FAQs in Research Defense

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FAQs in Research Defense

1. What is the significance of your study/research?

The significance of this study is that it addresses key challenges in agriculture by exploring the
production of biochar from coconut shell and rice husk. The research contributes to sustainable farming
practices by providing insights into how biochar can enhance soil quality, improve nutrient availability,
and increase water retention. By utilizing agricultural waste materials, this study offers an
environmentally and economically friendly approach to soil improvement. The findings contribute to the
knowledge on biochar's role in sustainable agriculture and its potential to mitigate climate change.
Overall, the study's significance lies in its potential to promote agricultural sustainability, enhance crop
productivity, and contribute to global environmental efforts.

2. How did you gather your data?

We gathered our data through an experimental procedure and by measuring all our parameters –
the bulk density and porosity.

The Bulk Density was measured by weighing the empty graduated cylinder, then filling it with
biochar while ensuring even distribution and no air pockets. Tapping the cylinder gently to settle
the biochar and eliminate air gaps. Weighing the filled cylinder and subtracting the weight of the
empty cylinder to find the biochar weight. Calculating the bulk density by dividing the biochar
weight by the cylinder's volume, determined through measurements.

The porosity was tested by obtaining a sample and measuring its initial volume using a graduated
cylinder. Fully saturating the biochar by submerging it in water, ensuring there are no air bubbles.
Allowing sufficient time for water to permeate the biochar based on its porosity. Removing the biochar
from the water, letting excess liquid drain, and measuring the final volume. Calculating porosity by
subtracting the final volume from the initial volume, dividing by the initial volume, and multiplying by
100 to get the percentage.

3. Where will you gather your materials?

From the local farmers and the plantation owners nearby

4. What is the IV/DV?

Coconut shell and Rice husk were the IV and the characterization of biochar was the DV

5. What is the objectives of your study?

This research contributes to advancing sustainable agriculture practices and the
development of environmentally and economically friendly biochar applications.
6. Why did you choose this topic?
Biochar is a carbon-rich material produced by heating biomass in a low-oxygen environment. It
has gained attention for its environmental impacts, including its potential to mitigate climate
change, improve soil health, and enhance agricultural productivity. Researchers are drawn to
biochar due to its ability to sequester carbon dioxide, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and
enhance soil fertility. It can also be produced from organic waste materials, offering opportunities
for waste management and reducing environmental impact. Biochar has been studied for its
ability to remediate contaminated soils and immobilize pollutants. Overall, biochar's potential for
environmental sustainability, agricultural benefits, waste management applications, and soil
remediation make it an attractive research topic.

7. What are the significant findings of your study?

Biochar research has yielded significant findings in various areas. It has been found that biochar
can effectively sequester carbon dioxide, thereby helping to mitigate climate change.
Additionally, biochar has shown positive effects on soil fertility and agricultural productivity by
improving soil structure, water retention, and nutrient availability. Biochar production from
organic waste materials offers a promising solution for waste management and reducing
environmental impact. Furthermore, biochar has demonstrated its potential in soil remediation by
adsorbing and immobilizing pollutants, contributing to the cleanup of contaminated sites. Overall,
these findings highlight biochar's potential for carbon sequestration, soil improvement, waste
management, and soil remediation, supporting its role in sustainable environmental practices.

8. What are the limitations or weaknesses of your study?

The study of coconut shell and rice husk biochar has limitations and weaknesses. These include
the variability in biochar characteristics across different feedstocks, the potential variability in
production processes, limitations of generalization to other soil types and agricultural systems,
and the need for further research on long-term effects and potential risks. It is important to
consider these factors when interpreting and applying findings from studies focused on coconut
shell and rice husk biochar.

9. What’s your research proposal about?

Biochar research studies focus on investigating the properties, applications, and potential benefits
of biochar, which is a carbon-rich material produced from biomass through a process called
pyrolysis. Biochar research aims to understand its effects on various environmental factors,
including soil health, carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas emissions, agricultural productivity,
and waste management. Overall, biochar research aims to deepen our understanding of biochar's
properties, its impact on soil health, carbon sequestration potential, agricultural productivity,
waste management, and soil remediation. By studying biochar, researchers strive to uncover its
sustainable applications and contribute to environmental and agricultural advancements.
10. What is your aim or goals?
The pursuit of biochar involves several key aims and goals. These include addressing climate
change by sequestering carbon dioxide, improving soil health and agricultural productivity,
exploring biochar's applications in waste management, and investigating its potential for soil
remediation. Biochar research strives to develop sustainable practices and provide solutions for
environmental sustainability, food security, and resource management.

11. Once your study is approved and is effective, what is your next step?
Once our study is approved and proven effective, the next step involves practical implementation
and broader-scale application. This includes conducting field trials, refining application methods,
and collaborating with stakeholders to promote the adoption of biochar. The goal is to integrate
biochar into existing practices, contribute to sustainability, and realize its potential benefits on a
larger scale.

Pyrolysis – Pyrolysis is a process that involves heating organic materials, such as biomass, in the
absence of oxygen.

Biomass – Biomass refers to any organic matter derived from plants, animals, or
microorganisms. It can include materials such as wood, agricultural crops and residues, grasses,
algae, and organic waste.

Bulk Density – It is a measure of how closely packed the particles or components of a substance
are within a specific volume. In simple terms, bulk density can be understood as how heavy or
dense a material is per unit volume.

Porosity – Porosity refers to the amount of empty space or voids within a material or substance.
It represents the measure of how much of the material's volume is occupied by empty spaces
compared to its total volume. In simple terms, porosity indicates how "full" or "empty" a material

Stat analysis used – paired sample t-test

Data analysis used – simple descriptive analysis method

Process – collecting and preparing the raw materials, drying the coconut shells, rice
husks, and wood, breaking down the materials into smaller pieces, using a retort system
to carbonize the materials in the absence of oxygen, crushing and sieve the charcoal to
obtain a consistent size

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