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PRE- Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera ladies and gentlemen, our ceremony will begin shortly.
ANNOUNCEMENT Please take your seat accordingly.
A gentle reminder, audiences are required to keep all mobile phones and gadgets on silent mode
throughout the competition to ensure no disruptions. Thank you.

SALUTATION Assalamulaikum WBT, Salam Sejahtera and Salam Malaysia Madani.

Yang Berusaha,
En Syaidin bin Mustapha
Deputy of District Education Officer
Students’ Talent Development Sector

Yang Berusaha
En Shariff bin Umar
Principal of SMK Belawai

Yang dihormati,
En Termizi tarzan
Senior Asssitant of Administrative

Pn Norhayati binti Julaihi

Senior Assistant of students’ affair

En Muliadi bin Hud

Senior Assistant of Co-Curricular

En Vinecy Chang Bee Chai

Coordinator of PPKI
Principal Representatives, Respected Teachers, Dear students, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to the Closing Ceremony of English language Competition in Conjunction with Karnival
Kokurikulum Peringkat Daerah Daro (KADAO) 3.0.

Ladies and gentlemen, On behalf of the organising committee, I would like to welcome and thanks
all of you for your time and commitment in making this Carnival a success. Your presence and
participation are highly appreciated.

For your information, there are a total of 4 competitions that have been conducted since this
morning namely Public Speaking, Scrabble, Dare to Spell and Poetry Recitation involving 4
secondary schools in Daro with more than 60 participants participating in this year’s competitions.

NEGARAKU Ladies and gentlemen, we will begin our ceremony with the singing of our national anthem,
FLY KENYALANG Negaraku and Fly Kenyalang Fly songs. Please stand up and ready to sing the songs.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen may be seated.

DOA RECITATION Ladies and gentlemen, to blessed our ceremony, I would like to invite En Nazrul bin Kamri to led
the Doa Recitation. Please welcome.

Thank you, En Nazrul for the Doa Recitation.

OPENING REMARKS Members of the floor, without futher ado, i would like to welcome En Shariff bin Umar, the
Principal of SMK Belawai to give his opening remarks. Please Welcome.

Thank you, En Sharif for the Opening Remarks.

OFFICATED SPEECH Now, I would like to call upon En Syaidin bin Mustapha, the deputy of District Education Officer,
Students’ Talent Development Sector to deliver his speech and officiated the closing of English
Language Competition Karnival Kokurikulum Peringkat Daerah Daro (KADAO 3.0). Please
Thank you, En Syaidin for the officiated speech.
JUDGES REMARKS Next, I would like to invite the chief judge on behalf of all adjudicators for todays’ competition.
Please welcome ……………………………………………………………………… to give a
remark and conclude all the comments.

Thank you, …………………………………………………..for the remarks and conclusions. May

it benefit all the participants and teachers for the next participation.

PRIZE GIVING Ladies and Gentlemen,

Now we have come to the long-awaited agenda, the prize giving ceremony.

With that, please welcome on the stage En Syaidin bin Mustapha, the deputy of District Education
Officer accompanied by En Shariff and the honorable guests. Please welcome.

The prize giving ceremony will be begin with the giving of appreciation certificate to the judges,
please welcome………………………………………………………………………………………

Next, for the …………………………………………………competition, please welcome.

Last but not least,……………………………………………………………………………

(Refer the list)

Thank you En Syaidin and the honorable guest for the prize giving ceremony and Congratulations
to all the winners. For those in hard luck today, fred not, try again in the next year competition.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Now,We will be having a photograph session, I would like to seek all of your cooperation to fill
and move to the front of the hall facing the stage. The photographer will be on the stage.

Thank you for your cooperations.

IBU PERTIWIKU Ladies and gentlemen,
We will end our ceremony with the singing of the Sarawak state anthem, Ibu Pertiwiku. Please rise
up and be ready to sing the song.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

We have come to the end of the ceremony. On behalf of the organising committee I would like to
apologise for any mistakes made throughout the competition. With that, I end my duty as your MC
for today.

Wabillahitaufik walhidayah, wassalamualaikum WBT, Stay safe and goodbye.

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