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Russia occupied Ukraine on February 24, 2022. After the 2008 war in Georgia, the 2014
annexation of Crimea, and the almost eight-year-long fight in Donbas, Russia's
significant military buildup in the autumn of 2021, including in Belarus, should not have
come as a surprise. Ukraine is strategically important to Russia because it plays the role
of a bridge between the EU and Russia. So for Russia, it is in its self-interest to have a
closer look at what its next-door neighbor is up to. Russia and Ukraine have a history of
territorial conflict, which increases the importance of Ukraine in the eyes of Russia. The
current study explores different opinions on why this invasion occurred. Furthermore,
this study will clarify the reasons for the invasion, and it will also discuss the impact of
the invasion all over the world with a critical analysis of the invasion. In conclusion, I
wrapped up the study with concluding remarks to elaborate on the whole study in simple

Keywords: [Russia, Ukraine, invasion, Crimea, Self-interest]




There exist two distinct perspectives that are currently prevalent worldwide. According
to Dijkstra et al. (2022), a particular perspective posits that the incursion into Ukraine
occurred due to the perceived threat posed by the country's pro-European stance, which
rendered Russia incapable of feeling secure, progressing, and surviving, despite Putin's
admonitions. From a second-person perspective, Putin characterized the aforementioned
incursion as a "distinct military undertaking." In his initial address following the
invasion, Putin underscored the point that he acknowledged the lack of complete
comprehension on the part of the invaders regarding the implications and outcomes of
their actions. However, this is no longer of significance. The speaker posits that the
Soviet Union no longer exists and cannot be resurrected, and furthermore, asserts that
contemporary Russia has no use for it. Additionally, he stated that the objective was not
to attain this goal. In his communication to the Western audience, he expressed his
desire for the authorities in Kyiv and their actual overseers in the Western world to take
heed of his words and bear them in mind. The individuals residing in Luhansk and
Donetsk, as well as Kherson and Zaporizhia, are undergoing a process of acquiring
permanent citizenship within our nation. The request is made for the Kyiv regime to
promptly halt hostilities, terminate the conflict initiated in 2014, and resume
negotiations. (Liffey, 2022).

Russia and Ukraine are geographically close to one another in Eastern Europe. Russia
attempted to annex Ukraine by sending troops there on February 24, 2022. Being the
first significant battle in Europe in decades, the invasion caught many people off guard.

In contrast, relations between Russia and Ukraine have been tense for decades. During
the Cold War, Ukraine was an important part of the Soviet Union, which was the main
adversary of the United States. It had the second most people and the second highest
GDP of the 15 former Soviet republics, after Russia (Cengel, 2022). Russia's overall
intentions in Ukraine Russia and Ukraine are culturally, economically, and politically
intertwined. When considering Russia's identity and its global ambitions, Ukraine
occupies a vital position. Russian diaspora: According to a census conducted in 2001,
there were around 8 million people of Russian ancestry living in Ukraine at the time. In
2014, Russia annexed Crimea and the Donbas because it said it was its job to protect the
people who lived there. Many Russian leaders thought it was a mistake and bad for
Russia's reputation as a great power to cut ties with Ukraine after the Soviet Union broke
up. Having Ukraine join the West once Russia finally gave up control of it would likely
be seen as a major blow to Russia's worldwide standing. Putin said in 2022 that the
conflict with Ukraine was becoming worse and was part of a larger struggle against
Western forces that he claims want to destroy Russia (Mearsheimer, 2022). What made
Russia move in 2014 to Crimea and the Donbas? In 2013 and 2014, things got really bad
with Russia because of Ukraine's ties to the EU. Late in 2013, President Yanukovych
scrapped plans to make an official agreement with the EU to have a closer economic
relationship. He did this because his supporters in Moscow told him to. Concurrently,
Ukraine was being coerced by Russia to become a member of the EAEU, an event that
had not yet transpired. The decision made by Yanukovych was perceived by numerous
Ukrainians as an act of betrayal by a government that was profoundly corrupt and inept
in fulfilling its duties. The aforementioned event incited widespread demonstrations
throughout the nation, commonly referred to as "Euromaidan." According to Putin, the
political unrest known as Euromaidan, which resulted in the removal of Yanukovych
from his position, constituted a "fascist coup" that received backing from Western
powers, thereby endangering the Russian population in Crimea. The leaders from the
Western hemisphere disregarded this statement as propaganda from the Soviet era. Putin
invaded Crimea without anyone knowing and then said it was a rescue mission.

"Everything comes to an end," Putin declared in a March 2014 speech that made the
annexation official. Putin used a similar argument to explain why he supported rebels in
southeastern Ukraine, which also has a lot of ethnic Russians. People who speak Russian
refer to the region as Novorossiya (New Russia), a designation that dates back to the
days when Russia was an empire. Armed Russian separatists who support Euromaidan
in the area are thought to have started their rebellion because of armed Russian
provocateurs, including some Russian security service agents. Russia said in Crimea that
it would stay out of the conflict in Donbas until 2022 when it invaded Ukraine again.


The invasion can be attributed to Putin's assertive mentality and his desire to reinstate
the Russian Empire, as well as his intention to fundamentally alter the prevailing
conditions in Europe in accordance with his personal vision. The purpose of this
research is to explain the precipitating factors of the invasion and explains the
consequences that this military intervention will engender on a worldwide basis.


The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 marked a major escalation in the
conflict that had been raging between the two countries for the previous nine years and
marked a watershed moment for the safety of Europe (Masters, 2022). These two
countries are geographically close to one another in Eastern Europe. Being the first
significant battle in Europe in decades, the invasion took many people off guard. In
contrast, relations between Russia and Ukraine have been tense for decades. During the
Cold War, Ukraine was an important part of the Soviet Union, which was the main
adversary of the United States. It had the second most people and the second highest
GDP of the 15 former Soviet republics, after Russia (Cengel, 2022). Russian President
Vladimir Putin has avoided using the terms "invasion" and "war" to describe the current
situation. Moscow keeps referring to this war as "a special military operation," despite it
being the worst conflict in Europe since 1945 (Kirby, 2022).

