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ASSESSING THE MALE GENITALIA muscle contracts when too cold, raising the
scrotum and testes upward toward the body for
warmth (cremasteric reflex).


✓ TESTES: Internally the scrotal sac is divided

into two portions by a septum, each
portion containing one testis.
✓ The testes are a pair of ovoid-shaped
organs, like the ovaries in the woman, that
are approximately 3.7 to 5 cm long, 2.5 cm
wide, and 2.5 cm deep. Each testis is
covered by a serous membrane called the
tunica vaginalis, which separates the testis
from the scrotal wall.
✓ SPERMATIC CORD: The testes are
suspended in the scrotum by a spermatic
cord. The spermatic cord contains blood
EXTERNAL GENITALIA vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves, and the
vas deferens (or ductus deferens), which
✓ PENIS: The penis is the male reproductive transports spermatozoa away from the
organ. Attached to the pubic arch by testis. The spermatic cord on the left side is
ligaments, the penis is freely movable. usually longer; thus, the left testis hangs
✓ The shaft of the penis is composed of three lower than the right testis.
cylindrical masses of vascular erectile ✓ The epididymis is a comma-shaped,
tissue that are bound together by fibrous coiled, tubular structure that curves up
tissue— two corpora cavernosa on the over the upper and posterior surface of the
dorsal side and the corpus spongiosum on testis.
the ventral side. ✓ The vas deferens is a firm, muscular tube
✓ The corpus spongiosum extends distally to that is continuous with the lower portion of
form the acorn-shaped glans. The base of the epididymis
the glans, or corona, is somewhat larger as • It travels up within the spermatic
compared to the shaft of the penis. If the cord through the inguinal canal into
man has not been circumcised, a hood- the abdominal cavity.
like fold of skin called the foreskin or • The vas deferens provides the
prepuce covers the glans. passage for transporting sperm from
✓ SCROTUM: The scrotum is a thin-walled sac the testes to the urethra for
that is suspended below the pubic bone, ejaculation. Along the way,
posterior to the penis. This darkly secretions from the vas deferens,
pigmented structure contains sweat and seminal vesicles, prostate gland,
sebaceous glands and consists of folds of and Cowper’s (or bulbourethral)
skin (rugae) and the cremaster muscle. glands mix with the sperm and form
✓ The scrotum function as a protective semen.
covering for the testes, epididymis, and vas ✓ INGUINAL AREA: The inguinal area is
deferens and helps to maintain the cooler- contained between the anterior
than-body temperature necessary for superior iliac spine laterally and the
production of sperm (less than 37°C). symphysis pubis medially.
✓ The scrotum can maintain temperature ✓ Running diagonally between these two
control because the cremaster muscle is landmarks, just above and parallel with
sensitive to changes in temperature. The the inguinal ligament, is the inguinal
canal. The inguinal canal is a tube-like


structure (4–5 cm or 1.5–2 inches long in an COLLECTING SUBJECTIVE DATA
adult) through which the vas deferens travels
as it passes through the lower abdomen.
✓ ANUS AND RECTUM: The anal canal is
the final segment of the digestive
system. It begins at the anal sphincter
and ends at the anorectal junction (also
known as the pectinate line,
mucocutaneous junction, or dentate
line). It measures from 2.5 cm to 4 cm
long. It is lined with skin that contains no
hair or sebaceous glands but does
contain many somatic sensory nerves,
making it susceptible to painful stimuli.
• The anal opening (or anal verge)
can be distinguished from the
perianal skin by its hairless, moist
appearance. The anal verge
extends interiorly, overlying the
external anal sphincter.
✓ The external sphincter is composed of
skeletal muscle and is under voluntary
control. The internal sphincter is
composed of smooth muscle and is
under involuntary control by the
autonomic nervous system. Dividing the
two sphincters is the palpable inter-
sphincteric groove.
✓ The rectum is the lowest portion of the
large intestine and is approximately 12
cm long, extending from the end of the
sigmoid colon to the anorectal junction.
It enlarges above the anorectal
junction and proceeds in a posterior
direction toward the hollow of the
sacrum and coccyx, forming the rectal
✓ PROSTATE: The prostate gland is
approximately 2.5 to 4 cm in diameter,
surrounding the neck of the bladder
and urethra; it lies between these
structures and the rectum in male
clients. ▪ The prostate gland consists of
two lobes separated by a shallow
groove called the median sulcus (Fig.
26-4). It secretes a thin, milky substance
that promotes sperm motility and
neutralizes female acidic vaginal



