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Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 95 (2018) 28–41

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Plane stress fracture toughness of cryorolled 6082 Al alloy T

a,⁎ a b a,c
N. Kumar , G.M. Owolabi , R. Jayaganthan , O.O. Ajide
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Howard University, Washington, D.C. 20059, USA
Department of Engineering Design, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria


Keywords: In this paper, the plane stress fracture toughness of 6082 Al alloy produced by cryorolling is reported for the
Cryorolling first time. The rolling was performed to achieve a 75% reduction in the sample thickness at two different
Room temperature rolling temperatures, namely, liquid nitrogen temperature (−196 °C), and room temperature (25 °C). The plane stress
Ultrafine grains fracture toughness was evaluated for cryorolled (CR), room temperature rolled (RTR), cryorolled and annealed
Critical plane stress fracture toughness
(CR + AN), and room temperature and annealed (RTR + AN) samples using ASTM E1820-13 standard and
compact tension specimens. Two methods, i.e., the Load point displacement (LPD)-load and the J-Integral-
resistance (J-R) curves, were used to calculate the plane stress fracture toughness. The results showed that the
fracture toughness calculated using the J-R curve is more accurate since it accounts for all the constraints for
evaluating the critical plane stress fracture toughness of the alloy for all the processing routes. The values of
the critical plane stress fracture toughness (JIC) obtained via the J-R curve were 49 kJ/m2 for CR, 31 kJ/m2 for
RTR, 69 kJ/m2 for CR + AN and 39 kJ/m2 for RTR + AN samples. Microstructural features obtained through
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) were also correlated with
the fracture toughness. It is found from the SEM results that Mg-Si phases evolved at the crack tip/path during
crack propagation in all the investigated samples. The EBSD results showed that CR + AN sample exhibits high
kernel average missorentation and crack branches due to the evolution of small sized Mg-Si (Si-rich) pre-
cipitates during the fatigue testing. The presence of mixed grains (coarse and fine), fractographic features such
as shallow ridges, transgranular facets, flat circular and elongated dimples, small sized Si-rich precipitates and
high kernel average missorentation support the high plane stress fracture toughness observed for the CR + AN

1. Introduction used for the production of UFG and nanostructures in various metallic
materials [15,16]. The dimension of the sample remains the same as
Ultrafine grained (UFG) materials are potential candidate for a wide that of the initial sample even after processing in most of the SPD
range of structural and functional applications due to their outstanding techniques [17], except CR [15]. Among the several SPD techniques, CR
mechanical and physical properties in terms of monotonic strength, has a unique advantage since it requires low true strain for the pro-
high cycle fatigue (HCF) strength and improved corrosion strength duction of the UFG material, easy operation, high production rate, and
[1,2]. In recent years, UFG and nanostructure materials with superior convenient set up [15,16,18]. Cryorolling has been used in various
strength, ductility, toughness, and corrosion resistance when compared metals for the production of bulk UFG metals such as CuZr alloy [19],
to their bulk alloys have been developed using several severe plastic Fe-25Cr-20Ni steel [20], 6082 Al alloy [21], 2014 Al alloy [22],
deformation routes (SPD) [3]. It has been reported that the combination AA2219-T87 Al alloy [23], Cu-Cr-Zr-alloy [24], 6016 Al alloy [25],
of UFG and coarser materials could improve the wear resistance, fatigue 6061 Al alloy [26], Zircaloy-2 [27], Ni-alloys [28], and Fe-36% Ni alloy
crack initiation resistance and corrosion resistance of materials [4,5]. [29]. Xiong et al., reported that the yield strength and the ultimate
Different SPD techniques such as equal channel angular pressing tensile strength of Fe-25Cr-20Ni steel processed by CR were 2.3 and 1.5
(ECAP) [6,7], equal channel angular rolling (ECAR) [8], high pressure times of the original un-deformed sample, and the toughness increased
torsion (HPT) [9,10], extrusion compression (CEC) [11], constrained by 27% [20]. The yield strength of 6082 Al alloy after CR has increased
groove pressing (CGP) [12], multi-axial forging (MAF) [13], cyclic and to 353 MPa (17.7% increase), 424 MPa (41.3%) and 488 MPa (62.7%)
accumulative roll bonding (ARB) [14], and cryorolling (CR) have been for 40%, 70% and 90% thickness reductions, respectively [20]. Joshi

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (N. Kumar).
Received 2 November 2017; Received in revised form 13 February 2018; Accepted 13 February 2018
Available online 15 February 2018
0167-8442/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
N. Kumar et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 95 (2018) 28–41