In addition to this fact, many Russians hold the opinion that a citizen cannot influence
politics but must support the country's president and the national army since the army is
"our own children" and there is only one president. Insecure about their domestic
successes and public support, the aging political government and its leaders find it easier
to maintain power by having wartime patriotism replace domestic divisions and issues
(Sharafutdinova, 2022). Nonetheless, Russia also anticipates that if Ukraine joins
NATO, it would try to retake Crimea, as Russian President Putin has indicated.
However, with the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia also lost sovereignty over the other
14 former republics, including Ukraine. Because both nations shared a common
"historical and spiritual space," Putin saw this as unfortunate. The Ukrainian government
must demilitarize and become a neutral state, and the Russian president wants
assurances from the West and Ukraine that it won't participate (Rubel & Hossain, 2022).
The significance of this study revolves around the same phenomenon, that the invasion
was necessary to build a strong impact of Russia on the world as they forced themselves
into Ukraine’s territory. Furthermore, the study will provide deep closure about the
current relationship between Russia and Ukraine, as they are both culturally,
economically, and politically intertwined.


1) To explore why this invasion happened?

2) To explore a different point of view circulating around the globe related to
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
3) To explore how this invasion will impact the world?
4) To explore the role of western power in this invasion.


Q) Why the Russian invasion of Ukraine affected the global world?

Q) What is the role of Western powers in this invasion?


1) The invasion will negatively impact the world.

2) The invasion will be the reason for geopolitical tension.
3) The invasion will lead to a humanitarian crisis.
4) The invasion will be the cause of an energy crisis.


The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 marked a major escalation in the
conflict that had been raging between the two countries for the previous eight years and
marked a watershed moment for the safety of Europe (Masters, 2022). Russian President
Vladimir Putin has avoided using the terms "invasion" and "war" to describe the current
situation. Moscow keeps referring to this war as "a special military operation," despite it
being the worst conflict in Europe since 1945. The claims of genocide in Ukraine are
false, but they are consistent with a narrative Russia has been pushing for years. "It's
crazy; sometimes not even they can explain what they're referring to," said Dmytro
Kuleba, the foreign minister of Ukraine. Ria Novosti, a state-run news agency, published
an editorial that stated emphatically that "denazification is inevitably also de-
Ukrainization." (Kirby, 2022)


Many scholars believe that Putin's diplomatic approach is more assertive, hostile, and
aggressive than ever. It is uncommon for diplomacy in general and for Russian
diplomacy in particular that he is giving ultimatums, acting harshly, and expecting
replies right now. Putin believes that the West has been lecturing and dictating to Russia
since 1991. Washington, DC, which believes it has the authority and right to make
decisions not only in Western Europe, which would be acceptable, but also on Russia's
doorstep, in Ukraine, and elsewhere, sees NATO expansion as a solo act (which for
Putin is not OK). Putin is utilizing this issue to air his frustrations and resentments with
the West (Wolf, 2022). It is also believed that Russia's primary motivation for its

internal politics is overlooked when concerns over NATO expansion are cited as the
cause of its hostility. The Kremlin's core narrative of an "us against them" struggle
between Russia and the West is supported by actions such as the invasion on February
24, which further solidified Russia's isolation from the rest of the world. The Russian
leadership uses this narrative to support its sense of legitimacy by appealing to a sense of
patriotism and solidarity in the face of external threats. The ultimate expression of "us
against them" in a war is the most effective tool for highlighting Russian nationalism
and elevating it to the position of supremacy in how regular Russians view their lives
and their surroundings. Many individuals interpret the events of a conflict from their
position as a Russian citizen rather than from their position as an individual with
particular economic interests or differing political viewpoints. Many Russians hold the
opinion that a citizen cannot influence politics but must support the country's president
and the national army since the army is "our own children" and there is only one
president. Insecure about their domestic successes and public support, the aging political
government and its leaders find it easier to maintain power by having wartime patriotism
replace domestic divisions and issues (Sharafutdinova, 2022).

Moscow would advocate for non-interference by the West in Ukraine and other former
Soviet nations that are not seeking NATO membership, as a means of preventing NATO
and Western country policies. The aspiration of Ukraine to become a member of NATO
has been met with disfavor by Moscow, leading to the emergence of the ongoing
conflict. Furthermore, Ukraine would be eligible to receive assistance from NATO
member states in the event of an attack by non-member nations. Russia foresees that in
the event of Ukraine's accession to NATO, there would be an attempt to reclaim Crimea,
as suggested by the Russian President, Vladimir Putin. Following the dissolution of the
Soviet Union, Russia's jurisdiction over the additional 14 former republics, including
Ukraine, was relinquished. Due to the fact that both countries had a shared historical and
spiritual background, Putin regarded this as an unfavorable circumstance. It is
imperative for the Ukrainian government to undergo demilitarization and adopt a neutral
stance. The Russian President has expressed the need for assurances from both Ukraine

and the Western nations regarding their non-participation in the matter. (Rubel &
Hossain, 2022).

1.9 ROLE OF U.S.

John Mearsheimer believes that the United States is mostly to blame for the Ukraine
issue. This is not to imply that Putin isn't responsible for Russia's activities on the
Ukrainian soil or that he didn't launch the conflict. It's also not to argue that America's
friends aren't also at fault, but they largely take their orders on Ukraine from
Washington. The key argument he made was that the US has adopted policies toward
Ukraine that were seen by Putin and his associates as an existential threat to their nation,
a claim they had made frequently for many years (Chotiner, 2022). He also thinks that
the Biden administration has increased sanctions against Russia in response to the start
of the war. Washington and its allies in the west are committed to defeating Russia in
Ukraine and will employ a variety of measures to significantly reduce Russia's influence.
There can be no uncertainty that the United States is not truly eager to find a diplomatic
approach to the war, which implies that the war will most likely last for months or
possibly years, causing considerably more devastation to Ukraine, which has already
suffered immensely. In essence, the US and its allied forces are assisting Ukraine in
taking this course, and there is a possibility that the war would worsen if NATO became

The stance of the United States with regards to this incursion is also a source of concern.
However, it can be inferred from the provision of arms by the United States to Ukraine
that there may be a lack of interest in pursuing peaceful resolution of the conflict
(Atlanterhavskomité, 2022). According to American officials, they were persuaded that
the advanced missiles, launchers, and other weaponry that were dispatched to Ukraine
have been delivered to the front lines, where they are being utilized by commanders as
expeditiously as possible. The recent apprehension of individuals, including Russians,
who attempted to illicitly transport assault weapons, ammunition, and other armaments
has been a topic of discussion among the populace. Since the invasion of Ukraine by

Russia, the Biden administration has pledged military assistance to Ukraine amounting
to over $13 billion. In recent years, the Ukrainian government has increased the scope
and potency of its weaponry. According to sources, it is argued that this measure is
imperative for safeguarding not only Ukraine, but also all democratic nations.


