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The Rosicrucian Order
Known as " THE ANCIENT , MYSTICAL ORDER ROSAE CRUCIS" throughout the world
Rosicrucian Park San Jose, California 95191, U.S.A.
410th Day of the
To the Postulant R.C. Sun in Its
On His Journey Higher Realm
Respected Student:
You are now entering the higher studies of this Order. In the
three preliminary Atria through which you have just passed, you had
certain opening and closing ceremonies to be performed on each of
your study nights. Now that you are in the higher work, you will
have a slightly different opening and closing ceremony. The password
for the present time is the word Cromaat (Pronounced crowmaht). It
means "So Mote It Be in Truth." It is an Egyptian word that has been
used for many ages. Other passwords will be given to you from time
to time.
You are to use the same altar, table, or shelf for these higher
ceremonies and to have candles and a burner for incense. (If you are
in doubt as to what type of incense to use, you may try India Moss
Rose, which is made especially for the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau and
can be secured in packages of twenty-four cubes for $3.75. Its
quality is such that only a little at one time is needed. Thus a
package will last for several months. Remember that it is not only
the odor of incense which is important but also the vibrations from
the burning powder. The change of vibrations through heat is really
a transmutation.)
When you are ready for your ceremony, light the caudlea and
stand before your altar facing the mirror. Then say the password
'C"romaat and make the Sign of the Cros!L Remaining where you are,
face the true geogra hical East and once more make the Si of he
ross, saying "Cromaat" again. Facing the mirror once more, look at
yourself and say, "In reverence do I come into the Sanctum for work
and worship."
Be seated and say as you look into the mirror: "Self unto self
will speakl Self unto God will speak! God unto self will reveal!
( Through Light will come peace, love, and power! God of our Hearts,
be with me at this time now and forevermore!"
Now close your eyes for about two minutes and meditate on the
importance of the work you are going to do, at the same time attuning
( yourself with the Cosmic by thinking about the great Cosmic hosts in
- 2 -
the world. Think about the thousands of others who are doing the
same thing throughout the world on the same evening. When you feel
a sense of peace and attunement, open your lesson and read it. When
you have finished and your ceremony and convocation are over, rise
and face the mirror, make the Sign of the Cross, and say "Cromaat."
Then make the Sign of the Cross again and say, "Peace and power have
( I with me.
As you extinguish the candles, say: "As the light of the candles
is extinguished, so the light of the Cosmic is born in my soul."
Afterwards, sit down and meditate on your lesson for a few minutes in
the darkness or soft light of the room. After five to ten minutes of
meditation, you may close the ceremony by rearranging your altar and
papers as they were before you began.
These instructions and ceremony for opening and closing your
study period are to be used until you receive other instructions in a
forthcoming lesson. However, the instructions given herein consti-
tute the basic procedure to be followed throughout the higher Degrees.
When you return the Postulant's Plea signed as instructed, you
will be sent a special certificate to indicate that you are entitled
to enter the Postulant Degrees (Temple Degree) of the studies. Your
worthiness to continue will depend on you. At various times and in
many ways, you will be tried and tested. In order to qualify for all
of the Degrees to follow, it will be necessary for you to prepare
yourself by study. Acquaint yourself with the signs, passwords, and
symbols, which will be sent to you as you proceed.
If at this time you should be somewhat behind in your studies,
arrange to catch up as soon as possible. We are anxious that you
keep up with the lessons that will continue to be sent regularly.
They will be simple to understand and will require no more time than
was needed for your preliminary work.
With all good wishes for Peace Profound.
Sincerely and fraternally,

Arthur C. Piepenbrink
*Other Currencies:
Ll.88 A$3.41 NZ$3.75
M2.50 R3.26

K-201 1079
\7--!_~R s. -7 j

The Rosicrucian Order

Known as " THE ANCIENT , MYSTICAL ORDER ROSAE CRUCIS" throughout the world
Rosicrucian Park San Jose, California 95191, U.S.A.

