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Start (pre-A1)



Look at the picture and read. Choose the correct answer for questions 1-12.

Today is Emma’s birthday. Her family and friends are at the

party. The party is in the garden.

you, Ben, this is the
David! best party ever!

1. There are ….. children in the picture.

A) two B) three C) four D) five

2. Whose birthday is it?

A) Ben’s. B) David’s. C) Emma’s. D) Anne’s.

3. Where is the party?

A) In the garden. B) At the zoo. C) At school. D) In the park.

4. What can’t you see in the picture?

A) B) C) D)

presents balloons a cat a bird

5. David has got ….. in his hand.
A) B) C) D)

a ballon a ball a present a flower

6. Emma is wearing a ….. .

A) B) C) D)

a t-shirt a dress a jumper shorts

7. There is a ….. ball near the tree.

A) B) C) D)

purple yellow pink blue

8. One of the dogs is ….. .

A) eating B) running C) sleeping D) flying

9. There are ….. on the table.

A) B) C) D)

muffins chips vegetables burgers

10. Who is wearing glasses?

A) B) C) D)

Dad Emma Ben David

11. The children are ….. .

A) scared B) angry C) sad D) happy

12. Look at the picture and choose what letter is missing.

A) E B) I C) A D) O
Look at the picture and read. Choose the correct answer for questions 13-24.

The children are in Emma’s room.


I know,

My favourite!

13. How old is Emma today?

A) one B) five C) four D) six

14. What is Emma doing? She is ….. .

A) swimming B) painting C) singing D) sleeping

15. Anne loves ….. .

A) B) C) D)

carrot cake pancakes chocolate cake cheesecake

16. The presents are ….. the bed.

A) on B) in C) near D) under

17. There isn’t ….. in Emma’s room.

A) B) C) D)

a guitar a table a computer a chair


18. How many dolls are there in the room?
A) B) C) D)

19. Anne has got a yellow ….. .
A) B) C) D)

shirt skirt dress t-shirt

20. The curtains are ….. .

A) B) C) D)

blue green red orange

21. David has got ….. hair.

A) blonde B) long C) curly D) small

22. You can see ….. on the wall.

A) B) C) D)

a car a tree a house a kite

23. How do you spell ?

A) P L E I N B) P L A N E

C) P L A I N D) P L A N

24. Look at the clock! What time is it?

A) 4 oʼclock B) 2 oʼclock C) 1 oʼclock D) 3 oʼclock



The Lion and the Mouse

Adapted after Aesop
It’s a lovely summer morning. The sun is shining and the wind is blowing gently.

Some animals are still sleeping in the forest.

QUIET! Ssh, Jerry! Don’t Yes, I love it!
play that trumpet! It’s so quiet!
Please, be quiet!

It’s such a
lovely day!

Would you like

to join me?

1. Where does the story take place?

A) In the mountains. B) In the park. C) At the zoo. D) In the forest.
2. Who is Jerry?
A) A deer. B) A rabbit. C) A mouse. D) A hedgehog.
3. Look at the picture! There are ..... trees.
A) many B) little C) lots D) lot of
4. Who asks Jerry to be quiet?
A) The deer. B) The rabbit. C) The squirrel. D) The mouse.
5. Look at Jerry! He’s got a very long ..... .
A) neck B) tail C) nose D) tooth
Later, in the forest.
I can’t sleep
in this noise! Oh my, there’s too
much noise!

QUIET! You will wake
up the lion!

I feel so lonely
now! I have no
one to play with!

6. Look at the picture! What does the sign on the tree say?
A) Do not climb the trees! B) Do not walk on the grass!
C) Do not feed the birds! D) Do not make noise!

7. Why are some animals leaving?

A) The place is crowded. B) There’s too much noise.
C) The mouse is too scary. D) The place is a mess.

8. Why is Jerry sad?

A) Nobody wants to play with him. B) His trumpet is broken.
C) The weather is terrible. D) He can’t sing.

9. What’s the opposite of noise?

A) night B) silence C) friend D) sound

10. Look at the picture and find the missing one!

A) owl B) squirrel C) bear D) hedgehog
The lion is taking a nap under a large shady tree. He’s very tired after hunting
all morning. The mouse comes along. He admires the lion ’s ears, his long
whiskers and his great mane.

Good! He’s
sleeping! It will

be great fun to
play with him!

So the little mouse begins to play his trumpet loudly.

11. Look at the picture on the left! What is the lion doing under the tree?
A) He’s hunting. B) He’s playing the trumpet.
C) He’s sleeping. D) He’s dancing.

12. Why does Jerry want to wake up the lion?

A) He wants to play with him. B) He wants to ask him for help.
C) The lion needs to hunt. D) The lion is very tired.

13. How does the mouse wake up the lion?

A) He calls him by his name. B) He whispers something into his ear.
C) He pulls his tail. D) He plays the trumpet.

14. Look at the lion and find the odd one out!
A) whiskers B) wings C) teeth D) mane

15. Another word for begin is ….. .

A) end B) stop C) start D) finish
The lion quickly lays his big paw on the mouse. Now the mouse gets very scared.

You are so small!

How can you
ever help me?
Please, don’t
eat me! Let me
go and maybe

one day I can
help you.

The lion begins to laugh. But he feels sorry for the mouse so he sets him free.

16. How does the lion feel when he wakes up?

A) He’s happy. B) He’s sad. C) He’s angry. D) He’s bored.

17. The lion ….. his big paw on the mouse.

A) puts B) pulls C) gives D) takes

18. What does the mouse promise the lion?

A) He will never play the trumpet again. B) He will help him one day.
C) He will leave the forest. D) He will let him go.

19. Does the lion think the mouse can help him?
A) Yes, he does. B) No, he can’t. C) No, he isn’t. D) No, he doesn’t.

20. Look at the picture and find what is missing!

A) trees B) mouse C) grass D) flowers
A few days later, the lion gets caught in a trap set by two hunters. They tie him
up with thick ropes. The lion struggles to get free but he can’t. He begins to roar!
The mouse hears the lion’s cries and comes to help him.

Help! Can anyone

help me?
I can help

Look! Jerry’s
so brave!

The mouse uses his sharp teeth to cut the ropes. Finally he frees the lion from
the trap.
21. The lion ….. into a trap and needs help.
A) fall B) feels C) feel D) falls

22. What does the little mouse do when he hears the lion?
A) He leaves the forest. B) He calls the hunters.
C) He goes to help the lion. D) He starts laughing.

