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products formulation
•Biotechnology is the use of biology to solve problems and
make useful products. The most prominent approach used is
genetic engineering ,which enables scientists to tailor an
organism's DNA at will.
⚫ Biotechnology products means those products that are
applicable to the prevention ,treatment ,or cure of a disease
or condition of human beings and that are produced using
living organisms ,materials derived from living organisms ,or
cellular ,subcellular ,or molecular components of living
organisms. Biotechnology products does not include
pharmaceutical products which are produced from chemical
protein made by plasma cells( a type of white
blood cell )in response to an antigen( a
substance that causes the body to make a
specific immune response).
Types of antibodies in production_:
1/monoclonal antibody
2/polyclonal antibody.

*Production of monoclonal antiboies in

mono mesns single.
Clonal means identical.
Steps of production:-

• 1/injection:
• Injection mouse the antigen ,immune system
stimulation by B cells)
• 2/Fusion(B cells fused to myloma cells(cancer cell).
• 3/Formulation of Hybridoma.
• 4/Division(by mitosis).
• 5/Testing( In HAT medium).
• 6/Culturing process.
• 7/Extraction.
2/polyclonal antibody_:
It is amixure of various
types of antibody there are
secreated by different
clone by plasmaB cell.
*they target in defferent

• It is the part of an antigen that is recognized by the

immune system,to bind with antibody.
• Antibodies are actually acollection of
Immunoglobulin molecules that react against. a
specific antigen ,each identifying adifferent epitope
en an antigen.
• *production of polyclonal Antibody*
• obtain the Ag what Ag you want to have polyclonal
Ab produce aganist.
• *Inject antigen into rabbit by adding adjuvent.
When Ag inter blood
immunesystem activate B
lymphocytes to produce
The plasma B cell produce
polyclonal atibody.
Animal injected with
antigene by these routs_:

*different host species_:

-mouse ,chicken ,rat ,goat ,

• Is suspension of microorganism that induces antibody production to protect

against disease.
• Types of vaccines
• 1 -Whole-Agent vaccine
• ¤Inactivated( killed)
• killed microorganism totally,microorganism killed using formalin solution and
present no risk of getting the disease
• Example of vaccine: rabies vaccine
• ¤Attenuated( weekend)
• Not killing microorganism but cut some portion of activity use DNA
mutations have accumulated during long-term cell culture microorganism not
killed there is a risk of getting the disease( cause some infection in body)
• Example :MMR vaccine
• 2 -Sub unit vaccine
• Take part of microorganism use adjuvant that induces effectiveness of the
• Adjuvant are not part of pathogen( e.g protein_ dead pathogen).
• Some time sub unit vaccine need repeated dose .
• Example :hepatitis B vaccine.
• *Safer than attenuated vaccines because no risk of getting the disease.
• Example of vaccines
• _live attenuated vaccine
• Tuberculosis ,Measles ,Yellow fever.
• _Inactivated vaccine( killed microorganism)
• Whole-cell pertussis , Inactivated polio virus.
• _Sub unit vaccine( purified antigen)
• Haemophilius influenza type B , Hepatitis B.
• _Toxoid( inactivated toxins)
• Toxins generally secreted by microorganism
• *Treat toxin with formaldehyde and with high temperature to convert this
toxin to toxoid.
• Tetanus toxoid , Diphtheria toxoid.
Anticoagulant :-

• Anticoagulants are a group of medications that

decrease blood's ability to clot. They do that by
letting body break down existing clots or by
preventing new clots from forming.
Anticoagulants come in many different forms ,
including injections ,intravenous( IV )drugs ,and
medications you take by mouth.
Types of Anticoagulants :-
• There are three main types of anticoagulant
• Vitamin K antagonists
• Direct Oral Anticoagulants( DOACs)
• Low molecular weight heparins( LMWH).
Examples of anticoagulant :-

• polyanetholesulfonate( SPS ,)an anticoagulant

which inhibits the antimicrobial systems of
blood ,is used widely in blood culture media.
The addition of SPS to experimental blood
cultures inoculated with small numbers of a
variety of organisms caused a striking increase
in recovery of these organisms.
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