et al., reported that cryorolled sample shows improved HCF strength in the form of 50 mm thick plate. Samples of dimension
when compared to solution treated alloy due to the formation of ul- 100 mm × 60 mm × 25 mm were cut from the plate for further pro-
trafined grains [22]. Babu et al., reported that after CR, the yield cessing.
strength, the hardness, and the impact strength of the alloy have im-
proved up to 14% in AA2219-T87 Al alloy [23]. Zhang et al., reported
that the ultimate tensile strength of the cryorolled and aged Cu-Cr-Zr 2.2. Heat treatments
alloy was 690.13 MPa, which shows an increase of 23.4% and 44.3%
when compared with the CR and RTR samples [24]. Shoar et al., re- Solution treatment of 6082-T6 Al alloy was performed to dissolve
the precipitates into the α-Al-matrix and to form equi-axed grains. For
ported that the yield strength of the alloy after solution treatment has
increased from 61 MPa to 268 MPa and the ultimate tensile strength the solution treatment, the samples were kept in muffle furnace at
540 °C for 24 h and immediately followed by water quenching at room
from 133.7 MPa to 297 MPa after CR of 6061 Al alloy [26]. Trivedi
et al., reported that the tensile strength of zircaloy-2 has increased from temperature [37]. Short annealing of the 75% cryorolled (CR + AN)
and the 75% room temperature rolled (RTR + AN) samples at 200 °C
as received (592 MPa) to CR + AN (400 °C) (842 MPa) and CR + AN
(450 °C) (726 MPa), respectively [27]. The cryorolled Fe-36% Ni alloy for 1 h in muffle furnace was also carried out followed by water
quenching at room temperature.
has also shown high ultimate tensile strength of 1110 MPa, whereas
RTR sample showed low UTS value of 810 MPa [29].
Unfortunately, UFG materials processed by CR has not been widely 2.3. Cryorolling (CR) and room temperature rolling (RTR)
used in engineering structures since their fracture strength is not well
studied. Only very limited literature is available on relating the fracture The CR and RTR of the 6082 Al alloy were carried out up to 75%
toughness of metals with their UFG structure. Moreover, the available thickness reductions at a true strain of 1.38. Prior to each CR pass, the
literature on the fracture strength of UFG materials contradicts one samples were dipped in liquid nitrogen for 15 min to ensure a tem-
another. For example, UFG tungsten alloy exhibits higher fracture perature of −196 °C was maintained. During CR, liquid nitrogen tem-
toughness (29 MPa·m1/2) when compared to the initial condition perature was maintained by pouring liquid nitrogen unto the samples
(9 MPa·m1/2) [30]. The fracture toughness of UFG pure copper pro- during processing and the samples were also dipped in liquid nitrogen
duced by CGP and Al 7075 alloy processed by ECAP have also shown container immediately after each pass. In RTR, the same procedure was
higher fracture toughness when compared with the initial conditions adopted as in case of CR, but instead of liquid nitrogen, tap water was
[31,32]. However, Sabirov et al., reported that UFG nickel processed by used. The CR and RTR were performed by applying a thickness re-
HPT and commercially pure titanium alloy processed by ECAP show duction of 0.4 mm in each pass to obtain the final thickness of 6.25 mm.
lower fracture toughness when compared with the initial conditions The initial thickness (25 mm) was chosen due to constraint of the la-
[33]. Hohenwarter et al., reported that UFG iron shows lower fracture boratory rolling machine and the thickness after processing, 6.25 mm
toughness when compared to the bulk sample [34]. Ultrafined grained was chosen to ensure the formation of ultrafined grains in the 6082 Al
Ti processed by ECAP and UFG Ni processed by HPT also have lower alloy [36] and to follow the thickness criteria according to ASTM
fracture toughness when compared with the initial samples [33,35]. E1820-13.
To the best of our knowledge, only the plane strain fracture
toughness (KI) of UFG metals have been published to some extent in
open literature. Studies conducted to relate the plane stress fracture 2.4. Mechanical characterization
toughness (JI) of UFG metals processed by CR to their microstructure
are very rare. In the present work, the plane stress fracture toughness of The effects of CR, RTR, CR + AN, RTR + AN were studied in terms
6082 Al alloy produced by cryorolling is reported for the first time. The of the critical plane stress fracture toughness (JIc). The plane stress
rolling was performed at two different temperatures: (i) liquid nitrogen fracture toughness test was performed on Instron 8802 machine.
temperature (≈−196 °C), and (ii) room temperature (≈25 °C), to in- Compact tension (CT) samples (shown in Fig. 1) were machined parallel
vestigate the influence of deformation temperature on the secondary to the rolling direction according to the ASTM E1820-13 for evaluating
phase particles and grain refinement and correlate it with the plane plane stress fracture toughness test. For each test condition, at least 4
stress fracture toughness of the 6082 Al alloy. To correlate the mor- samples were tested for reproducibility of the results. The parameter
phology of precipitates with the fracture toughness, annealing was also used during the plane stress fracture toughness (J1) tests were as fol-
performed after processing at 200 °C. Samples with similar conditions lows: (i) Bedding in cycle number: 10, (ii) Bedding in frequency (Hz): 1,
along with similar features of grain refinements, secondary phase par- (iii) Bedding in Amplitude: 1200 N, (iv) Load point displacement (LPD)
ticles and precipitation from EBSD and TEM studies obtained in our start point for load/unload: 0.2 mm, (v) LPD increment for load/un-
earlier study [36] were adopted for the present study. It is important to load: 0.02 mm, (vi) Unload percent from peak: 20%, (vii) Number of
note that to calculate the plane strain fracture toughness, the thickness load/unload sequences: 200, (viii) Number of data points in unload
of the sample should be large. However, in the case of plane stress segment: 100, and (ix) Break detect percent: 50%.
fracture toughness test, small thickness of the sample is sufficient. In the
present work, the JIC is also used to calculate the critical plane stress
fracture toughness (KJIC) of the UFG 6082 Al alloy, keeping the thick-
ness constrains in mind. By using this approach, the constraint of high
thickness needed to maintain plane strain condition for calculating the
plane strain fracture toughness can be avoided.

2. Experimental study

2.1. Materials

In the present work, 6082-T6 Al alloy with a chemical composition

of (wt%) Al: 96.31, Si: 1.35, Mg: 0.67, Mn: 0.72, Fe: 0.248, Zn: 0.12,
Cu: 0.062, Cr: 0.0698, Ti: 0.045 and the remaining impurity was used.
Fig. 1. The Compact tension (CT) sample was prepared according to ASTM E1820-13.
The alloy was procured from Hindalco Industries Ltd. Mumbai, India

N. Kumar et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 95 (2018) 28–41

Fig. 2. The Load point displacement (LPD) Vs Load curve for: (a) CR, (b) RTR, (c), CR + AN and (d) RTR + AN sample, of 6082 Al alloy.

