trade that allows locals to watch
globalization. American culture if not for trade that allows locals
to watch American movies, listen to American
Appadurai’s argument is simple: there are music, and consume American products.
multiple globalizations. Hence, even if one does
not agree that globalization can be divided into The globalization of politics is likewise
five “scapes,” it is hard to deny Appadurai’s largely contingent on trade relations. These days,
central thrust of viewing globalization through many events of foreign affairs are conducted to
lenses. cement trading relations between and among
states. Given the stakes involved in economic
Depending on what being globalized, a globalization, it is perennially important to ask
different dynamic (or dynamics)?” Depending on how this system can be made more just. Although
what is being globalized, the vista and conclusions some elements of global free trade can be scaled
change. back, policies cannot do away with it as a whole.
The structure of the lessons that follow International policymakers, therefore, should
will reflect his multidimensional understanding of strive to think of ways to make trading ideals
globalization. Each of the lessons will focus on a fairer. Governments must also continue to devise
particular kind of globalization. Every one of them ways of cushioning the most damaging effects of
will be about different networks and connections economic globalization, while ensuring that its
that are expanding and intensifying in the benefits for everyone.
contemporary world.
LESSON 3 – A History of Global Politics: sovereign states. On the other, they are
Creating an International Oder organization with their own rationalities and
agendas. It is this tension that will continue to
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to: inform the evolution of these organization.
identify key events in the development of
international relations; However, note that there are many
differentiate internationalization from institutions, groups, and ideas that hold
globalization; international global politics together. In your own
define the state and the nation; time, you may want to explore these topics on
distinguish between the competing conceptions of your own.
internationalism; and
discuss the historical evolution of international

` This lesson examined the roots of the

international system. In tracing these roots, a short
history of internationalism was provided.
Moreover, internationalism is but one window
into the broader phenomenon of globalization.
Nevertheless, it is the very crucial aspect of
globalization. Nevertheless, it is are heightened by
the increased interdependence of states. This
increased interdependence manifests itself not just
through state-to-state relations. Increasingly,
international relations are also facilitated by
international organizations that promote global
norms and policies. The most prominent example
of this organization, of course, is the United

Lesson 4. The United Nations and

Contemporary Global Governance

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Define global governance;
2. Identify the roles and functions of United
Nations; and
3. Determine the challenges of global governance
in the twenty-first century.

Global governance is such a complex issue that

one can actually teach an entire course in itself.
This lesson has focused on the IOs and the United
Nations in particular. International organizations
are highlighted because they are the most visible
symbols of global governance. The UN, in
particular, is the closest to the world government.
What is important to remember is the international
institutions like the UN are always in a precarious
position. On the one hand they are groups of

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