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Far Eastern University

Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

Business Management and Application in Architecture

Name: Rafaela Milagrosa A. Forcadilla

Year and Section: 5th Year / Sec-1
Instructor: Ar. Maria Olivia Lengson

Formative Assessment 5

Marketing and Selling

Definition: Characteristics/Facts:
1. Marketing is focused on satisfying 1. The business planning when
and attending to the needs of the marketing considers the long-
consumers. It considers the term period and is highly
efficiency in manufacturing, focused on the consumer
producing, and delivering excellent needs.
consumer value to the target 2. The business planning when
market. selling is only short-term and
2. Selling is an aggressive method mainly focuses on the product.
where persuasion takes place
towards the customers for them to
purchase a product or service.

1. Marketing
2. Selling
Examples: Non-Examples:
3. Marketing examples: 1. Marketing is not sales. It does
- Product placement in not include the actual execution
entertainment platforms of the sales may it be in a store
- Newsletters by a clerk or in a field by an
- Search Engine Marketing assigned sales professional.
4. Selling examples: 2. Selling does not include the
- Door-to-door sales promotional procedure and the
- Business-to-business sales process of profitably translating
- Personal selling the consumer needs into
Production and Manufacturing

Definition: Characteristics/Facts:

3. Production is the process of 3. Production is defined as “inputs”

transforming things into products, and “outputs”.
goods, or services by using raw
• Inputs – resources needed to
materials, money, investments, or
produce goods or services
partially made products.
4. Manufacturing is the process of • Outputs – final product of the
using machinery and equipment to inputs
turn raw resources into tangible 4. Three main types of manufacturing
goods or products. commonly used:

• Make-to-stock (MTS) – goods

are produced and held in stock
at retail
• Make-to-order (MTO) – order
must be made to begin
• Make-to-assemble (MTA) –
similar to MTO but
components are produced and
will only be assembled when
orders come in
3. Production
4. Manufacturing
Examples: Non-Examples:
1. Examples of production outputs: 3. Production
- Electronic devices (goods) - Self-consumption of goods
- Clothing (goods) and services
- Office/facilities maintenance 4. Manufacturing
(service) - Logging or mining as they
2. Manufacturing examples: do not change goods into
- Rapid manufacturing new products
- Lean manufacturing
- Process manufacturing

Cohen, H. (2022, September 12). What marketing is NOT. Heidi


Difference between selling and marketing: Meaning, example. (2019, February 15).



Production vs. Manufacturing: Definitions and Differences. (2023, February 4).



Tristancho, C. (2023, April 18). Production vs. manufacturing: Key differences.



What is manufacturing? (Definition, types and examples). (n.d.). Joining Innovation with

Expertise - TWI.



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