This thesis is being conducted as a qualitative study, both in terms of the research topic
and the theoretical framework. Qualitative research is a method of inquiry that seeks to
explore and comprehend social phenomena through an exploratory lens. This approach
emphasizes the subjective experiences, meanings, and interpretations of participants as
the primary source of data. The primary method of data collection and analysis
employed by the researcher in this investigation was a literature review.


The present study on the Russian invasion of Ukraine was grounded in a theoretical
framework that incorporated various fundamental theories and concepts pertaining to the
field of international relations and conflict studies. Realism served as the principal
theoretical framework that informed this study. Realism is a prevailing theoretical
framework within the field of international relations that places significant emphasis on
the influence of power and self-interest in shaping the actions of states. Realist scholars
contend that the primary motivation of states is to ensure their own security and survival,
and that the landscape of international politics is marked by competition, conflict, and
the quest for power. Within the framework of the Russian incursion into Ukraine, a
realist viewpoint would posit that Russia's conduct was driven by its aspiration to uphold
a sphere of influence in its proximate vicinity and to establish its dominance in the area.
The application of realism as a theoretical framework enables a comprehensive analysis
of the conduct of Russia and other states in the region. This approach underscores the
significance of power, security, and self-interest in molding state behavior. Viewed
through a realist lens, the incursion of Russia into Ukraine may be interpreted as a

logical reaction to perceived challenges to its security and strategic objectives. The
annexation of Crimea by Russia and its provision of support to separatist factions in
eastern Ukraine can be interpreted as a component of a more comprehensive approach to
establish its supremacy in the area and uphold a sphere of control in its immediate

Furthermore, the realist perspective offers a valuable framework for comprehending the
involvement of Western powers in the invasion. The Western nations, specifically the
United States and European Union, have reacted to the invasion by imposing economic
sanctions, exerting diplomatic pressure, and providing military assistance to Ukraine.
These actions may be perceived as an endeavor to counterbalance Russian influence and
safeguard Western interests in the area.

One example of a sample is the group of participants selected for a research study. This
sample is typically chosen to represent a larger population and is used to gather data and
draw conclusions about the population as a whole. Samples can vary in size and
composition, and the selection process should be carefully considered to ensure that the
sample is representative and unbiased.


The study's sample comprises a thorough examination of literature, encompassing

scholarly articles, books, news reports, and government documents pertaining to the
Russian incursion into Ukraine and its global ramifications. The investigator performed
a comprehensive exploration utilizing digital repositories including JSTOR, Google
Scholar, and scholarly libraries. The selection of literature is determined by its
pertinence to the research inquiries.


The present investigation's data is obtained via a thorough examination of the existing
literature. The scholar employed digital repositories such as JSTOR, Google Scholar,

and scholarly libraries to gather pertinent literature. The researcher employed the
snowball sampling technique, which entails tracing citations in the literature to identify
supplementary pertinent sources.


Thematic analysis is employed to analyze the data gathered through the literature
review. Thematic analysis is a research methodology that involves the identification,
examination, and presentation of recurring themes or patterns within a given dataset.
The investigator discerned recurring themes and patterns within the literature that
pertained to the research inquiries. The examination is directed by the research inquiries
and executed utilizing a qualitative methodology. The researcher conducted a
comprehensive review of the relevant literature in order to acquire a holistic
comprehension of the subject matter. Subsequently, the data is subjected to a coding
process in which it is systematically organized into distinct themes and sub-themes. The
investigator employed an inductive methodology for coding, which entails permitting
the themes to surface from the data. The investigator employed a deductive
methodology, which entails utilizing predetermined codes that are grounded on the
research inquiries.


concept of validity in this study pertains to the degree to which the literature review
precisely reflects the research inquiries and the phenomenon under investigation. The
researcher employed a methodical and rigorous methodology for the purpose of
selecting literature that is pertinent, dependable, and trustworthy, in order to ensure the
validity of the study. The scholar employed a thorough methodology in the literature
review process, encompassing scholarly publications, monographs, journalistic accounts,
and official records pertaining to the Russian incursion into Ukraine and its global
ramifications. The researcher employed a snowball sampling technique to identify
supplementary pertinent sources, while the literature was chosen based on its pertinence

to the research inquiries. This methodology enhanced the likelihood of incorporating
literature that is pertinent and illustrative of the phenomenon under investigation.

The scholar verified the dependability of the literature by scrutinizing the references and
exclusively utilizing those that are deemed reputable and reliable. The scholar conducted
a search for scholarly works that have undergone peer-review or have been published in
esteemed academic journals or by reputable publishing houses. The scholar also took
into account the publication date, as contemporary literature may possess greater
relevance and precision. The researcher took into account possible partialities and
competing interests present in the literature and revealed any such apprehensions in the
investigation. This aided in guaranteeing the validity of the literature employed in the
investigation and its precise alignment with the research inquiries.


This study has several limitations that must be considered. First, the study focuses solely
on the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and does not consider other
conflicts or events related to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Second, the study relies on
publicly available sources of information, which may not provide a complete or accurate
picture of the invasion. Third, the study may be limited by the biases and perspectives of
the sources of data. Fourth, the study may be limited by the language barrier, as some
sources of information may not be available in English.



The invasion of Ukraine has affected the global world severely, from rising consumer
prices to the cost of living, from the global economy to the energy crisis. The impact of
Russia's invasion of Ukraine on the world is multifaceted and far-reaching.


