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NAME: Nash Bryan S.

TOPIC: Teenage Pregnancy
PURPOSE: To inform and persuade

Teenage Pregnancy, A Social Issue

Greetings Everyone
Today I am here to confront a certain issue that strikes deep, affecting not just the lives of
young individuals, but the very essence of our society, Teenage pregnancy. Now you
wonder, What is teenage pregnancy? basically it refers to the pregnancy that occurs to
females under the age of 20. Here in the Philippines, teenage pregnancy is not just a
statistic; it’s a complex issue deeply rooted in socio-economic challenges and cultural
norms. It disrupts the lives of young individuals, hindering their education and limiting their
future opportunities. To confront this crisis, we must act decisively.

Firstly, education is our strongest weapon against this crisis. Implementing comprehensive
and age-appropriate sex education programs in schools is essential. Knowledge equips our
youth to make informed decisions about their bodies and relationships, breaking the cycle of
ignorance that often leads to early pregnancies. Additionally, we must enhance access to
healthcare services, ensuring that every young mother receives proper prenatal care and
support, thus safeguarding the health of both mother and child.

Moreover, community-driven initiatives are crucial. Establishing support networks,

counseling services, and mentorship programs can provide emotional and practical
guidance to young parents, enabling them to navigate the challenges they face while
continuing their education and pursuing their aspirations. Lastly, empowering our youth,
especially young women, with education and vocational training opens doors to economic
independence, reducing the vulnerability that often leads to early pregnancies.

In conclusion, addressing teenage pregnancy in the Philippines demands our collective

effort. It requires us to advocate for comprehensive education, improve healthcare
accessibility, create strong support systems, empower our youth, and challenge harmful
traditions. Together, let’s build a future where every young Filipino can flourish, unburdened
by the challenges of early parenthood.

Before I end my speech, I would like to express my gratitude to you all for listening and
allowing me to present here in front. I appreciate it.

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