05 Fire Protection and Arson Investigation

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TOPIC 1: Explain the concept of Combustion

The concept of combustion can be divided into several subtopics:

1. Definition of Combustion:
- Understanding the basic definition of combustion as a chemical reaction that
involves the rapid oxidation of a fuel in the presence of oxygen, resulting in the
release of heat, light, and the formation of combustion products.

2. Elements of Combustion:
- Identifying the key elements required for combustion to occur: fuel, oxidizer
(typically oxygen), and an ignition source.

3. Combustion Process:
- Describing the sequence of events that take place during the combustion
process, including the ignition, flame propagation, and combustion reactions.

4. Types of Combustion:
- Exploring different types of combustion processes, such as complete
combustion, incomplete combustion, and spontaneous combustion.

5. Fuel and Fuel Properties:

- Discussing the role of fuels in combustion, including their composition,
energy content, volatility, and flammability characteristics.

6. Stoichiometry of Combustion:
- Understanding the stoichiometric ratio, which refers to the ideal balance
between fuel and oxidizer for complete combustion to occur, and the concept of
excess air or fuel.

7. Products of Combustion:
- Identifying the various products generated during combustion, such as carbon
dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter, and their
environmental and health implications.

8. Flame and Flame Structure:

- Examining the structure and characteristics of flames, including flame
temperature, color, and the different zones within a flame (e.g., primary,
secondary, and tertiary).

9. Factors Affecting Combustion:

- Exploring the factors that influence the combustion process, including fuel
properties, oxidizer availability, temperature, pressure, and mixing conditions.

10. Applications of Combustion:

- Discussing the practical applications of combustion in various industries,
such as energy production (e.g., power plants, engines), heating systems,
industrial processes, and combustion-based technologies (e.g., combustion engines,

11. Combustion and the Environment:

- Examining the environmental impact of combustion processes, including air
pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and the development of cleaner combustion

These topics provide a comprehensive understanding of the concept of combustion,

including its definition, process, types, fuel properties, stoichiometry, products,
flame characteristics, factors affecting combustion, applications, and
environmental considerations.

Here are some possible references for the topics related to the concept of

1. Introduction to Combustion:
- "Combustion: Physical and Chemical Fundamentals, Modeling and Simulation,
Experiments, Pollutant Formation" by Maximilian Lackner
- "An Introduction to Combustion: Concepts and Applications" by Stephen R. Turns
- "Combustion: From Basics to Applications" by Maximilian Lackner and Franz

2. Principles of Combustion:
- "Principles of Combustion" by Kenneth K. Kuo
- "Combustion Physics" by Chung K. Law
- "Combustion Engineering" by Gary L. Borman and Kenneth W. Ragland

3. Fuels and Combustion Chemistry:

- "Fuels and Combustion" by Samir Sarkar
- "Combustion Chemistry" by William C. Gardiner Jr.
- "Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils" by Gennadii P. Vasil'ev

4. Combustion Processes and Reactions:

- "Combustion: Physical and Chemical Fundamentals, Modeling and Simulation,
Experiments, Pollutant Formation" by Maximilian Lackner
- "Combustion Engineering" by Gary L. Borman and Kenneth W. Ragland
- "Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics" by Paul L. Houston

5. Environmental Implications of Combustion:

- "Air Pollution Control Technology Handbook" by Karl B. Schnelle Jr. and
Charles A. Brown
- "Combustion and Incineration Processes: Applications in Environmental
Engineering" by Walter R. Niessen
- "Combustion Technology for a Clean Environment" by Ashwani K. Gupta

6. Combustion Modeling and Simulation:

- "Combustion: Physical and Chemical Fundamentals, Modeling and Simulation,
Experiments, Pollutant Formation" by Maximilian Lackner
- "Introduction to Computational Combustion" by J. Warnatz, U. Maas, and R. W.
- "Numerical Combustion" by Charles H. K. Williamson and David L. Bohn

These references cover various aspects of combustion, including its principles,

chemistry, processes, reactions, environmental implications, modeling, and
simulation. They provide in-depth knowledge and serve as valuable resources for
understanding the concept of combustion. It's important to note that some
references may focus on specific areas of combustion, such as chemical kinetics or
environmental impacts, so choosing the most relevant ones based on your specific
interests or study requirements is recommended.

