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This monograph always remains the property of the
Supreme Grand Lodge of A . M. 0. R. C. It is not
purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member.


Degree Degree
l l
Monograph Monograph
7 7




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This Week's Consideration of a Famous Opinion
v v v
~ As we study these laws and principles concern-
ing the formation of our physical universe, it is
most proper that we learn something of the early
experiments and researches of past eminent Rosi-
crucians who were studying along the same lines as
ourselves; in fact, their accomplishments have not only simplified
our study, but have directed our thoughts into the proper channels.
Some of the lectures and experiments of that great Rosicrucian, Michael
Faraday, are directly related to the studies of this Degree, and for that reason we
quote below from one of his lectures. Of Michael Faraday, Tyndall, his successor,
said, "Taking him for all and all, I think it will be conceded that Michael Faraday
was the greatest experimental philosopher the world has ever seen; and I will add
the opinion that the progress of future research will tend, not to dim or diminish,
but to enhance and glorify the labors of this mighty investigator."

I must not, however, leave the subject of gravitation without telling

you something about its laws and regularity; and, first as regards its
power with respect to the distance that bodies are apart. If I take one
of these balls and place it within an inch of the other, they attract each
other with a certain power. If I hold it at a greater distance off, they
attract with less power; and if I hold it at a greater distance still, their
attraction is still less. Now this fact is of the greatest consequence; for,
knowing this law, philosophers have discovered most wonderful things.
You know that there is a planet, Uranus, revolving round tbe sun with
us, but eighteen hundred millions of miles off, and because there is
another planet as far off as three thousand millions of miles, this law of
attraction, or gravitation, still holds good, and philosophers actually
discovered this latter planet, Neptune, by reason of the effects of its
attraction at this overwhelm;ng distance. Now I want you clearly to
understand what this law is. Tbey say (and they are right), that two
bodies attract each otber inversely as the square of the distance-a sad
jumble of words until you understand them ; but I think we shall soon
comprehend what this law is, and what is the meaning of the 'inverse
square of the distance.'
-MICHAEL FARADAY, 1791-1867 A.D .
Temple S e c t i o n - - - - - - - - - AM 0 R C - - - - - - - - - - T h e Rosicrucian Order


Fratres and Sorores, Greetings!

NOTE: This is a demonstration lesson requ1r1ng some preparation,
and it should have your special attention several days before it is to
be tried. (Read it over at this time and then prepare to hold the ex-
periment this week if possible.) On page three there are several illus-
trations. They will be referred to in preparing and giving the demon-
stration described in the monograph. Its purpose is to illuminate the
laws and principles involved in the negative and positive attraction
between atoms or electrons in the composition of matter. The first
thing to be done is to prepare the materials and experiment alone with
the devices until familiarity with the experiment is acquired.
First, secure from a store one dozen corks, the size shown in
illustration A, and another dozen, a little larger, like those shown
in illustration C. Then cut off with a sharp knife-or perhaps a
razor blade will~e found preferable-a thin slice from the end of
each cork as shown in illustrations B and D. These slices should be
less than 3 millimeters (1/8 inch) in thickness. The corks may be
slightly smaller in diameter than those shown in the diagram, BUT NOT
LARGER. (See illustration.) All of the slices from the larger corks
should be dipped in some colored ink, so that the two kinds are easily
distinguished-the larger from the smaller.
If you find it difficult to obtain the corks, it is suggested
that you obtain a piece of balsa wood and cut it to the desired sizes.
Balsa wood is extremeLy light in weight. It may be obtained at hobby
shops or lumber supply houses.
The next requirement is that of small sewing needles not over 4 cen-
timeters (1 1/2 inches) long and as thin as possible. They must be steel.
A horseshoe magnet at least 9 to 10 centimeters (3 1/2 to 4 inches), like
the toy magnets which children use, should be secured next. Any kind of
magnet having two magnetic poles will do as well. Magnets may be found
at places which sell supplies for laboratories, chemists, and so forth.
Your druggist may be able to tell you where you may secure one if you
do not know of such a place.
A needle should be placed through the center of each round piece of
cork. You then have twelve pieces of cork colored and twelve pieces
uncolored. Through each you have placed a needle. The needle should
be pushed through so that only about 1 centimeter (1/2 inch) of the thick-
est part is above one side of the cork, as shown in illustrations
E and F. Then take one end of the magnet and rub it on the short

