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Week 3

lesson one

AI In Different Industries:

1. Machine learning analyze and filter the data and recommend advertisements to selected audiences.

2. It relies heavily on AI algorithms to rank and propose audiences.

like TikTok collects data about our comments, location , keyboard rhythms allowing markers to:

 Get closer to the audience

 Understand their preferences and target them accordingly.



What is Artificial Intelligence for Social Media:

AI can:

1. Create social media posts

2. It can target social ads

3. It powers most what we see on any given network.

4. Increase revenue and reduce cost.


AI is the science of making machines smart.

 The benefits of AI in social Media:

1. Accelerate Revenue by:

 Discovering new audiences based on analysis
 Predicting who can buy more and target them by automatic messages.
 Follow up in texts, images and words to increase people engagement.
 Improve ROI by increasing sales, customer service, customer engagement, increases brand
loyalty and awareness.

2. Reduce Costs:

 Making work more efficient and automated

 Automated targeting for audiences
 How is AI used in social media:

1. Example like Instagram and Facebook to realize photos and target audience by ads based on
their search preferences.
2. LinkedIn Uses AI to send job recommendations.

How social media marketers can start using AI, machine learning and intelligent automation

1. Create and manage social media content:

Tools exist to auto-generate social media content across channels, going so far as to automatically
include hashtags and shortened links. Tools also exist to auto-schedule these shares in bulk.

2. Gather Social Media Intelligence and Perform Social Listening:

 It can deliver insights from the brands social media profiles and audience

It gather data and extract insights:

That data, properly applied, allows AI social media monitoring tools to:

• Help you track your global brand mentions

• Find emerging consumer trends

• Find new audiences to target

• Keep tabs on brand reputation

• Monitor every social mention

• Identify promising new avenues for social media promotion.

3. Optimize and Manage Social Media Ads:

 Artificial intelligence can write Facebook and Instagram ads.

4. Find the Right Influencer and Generate AI Influencers:

 It can analyze a variety of social media analytics to understand which accounts can cause the
most engagement.

Better resource to read
Exercise One:

Your Task

1. I 'd like you to create a post detailing the possible disadvantages, if any, of AI in social media.

Some of the disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence in social media can be:

1. Revealing private data like age, location, preferences etc..

2. Breaching privacy of the consumers and Increasing fraud by using user face recognition and user
search preferences.

3. Artificial intelligence is emotionless and it lacks ethics it can grow uncontrollable and eventually wipe
out humanity.

4. Artificial intelligence will causes low social interaction as it will wipe most corporate tasks that will
affect human connection and team work.

5. No new inventions, ideas or new implementations within social media with Artificial intelligence as all
the above requires human intelligence to be done.

2. Choose at least three disadvantages and compare them against the benefits discussed in the
previous article.

1. Although AI can accelerate revenue by discovering audiences and increase people engagement it can
also lower team work and interaction by humans to implement new ideas.

2. AI can reduce costs by making work more efficient and automated it can also work with zero ethics. It
can go uncontrollable and wipe all human ethics.

3. AI can help tremendously in gathering customer search preferences. Playing an huge role to know
what the customers are struggling to get from a specific product or what even .But it can also breach
human privacy by allowing all his search preferences to a tool that cyber attackers or by. companies
searching for profit to sell this data.

4.Following this, identify a peer’s post that details a drawback you disagree with and discuss how your
point of view differs. Alternatively, identify a post by a peer with whom you agree and add to their point.

Exercise Two:
Having read about the advantages and discussed the disadvantages with your peers I’d now like you to
expand on your own experience of AI in social media and research concrete examples from diverse
industries. In doing so, as a cohort, you will provide a rich platform of examples to draw from.

Your Task

1. Using online search engines research and gather a detailed example of how a social
media platform of your choice uses AI in its platform delivery.

2. Second, provide a reflection of your own experience with this technology and its
apparent output.

3. Finally, consider the following question, expand and provide your justifications:

4. What do you predict the future holds for AI and social media?

5. Following this, identify a peer’s post that details an example that you’d not heard of
before and/or a post that matches your own experience and comment further on how your
understanding has been enriched or add further


 Facebook uses a powerful AI technology to identify people based on their interests,

demographics and online activity. Facebook has the perfect mix of ingredients for large-scale
machine learning.
 When we are watching a video on Facebook the platform will show a mix of videos from
different authors that are all incredibly relevant to the video we have pulled up. That’s how
Facebook get us to stay in the platform and watch more ads.
 From my own experience above is 100% true as am one of the people who likes to scroll
through Facebook food videos. Facebook always show similar content and it lasts hours to view
more and more videos without even noticing.

4. I think we are in the early stages of big implementations in AI technology. Many AI evidences have
been proved to be effective in different domains.AI will move beyond deep learning. I think AI later will
succeed to play a role in truly personalized medicine, transforming scientific method and empowering
new accomplishments.

AI enables an unprecedented ability to analyze enormous data sets and computationally discover
complex relationships and patterns. AI, augmenting human intelligence, is primed to transform the
scientific research process, unleashing a new golden age of scientific discovery in the coming years.

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