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Faith and Community Based Status Report Name

Marie Clark Brill

Africa Action

Good meeting with Marie. Gave an overview and discussion on policy goals and key areas of interests, Provided contacts in Faith community Provided insights into the aids /Africa activists community Identified key religious organizations and leaders to be in touch with Provided overview of her organization, agreed to work with her on GAR working group

Next Steps
Followed up with the ContactSamuel Proctor Conference. Called-waiting for call back-Marie to make introduction for me. Seek opportunities to partner on common issues. In process of following up with recommendations.

Roxanne Lawson


Pauline Mudrina


Rebecca Yought

World Church Services

Robert Nicholas


Wednesday Clergy Meetings

Pastors from DC Metropolitan Area who work on social justice issues

Continue building relationship, coauthored House sign-on letter, created faith based listserve / google group Offered GAA the Continue to build opportunity to be a relationship, part of AMEs provide copies of annual conferencearticles, talking brochures, workshop points, Policy Agreed to write letter briefs in support of PEPFAR reauthorization I am a member of Brief group on this organization. GAAs mission, Many pastors have engage them in missions or global aids and missionaries in poverty issues Africa

Cricket NicoVick


Troy Lewis

Expand Church Respond

Adam Gerhardstein

Universal Universalist Congregation Churches

Charles Farnzen

IMA World Health

Ray Martin

Church Connections For International Health

Leslie Watson

Balm In Gilead

Discussed her organization, who they are, what they do, and how GAA could partner more, supported and participated in Ecumenical Advocacy Days-3-808 Shared experiences of mission work, PEPFAR problems in Africa, perceptions of PEPFAR within the non-profit groups in Africa, concerns around abstinence, ear marks Provided overview of the UUCC, their priorities, we can work together, offered to assistance in building a new inclusive faith community Agreed to be a part of the listserv, share information / analysis of in country efforts, and activities-South Africa Provide overview of CCIH, suggested ways that CCIH might support our work-networking and sharing of information to membership, work with Rep Wolf Agreed to partner and support GAAs

Continue building relationship

Agreed to be a part of GAAs network of faith leaders, work to keep him apprised of our efforts, meet with him in June Continue to build relationship

Continue to build relationship, supports our work

Prepare proposal on how CCIH and GAA might partner, determine cost to join CCIH cost to do so. Develop strategy to reach Rep Wolf. Complete initiative/proposal

Mary Pat Brennan

Center For Global Justice & Reconciliation

Lorelle Curry

Women Thrive Worldwide

James Sykes and Gene Copella

The Aids Institute

Gender-Based Violence in DRC: Causes and Consequences-Dr. Patricia T. Morris Kristin Kim Bart Dr. Denis Mukwege

Woodrow Wilson Center Women for Women International International Rescue Committee Panzi Hospital, Bukavu

work, talked about what the goals of Balm In Gilead are and what they do with the Churches Participate in the development of the women and Violence commitment letter for the Breakthrough: Women Faith & Development Summit to end Global Poverty Asked to provide and serve on working group to develop health / aids commitment letter for Breakthrough: women Faith & Development Summit to end Global Poverty Discussed ways to partner with The Aids Institute, proposed joint sponsorship of regional or national conference with Faith Community Introduced to the issues of gender violence-causes, impact, governments reactions and responsibilities to women victimized by gender violencesexual terrorism. Examines the role of conflict and violence against women.

on Balm In Gilead / GAA policy educational /advocacy campaign Continue to work with the group, provided entry to other important women of faith working gender, poverty issues

Continue to build relationship ask to be a part of the advocacy working group

Agreed to share policy information and issues of interests

Follow-up with Dr. Denis Mukwege about HIV/AIDS

Conference on Measuring Development Effectiveness: Progress and ConstraintsBreakthrough Summit

World Bank

Women, Faith, Development

Impact on health, diseases, families and communities Examine issues of development effectiveness, evaluations, monitoringgovernments role, the banks role, the programs. Impressive International effort that brought faith, development, and the womens communities from around the world together on behalf of women and girls, commitments to end global poverty and empower / uplift women and girls

Continue to explore development and aid issues

Work with the working group to implement strategies and activities as follow-up to summit

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