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Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

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Factors affecting molar size in Sus scrofa

Melinda A. Zeder a, *, Ximena Lemoine b
Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, USA
Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis, USA


Keywords: Teeth are thought to be less affected than post-cranial elements by factors such as age, region, sex, and post-
Sus scrofa Pleistocene climate change, making changes in tooth size a better gage of domestication-induced morpholog­
Domestication ical change in Sus scrofa. Rigorous empirical evaluation of this assumption, however, has been lacking. Here we
examine the impact of multiple factors on molar size in an assemblage of modern wild boar from Southwest Asia,
Sexual dimorphism
Logarithm size index scaling
as well as a large assemblage of ancient S. scrofa from an archaeological site in southeastern Turkey dated to
11,600 cal. BP. We find that age related interstitial wear has a profound impact on molar lengths. Comparisons of
length measurements of S. scrofa molars should only be made if one strictly controls for the state of wear, as well
as the stage of crown development and eruption in third molars. Breadth measurements, on the other hand, are
little affected by progressive wear and, as a result, are preferable to length measurements in the analysis of molar
size in S. scrofa. We also evaluate the impact of logarithm size index (LSI) scaling on molar dimensions. Molar
lengths are subject to a number of factors that distort meaningful patterning rendering LSI values of length di­
mensions of little utility in the evaluation of molar size in S. scrofa. With the exception of the upper first molar,
LSI values of molar breadths appear to both capture and amplify patterns seen among unconverted measure­
ments of individual teeth. Our evaluation also confirms the assumption that the size of post-cranial elements is
more profoundly affected than molars by factors such as region and Post-Pleistocene climate change. While
sexual dimorphism also has a greater impact on the size of post-crania than on molars, the degree of sexual
dimorphism in molar breadths, as well as in M3 lengths, is still substantial and must be taken into account in any
study of S. scrofa molar size. Before interpreting downward shifts in molar size as an indicator of domestic status,
archaeozoologists need to first to consider the possible impact of differences in the proportions of males and
females in archaeological assemblages. We conclude with a number of recommendations for new protocols for
the analysis of S. scrofa dental metrics. We also offer observations about the impacts of factors like region, sex,
and change over time on the size of the molars of this species that may open up new areas of research.

1. Introduction length molar teeth. This pioneering work was followed by that of
Swedish zoologist Adolf Pira who monitored the progressive changes in
There is a long history of archaeozoologists using linear measure­ the snout length of S. scrofa remains from archaeological sites in Sweden
ments of teeth to distinguish wild from domestic forms of ancient Sus dating from the Paleolithic through the Iron Age (Pira 1909). Pira’s
scrofa. In the 1860s Ludwig Rütemeyer’s (1861) study of skulls and jaws research also documented a progressive shortening in both upper and
recovered from Swiss Lake Dweller sites found that ancient S. scrofa lower jaws through time that seemed to be particularly evident in a
from had demonstrably shorter snouts than modern European wild boar reduction of the length of the upper third molars overtime.
and were more similar to modern domestic pigs. He interpreted these Since this early work, a reduction in molar size has been widely
changes in skull morphology as an artifact of domestication. The viewed to be an effective marker of domestication in S. scrofa across the
reduction in snout length in these animals was particularly apparent in a wide distribution of this species, from the Near East (e.g., Ervynck et al.,
shortening of the diastema between the canines and the premolars, a 2001; Flannery, 1961; 1983; Hongo and Meadow 1998; Price and
crowding of pre-molars resulting in an overall reduction in the length of Arbuckle, 2015; Stampfli 1983), to Europe (e.g., Albarella et al., 2006a;
the cheek-tooth row, and a reduction in the size of canines and in the Boessneck et al., 1963; Bökönyi 1974; Rowley-Conwy 2003, 2011), and

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M.A. Zeder), (X. Lemoine).
Received 20 August 2020; Received in revised form 21 October 2020; Accepted 21 October 2020
Available online 1 November 2020
0305-4403/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.A. Zeder and X. Lemoine Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

Asia (e.g., Dai et al., 2019; Luo 2012; Luo and Zhang 2008; Ma 2005; (Lemoine et al., 2014; Zeder et al., 2015; Zeder and Lemoine 2020), we
Pike-Tay et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2015; Yuan and Flad 2002). While size focus on a large and geographically constricted assemblage of modern
reduction in post-cranial elements has also been used as a marker of wild boar from Southwest Asia of known sex and region of origin, whose
domestication in S. scrofa (e.g., Hongo and Meadow 1998), reduction in age at death has been estimated using new methods for dental and
tooth size is generally believed to be a more reliable marker in this post-cranial age determination (Lemoine et al., 2014; Zeder et al., 2015).
species principally because teeth are thought to be less affected than Also as in other earlier studies, we include data from the large Hallan
post-cranial dimensions by sex-linked size differences (Albarella et al., Çemi (c. 11,600 cal BP) assemblage of S. scrofa to provide a window into
2006a; Price and Arbuckle, 2015; Mayer et al., 1998). Recently, variation over time.
archaeozoologists have begun to advocate for the use of breadth over We address six questions: 1) What is the impact of progressive age-
length measurements of teeth as a more effective measure of size related wear on length and breadth measurements of molar teeth?; 2)
changes with domestication (Albarella and Payne 2005; Pike-Tay et al., What is the degree of regional variation in dental measurements?; 3)
2016; Rowley-Conwy et al., 2012). Breadth measurements are argued to What is the impact of sex on dental measurements?; 4) How does molar
be less affected by age-related interstitial wear than length measure­ size vary over time; 5) Are there scaling differences between different
ments which are thought undergo progressive reduction over the life­ molars and different dimensions when converted into LSI values that
time of the animal. Increasingly, archaeozoologists are also applying the might distort meaningful patterning in LSI size profiles, and how well do
logarithm size indexing (LSI) method (Meadow 1999) to dental metrics, the combined LSI values of multiple molars mirror size differences in
a technique that allows measurements of multiple different teeth to be unconverted measurements of individual molars; and 6) What is the
combined and compared over time and space (e.g., Albarella et al., correlation in the size of molars and post-crania by region, sex, and over
2006b; Price and Arbuckle, 2015; Price and Hongo 2019). time. We do not directly address the impact of domestication on molar
Given the ubiquity of this domestication marker, it is surprising how size because we lack a comparative assemblage of domestic pig. But
little is known about the impact of a wide range of different factors on before dental measurements can be confidently used as a marker of
tooth size in S. scrofa. While the degree of interstitial wear isreasonably domestication, these as yet unanswered questions need to be resolved. It
thought to affect the occlusal length measurements of S. scrofa molars, is our hope that a controlled assessment of the impact of these different
(e.g., Price and Arbuckle, 2015), we know of no actual published factors on linear measurements of S. scrofa molars will assist archae­
empirical data that demonstrates this. Similarly, sexual dimorphism is ozoologists in the application and interpretation of dental metrics in the
assumed to have only a negligible effect on molar size compared to context of on-going domestication of this species.
post-crania (Payne and Bull 1988; Price and Evin 2017) even though we
know of only one comparative study (Mayer et al., 1998) that tests this 2. The modern and ancient samples
assumption. While regional body-size variation in S. scrofa is well
documented (Groves 1981, 2008), there is little data on regional vari­ The modern sample considered here consists of the upper and lower
ation in tooth size or the degree to which dental size and the size of molars of 34 wild boar from various collecting localities within South­
post-crania covary by region, sex, or over time. west Asia (Fig. 1). These specimens include 20 females and 14 males
This article addresses these gaps in our understanding of the different ranging in age from a few months to very old animals at the end of their
factors affecting molar size in S. scrofa. As in earlier articles dedicated to natural life span (Table 1, Tables S1 and S2). A full description of this
developing new methods for demographic profiling in this species sample can be found in Zeder and Lemoine (2020). Metric data was