23. The mouse cuts the ropes with his ….. .

A) paws B) ears C) hands D) teeth

24. The rabbit says that Jerry ….. .

A) can’t help the lion B) is courageous C) can help the mouse D) is lazy

25. Match the animals with the sound they make.

1. duck 2. dog 3. lion 4. mouse
a. bark b. quack c. squeak d. roar
A) 1b/ 2a/ 3d/ 4c B) 1c/ 2d/ 3b/ 4a C) 1d/ 2a/ 3b/ 4c D) 1a/ 2b/ 3c/ 4d
The lion realizes that even a little mouse can be a great help.

Thank you, my dear friend.

I was foolish to make fun of you
for being so small. I’m so sorry!

And so the lion and the mouse become good friends.

26. Which are the main characters of the story?

A) The deer and the lion. B) The two hunters.
C) The mouse and the lion. D) The owl and the mouse.

27. In the end, the lion ….. .

A) leaves the forest B) goes back to sleep
C) becomes Jerry’s friend D) goes hunting

28. Look at the picture! What are the rabbit and the hedgehog doing?
A) They’re eating. B) They’re dancing. C) They’re sleeping. D) They’re running.

29. Find the false sentence.

A) The lion apologizes to the mouse. B) The rabbit cuts the ropes.
C) The mouse helps the lion. D) The lion and the mouse become friends.

30. What’s the moral of the story?

A) Don’t go to sleep in the sun. B) You can’t help if you are little.
C) Little friends may prove to be great friends. D) Lions don’t like mice.
Joey (A1-A2)
Rezolvă, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi!

I. For each question (1-5), read and choose the correct answer.
Hi Joe! What does Tom want?
Sorry to write so late, but I
A) To invite Joe to Tim’s party.
just realised it is Tim’s birthday
B) To arrange for another time to see a film.
party tomorrow and we

promised to be there. That C) To ask Joe what present to buy.
means we will have to watch
Dune at the cinema some
other time. How about next
Write back soon,

What does the notice say?
Don Vito Pizzeria

opens this weekend A) Kids get free dessert.

Families with children get free B) Families get free food.

dessert! C) Parents and children don’t have to pay for dessert.

Tommy, What does Ted want?

I am still at the school library. A) Ted wants to do his project with Tommy.
we meet for lunch at 13:00 B) Ted doesn’t want to eat before he has finished
after I finish my project? his project.
See you!
C) Ted has a lot of work to do and won’t have lunch.

4. What does the notice say?

History Museum Trip

There are only 6 places left A) Students should tell Mr. Jones if they want to go
on the bus so those interested to the museum soon.
should let Mr. Jones know B) The trip is on Wednesday.
before Wednesday. C) Only history students can go to the museum.

FeelGood Café What does the notice say?
Open weekdays The food and drinks don’t cost much.
Friendly prices The staff are friendly.
C) The café is only open at weekends.
Daily offers


II. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (6-10)
so that the meaning stays the same.
6. It is my first time at this restaurant.
I ….. to this restaurant before.
A) didn’t go B) have never been C) didn’t went
7. My mum drives me to school every day.
My mum ….. to school every day.
A) gives me a drive B) gives me a lift C) gives me a car
8. I like reading better than drawing.
I ….. to drawing.
A) prefer reading B) enjoy reading C) would rather reading
9. My maths exam is on Tuesday.
I ….. my maths exam on Tuesday.
A) am passing B) am learning C) am taking
10. My head hurts.
I ….. a headache.

A) have got B) am having C) got

III. Read the sentences. For each space (11-20), choose the correct answer.
11. I am learning to ….. a scooter.
A) ride B) drive C) fly
12. I am not too ….. on this new videogame.
A) excited B) keen C) happy
13. After a hard day at school I just want to ….. on my bed and do nothing.
A) lie B) lye C) lay
14. For me there is nothing ….. than getting a bad grade.
A) worst B) worstest C) worse
15. I didn’t want to join the karate club, but Maria ….. me.
A) persuaded B) explained C) chatted
16. She decided to wear her purple jacket instead ….. her pink one.
A) to B) for C) of
17. Very tall trees ….. the park.
A) collected B) surrounded C) moved
18. I’m afraid I have sent you the wrong files ….. mistake.
A) by B) from C) in

19. Many parents were ….. to the event.

A) requested B) demanded C) invited

20. ….. the show finished late, many guests stayed even longer.
A) Although B) But C) Even
IV. Read the text. For each question (21-25), choose the correct answer.

The Boy Who Invented TV

Shortly after his fourteenth birthday, Philo Taylor Farnsworth had an idea which would shape
the rest of his life.
Philo had no bigger wish than to be an inventor since the age of six. By the end of his life, he had
more than 300 inventions to be happy about. Philo wasn’t the first person to think of designing the
first television set. But he was the first person to find a way to make it work. According to surviving
relatives, one day, as he was driving a horse-drawn agricultural machine on his family’s farm in
Idaho, Philo stopped and looked at the lines in the ground. He then came up with a system through
which to transmit images by breaking them down into lines of electricity. It took many years before
the first television transmission took place in 1927. However, Philo was not very enthusiastic about
television becoming so popular. Only when he saw Neil Armstrong walking on the Moon in 1969
did he say to his wife: “Elma, this makes it all worth it!” Today, for better or worse, we cannot
imagine life without television. We also know it is a great source of information, but it can also
make us unhealthy if we spend too much time in front of it. In 1940, there were only a few hundred
televisions in use in the United States and Americans mostly used the radio for following the news
and entertainment. By 1949, the number of TV sets was one million and it is now estimated at about

121 million. And it all started with a boy who did not even have electricity until he was 14 years old.

21. When he got the idea of how to create television, Philo was ….. .
A) fourteen B) fifteen C) thirteen
22. We know how Philo got his idea from ….. .
A) his friends B) his family members C) his fans
23. Philo was first truly happy that he invented television ….. .
A) in 1927 B) in 1969 C) in 1949
24. The text says that television ….. .
A) is a good thing B) is a bad thing C) can be both bad and good
25. The number of television sets in the USA ….. .
A) grew very quickly in the 1940s B) is small
C) is smaller now than in the past

V. R
 ead the following descriptions of apps for young people. For each question (26-30), choose the
app that would be suitable for each teenager.

GIGFinder — is the number one app for those looking for gigs by their favourite stars. Make
sure you never miss any of your best-loved acts and sign up now. Tell us who your favourite bands
and singers are and we’ll make sure to email you a weekly list of performances within your area. Get
your place online once you spot your musician close by!