Preparing the Client

• Before the examination, instruct the
client to empty his bladder so that he
will be comfortable.
• Change clothes to hospital gown.
• Explain to the client that he will be asked
to stand (if able) for most of the
examination of the genitalia. The most
frequently used position for inspection
and palpation of the anus, rectum, and
prostate is the left lateral position. This ⚫ INSPECT THE SKIN OF THE SHAFT
position allows adequate inspection  Observe for rashes, lesions, or
and palpation of the anus, rectum, and lumps.
prostate (in men) and is usually more  Normal: The skin of the penis is
comfortable for the client. wrinkled and hairless and is
Equipment normally free of rashes, lesions, or
• Stool lumps. Genital piercing is
• Gown becoming more common, and
• Disposable non-latex gloves nurses may see male clients with
• Flashlight (for possible transillumination) one or more piercings of the penis.
• Stethoscope (for possible auscultation)  Abnormal: Rashes, lesions, or lumps
• Water soluble lubricant may indicate STI or cancer.
• Specimen card ▪ Drainage around piercings
indicates infection.
⚫ PENIS  Palpate any abnormalities noted
 Inspect the base of the penis and during inspection. Also note any
pubic hair. hardened or tender areas.
 Sit on a stool with the client facing  Normal: The penis in a nonerect
you and standing Ask the client to state is usually soft, flaccid, and
raise his gown or drape. Note nontender
pubic hair growth pattern and any  Abnormal: Tenderness may
excoriation, erythema, or indicate inflammation or infection.
infestation at the base of the penis
and within the pubic hair. ⚫ INSPECT THE FORESKIN
 Normal: Pubic hair is coarser than  Observe for color, location, and
scalp hair. The normal pubic hair integrity of the foreskin in
pattern in adults is hair covering uncircumcised men.
the entire groin area, extending to  Normal: The foreskin, which covers
the medial thighs and up the the glans in an uncircumcised
abdomen toward the umbilicus. male client, is intact and uniform in
 Abnormal: Absence or scarcity of color with the penis.
pubic hair may be seen in clients  Abnormal: Discoloration of the
receiving chemotherapy. foreskin may indicate scarring or
▪ Lice or nit (eggs) infestation infection.
at the base of the penis or
pubic hair is known as
pediculosis pubis. This is
commonly referred to as


 Observe for size, shape, and lesions scrotal sac may result from fluid
or redness. (hydrocele), blood
 The glans size and shape vary, (hematocele), bowel (hernia),
appearing rounded, broad, or or tumor (cancer?
even pointed. The surface of the
glans is normally smooth, free of ⚫ INSPECT THE SCROTAL SKIN
lesions and redness.  Observe color, integrity, and
 Chancres (red, oval ulcerations) lesions or rashes. To perform an
from syphilis, genital warts, and accurate inspection, you must
pimple-like lesions from herpes are spread out the scrotal folds (rugae)
sometimes detected on the glans. of skin.
 Normal: Scrotal skin is thin and
⚫ PALPATE FOR URETHRAL DISCHARGE rugated (crinkled) with little hair
 Gently squeeze the glans between dispersion. Its color is slightly darker
your index finger and thumb than that of the penis. Lesions and
 Normal: The urinary meatus is rashes are not normally present.
normally free of discharge.  Abnormal: Rashes, lesions, and
 Abnormal: A yellow discharge is inflammation are abnormal
usually associated with gonorrhea. findings
A clear or white discharge is usually
associated with urethritis. Any
discharge should be cultured.