Fig. 1. Map showing locations of modern and ancient boar.

M.A. Zeder and X. Lemoine Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

recorded for 258 permanent molars of these modern wild boar

(Table S3).
The archaeological S. scrofa are from the site of Hallan Çemi in
southeastern Turkey (Fig. 1). Occupied for a brief time around 11,600
BP, Hallan Çemi is one of the earliest sedentary communities established
in the region at the beginning of the Early Holocene (Rosenberg 1994;
Zeder and Spitzer 2016). The nearly two metric tons of animal remains
recovered during salvage excavations in the 1990s included a large
number of S. scrofa bones and teeth (8000 NISP, 6000 MNE), making
this among the largest archaeological assemblage of S. scrofa in South­
west Asia. Metric data was collected on 236 upper and lower S. scrofa
molars from Hallan Çemi following the same protocols used in the Fig. 2. Occlusal length measurement guide. Inferior view of the left side of a
measurement of the modern assemblage (Table S4). S. scrofa maxilla with dotted black lines showing occlusal length measurements
Dimensions measured in this study include: 1) Greatest overall length, for the permanent M1, M2, and M3. The interstitial margins between teeth are
taken mesio-distally and equivalent to “L” following von den Driesch indicated with solid white lines and the distalmost margin of the M3 is marked
1976; 2) Occlusal length, taken mesio-distally from each interstitial by a solid black line. Measurements for permanent M1 and M2 are taken mesio-
margin for the M1 and M2, and for the M3 from the M2-M3 interstitial distally as the greatest length between the interstitial margins of its adjacent
margin to the distalmost portion of the third cusp visible above the teeth. Occlusal measurement for the permanent M3 is taken medio-distally as
alveolar margin (Fig. 2); and 3) Greatest breadth, taken lingual-labially the greatest length between the M2/M3 interstitial margin and the distalmost
point of the third cusp of the M3 exposed above the alveolar surface.
from the widest point of the crown and equivalent to “B” in von den
Driesch 1976. Measurement of greatest overall length was not possible
for teeth within alveolar bone without damaging the specimen—as was the problems introduced if measurements from both occlusal and overall
the case with the majority of our modern specimens and many of the lengths are used without distinction by comparing overall and occlusal
ancient ones. As a result, greatest occlusal lengths were the only length length measurements of the same upper and lower M2s—the teeth for
measurement recorded for most of these teeth and are, thus, the primary which we had the most robust sample sizes for these two measurements.
focus here. When we compare these two length measurements, we see that occlusal
We note that while we generally use occlusal lengths as a proxy for length measurements are systematically and significantly smaller than
molar length, occlusal and overall lengths should not be used inter­ overall length measurements (Fig. 3, Table S5). Archaeozoologists
changeably in archaeozoological analyses because they measure two should thus be explicit about which length measurements are being used
different things and are not directly comparable. We can get an idea of and never mix the two to prevent invalid identification of patterns of
molar size change that may instead actually be the result of the differ­
ence between occlusal and overall length measurements.
Table 1 Statistical tests for significance include a combination of one-way
Modern Sus scrofa specimens by region, sex, and age (see Table S1). ANOVAs to assess variation across multiple variables, and Wilcoxon
Province Long Bone Age Class Female Male Total signed-rank tests to assess the significance of two way comparisons be­
Kızılcahamam C 0 1 1 tween variables. All statistical tests were performed using JMP® Version
Kızılcahamam D 1 1 2 14 (SAS Institute Inc., 2019). Descriptive statistics for all molar mea­
Kızılcahamam E 4 2 6 surements discussed in this paper, along with the results of these sta­
Kızılcahamam F 2 1 3 tistical tests, are reported in the supplemental tables.
Kızılcahamam G 2 1 3
Kızılcahamam H 1 0 1
Kızılcahamam I 1 1 2
Kızılcahamam Total 11 7 18
Khuzistan J 0 1 1
Khuzistan K 0 1 1
Khuzistan Total 0 2 2
Highland Zagros C 1 0 1
Highland Zagros F 1 0 1
Highland Zagros H 2 0 1
Highland Zagros I 1 1 1
Highland Zagros Total 5 1 4
Caspian B 0 1 1
Caspian E 0 1 1
Caspian I 1 0 1
Caspian K 1 0 1
Caspian Total 2 2 4
Sistan B 1 0 1
Sistan C 0 1 1
Sistan J 0 1 1
Sistan K 1 0 1
Sistan Total 2 2 4
All Regions B 1 1 2
All Regions C 1 2 3
All Regions D 1 1 2
All Regions E 4 3 7
All Regions F 3 1 4
All Regions G 2 1 3
All Regions H 3 0 3
All Regions I 3 2 5
All Regions J 0 2 2
All Regions K 2 1 3
All Regions Total 20 14 34 Fig. 3. Comparison of length and occlusal length measurements of upper and
lower M2s. Sample sizes in Table S5.

M.A. Zeder and X. Lemoine Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

Fig. 4. Wear stages and wear groups for S. scrofa teeth (adapted from Grant 1982).