Being geographically close to one another Russia and Ukraine have been at war for
almost a year now when they first send their troops on February 24, 2022. Being the first
significant battle in Europe in decades, the invasion took many people off guard. In
contrast, relations between Russia and Ukraine have been tense for decades. This
conflict arose from many prominent issues that have been observed in previous studies.
The observations claimed that at first, the U.S. was to be blamed for the war between the
two states. Begin to discuss this matter, the political agenda all started with the policies
made by the U.S. government against Ukraine claiming to have a threat to their nation,
bringing Russia into the scene. A deeper discussion brings closer to the findings of the
study relating to invasion impacts. As per the findings of the study invasion developed a
humanitarian crisis, energy crisis, geopolitical tensions, and an overall negative image in
the world. Nonetheless, the study also highlighted the facts these invasions brought
economic drawbacks to the country, becoming the reason for inflation which led to
Ukraine falling down strong financially (decrease in GDP). Furthermore, acting and
invading other states by force. Military capabilities in hand were portrayed highly as the
war between these two countries was not preferred to be fought with political statements
but rather fought with weapons. The study findings also suggested that the conflict
increased the question related to the sanctity of international law, claiming to have a risk
of future conflicts. The study not just highlighted major concerns and proved them
correct but also opened doors for new findings. The discussion demonstrates the findings

of the current study in hand proving all the hypotheses true, by making strong arguments
and providing pieces of evidence.


The invasion has heightened geopolitical tensions between Russia and Western nations
such as the United States and the European Union. This has led to sanctions being
imposed on Russia and deterioration in diplomatic relations between the involved
countries. Russia's annexation of Crimea and its support for separatist rebels in eastern
Ukraine violated international law and Ukraine's territorial integrity. This has been
condemned by Western nations and led to sanctions being imposed on Russia.

The invasion has highlighted the diverging interests of Russia and Western nations,
particularly regarding Ukraine's geopolitical orientation. While Russia sees Ukraine as
within its sphere of influence, Western nations support Ukraine's alignment with the
West. The invasion has intensified geopolitical competition between Russia and Western
nations, particularly the United States. This has led to deterioration in diplomatic
relations and an increase in military posturing in the region. The invasion has raised
concerns about Russian expansionism and ambitions in the region. This has led to
increased tensions and a push for NATO and Western nations to bolster their military
presence in the region. The conflict in Ukraine has become a proxy war between Russia
and Western nations, with both sides supporting opposing sides in the conflict. This has
further intensified geopolitical tensions and made it difficult to find a diplomatic
resolution to the conflict.

Overall, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has heightened geopolitical tensions due to
violations of international law, diverging interests, geopolitical competition, fear of
further expansion, and the emergence of a proxy war.


The invasion has caused a humanitarian crisis, with many Ukrainians displaced from
their homes and in need of aid. This has put a strain on neighboring countries, which
have had to absorb refugees. The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 led to a
humanitarian crisis for several reasons. Firstly, the conflict resulted in the displacement
of over 8.1 million people, according to the United Nations. Many people were forced to
flee their homes due to the violence, which led to the creation of internally displaced
persons (IDPs) in Ukraine. These IDPs faced numerous challenges, including lack of
access to healthcare, education, and basic necessities. Secondly, the conflict also resulted
in significant damage to infrastructure and public services, including hospitals, schools,
and water treatment facilities. This damage has made it difficult for people to access
critical services and has exacerbated the humanitarian situation.

Thirdly, the conflict has had a significant impact on the economy of Ukraine, which has
led to high levels of poverty and unemployment. This has made it difficult for people to
access basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare. Finally, the conflict has
also led to human rights violations, including the targeting of civilians and the use of
torture by both sides. These violations have further exacerbated the humanitarian crisis
in Ukraine. Overall, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has had a devastating impact on the
country and its people, leading to a significant humanitarian crisis that continues to this


The conflict has had a significant economic impact, not only on Ukraine but also on the
global economy. The instability has led to a decrease in foreign investment, a decline in
the value of the Ukrainian currency, and an increase in the price of oil. The Russian
invasion of Ukraine has had a significant impact on the Ukrainian economy, leading to
an economic crisis for the country.

The conflict disrupted trade between Ukraine and Russia, a significant trading partner,
and resulted in the loss of crucial export markets for Ukrainian goods. This has

negatively impacted Ukraine's economy, leading to a decline in GDP, high inflation
rates, and a devaluation of the Ukrainian currency. The conflict has resulted in the
destruction of critical infrastructure, including factories, ports, railways, and highways.
This has impacted the country's ability to export goods and receive imports, leading to
supply chain disruptions and higher prices. Ukraine is heavily reliant on Russia for
energy supplies, including natural gas. The conflict disrupted gas supplies, leading to
energy shortages and higher prices for households and businesses. This has further
contributed to the economic crisis.

The Ukrainian government has had to allocate a significant amount of resources towards
military spending to defend against the Russian invasion. This has diverted resources
away from other critical sectors of the economy, including healthcare, education, and
infrastructure. The conflict has negatively impacted investor confidence in Ukraine,
leading to a decline in foreign investment and an increase in capital flight. This has
further contributed to the economic crisis and made it difficult for the country to attract
the investment it needs to recover. In summary, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has had
a devastating impact on the country's economy, leading to an economic crisis
characterized by a decline in GDP, high inflation rates, supply chain disruptions, energy
shortages, and a loss of investor confidence.


Ukraine is a major transit route for Russian gas exports to Europe, so the invasion has
raised concerns about energy security in Europe. This has led to a push for alternative
sources of energy and increased investment in renewable energy. The Russian invasion
of Ukraine has had a significant impact on energy security, both for Ukraine and for
Europe as a whole.

Ukraine is heavily reliant on Russia for gas supplies, and the conflict has resulted in the
disruption of gas supplies to Ukraine. This has led to energy shortages and higher prices
for households and businesses in Ukraine, and has also affected gas supplies to Europe,

which relies on Ukrainian gas pipelines to transport gas from Russia. The conflict has
highlighted the importance of diversifying energy sources to reduce reliance on Russia.
Ukraine and Europe have been working to develop alternative sources of energy, such as
renewable energy and liquified natural gas (LNG), to reduce their dependence on
Russian gas. The conflict has led to increased cooperation between Ukraine and Europe
on energy security. The EU has been supporting Ukraine's efforts to develop alternative
energy sources and has also been working to strengthen energy security in the region
through initiatives such as the Energy Union. The conflict has also resulted in damage to
critical energy infrastructure, such as gas pipelines and power plants, which has made it
more difficult to ensure energy security in the region.