 Palpate each testis and epididymis
between your thumb and first two
⚫ SCROTUM  Note size, shape, consistency,
 Inspect the size, shape, and nodules, masses, and tenderness.
position of the scrotum.  Normal: Testes are ovoid,
▪ Ask the client to hold his approximately 3.5–5 cm long, 2.5
penis out of the way. cm wide, and 2.5 cm deep, and
Observe for swelling, lumps, equal bilaterally in size and shape.
or bulges They are smooth, firm, rubbery,
▪ Normal: The scrotum varies mobile, free of nodules, and rather
in size (according to tender to pressure. The epididymis
temperature) and shape. is nontender, smooth, and softer
The scrotal sac hangs below than the testes.
or at the level of the penis.  Abnormal: Absence of a testis
The left side of the scrotal suggests cryptorchidism (an
sac usually hangs lower undescended testicle). Painless
than the right side. o nodules may indicate cancer.
Abnormal: An enlarged Tenderness and swelling may


indicate acute orchitis, torsion of the spermatic
cord, a strangulated hernia, or epididymitis

 Inspect for inguinal and femoral
▪ Inspect the inguinal and
⚫ PALPATE EACH SPERMATIC CORD AND femoral areas for bulges.
VAS DEFERENS FROM THE EPIDIDYMIS Ask the client to turn head
TO THE INGUINAL RING and cough or to bear down
 The spermatic cord will lie between as if having a bowel
your thumb and finger. movement and continue to
 Note any nodules, swelling, or inspect the areas.
tenderness. ▪ Normal: The inguinal and
 Normal: The spermatic cord and femoral areas are normally
vas deferens should feel uniform free from bulges.
on both sides ▪ Abnormal: Bulges that
▪ The cord is smooth, appear at the external
nontender, and rope-like inguinal ring or at the
 Abnormal: Palpable, tortuous veins femoral canal when the
suggest varicocele. client bears down may
▪ A beaded or thickened signal a hernia.
cord indicates infection or
cysts. A cyst suggests ⚫ PALPATE FOR INGUINAL HERNIA AND
hydrocele of the spermatic INGUINAL NODES.
cord.  Ask the client to shift his weight to
the left for palpation of the right
inguinal canal and vice versa.
Place your right index finger into
the client’s right scrotum and press
upward, invaginating the loose
folds of skin.
 Palpate up the spermatic cord
until you reach the triangular-
shaped slit like opening of the
external inguinal ring.
 Try to push your finger through the
opening and, if possible, continue
palpating up the inguinal canal.
 When your finger is in the canal or
at the external inguinal ring, ask
the client to bear down or cough.
Feel for any bulges against your


finger. Then, repeat the procedure
on the opposite side.
 Normal: Bulging or masses are not
 Abnormal: Presence of bulge may
indicate a hernia.


 If nodes are palpable, note size,
consistency, mobility, or INGUINAL AND FEMORAL HERNIAS
 Normal: No enlargement or
tenderness is normal
 Abnormal: Enlarged or tender
lymph nodes may indicate an
inflammatory process or infection
of the penis or scrotum.


 Palpate on the front of the thigh in
the femoral canal area. Ask the
client to bear down or cough. Feel
for bulges. Repeat on the opposite
 Normal: No bulges palpated
 Abnormal: Bulges or masses on



ASSESSING THE FEMALE GENITALIA called the vestibule. The vestibule contains
several openings. Located between the clitoris
⚫ ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY and the vaginal orifice is the urethral meatus.