W end of-each of the twelve needles which are in the colored

corks. Be sure that the other end of the magnet does not touch
these twelve needles. Only one pole of the magnet is to be
Temple S e c t i o n - - - - - - - - - - A M 0 R C - - - - - - - - - - T h e Rosicrucian Order


rubbed against the needle ends; then the OTHER twelve needles in the
uncolored corks are to be rubbed with the OTHER end of the magnet.
Each of the two sets of needles is to be magnetized by a different
pole of the magnet. We will call the set of colored corks the POSITIVE
needles, or ATOMS, and the others will be the NEGATIVE ones. It is prob-
ably impossible for you to determine which is the negative or positive
pole of the magnet, so it will not be possible to designate the needles
accurately. However, this will make very little difference with the
experiment, as long as the two sets of twelve needles are of opposite
natures. In magnetizing the needles it is only necessary to rub the
upper or short end for about half a minute. Be sure to keep the two sets
of needles separate by placing them in little cardboard boxes-one for
the colored set, and one for the others.
Next secure a big pan. A large metal roasting pan will do, but a
large enameled tray or dish such as photographers use is preferable.
It should be about 35.5 to 45 centimeters (14 to 18 inches) long, about
30 centimeters (12 inches) wide, and about 7.5 centimeters (3 inches)
deep. Into this pan pour clean water-not necessarily filtered water,
but ordinary clean water will do-to within 1 centimeter (1/2 inch) of the
top. Then scatter the two sets of corks on this water and turn each one
so that the short ends of the needleS-the magnetized ends~tick upward.
If the needles are top-heavy and the corks do not float evenly, push the
needles down a little farther in each cork.
As soon as the corks are floating on the surface of the water, start
to move them near each other and let them form into groups of their own
accord. The colored corks, as we have said, will represent the POSITIVE
ATOMS, or ELECTRONS, whichever you wish to assume. The others will rep-
resent the NEGATIVE ones. We will assume that the water is the ether in
space and that our magnetized needles in the corks represent the elec-
trons moving in ether. Ether (this term, ether, of science, is merely be-
ing used here for illustration), however, does not have the power of
resistance which is the property of water, and the electrons in reality
would be moving at greater speed. You will notice that as soon as the
negative and positive electrons (corks) come near each other they will
suddenly fasten together as in H; and you will notice that when three come
together they will form a triangle, as shown in illustrations I and J.
Now take your magnet and hold one of its ends over the needles~about
1 centimeter (1/2 inch) above them-and you will notice that the pieces
of cork begin to move and form into other groups.

Temple S e c t i o n - - - - - - - - - AM 0 R C - - - - - - - - - T h e Rosicrucian Order


Note-The upper
diagram, number one,
is to be used in con-
junction with the
instructions given
in this monograph.
You will find it very


The lower illus-

tration is merely an
early geometrical de-
sign of science's
hypothetical struc-
ture of the radium


Temple Section - - - - - : - - - - - - - A M 0 R C - - - - - - - - - - T h e Rosicrucian Order


You will observe that the corks begin to arrange themselves into
such forms as are illustrated in Diagrams H to R. If you have faith-
fully conducted the experiment as explained, you will have some con-
ception of the formation of matter. You will have observed: first, that
unlike polarities attract each other and that those of like polarity
repel each other; second, that those which were attracted, grouped and
formed themselves into certain geometric order in which the Law of the
Triangle predominated; third, that the negative tended to circle around
the positive, giving us a suggestion of the formation of a cell; and
fourth, that when two negatives were attracted to a positive, they
seemed to gyrate in half circles, backward and forward, suggesting the
formation of the axis of a cell. Hence, with our fundamental under-
standing of the formation of matter and our appreciation of the con-
stant changing of polarity in its formation, which means that matter is
always becoming something else, we have a fair conception of the laws
and their application in a truly wonderful and extensive plan and
method of creation.
I am sure we all appreciate the fact that nature in her sphere
of material manifestations is unceasingly active and all pervading in
her entire field. In other words, according to the old axiom, nature
abhors a vacuum; but this may be added: nature does things fittingly
and in order as manifested rhythm, but abhors fits and starts. Small
rhythms in combination make larger rhythms of longer duration and
slower pulse or beat. This is so often appreciated by those who be-
come attuned in the vast silences of nature's domain, where rhythm
is of such tremendous proportions as to overcome the weak and fearful
dependents of the Lesser Light and fill with enthusiasm the strong and
fearless possessors of the Greater Light in their understanding attune-
It is well to carry this great lesson in our hearts and medi-
tate upon the simplicity of God's laws in the manifestation of matter
from its smallest particle to the largest mass.
With all good wishes for Peace Profound.
Summary of This Monograph

Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential
statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete mono-
graph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this
summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing
week to refresh your memory .

~ Unlike polarities attract each other and like polarities repel each other.
2 ~ The grouping of the polarized particles is according to a certain geometrical order in which
the law of the triangle predominates .
.J ~ The negative particles tend to circle around the positive, giving us a suggestion of the
formation of a cell.
l/ ~ When two negatives are attracted to a positive, they seem to gyrate in half-circles, backward
...- and forward, suggesting the formation of the axis of a cell .
.5 ~ With a fundamental understanding of the formation of matter and an appreciation of the
constant changing of polarity in its formation, which means that matter is always becoming
something else, we have a fair conception of the laws and their application in a truly
wonderful and extensive plan and method of creation.