Overall, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has had a significant impact on energy security,
highlighting the importance of diversifying energy sources and strengthening energy
infrastructure to reduce dependence on Russia. It has also led to increased cooperation
between Ukraine and Europe on energy security, which has helped to mitigate the
impact of the conflict on energy supplies.


The invasion has raised questions about the sanctity of international borders and the rule
of law. It has also highlighted the need for a stronger international legal framework to
prevent such conflicts in the future. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has had a
significant impact on international law.

The Russian annexation of Crimea and the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine are clear
violations of Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty, which is a fundamental
principle of international law. The invasion is also a violation of the United Nations
Charter, which prohibits the use of force by one state against another, except in cases of
self-defense or with the approval of the United Nations Security Council. The conflict
has also led to numerous human rights violations, including the targeting of civilians, the

use of torture, and the displacement of over 8.1 million people. These violations are also
violations of international law.

The international community has responded to the invasion by imposing economic and
political sanctions on Russia. These sanctions are a tool used by the international
community to enforce international law and hold violators accountable for their actions.
Ukraine has also brought legal challenges against Russia before international courts,
including the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.
These legal challenges are another way of holding Russia accountable for its actions and
upholding international law. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has highlighted the
importance of upholding fundamental principles of international law, such as territorial
integrity and human rights. The international community has responded to the invasion
by imposing sanctions and supporting legal challenges, which are important tools for
enforcing international law and holding violators accountable.


The conflict has allowed Russia to showcase its military capabilities and assert its
dominance in the region. This has led to an arms race between Russia and its neighbors
and increased tensions in the region. The conflict has prompted Ukraine to modernize its
military capabilities, including upgrading its weapons and equipment and improving its
training and readiness. This has included acquiring new weapons and military equipment
from foreign suppliers. The conflict has also led to an increase in defense spending by
Ukraine, which has allocated a larger portion of its budget towards military spending in
order to defend against Russian aggression.

The conflict has also resulted in significant military losses for both Ukraine and Russia,
including the loss of personnel, weapons, and equipment. The conflict has also provided
an opportunity for both Ukraine and Russia to test new weapons and tactics in a real-
world scenario, which could inform future military planning. The conflict has also had
an impact on the readiness of the Russian military, which has been stretched thin by its

involvement in the conflict. This could have implications for Russia's ability to respond
to other potential threats in the future.

Overall, the invasion has had a significant impact on the world, affecting political,
economic, and humanitarian spheres. It has also highlighted the need for greater
cooperation and diplomatic efforts to prevent further escalation of the conflict.


Russian military activities in Ukraine have disrupted global supply lines, with a wide
range of economic effects. The global supply chain has been disrupted as a result of the
embargo on Russian exports, Russia's retaliatory ban on imports, and Russia's
unwillingness to allow foreign commodities to move via its waterways and skies during
the war. As a result, there's a shortage and higher costs for imported goods. Companies
have also forecasted that supply hoarding would result in higher prices due to the
disruption caused by cross-border blockades and trade bans. As border authorities
process refugees before responding to cross-border products, commercial flight
restrictions along the Ukraine-Russia border (Siddi, 2020) and increased security
inspections at refugee camps in neighboring countries may impede freight flow and
border operations. The disruption to global supply chains is even worse, and import
prices have risen as a result. The global financial system has been largely unaffected by
Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The only sector of the financial industry that has been
severely affected by the invasion is that of foreign banks with extensive operations in
Russia. Multiple foreign financial institutions were harmed when multiple countries
imposed financial sanctions on Russian organizations and wealthy people. Most notably
impacted are the Austrian Raiffeisenbank, the Italian Unicredit, and the French Société
Générale. The global banking system may be indirectly affected by the conflict if pro-
Russian groups react to Western financial sanctions by mounting a massive cyber-attack.
The potential worldwide losses from a cyber-attack on the global payment system can be
as high as US$1.8 billion per day. Russia is also compelled to implement an oil export

limitation as retribution for the sanctions levied on it as a consequence of Western
intervention in Russia's struggle for regional supremacy. This might lead to higher
energy costs, which would slow down the economy. This is because enterprises will
have to spend more money on importing raw materials as well as creating products and
services. This may cause input and output costs to rise, which might make it difficult for
certain people to buy commonly used items. As a consequence, fewer goods and
services will be available for purchase, and consumers will spend less money overall.
Consumer spending will be impacted by the increased cost of oil and gas used in home
cooking and heating. This will reduce families' after-tax disposable income, which in
turn will reduce consumer spending. This will influence GDP's consumer spending
component. The global stock market suffered a decline after Russia invaded Ukraine.
Investors panicked as news of Russia's invasion of Ukraine spread.The lowest stock
price was traded on a major stock exchange during the invasion period. It reveals that
the lowest decrease in share prices throughout 5 days (February 18 to February 25)
happened on February 24, 2022, the day of the invasion. The Dow Jones industrial
average declined by roughly 100 points. The S&P 500 index plummeted over 250
points. The Europe Next 100 index has decreased by about 400 points. the Shanghai
composite index sank by more than 150 points. However, with the implementation of
harsh fines against Russia by various countries the day following the invasion, markets