✓ They include the vagina, the cervix, the

uterus, the fallopian tubes, and the ovaries.
The vagina, a muscular, tubular organ,
extends up and slightly back toward the
rectum from the vaginal orifice (external
opening) to the cervix. It lies between the
rectum posteriorly and the urethra and
bladder anteriorly and is approximately 10
cm long
✓ The vaginal wall comprises four layers.
• The outer layer is composed of pink
squamous epithelium and
connective tissue. It is under the
direct influence of the hormone
EXTERNAL GENITALIA estrogen and contains many
mucus-producing cells. This outer
✓ The area is sometimes referred to as the layer of epithelium lies in transverse
vulva or pudendum and extends from the folds called rugae.
mons pubis to the anal opening. The mons • The second layer is the submucosal
pubis is the fat pad located over the layer. It contains the blood vessels,
symphysis pubis. The normal adult mons nerves, and lymphatic channels.
pubis is covered with pubic hair in a • The third layer is composed of
triangular pattern. It functions to absorb smooth muscle, and the fourth layer
force and to protect the symphysis pubis consists of connective tissue and
during coitus (sexual intercourse). the vascular network
✓ The labia majora are two folds of skin that ✓ The cervix is composed of smooth
extend posteriorly and inferiorly from the muscle, muscle fibers, and connective
mons pubis to the perineum. The skin folds tissue. Two types of epithelium cover the
are composed of adipose tissue, external os or ectocervix—pink
sebaceous glands, and sweat glands. The squamous epithelium (which lines the
outer surface of the labia majora is vaginal walls) and red, rough-looking
covered with pubic hair in the adult, columnar epithelium (which lines the
whereas the inner surface is pink, smooth, endocervical canal).
and moist. • The cervix functions to allow the
✓ The labia minora are hairless and usually entrance of sperm into the uterus
darker pink. They contain numerous and to allow the passage of
sebaceous glands that promote menstrual flow.
lubrication and maintain a moist • It also secretes mucus and
environment in the vaginal area. prevents the entrance of vaginal
✓ The clitoris is located at the anterior end of bacteria.
the labia minora. It is a small, cylindrical • During childbirth, the cervix
mass of erectile tissue and nerves with stretches (dilates) to allow the
three parts: the glans, the corpus, and the passage of the fetus.
crura. The glans is the visible rounded ✓ The uterus is a pear-shaped muscular
portion of the clitoris. organ that has two components:
✓ The skin folds of the labia majora and labia • The corpus, or body, and the
minora form a boat-shaped area (or fossa) cervix, or neck.


ovaries and enter the uterus just
•The corpus of the uterus is divided beneath the fundus
into the fundus (upper portion),
the body (central portion), and COLLECTING SUBJECTIVE DATA
the isthmus (narrow lower
• The uterus is usually situated in a
forward position above the
bladder at approximately a 45-
degree angle to the vagina
when standing (anteverted and
anteflexed position).
• The normal-sized uterus is
approximately 7.5 cm long, 5 cm
wide, and 2.5 cm thick. The
uterus is movable
✓ The endometrium, the myometrium,
and the peritoneum are the three layers
of the uterine wall.
• The endometrium is the inner
mucosal layer. The endometrium
is composed of epithelium,
connective tissue, and a
vascular network. Estrogen and
progesterone influence the
thickness of this tissue.
• The myometrium is the middle
layer of the uterus. It is composed
of three layers of smooth muscle
fibers that surround blood vessels.
This layer functions to expel the
products of conception.
• The peritoneum is the outer
uterine layer that covers the
uterus and separates it from the
abdominal cavity. The
peritoneum forms anterior and
posterior pouches around the
✓ The ovaries are a pair of small, oval-
shaped organs, each of which is
situated on a lateral aspect of the
pelvic cavity. Each is approximately 3
cm long, 2 cm wide, and 1 cm deep.
• The ovaries are connected to the
uterus by the ovarian ligament.
• The ovary functions to develop
and release ova and to produce
hormones such as estrogen,
progesterone, and testosterone.
• The ovum travels from the ovary
to the uterus through the
fallopian tubes. These 8- to 12-cm
long tubes begin near the



 Inspect the mons pubis.
▪ Wash your hands and put
on gloves. As you begin the
examination, note the
distribution of pubic hair.
Also be alert for signs of
▪ Normal: Pubic hair is
distributed in an inverted
triangular pattern and there
are no signs of infestation.
▪ Abnormal: Absence of
pubic hair in the adult client
Preparing the Client
is abnormal.
• Tell the client ahead of time not to
douche for 48 hours before a ⚫ OBSERVE AND PALPATE INGUINAL LYMPH
gynecologic examination. NODES
• When the client arrives, ask her to  Normal: There should be no
urinate before the examination so that enlargement or swelling of the
she does not experience bladder lymph nodes.
discomfort.  Abnormal: Enlarged inguinal
• When the client is in the examining nodes may indicate a vaginal
room, ask her to remove her underwear infection or may be the result of
and bra and to put on a gown with the irritation from shaving pubic hairs.
opening in the back.
• Position the client’s hips toward the
bottom of the examination table so that
the feet can rest comfortably in the
stirrups (Lithotomy position)