TOPIC 2: Illustrate the Classifications, Causes, Prevention, Control, and

Extinguishments of Fire.

Here are the topics under the concept of "Classifications, Causes, Prevention,
Control, and Extinguishments of Fire":

1. Classification of Fires:
- Understanding the different classes or types of fires based on the fuel
involved, such as Class A (ordinary combustibles), Class B (flammable liquids and
gases), Class C (electrical fires), Class D (combustible metals), and Class K
(cooking oil and grease fires).

2. Causes of Fires:
- Exploring the various factors that can lead to the ignition and spread of
fires, including heat sources, electrical malfunctions, chemical reactions, human
activities, natural disasters, and arson.

3. Fire Prevention:
- Discussing strategies and measures to prevent fires, including fire safety
education, enforcing building and fire codes, proper storage and handling of
flammable materials, regular maintenance of electrical systems, installation of
fire detection and suppression systems, and adherence to fire safety protocols.

4. Fire Control:
- Understanding the techniques and methods used to control and limit the spread
of fires, such as the use of fire extinguishers, hose reels, sprinkler systems,
fire blankets, ventilation techniques, compartmentalization, and evacuation

5. Fire Extinguishment:
- Explaining the different types of fire extinguishing agents and systems,
including water, foam, carbon dioxide (CO2), dry chemical powder, wet chemical, and
specialized agents for specific fire classes. Also covering the proper selection
and use of fire extinguishers based on the type of fire.

6. Fire Safety Measures and Equipment:

- Highlighting the importance of fire safety equipment and measures, including
smoke detectors, fire alarms, emergency lighting, fire doors, fire escapes, fire-
resistant building materials, fire drills, and evacuation plans.

7. Fire Risk Assessment:

- Discussing the process of assessing fire risks in different environments, such
as residential buildings, commercial establishments, industrial facilities, and
public spaces. This includes identifying potential hazards, evaluating fire
protection measures, and implementing risk mitigation strategies.

8. Fire Investigation:
- Providing an overview of fire investigation techniques and procedures,
including determining the origin and cause of fires, collecting evidence, analyzing
fire patterns and burn patterns, and understanding the role of forensic science in
fire investigations.

9. Fire Safety Regulations and Standards:

- Exploring the relevant fire safety regulations, codes, and standards
applicable in a specific jurisdiction or industry, such as the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) codes, International Building Code (IBC), and local
fire safety ordinances.

10. Fire Safety Training and Education:

- Highlighting the importance of fire safety training for individuals,
organizations, and fire safety professionals. This includes fire safety awareness,
fire extinguisher training, evacuation drills, and specialized training for
firefighters and emergency responders.

These topics cover various aspects of fire classification, causes, prevention,

control, extinguishment, and related fire safety measures. They provide a
comprehensive understanding of fire safety principles and practices. It's important
to consult relevant fire safety codes, standards, and guidelines specific to your
region or industry to ensure compliance with local regulations and best practices.


Here are some possible references for the topics related to "Classifications,
Causes, Prevention, Control, and Extinguishments of Fire":

1. "Fire Protection Handbook" by National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

2. "Introduction to Fire Protection and Emergency Services" by Robert Klinoff
3. "Principles of Fire Behavior and Combustion" by Richard Gann and Raymond
4. "Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics" by John Norman
5. "Fire Protection Systems" by A. Maurice Jones Jr.
6. "Fire Investigator: Principles and Practice to NFPA 921 and 1033" by
International Association of Arson Investigators
7. "Fire Safety Engineering: Design of Structures" by John A. Purkiss and Long-Yuan
8. "Fire Safety Management Handbook" by Daniel E. Della-Giustina
9. "Fundamentals of Fire Protection for the Safety Professional" by Lon H. Ferguson
10. "Fire Prevention: Inspection and Code Enforcement" by David Diamantes and Mary-
Beth D'Alonzo

These references cover a wide range of topics related to fire classification,

causes, prevention, control, extinguishment, fire safety systems, investigations,
and codes. They are authored by experts in the field of fire protection and provide
valuable insights and guidance on fire safety practices. It's important to note
that some references may focus on specific aspects or disciplines within fire
protection, so choosing the most relevant ones based on your specific interests or
study requirements is recommended. Additionally, consulting local fire safety
codes, standards, and regulations specific to your region is essential for accurate
and up-to-date information.