Ukraine produces enough food to feed 400 million people around the globe, including
50 percent of the world's sunflower oil, 10% of the world's grain, and 13% of the world's
maize. As of today, the Russian attack would prohibit up to 30% of agricultural lands in
Ukraine from being planted or harvested this year. Furthermore, owing to the blockade
of the Black Sea ports and the restricted ability to carry goods across the Western
border, supply lines from Ukraine have been disrupted. Farmers are struggling to
continue planting because of the violence, which has resulted in municipal blockades, a

lack of seeds, and fertilizer shortages. Failure to start planting crops now will have
catastrophic results in the autumn. The matter has been addressed by the markets. Wheat
prices have climbed by roughly 25% in the past year. There will be a global food
shortage as a result of this supply crisis. There is now no feasible way to bring in more
food supplies, leading to a food crisis in many cities throughout Ukraine, including
Mariupol. The invasion of Ukraine has sparked a wider economic fight, of which the
food crisis is only one aspect. As a result of the crisis, prices would increase temporarily
and shortages will grow permanently, impacting not just Ukraine but also the other
countries of Eastern Europe. This is why quick aid is needed to help small farmers
harvest this season's crops and provide for the domestic needs of the nation.
Environmentally friendly agricultural practices must be kept up permanently.
With Moscow's invasion of Ukraine, Putin has deliberately broken the prospect of
diplomatic solutions and the Paris-based cooperative European security structure. We no
longer have any need for the NATO-Russia Founding Act, the European Security
Charter, or the Minsk Agreement. For domestic consumption, Putin's new story about a
made-up Ukrainian people and its historic yearning to return to Russia the land of a
former empire seems to have trumped security concerns. However, it is obvious that the
Russian president underestimated Ukraine's will to fight and the West's support. What he
had sought to prevent—a more unified Ukraine, a stronger NATO and EU, and
unrivaled military strength on NATO's eastern frontier—will now be achieved. Long-
term repercussions include significant economic, financial, and political isolation.
Russian casualties will rise and Putin's domestic image will take a hit if his troops get
bogged down in dirty, time-consuming street fighting in Ukraine's cities. There doesn't
seem to be much hope for new agreements as the new period begins. As long as
Ukraine's future is up in the air, it will be impossible to sketch out the principles,
frontiers, and spheres of influence of a future-inclusive European security system.
However, a new military war between Russia and the West along a fortified contact line
would likely lead to military mistakes, miscalculations, and an escalation of hostilities.

More urgently than before, we would need stabilizing measures like a direct
communication between military headquarters, robust incident avoidance protocols, de-
escalation, transparency, and restrictions on military mobility to prevent the worst.
When the war's haze finally lifts, it'll be time for new talks and security plans.
China, Mongolia, and Japan are just now feeling the effects of the invasion. Implications
for the future are yet unclear. With consequences for European security and relations
between Russia and NATO, Russia's invasion of Ukraine is upending the post-Cold War
established order. The economic and security repercussions of the geopolitical strain on
Russia's western flank are already being felt in Northeast Asia. The sanctions imposed
by the West on Russia have had a wide-ranging effect, damaging the country's economy
and making it difficult for international companies to do business there. While these
restrictions on Russia's imports and exports are meant to punish the country as a whole,
its neighbors to the east — Mongolia, China, and Japan — are feeling the effects in
sectors like food security, power generation, and defense. On February 28 the United
States government gave the go-light to a set of sanctions aimed against Russia's Central
Bank. Almost immediately, the European Union did the same. Northeast Asian
economies are predicted to contract as a result of energy sanctions on Russia and the
disruption of the global supply chain, with countries switching to domestic alternatives if
possible and energy prices continuing to climb. China is worried about its food supply
because of the Foreign Direct Product Rule, one of numerous Western sanctions
mechanisms, and other drastic measures used to impair Russia's import-export business.
China has long relied on other countries, especially Russia, Ukraine, and Japan, for
wheat and other consumer products, despite Xi Jinping's lofty goals for China to become
self-sufficient in grain production. Since the situation in Ukraine has disrupted wheat
exports, China is only one of several nations looking to secure other sources. Since the
COVID-19 pandemic started, China has increased its food imports from Japan to an all-
time high. Nikkei reports that in 2021, exports to mainland China of food, agricultural,
forestry, and marine commodities grew 35.2% to 222.4 billion yen, or $1.93 billion.

However, the price of power has already risen in Mongolia. In Ulaanbaatar, for instance,
the price of AI92, the most popular kind of gasoline, has risen to 2,390 Mongolian
tugriks (from 1,434 in April 2017). Since all of Mongolia's diesel fuel consumption is
supplied by Russia, the country is likewise feeling the effects of inflation and the energy
transition. At the same time, the Economic Revival Policy may benefit from the change
if commodity prices remain high and Mongolia continues to export natural resources
like coal. However, Mongolia is unable to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity
because of external factors. Because of repeated concerns over COVID-19, the Chinese
government has closed towns and border stations, halting Mongolia's shipments to
China. A decline in Mongolia-Russia business can adversely impact Mongolia's
economy. Air-based commerce is likely to be impacted if Russia's economy and
financial system are wrecked. Mongolians residing abroad have already reported being
unable to use credit cards issued by Mongolian banks due to Russia's lack of SWIFT
access. However, since Mongolia and Russia are linked by railroad infrastructure, some
commerce is likely to continue as normal, but supplies of goods from Europe are
anticipated to be restricted. Aside from the economic repercussions, Russia's recent
activities have transformed the geopolitical environment in Northeast Asia. Countries
that do not have a high degree of trust and confidence in Russia, such as Japan, are
frightened of unforeseen security challenges. A Russian helicopter reportedly crossed
Japanese airspace near Hokkaido Island on March 2, according to the Japanese defense
ministry. Japan replied by deploying fighter aircraft to intercept. To avert escalation, the
two sides have agreed to exercise more prudence in the area. Any minor mistake or
action could increase the existing distrust. In light of these quickly shifting geopolitical
conditions, Russia's invasion of Ukraine pushed regional governments to reconsider
their security policy while seeking to preserve the status quo. The Asia-Pacific military
sector was already developing rapidly before 2022, according to Mordor Intelligence,
and the prevailing conditions would further add fuel to the fire. Furthermore, Russia's
geopolitical push to hamper NATO's supremacy in Eastern Europe creates significant
problems for neighboring states such as Mongolia and China. Western sanctions on

Russia have fast turned into a double-edged sword for China, with US officials
threatening to punish China if it shields Russia financially. China is striving, at least in
the medium term, to preserve good relations with Russia while avoiding antagonizing
Europe and the United States, as demonstrated by its recent abstention from a United
Nations General Assembly vote. Furthermore, the previous 10 years have been
recognized as the zenith of China-Russia, Russia-Mongolia, and Mongolia-China
connections. Russia, Mongolia, and China form a distinct, largely autonomous sub-
region of Northeast Asia and East Asia, as highlighted by Vladimir Graivoronsky of the
Russian Academy of Sciences in 2014. These nations' populations originate from three
separate civilizations: Russian, Mongolian, and Chinese. They have a lengthy history of
peaceful and wartime inter-civilizational political, trade, economic, cultural, and military
relations." Russia's latest action may not immediately threaten these trilateral
connections, but it may plant the seeds of suspicion that would eventually grow and
undermine them. Russia's invasion of Ukraine may heighten future tensions in Northeast
Asia, where several historical and present security issues remain unsolved. Governments
will increase military expenditure and invest in technological cyber and air defense
systems while relying on diplomacy to prevent an escalation of tensions in the event of
serious security instability. As the consequences become evident, every nation in
Northeast Asia will be on high alert.