Score Ticker — You don’t have to be there because we’re bringing it to you! If your favourite
team plays miles away and you can’t make it, Score Ticker brings minute-by-minute news of all
the action and reports from European football matches live as they happen. And you won’t be alone
because fans all over the world join in to discuss results and much more.


JoggIt — The next time you go for a run or get on your bike, JoggIT comes with you. You’ll get
a map of your route, your heart rate and time taken throughout your activity. Not sure what to eat to
increase your energy level? Count on our daily food planner every step of the way!
Sportricks — How fast can you run? How far can you jump? Sportricks gives you the opportunity
to try both activities and many other sports in online games against other friends. Your friends or just
people around the world – it’s your call. You choose whether you want to play with someone you
know or venture into the big world.
Yummy — Save precious time with your friends and download Yummy. The app will come to the
rescue. Yummy lists all the restaurants and fast-food places, their menus and all the special offers for you
and your buddies to choose from. We deliver right at your door while you sit back and have all the fun!

26. Jane loves having friends over for dinner. She is looking for an app to order food online from
the restaurants close to her house while chatting with her guests. Jane would like to download…
A) GIGFinder B) Score Ticker C) JoggIt D) Sportricks E) Yummy
27. Helen loves jogging and cycling and always keeps an eye on her diet. She is keen on staying fit
so the app she is looking for should measure her fitness level and help her plan healthy meals.
Helen would like to download…
A) GIGFinder B) Score Ticker C) JoggIt D) Sportricks E) Yummy

28. Antonio enjoys playing games on his phone. He loves those games that he can play against his
friends. Staying safe online is one of his priorities so he wants to control who he plays against.
Antonio would like to download…
A) GIGFinder B) Score Ticker C) JoggIt D) Sportricks E) Yummy
29. Alex is passionate about sport. He wants an app where he can find the latest news and other fans
to talk to. He needs to keep up with everything going on around him, especially Italian, Spanish
and UK football. Alex would like to download…
A) GIGFinder B) Score Ticker C) JoggIt D) Sportricks E) Yummy
30. Rachel loves music and never misses any performance of her favourite bands. She wants an app
to help her find out when all the concerts in her area are scheduled. If she could also buy tickets
through the app that would be fantastic. Rachel would like to download…
A) GIGFinder B) Score Ticker C) JoggIt D) Sportricks E) Yummy
VI. For questions (31-50), read and choose the best answer.
31. Let’s revise for the written paper, …..?
A) do you? B) will you? C) can you? D) shall we? E) don’t you?
32. What colour are most buses in London?
A) Blue. B) Red. C) Black. D) Yellow. E) Orange.
33. Match the columns:
1. cat a. scales
2. bird b. skin
3. elephant c. fur
4. fish d. feathers
A) 1c/ 2d/ 3a/ 4b B) 1d/ 2c/ 3b/ 4a C) 1a/ 2b/ 3d/ 4c
D) 1c/ 2d/ 3b/ 4a E) 1b/ 2a/ 3c/ 4d
34. What’s the name of the cowboy in Toy Story?
A) Blaze. B) Chance. C) Woody. D) Billy the Kid. E) Jack West.
35. This is the city ..... I was a born in.
A) who B) where C) which D) there E) what
36. After three days of being lost in the mountains, all the climbers arrived home ….. .
A) saved and sound B) safe and good C) safe and sound
D) again and again E) fast and furious
37. In which country is Mount Fuji located?
A) China. B) Japan. C) Nepal. D) North Korea. E) India.
38. What’s the opposite of above?
A) below B) up C) over D) high E) beyond
39. Which planet is the third closest to the sun?
A) Mars. B) Mercury. C) Venus. D) Earth. E) Jupiter.
40. Taylor Swift’s ….. album stands out as one of the best releases of the year.
A) last B) latest C) later D) less E) least
41. Some can have a chance to find a ….. job and gain more work experience.
A) half-time B) free time C) part-time D) spare-time E) good time
42. Which letter of the English alphabet also names a line of people?

A) K B) W C) Q D) H E) Y
43. Every Saturday morning we go ….. .
A) at shopping B) for shopping C) to shopping D) shopping E) by shopping
44. Complete the proverb: The early bird catches the ….. .
A) worm B) bug C) butterfly D) fly E) mouse
45. What do you call a baby kangaroo?
A) A kid. B) A calf. C) A joey. D) A puppy. E) A kitten.
46. Which animal does not drink water using its mouth?
A) The hen. B) The frog. C) The bear. D) The goat. E) The lizard.
47. At weekends we walk ….. .
A) plenty B) many C) a lot D) lots of E) most of it
48. Arrange these words in order of intensity, from most to least extreme.
1. cold 2. frosty 3. warm 4. chilly 5. cool
A) 2/ 1/ 4/ 5/ 3 B) 3/ 5/ 1/ 4/ 2 C) 2/ 1/ 3/ 5/ 4
D) 2/ 1/ 5/ 3/ 4 E) 4/ 5/ 3/ 2/ 1
49. Add the right suffix to form new words.
1. brother a. ‒al
2. friend b. ‒dom
3. region c. ‒er
4. train d. ‒ship
5. king e. ‒hood
6. sad f. ‒ness
A) 1a/ 2b/ 3c/ 4d/ 5e/ 6f B) 1a/ 2c/ 3f/ 4b/ 5d/ 6e C) 1e/ 2d/ 3a/ 4c/ 5b/ 6f
D) 1f/ 2e/ 3d/ 4c/ 5b/ 6a E) 1e/ 2d/ 3f/ 4b/ 5c/ 6a
50. Portuguese is spoken in ….. .
A) Spain B) Chile C) Puerto Rico D) Brazil E) Columbia
Wallaby (A2-B1)
Rezolvă, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi!

I. For each question (1-5), read and choose the correct answer.

1. A) The computers cannot be used this month.

The computers in the study
room are currently being B) If you need a laptop, you will be helped
updated and cannot be used this to book one.
week. You can book a laptop C) Our laptops are out of order this week.
from student services.

2. A) Petra needs to get Fred a present.

Hi, Wilma.
Are you still going shopping for B) Petra needs Wilma to help her with something
a gift for Fred? The thing is … I she didn’t remember to do.
forgot to get him a card. Do you
C) Petra wants to get together with Wilma and
think you could get one for me?
Fred later today.

Hi Bobby. A) Jack has lost his DVD.
I’ve been texting you all morning B) Jack cannot remember what DVD he is
and you haven’t replied yet. I hope
supposed to buy.

you’re fine.
Can you please tell me if you’ve C) Jack hasn’t found the DVD in the shops.
managed to buy the DVD our
teacher recommended? I have
been looking for one in the shops,
but I haven’t had any luck so far.

