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Name and surname: Milovanovic Ivana 2/05,Igor Paunovic103/05

AIM:to learn new vocabulary about pets KEY VOCABULARY: name of the animals KEY STRUCTURE:What is this?Whose pet is ...? PRONUNCIATION: SOCIO-CULTURAL ACTIVITY: RECYCLING: MATERIALS: - Class book,Lucia Tomas,Vicky Gil,Oxford University press,published 2008. - Paper with pets and owners STARTING THE CLASS: Intoducing myself. Hello, my name is Ivana. I am your teacher today. This is my friend Igor. He is your teacher today. Hello, my name is Igor. We are your teachers today. Enjoy our lesson. Ivana: Children, do you like to play? I have a game for you. Lets play. I tell them that I have prepared one game for them. I divide the class in two groups. On the board I stick pieces of furniture.Every piece of furniture twice. One student from each group comes to the board. When I say name of one piece of furniture, students must circle that piece of furniture. A group that first circle pieces of furniture is the winner. PRESENTATION: Igor:I tell them that they will learn, in this class about pets. Also I tell them that all house animals we call pets. I ask them to help me discover what is on the pisture.I open the picture piece by piece. Na maternjem jeziku im govorim da ce na danasnjem casu uciti o kucnim ljubimcima.Sve zivotinje koje zive u kuci,jednim imenom nazivamo pets. Ivana: I open a piece of the picture and I ask: What is this? (A dog) I open four other pieces one by one,and after every piece I


ask: What is this? (A bird. A rabbit. A fish. A cat.) STEP 2: Igor: I open a piece of the picture and I ask: Who is this? (Lucy) I open four other pieces one by one, and after every piece I ask: Who is this? (Danny,Mary,Billy,Tony) If they dont know I tell them. When we finish this, the whole picture is open. STEP 3: Ivana: I point to Lucy, and I ask them: Who is Lucys pet? (A dog) Do you know his name? (Fluffy) I do the same with Danny,Mary,Billy,Tony. Igor: I ask them: Where does Fluffy live? (In his house) I do the same thing with all pets. I show place (on the picture) where pet live.(in the cage, in the aquarium, in the basket) After every question , students chorally repeat the place where each pet lives. Ivana: I open a picture with a cage, a box, a basket, an aquarium. Students must stick a bird, a fish, a dog,a rabbit or a cat in the place where they live. Govorim im da sam donela slike nekih zivotinja, ali da ne znam gde one zive. Pitam ih da mi pomognu. Izvodim jednog ucenika i kada izabere slicicu, pitam ga da kaze sta je to i da zalepi tu slicicu na mesto gde zivi ta zivotinja (poster).
What pet is this? Where does it live?




Igor:Govorim im da ce sada cuti jednu pesmicu(slusaju je celu).Pustam stih po stih,i svi ponavljaju svaki stih.Ponavljaju dva puta celu pesmicu. Two students are coming to the board. Obavezno: Come to the board. One will imitate a pet, and the other one will guess. The student that is imitating a pet says: (Lucy) I have a pet Woof,woof! Bow,wow!

And the other one says: Its a dog. After that Im asking them how dog says? We do the same with bird,cat,fish,rabbit. (Danny) I have a pet Cheep,cheep! Chirp,chirp! Its a bird! (Mary) I have a pet Miaow,miaow! Purr,purr! Its a cat! (Billy) I have a pet Flip,flop! Nibble,nibble! Its a rabbit! I have a pet Swim,swim! Wiggle,wiggle! Its a fish!


FINISHING THE CLASS: Ivana:Students play a game called SHARK.They will try to save a friend,who will be eaten by the shark if they dont guess a pet. Students must guess which pet I will imagine. They will hear one detail every time they try to guess(on english). After every wrong answer one wood will desappear.

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