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1. Am I living a lifestyle that promotes physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing?

 Not all I can promotes like physical wellbeing. First of all I am not physically fit, but I do
promotes how to take good care of our body because I don’t have vices like smoking or
drinking alcoholics. Also in mentally, why because I have an epilepsy before like 3 years
ago but maybe I have something that promotes mentally that I am conscious about the
things I’m doing sometimes people doesn’t know of what they are doing they realize it in
the end. Lastly the spiritual wellbeing, because of my parent’s faith to God, He gave me
another chance to live, to experience more in this world. And that is the thing “the life” in
this world that cannot repay it.

2. What will be my biggest regret if I were to die tomorrow?

 I can’t repay all the things that my parents do for me, experience good life, experience
good quality education. Not all thing they’ve done for me sometimes even a thank you I
can’t say to my parents. And that is the biggest regret I ever done for valuing them.

3. Do I care more about How My life looks or How it Feels?

 Sometimes I ask myself is this what I want to be for my life? Or just imagining the
impossible that I want in my life. I can’t lie to myself that I need some changes in me.
Like what kind is a college student, what behavior or how to live in a college life, what
kind of things I need to change in the past and develop in the present. I must focus how to
care more about myself in order to learn how to feel and understand my physical, mental,
spiritual wellbeing self.

4. Is my social circle influencing my life positively?

 I cannot say that all is influencing me positively because adults like 16-25 society are
stand by or don’t have jobs. They don’t finish their college year instead of married at the
young age. But I have inspiration in my cousins that 5 out 6 of them got finish their
college degree and 2 of have a job now. One is a certified public teacher and another is a
hospital clerk. Despite of problems they faced in their lives but because of their faith to
God they finish their college year. And that is the most influencing things in my life in
my social circle positively.

5. What would I do if today was my last day?

 I enjoy my last day in every moments with families. I will call all of my friends and told
every single of them that they are the things will be left in my heart and memories with
them that I cannot forget until in the last of my breath. And maybe I can say that God
experience me what kind happiness you can feel in living in this world especially when I
glorify His name until the last breath.

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