4. Snooker Competition
Free entry for club members. A) Please sign up on competition day.
Small charge applies for non- B) Bring your own food and drinks.
No registration on the day of the C) There is no charge for members.
No food and drinks allowed on
the premises.

This room is booked for language A) If you need help, our assistant will provide it.
exams. Please go downstairs to B) Language exams are held in Room 11.
Room 11 and our assistant will
C) You can find books in this room.
advise you.


II. Read the text. For each question (6-10), choose the correct answer.
The Dog that Faked an Injury
‘A dog is a man’s best friend’ – the saying goes. Throughout history, dogs have proven to be loyal,
affectionate and caring, constantly doing their best to try and prove their unconditional love. In one
case, not too long ago, a dog found a rather unique way of showing it, leaving his owner, a man that
goes by the name Russell Jones, absolutely baffled.
Mr. Jones broke his leg while playing football with his mates and was forced to wear a cast and
walk in crutches for the following three weeks. The day after he left the hospital and got home, his
dog, Bill, started acting in a rather strange manner: he would no longer walk normally by using all four
paws, but hop on three legs, as if something had happened to one of his limbs.
Being the responsible dog owner he was, Mr. Jones took Bill to the vet immediately to have him
checked up. Upon careful examination of an X-ray, however, nothing wrong could be seen with the
animal’s leg. It was perfectly normal – nothing broken or twisted. But the dog kept hopping. Therefore,
Mr. Jones decided to ask for a second opinion. After another set of X-rays and blood tests, the results
arrived and to everyone’s surprise, the dog was fine. The moment they left the vet, however, Bill
started hopping again near Mr. Jones, who was still waking with crutches.
It was only after Rosie Bescoby, a clinical animal behaviourist, saw a viral video of the two walking
side by side, that the mystery was finally solved. Apparently, out of pure love and support, Bill decided
to mimic his owner in order to show his devotement.
‘It cost me $300 in X-rays just to find another piece of evidence of how much my dog loves me’,
said Mr. Jones. As soon as he no longer had to wear a cast and disposed of the crutches, Bill switched
back to walking on all fours, as if nothing had happened. Now… if that is not some solid dog and
human connection, I don’t know what else it is.

6. The text looks at ….. .

A) a one-of-a-kind occurrence which goes to show how devoted dogs can be
B) ways in which dogs respond to injury
C) standard medical procedures to treat broken limbs
7. After Mr. Jones’ accident, Bill ….. .
A) broke one of his limbs B) started hopping on three legs C) had to walk in crutches
8. After Bill’s check-up, the X-ray revealed that ….. .
A) his leg was actually broken B) his leg was perfectly healthy C) his leg needed surgery
9. Rosie Bescoby ….. .
A) found an explanation for the dog’s unusual behaviour
B) is the vet who provided the second opinion Mr. Jones had asked for
C) was not able to come up with an explanation for Bill’s behaviour
10. Once Mr. Jones was in good health and no longer in need of the crutches ….. .
A) Bill’s broken leg still prevented him from walking properly
B) Bill sadly had an accident on his own C) Bill went back to walking normally

III. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (11-15)
so that the meaning stays the same.
11. I have a pen friend. She lives in Toronto.
I have a ….. lives in Toronto.
A) pen friend, that B) pen friend who C) pen friend which
12. It was such a surprise I didn’t know what to say.
I was ….. I didn’t know what to say.
A) such surprised B) that surprised C) so surprised
13. I don’t often eat ice cream but I really like it.
….. ice cream, I don’t often eat it.
A) Despite I like B) However I like C) Although I like
14. “I am waiting for my friend”, she said.
She said ….. .
A) I was waiting for my friend B) she was waiting for her friend
C) she will wait for her friend
15. It wasn’t necessary for me to clean the floors.
I ….. the floors.
A) mustn’t clean B) didn’t have to clean C) needn’t clean

IV. Read the sentences. For each space (16-20), choose the correct answer.
16. That is the kind of school everyone ….. about.
A) dreams B) wishes C) hopes
17. Homeschooled children don’t ….. school.
A) attend B) arrive C) go
18. You will first have to ….. for a course you would really like to do.
A) choose B) opt C) decide
19. You will be given the opportunity to ….. part in sport events.
A) take B) be C) have

20. Sadly, most sports are all about competitions and ….. .
A) reaching B) challenging C) winning

V. Read the text. For each space (21-30), choose the best answer.
Overcoming Fears
Fear is a powerful double-edged ….. (21); your fears keep you safe, alert you of possible
risks and spare you from physical, mental and emotional pain. Without this kind of innate alarm
system your body and brain wouldn’t last a week, let alone a whole lifetime.
But here’s the thing about fear – like an actual alarm system in any house or car, fear’s ….. (22)
goal is to protect you, so it doesn’t notice when it’s keeping out something good. You’re letting
your fears control ….. (23) you do, who you are and who you’re going to become, because just
about every situation offers something ….. (24). Somehow, you’re able to navigate incredibly
dangerous situations with ease.
Think about ….. (25) two scenarios – crossing the street and speaking in public. In the first,
you easily could get injured or even killed if you’re hit by a car, but most people would ….. (26)
face a busy street than deliver a speech in ….. (27) of a huge crowd. Most of that terrible fear
and anxiety actually stems from a simple lack of practice. You probably learned how to cross the
street when you were a little kid and have crossed hundreds more ever ….. (28). This significantly
more dangerous situation isn’t scary to you because you know it – you’ve practised it and you
know exactly how to avoid getting hurt. But if you’ve only spoken in public one or two times
you’re probably just as scared as you were when you first learned how to cross the street.


At the ….. (29) of the day your most influential and compelling fear is of what you don’t
know. When you don’t understand something, little risks like stuttering or messing up during
your speech seem so terrifying that you never even try. So, if you’re hoping to build confidence,
reprogram your own way of thinking by confronting your fears. You should start small but push
yourself to get out of your comfort zone. Try becoming familiar with things you don’t understand
and nine times ….. (30) of ten they won’t scare you anymore.