410th Day of the

To the Postulant R.C. Sun in Its
On His Journey Higher Realm
Respected Student:
You are now entering the higher studies of this Order. In the
three preliminary Atria through which you have just passed, you had
certain opening and closing ceremonies to be performed on each of
your study nights. Now that you are in the higher work, you will
have a slightly different opening and closing ceremony. The password
for the present time is the word Cromaat (pronounced crowmaht). It
means "So Mote It Be in Truth." It is an Egyptian word that has been
used for many ages. Other passwords will be given to you from time
to time.
You are t~ use the same altar, table, or shelf for these higher
ceremonies and to have candles and a burner for incense. (If you a~e
in doubt as to what type of incense to use, you may try India Moss
Rose, which is made especially for the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau and
can be secured in packages of twenty-four cubes for $3.75. Its
quality is such that only a little at one time is needed. Thus a
package will last for several months. Remember that it is not only
the odor of incense which is important but also the vibrations from
the burning powder. The change of vibrations through heat is really
a transmutation.)
When you are ready for your ceremony, light the candles and
stand before your altar facing the mirror. Then say the password
Cromaat and make the Sign of the Cross. Re~ining where you are,
face the true geographical East and once more make the Sign of the
Cross, saying "Cromaat" again. Facing the mirror once more, look at
yourself and say, "In reverence do I come into the Sanctum for work
and worship."
Be seated and say as you look into the mirror: "Self unto self
will speak! Self unto God will speak! God unto self will reveal!
Through Light will come peace, love, --and power! God of our Hearts,
be with me at this time now and forevermore!"
Now close your eyes for about two minutes and meditate on the
importance of the work you are going to do, at the same time attuuing
yourself with the Cosmic by thinking· about the great Cosmic hosts in -~
- 2 -
the world. Think about the thousands of others who are doing the
same thing throughout the world on the same evening. When you feel
a sense of peace and attunement, open your lesson and read it. When
you have finished and your ceremony and Convocation are over, rise
and face the mirror, make the Sign of the Cross, and say "Cromaat."
Then make the Sign of the Cross again and say, "Peace and power have
I with me."
As you extinguish the candles, say: "As the light of the candles
is extinguished, so the light of the Cosmic is born in my soul."
Afterwards, sit down and meditate on your lesson for a few minutes in
the darkness or soft light of the room. After five to ten minutes of
meditation, you may close the ceremony by rearranging your altar and
papers as they were before you began.
These instructions and ceremony for opening and closing your
study period are to be used until you receive other instructions in a
forthcoming lesson. However, the instructions given herein consti-
tute the basic procedure to be followed throughout the higher Degrees.
When you return the Postulant's Plea signed as instructed, you
will be sent a special certificate to indicate that you are entitled
to enter the Postulant Degrees (Temple Degree) of the studies. Your
worthiness to continue will depend on you. At various times and in
many ways, you will be tried and tested. In order to qualify for all
of the Degrees to follow, it will be necessary for you to prepare
yourself by study. Acquaint yourself with the signs, passwords, and
symbols, which will be sent to you as you proceed.
If at this time you should be somewhat behind in your studies,
arrange to catch up as soon as possible. We are anxious that you
keep up with the lessons that will continue to be sent regularly.
They will be simple to understand and will require no more time than
was needed for your preliminary work.
With all good wishes for Peace Profound.
Sincerely and fraternally,

Arthur C. Piepenbrink
*Other Currencies:
bl.88 A$3.26 NZ$4.41
N2.50 R3.75 CA$4.41
· ACP:yn
K- 201 682
Temple Section-----------AM 0 R C - - - - - - - - T h e Rosicrucian Order

Dwelling on the Threshold of the First Portal of the Inner Chamber of our
Order, having been directed to this place by the Cosmic Mind, and with a plea
upon my lips expressing the conviction of my mind and the desires of my heart, I
do humbly and sincerely acknowledge my obligations to the A.M.O.R.C.