3. Impact of wear on molar size impact of age-related wear on the different linear dimensions of molars.
In addition to metric data, eruption and wear stages were recorded
The impact of progressive age-related wear on molar dimensions as a for individual teeth following the system outlined in Lemoine et al.,
potentially confounding factor in the evaluation of these measurements (2014) (Fig. 4). In order to assess the impact of progressive wear on the
as proxies for phenotypic change was recognized early on (e.g. Payne length and breadth of S. scrofa molars, we combined the 19 different
and Bull 1988), and dental attrition is often mentioned in more recent eruption and wear stages into four wear groups: 1) Wear Group 1: wear
attempts at refining (e.g. Mayer et al., 1998) and applying (e.g. Wang stages 1–9, including unworn teeth in the process of eruption and teeth
et al., 2015) linear molar measurements in the evaluation of archaeo­ just beginning to come into wear, 2) Wear Group 2: wear stages 10–12,
logical assemblages. Interstitial wear is suspected of having a particu­ corresponding to light wear, 3) Wear Group 3: wear stages 13–15,
larly pronounced effect on molar lengths—which are thought to denoting moderate wear, and 4) Wear Group 4: wear stages 16–19,
decrease with age due to attrition, making length measurements a less including molars in heavy wear (see Tables S3 and S4 for eruption and
reliable indicator of phylogenetic changes (such as those that may come wear stage assignments of teeth used in this study).
about through domestication) than breadth measurements (e.g. Kusat­ Given the limited number of overall length measurements of molars,
man 1991; Price 2016; Price and Evin 2017, see also Ervynck et al., we can only look at the impact of wear on occlusal length and breadth in
2001). Until now, however, there has been no controlled study of the the modern sample. As expected, the impact of progressive wear on

M.A. Zeder and X. Lemoine Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

Fig. 5. Modern S. scrofa occlusal lengths and breadths by wear group. Sample sizes in Table S6.

occlusal length measurements is quite profound. Both the upper and and lower M1s. For the upper and lower M2s, decreases in occlusal
lower M1s and M2s show dramatic decreases in occlusal length with length are most evident between groups 2 and 3, with specimens in wear
each progressive wear stage (Fig. 5, Table S6a). Wilcoxon signed rank groups 1 and 2 similar in length to one another. We should note that
tests for differences between wear groups (Table S6c) find statistically sample sizes are very small for teeth in groups 3 and 4 for both the upper
significant differences (α = 0.05) between all four groups for the upper (n = 4) and lower (n = 4) M2s, likely due to the relatively later eruption

M.A. Zeder and X. Lemoine Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

Fig. 6. Hallan Çemi S. scrofa LM1 overall and occlusal lengths and breadths by wear group. Sample sizes in Table S7.

(and thus less time subject to attrition) of this tooth compared to the Examination of the impact of age related wear on molar size, then,
M1s. confirms that progressive wear has a significant impact on the both
This problem of late eruption resulting in smaller sample sizes in the occlusal and overall length dimensions of molar teeth in S. scrofa. Molar
later wear groups is especially pronounced for the upper and lower M3s. length comparisons should only proceed by controlling for wear –
Thus, the insignificant results from our one-way ANOVAs for the comparing molars in one or perhaps two continuous wear groups. As a
occlusal lengths of the M3s (Table S6a) must be very conservatively rule, molar teeth in heavy wear should not be used for these purposes
interpreted. Although small sample size impedes our ability to fully and M3 lengths should be treated with extreme caution, or be excluded
assess the effect of progressive dental wear on M3 length, it seems likely altogether, due to the problems the development of this tooth presents to
that because these teeth are subject to only unidirectional interstitial accurate and reliable measurement. Our results also confirm, however,
wear forces from the adjacent M2, their lengths are not as affected by that breadth measurements are little affected by wear and thus likely
progressive wear—at least in contrast to the M1 and M2. The M3’s serve as more reliable and valid measures differences in S. scrofa molar
prolonged and progressive cusp-by-cusp crown development and erup­ size than length measurements. In addition, our results reinforce the
tion, however, presents special challenges that make measurements of importance of recording and considering the status eruption and wear
this tooth especially prone to observer-introduced error (Ide et al., 2013; on all molar teeth in any evaluation of molar size.
Tonge and McCance 1973). If the stage of development is not precisely
accounted for, measuring loose M3s collected from archaeological sites 4. Impact of region on molar size
that have not yet completed ossification, but may already show signs of
attrition on the mesial cusps, risks including teeth with under-developed Our earlier study of post-cranial elements of the modern wild boar
distal aspects that can erroneously drive down M3 occlusal and overall assemblage found significant variability between the Turkish specimens
length measurements of a given assemblage—especially if that assem­ in our sample and those from Iraq and Iran (Zeder and Lemoine 2020).
blage contains a large number of S. scrofa between 8 and 24 months of Here we examine whether these differences are also reflected in the
age when this is most likely to occur. molar size of wild boar in this same modern assemblage. Ideally, eval­
In contrast to length, progressive, age-associated dental attrition uation of the impact of region on size should be based on well-defined
seems to have little impact on molar breadth measurements (Fig. 5, populations from discrete collecting localities. The Turkish wild boar
Table S6b). The distribution of breadth measurements for all upper and in our sample meet this criterion being from a single population in the
lower molars is quite constant across the four different wear groups, Kızılcahamam preserve collected by Sabastian Payne and Gail Bull in the
with no significant changes detected by ANOVAs (Table S6c). This 1970s (Payne and Bull 1988). In contrast, modern boar from Iraq and
constancy is particularly apparent in both upper and lower M1s for Iran are from multiple populations over this broad territory that were
which we have the largest sample of teeth across all four wear groups. collected by different expeditions over more than 50 years (Table S1).
Again, small sample sizes in the latter two wear groups for the upper and Even when combined into four general regions (Table 1), there are too
lower M3s and M2s necessitate some caution in interpreting these few specimens to allow for a valid region-by-region comparison. In our
results. earlier study (Zeder and Lemoine 2020) we determined that post-cranial
Although limited, the number of overall length measurements for the dimensions of boar from different collecting localities in Iraq and Iran
Hallan Çemi molars is somewhat larger than it is in the modern sample, were similar enough to one another that they could be combined into a
and, while the sample is too small for reliable statistical tests, there are single Iraq/Iran group that could then be compared to the post-crania of
enough overall length measurements of lower first molars in the Hallan the Turkish wild boar. The same is true for molar dimensions (Table S8)
Çemi sample to demonstrate that overall length measurements are which we have again combined into a single Iraq/Iran group for com­
similarly affected by interstitial wear (Fig. 6, Table S7). Both overall and parison with the Turkish boar. We also restrict our comparison of molar
occlusal length measurements of the lower M1 show a similar downward size in these two regional samples to females (for which we have the
progression in each successive wear group, while breadth measurements most specimens) to control for any sex related variability in size.
remain generally steady. Moreover, this comparison also highlights the Moreover, given the clear impact of age-related wear on occlusal lengths
difference between overall and occlusal length measurements with discussed above, we further limit the comparison of occlusal lengths to
overall length measurements larger than occlusal lengths in each wear the teeth of female boar in wear groups 1 and 2.
group, further underscoring the dangers of combining overall and Molar dimensions of wild boar from these two regions are very
occlusal length measurements. similar (Fig. 7, Table S9). In almost all cases, there is no statistical