2.5. Metallurgical characterization fracture toughness (KI)-test, specimen thickness should be high. The in-
valid KI-test was highlighted due to the failure to meet the sample
The metallurgical characterizations of the CR, RTR, CR + AN and thickness criteria in UFG material. Therefore, a conditional fracture
RTR + AN samples were carried out using SEM and EBSD in FE-SEM toughness (KQ) was evaluated and reported in the literature [38–40]. The
Quanta 200 machine operated at 10 kV and 25 kV, respectively. To J-Integral was evaluated to account for the elastic-plastic behavior of the
study the minute surface microstructural features in the broken CT materials. A small thickness specimen is required for the plane stress
sample after testing, detailed investigation using SEM was done. To fracture toughness (JI)-test with a large size of plastic zone at the vicinity
ensure conductivity during the fractography study, silver paste and of the crack tip. Begley and Landes developed an experimental technique
copper tape were used. To study the influence of crack growth on strain based on J-Integral [41]. They used CT specimens with different initial
accumulation inside the grains, an EBSD study was carried out. For the crack length, and the load-displacement relation for each specimen was
EBSD, the surface of the sample was polished like mirror before the obtained on a tensile test machine. To investigate the J-integrals in the
mechanical testing, and after the testing, electro-polishing was per- present work, two approaches were used (i) Load point displacement
formed using the parameters that are available in the literature [15,36]. (LPD)-Load curve, and (ii) J integral-Resistance curve (J-R Curve).
The step size used during the EBSD scanning was 0.05 µm. The kernel
average missorentation (KAM) maps/KAM-bar charts (for average KAM 3.1.1. Load point displacement (LPD)-load curve
value) were obtained by first performing grain dilation at the following The plane stress fracture toughness was calculated on the basis of LPD-
conditions: (i) Grain tolerance angle, 5°and (ii) Minimum grain size, Load curve theory given by the following equation (ASTM E1820-13).
100 nm. Then, again by providing the following conditions, (i) Nearest
neighbor-1st, (ii) Maximum orientation, 5-degree, (iii) perimeter only K 2 (1−v 2)
J= + Jpl
and finally, the KAM maps/KAM-bar chart (for average KAM value) E (1)
were obtained. where

3. Results and discussion

P ⎢

{ (2 + a
w w
a 2
) ⎡⎣0.886 + 4.64 ( )−13.32 ( )
+ 14.72 ( ) −5.6 ( ) ⎤⎦ } ⎤⎥
a 3
a 4

BN W ⎢ a 3/2 ⎥
3.1. Plane stress fracture toughness (JIC) ⎢

(1− )

The UFG materials produced by SPD techniques have a small thick- (2)
ness. However, to meet the plane strain condition during plane strain and

N. Kumar et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 95 (2018) 28–41

ηpl Apl Δa points that fail inside the area enclosed by these two parallel lines
Jpl =
BN b (3) and capped by Jlimit, (vi) Plot a line parallel to the construction and
exclusion lines at an offset value of 0.2 mm, (vii) From the intersection
In Eqs. (1)–(3), Apl is the area under the LPD-Load curve from the
point of 0.15 mm exclusion line and J-R curve, a line was drawn on
origin up to the maximum load as shown in Fig. 2, BN is the net spe-
abscissa to find Δamin, (viii) From the intersection point of 1.5 mm ex-
cimen thickness (BN = B, the thickness of the sample, if no side grooves
clusion line and J-R curve, a line was drawn on the abscissa to find
are present), W is the width of the sample, K is the stress intensity
Δalimit, (ix) At least five data points must remain between Δamin, Δalimit,
factor, v is the Poisson ratio, E is the Young modulus of rigidity, a is the
and Jlimit to validate plane stress fracture toughness. By adopting the
crack length, and b is the uncrack ligament given by:
stated procedures, the J-R curve is constructed for CR, RTR, CR + AN
b = (W −a), (4) and RTR + AN samples, as shown in Fig. 3. The conditional plane stress
fracture toughness (JQ) is found to be CR (49 kJ/m2), RTR (31 kJ/m2),
CR + AN, (69 kJ/m2) and RTR + AN (39 kJ/m2) samples, respectively,
b as evident from Fig. 3.
ηpl = 2 + 0.522
W (5) The following criteria must be satisfied in order to consider whether
In the case of the Al alloys: E = 70 GPa, v = 0.33. For CR + AN the conditional plane stress fracture toughness obtained through the J-R
sample, the value of ηpl (from Eq. (5)) is 2.273 and the value of Apl is curve theory above is the critical plane stress fracture toughness (ASTM
found to be 6370 N-mm (from Fig. 2(c)). Thus, using Eq. (3), the value E1820-13):
of Jpl is found to be 88.44 kJ/m2 and using Eq. (2), the value of K is 10JQ
calculated as 266.624 N/mm2. By substituting these values of K and Jpl Thickness, B >
σY (8)
in Eq. (1), the plane stress fracture toughness of the CR + AN sample is
found to be 89.34 kJ/m2. Similarly, the value of the plane stress frac- 10JQ
Unbroken ligament, b >
ture toughness for CR, RTR, and RTR + AN samples are found to be σY (9)
86.5 kJ/m2, 28 kJ/m2 and 36 kJ/m2, respectively.
Using Eqs. (8) and (9), the minimum thickness and the minimum
In order to validate whether the calculated fracture toughness ob-
unbroken ligament required for validating the critical fracture plane
tained through LPD-Load curve theory is the critical fracture toughness
stress fracture toughness are 1.96 mm for CR, 1.319 mm for RTR,
(JIC), the following constraints required on the specimen must be met
2.379 mm for CR + AN and 1.444 mm RTR + AN samples, respectively.
In the present work, the sample thickness (6.25 mm) and unbroken li-
25JIC gament (26.2 mm) were used, which were far higher than the minimum
σf (6) requirements obtained for the different processed conditions. There-
fore, it can be inferred that the values of these parameters obtained via
B⩾ the J-R curve for all the processing conditions satisfied both criteria in
σf (7) Eqs. (8) and (9). Thus, based on the J-R curve, the values of the critical
where B is the thickness of the sample, σf is the yield strength and JIC is plane stress fracture toughness (JIC) are 49 kJ/m2 for CR, 31 kJ/m2 for
the critical plane stress fracture toughness. To validate the critical plane RTR, 69 kJ/m2 for CR + AN, and 39 kJ/m2 for RTR + AN samples.
stress fracture toughness, the values of the plane stress fracture
toughness (89.34 kJ/m2) and the yield strength (290 MPa) [36] of the 3.1.3. Comparison between the LPD-Load curve and J-R curve
CR + AN sample are substituted in Eqs. (6) and (7). Based on Eqs. (6) The values of the plane stress fracture toughness for RTR and
and (7), the minimum unbroken ligament (b) and the minimum thick- RTR + AN samples calculated using the LPD-Load curve are nearly the
ness (B) required to validate the critical plane stress fracture toughness same as those calculated using the J-R curve theory. These values also
is 8.93 mm. Similarly, the required minimum unbroken ligament and satisfy the required constraints in Eqs. (6)–(9). However, for CR and
minimum thickness calculated for CR, RTR and RTR + AN sample is CR + AN samples, the values of the critical plane stress fracture
7.45 mm, 2.98 mm and 3.32 mm, respectively. toughness calculated via the LPD-Load curve did not satisfy the re-
In the present work, the thickness of the sample was 6.25 mm and quired constraint in Eq. (7). The J-R curve predicts lower critical plane
the unbroken ligament was 26.2 mm. Therefore it can be inferred that stress fracture toughness for these samples and satisfies the required
the value of “B” obtained for the CR and CR + AN samples did not constraints in Eqs. (8) and (9). The findings from this study have shown
satisfy the criterion in Eq. (7). However, the values of both “b” and “B” that the plane stress fracture toughness calculated from J-R curve is
obtained for the RTR and the RTN + AN met the criteria in both Eqs. more accurate when compared to that obtained using the LPD-Load
(6) and (7). It is can be inferred therefore that due to failure to meet curve. Thus, the values of the critical plane strain fracture toughness
both of the thickness criteria, the calculated plane stress fracture (JIC) for CR (49 kJ/m2), RTR (31 kJ/m2), CR + AN (69 kJ/m2) and
toughness is a conditional fracture toughness (JQ) for CR and CR + AN RTR + AN (39 kJ/m2) samples, respectively were obtained based on
sample, whereas for RTR and RTR + AN samples, the calculated frac- the J-R curve theory.
ture toughness for each sample is the critical fracture toughness (JIC).
3.1.4. JI-assisted critical plane strain fracture toughness (KJIc )
3.1.2. J-Integral-Resistance curve (J-R Curve) The critical plane strain fracture toughness (KJIc ) was calculated
To validate the improvement in the plane stress fracture toughness from the critical plane stress fracture toughness using the following
evaluation in the investigated samples, the J-integral values and the equation obtained from the ASTM E1820-13:
corresponding crack extension values (J-R curve) are plotted as shown
E ∗JIc
in Fig. 3. To find the conditional plane stress fracture toughness (JQ), KJIc = √
1−v 2 (10)
the following procedures are adopted as per ASTM E1820-13: (i)
Δa = 0.01 W = 0.5 mm, (ii) Determine a construction line in ac- where is the critical plane stress fracture toughness, E is the Young’s
cordance with the equation given as J = 2σY Δa ; the σY (yield strength) modulus of elasticity (for Al, it is 70 GPa) and is Poisson ratio (for Al it
is obtained from our earlier work [36], (iii) Draw an exclusion line is 0.33). A critical plane fracture toughness KJIc of 106.537 MPa √m was
parallel to the construction line intersecting the abscissa at 0.15 mm, obtained for CR + AN sample by substituting the (69 kJ/m2) value
(iv) Draw a second exclusion line parallel to the construction the line calculated from the J-R curve, E (70 GPa) and v (0.33) in Eq. (10). The
b σ
intersecting the abscissa at 1.5 mm, (v) Find, Jlimit = 07.5Y , (v) Plot all J- same procedure is adopted to obtain the KJIc of CR (89.78 MPa √m),