TOPIC 3: Recall the Organization, & Mandates of the Bureau of Fire Protection;

The topics under the organization and mandates of the Bureau of Fire Protection
(BFP) can include:

1. Structure and Organization of the Bureau of Fire Protection:

- Overview of the hierarchical structure of the BFP, including its central
office, regional offices, provincial offices, and city/municipal fire stations.
- Roles and responsibilities of key positions within the BFP, such as the Fire
Director, Deputy Fire Directors, Regional Directors, Provincial Fire Marshals, and
Fire Chiefs.

2. Mandates and Functions of the Bureau of Fire Protection:

- Understanding the legal mandates and functions of the BFP as provided by the
relevant laws, such as Republic Act No. 6975 (Department of the Interior and Local
Government Act of 1990) and Republic Act No. 9263 (Bureau of Fire Protection and
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology Professionalization Act of 2004).
- Roles of the BFP in fire prevention, suppression, investigation, and control.
- Collaboration with other government agencies, such as the Philippine National
Police (PNP) and local government units (LGUs), in ensuring public safety and
emergency response.

3. Fire Prevention and Safety Programs:

- Overview of the BFP's fire prevention and safety programs, initiatives, and
campaigns aimed at raising public awareness, promoting fire safety education, and
reducing fire incidents.
- Implementation of fire safety inspections, assessments, and certifications for
residential, commercial, and industrial establishments.
- Development and enforcement of fire safety standards, codes, and regulations.

4. Fire Suppression and Emergency Response:

- Role of the BFP in responding to fire incidents and other emergencies.
- Deployment of fire suppression personnel, equipment, and resources to mitigate
and control fires.
- Collaboration with other emergency response agencies, such as the Philippine
Red Cross and medical services, in providing assistance during emergencies.

5. Fire Investigation and Enforcement:

- Functions of the BFP in conducting fire investigations to determine the cause,
origin, and circumstances surrounding fire incidents.
- Collaboration with law enforcement agencies and the judicial system in the
investigation and prosecution of arson cases and other fire-related offenses.
- Implementation of fire safety enforcement measures, such as the issuance of
notices of violation and imposition of penalties for non-compliance with fire
safety regulations.

These topics provide an understanding of the organization, structure, mandates, and

functions of the Bureau of Fire Protection. They highlight the BFP's role in fire
prevention, suppression, investigation, and enforcement, as well as its
collaboration with other agencies to ensure public safety and emergency response.
It's important to consult official sources and documentation from the Bureau of
Fire Protection and relevant government websites for accurate and up-to-date
information on the specific organization and mandates of the BFP in the

TOPIC 4: Understand, and critique The Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008
(RA 9514), its IRR, and The Law on Destructive Arson and relevant provisions of the
Building Code of the Philippines;

The topics related to understanding, critiquing, and analyzing the Revised Fire
Code of the Philippines of 2008 (RA 9514), its implementing rules and regulations
(IRR), and the law on destructive arson, as well as relevant provisions of the
Building Code of the Philippines, can include:

1. Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008 (RA 9514):

- Overview and understanding of the key provisions, objectives, and scope of the
Revised Fire Code.
- Analysis and evaluation of the fire safety requirements for different types of
occupancies, including residential, commercial, industrial, and special
- Critique of the fire prevention, suppression, investigation, and enforcement
measures prescribed in the Fire Code.
- Examination of the administrative penalties and legal consequences for non-
compliance with the Fire Code provisions.

2. Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Revised Fire Code:

- Understanding the detailed guidelines, procedures, and standards set forth in
the IRR for the effective implementation of the Fire Code.
- Evaluation of the clarity, adequacy, and practicality of the IRR provisions in
achieving fire safety objectives.
- Analysis of any updates or amendments made to the IRR since its adoption.

3. Law on Destructive Arson:

- Understanding the relevant provisions of Republic Act No. 7659 (The Law on
Destructive Arson) and its amendments.
- Analysis of the legal framework for prosecuting and penalizing acts of
destructive arson.
- Critique of the effectiveness of the law in deterring and addressing
destructive arson incidents.

4. Building Code of the Philippines:

- Examination of the fire safety provisions and requirements outlined in the
Building Code of the Philippines, particularly those related to structural fire
resistance, fire exits, fire protection systems, and other fire safety measures.
- Analysis of the relationship and coherence between the provisions of the Fire
Code and the Building Code.
- Critique of the adequacy and applicability of the Building Code in ensuring
fire safety in construction and building design.

5. Compliance and Enforcement Challenges:

- Identification and critique of the challenges and limitations in implementing
and enforcing the Fire Code, its IRR, the law on destructive arson, and relevant
provisions of the Building Code.
- Analysis of the gaps and areas for improvement in compliance monitoring,
inspection procedures, and coordination between government agencies and

These topics provide a framework for understanding, evaluating, and critiquing the
Revised Fire Code of the Philippines, its IRR, the law on destructive arson, and
relevant provisions of the Building Code. They allow for a comprehensive
examination of the legal and regulatory framework governing fire safety in the
Philippines. It's important to refer to the official texts of the relevant laws,
codes, and regulations, as well as consult legal experts, fire safety
professionals, and official government sources for accurate and up-to-date
information and interpretations.


Here are some possible references for the topics related to understanding,
critiquing, and analyzing the Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008 (RA
9514), its implementing rules and regulations (IRR), the law on destructive arson,
and relevant provisions of the Building Code of the Philippines:

1. "Revised Fire Code of the Philippines (RA 9514) and its IRR" - Official
publication by the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) or the Department of the
Interior and Local Government (DILG).

2. "The Law on Destructive Arson and its Amendments" - Official publication of

Republic Act No. 7659 and subsequent amendments.

3. "Building Code of the Philippines" - Official publication of the Department of

Public Works and Highways (DPWH) or the National Building Code Development Office

4. "Fire Protection Laws and Regulations in the Philippines" - Article or

publication by legal experts specializing in fire protection laws and regulations.

5. "Fire Safety and Building Codes Compliance: A Guide for Architects, Engineers,
and Design Professionals" - Book or reference material focusing on compliance with
fire safety provisions in building codes, including the Building Code of the
6. "Fire Prevention and Firefighting Handbook" - Book or reference material that
covers fire prevention measures, firefighting techniques, and relevant regulations,
including the Revised Fire Code of the Philippines.

7. "Fire Investigation Manual" - Publication by the Bureau of Fire Protection or

other relevant authorities that provides guidance on fire investigation procedures,
including the application of the law on destructive arson.

8. "Legal Issues in Fire Protection" - Journal article or publication discussing

legal considerations, challenges, and interpretations related to fire protection
laws and regulations in the Philippines.

9. "Fire Safety Management Handbook" - Reference material or guidebook that covers

various aspects of fire safety management, including legal requirements and

10. Official websites and online resources - Visit official websites of the Bureau
of Fire Protection, Department of the Interior and Local Government, Department of
Public Works and Highways, and other relevant government agencies for access to
official publications, guidelines, and updates.

These references should provide valuable insights into the Revised Fire Code, its
IRR, the law on destructive arson, and relevant provisions of the Building Code.
It's important to consult the most recent and official sources, as well as seek
expert advice or legal counsel when interpreting and applying the laws and
regulations in the Philippines.

TOPIC 5: Implement the Techniques and Procedures in Fire and Arson Investigation
and Processing of Arson Evidence and filing of charges in court.