M.A. Zeder and X. Lemoine Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

Fig. 7. Occlusal lengths and breadths by region. Sample sizes in Table S9.

difference between either the occlusal lengths (controlled for wear) or evaluation of the impact of sex on molar size in S. scrofa, however, is
the breadths of upper and lower molars of the Turkish and the Iraq/Iran limited to one study that documented some sex-based variation in the
female boar. The only statistically significant differences are between size upper and lower M2 and M3 lengths and breadths among diverse
the occlusal lengths of the lower M1 (that are slightly larger in the Iraq/ sample of wild boar from Europe, North Africa, and Asia that also
Iran specimens than in the Turkish boar) (p-value = 0.0384, α = 0.05) included feral swine and wild boarxferal swine hybrids (Mayer et al.,
(Table S9a) and in the breadths of the upper M1 (that are slightly smaller 1998). We consider this question with a less geographically and
in the Iraq/Iran specimens than in the Turkish ones) (p-value = 0.0403, phylogenetically diverse sample of modern wild boar. Given the simi­
α = 0.05) (Table S9b). larity in molar sizes of the Turkish and the Iraq/Iran wild boar, our
examination of sex-linked differences in molar size are based on a
5. Impact of sex on molar size combined sample of specimens from both regions. As before, however,
we limit our evaluation of occlusal length measurements to specimens in
In contrast to post-cranial elements which are highly dimorphic in wear groups 1 and 2 to control for age-related wear.
S. scrofa (see Zeder and Lemoine 2020), it is generally thought that With the exception of the upper and lower M3s, sex-linked differ­
molars do not to display a strong degree of sexual dimorphism (Ervynck ences in occlusal lengths are either only weakly significant (for upper
et al., 2001; Mayer et al., 1998; Payne and Bull, 1988; Price and M2s) (p-value = 0.0976) or not significant (Fig. 8, Table S10a). Occlusal
Arbuckle, 2015; Price and Evin 2017). This opinion is not universal, with lengths of both upper and lower M3s, however, are significantly larger
an early application of geometric morphometric analysis to S. scrofa than females at a high degree of confidence (p < 0.05). Sex-linked dif­
molar size and shape maintaining that there is, in fact, “clear dimor­ ferences in molar breadths, in contrast, appear to be much stronger
phism in molar size in wild boars” (Evin et al., 2013:742). Empirical (Table S10b). With the exception of the lower M1s and, to a lesser

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degree, the Upper M3s, the molar breadths of males are significantly sizes show similar variation. When we compare modern and ancient
larger than those of females showing highly significant differences (p- boar occlusal lengths and breadths (Fig. 9, Table S11), however, we find
value ≤ 0.05). little or no change over the nearly 12,000 years that separate these two
Thus, it would appear that, sexual dimorphism plays a role in molar assemblages. Molar breadths do show some indication of decrease over
size in wild boar, especially in molar breadths, but also in the occlusal time in upper and lower M1s and M2s, and lower M3s Table S11b) that
lengths of upper and lower M3s when controlled for wear. The degree of are especially apparent in the box plots in Fig. 9, but these differences
sexual dimorphism detected in M3 occlusal lengths is especially are only statistically significant for the upper M1s and then only weakly
important given the ubiquity of early studies that focus on M3 lengths in so (p = 0.072).
attempting to distinguish between wild and domestic S. scrofa. Before
interpreting downward sifts in molar breadths or M3 lengths as an in­ 7. The application of logarithm size index scaling to dental
dicator of on-going domestication, one needs first to consider the pos­ measurements
sibility that these changes are instead attributable to demographic
differences in the proportions of males and females in these Logarithm size index (LSI) scaling of metric data is one of the most
assemblages. widely used techniques in the metrical analyses of archaeological animal
bones. Normalizing measurements of different dimensions to a single
6. Impact of time on molar size standard allows metric data from different elements to be combined into
a single size profile making it possible to draw comparisons between
Our earlier study also revealed a marked reduction in the size of post- assemblages despite limited sample size and/or differential element
cranial elements in modern wild boar when compared to ancient boar representation. While this technique is most commonly used to examine
from Hallan Çemi, raising once again the question of whether the molar variation in the size of post-cranial elements, LSI scaling is also

Fig. 8. Occlusal lengths and breadths by sex. Sample sizes in Table S10.

M.A. Zeder and X. Lemoine Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

increasingly being applied to dental metric data (Albarella et al., 2006b; It is often not clear whether upper and lower teeth are combined in these
Price and Arbuckle, 2015; Price and Hongo 2019). The generally more size profiles, or if length measurements are of the overall length of the
restricted number of teeth recovered from archaeological sites makes tooth, its occlusal surface, or some combination of the two. Sometimes it
the application of LSI scaling to dental metrics a particularly attractive is unclear precisely which teeth are included in these profiles, or in what
way of obtaining a picture of size variation in dentition across time and proportions they contribute to the total sample. In all cases the degree of
space. wear of the individual teeth are not precisely specified nor controlled for
There is, however, little standardization in how this method is in the aggregate LSI analyses.
applied to dental metrics. Some applications combine breadth mea­ The underlying assumption of size index scaling is that all di­
surements of anterior and posterior cusps of both upper and lower mo­ mensions of a single specimen will vary isometrically so that individual
lars, along with breadths of deciduous fourth pre-molars (e.g. Albarella measurements of different elements of the same specimen will all scale
et al. 2006a, 2006b; Hamilton and Thomas, 2012; Price and Arbuckle, the same way when compared to the standard specimen (i.e., the dif­
2015; Price and Evin 2017; Price et al., 2017); some construct separate ference between each dimension of the elements of a single specimen
profiles for dental length and breadth measurements (Albarella et al., and those of the chosen standard will be identical, or at least very
2006a); still others combine length and breadth measurements into similar, to one another). This basic assumption is violated, however, if
single size profiles (Albarella et al., 2006b; Hamilton and Thomas 2012). there is substantial variation in how different dimensions of a single

Fig. 9. Occlusal lengths and breadths over time. Sample sizes in Table S11.