Depending upon the universal blessings of the Cosmos, I hereby declare it to

be the sacred purpose of my aspirations to live the life of a Rosicrucian; to
devote my efforts to the advancement of the principles of the A.M.O,R.C.; to pro-
mote its material and spiritual growth and prosperity to the best of my ability;
to uphold its ideals, laws, teachings, and decrees; to comfort the distressed
within the Order whenever possible and proper; and to disseminate the Light, Life,
and Love of our cherished Rosy Cross. It is understood that I will never be
asked to do anything which violat'es the dictates of my conscience or which opposes
the laws or the Constitution of ~ count~

I also acknowledge it to be my duty and privilege to maintain the principles

of the Order within my own Sanctum; to give certain periods of time to study and
meditation; to instill a love for these things in my children; to extend help,
guidance, instruction, and relief from the sin of ignorance to my kin and acquaint-
ances; to walk uprightly before the world, worthily ensconced by the Rosy Cross;
to be fair and just in all my public and private dealings; to attend convocations
of the Order within reason and with justice to the best interests of all my
obligations; and, finally, to be zealous in my advancement to the inner portal
which I now approach by the Path of the Postulants.

I will be a good and useful citizen, contributing to the advancement and wel-
fare of the country in which I enjoy the privilege of being a resident.

Therefore, as a Postulant, about to become a Zelator, I pledge myself to be

bound to the ancient and modern brotherhood of Rosicrucians as of one body with
them in the inner brotherhood of man; to remember all my brethren through the use
of the formula: "May Peace Profound Abide With Them"; to comfort, sympathize, and
bear tolerantly with them; to be slow to judge or rebuke them; to hesitate not at
reconciliation, and to sustain them in the manifestation of their faith and
allegiance to these same obligations. So Mote It Be.

(Signature in ink) (Date and Hour) (Key No.)

Please PRINT full name and address as it appears on monograph envelope:



If you are a companion member and are at the same point in your studies,
please write at once for another copy of this form. Give us both the
name of the form and the number which appears in the lower right corner
of the form when making your request. C-4 977

This monograph a lways r emains the prope rty o f the
Supreme Grand Lodge of A . M. 0 . R. C. It is not
purc hased by, but loaned t o, the r eceivi ng m e mber.


Degree Degree
l l
Monograph Monograph
l l

1179 TGI

The matter contaln'e.d herein Is otricially Issued through the Supreme Council of the
A. M. 0. R. C. under the. emblem above. which was r egistered in the United States Patent
Otrice for the purpose ot protecting all the "printed. engraved typewritten. and photo-
graphic copies of otrlcially "prescribed, and copyrighted monographs, dissertations. sclentiftc
postulations, philosophical discourses, academic studies, diagrams, illustrations, and
charts" as authorized by the Imperator of A. M. 0 . R. C. (The above emblem and name of
the Order are also registered m countries throughout the world. ) All matters herein
contained are strictly confidential to the member receiving, and are imparted only as an
Incident to membership. The ownership of, the legal title, and the right of possession to
this monograph is and shall r emain In the Supreme Grana Lodge of A. M. 0 . R . C. and It
shall be returned to it upon its request. The contents herein are loaned to be used for the
sole and exclusive information of the receiving member and not otherwise. Any other use
or attempted use does, ipso facto, terminate all rights of the member, and Is a violation
of the Statutes of this Order.
A. M. 0 . R. C. Is the only organization authorized to use the Registered name and
symbols, and the lmperator has sole right to grant the use of them to other allied organi-
zations or movements.
This Week's Consideration of a Famous Opinion
\7 \7 \7

CJ1 Francis Barrett, F.R.C., mystic and philosopher, writes

well on the importance of symbolism and of the mathe•
matical order of nature, subjects with which this mono-
graph treats. It is appropriate, therefore, that we quote
him below. You will find his comments interesting and
instructive, and as you proceed in your studies you will concur with what
he wrote.

All things, which were first made by the nature of things in its first
age, seem to be formed by the proportion of numbers; for this was the
principal pattern in the mind of the Creator. Hence is borrowed the num•
ber of the elements-hence the courses of times-hence the motion of the
stars, and the revolution of the heavens, and the state of all things subsist
by the uniting together of numbers. Numbers, therefore, are endowed
with great and sublime virtues. For it is no wonder, seeing there are so
many occult virtues in natural things, although of manifest operations, that
there should be in numbers much greater and more occult, and also more
wonderful and efficacious; for as much as they are more formal, more per•
fect, and naturally in the celestials, not mixed with separated substances;
and, lastly, having the greatest and most simple commixtion with the ideas
in the mind of God, from which they receive their proper and most effi·
cacious virtues; wherefore they also are of most force, and conduce most
to the obtaining of spiritual and divine gifts-as, in natural things, ele-
mentary qualities are powerful in the transmuting of any elementary thing.
Again, all things that are, and are made, subsist by and receive their virtue
from numbers:-for time consists of numbers-and all motion and action,
and all things which are subject to time and motion. Harmony, also, and
voices have their power by and consist of numbers and their proportions;
and the proportion arising from numbers do, by lines and points, make
characters and figures; and these are proper to magical operations-the
middle, which is betwixt both, being appropriated by declining to the
extremes, as in the use of letters.
Temple S e c t i o n - - - - - - - - - A M 0 R C - - - - - - - - - - T h e Rosicrucian Order


