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Elijah Jonathan C.

Mateo BSCE 1C Date: April 14,

PerDev 10

1. What part of your body you like the most? Why?

I just like and love my nose; among my family members, I am

the only one with a high nose, and there is also someone who is
insecure about it. I just love the shape of my nose.

2. What part of your body you don't like? Why?

I just literally don't like my head shape, as it was flat in the back.
It was so ugly on both sides, and I was struggling to find a good
haircut for me. Also, I hate my hair because it is so dry, and actually,
when I was in junior high, my hair was very straight and not frizzy or
curly, but when I turned 17, it started to not look the same as it used
to. I don't know, but I think it was printed out in my genes to have
curly hair.

3. What can you do to improve your body?

I actually need to improve my body composition, like having

more muscles and abs. I actually start doing some exercises like
pushups and sit and reaches, but sometimes I can't keep up with my
diet because I eat too much.

4. What part of your body you just need to accept?

All parts of my body. Well, I just need to accept that this is who I
am and this is God's gift to me. To me, accepting your flaws and
imperfections makes you more confident, as it also makes you

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