M.A. Zeder and X. Lemoine Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

specimen scale relative to the standard—a potential source of bias that

Table 2
might mask any real patterning in the size profile of an assemblage based
Dental metrics for standard Sus scrofa (FMNH 97887, see Table S3).
on scaled values. Our earlier application of LSI scaling to S. scrofa post-
cranial metric data from the same modern and ancient samples used in FMNH 97887 UM1 UM2 UM3 LM1 LM2 LM3

the present study found that this assumption does not hold for all post- Breadth 19.59 22.23 24.54 14.20 18.21 21.03
crania (Zeder and Lemoine 2020). LSI values of breadth measurements Occlusal Length 16.56 23.93 44.90 14.86 21.04 49.92
of the glenoid process of the scapula, for example, scaled so much
smaller than those of all other post-cranial elements that they were
similar, as expected under the assumption of isometric scaling, there is a
excluded from the study. Less marked differences were also found for
steady downward progression of LSI values of occlusal length values of
other post-cranial dimensions, resulting in the division of the elements
each individual tooth (Fig. 10, Table S12a). Moreover, there is little
in the modern and ancient S. scrofa assemblages into two groups of
correspondence between the same molar in upper and lower tooth rows;
larger and smaller scaling dimensions.
upper molars uniformly scale higher relative to the standard than the
So, it is important to ask whether there are similar scaling issues in
corresponding lower molars. With the exception of the upper and lower
LSI values of dental metric data. Specifically, is there enough similarity
M3s, there is virtually no overlap in the means, medians, quartile values,
in the ways that individual molar dimensions scale relative to a standard
minimum and maximum of the LSI values for any of these teeth, which
to permit combing them by tooth row or as a combination of both upper
are all significantly different from one another at a high degree of
and lower tooth rows? We also need to consider whether size profiles
confidence (p-value < 0.0001) (Table S12c).
based on scaled values reflect patterning seen in unaltered metrics of
The extreme variation in the scaled values of occlusal length mea­
individual molar dimensions. In particular, do we see the same
surements can in part be attributed to the animal chosen for use as a
patterning in dental size by region, sex, and over time that are evident in
standard. Specimen FMNH 97887 is a very large older male between
the unconverted metrics of individual molars?
about 5 to 8 years of age which was chosen as the standard animal in our
We use the same adult male from Sistan province Iran as the standard
earlier study because all of its post-cranial elements were fused (see
for computing LSI values of molar measurements as used in our earlier
Zeder and Lemoine 2020). The advanced age of this specimen, however,
study of post-cranial dimensions (FMNH 97887, Table S1) to allow for
makes it a less than ideal standard for the conversion of occlusal length
direct comparisons of post-cranial and molar size variation (see below).
measurements into LSI values as this specimen had highly worn first and
We also use the same formula, d = log(x/y) — where x is the dimension
second molars (both in wear group 4), but third molars in light wear
of the modern specimens, y the dimension of the standard, and d the
(wear group 2) (Table S3). The occlusal measurements for this indi­
resulting scaled dimension. Due to the lack of overall length measure­
vidual reflect these differential wear states; upper and lower M1 occlusal
ments for this specimen (and indeed for the majority of specimens in our
lengths are considerably smaller than those of other modern wild boar in
sample of modern wild boar), we can only standardize occlusal lengths
the sample (male and female), the M2s are about the same size as those
and maximum breadth measurements. LSI values for occlusal lengths
of other specimens, and the M3 occlusal lengths are considerably larger
and breadth measurements of for this specimen are included in Table S3.
than those of other specimens. So it is no surprise that the LSI values of
The measurements of this specimen used to compute LSI values for both
the combined occlusal length of M1s and M2s in wear groups 1 and 2 are
the modern and ancient samples are presented in Table 2. Once again we
as a whole greater than 0 on the log normalized scale (meaning they are
restrict the evaluation of occlusal lengths to specimens in wear groups 1
larger than the standard), while the M3s are less than 0 (meaning they
and 2.
are smaller than the standard). But while the differential impact of
progressive wear of the molars of this individual likely contributes to the
7.1. Scaling downward progression of the occlusal length LSI values of the other
modern specimens relative to this standard, it cannot account for the
There is no agreement between LSI values of occlusal lengths of in­ marked offset in the LSI values of the same molar in the upper and lower
dividual teeth within the same tooth row. Instead of being roughly

Fig. 10. LSI values of individual molars of modern S. scrofa. Sample sizes in Table S12.

M.A. Zeder and X. Lemoine Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

jaws. It would seem, then, a number of different factors affect LSI values breadths decreases the difference between upper and lower tooth rows,
for molar length measurements — differential impacts of wear on molar but the difference is still statistically significant at a relatively weak level
length, the choice of standard used in logarithmic scaling, and the failure (p = 0.0934).
of length measurements to scale isometrically — that raise concerns LSI values of occlusal lengths, then, are not a reliable way to monitor
about utility of the LSI scaling technique for molar length variations in molar size, either as size profiles of combined occlusal
measurements. length values (by jaw or for both jaws combined), and certainly not as
The choice of standard has no impact on the LSI values of molar part of size profiles based on a combination of length and breadth LSI
breadths for the modern specimens. Despite the advanced state of wear values. LSI values of molar breadth measurements are less problematic
of the first and second molars of this individual, the breadths of all its but are likely best considered separately for upper and lower tooth rows.
molars (upper and lower) are consistently larger than those of most Accordingly, we limit our further consideration of log normalized metric
other modern S. scrofa in the assemblage (Table S3). This is why the LSI data to LSI values of breadth measurements by tooth row, excluding the
values of molar breadths of the other modern boar computed using this M1s, in comparisons of LSI values of breadths in upper tooth rows.
standard mostly fall below 0 on the log normalized scale (Fig. 10,
Table S12b). Moreover, with the exception of the upper M1s, there is a
much closer correspondence between the LSI values of molar breadths 7.2. LSI values by locality, sex, and time
than of occlusal lengths. LSI values of upper M1 breadths scale signifi­
cantly smaller than those of other molars with a high degree of statistical The examination of unaltered measurements of individual teeth
significance (p-values < 0.0001) (Table S12c). In contrast, there is no shows little difference between Turkish and the Iraq/Iran S. scrofa in our
statistical difference between the LSI values of the breadths of upper M2s modern assemblage. Nor does there appear to be much change in molar
compared to upper M3s, nor is there a statistically significant difference size over time. In contrast, we found considerable, and in many cases
between the LSI values of the lower M1 breadths and those of lower M3s. highly significant, differences in breadth measurements by sex. The
And while there are significant differences between the LSI breadth question then arises whether these patterns are also seen in size profiles
values of lower M1s and M2s, as well as between lower M2s and M3s, based on combined LSI values of different molars.
these differences are not as highly significant as those between the LSI Turning first to locality, LSI values of molar breadths of upper and
values for upper M1 breadths and other molars. So, while breadth lower molar rows seem to show a tendency for the molars of Turkish
measurements of individual teeth do not strictly conform to the boar to be slightly larger than those of the wild boar from Iraq and Iran
assumption of isometric scaling, the general similarities of these values (Fig. 12). These differences are not, however, statistically significant
for molar breadths (excepting the upper M1s) are likely enough to (Table S14). Thus, the LSI values of molar breadths confirm and
permit them to be combined into size profiles of upper and lower tooth strengthen the impression gained from the evaluation of unconverted
rows. metrics of individual teeth that there is no significant difference in molar
As to the question of whether LSI values of individual teeth from breadths of wild boar across this broad territory from southeastern
upper and lower teeth can be combined (Fig. 11, Table S13), clearly this Turkey to southeastern Iran.
is not advisable for upper and lower occlusal length measurements On the other hand, LSI values of upper and lower molar breadths
which Wilcoxon signed-rank tests indicate differ from one another with amplify the small, but statistically insignificant, tendency toward size
a high degree of significance (p-values < 0.0001). The sharp difference reduction seen in the unconverted measurements of individual teeth of
between occlusal length LSI values and those for breadth measurements modern wild boar when compared to those from Hallan Çemi (Fig. 13,
also rules out the possibility of combining occlusal length and breadth Table S15). The difference between the LSI values from the ancient and
LSI values (Fig. 11). Combined LSI values of the breadths of upper and
lower molars also differ significantly from one another when LSI values
for the upper M1s are included (p = 0.0055). Excluding the upper M1