To my Fratres and Sorores, Greetings!

Tonight we meet for our first lesson as "Zelators," and

throughout this Degree you shall remember that the name bestowed
upon you--Zelator--is but the outward indication of your aspiration
to reach the heights, for the attainment of which you are prepared
to work zealously.

It is not necessary to discourse along the lines of behavior

and ethics becoming to a true Rosicrucian, for you will find that
as you seek and advance in development, so will your conduct and
philosophy more nearly approach the desired Rosicrucian standards
through the realization of law in the field of service--and I
believe it would be well to proceed with our studies.

SYMBOLS To begin with, it must be remembered that the recordings

A KEY of impressions received by man were first expressed in
symbols embody a plan, a law, or principle of truth, it is well for
each one to delve deeply into the symbols brought to his attention.
In other words, observe them well, and mentally dig with the seek-
ers, intent on wresting from the symbols the whole of their symbol-
ized value. These symbols often act simply as a key, so to speak,
or as an informing director pointing the way for our mental activ-
ities. The latent possibilities in most of them cannot easily be
conveyed from one person to another, although in many cases this
can partially be done; but fOr the finer realization they must be
familiarized by dwelling upon their characteristics, which tend to
reveal the spiritual truth by their form.

Symbols are made up of dots, straight lines, angles, and

curves, and in these we observe the simplicity of the four under-
I lying principles which, enlarged into countless combinations, take
us into the complexities of geometry and creation, as it were.
I>- - However, it must be remembered that the seemingly complex can
always be analyzed and broken up into its ingredient principles.

An important point to be understood at this time is that from

here on we will be using the terms "God" and the "Cosmos" inter-
changeably. By now, our members are aware that the Rosicrucian
concept of God is all-inclusive and that we are not speaking about
a spiritual or divine entity that thinks, acts, or creates in a
personal way. "God" was a term for the Cosmos so commonly

W .Jl
used by mystics of the past and a term so familiar to many
people today that we leave it in these next lessons as it
was originally written.
Temple S e c t i o n - - - - - - - - - - A M 0 R C - - - - - - - - - - T h e Rosicrucian Order


Another point to be understood at this time is that the hid-

den, occult, or mystic revelations of God are disclosed in many
ways, but on close observance the correspondence between them all
is minutely evidenced.

The very first law that Rosicrucians observe is the one back
of the laws of God: In God's consciousness at the time of the
beginning, everything was system; nothing was done without plan.
All things are in accordance with law and order, and it is this
fact which has made scientists say, "God geometrizes," or that the
first law of God was in numbers. In fact, we find that numbers as
an expression of law, of harmony, of system, of mathematical exact-
ness are the fundamental study of our teachings. More than all
else, we find the fundamental laws expressed so easily in SYMBOLS,
which represent the numbers, that we use symbols to express our
ideas just as the chemist uses a combination of letters and numbers
as symbols to express chemical formulae and laws.

First of all we have as the fundamental symbols the triangle

on two planes (see chart diagrams, numbers 1 and 2). The triangle
represents the number three, and because this is familiar to you,
do not miss its signif~cance. (The number 3 under the square on
the chart refers merely to sequence of diagrams.)