N. Kumar et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 95 (2018) 28–41

Fig. 3. The J-R curve for: (a) CR, (b) RTR, (c), CR + AN and (d) RTR + AN sample, of 6082 Al alloy.

RTR (71.40 MPa √m) and RTR + AN (80.10 MPa √m) samples, respec- precipitates remained dissolved into the Al-matrix, whereas, after RTR
tively. Obtaining higher thickness sample in most of the SPD techniques only cluster formation (atomic size) occurs. After CR + AN (200 °C) and
is a challenge to the best of our knowledge. By using the present ap- RTR + AN (200 °C) precipitates of average size 20 nm and 70 nm were
proach, the constraint of high thickness required for maintaining plane formed [36].
strain condition for calculating the plane strain fracture toughness can
be avoided.
3.2.2. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) study
The details of the grain size distribution and the dislocation den-
3.2. Microstructural study before fatigue testing sities after CR, RTR, CR + AN and RTR + AN, obtained from a TEM
study, have been reported in our earlier work [36]. After CR and RTR,
3.2.1. Electron Back Scattered Diffraction (EBSD) study the 6082 Al alloy was heavily deformed and showed ill-defined grain
The EBSD maps of the initial state, that is, before fatigue testing of boundaries. The CR sample exhibited heavy dislocations tangles and
CR, RTR, CR + AN (200 °C) and RTR + AN (200 °C) samples have been more deformed area, due to the suppression of recovery at cryogenic
reported in our earlier work [36]. Based on the earlier work, no sec- temperature. However, in the RTR sample, recovery occurs due to high
ondary phase precipitation was found in the CR, RTR, CR + AN and working temperature, which led to low dislocation sites and less de-
RTR + AN from the EBSD maps. The reason for this observation can be formed area. After annealing of the CR sample at 200 °C, precipitates
explained as follows. For the CR sample, secondary phase precipitation (needle shape, β″) came out from the Al matrix with an average size of
was not found from the EBSD map as the precipitates remained dis- 20 nm in length and 1 nm in width. Whereas in RTR sample, after an-
solved in the Al-matrix. However, for the RTR, CR + AN (200 °C) and nealing at 200 °C, precipitates (rod shape, β′) came out from the Al
RTR + AN (200 °C) samples, secondary phase precipitation was not matrix with an average size of 70 nm in length and 3 nm in width.
found due to its very small size (nm). For the EBSD scanning, a step size After annealing at 200 °C, in CR sample, sub grains of 100–500 nm
of 0.05 µm was used. This step size was more than the precipitates size were formed, whereas, in RTR sample sub grain of 400–700 nm were
in the case of RTR and CR + AN sample, whereas, in the case of formed. From the EBSD image of CR, RTR, CR + AN and RTR + AN
RTR + AN sample, the step size (50 nm) was close to the average pre- sample [36], it is clear that two regions are formed: (i) deformed-region
cipitate size (70 nm, obtained from TEM study). Therefore, observing ii) sub grain-region, after annealing. The presence of sub grains-region
precipitates during the EBSD scanning is difficult (instrumentation are more in RTR and RTR + AN samples when compared to CR and
limitation) due to their small size. Thus, a TEM study was done in our CR + AN samples due to low dislocation densities in RTR and
earlier work to investigate the precipitates size [36]. The TEM results RTR + AN samples. Furthermore, needle shaped precipitates produce
(see Section 3.2.2 for additional details) show that after CR, the more pinning effect in CR + AN sample when compared to rod shape

