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1. Studio :
● Introduction to plans, sections, elevations.
● Ex1 - Creating a bird viewing park/ tower
● 9 iterations of a block model in a grid to understand the character of height and
● Developing ramps, columns, parapets, openings.

● Ex 2- designing a house with respect to the user

● Activity and mood board for user based on their profession/ likings
● Identifying characters they would prefer in a space
● 3 models each(9-12 models total) for the character of space chosen( open,
semi-open, private, dark etc)
● Combining the characters of these spaces in a 3d cube.
● Developing the model
● Introduction of space functionality and human scale.
● Post review- corrections
● Plans, sections, elevations, perspective charcoal sketches of the final design

2. Basic Design:
● Ex 1 - Sketching natural patterns on a wood log
● identifying patterns
● Nailing on the log to follow the pattern grain
● Creating a conceptual model for the pattern identified
● Using tools
● Understanding the process of abstraction of designs from a given element.

● Ex 2- studying the living pattern of birds and insects

● Understanding their habitat and how it is made
● Sketching the bird and the habitat by understanding form (spherical, cylindrical)
● Ink drawing(abstract sketch) and/or model of their habitat.

3. Representation and Visualization :

● Model making techniques (half cut, surface development, acrylic, laser cutting)
● Representation through various mediums

4. Humanities :
● Visiting sites of cultural significance
● Identifying elements in the surroundings
● Reading and reflecting on community

5. Reading and writing

● Reimagining classics: plot and illustrations
● Graphic media as a means of representation
● Analyzing web series and movies

6. Electives ( had to opt any 2)

● Mapping Spaces : how are international and unintentional spaces used by
residents, representing humans in drawings
● Model Making : materials, methods and techniques of basic materials like
thermocol, card sheet, acrylic, pvc etc
● Linocut: introduction to block printing- single color
● Reportage and Documentation : creating storylines and representing them using
water colour.

FOCUS ON: Visualizing spaces, Model making Skills, drawing and representation, drafting-
hand and AutoCAD, researching, sketching, understanding materials and tools, site visit and
networking with locals as well as professionals.


1. Studio 2 :
● Ex 1 Understanding masses and voids- light and dark spaces
● Designing on a contour land
● Fitting the functionality of client.
● Drawings- plans, sections, elevations, axo,iso and models in 1:50 scale.
● Ex 2- designing for a program
● Abstraction from given site
● Community space designing, representation and poem to describe it.

2. Basic Design :
● Ex1 Nailing wood patterns on blocks
● Defining patterns with stockings and threads

● Ex2 redesigning spaces from memory

● A personal image acts as the base for fitting a given kit of parts and creating a
● Developing the space
● Creating a grid on the site to model further
● Adding human scale.
● Sketching perspectives views
● Representing the views with various techniques ( scribbling, stippling, shading
3. Representation and Visualization
4. History :
● Famous historical housing arrangements - tracing plans, sections, space
● Understanding the circulation of the house( eg. Dymaxion house, koshino house,
Amsterdam row houses etc)
● Studying famous commercial buildings.
● Scaled plans, sections, and models.
● Sketching perspectives of the interior space( eg st pancras railway station etc)
● Essay / analysis of the understanding of space in such places.
5. Construction :
● Site visit to famous structures in Baroda
● Understanding materials and way of construction( load bearing, frame etc)
● Measure drawing on site
● Hand drafting in 1:10 scale
● Composing sheets
● Sectional model with all details
● Review and jury

6. Electives

● Cast away (concrete casting) : individual sculptures of concrete, group - large

scale model of le corbusier's tower of shadows, understanding concrete
● Paper mache : paper pulp to sculptures and nests
● Advanced Linocut: advanced block printing- multiple colours

FOCUS ON: Proportionate designing, standard measurements of spaces, research and study
on well known projects & architects, Concrete casting, measure drawing on site,upskilling-
drafting, sketching,composing, AutoCAD, PPT.

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