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 The G20 is an informal grouping of 19 countries and the European Union, as well as

representatives from
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB). The G20 is a forum
the world's major economies that are strategically positioned because they collectively
about 65% of the world's population, 79% of global trade, and at least 85%
world economy. The G20 is an informal grouping of 19 countries and the European Union, as
well as representatives from
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB). The G20 is a forum
the world's major economies that are strategically positioned because they collectively
about 65% of the world's population, 79% of global trade, and at least 85%
world economy. successively the next summit was held in Cannes, France (2011) with the
theme Theme
that is carried out is “Building our Common Future, Renewed Collective Action for the
Benefit of All”; Los Cabos, Mexico (2012) with the theme "Promoting Growth and Jobs";
St. Petersburg, Russia 2013 with the theme "Boosting Economic Growth and Job Creation".
; Brisbane, Australia (2014) h “Acting Together to Lift Growth and Create Jobs, Building
a Stronger, More Resilient Global Economy and Strengthening Global Institution'.
Antalya, Turkey (2015) with the theme 'Collective Action for Inclusive and Robust Growth'.
Hangzhou, China (2016) with the theme "Towards an Innovative, Invigorated,
Interconnected, and Inclusive World Economy” ( Hamburg, Germany (2017) with the theme
discussed "Shaping an Interconnected World"; Buenos Aires, Argentina (2018)
with the theme "Building Consensus for Fair and Sustainable Development" (Building
Agreement for Fair and Sustainable Development) Osaka, Japan (2019)
The theme that was carried out was “Ensure Global Sustainable Development” at the 15th G-
20 Summit
in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia held on 21-22 November 2020 virtually. Theme
that is being carried is 'Realizing Opportunities of the 21st Century for All" (Making
Opportunities in the 21st Century for All), the 16th G-20 Summit in Rome, Italy was held
on October 30-31 2021 virtually because the Covid-19 pandemic is still hitting
world. The theme that was carried out at this Summit was "People, Planet, and Prosperity".
at the 2022 G20 Summit which was held in Bali, Indonesia with the theme "Recover
Together, Recover ‘Stronger’.
For the first time, Indonesia holds the Presidency of the Group of 20 (G20),
cooperation forum of 20 major world economies. The period of the Indonesian Presidency
took place
for one year, from 1 December 2021 to 30 November 2022. Hand over
the chairmanship, or handover, took place at the G20 Summit in Rome, Italy, on December
October 2021 from PM Mario Draghi (Italian Presidency) to President Joko Widodo.
G20 is an international forum that focuses on policy coordination in the sector
economy and development. The G20 represents economic and political power
world, with the composition of its members covering 80% of world GDP, 75% of global
and 60% of the global population. G20 members consist of 19 countries and 1 region,
namely: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, the People's Republic of China (PRC), France,
Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia,
South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union. The
G20 was established in
1999 was born as a response to the world economic crisis in 1997-1998.
 The urgency of the G20 and the urgency of the G20 meeting From time to time
G20 is an international forum that focuses on policy coordination in the sector
economy and development.The urgency of the G20 is to realize strong global growth,
sustainable, balanced and inclusiveThe G20 Forum discussed two streams of issues,
namely the Finance Track and the Sherpa Track.
 Barriers to Realizing the G20 Goals
one of the obstacles to the realization of the goals of the G20 is, how
geopolitical threat, as a result of the war that occurred, especially the war between
Russia and Ukraine, in which the two countries are directly involved, are the heads of
state did not have the opportunity to attend. Plus the Russian song which is one of the
members The G20 also holds an important key to realizing the current agenda of the
G20 forum At present, tensions between Russia and Ukraine have not subsided and
have even penetrated to international relations between the two countries at war with
their respective supporters. Not only fighting physically, Russia
also threatened to restrict and even ban some exports
their main commodity. Oil and gas are two of the commodities
exports they restricted.
The war between the two countries did not only have a big impact
on economic stability but also political relations. Russian status as
G20 members also participated in the polemic that colored the G20 agenda this time.
Some members who are against the Russian invasion of Ukraine are pressing
Indonesia as the host does not accept Russia's presence on
G20 meeting. However, until now Indonesia is the G20 2022 presidency
has not issued any statement regarding the rejection of several countries
member against Russia. On the one hand, Indonesia - Russia has a close relationship
good enough you could even say close and on the other hand there are demands to
Indonesia to act firmly against Russia. This polemic is very different
back with the theme and agenda of the G20 which wants to rise together and mutually
work together to overcome the scaring effect and create peace
between countries.
 Pancasila Values Underpinning Indonesia in Participating in the G20
1. In the 1st precept (the one supreme divinity) where to expect before the G20 event
which was held in Bali, before must carry out the prayer according to the tradition in
Bali themselves so that activities run smoothly and tolerance from all G20 parties to
respect the culture in Bali.

2. In the 2nd precept (fair and steadfast humanity) is expected

Indonesia's participation in the G-20 can create high sense of humanity on an
international scale, such as prevent war between countries.
3. In the 3rd precept (unity), it is expected that the G20 will be held
can strengthen the ties of unity between participating countries
involved in the G20 Summit so as to achieve its goals namely
create strong global economic growth and
4. The value of the 5th precept (social justice) in this G20 activity expected of all
countries participating in this G20 event get their own justice with their country.

So the conclusion is .G20 is an informal group of 19 countries and the European

Union, as well as representatives from International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World
Bank (WB). The G20 is a forum the world's major economies that have a strategic
position due to collectively represent about 65% of the world's population, 79% of
trade globally, and at least 85% of the world economy. Wich one
The G20 meetings have been held 17 times until now in 2022, where is the goal of
every urgency different. And the obstacles to the realization of the G20
namely during the cold war between Russia and Ukraine where Russia could not
attend the G20 meeting because of this domestic problems that need to be resolved.
And in my opinion There are 4 values that underlie Indonesia in the G20 event
precepts, namely precepts of divinity, just and civilized humanity, values
unity, and the value of social justice.

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