• Light
• Vaginal Speculum
• Water-soluble lubricant
• Large swabs for vaginal
• Specimen container
• Gloves (non-sterile)
• Endocervical broom PERINEUM
• pH paper  Observe the labia majora and
• Feminine napkins perineum for lesions, swelling, and
• Hand-held Mirror excoriation
 Normal: The labia majora are
equal in size and free of lesions,
swelling, and excoriation.
 Abnormal: Lesions may be from an
infectious disease, such as herpes
or syphilis


for swelling, tenderness, and
▪ Excoriation and swelling discharge.
may be from scratching or ▪ Place your index finger in
self-treatment of the lesions the vaginal opening and
your thumb on the labia
URETHRAL MEATUS, AND VAGINAL ▪ With a gentle pinching
OPENING motion, palpate from the
 Use your gloved hand to separate inferior portion of the
the labia majora and inspect for posterior labia majora to
lesions, excoriation, swelling, the anterior portion.
and/or discharge. ▪ Repeat on the opposite
 Normal: The labia minora appear side.
symmetric, dark pink, and moist. ▪ Normal: Bartholin’s glands
The clitoris is a small mound of are usually soft, nontender,
erectile tissue, sensitive to touch. and drainage free.
▪ Abnormal: Swelling, pain,
▪The normal size of the clitoris and discharge may result
varies. from infection and abscess.
▪ The urethral meatus is small ▪ If you detect a discharge,
and slit-like. obtain a specimen to send
▪ The vaginal opening is to the laboratory for culture.
positioned below the
urethral meatus. Its size
depends on sexual activity
or vaginal delivery.
▪ A hymen may cover the
vaginal opening partially or
 Abnormal: Asymmetric labia may
indicate abscess. Lesions, swelling,
bulging in the vaginal opening, and
discharge are abnormal findings ⚫ PALPATE THE URETHRA
Excoriation may result from the client ▪ If the client reports urethral
scratching or self-treating a perineal symptoms or urethritis, or if
irritation. you suspect inflammation of
Skene’s glands, insert your
gloved index finger into the
superior portion of the
vagina and milk the urethra
from the inside, pushing up
and out
▪ Normal: No drainage should
be noted from the urethral
meatus. The area is normally
soft and nontender.
⚫ INSPECTING THE PUBIC HAIR, LABIA ▪ Abnormal: Drainage from
VAGINAL OPENING possible urethritis. Any
 PALPATE BARTHOLIN’S GLAND discharge should be
▪ If the client has labial cultured. Urethritis may
swelling or a history of it, occur with infection with
palpate Bartholin’s glands Neisseria gonorrhoeae or
Chlamydia trachomatis.


