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Good morning, everyone! I was task to discussed about the Philippine Administrative System and the Public, the three
branches of government, The Philippine Administrative System and the Non-governmental organizations and the PAS
and the New International Economic order.



 When we talk about the The Philippine administrative system it refers to the structure and processes of
governance in the Philippines. It is characterized by a democratic system with three separate branches
of government: the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
 The Philippine Administration System (PAS) plays a vital role in providing public services to citizens. It is
responsible for implementing government policies and ensuring that the public’s needs are met efficiently and
effectively. The PAS must be accountable to the public and operate with transparency to build trust and



In terms of the public's role in the administrative system, the Philippines operates under a
representative democracy, where citizens have the right to vote and participate in the political
process. Public participation is encouraged through elections, public consultations, and the exercise of
freedom of speech and assembly.

The public can also engage with the administrative system through various channels, such as filing
complaints, seeking assistance, or providing feedback to government agencies. Civil society
organizations, advocacy groups, and media outlets play a significant role in representing public
interests and holding the government accountable.



What is the role of Public in Philippine Administration?

The Philippine Constitution recognizes the importance of citizen participation in governance. The public has the
right to express their opinions, participate in public consultations and hold public officials accountable for their
actions. The government also encourages public participation through various programs and initiatives, such as
Barangay Assembly and the people law enforcement board.


 In the Philippine administrative System, we have three branches of government: THE LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE

First, is the The legislative Power which is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The legislative
power refers to the authority given to the legislative branch of government to make laws. They are responsible for
creating laws that promote the public interest, protect individuals’ rights, and ensure the government operates in a
transparent and accountable manner.


The senators in the Philippines serve a term of six years. The senate has 24 members with each senator elected

the first elected 24 senators under the 1987 Constitution on May 2, 1987 served only for five years ending on June 30,
1992. Of the senators elected in 1992, the first 12 obtaining the highest number of votes served for the full term of six
years expiring in 1998, and the last 12 served only three years and ended in 1995. After which, the 12 Senators elected in
1995 shall serve the full term of six years or until year 2001. Those 12 to be elected in 1998 shall also serve the full term
of six years. In fine, beginning 1992, 12 Senators shall be elected every three years, so that unlike in the House of
Representatives, the Senate shall not at anytime be completely dissolved. One-half of the membership is retained as the
other half is replaced or reelected every three years.

The purpose of the continuity of the life of the Senate is intended to encourage the maintenance of Senate policies as
well as guarantee that there will be experienced members who can help and train newcomers in the discharge of their
duties. In addition, in case of resignation, death, permanent disability, removal from office, or resignation of the President
and Vice-President, the Senate President shall act as President.

House of representatives

In the house of representatives, there were 252 members consist of congressman or congresswomen elected to their
respective district and provinces. They are allowed to serve within three consecutive terms with six years each term.


The second branch of Philippine administrative system is the executive power . The Executive
Power headed by the president who serves as both the head of state and the head of the government. They
are responsible for implementing policies and programs that promote the public interest and protect
individual rights.



So our present president is Ferdinand “bongbong” Romualdez marcos jr. whom elected by direct vote of the
people and has a six years within the term and with no provision of re-election. While our present vice
president is sara Duterte whom also elected by direct vote by the people for a term of six years and may run
for re-election for once.


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Another member under executive power are the cabinet members. They are composed of senior officers/secretaries of
each executive department of the government of the Philippines whom the president appointed to assist him executing
the good governance for the improvement and progress of the economy.

The third branches of the government is the judicial. Judicial Power refers to the authority given to the judicial branch of
government to interpret laws and resolve disputes. They are responsible for upholding the rule of the law and ensuring
that government actions are consistent with the constitution and the law. They are the members of the supreme court
and judges of lower courts whom appointed by the president from a list of atleast three nominees prepared by the
judicial and bar council for every vacancy.



 Next is the NGO. Non-governmental organizations are independent, non-profit organizations that work to address
social, environmental and humanitarian issues. They are not controlled by the government and operate at various
levels, from local to international. NGO’s focus on diverse areas such as human rights, healthcare, education,
environmental conservation and poverty alleviation. They provide services, advocate for marginalized groups,
promote social justice, and contribute to policy dicussions. NGOs rely on funding from grants, donations, and
partnerships to support their activities.

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 The role of NGO’s in Philippine Administration

In here, we need to understand the role of NGO’s in Government. NGO’s are important in shaping public policy
and advocating for social change. NGO’s provide services, create partnerships, mobilize communities, and
monitor government actions to promote public welfare. The Philippine government works with NGO’s to
promote inclusive and sustainable development.

The administrative system in the Philippines and NGOs have a close connection and interact in several ways.
NGOs support the implementation of government policies, provide essential services, advocate for policy
changes and contribute mobilization. They also monitor government actions, hold them accountable, and
participate in decision making processes. The administrative system recognizes the role of NGOs in addressing
social issues, delivering services, and ensuring transparency and participatory governance. While collaborating
with the government, NGOs maintain their independence and work towards their specific missions.


 The new international economic order

NIEO was a proposal made by developing countries in the 1970s to reform the international economic system.
The NIEO aimed to promote economic growth and development in developing countries and reduce the
disparities between developed and developing countries. The PAS played a crucial role in implementing the
NIEO’s policies and strategies.


 The Philippine Administrative System and the New International Economic Order. It is about understanding the
government’s role in promoting national development. The new International Economic Order was a global
economic policy aimed at promoting the economic development countries. The Philippine Administration
System implemented NIEO principles through import substitution, industrialization and the promotion of
The government encouraged public-private partnerships and international cooperation to promote economic

The relevance between the PAS and the NIEO is that these two entities are distinct, they have relevance to each
other as the NIEO reflected the aspirations and concerns of developing countries, including the Philippines,
regarding their position within the global economic system. The NIEO aimed to empower developing countries
promote equitable trade, resource distribution, and development financing, which aligned with the
development priorities of the Philippine administrative system.

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 To sum it up, there is an importance of collaboration. I have here a quotation ‘’ Working together for a better
future’’. The Philippine administration system and the public are interconnected and interdependent. By
working together, both the government and the public can address the challenges facing the country and create
a better future for all. Lets continue to collaborate and participate in governance to achieve a more inclusive and
prosperous Philippines.

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