21. A) spear B) fork C) sword D) knife

22. A) only B) solely C) once D) uniquely

23. A) which B) how C) where D) what

24. A) fearing B) to be afraid C) to be fearful D) to fear

25. A) this B) that C) those D) these

26. A) better B) prefer C) rather D) less

27. A) face B) front C) spite D) regard

28. A) for B) before C) from D) since

29. A) end B) top C) final D) last

30. A) in B) out C) from D) but

VI. For questions 31-50, read and choose the best answer.

31. Who said: “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”?
A) Winston Churchill. B) Louis Armstrong. C) Neil Armstrong.
D) John Kennedy. E) Richard Nixon.
32. In which country would you find the original Legoland park?
A) Turkey. B) The UK. C) Germany. D) Denmark. E) The USA
33. I’d rather ........a new television because it’s not worth ....... such an old TV set repaired.
A) buying/ have B) to buy/ to having C) bought/ to have
D) buy/ having E) bought/ having
34. The island of Madagascar is in ….. .
A) the Pacific Ocean B) the Indian Ocean C) the Atlantic Ocean
D) the Arctic Ocean E) the Southern Ocean
35. Which sport takes place in a velodrome?
A) Cycling. B) Fencing. C) Rafting.
D) Snowboarding. E) Squash.
36. Who wrote about the mysterious adventures of Sherlock Holmes?
A) J.R.R. Tolkien. B) Agatha Christie. C) J. K. Rowling.
D) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. E) Charles Dickens.

37. If you ..... an exam and you score 95 out of 100, then you pass with flying colours.
A) do B) take C) give D) make E) run
38. John had the answer on the ….. of his tongue, but Anne said it first.
A) top B) back C) tap D) tip E) peak

39. Which is the odd one out?

A) oak B) maple C) willow D) carnation E) bamboo

40. Sometimes it is better to tell a ….. lie than to hurt someone’s feelings.
A) red B) black C) green D) purple E) white

41. Match the two columns:

1. Sydney Opera House a. England
2. Times Square b. Canada
3. Highland Wildlife Park c. Australia
4. Vancouver Island d. the USA
5. Tate Modern e. Scotland
A) 1c/ 2d/ 3e/ 4b/ 5a B) 1b/ 2c/ 3e/ 4d/ 5a C) 1c/ 2e/ 3b/ 4a/ 5d
D) 1b/ 2c/ 3e/ 4a/ 5d E) 1d/ 2b/ 3a/ 4c/ 5e

42. You are in a museum, admiring the Mona Lisa, the original painting by Leonardo da Vinci.
You are in ..... .
A) Rome B) Paris C) Amsterdam D) Florence E) Berlin
43. Antibiotics are efficient against ….. .
A) viruses B) fungi C) bacteria D) radiations E) scratches

44. It rained heavily so the match was ….. .

A) called up B) called in C) called off D) called out E) called by

45. BTS is ….. .

A) a very contagious virus B) a substance used in medicine C) a music band
D) a part of a clock E) a type of font

46. It looks like rain. You ….. better take an umbrella.

A) did B) should C) would
D) could E) had

47. La Valletta is the capital of ….. .

A) Malta B) Montenegro C) San Marino
D) Kosovo E) Chile

48. I remember ….. her at the beach the other day.

A) to see B) seeing C) will see D) see E) saw

49. The United Kingdom withdrew from the European Union in ….. .
A) 2017 B) 2018 C) 2019 D) 2020 E) 2021

50. The official residence of the British prime minister is at ….. .

A) 25 Whitehall B) 10 Downing Street C) 1 Piccadilly Circus
D) 21 Abbey Road E) 5 Baker Street Abbey Road


Grey Kangaroo (B1-B2)
Rezolvă, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi!

I. Read the text. For each question (1-5), choose the correct answer.
Valentino Rossi – The Doctor’s Farewell
One of the most recognisable figures in the world of motorsport, Valentino Rossi, also known
as ‘The Doctor’, has announced his retirement this year. At the age of 42, after a career spanning
26 seasons, the Italian motorcycle road racer decided it was high time he hung up his helmet and
focused on administering his own team, ‘VR46’.
Undoubtedly a legend of the sport, Rossi is often praised by many for having raised MotoGp’s
popularity to a whole new level, especially during the 2000s. His image is often associated with that
of motorcycle road racing, and even those who are unfamiliar with the world of motorsport might
have heard of Rossi.
What most people don’t know, however, is that the young kid born in Urbino, in the Marche
region of Italy, first fell in love with karting. He participated in multiple tournaments, both locally
and internationally, finishing fifth at the national kart championships in Parma in 1991. His desire
was to slowly build a career towards the big stage, Formula 1, but because of the great costs that were
involved and the fact that his family couldn’t afford them, he made a surprising switch to minimoto.
At first he struggled a bit, but later on he began to dominate each and every division and
category he raced in. When he made his debut in the higher echelon and graduated to the premier
class in 2000, he raced for the factory Honda team, to which he brought 2 world back to back titles
in 2002 and 2003. Later, he joined Yamaha with whom he enjoyed a successful spell from 2004 to
2010, before coming back in 2013 for the remainder of his career but failing to win any more titles.
In between he raced for the Ducatti manufacturer for a year.
The Doctor’s career has not only been long, but also the most illustrious of any rider to have
ever graced the sport. With 7 world championships, 89 wins, 199 podiums and 372 starts under his
belt in MotoGp alone (not counting his wins in the lower divisions), he can successfully call himself
Grey Kangaroo

‘the G.O.A.T.’ (Greatest of All Time).

His charisma, style and driving skills might be second to none and his legacy will forever remain
embedded in the minds of those who were lucky enough to see him in action. ‘Grazie, Il Dottore’!

1. According to the text, Valentino Rossi decided to ..... .

A) continue his racing career for another 26 years after initially announcing his retirement
B) end a lengthy motorcycle racing career at the age of 42
C) take off his helmet and withdraw from his VR46 team

2. ‘The Doctor’ is held in high regard because ..... .

