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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Oct. 12, 2011 CONTACT: Amy Steele, Luna Media Group amy@lunamediagroup.

com or 208-301-0846 (cell) **MEDIA AVAILABILITY** Second National Occupy College Walkout Day Announced for Thursday; Youth Expert Matthew Segal, President of OUR TIME, Available for Comment Organization for Americans Under 30 Discusses Impact of Over 75 Participating Colleges Across the Country WASHINGTON, D.C. This week, thousands more college students are expected to participate in the second series of nationwide walk outs during the National Student Solidarity Protest. Scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 13 at 4:30 p.m. ET, these student actions are part of the rising Occupy Wall Street movement that has rapidly spread across the country in a mere three weeks. OUR TIME president and co-founder Matthew Segal an expert on youth issues is available from Washington, D.C. for comment and appearance on behalf of the 300,000 members of OUR TIME a national non-profit organization founded to stand up for Americans under 30. Last week alone, Segal offered insight into his generations participation in the movement on NPR, The Dylan Ratigan Show, Fox Businesss Varney & Co., and Geraldo at Large. "Instead of producing great intellectuals, entrepreneurs, and public service leaders, America's top universities have become primary training and recruiting grounds for the Wall Street banks and hedge funds that caused the financial crisis, are vastly expanding U.S. inequality, and continue to buy our politicians, says Segal. In some cases, these Wall Street institutions are the principal contributors to a university's career development centers. This has to stop, and students across the country should be fighting to limit the access of Wall Street on their campuses." Over the past few months, OUR TIME has been outspoken on young Americans issues, polling its members on their support of the Buffett Rule, supporting the boycott of political contributions with Starbucks CEO Howard Schultzs Upward Spiral Campaign, and launching a petition in August entitled Vacations Over! calling on Congress to CANCEL their vacation, head back to Washington, and get to work on behalf of their constituents. ** Media interested in booking Matthew Segal should contact Amy Steele at 208301-0846 or via email at **

OUR TIME is a national organization founded and run by young Americans, leveraging pop culture, business partnerships, and online organizing to drive civic engagement through economic empowerment. To follow OUR TIME on Facebook go to: Or to follow OUR TIME on Twitter, go to: ###

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