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1. refers to the production or development of a mature egg from one of the

hundred thousands of oocytes (immature eggs) to become a mature egg.
2. is the maturation of the immature sperms inside the testes. As the sperms are
released into the male duct system, they continue to mature, acquiring motility
and optimum fertilizing capacity. Spermatogenesis
3. is a cooperative project of both the man and the woman from initiation through
growth and maturation until the delivery of the child. Pregnancy
4. begins with an interplay of factors from the hormones of the placenta, fetal
pituitary and adrenal glands. Labor
5. is a natural method of child spacing stimulates natural hormones which
prevent ovulation. Breastfeeding
6. achieves permanent sterility (an infertile state) by removing the reproductive
organs. It may be considered a form of mutilation.
Surgical castration
7. is a surgical procedure that cuts the vas deferens, blocking the pathway of the
sperms and preventing their release when the man ejaculates. It is a method of
permanent contraception.
8. is a surgical procedure that cuts the fallopian tube, blocking the pathway of the
egg from the ovaries and the sperm from the uterus so no fertilization can
occur. tubal ligation
9. also known as the withdrawal method, refers to the pulling out of the penis
before ejaculation.
Interrupted intercourse
10.refers to saving or protecting an individual's reproductive tissues or cells for
procreation purposes for use in IVF. Fertility Preservation
11. It is a temporary, disc-shaped organ that connects the fetus to the uterine wall.
Placenta or the placenta

true or false

13.Natural family planning strengthens the love and maturity of the married
couple through communication, cooperation, and self-control. T
14.The absence of conception after a year of regular unprotected intercourse is
referred to as infertility.t
15.Many infertile couples does not need proper timing and counseling. F
16.For Catholics, the human being can only be conceived through sexual
intercourse between married couples. T
17.The use of contraceptives has been associated with depression, divorce, sexual
dysfunction, and anxiety. T
18.Contraception may also lead to sexual permissiveness, marital infidelity
premarital sex, and the accompanying risk of STDs. T
19.Spacing or limiting the number of births will not promote a woman's health and
well-being, as well as improve future pregnancy outcomes. F
20.Condoms prevent pregnancy in approximately 99% of the time if used correctly.
21. Prevention (CDC) has published that the consistent and correct use of
condoms can greatly reduce, but not completely eliminate the risk of STD,
including HIV transmission.
22.Abortion is murder. It is immoral, illegal, unnecessary, and dangerous.
23.Fertilization process does not happen by merely swimming in a pool with the
opposite sex or using a common or unisex toilet. T
24.The genetic sex is determined at fertilization. T
25.A male offspring results when the ovum is fertilized by an X sperm. F
26.Pregnancy is a cooperative project of both the man and the woman from
initiation through growth and maturation until the delivery of the child. T
27.The father plays an indispensable and essential role as a constant source of
love and support. T
28.Childbirth should be a natural, healthy, participatory, and joyous experience.
29.Labor begins with an interplay of factors from the hormones of the placenta,
fetal pituitary and adrenal glands. T
30.Breast milk is not good for the first six months of life. F
31.Republic Act No. 1100, also known as "The Rooming-in and Breastfeeding Act of
1992," f
32.Responsible parenthood is a privilege and obligation exercised by married
couples. T
33.Spacing or limiting the number of births may promote a woman's health and
well-being. T
34.Condoms prevent pregnancy in approximately 85% of the time if used correctly.
35.Surgical procedures carry all the usual surgical and anesthetic risks. T

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