A) he ensured a massive growth in the popularity of MotoGP during the 2000s
B) he set up a motorsport fan club
C) he was undoubtedly a most popular figure amongst the entire motorsport world
3. According to the writer, Rossi ..... .
A) did not consider Formula 1 an attractive career option
B) switched from karting to minimoto because Formula 1 was too expensive
C) wanted to have a Formula 1 career at all costs
4. After he graduated to the premier class of the motorsport, ‘The Doctor’ ..... .
A) raced for Ducatti for one year after he left the Honda team in 2003
B) left Honda and joined Yamaha to enjoy a few very successful years
C) went on to win most of his titles between 2013 and his retirement
5. The Doctor’s career in MotoGP ..... .
A) is yet to be equaled by another rider
B) has been short lived and devoid of prestigious titles
C) has been severely affected by his lack of charm

II. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (6-10) so
that the meaning stays the same.
6. We did not have a tent, so we had to manage without and sleep in a sleeping bag.
We did not have a tent, so we had to ….. a sleeping bag.
A) do without B) make do with C) do make with
7. That chair is so old. I think we should get rid of it.
That chair is so old. I think we should ….. it.
A) do away with B) do off with C) take off with
8. We pride ourselves on our accomplishments.
We ….. our accomplishments.
A) are proud in B) put pride to C) take pride in
9. Since we are best friends, I of course assumed he would back me up.
Since we are best friends, I ….. that he would back me up.
A) took it for granted B) went without saying C) was easily understood
10. I had to dismantle the phone to see what was wrong with it.
I had to ….. to see what was wrong with it.
A) dispose of the phone B) take the phone in C) take the phone apart

Grey Kangaroo
III. For each question (11-15), read and choose the best answer.
11. We are still short of three papers.
A) Let’s have them lengthened.
B) Should we extend the deadline?
C) I think we actually don’t.
12. I will tell you something but mum’s the word!
A) Please don’t. You know I can’t keep secrets. B) Poor mum. Is it serious?
C) Of course. I promise I will call everyone as soon as you tell me.
13. I feel so stupid. I can’t believe I was taken in by his innocent smile.
A) You are not the only one he has deceived.
B) That’s because you are such a good judge of character.
C) I am glad you worked out what his true intentions were and didn’t believe him.
14. Please, just cut to the chase.
A) It is too hard to cut through.
B) It is hard to do it with this blunt knife you have given me.
C) Ok, I will be brief.
15. I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill.
A) Yes. The situation is actually much worse. B) Yes. I am understating the facts.
C) Yes. I am overreacting a bit.

IV. Read the text. For each space (16-25), choose the best answer.
Liar, liar, pants on fire
We’ve all had our ….. (16) share of experiences when we decided a lie was the best thing to tell.
Whether it was about some homework we didn’t do or a date we might have forgotten about, or even
something more meaningful that could ….. (17) hurt somebody, lies have been constantly orbiting
our existence. And there is probably not a single one of us this doesn’t apply to.
More often ….. (18) not, lies have consequences, and they usually tend to be bad. Sooner or later,
someone will find out the truth and if you are the one who was lying for all that time…then you might
be in a bit of a pickle.
But what if I told you there is a place where lies are rewarded? The ….. (19) complex, elaborate
and personal the lie, the better. ‘World’s Biggest Liar’ is a competition that is held annually in
Cumbria, England, which invites people from all over the world to participate. The rules are simple:
you have five minutes to tell the most convincing lie you can by coming ….. (20) with a story that
will impress the judges. Yes, there are judges who give certain grades, based on some carefully
selected criteria. The competition takes place at an inn, in memory of Santon Bridge, a pub landlord
who was famous ….. (21) his tales and for making people believe every word he said.
The variety of the stories that have won the grand prize since the first edition is nothing ….. (22)
of sensation. From stealing lakes and mountains to betting on a snail race with Prince Charles,
people’s minds have come up with things so over the top and incredible that it makes people think:
“how on Earth could that NOT be real?”. On one occasion, a bishop from Carlisle is thought to have
come up with the shortest lie of all to win him the big award: ‘I have never told a lie in my life’.
The rules are also quite strict when it comes to those who are ….. (23) to take part. For instance,
politicians and lawyers are forbidden to enter the competition due to the fact that they are considered
of being ‘too skilled’, lying being part and ….. (24) of their professional lives. Well, that certainly
does say something.
In the end, if you believe you have some incredible lies ….. (25) in your wardrobe and believe
Grey Kangaroo

they are too good to just fool some of your peers, maybe winning the ‘World’s Biggest Liar’ title
should be your next big goal.

16. A) fear B) fare C) fair D) fire

17. A) of B) have C) had D) having
18. A) that B) than C) then D) this
19. A) more B) most C) least D) last
20. A) off B) in C) across D) up
21. A) for B) about C) from D) after
22. A) sure B) smart C) short D) small
23. A) elitist B) eligible C) elective D) elaborate
24. A) parcel B) box C) package D) gift
25. A) swotted B) stripped C) stopped D) stored

V. For each sentence (26-30), choose the correctly-spelled word to complete each gap.
26. You will have to renew your membership ….. .
A) annually B) anually C) annualy D) anualy

27. You must be really ….. to your project.

A) comitted B) committed C) commited D) comited
28. He is a most ….. student.
A) consciencious B) constientious C) constiencious D) conscientious

29. This bookcase just isn’t the right ….. .

A) hight B) heigth C) heigh D) height

30. For this model ….. will be very expensive.

A) maintainance B) maintenence C) maintenance D) mentenance

VI. For questions 31-50, read and choose the best answer.
31. Which of the following scientists is known for their contribution to the theory of evolution?
A) Marie Curie. B) Thomas Edison. C) Stephen Hawking.
D) Charles Darwin. E) Alfred Nobel.

32. Match the two columns:

1. as mad a. a mule
2. as fresh b. a button
3. as clear as c. a daisy
4. as bright d. a hatter
5. as stubborn e. mud
A) 1a/ 2e/ 3b/ 4c/ 5d B) 1d/ 2c/ 3b/ 4e/ 5a C) 1d/ 2c/ 3e/ 4b/ 5a
D) 1a/ 2c/ 3b/ 4d/ 5e E) 1c/ 2a/ 3e/ 4b/ 5d
33. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
No sooner had I arrived home ….. my phone rang.

Grey Kangaroo
A) that B) than C) when D) so E) while

34. Who was president of the USA when slavery was abolished?
A) George Washington. B) Ronald Reagan. C) Thomas Jefferson.
D) Abraham Lincoln. E) Ulysses S. Grant.

35. When Peter’s mother came home and saw the mess, she hit the roof and grounded him. What does
the idiom in italics mean?
A) She was depressed. B) She was strongly affected by this. C) She was enraged.
D) She was sad. E) She was somewhat disappointed.

36. Around 2 million African slaves, out of about 12 million, lost their lives when they were shipped
during the trans-Atlantic because ….. .
A) of the severe punishments inflicted upon them
B) they weren’t used to long voyages
C) they were missing their families.
D) of the bad weather
E) they didn’t know the language
37. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
..… the truth, I would have behaved in a different way.
A) If I would have known B) If I would know C) If I have known
D) If I had known E) If I know

38. Who authored The Hunger Games book series?

A) Neil Gaiman. B) J. R. R. Tolkien. C) Peter Jackson.
D) George R. R. Martin. E) Suzanne Collins.