Fig. 12. LSI values of breadth measurements by region. Sample sizes

Fig. 11. LSI values of upper and lower molars of modern S. scrofa. Occlusal
in Table S14.
lengths = wear groups 1&2. Sample sizes in Table S13.

M.A. Zeder and X. Lemoine Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

in molar size.

8. Size variation in molars and post-crania

In addition to making it possible to combine metric data from mul­

tiple elements into robust size profiles, logarithm scaling techniques also
provide a means for comparing variability in body size between different
components of an animal’s skeleton. In particular, they allow us to ask if
all skeletal components experience the same responses to forces
affecting body size in animals, or whether, instead, different parts of the
skeleton respond to different factors in different ways. Given the ubiq­
uity of LSI-based analyses of archaeological animal bone it is surprising
that this topic has not been pursued in any depth. The metric data
compiled here for the large assemblages modern and ancient wild boar
make such a comparison possible. Specifically we ask four questions: 1)
Are there differences in how post-cranial and dental dimension scale
relative to one another; 2) How do the sizes of molars and post-crania
vary by region; 3) How do the sizes of these respective skeletal ele­
ments vary by sex; and 4) How do they vary over time?

8.1. Scaling of molar and post-cranial metric data

Fig. 13. LSI values of breadth measurements over time. Sample sizes
in Table S15. Scaling issues are addressed by comparing the distribution of LSI
values for upper (excluding M1s) and lower molars of the modern
modern boar molar breadth is now significant at a high degree of con­ S. scrofa to those of post-crania in the two different larger and smaller
fidence (p ≤ 0.05) for both the upper and lower jaws scaling groups mentioned above and discussed at length in Zeder and
Sex-linked differences in molar breadths are especially amplified Lemoine (2020) (Fig. 15, Table S17). If the assumption of isometric
when measurements of individual teeth are converted into LSI values scaling applies to all skeletal elements (dental and post-cranial) then the
and combined into tooth rows (Fig. 14). Wilcoxon signed-rank tests for
LSI values of the breadths upper and lower molar teeth find a highly
significant difference between the molar breadths of upper and lower
teeth (p < 0.05) (Table S16).
LSI profiles of molar breadth measurements (excluding the upper
M1s), then, both capture and amplify patterns seen among unconverted
measurements of individual teeth making the application of logarithm
scaling to molar breadths an effective technique for evaluating variation

Fig. 15. LSI values of upper and lower molars compared to post-cranial group 1
and group 2 elements for modern S. scrofa. Sample sizes in Table S17.

Fig. 16. LSI values of upper and lower molars compared to post-cranial group 1
Fig. 14. LSI values of breadth measurements by sex. Sample sizes in Table S16. and group 2 elements for modern S. scrofa by region. Sample sizes in Table S18.

M.A. Zeder and X. Lemoine Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

(p < 0.0001). These sharp differences are seen in all descriptive statistics
for post-cranial LSI values in means, medians, and in the wide separation
between the interquartile ranges of male and female post-cranial LSI
Our earlier study used these marked differences in the interquartile
ranges of post-cranial LSI values to develop a method for identifying
male and female S. scrofa in archaeological assemblages (Zeder and
Lemoine 2020). Following this method, specimens with LSI values
smaller than the third quartile value of females (the top of the female
box in a box plot) are classified as female, while those greater than the
first quartile value of males (the bottom of the box for the males) are
classified as male. The range of values between them is considered an
overlap zone where sex cannot be determined. The marked separation
between the interquartile ranges of females and males in post-cranial LSI
values means that these cut-off points capture the majority of male and
specimens in the sample, with only a handful of specimens falling into
the overlap range of values that cannot be assigned to sex. The large
Fig. 17. LSI values of upper and lower molars compared to post-cranial group 1
overlap between the interquartile ranges of female and male molars LSI
and group 2 elements for modern S. scrofa by sex. Sample sizes in Table S19.
values, however, speaks against applying this technique to dental met­
rics. The number of specimens that would fall into the overlap range
distribution of the LSI values for these elements should be roughly the
constitute more than half of an assemblage of molars, making any age
same. Instead, we see a clear downward progression in how these
profile based on the small sample of sexable molars highly unreliable.
different groups of elements scale relative to one another. While, as
Although there does not appear to be a way to cleanly separate dentition
mentioned above, the distributions of LSI values of upper and lower
by sex that would make it possible to construct sex-specific age profiles
molars are roughly similar (though statistically different at a weaker
based on dental eruption and wear in archaeological assemblages, sex is
level of significance), the LSI values of both groups of post-cranial ele­
nonetheless a significant factor in molar size that must be taken into
ments differ from those of molars and each other at a high degree of
consideration in the interpretation of dental metrics.
significance (p < 0.0001) (Table S17b). Thus, it seems that LSI values of
the dimensions of dental and post-cranial elements within the same
individuals scale differently from one another and should be examined 8.4. Comparison of LSI values of molars and post-crania over time
As noted above, the LSI values for upper and lower molars amplify a
8.2. Comparison of LSI values of molars and post-crania by region small, but significant, downward trend in molar size over the roughly
12,000 years that separate these two assemblages. The reduction in the
We can evaluate the impact of region on the dental and post-cranial LSI values of post-crania over time, however, is much more dramatic,
dimensions by comparing LSI values of molars and post-crania of wild with the Hallan Çemi post-cranial LSI values differing from modern wild
boar from the Turkish population to those of the combined Iraq/Iran boar with a high degree of statistical confidence (p < 0.0001)
assemblage of S. scrofa. Once again, we limit this comparison to females (Table S20). Box-plots of LSI values for ancient and modern S. scrofa
to control for any sex-linked differences that might arise from the un­ clearly demonstrate the reduction on the size of post-cranial elements
even representation males and females in the Turkish and Iraq/Iran (and thus in overall body size) over time (Fig. 18). While there is
assemblages. We further limit the post-cranial assemblage to wild boar considerable overlap in the ranges of LSI values for upper and lower
older than 8 months (age class D in Zeder et al., 2015, Table S2) to molars in the ancient and modern assemblages, there is no overlap in the
eliminate specimens of very young animals represented in the third to first interquartile ranges of the post-cranial LSI values of the
post-cranial assemblage but not in the assemblage of dental dimensions ancient and modern assemblages (the boxes of the box plots), and little
of permanent molars. Although LSI values of molar breadths showed a overlap between the outlying first and fourth quartile ranges (the tails of
statistically insignificant tendency for Turkish wild boar to be slightly
larger than those of wild boar from Iraq and Iran, there are major dif­
ferences in the size of the post-cranial elements of boar from these two
regions (Fig. 16, Table S18). In both post-cranial scaling groups wild
boar from Iraq and Iran are significantly larger than those of the Turkish
boar at a high degree of confidence (p < 0.05). Regional differences,
then, have a much greater impact on the size of post-cranial elements
than on molar dimensions.