No one predicted how long this conflict would last when Russia invaded Ukraine. What
will be the impact of this war on the world? The effect of this war doesn’t look good and
it continues to worsen up. If we talk about consumer good, “The Ukraine–Russia region
is responsible for roughly 30% of global exports of wheat and 65% of sunflower, in a
context where those markets are increasingly tight and interconnected, so a slight
disruption in supply creates some impact on price” (Ellyatt, 2022). Because of the
turmoil in Ukraine, prices for a variety of food, fuel, and other necessities, have all
skyrocketed, which has had a substantial impact on overall inflation. The worldwide
impact of the global consequences was disastrous. East Africa is on the verge of
starvation because of the Ukraine crisis and the severe drought that has been going on
there. Over 14 million people in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya are already starving.
About half of them are children. If the international community doesn't respond quickly,
that number might reach 20 million. Europe, in particular, has come to depend heavily
on Russian gas. Berlin heats and powers itself with natural gas, 95 percent of which
comes from Russia, and motorists pay about 2 euros per liter, or about $10 per gallon
(deutschewelleenglish, 2022).


Paul Dibb, professor at Australia's National University's Strategic and Defense Studies
Center, says that Russia's re-invasion of Ukraine will take place in four stages. To begin,
Putin claims that the dissolution of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical
setback for Russia in modern history. His statements on Crimea include, "Russia was
robbed, and more than robbed, it was looted." Second, he talks about how NATO is
growing and says that the alliance is now close enough to Russia to attack. He says this
in a number of phrases that sound angry and criminal. Third is that he has a peculiar
fixation with Ukraine and for the fourth, he thinks Russia is rising again as a

superpower. Scholars agree that, because Ukraine is a strategic country, Russia would
not accept a democratic Ukraine that works with the West. Vladimir Putin wants
Ukraine to remain isolated inside Russia's sphere of influence. Putin is opposed to
Ukraine joining NATO because he views the organization as an enemy of Russia. He
claims that the Ukrainians and the Russians are the same people and that Ukraine isn't a
state (Magazine, 2022). Russia has been very displeased with the newly independent
Ukraine, which it considers to be a vital part of "Mother Russia," ever since the Soviet
Union disintegrated. So, it thinks that invading Ukraine is a must if it wants to restore
what it calls "Historical Russia."


The study generated outcomes from the literature that prove the point about the negative
consequences of the invasion. The literature concludes that the turmoil in Ukraine,
prices for a variety of food, fuel, and other necessities, have all skyrocketed, which has
had a substantial impact on overall inflation. The worldwide impact of the global
consequences was disastrous. East Africa is on the verge of starvation because of the
Ukraine crisis and the severe drought that has been going on there. Over 14 million
people in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya are already starving. About half of them are
children. Europe, in particular, has come to depend heavily on Russian gas. Berlin heats
and powers itself with natural gas, 95 percent of which comes from Russia, and
motorists pay about 2 euros per litre, or about $10 per gallon (deutschewelleenglish,
2022). As per the findings, the current study hypothesis “invasion will negatively impact
the world”, has proven true and retained.

This global world impact leads to human suffering. The current study found that the
conflict resulted in the displacement of over 8.1 million people. Secondly, the conflict
also resulted in significant damage to infrastructure and public services, including
hospitals, schools, and water treatment facilities. This damage has made it difficult for
people to access critical services and has exacerbated the humanitarian situation.
Thirdly, the conflict has had a significant impact on the economy of Ukraine, which has

led to high levels of poverty and unemployment. This has made it difficult for people to
access basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare. Finally, the conflict has
also led to human rights violations, including the targeting of civilians and the use of
torture by both sides. These violations have further exacerbated the humanitarian crisis
in Ukraine. These findings prove the hypothesis “invasion will lead to humanitarian
crisis” true and retained.

Ukraine was under a lot of pressure dealing with a humanitarian crisis when the energy
crisis hit them hard. The findings suggest that Ukraine had been a major transit route for
Russian gas exports to Europe, so the invasion has raised concerns about energy security
in Europe. This has led to a push for alternative sources of energy and increased
investment in renewable energy. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has had a significant
impact on energy security, both for Ukraine and for Europe as a whole. Due to this
tension between the three states energy crisis begin to increase, which leads to energy
shortages and higher prices for households and businesses in Ukraine, and has also
affected gas supplies to Europe, which relies on Ukrainian gas pipelines to transport gas
from Russia. The conflict has highlighted the importance of diversifying energy sources
to reduce reliance on Russia. The conflict has also resulted in damage to critical energy
infrastructure, such as gas pipelines and power plants, which has made it more difficult
to ensure energy security in the region. Overall, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has had
a significant impact on energy security, highlighting the importance of diversifying
energy sources and strengthening energy infrastructure to reduce dependence on Russia.
Observations findings claim and prove the hypothesis “invasion will be the cause of
energy crisis” true and retained.