39. Which fruit is associated with Isaac Newton?

A) The apple. B) The pear. C) The pineapple.
D) The banana. E) The orange.

40. I don’t know how much this book cost. The price label’s … off.
A) done B) gone C) come D) taken E) given

41. Which of these is a coin-operated machine that plays songs?

A) A voice box. B) A juke box. C) A black box.
D) A gear box. E) A music box.

42. Asking my father for money was completely ….. question.

A) outside the B) out of the C) off
D) out the E) outside of the

43. Captain Ahab is a character in ….. .

A) Typhoon B) The Old Man and the Sea C) Robinson Crusoe
D) Moby Dick E) The Count of Monte Cristo

44. I loved the dress the moment I ….. my eyes on it.

A) laid B) put C) lay D) caught E) lain
45. We don’t know much about our new mate. He prefers to keep himself to .... .
Grey Kangaroo

A) himself B) privacy C) intimacy D) his soul E) secrets

46. Japan is also known as the Country of the .... .

A) Middle Empire B) Rising Sun C) Sacred Mountain
D) Many Islands E) Fish Eaters

47. Eventually Dan came to ..... with losing the game.

A) peace B) understanding C) terms D) agreement E) compromise

48. It was easy to see he was guilty. His face was speaking ..... .
A) books B) stories C) novels D) words E) volumes

49. The death ..… should be abolished throughout the world.

A) sentence B) probation C) penalty D) punishment E) retribution

50. What flightless bird is the native symbol of New Zealand?

A) The eagle. B) The flamingo. C) The kiwi. D) The peacock. E) The dodo.

Red Kangaroo (B2-C1)
Rezolvă, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi!

I. Read the text. For each question (1-5), choose the correct answer.
Ragamuffin Day
On November 26, 1911, children wearing garish masks were running amok on the streets of
Manhattan. Dressed as homeless rascals, cheeks smudged with cinders, they were celebrating what
was to later become the peaceful, sedate Thanksgiving holiday. Or were they? At the time they would
have said they were out for Ragamuffin, a celebration that only shared the date with contemporary
Thanksgiving, but definitely not the spirit. Dressed in their shabbiest rags, these fake beggar children
would go knocking on doors asking for sweets, fruit and money. Instead of “Trick or treat?” they
would ask: “Anything for Thanksgiving?” Does this sound familiar? Indeed, Ragamuffin has more
in common with how we celebrate Halloween than how we do Thanksgiving. As if this were not
confusing enough, the origins of this weird celebration are clouded in mist. Sources at the time pinned
it on immigrant communities like the Irish, but that might have also been a way for Americans to
dissociate themselves from such disorderly behaviour.
New York kids did not stop at asking for coveted foodstuff or money and could be quite the
troublemakers. They would throw confetti and flour at pedestrians, jump onto moving cars and create
pandemonium by shouting and blowing horns. If all of this sounds too dangerous or outrageous to you,
think of it this way: if you had been one of the kids working in factories at the time, wouldn’t you have
seized this opportunity to just run free and feel the city belonged to you and nobody could stop you?
Even ragamuffin costumes were more daring than the ones kids don nowadays. Young boys would
dress up in girls’ clothes and dance around the streets and blackface was quite popular. Awareness
of how that could be offensive to various ethnic groups was sadly lacking at the time. But it was
rampant poverty that spelled the beginning of the end for Ragamuffin. After the Big Crash of 1929
and the devastating economic crisis that followed, dressing up as a beggar somehow lost its appeal.
The respectable New York Times even ran a campaign calling for the end of this tradition which had
stopped being a fancy-dress party but was now a mirror held up to a horrible reality. Of course, when
it comes to the fairly elitist New York Times, one cannot help but suspect they might have simply
disliked the vulgar practices associated with Ragamuffin.
New Yorkers were also losing their patience with young rascals so, in 1937, they came up with a
solution to put it out of fashion: they created a sanitized, nationalistic competitor for it, the Madison
Square Boys Club parade. Using the slogan “American boys don’t beg,” they were distancing
Red Kangaroo

themselves from the supposedly immigrant-only Ragamuffin Day and promoted an orderly, “truly
American” celebration. This was to be finally replaced by Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, a
respectable parade where nobody goes begging or playing pranks on passers-by. Ragamuffin Day is
nothing but a memory today and one can’t help but wonder if, despite its blind spots, perhaps some
form of nonconformism was lost with it.

1. According to the text, ….. .

A) Halloween and Thanksgiving were one and the same thing
B) Ragamuffin Day definitely originated in immigrant neighbourhoods
C) Ragamuffin and Halloween have nothing in common
D) Ragamuffin was an unruly tradition
2. According to the author, children at the beginning of the 20th century ….. .
A) sometimes had to work B) had too much freedom C) were rude D) were all poor
3. In paragraph 3, the author ….. .
A) is scandalized by boys dressing up as girls B) disapproves of blackface
C) supports the attitude of The New York Times D) states that Ragamuffin was vulgar

4. Compared to Ragamuffin, The Madison Square Boys Club parade was ….. .
A) more fun B) more multicultural
C) more disciplined D) more hygienic

5. The tone of the author in the final paragraph is ….. .

A) joyful B) desperate C) contemplative D) angry

II. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (6-10)
so that the meaning stays the same.
6. The new measures will be introduced beginning tomorrow.
The new measures will be introduced ….. tomorrow.
A) with effect from B) for a start C) for a change

7. He felt it was unfair that the teacher scolded him. He felt ….. by the teacher was unfair.
A) been told away B) being told off C) telling off

8. If you happen to spot that car, call the police immediately.
….. spot that car call the police immediately.
A) Might you B) Were you C) Should you

9. Bob apparently was a pretty good painter in his youth. Bob ….. a pretty good painter in his youth.
A) is supposed to have been B) was supposed to be C) was to have been

10. Minutes before the end of the match it looked certain that he would lose.
In the ….. of the match it looked certain that he would lose.
A) deadly minutes B) dying minutes C) deathly minutes

III. Read the text. For each question (11-20), choose the best answer.

The Butterflies
On November 25, 1960, three Dominican sisters – Patria, Minerva and María Teresa
Red Kangaroo