8.3. Comparison of LSI values of molars and post-crania by sex

In evaluating the impact of sex on the size of molars and post crania
we once again limit our sample of post-crania to wild boar older than 8
months of age (Fig. 17, Table S19). As we saw earlier, there is a clear,
and statistically significant, tendency for male molar breadths to be
somewhat larger than those from females. There is, however, a good
deal of overlap in the interquartile ranges of males and females in the LSI
values of molar breadth measurements in upper and lower molars (see
Fig. 17). In contrast, there is a much greater separation between males Fig. 18. Comparison of LSI values of upper and lower molars compared to post-
and females in the LSI values of post-crania in both scaling groups which cranial group 1 and group 2 elements for modern and Hallan Çemi S. scrofa
(post-crania include immature). Sample sizes in Table S20.
are statistically different from one another at a high degree of confidence

M.A. Zeder and X. Lemoine Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

the boxes). breadth of fully erupted molars that are within alveolar bone in a way
The differential impact of time on molar breadths post-cranial ele­ that makes the measurements directly comparable to those of loose
ments is further underscored by a comparison of the relationships be­ teeth. As a general rule, however, recording of eruption and wear of all
tween the LSI values of molars and post-cranial elements within the teeth, preferably using the system based on Grant, 1982, should be
modern and ancient assemblage. As noted above, the LSI values of post- standard practice in any study of S. scrofa dental metrics, whether using
cranial elements in the modern wild boar are significantly smaller than length or breadth measurements. Where this information is not available
the values for molar breadths from the same animals at a high degree of (i.e., in older literature), it may be possible to refer to other information
statistical confidence. Post-cranial LSI values of Hallan Çemi S. scrofa on age structure (i.e., dental or long bone age profiles) to assess whether
are also significantly different from Hallan Çemi molar breadths, but in there are any potential age-related differentials in wear that might be
this case the post-cranial LSI values are substantially larger (more pos­ affecting metric data.
itive) than the molar breadths, highlighting the degree to which post-
cranial elements have reduced in size over time when compared to teeth. 9.2. Protocols for the application of log normalizing techniques on dental
This pattern is unlikely to be an artifact of differential sex compo­ metrics
sition of the two assemblages (i.e., that the smaller size of the modern
S. scrofa is attributable to a higher proportion of females in the assem­ Size profiles composed of LSI values of molar lengths amplify biases
blage compared to Hallan Çemi). Based on the method for identifying introduced by differential wear. Even when controlling for wear, scaling
the sex of archaeological post-crania developed in Zeder and Lemoine differences in molar length measurements introduces another source of
(2020), we estimate that females make up almost identical proportions bias that would likely either blur or override any “real” patterning in
of both the modern and the Hallan Çemi assemblage (65% and 63% normalized length measurements that might be of interest. Application
respectively). Given the relative absence of domestic pigs across the of logarithm size scaling techniques to length measurements should,
Near East today, the substantial difference between the size of the Hallan then, be avoided. Size profiles composed of combined length and
Çemi and the modern boar is also likely not attributable to recent breadth molar measurements are particularly unreliable.
introgression between wild and domestic S. scrofa in the modern sample. LSI values of most molar breadth measurements, on the other hand,
Instead the marked reduction in the size of post-cranial elements evident are relatively unaffected by either differential wear or scaling issues.
in modern wild boar when compared to those from Hallan Çemi is likely Moreover, since combined LSI values of multiple teeth amplify
an artifact of climatic shifts toward warmer temperatures that began in patterning in molar size variation, log normalized size profiles based on
the Late Pleistocene and have been held to account for similar changes in combined LSI values of molar breadths are preferable to raw measure­
the size of a number of species since the Early Holocene (caprines, ga­ ments of individual molars as a way of monitoring meaningful vari­
zelle, foxes, and rabbits) (Albarella et al., 2009; Davis 1977, 2019; Zeder ability in molar size. The offset of LSI values of upper M1s from other
2008). molar breadth values means, however, that these teeth should be
excluded from size profiles based on normalized data. While LSI values
9. Recommendations and observations for upper and lower tooth rows are generally similar to one another and
might in the case of very small assemblages be combined, doing so
Based on this analysis, we can make a number of recommendations would mask differences in how teeth in the upper and lower jaws
about of the impact of various factors on molar size in S. scrofa. Spe­ respond to factors such as locality, sex, time, and, possibly, domestic
cifically, the data presented here point to a number of protocols that status. Therefore, we recommend against combining LSI values of upper
might be considered “best practices” in the analysis of S. scrofa dental and lower molars in size profiles of normalized data.
metrics. We can also offer several concrete observations about the im­
pacts of factors such as region, sex, and change over time on the size of 9.3. Impacts of region, sex, and time on molar size
the molars of this species that may open up new areas of research, as well
as help better inform the traditional use of tooth size as a marker of The impacts of region, sex, and time on molar size are variable in
domestication. degree, teeth, and dimension affected. Unconverted occlusal lengths and
breadth measurements individual molars, as well as LSI values of molar
9.1. Controlling for the impact of wear on dental metrics breadths, indicate that there is essentially no difference in molar sizes
between the Turkish wild boars and the combined sample of boar from
Our data confirm the hypothesis that interstitial wear has a dramatic Iraq and Iran. LSI values for upper and lower molar breadths, on the
impact on molar size, particularly on molar length measurements in other hand, amplify the small, but statistically insignificant, tendency
upper and lower M1 and M2s. As a rule, comparisons of length mea­ for unconverted measurements of individual molar breadths of modern
surements of S. scrofa should only be made if one strictly controls for boar to be reduced in size compared to those of ancient S. scrofa.
state of wear. Age-related wear is likely to have a smaller impact on In contrast to region and time which do not seem to have a major
length measurements of the M3, but here the prolonged sequence of impact on molar size, sex seems to have a much more significant, and
crown development and eruption of this tooth (both upper and lower) consistent, impact on the breadth of most molars as well as the occlusal
present special challenges to obtaining accurate length measurements lengths of both upper and lower M3s. Sex-linked differences in molar
which should only be used with care for analyses of molar size. Given the breadths are especially strong in LSI values of upper and lower tooth
marked differences we document between overall length and occlusal rows. It would be interesting to see if domestic S. scrofa show the same
length measurements, care must also be taken to specify which of these degree of sexual dimorphism in molar, and post-crania, size. Domesti­
two different length measurements are being used and to never combine cation is likely to result in a relaxation of the selective advantage of large
the two. It would also be useful to note whether length measurements male body size in mate competition and attraction leading to a reduction
are taken on loose teeth or teeth still situated within alveolar bone with in the degree of sexual-dimorphism in size. Large male body size with its
adjacent teeth still present, as this may affect molar length measure­ extra energetic requirements might also be actively selected against in
ments. We realize that these restrictions will limit the size of datasets of domestic pigs. The differential impact of the relaxation of the selective
length measurements suitable for comparative studies. Failing to do so, advantage of the larger size in post-crania and teeth (and on different
however, renders such comparisons essentially meaningless. teeth, i.e., canines and molars) in domesticates is another promising area
Breadth measurements, on the other hand, are little affected by of inquiry.
progressive wear and, as a result, are preferable to length measurements The impact of all of these factors on molar size is much more muted,
in the study molar size in S. scrofa. It is also easier to measure the and less consistent, than it is on post-cranial size. Post-cranial body size

