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Kasdi Merbah University, OUARGLA

Faculty of New Information and Communication Technologies,

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications

Subject: TP Wireless and mobile networks BOUNEGAB

TP1: WiFi

Important definitions :
Router: A router is an intermediary element in a computer network responsible for routing
packets. Its role is to route packets from one network interface to another according to rules.
Modem: A modem (for modulator-demodulator) is a device used to communicate with
remote users via an analog network (such as a telephone line). It can be used, for example, to
connect to the Internet.
Technically, the device converts digital data from the computer into a modulated signal, known
as "analog," which can be transmitted via an analog network and vice versa.
Hub: An Ethernet hub or concentrator is a computer device that concentrates Ethernet
transmissions from several devices on a single medium in a computer network.
IP ADDRESS: An IP address (with IP standing for Internet Protocol) is an identification
number permanently or temporarily assigned to each device connected to a computer network
using the Internet Protocol. The IP address is the basis of the routing system for messages on
the Internet in the form of IPv4 or IPv6.
MAC ADDRESS: A MAC (Media et al.) address, sometimes called a physical address, is a
physical identifier stored on a network card or similar network interface. Unless the user has
modified it, it is unique in the world.
Subnet Mask: A subnet mask indicate s the number of bits in an IPv4 addressused to
identify the subnet and the number of bits characterizing the hosts (which alsoindicates
the number of possible hosts in this subnet).
DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network protocol whose role is to
automatically configure the IP parameters of a station or machine by automatically assigning
an IP address and subnet mask.
WEP: Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is a protocol for securing WiFi-type wireless

WPA: Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA and WPA2) is a mechanism for securing Wi-Fi
wireless networks. It was created in the early 2000s in response to the weaknesses researchers
found in the previous mechanism, WEP. SSID: SSID, short for Service Set Identifier, is the
name of a wireless network (Wi-Fi) according to the IEEE 802.11standard. SSIDs can be up
to 32 characters long.
• In infrastructure mode (connecting a terminal to an access point), it is used to identify
the hotspot

• It is used to identify the connection in ad-hoc or Peer-to-peer mode (direct connection

between 2 terminals).
Kasdi Merbah University, OUARGLA
Faculty of New Information and Communication Technologies,
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications

Subject: TP Wireless and mobile networks BOUNEGAB

1ère Getting started with Packet Tracer

Introduction to Packet Tracer

Packet Tracer is a network simulator that lets you configure the various components of a
computer network without having to use real devices. Three elements of the Packet Tracer
window are required:
1. The work area where we graphically define our network;
2. Types of equipment;
3. The different device models of the type selected in zone 2.

Exercise 01: Connection between two computers_peer to peer network

We will build a network of two desktop computers linked together by acrossover cable.
1. Run Packet Tracer and create the following network diagram.
Kasdi Merbah University, OUARGLA
Faculty of New Information and Communication Technologies,
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications

Subject: TP Wireless and mobile networks BOUNEGAB

2. Set the IP addresses and subnet masks of the machines.

3. Open a terminal and check the IP addresses of the machines with the ipconfig command.
4. What is the MAC address of the network card?
5. Use the ping command to check network connectivity.

Exercise2: Connecting computers via a switch

1. Draw the following network diagram (direct cable between PC and Switch):

2. Configure static IP addresses for PCs.

3. Perform a connectivity test.
Kasdi Merbah University, OUARGLA
Faculty of New Information and Communication Technologies,
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications

Subject: TP Wireless and mobile networks BOUNEGAB

2ème part installation of a simple Wi-Fi network

1. Connect to Linksys router

Step 1: Establish and verify connectivity with your Linksys router.
a. Replace Ethernet network cards with WiFi cards
b. Then open the command prompt on Host A. Use the ipconfig command to check the IP
addressing information received by the Host.
c. Run the ping command to ensure Host A can access the default gateway.
Step 2: Access the Linksys graphical user interface using a Web browser.
a. To configure the Linksys router using the graphical user interface, you must access it using
Host A's Web browser. Open the Web browser and access Linksys by entering the default
gateway address in the URL field.
b. Enter admin as the default user name and password to access the router
Note: When configuring your Linksys router, you won't see your score change until you click
Save Settings.
2. Enable wireless connectivity
Step 1: Configure your Linksys router for Internet connectivity.
There is no Internet connectivity in this scenario, but you will still configure the parameters of
the interface exposed to the Internet. For Internet Connection Type, choose Static IP from
the drop-down list. Then, enter the following static IP information:
• Internet IP address:
• Subnet mask:
• Default gateway:
• DNS 1:
Step 2: Configure internal network parameters.
Kasdi Merbah University, OUARGLA
Faculty of New Information and Communication Technologies,
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications

Subject: TP Wireless and mobile networks BOUNEGAB

Scroll down to the Network Setup section and configure the following information:
• IP address:
• Subnet mask:
• Start IP address: Enter value 5 for the last byte.
• Maximum number of users: 25
Note: The IP address range of the DHCP pool will only reflect your changes when you click
Save Settings.
Step 3: Save your settings and reconnect to your Linksys router.
a. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Settings. If you move from one tab to another
without saving, your settings will be lost.
b. You will lose your connection if you click on Save Settings. You have changed the router's
IP address.
c. Return to the Host A command prompt. Run the ipconfig /renew command to renew the IP
d. Use Host A's Web browser to reconnect to Linksys. You will need to use the new default
gateway address. Check the Internet Connection settings in the Status tab. The settings should
match the values configured in Part 2, step 1. If not, repeat Part 2, steps 1 and 2.
3. Laptop configuration
In the Desktop > pc tab, change the network card to Wi-Fi if there is no connection.

The window will appear:

Kasdi Merbah University, OUARGLA
Faculty of New Information and Communication Technologies,
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications

Subject: TP Wireless and mobile networks BOUNEGAB

Kasdi Merbah University, OUARGLA
Faculty of New Information and Communication Technologies,
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications

Subject: TP Wireless and mobile networks BOUNEGAB

Our Wi-Fi link does not appear, and we see that the adapter is inactive; we need to right-click near the
laptop and then click Connect in the Connect tab.
Kasdi Merbah University, OUARGLA
Faculty of New Information and Communication Technologies,
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications

Subject: TP Wireless and mobile networks BOUNEGAB

The link is created.

3ème part : work required

Create three Wi-Fi wireless networks with different SSID names and passwords in
infrastructure and Ad-hoc using devices available for wireless connection.

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