Mirabal – were ….. (11) dead in a car crash. Press releases said the car they were riding in had
….. (12) over a cliff. At least, that was the story in the newspapers sanctioned by the government
of Rafael Trujillo, the brutal dictator who had seized power in a military coup 30 years earlier.
The Mirabal sisters were actually revered members of the growing underground resistance
against Trujillo’s regime, and it was a(n) ….. (13) secret their deaths were no accident. All
married mothers, Patria, Minerva and María Teresa may not have seemed the most likely revolu-
tionaries. But the Mirabal sisters risked their lives to work in the resistance, helping to organize
the underground movement, and were ….. (14) arrested. The murder of the three sisters,
aged 36, 34 and 25 ….. (15) the Dominican public and ironically triggered Trujillo’s assa-
ssination by a group ….. (16) dissidents and former allies six months later.
After the Dominican Republic ….. (17) to democracy in the late 1970’s, the Butterflies, as
Dominicans ….. (18) call the sisters, became national symbols. A fourth Mirabal sister, Dede,
who was less actively involved in activism, survived the regime and honoured her sisters’ legacy
by setting ….. (19) a museum in their name. The U.N. ….. (20) the date of their death as the
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

11. A) reported B) stated C) gossiped D) advertised

12. A) toppled B) tripped C) plunged D) thrown

13. A) open B) true C) discussed D) kept

14. A) repeatedly B) on and on C) always D) continually

15. A) irritated B) annoyed C) outraged D) overjoyed

16. A) comprising B) consisting C) integrating D) implying

17. A) transferred B) transitioned C) adapted D) altered

18. A) dearly B) affectedly C) truly D) fondly

19. A) up B) off C) on D) down

20. A) designated B) designed C) remembered D) reminded

IV. For each sentence (21-25), choose the right answer to define the phrase in italics.
21. He couldn’t keep a straight face during the job interview.
A) had butterflies in his stomach B) couldn’t keep to the point C) couldn’t stop laughing
22. Your bike is on its last legs.
A) running perfectly B) in the designated parking space C) in a very bad condition
23. You have become such a pain in the neck.
A) so indecisive B) really annoying C) so tight-fisted
24. When I broke the news to her, she didn’t bat an eyelid.
A) didn’t become violent B) didn’t show any signs of surprise C) broke into tears
25. I am always a bit crotchety in the mornings.
A) prone to getting angry B) fresh and energetic C) happy for no apparent reason
Red Kangaroo

V. For each group of sentences (26-30), choose the word which can be used in all three gaps.
26. ● Make sure to ….. up before doing strenuous exercise.
● Please give a ….. welcome to our next guest.
● The kids will ….. to you immediately.
A) collect B) cool C) warm D) grand
27. ● I’ve been busy all morning because I had to ….. up all my kids’ old toys.
● They still haven’t found the black ….. at the bottom of the sea.
● You need to be able to think outside the ….. if you care to become a good leader.
A) step B) box C) present D) crate
28. ● The bird’s wings move so smoothly when in ….. .
● When I offered to help you with the luggage you didn’t mention the extra ….. of stairs.
● The kid took ….. as soon as he hit the ball into his neighbour’s window.
A) step B) flight C) air D) escape
29. ● She won the elections by a ….. margin.
● I was really lucky the other day when I had the ….. escape.
● There are simply too many options; you will have to ….. the list down to no more than three
or four.
A) narrow B) slow C) stop D) put

30. ● You look so …..; are you sure you’re OK?

● Compared to what some other kids go through, his worries simply ….. into insignificance.
● I think I’ll buy the ..... blue shirt.
A) dark B) light C) smart D) pale

VI. For questions 31-50, read and choose the best answer.
31. The title of the novel The Sound and the Fury written by William Faulkner was taken from ..... .
A) Macbeth – William Shakespeare
B) Ulysses – James Joyce
C) Animal Farm – George Orwell
D) Great Expectations – Charles Dickens
E) Lord of the Flies – William Golding
32. Legend ..... it that the skylark was once a beautiful girl.
A) says B) is C) tells D) has E) speaks
33. All that glitters is not gold is a famous line in William Shakespeare’s ..... .
A) Hamlet B) The Merchant of Venice C) Macbeth
D) Richard II E) Othello
34. John will join us on the mountain trip, at the weekend. He has started to come out of his .... .
I’m happy for him!
A) flat B) house C) hole D) room E) shell
35. “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”
Which president said these words in one of his famous speeches?
A) Barack Obama. B) Donald Trump. C) George Bush.
D) Ronald Reagan. E) John F. Kennedy.
Red Kangaroo

36. She made a mistake in solving her maths problem, so eventually the final result went ..... .
A) amiss B) ajar C) away
D) astray E) askew
37. What is the British name for a bachelor party?
A) stag party B) night party C) single party
D) baby shower E) party hearty
38. Only then ..… how important the issue was.
A) he realised B) he has realised C) did he realise
D) did he realised E) has he realised
39. Which of these countries has three national capitals?
A) New Zealand. B) Pakistan. C) Bolivia. D) South Africa. E) India.
40. Who was the first man to reach the South Pole?
A) Robert Falcon Scott. B) Edmund Hillary. C) Roald Amundsen.
D) Frederick Cook. E) Robert Peary.
41. Harlem is a neighbourhood in ….. .
A) New York B) New Orleans C) Chicago
D) Los Angeles E) Boston

42. His propensity for learning languages is amazing means:

A) He has a gift for languages. B) He hates learning languages.
C) He is very slow at learning languages. D) He can speak several languages.
E) He wants to study foreign languages.

43. Maria wanted a more ..... hat so she decorated it with a shiny ribbon.
A) sophisticated B) simple C) modern
D) jazzy E) comfortable

44. This Romanian musician contributed to the score of the film Once Upon a time in America.
A) Iosif Ivanovici B) Gheorghe Zamfir C) George Enescu
D) Paul Constantinescu E) Timotei Popovici

45. The Teutonic Order was a military society of ..... origin.

A) Germanic B) French C) Malltese
D) Polish E) Dutch

46. I can’t believe such a far-fetched story. You are pulling my ….. .
A) nose B) finger C) leg D) foot E) brain

47. Holden Caulfield, the main character in The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, is ….. .
A) a teacher B) a teenager C) a little boy
D) a policeman E) a farmer

48. The Greek philosopher Diogenes, also called the Cynic, is reported to have walked in the streets
with a lit lamp in broad daylight, saying he was searching for ….. .
A) truth B) a God C) the right way
D) an honest human being E) immortality
Red Kangaroo

49. Except the house, what else has a vestibule?

A) The den. B) The trench. C) The ear.
D) The spleen. E) The market place.

50. Jazz music originated in the African-American communities of ….. , at the end of the 19th century.
A) Boston B) Los Angeles C) Seattle
D) New Orleans E) Las Vegas


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