M.A. Zeder and X. Lemoine Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

of wild boar from Iraq and Iran is substantially larger than that of the time than post-crania, which is often cited as a reason why teeth are
Turkish S. scrofa across both scaling groups and all the elements within more useful marker of domestication in S. scrofa (Ervynck et al., 2001;
them. There is also a significant reduction in post-cranial body size in Mayer et al., 1998; Payne and Bull, 1988; Price and Arbuckle, 2015). But
modern wild boar compared to the Early Holocene S. scrofa from Hallan precisely how (and why) domestication might be expected to affect
Çemi. Moreover, the difference between the size of male and female molar size and how the impact of domestication differs from other fac­
post-cranial body size is much greater than in molar size, making it tors such as sex on molar size is not entirely clear. A useful study of
possible to classify individual specimens within an archaeological modern wild boar from across Eurasia and an assortment of domestic
assemblage as either male or female with some confidence (Zeder and breeds of pigs found evidence of considerable differences in linear
Lemoine 2020). In contrast, although there are marked differences in measurements of both lengths and breadths of upper and lower M2s and
male and female molar breadths, dental metrics can only give a general M3s (Evin et al., 2014). And it would be interesting if a follow-on study
idea of the distribution of males and females within assemblages and took factors such as age-related wear and sex into consideration in
cannot be used to construct sex-specific demographic profiles as is evaluating size differences within this data set of wild and domestic
possible with post-cranial elements. S. scrofa. Similarly, Mayer et al.’s (1998) earlier study of molar size in
wild, domestic, and feralized boar argued that domestication-induced
size reduction was greater than that seen between female and male
9.4. Molar size and domestication
S. scrofa; but the broad geographical spread of specimens examined and
the failure to take age-related wear to account in the evaluation of length
There is, then, some truth to the hypothesis that molars are less
measurement makes it hard to interpret these results. While we cannot
affected by factors such as regional variation, sexual dimorphism, and

Fig. 19. Histograms of LSI values of breadth measurements of modern S. scrofa by sex and tooth row. x-axis = NISP, y-axis = LSI value.

M.A. Zeder and X. Lemoine Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

directly address the question of the degree and distinctiveness of the take sex into consideration in any evaluation of S. scrofa molar size.
impact of domestication on molar size here, our results introduce an Fig. 19 contrasts histograms of LSI values for upper and lower molars of
important cautionary note to the use of molar size as a marker of males and females, while Fig. 20 presents histograms of occlusal length
domestication in S. scrofa. measurements of male and female M3s. The differences seen here be­
As we have seen, the profound impact of age related wear severely tween male and female molar size are at least as marked as differences in
restricts the utility of length measurements of most molars in evaluating molar size that earlier studies have interpreted as markers of domesti­
changes in S. scrofa molar size. Without strictly accounting for wear, cation (e.g. Ervynck et al., 2001; Price and Arbuckle, 2015). This is
length measurements, especially those of occlusal surfaces, are of little especially the case for occlusal length measurements of lower M3s
utility whether as unconverted measurements of individual teeth or as (Fig. 20) — a measurement that has been used in earlier studies as a
LSI values. Moreover, though less than in post-crania, the degree of marker of domestication in S. scrofa (e.g. Flannery, 1983; Stampfli
sexual dimorphism noted in molar breadths, as well as in the length of 1983).
M3s, is still substantial and must be taken into account in any study of This is not to say conclusions drawn in these studies about the do­
S. scrofa molar size. Before interpreting downward sifts in molar mestic status of S. scrofa with reduced molar size are incorrect. But given
breadths, or M3 lengths, as indicators of on-going domestication, one the degree of sexual dimorphism evidenced in molar size documented
needs first to consider the possibility that these changes are instead here, sex must be taken into consideration before drawing conclusions
attributable to demographic differences in the proportions of males and about domestication status. Until this is done, archaeozoologists must
females in these assemblages. Given the consistency in the way the consider the strong possibility that any size differences observed in the
molars of ancient S. scrofa respond to factors such as interstitial wear molars of different S. scrofa assemblages are at least as likely to be
and LSI scaling despite the large chronological gap that separates them, attributable to differences in the sex composition of the assemblages as
it seems likely that ancient S. scrofa molars display similar sex-based they are to domestic status — if not more so. Similar caution has been
differences in molar breadth and M3 length measurements as found urged in drawing conclusions about domestication on the basis of
for the modern wild boar. reduction in the size of post-cranial elements caprines (Zeder 2001)
Histograms of molar dimensions of male and female modern wild —caution that we now know extends to both post-crania and teeth in
boar — a traditional way such data are displayed in studies of S. scrofa S. scrofa.
domestication (e.g., Price and Arbuckle, 2015) — underscore the need to Sex should not be seen, however, as a confounding factor in research

Fig. 20. Histograms of M3 occlusal length measurements of modern S. scrofa. . x-axis = NISP, y-axis = measurement in mm.

M.A. Zeder and X. Lemoine Journal of Archaeological Science 124 (2020) 105266

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