Contemporary World Reviewer

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CONTEMPORARY WORLD REVIEWER (questions based on recitation last Tuesday)

 Globalizations has led to increase awareness and to address...

⁃ Environmental challenges

 Which event in late 20s century made a significant role in this man made that barriers

⁃ Berlin Wall

 Globalization has been beneficial in travel passers and to accessible...

⁃ True

 United Nation established in “what year” to promote international cooperation and peace

⁃ 1945

 Climate change is primarily driven by the increase in __ gases in the...

⁃ Greenhouse gas

 The process of a country leading a regional organization like the ___ is known as __

⁃ Brexit

 The global economics system dominated by the capitalist market economist is often
referred to as _____ capitalism

⁃ Neoliberal

 Globalization has been driven primarily by the political agreements and government

⁃ False

 An international organization that provides financial assistance

⁃ International Monetary Bank or IMF


 The migration of highly skilled educated individuals one country to another often leading
to a loss of talents in a country or a region

⁃ Brain Drain

 This stains and blending of cultural elements leading to the creation of new and

⁃ Cultural Hybridization

 The idea that advances in communication and technology have created the rule where
everybody is closely connected and interdependent

⁃ Global Village

 A regional group of countries that help to reduce or eliminated trade barriers among
themselves promoting economic cooperation

⁃ Trade Bloc

 Globalization tends to homogenize religious traditions making them old and same

⁃ False

 Globalization has no impact on religious beliefs and practices.

⁃ False

 The process of globalization has led to increase in

⁃ Cultural Homogeneity

 Which historical event significantly accelerated globalization in the 15th century

⁃ C. Age of Exploration

 The rapid development and adoption of new technologies that facilitate global
communication trade and interconnectedness.

⁃ Technological Advancement

 Sustainable development goals are set of _ for getting in addressing global challenges

 The European union uses down ___ of currency

⁃ Euro

 Globalization refers to the increase of __ and interdependence of countries

 Globalization has facilitated the movement of people leading to asserts in international


⁃ True

 Globalization encompasses economic cultural, political, and social integration

⁃ True

 The Arabs free movement in early 2010 in promoting __ and demographic reforms
several middle eastern countries

⁃ Political Change

 Companies that operate in multiple countries with businesses, interest and activities in
global scale

⁃ Multinational Corporations

 The practice of contracting out certain business functions or process external service

⁃ Outsourcing

 To spread of information thru globalization has made easier for religious extremist

⁃ True

 The globalization has a uniform impact in all countries regardless of their level of

⁃ False

 The spread of information, news and ideas across the globe thru media and
communication technology

⁃ Globalization of Information

 Globalization has increase in flow of capital made it to countries to attract foreign


⁃ True

 The silk road connecting the east and west is example of early ____

⁃ Global Trade Routes

 The proliferation of fake news and misinformation is a challenge to _ journalism

 The process of countries borrowing money from international financial institutions like
the IMF is often referred to as ______

⁃ Debt of Financing

 The concept of localization emphasized the adoption of global products in services of

global markets

⁃ True

 Which global organization focuses on addressing issues related to labor rights and
working conditions

⁃ International Labor Organization (ILO)

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