 Keep your index finger inserted in
the client’s vaginal opening. Ask
the client to squeeze around your
 Use your middle and index fingers
to separate the labia minora. Ask
the client to bear down.
 Normal: The client should be able
to squeeze around the examiner’s
 Typically, the nulliparous woman
can squeeze tighter than the
multiparous woman.
INSPECTION AND PALPATION ▪ No bulging and no urinary
 Abnormal: Absent or decreased
 Inspect the size of the vaginal
ability to squeeze the examiner’s
opening and the angle of the finger indicates decreased muscle
vagina. tone. Decreased tone may
▪ Insert your gloved index
decrease sexual satisfaction
finger into the vagina, ▪ Bulging of the anterior.
noting the size of the
opening and whether the ⚫ INSPECT THE CERVIX
lining of the vagina is  With the speculum inserted in
thinning or feels dry. position to visualize the cervix,
▪ Then attempt to touch the observe cervical color, size, and
cervix. This will help you position.
establish the size of the  Normal: The surface of the cervix is
speculum you need to use normally smooth, pink, and even.
for the examination and the  Normally, it is midline in position
angle at which to insert it. and projects 1–3 cm into the
▪ Next, while maintaining vagina. In pregnant clients, the
tension, gently pull the labia cervix appears blue (Chadwick’s
majora outward. Note sign).
hymenal configuration and  Abnormal: In a nonpregnant
transections or injury. woman, a bluish cervix may
▪ Normal: The normal vaginal indicate cyanosis; in a non-
opening varies in size menopausal woman, a pale cervix
according to the client’s may indicate anemia. Redness
age, sexual history, and may be from inflammation.
whether she has given birth
vaginally. The vagina is ⚫ INSPECT THE VAGINA
typically tilted posteriorly at  Unlock the speculum and slowly
45-degree angle and rotate and remove it.
should feel moist. o  Inspect the vagina as you remove
Abnormal: Vaginal atrophy the speculum.
due to lack of estrogen. Any  Note the vaginal color, surface,
loss of hymenal tissue consistency, and any discharge.
between the 3 o’clock  Normally: The vagina should
position and the 9 o’clock appear pink, moist, smooth, and
position indicates trauma. free of lesions and irritation. It


should also be free of any colored
or malodorous discharge. ⚫ PALPATE THE UTERUS
 Abnormal: Reddened areas,  Move your fingers intravaginally
lesions, and colored, malodorous into the opening above the cervix
discharge are abnormal and may and gently press the hand resting
indicate vaginal infections, STIs, or on the abdomen downward,
cancer squeezing the uterus between the
two hands. Note uterine size,
BIMANUAL EXAMINATION position, shape, and consistency.
 Normal: The fundus, the large,
⚫ PALPATE THE VAGINA WALL upper end of the uterus, is normally
 Tell the client that you are going to round, firm, and smooth. In most
do a manual examination and women, it is at the level of the
explain its purpose. pubis; the cervix is aimed
 Apply water soluble lubricant to posteriorly (anteverted position).
the gloved index and middle  Abnormal: An enlarged uterus
fingers of your dominant hand. above the level of the pubis is
 Then stand and approach the abnormal; an irregular shape
client at the correct angle. suggests abnormalities such as
 Placing your nondominant hand myomas (fibroid tumors) or
on the client’s lower abdomen, endometriosis
insert your index and middle fingers
into the vaginal opening. ⚫ PALPATE THE OVARIES
 Apply pressure to the posterior wall  Slide your intravaginal fingers
and wait for the vaginal opening toward the left ovary in the left
to relax before palpating the lateral fornix and place your
vaginal walls for texture and abdominal hand on the left lower
tenderness. abdominal quadrant.
 Normal: The vaginal wall should  Press your abdominal hand toward
feel smooth, and the client should your intravaginal fingers and
not report any tenderness. attempt to palpate the ovary
 Abnormal: Tenderness or lesions  Normal: Ovaries are approximately
may indicate infection. 3 × 2 × 1 cm (or the size of a walnut)
and almond-shaped.
⚫ PALPATE THE CERVIX  Abnormal: Enlarged size, masses,
 Advance your fingers until they immobility, and extreme
touch the cervix and run fingers tenderness are abnormal and
around the circumference. should be evaluated
Palpate for:
▪ Contour
▪ Consistency
▪ Mobility
▪ Tenderness
 Normal: The cervix should feel firm and
soft (like the tip of your nose). It is
rounded and can be moved somewhat
from side to side without eliciting
 Abnormal: A hard, immobile cervix may
indicate cancer. Pain with movement
of the cervix may indicate infection
(Chandelier’s sign).