Here we have two triangles, one with its point upward and one
with its point downward. Rosicrucians claim that on the Law of the
Triangle, in either position, all things were made. Please bear
this in mind, and make a note of the fact that "The triangle with
its three points represents perfect creation." When we wish to
test a divine or, as you have been used to calling it, a spiritual
law or manifestation, we test it by the triangle on the spiritual--
infinite--plane. The term spiritual is used here not because it is
right, as you will learn in the next few lessons, but because at
the present time it conveys to your mind a more understandable
association with the phenomena which are covered by that triangle.
When we wish to test the manifestations of matter in regard to
material things, we test them by the triangle on the material--
finite--plane. If you are working on any problem, in chemistry,
physics, natural science, art, engineering, and so forth, or spir-
itual or metaphysical subjects, you must find and have the three
points of the triangle clearly defined before you can have perfec-
tion. With only two points of the triangle, only two elements at
hand, two qualities or conditions, you cannot find perfection and
cannot solve your problem. You must find the third, and complete
the triangle. All of this will be made perfectly clear as we
advance. It is merely suggested to you at this time.

Second, we have the symbols of the square and the

circle (see chart diagrams, numbers 3 and 4.)
Temple S e c t i o n - - - - - - - - - A M 0 R C - - - - - - - - - T h e Rosicrucian Order


The square is essentially an exoteric symbol representing the

number 4, which is harmony and proportion; and in distinction from
the triangle symbol of perfection, it symbolizes STABILITY. The
cubic stone is the square elevated into three dimensions and is
used as a basic element of stability and equality in the symbology
of other secret organizations.

The circle is represented by the number 9, which, together

with the number 3 of the triangle, is essentially esoteric in con-
tradistinction to the number 4 of the square. The circle, which is
the symbol of the universe, represents the continuity of life and
is the ideal of harmony and proportion in the esoteric sense.

There is just one other symbol, well known in chemistry, in

its most alluring phases, and well known to many workers in the
wonders of science. This is the CROSS, and by adding this symbol
to the others, as is necessary in some problems and in certain
explanations of law, we have the following symbols: (See chart
diagrams, numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.)

USES OF Now we can proceed to show some of the uses of these syrn-
SYMBOLS bols which picture the manifestation of the law of the
triangle in the most simple things. There is one very
old traditional example of this plan which is here given to you.
It is an alphabet made from the triangle. This alphabet has for
years been used rather privately for the writings of Rosicrucians,
although at the present time it is used only occasionally. In
fact, traditionally, this alphabet was first outlined by a lost
nation, perhaps the Atlanteans, corning to Egypt from across the
waters--though this is not established. Thus it is perceived how
many similar letters are found in the alphabet of the ancient
peoples of this Earth.

Since this is a material thing, a material creation, we use

the triangle on the material plane with the CROSS in the center as
the "key" to the alphabet. To make the letters plain we shade two
sides of the triangle and construct the letters from this "key."
(See chart diagram, number 11.)

When this alphabet is used in writing messages, it is always

written without spaces between the words and from right to left
instead of from left to right.

Let us pass on to another dernonE>tration . It will show the use

of the square as a basis for a system of numbers. Here the "key"
used is the square with the CROSS within it and, by separating the
parts or strokes of this "key" and making one stroke for

W .Jl the figure 1, two strokes for the figure 2, three strokes
for the figure 3, and so forth, we have the following
result: (See chart diagram, number 12.)
Temple S e c t i o n - - - - - - - - - - A M 0 R C - - - - - - - - - - T h e Rosicrucian Order


You will note the similarity of the square numbers to the

numbers of numerals usually written in English. In this way we
seem to find a common origin for many systems of numbers and
letters in the triangle and square.

That the law of the triangle and square has found its way into
the sciences is not surprising. John Dalton, the great chemist,
first applied the law of the square and triangle to a systematic
rule in chemistry and published a book setting forth the laws of
number and proportion in all chemical work. According to this law,
now still standard, you will find that two added to one makes one,
or one added to two makes one. I would suggest that those who can,
should consult some encyclopedia or reference book or the Rosicru-
cian Manual, and look into the matter of chemistry and espec~ally
Dalton's Law. You will find the law is stated something like this:

"Two parts of one element, added to one part of another

element, makes one other compound; or, one part of one element,
added to two parts of another element, makes one other compound."

This law we illustrate by applying the square and triangle in

the following manner; first taking the square and placing the
triangle within it, thus: (See chart diagram, number 13).

This makes of the symbol three parts or three elements, as

follows: (See chart diagram, number 14).