N. Kumar et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 95 (2018) 28–41

precipitates in RTR + AN sample, resulting in higher dislocation den- are more than the critical diameter (1.89 nm).
sity (deformed areas) and smaller size sub grain formation in CR + AN
sample when compared to RTR + AN sample. 3.4. Microstructural study after fatigue testing

3.3. Strengthening mechanism in annealed samples 3.4.1. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) study
The SEM-images of CR, RTR, CR + AN and RTR + AN sample, near
The strengthening mechanisms of precipitates is mostly by shearing the crack tip/crack growth region are shown in Fig. 4. In the CR sample,
and by-passing depending upon the critical diameter (dc ) of the pre- a large fraction of Mg-Si phase comes out from the Al matrix at the
cipitates that can be calculated from the following equation [43]. crack tip as shown in Fig. 4(a), whereas, in RTR sample, a small fraction
4πGm b of Mg-Si phase comes out from the Al matrix at the crack tip as shown in
dc = Fig. 4(b). In CR + AN sample, small size of Mg-Si phase (Si-rich)
GP (11)
emerged from the Al matrix in the crack propagation region, as shown
where Gm & GP are shear modulus of matrix and precipitates respec- in Fig. 4(c), whereas, in RTR + AN sample, Mg-Si phase (Mg-rich)
tively. If the precipitates size <dc , strengthening by shearing occurs and emerged out from the Al matrix at the crack propagation region as
if the precipitates size >dc , strengthening by by-passing occurs. The shown in Fig. 4(d). He et al. [46] reported the dissolution of Mg2Si-
shearing of precipitates provides maximum strengthening by pinning particles after three solution treatment temperature with soaking time.
the grain boundaries and dislocations when compared to by-passing They reported that Mg2Si-particles dissolved more with increasing so-
mechanism. During by-passing mechanism, however, a large number of lution treatment temperature (530 °C, 550 °C, and 570 °C) and the dis-
dislocations are accumulated at the crack tip and promotes stress con- solution of Mg2Si-particles is more affected by solution treatment
centration sites [44]. The fatigue crack initiates from these stress con- temperature instead of soaking time (15 s, 30 s, and 1 min) in AA6014
centration sites and enhance fatigue crack growth. alloy. Vlach et al. [47] observed that Mg-particles dissolved in Al matrix
In our previous work [36], precipitates (Mg2Si) of average size after heat treatment. The main alloying elements in 6xxx-Al alloy are
((20 nm (length) & 1 nm (width), needle shape)) and (70 nm (length) & Mg and Si; these elments combine to form the main strengthening
3 nm (width), rod shape)) were observed in CR + AN and RTR + AN phase, Mg2Si [48]. This phase remains dissolved after solution treat-
sample, respectively. The shear modulus and the Burgers vector (b) of ment and quenching stage [46], but comes out from the Al matrix as a
the Al alloy is 26 GPa and 0.286 nm, respectively [37]. The shear partial precipitate in form of intermetallic compound phases during
modulus of Mg2Si (i.e., 49.2 GPa) was cited from Ref. [45]. By sub- ageing stage [49]. These Mg-Si phases caused intergranular cracking
stituting all these values in Eq. (11), the critical diameter is found to be during fatigue testing in Al-Mg-Si alloy, but after dissolution of Mg-Si
1.89 nm. Based on this calculation, it is expected in the present work phases into the Al-matrix, intergranular cracking is converted to flat
that in CR + AN sample, only when dislocations and grain boundaries planes cracking [50]. It is evident from our earlier work that after CR,
interact at the face (front) of Mg2Si precipitates, strengthening by Mg-Si phases remained dissolved in the α Al-matrix, whereas after RTR,
shearing could predominate since the width of the precipitate (1 nm) is Mg-Si phases emerged out from the Al-matrix due to heating during
less than the critical diameter (1.89 nm). However, for the other in- processing [15,36].
teractions, by-pass mechanism occurs since the length (20 nm) of the While performing the plane stress fracture toughness JI-test, max-
precipitate is greater than the critical diameter. This shows that in imum heat was generated at the crack tip due to plastic blunting of the
CR + AN sample, a mixed mode of strengthening (shearing as well as crack tip. This heat helps in the evolution of Mg-Si phase at the crack tip
by-pass) occurs. In RTR + AN sample, only by-pass mechanism occurs from the Al matrix in the present work. The presence of Mg-Si phase at
since both the width (3 nm) and the length (70 nm) of the precipitates only the crack path in the whole micrograph also supports the evolution

Fig. 4. The Mg-Si phase evolution at crack tip during crack growth for: (a) CR, (b) RTR, (c), CR + AN and (d) RTR + AN sample, of 6082 Al alloy.