The Weekly Application

Whatsoever thou resolvest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the
evening what the morning may accomplish. - UNTO THEE I GRANT
Michael Faraday, eminent physicist and Rosicrucian, in his lectures to students and scientists, used many
simple experiments to prove the very laws you are now studying. Below we quote one of his experiments.
During the ensuing week, try to conduct this experiment he gave.
"This, however, is not the best way of bringing those particles together; we have many better plans than
this ; and I will show you one that will do very well for juvenile experiments. There is some alum crystallized
very beautifully by nature (for all things are far more beautiful in their natural than their artificial form), and
here I have some of the same alum broken into fine powder. (Obtain a small cake of alum and a small
quantity of powdered alum .) In it I have destroyed that force of which I have placed the name on this
board- COHESION, or the attraction exerted between the particles or bodies to hold them together. Now I
am going to show you that if we take this powdered alum and some hot water, and mix them together, I shall
dissolve the alum; all the particles will be separated by the water far more completely than they are here in
the powder; but then, being in the water, they will have the opportunity as it cools (for that is the condition
which favors their coalescence) of uniting together again and forming one mass.
"Now, having brought the alum into solution, I will pour it into this glass basin, and you will, tomorrow,
find that these particles of alum which I have put into the water, and so separated that they are no longer
solid, will, as the water cools, come together and cohere, and by tomorrow morning we shall have a great deal
of the alum crystallized out-that is to say, come back to the solid form. (The lecturer here poured a little of
the hot solution of alum into the glass dish, and when the latter had thus been made warm, the remainder of
the solution was added.) I am now doing that which I advise you to do if you use a glass vessel, namely,
warming it slowly and gradually ; and in repeating this experiment, do as I do-pour the liquid out gently,
leaving all of the dirt behind in the basin ; and remember that the more carefully and quietly you make this
experiment at home, the better the crystals. Tomorrow you will see the particles of alum drawn together; and
if I put two pieces of coke in some part of the solution (the coke first ought to be washed very clean, and
dried-it is easily obtainable), you will find tomorrow that we shall have a beautiful crystallization over the
coke, making it exactly resemble a natural mineral."
Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California, U. S. A.

"Consecrated to truth and dedicated to every Rosicrucian"

This monograph always remains the property of the

Supreme Grand lodge of A. M. 0. R. C. It is not
purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member.
It is not subject to sale or purchase by anyone. A
sale or purchase may make the seller and purchaser
subject to civil liability.

The Cosmie Influenee

of Magnetism
AS ABOVE SO BELOW. Like repels like and
f i attracts unlike. Myriads ofminuteparticles
dance in frenzy about each other on the point of
a pin. Overhead, whirling stars race through the
infinite reaches of space to find their affinity -
drawn by an irresistible attraction. What is this fundamental laws of this realm of nature which
invisible field -this aura- which surrounds all has intrigued scientists and philosophers for
things, causing them to embrace one moment and centuries.
perhaps repel each other the next? It is a passion Demonstrate to yourself how magnetism is
which grips the atom and the star alike - but to introduced into objects - and the ways it can be
serve what Cosmic purpose? destroyed. Make your own compass; investigate
In the study of this energy- magnetic force - the relationship of polarity to the magnetic poles
we learn the secret of polarity. We come to of the earth.
understand the orderly procession within the
universe. Moreover, we find that the same laws Rosicrucian Laboratorium
account for our mutual attraction and the subtle HOURS OF F ASCINATI NG EXPE RIME NTS
influence whtch t1iings have upon us.<Just as the Unit"Niim ber One of the Rosicrucian Eiiboratorium hasoeen
course of ships depends upon terrestrial created to m a ke it possibl e for you to perform ma ny of the
mag netism experiments in the Rosicrucian teachings. No
magnetism, so, too, does the path of our lives scientific k nowledge or training is necessary. Anyone using the
depend upon mystical magnetism. devices a nd simple instru ctions of this unit can s pend ma ny
By means of simple home experiments, you can enjoyable and profitable evenings at h ome.
explore this fascinating phenomenon of You receive: 22 pages of instru ction s; 36 COMP LETE
pieces of equipment; 16 basic experim ents; WITH ALL
magnetism. You can learn the useful a nd s uppl e m e nt a r y EQUIPME NT ,
electr o-ma gnetic experi· DI AGRAMS
ments. There is no grea ter EXPERIMENTS,
teacher tha n n a ture. Send a nd
your remitta n ce a n d order INSTRUCTION
f or th e R os i c ru c i an
L aborato rium, Unit One,
$19 75
to the address below. •
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£9.88 A$17.95 NZ$19. 75
N 13. 17 R17.17
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H-828 979
If you cannot obtain a horseshoe magnet as described in this monograph, an excellent one may
be purchased from the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau for $2. 75*. A package of 24 cork slices is also
available for $2.25 **. Send your order and remittance to the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, San
Jose, Ca 95191, U.S.A.
Name ________________________ Key No.
Address _________________________________________________________

OVERSEAS ORDERS: Please add .75~•••
to your postal order for special handling and
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