The topics related to implementing the techniques and procedures in fire and arson
investigation, as well as processing arson evidence and filing charges in court
based on the Philippine setting, can include:

1. Fire Investigation Process:

- Overview of the steps involved in fire investigation, including scene
assessment, evidence collection, documentation, and analysis.
- Examination of the roles and responsibilities of fire investigators, forensic
experts, and other personnel involved in the investigation process.
- Understanding the importance of preserving the integrity of the fire scene and
maintaining the chain of custody for evidence.

2. Techniques and Tools in Fire Investigation:

- Explanation of the various techniques and tools used in fire investigation,
such as fire pattern analysis, debris examination, laboratory testing, and witness
- Examination of specialized equipment and technologies used in fire scene
documentation, evidence collection, and analysis.
- Understanding the limitations and challenges associated with different
investigative techniques.

3. Arson Investigation:
- Understanding the unique characteristics and challenges of arson
investigations, including deliberate fire-setting, motive determination, and
suspect identification.
- Overview of profiling and behavioral analysis techniques used in arson
- Examination of the legal requirements and procedures for investigating arson
cases in the Philippines.

4. Processing and Analysis of Arson Evidence:

- Explanation of the procedures for processing arson evidence, including proper
handling, packaging, and storage.
- Understanding the role of forensic laboratories in analyzing fire debris,
accelerants, and other evidence.
- Overview of the techniques used to determine the cause and origin of fires,
including chemical analysis and fire dynamics.

5. Filing of Charges in Court:

- Understanding the legal process and requirements for filing charges related to
arson offenses in the Philippines.
- Overview of the necessary documentation, reports, and evidence needed for a
successful prosecution.
- Examination of the role of fire investigators as expert witnesses in court

6. Legal Considerations and Challenges:

- Analysis of the legal framework and relevant laws, such as the Revised Penal
Code, the Revised Fire Code, and other related statutes.
- Understanding the challenges and limitations associated with fire and arson
investigations in the Philippine context, including cooperation with other agencies
and legal considerations.

These topics provide a framework for implementing the techniques and procedures in
fire and arson investigation, as well as processing arson evidence and filing
charges in court based on the Philippine setting. It's important to refer to the
official guidelines and protocols issued by the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) or
other relevant authorities in the Philippines, as well as consult legal experts,
forensic specialists, and official government sources for accurate and up-to-date
information and interpretations.


Here are some possible references for the topics related to implementing techniques
and procedures in fire and arson investigation, processing arson evidence, and
filing charges in court based on the Philippine setting:

1. "Manual on Fire Investigation" - Official publication by the Bureau of Fire

Protection (BFP) or the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) in
the Philippines.

2. "Fire and Arson Investigation Handbook" - Book or reference material focusing on

fire and arson investigation techniques, procedures, and best practices.

3. "Forensic Fire Scene Analysis" - Book or reference material that provides

insights into the techniques and tools used in fire investigation and the analysis
of arson evidence.

4. "Arson Investigation: The Step-By-Step Procedure" - Publication or guidebook

that outlines the step-by-step process of conducting arson investigations,
including evidence collection, analysis, and report writing.

5. "Fire Investigation: A Comprehensive Guide for Arson Investigators" - Book or

reference material covering various aspects of fire investigation, including scene
assessment, evidence collection, documentation, and legal considerations.

6. "Scientific Protocols for Fire Investigation" - Journal article or publication

that discusses the scientific protocols and techniques employed in fire
investigation, including laboratory analysis of fire debris and accelerants.

7. Official websites and online resources - Visit official websites of the Bureau
of Fire Protection, Department of the Interior and Local Government, and other
relevant government agencies for access to official publications, guidelines, and
updates on fire investigation procedures.

8. Legal experts and forensic specialists - Consult with legal experts specializing
in fire and arson cases, as well as forensic specialists experienced in fire
investigation and evidence analysis in the Philippine context.

It is important to note that the availability of specific references may vary, and
it is advisable to seek the most recent and official sources, as well as consult
with experts in the field, to ensure accurate and up-to-date information regarding
fire and arson investigation procedures, evidence processing, and filing charges in
court in the Philippines.

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