N. Kumar et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 95 (2018) 28–41

of these phases due to crack tip blunting as evident from Fig. 4. In the 3.4.2. Electron Back Scattered Diffraction (EBSD) study
CR sample, prior to testing, all Mg-Si phases remain dissolved in the Al The EBSD map of the initial condition of the material (i.e., after
matrix due to the liquid nitrogen temperature. However, during the J1- solution treatment (ST)) is shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen from the
testing of the CR sample, a large fraction of Mg-Si phases evolved from image quality map and KAM map for the ST sample that the crack
the Al matrix, due to plastic blunting of the crack tip, as shown in moved along the grain boundaries (Fig. 5(a) and (b)) and no secondary
Fig. 4(a), whereas a small fraction of Mg-Si phases emerged from the Al- phase precipitation is found. The KAM maps and the image quality
matrix in RTR sample (Fig. 4(b)). The large fraction of evolution of Mg- maps of CR, RTR and annealed samples in the crack propagation region
Si phases in CR sample signifies that during processing, these phases are at the crack tip are shown in Fig. 6. It can be observed from these maps
fully dissolved in the Al-matrix. The small fraction of Mg-Si phase that after fatigue testing, secondary phase precipitations of micron size
evolution in RTR sample signifies the evolution of small fraction of occurs at the crack tip. These results are in accordance with the SEM
these phases during processing itself as shown in Fig. 4(b). In CR + AN micrograph (Fig. 4) in which precipitates were found only in the crack
sample, a small size of Mg-Si phases (Si-rich) emerged out from the Al- path/crack tip. It has been reported in literature that after deformation,
matrix as shown in Fig. 4(c). In CR + AN sample, due to annealing at the stresses can be enhanced at grain boundaries due to the formation
200 °C, a major fraction of Mg-Si-phases emerged from the Al matrix of dislocation pile-ups [51–53]. In this case, the relation between the
during the JI-testing. This led to the evolution of the remaining small flow stress and the average grain boundary spacing DB is given as
fraction of the dissolved Mg-Si phases from the Al-matrix as shown in [51–53]:
Fig. 4(c). After annealing at 200 °C in RTR sample, Mg-Si phases (Mg-
rich) come out from the Al matrix due to crack tip blunting as shown in σf = σ0 + k2 DB−1/2 (12)
Fig. 4(d). In RTR sample, during processing itself, a major fraction of
Mg-Si phases evolved from the Al matrix and after annealing at 200 °C, where σf is the flow stress, DB is the average boundary spacing, σ0 is
the remaining Mg-Si phases come out from the Al matrix. This led to a friction stress and k2 is a constant. In the present work, due to frag-
evolution of the remaining dissolved Mg-Si phases from the Al-matrix mentation of grains, the grains size is reduced (space between grain
during the JI-testing in RTR + AN sample. boundaries is reduced) and dislocations were piled up at the grain
The fracture toughness study as reported in the previous section boundaries in CR, RTR, CR + AN and RTR + AN samples. These two
shows that CR + AN sample has the highest plane stress fracture reasons might be strengthening the grain boundaries area as compared
toughness in comparison to all other samples investigated in the present to parent Al-matrix. However, due to heterogeneous deformation
work. In CR + AN sample, a major fraction of Mg-Si phases evolved during CR and RTR, the Al-matrix is stronger in some portion than the
from the Al- matrix and a small fraction of Mg-Si phases remain dis- grain boundary areas. In the present work, it is proposed that in the ST
solved into the Al-matrix [15,36], which comes out from the Al-matrix sample, due to weak grain boundaries area, crack moves along the grain
during the JI-test. The evolution of small sized Mg-Si phases during the boundaries (intergranular crack movement), whereas, in the case of CR,
JI-testing caused crack branches and slowed down the crack propaga- RTR, CR + AN and RTR + AN samples, heterogeneous crack propaga-
tion. Whereas in CR and RTR samples, large size Mg-Si phases evolved tions (intergranular and transgranular crack movement) occur due to
out from the Al matrix, in which crack is easily passed underneath the heterogeneous deformation. It is well known that precipitates remained
particles layers due to their large sizes as shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b). In dissolved and evolved into the Al-matrix and in the grain, respectively.
RTR + AN sample, large sized Mg-rich particles evolved out from the Therefore, in the ST sample, due to the crack movement along the grain
Al-matrix, in these particles, crack is easily passed underneath of them, boundary, no secondary phase precipitation is observed (Fig. 5).
due to their large sizes as shown in Fig. 4(d)). It can be concluded based Whereas, in the case of CR, RTR, CR + AN and RTR + AN samples,
on the present section that partial dissolution and partial evolution of when crack moves in transgranular form, due to heat generation of
Mg-Si phases are ideal for improving the plane stress fracture toughness plastic blunting of the crack tip, precipitates evolved from the Al-matrix
of the UFG material. and interact with the crack path (Fig. 6). Thus, it can be inferred that
secondary phase precipitation occurs during transgranular failure only

Fig. 5. The (a) image quality (IQ) map and (b) kernel average missorentation (KAM) map of solution treated (ST) 6082 Al alloy.

N. Kumar et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 95 (2018) 28–41

Fig. 6. The image quality (IQ) maps and kernel average missorentation (KAM) maps of: (a) CR, (b) RTR, (c), CR + AN and (d) RTR + AN sample, of 6082 Al alloy.