▪ Lumps
ASSESSING THE ANUS AND RECTUM ▪ Explain that it may feel like his
bowels are going to move but that
this will not happen.
▪ Lubricate your gloved index finger;
ask the client to bear down. As the
✓ Spread the client’s buttocks and inspect client bears down, place the pad of
the anal opening and surrounding area for your index finger on the anal
the following: opening and apply slight pressure;
▪ Lumps this will cause relaxation of the
▪ Ulcers sphincter.
▪ Lesions ▪ Normal: Client’s sphincter relaxes,
▪ Rashes permitting entry.
▪ Redness ▪ Abnormal: Sphincter tightens,
▪ Fissures making further examination
▪ Thickening of the epithelium unrealistic.
✓ Normal: The anal opening should
appear hairless, moist, and tightly PALPATE THE RECTUM
closed. The skin around the anal
opening is more coarse and more ✓ Insert your finger further into the rectum as
darkly pigmented. The surrounding far as possible.
perianal area should be free of redness, ✓ Next, turn your hand clockwise then
lumps, ulcers, lesions, and rashes. counterclockwise. This allows palpation of
✓ Abnormal: Lesions may indicate STIs, as much rectal surface as possible.
cancer, or hemorrhoids. A thrombosed ✓ Note tenderness, irregularities, nodules,
external hemorrhoid appears swollen. It and hardness.
is itchy, painful, and bleeds when the ✓ Normal: The rectal mucosa is normally soft,
client passes stool. A previously smooth, nontender, and free of nodules.
thrombosed hemorrhoid appears as a ✓ Abnormal: Hardness and irregularities may
skin tag that protrudes from the anus. be from scarring or cancer. Nodules may
indicate polyps or cancer.


✓ Inform the client that you are going to

perform the internal examination at this


✓ Risk for Ineffective Health Maintenance
related to lack of knowledge of need for
✓ This area may be palpated in men above recommended colorectal and prostate
the prostate gland in the seminal vesicles examinations.
on the anterior surface of the rectum. Note ✓ Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity in rectal area
tenderness or nodules. related to chronic irritation secondary to
✓ Normal: This area is normally smooth and diarrhea
✓ Abnormal: A peritoneal protrusion into the ACTUAL DIAGNOSIS
rectum, called a rectal shelf may indicate
a cancerous lesion or peritoneal ✓ Fear of testicular cancer related to existing
metastasis. Tenderness may indicate risk factors
peritoneal inflammation. ✓ Disturbed Body Image related to hernia
✓ Pain: Dysuria related to gonorrhea,
PROSTATE GLAND infection, or genital reproductive surgery
✓ Acute Pain: Rectal
✓ The prostate can be palpated on the ✓ Ineffective Therapeutic Regimen
anterior surface of the rectum by turning Management related to
the hand fully counterclockwise so that the ✓ lack of knowledge of testicular self-
pad of your index finger faces toward the examination
client’s umbilicus. ✓ Sexual Dysfunction related to decreased
▪ Normal: The prostate is normally libido secondary to fear of urinary
nontender and rubbery. It has two incontinence, pain in surgical site, anxiety,
lateral lobes that are divided by a or fear
median sulcus. The lobes are ✓ Sexual Dysfunction related to erectile
normally smooth, 2.5 cm long, and dysfunction secondary to psychological or
heart shaped. physiologic factors
▪ Abnormal: A swollen, tender ✓ Sexual Dysfunction related to lack of
prostate may indicate acute ejaculation secondary to surgical removal
prostatitis. An enlarged smooth, of seminal vesicles and transection of the
firm, slightly elastic prostate that vas deferens.
may not have a median sulcus ✓ Ineffective Sexuality Patterns related to
suggests benign prostatic feelings of loss of masculinity and sexual
hypertrophy (BPH). A hard area on attractiveness secondary to chronic
the prostate or hard, fixed, irregular diarrhea or pain.
nodules on the prostate suggest ✓ Anxiety related to impending genital
cancer reproductive surgery and lack of
knowledge of outcome of surgery.
HEALTH PROMOTION DIAGNOSIS ✓ Diarrhea related to chronic inflammatory
bowel disease
RISK DIAGNOSIS ✓ Situational Low Self-Esteem related to loss
of control bowel elimination
✓ Risk for Ineffective Therapeutic Regimen
Management (monthly testicular
self examination, TSE) related to lack of
knowledge of the importance of TSE
✓ Risk for Injury related to poor lifting
✓ Risk for Infection related to unprotected
sexual intercourse
✓ Risk for Ineffective Sexuality Pattern related
to impending surgery


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