While Ukraine was focusing to resolve these crises, geopolitical tensions arise.
According to the literature observed in the current study, the invasion has heightened
geopolitical tensions between Russia and Western nations such as the United States and
the European Union. This has led to sanctions being imposed on Russia and a
deterioration in diplomatic relations between the involved countries. The invasion has

highlighted the diverging interests of Russia and Western nations, particularly regarding
Ukraine's geopolitical orientation. While Russia sees Ukraine as within its sphere of
influence, Western nations support Ukraine's alignment with the West. The invasion has
intensified geopolitical competition between Russia and Western nations, particularly
the United States. Overall, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has heightened geopolitical
tensions due to violations of international law, diverging interests, geopolitical
competition, fear of further expansion, and the emergence of a proxy war. This evidence
proves the hypothetical point “invasion will be the reason for geopolitical tensions” true
and retained.

The observation of the literature not only proved the current study hypothesis but also
provided more information related to the invasion. Despite the fact that these crises are
of utmost importance and have a huge impact significant, they were not impacting alone.
Economic drawbacks, international law, military capabilities, and most prominent the
role of the U.S. in this whole invasion situation also contributed immensely. In most
literature observed it was highlighted that the role of the U.S. has a strong significance in
the invasion. It was claimed that the key argument made was that the US has adopted
policies toward Ukraine that were seen by Putin and his associates as an existential
threat to their nation, a claim they had made frequently for many years (Chotiner, 2022).
Moreover, claimed that there can be no uncertainty that the United States was not truly
eager to find a diplomatic approach to the war, which implies that the war will most
likely last for months or possibly years, causing considerably more devastation to
Ukraine, which has already suffered immensely. In essence, the US and its allied forces
are assisting Ukraine in taking this course, and there is a possibility that the war would
worsen if NATO became active.

To extend, observations findings also suggest that The invasion has raised questions
about the sanctity of international borders and the rule of law. It has also highlighted the
need for a stronger international legal framework to prevent such conflicts in the future.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has had a significant impact on international law.

Furthermore, current findings elaborate that the conflict disrupted trade between Ukraine
and Russia, a significant trading partner, and resulted in the loss of crucial export
markets for Ukrainian goods. This has negatively impacted Ukraine's economy, leading
to a decline in GDP, high inflation rates, and a devaluation of the Ukrainian currency.
When military force is in concerned, it was observed that the conflict has allowed Russia
to showcase its military capabilities and assert its dominance in the region. This has led
to an arms race between Russia and its neighbours and increased tensions in the region.
The conflict has prompted Ukraine to modernize its military capabilities, including
upgrading its weapons and equipment and improving its training and readiness. This has
included acquiring new weapons and military equipment from foreign suppliers. The
conflict has also had an impact on the readiness of the Russian military, which has been
stretched thin by its involvement in the conflict. This could have implications for
Russia's ability to respond to other potential threats in the future.


Both the European Union and the rest of the world were taken aback by the collapse of
communism in Eastern Europe. In the wake of the Maastricht Treaty's rebranding of the
European Community as the "European Union" in 1992 (Gower & Timmins, 2011), the
EU has been working to further integrate its members' economies and social systems.
Border controls were eliminated in 1995 as a result of the Schengen agreement, and in
1999 a single currency, the Euro, was introduced. In 1998, Brussels began membership
discussions with candidate states in Central and Eastern Europe (Glick & Taylor, 2010).
The Copenhagen criteria required that countries apply to be fully operating democracies
with domestic laws that were consistent with EU law (the acquis communautaire). Since
the requirements for EU membership were stricter than those for NATO membership,
Central and East Europeans started joining NATO five to 10 years before entering the
EU. The decision to increase EU membership caused a rift. There was a huge investment
gap between the living standards in the former communist states and those in the EU,
and bringing their infrastructure up to EU standards would be a tremendous undertaking.

Members of the EU who had been around longer anticipated an influx of low-cost
workers from the new member states and a redistribution of resources away from the
West and toward the East. Despite this, widespread political backing existed for growth.
Germany wanted to strengthen its twenties. Poland, whose 40 million inhabitants made
up a significant portion of the new republics, thus it advocated for their expansion. Since
"it would be more difficult to agree on the construction of stronger federal institutions if
there were 28 members rather than 15" (Gretsky et al., 2014), Britain and Denmark
advocated growth over "deepening" EU integration. While some EU member states,
most notably Poland, agreed that an admissions strategy should be discussed, Ukraine
lacked the geographical size and political stability to be a serious competitor for EU
membership at this time.



In conclusion, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is a blatant violation of international

law, Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and human rights. Russia's
aggressive and unjustifiable actions have had severe and far-reaching consequences,
both in terms of regional and global stability. The conflict has resulted in the loss of
thousands of lives, displacement of people, and damage to infrastructure, and the
humanitarian situation in Eastern Ukraine remains dire. The conflict has strained
relations between Russia and the West, with the United States and European Union
countries imposing sanctions on Russia. The conflict has also highlighted the issue of
energy security in Europe, with many countries heavily dependent on Russian gas. The
invasion has fueled fears of a new Cold War between Russia and the West, and there are
concerns about the potential for the conflict to escalate. Russia's aggressive,
unjustifiable, and inhumane invasion of Ukraine has not only shattered Europe's peace
but also had global ramifications. Putin doesn't seem to be able to understand or accept

the basic ideas of Ukrainian society, like their love of freedom, democracy, free thought,
and European ideals. Instead, he seems to want to destroy them. As a result, Russia's
sole option for persuading independent governments to join its neo-imperial goal of
creating the "Russian world" is through armed aggression and obvious violations of all
international rules and standards. In order to hide his own aggressive objectives, Putin
makes several absurd attempts to portray Russia as the "victim defending itself from an
'aggressive' West," the NATO expansion, or "extreme Nazis slaughtering Russian
speaking civilians."

Putin's aggressive attitude will keep coming back to haunt Russia, and the effects of the
invasion will shake the world to its core. The conflict has highlighted the issue of
territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as the importance of international law and
diplomacy in resolving conflicts. It is essential that diplomatic efforts continue to find a
peaceful solution to the conflict that respects Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial
integrity. The international community must continue to condemn Russia's actions and
hold it accountable for its violations of international law. The effects of the invasion will
continue to be felt for years to come, and it is crucial that we work towards a peaceful
and just resolution that ensures the rights and safety of all those affected by this
conflict.More study is needed to see whether peaceful negotiation may prevent nations
from resorting to war to maintain their regional hegemony.


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