as evident from the present study. sample shows the highest plane stress fracture toughness among the
The EBSD micrographs have lots of non-indexed point due to three investigated samples.
reasons: (i) cracks, (ii) precipitates, and (iii) strain accumulation. The
high KAM and crack branches can be seen only in the CR + AN sample
when compared to CR, RTR and RTR + AN sample (Fig. 6(c)). The high 3.4.3. Fractography study
KAM and crack branches are observed in CR + AN sample, due to As reported in Ref. [54], cracks are initiated at surface/near-sub
precipitation of small size Mg-Si (Si-rich) precipitates during testing surface, secondary phase particles/precipitates and grow along high
(Fig. 6(c)), which is also confirmed by the SEM study. The CR sample shear stress planes. The crack propagation region is identified as a re-
(Fig. 6(a)) has higher KAM when compared to RTR or RTR + AN gion of slip bands initiation at high shear stress planes, leaving behind
sample. The reason for the high KAM in CR sample is due to the pre- ripples. These ripples are formed due to plastic blunting and re-shar-
cipitation of large sized Mg-Si phase from α Al- matrix during testing pening of the crack tip. Final rupture region contained ductile dimples,
and highly deformed microstructure after CR. The size of Mg-Si phase transgranular facets, intergranular failure, mixed mode of failure and
that evolved is larger in CR sample relative to RTR sample, as observed many more features depending on the conditions and type of materials.
from the results of the SEM study.
The stored energy per unit volume in the material can be obtained
by using the KAM given by [37]. Globular view. The globular views of fractured samples for the
CR, RTR, CR + AN and RTR + AN samples are shown in Fig. 8. The
1 αθGb
E= αρGb2 ≈ fractography area is divided into three region: (i) crack initiation (ii)
2 2d (13)
crack propagation (iii) final rupture. The boundary line between the
where ‘α ’ is the dislocation geometric constant, ρ is the dislocation three regions are approximate boundary line. This is because Fig. 8
density per unit area, G is the shear modulus, ‘b’ is the Burgers vectors, images were first taken at higher magnification to identify the regions,
‘G’ is the shear modulus, ‘θ ’ is the KAM and ‘D’ is the step size which is then taking to low magnification to draw the boundaries between three
0.05 µm in the present work. It is obvious from Eq. (13) that high KAM different regions. While drawing boundary lines, some regions were
value corresponds to high stored energy. The KAM-bar charts were over lapped, so these regions/boundary lines are approximate. It can be
analyzed to calculate the average KAM as shown in Fig. 7. The average seen from Fig. 8 that an area of ductile fracture is found in CR, RTR and
KAM value for the ST, CR, RTR, CR + AN (200 °C) and RTR + AN RTR + AN samples as shown by dotted circles in the final rupture
(200 °C) are 0.69-degree, 1.45-degree, 1.20-degree 1.58-degree, and regions. Whereas in CR + AN sample, ductile fractures region is absent
1.07-degree, respectively. It is evident from the present section that and transgranular facets are found even in the final rupture region
CR + AN sample shows high KAM, indicating higher amount of energy (Fig. 11(c), discussed further in rupture region section). The CR + AN
stored in the CR + AN sample. The energy stored during crack growth sample reveals the sub grains of around 100–500 nm size and most of
is the energy required for creating two new surfaces according to the areas remain deformed [36]. These small size hard precipitates,
Griffith criteria. It can be inferred from the present work that the high small size sub grain and deformed areas promote strengthening by
KAM (stored energy) in CR + AN sample, denotes the high load re- shearing, are responsible for the appearance of transgranular facets
quired during crack growth. According to the Griffith criteria, CR + AN even in the rupture region.

N. Kumar et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 95 (2018) 28–41

Fig. 7. The kernel average misorentation bar chart of: (a) ST, (b) CR, (c) RTR, (d), CR + AN and (e) RTR + AN sample, of 6082 Al alloy.

Fig. 8. Globular view of fractures samples of: (a) CR, (b) RTR, (c), CR + AN and (d) RTR + AN sample, of 6082 Al alloy.

N. Kumar et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 95 (2018) 28–41

Fig. 9. Crack initiation region of: (a) CR, (b) RTR, (c), CR + AN and (d) RTR + AN sample, of 6082 Al alloy. Crack initiation region. Results: The fractograph of the crack established that in the absence of particles and grain boundaries, void
initiation region for the CR, RTR, CR + AN and RTR + AN samples are initiation occurs at deformation-induced dislocation boundaries. Re-
shown in Fig. 9. In the CR sample (Fig. 9(a)), the secondary phase lieving of the stored strain energy associated with the deformation-in-
particles were small in size, whereas, in RTR sample, secondary phase duced boundaries is the primary mechanism for void initiation [55]. In
particles of large size were found all over the region (Fig. 9(b)). In CR CR + AN sample, due to the rearrangement of dislocations, sub grains
sample (Fig. 9a), sub surface crack initiation sites were found, whereas, of 100–500 nm size were formed [36]. After annealing at 200 °C in CR
in RTR sample near-surface crack initiation sites were formed samples, very small size sub grains are formed due to the pinning effects
(Fig. 9(b)). In CR + AN sample, shallow ridges and micro-voids are produced by β″-precipitates [36]. These small size sub grains were
found as shown in Fig. 9(c), whereas in RTR + AN sample, lesser surrounded by deformation-induced boundaries or dislocations [36].
shallow ridges, and micro crack are found as shown in Fig. 9(d). These When the crack front interacts with the grain boundary of sub grain
shallow ridges are parallel fatigue patches and might have fine fatigue (surrounded by heavy dislocations), the energy is relieved and as a
striations. result, micro void formation occurs in the CR + AN sample. Micro-
Discussion: In CR sample, due to the liquid nitrogen temperature, crack is formed in RTR + AN sample due to de-bonding of secondary
secondary phase particles are fragmented to smaller value, whereas in phase particles/β′-precipitates from the Al-matrix [15,36]. Overall, the
RTR sample, large size secondary phase particles are found [15,36]. CR sample has a high crack initiation life due to the presence of small
This may be the reason for the secondary phase particles that are all size secondary phase particles. In CR + AN sample, due to presence of
over the region in RTR sample (Fig. 9(b)). The crack initiation life has β″-precipitates, crack initiation life increases even after annealing.
increased in CR sample due to the following: (i) large residual com-
pressive stresses are produced due to the the liquid nitrogen tempera-
ture in CR sample. This might be a reason for the change of the crack Crack propagation region. Results: The fractographs of the crack
initiation site from near surface to sub surface in CR sample, (ii) The propagation region for CR, RTR, CR + AN and RTR + AN samples are
fatigue crack initiation sites became flat due to the fragmentation of shown in Fig. 10. Fig. 10(a) indicates mixed mode of failure (i.e.,
secondary phase particles in CR sample. In RTR sample, due to large intergranular failure as well as cleavage transgranular failure) in the CR
size of secondary phase particles, large stress is accumulated on parti- sample. In the RTR sample, intergranular failure is found as shown in
cles during testing and further crack is initiated as saturation limit Fig. 10(b). The fraction of secondary phase particles are more in RTR
reached, as shown in Fig. 9(b). sample when compared to CR sample (Fig. 10(a) and (b)). In CR + AN
It was reported that voids initiated at and grew along dislocation sample, transgranular facets, micro-void and few micro-cracks are
cell and cell block boundaries created by plastic deformation [55]. In found as shown in Fig. 10(c), whereas in RTR + AN sample, less
general, a high density of deformation-induced boundaries was ob- transgranular facets, micro-void and micro-cracks are observed as
served near the voids [55]. The Wilsdorf's 1983 seminal review [56] shown in Fig. 10(d). It is evident from Fig. 10(c) and (d) that the
orientation of fatigue striation is different from patch to patch. This