Now if we added these elements, as Dalton's Law tells us to do

in chemistry, we would proceed as follows: (See chart diagram,
numbers 15, 16, 17, and 18).

Therefore, in the diagram just given, we have three parts of

three elements, and by adding two of them to the third we get vari-
ous results, according to the way in which we unite the elements.
For instance, we can add the first two parts so that we have two
different symbols as a result: one a triangular and the other a
rectangular symbol. (See chart diagram, number 19 and 19-A.)

Or we may unite the first two elements and get a triangle with
a point downward, which, when added to the other triangles, makes a
diamond, thus: (See chart diagrams, numbers 20 and 20-A, 21 and
21-A) •
In closing, I wish to suggest that for the next lesson my
Fratres and Sorores look up the subject of crystallography, or
crystals, in any book or encyclopedia having reference to physics
or chemistry, or in the Rosicrucian Manual.

Summary of This Monograph
\1 \1 \1
5 /V statements
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential
which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete mono-
graph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this
summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing
week to refresh your memory.
I fjf Man's first impressions were recorded and expressed in symbols. Symbols, expressing
fundamental laws of creation, convey the same meaning today, since fundamental
natural laws do not change.
2 fjf Symbols are made up of dots, straight lines, angles, and curves. These four simple
principles give us controlling combinations with a wealth of meaning.
The first great Rosicrucian law is "God Geometrizes." Everything in nature IS ac-
cording to a systematic order, according to a mathematical arrangement.
The triangle, with its three points, represents perfect creation. With only two points
of the triangle, two conditions or two qualities, you cannot find perfection and can-
not solve your problem. You must find the third to complete the triangle. This ap-
plies, whatever your problem.
The square is an exoteric symbol, representing the number 4 which is harmony and
proportion, symbolizing STABILITY.
The circle, alluding to the number 9, together with number 3 of the triangle, is
essentially esoteric in contradistinction to number 4 of the square. The circle is the
symbol of the universe, representing the continuity of life and is the ideal of har-
mony and proportion in the esoteric sense.
The triangle on the material plane, with the cross in the center, becomes the "key"
to our special alphabet, introduced with this monograph.

The Weekly Application

Whatsoever thou resolvest to do, do it qui c~ly . Defer n ot till the
evening what the morning may accomplish.- U NTO THEE I GRANT

You will be shown how all forms of matter manifest according to the laws expressed by the
fundamental symbols just introduced to you in this monograph. It will also be revealed to you how
your inner nature, the process of the mind, and the functioning of your organs are in accordance with
the mystic laws expressed by these symbols. But before we enter into the profundity of this subject,
we wish you to discover for yourself simple applications about you of the laws that have been symbol-
ized in this monograph. Think, for example, of our sola r system, the Cosmic bodies as a whole, the
planets and the stars. They are physically revealed to us, as is our earth, as being spherical, and
therefore, complete, according to the law s symbolized by the circle. Think of the living cell which
is slightly elliptical in form. This makes it appear that in their simple state all things which have
in their own nature the possibility of growth and change and are complete in themselves and develop
without uniting with any other complete form of matter, conform to the symbol of the circle, repre-
senting completion, harmony, and proportion. If we study the living things of nature, we see that their
general contours conform to the curve and not to straight lines or angles. On the other hand, min-
erals in their simplest forms (c rystals ) , those that have not been moved about by the elements and
sharpened, are always found to be of an angular forma tion. Their structure conforms to the order
of straight lines, forming triangles and squa res and rectangles. Then, again, the process of birth or
of creation of living things conforms to the law of the triangle. The unity of the two sexes produces
offspring, which is the third point or condition, completing the triangle. The uniting of the positive
and negative poles of an electric battery produces a third condition at the point of unity, a spark,
light, heat, or the functioning of some apparatus connected to them. Look about you and analyze your
personal experiences and observe the working of the laws of these symbols.
Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California, U. S. A.

"Consecrated to truth and dedicated to every Rosicrucian"

Th is m o nogra p h is not subject to sa le o r pu rc hase by anyon e. A sa le o r

pu rchase m ay make t he se ll er and purchaser subj ect t o civil liab i lit y .

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