Module Test I - Semester 1 Dmytro Palionnyi

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Modular Test

Variant 1
Task 1. Complete each gap with a phrasal verb which means the same as the
word(s) in brackets. Use the verbs below in their correct form.
make up take up get on with go on take risks
get hold of keep a promise
1. Young people enjoy taking risks, so they often succeed in doing things.
2. Will you make up a valid excuse to explain why you’ve failed an exam?
3. Only irresponsible people never keep a promise .
4. She wants to keep fit, so she’s thinking about taking up jogging in the morning to
get more exercise.
5. We were not able to get hold of a ball, so we could not play football yesterday.
6. The recession went on for a few months, however the national economy was able
to recover.
7. You have to get on with your project if you want to meet the deadline.

Task 2. Choose the correct comparative form.

8. You’re more / far better at basketball than me because you practise more.
9. He’s the least / less sociable person I know.
10.There are more / most young people here than in other parts of the region, but
there are less / fewer facilities for them.
11.Young people here have less / the least money than others in the region.
12.We need much more / fewer sports facilities to encourage young people to do

Task 3. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of make or do.
13. I wanted to teach art but I didn’t have the right qualification so I decided to
do a course.
14. Carla dropped a whole bottle of olive oil and it make a mess.
15. The sink was full of dirty dishes so I do the washing up.
16. I only have a week’s holiday and there are so many places I want to go, it’s
difficult to make a decision.
17. We were all hungry so Andrea offered to make a meal.

Task 4. Make complex sentences abou byt a children’s game by joining the two
sentences in each line with and, but or because.
18. On long summer evenings, we’d play for hours, but we’d come home completely
19. Playing the game would help us to chill out because we benefited a lot from
spending our free time like that.
20. To rescue someone, you had to run and touch ‘home,’ but then you had to run
away quickly before you got caught.
21. It’s basically quite similar to ‘Hide and Seek,’ but it’s just a bit more complicated
and active.
22. I was always really thrilled when my older brother played with us because he was
a fast runner, and he would always rescue me if I got caught.

Task 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the most appropriate form (past simple or
continuous, present perfect simple or continuous). In some answers two tenses
are possible, but one is usually better.
James was sitting 23(sit) in the exam room with a worried look on his face. He
couldn’t remember an important date – “Is it 1767, 1783, or 1794?” he thought to
himself. “We did24(do) it in class only last month, and I have read25(read) my
history notes twice since then. What a waste of time this all is! I have been
sitting26(sit) here for about two hours writing about the past. What difference does it
make whether it’s 1767, 1783, or 1794?
I haven’t played27(not play) tennis for five days. Just think, I have been reading
28(read) books for five whole days. What a waste of time! I don’t know how Colin
does it. He has been studying 29(study) for this exam for the last three months.” He
looked across at Claude, who was sitting 30(sit) on his right. Claude was
writing31(write) confidently and James suddenly felt even more worried. He
looked32(look) at his watch; it was 10.59. “I have been sitting 33(sit) here for ten
minutes trying to remember that date, and in that time I have not written34(not
write) a thing. At this rate I won’t even finish all the questions. “He left a space for
the date and finished his answer. Then he looked 35(look) at the next question.
“Write about the importance of Versailles,” he repeated to himself. “How can I? I
have never heard 35(never hear) of him”. Suddenly the voice of the invigilator rang
out: “It is now eleven o’clock. You have been writing37 (write) for two hours, and
you have one hour left.”. “I wonder how Colin’s getting on,” thought James. “I
wouldn’t be surprised if he has already finished38 (already finish). “He looked
across to where Colin was39 (be). Colin had just gotten up 40(just get up) with a
satisfied look on his face. He watched 41(watch) Colin leave the room and then
looked at the next question. “Ah, that’s better. I know the answer to that one – I
learned42 (learn) it by heart two days ago, thank goodness. My answer will be as
good as Colin’s. In my opinion he has been working43 (work) too hard lately; a
game of tennis would do him good. Ah, I just remembered 44(just remember) that
date, it was in 1783. This exam’s dead easy. Although I can’t answer one question I’ll
still pass. Thank goodness I didn’t start45 (not start) studying for it until three days

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