N. Kumar et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 95 (2018) 28–41

Fig. 10. Crack propagation region of: (a) CR, (b) RTR, (c), CR + AN and (d) RTR + AN sample, of 6082 Al alloy.

signifies that crack path and crack front direction are changing during and βˈ(Mg-rich) precipitates, respectively. The micro-void formed in the
the crack propagation (crack path is tortuous instead of linear). The CR + AN sample is due to interaction of crack path with the grain
fraction of tortuous crack path is more in CR + AN sample (Fig. 10(c)). boundary of sub grain (surrounding by heavy dislocations). Similar
Discussion: It was reported that intergranular failure and cleavage results were obtained by Carvalho et al. [44]. In RTR + AN sample,
transgranular failure are influenced by the Mg-Si phases and hard in- secondary phase particle is found inside micro-void as evident from
termetallic particles, respectively [50]. In CR sample, cleavage trans- Fig. 10(d). This feature indicates that micro-void formed in RTR + AN
granular failure is due to heavy deformation during processing and sample was due to de-cohesion of secondary phase particles from Al
intergranular failure is due to secondary phase particles. As reported in matrix during crack propagation. The micro-cracks are absent in the CR
our earlier work, after solution treatment, the average grain size of the and the RTR samples, which were formed due to β″ (Si-rich) pre-
6082 Al alloy was 85.7 µm [37]. After CR some grains of 6082 Al alloy cipitates and β′ (Mg-rich) precipitates. The fraction of micro cracks in
were severely deformed, which showed high dislocation densities [36]. RTR + AN sample are more due to large size of β′ (Mg-rich) pre-
When the crack interacts with these heavily deformed grain, the whole cipitates. These coarser precipitates served as stress raiser sites and
grain is ruptured; leaving behind high energy features like transgra- when stresses were saturated at precipitates, micro-cracks are formed.
nular facets. This is the mechanism responsible for the formation of In CR sample shearing mechanism dominates due to small size of β″ (Si-
transgranular facets in CR sample of several micrometers (Fig. 10(a)). rich) precipitates, and therefore less stress is accumulated at pre-
During testing, more strains are accumulated at the secondary phase cipitates, which led to small fraction of micro-cracks.
particles and the binding strength of grain boundaries are weakened by
secondary phase particles. This further contributed to intergranular
cracking in CR sample. In RTR sample, due to high fraction of sec- Rupture region. Results: The fractography of the rupture region
ondary phase particles, the binding strength of grain boundaries are in the CR, RTR, CR + AN and RTR + AN samples are shown in Fig. 11.
further weakened leading to intergranular cracking all over the region. In CR sample, flat dimples, transgranular facets, and elongated dimples
In CR + AN sample, hardenable β″-precipitates (Si-rich) and in are found as shown in Fig. 11(a). In RTR sample, elongated dimples and
RTR + AN sample, semi-hardenable β′-precipitates (Mg-rich) come out ductile rupture dimples are found as shown in Fig. 11(b). In CR + AN
from the Al matrix [15,36]. These precipitates are absent in CR and RTR sample, transgranular facets, flat circular dimples and in-depth
sample [15,36]. The transgranular facets may be formed due to β″ (Si- elongated dimples are found as shown in Fig. 11(c). In RTR + AN
rich) and β′(Mg-rich) precipitates. The fraction of transgranular facets sample, elongated dimples with containing secondary phase particles
in CR + AN sample is more due to more crack path hindrance produced are found all over the region as shown in Fig. 11(d).
by β″ (Si-rich) precipitates when compared to β′ (Mg-rich) precipitates Discussion: It can be seen from Fig. 11(a) that secondary phase
in RTR sample. The more tortuous crack path in CR + AN sample re- particles are present in the elongated dimples. The interface between
lative to RTR + AN sample, might be due to β″ (Si-rich) precipitates the secondary phase particles and the Al-matrix is weak. The elongated
dimples might be formed due to de-bonding of the secondary phase

N. Kumar et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 95 (2018) 28–41

Fig. 11. Final rupture region of: (a) CR, (b) RTR, (c), CR + AN and (d) RTR + AN sample, of 6082 Al alloy.

particles from the Al matrix. The flat dimples and transgranular facets (1) The plane stress fracture toughness calculated from the J-R curve
are the features of heavy deformation during processing. The fraction fulfilled all the constraints required for critical fracture toughness
and depth of sheared dimples in the RTR sample are more when com- for all the processing routes, while the fracture toughness calculated
pared to the CR sample, due to larger size of secondary phase particles. from LPD-Load curve failed to fulfil the critical fracture toughness
The ductile fine dimples are formed due to two reasons: (i) stress-re- constraints for the CR and CR + AN samples. Based on the present
lieving during RTR, and (ii) formation of recovered grains. Transgra- work results, The J-R curve gives more accurate plane stress frac-
nular facets and flat circular dimples are absent in CR sample, these ture toughness correlated to LPD-Load curve. The values of the
features that appeared in the CR + AN sample may be due to β″ (Si- critical plane stress fracture toughness (JIC) obtained are: CR
rich) precipitates interaction with the crack path. In-depth elongated (49 kJ/m2), RTR (31 kJ/m2), CR + AN (69 kJ/m2) and RTR + AN
dimples are formed due to coarsening of secondary phase particles as a (39 kJ/m2) samples, respectively from the J-R curve.
result of the annealing of CR sample. In RTR + AN sample, inter- (2) The Mg-Si phases evolved at the crack tip during crack propagation
granular fracture predominates all over the region and only a small area as evident from SEM study. The large sized Mg-Si phase evolution
related to transgranular facets. The grain boundaries failed to impede from the Al-matrix also verified the complete dissolution of Mg-Si
crack path when coarser secondary phase particles are present at the phase in the α-Al-matrix during CR, while in other samples, small
grain boundaries [57]. The binding strength of the grain boundaries is size Mg-Si phase represents the evolution of precipitates before
weakened by the coarse secondary phase particles [57]. As a result of testing.
these factors, intergranular fractures predominate in RTR + AN sample. (3) The highest KAM and crack branches were found in CR + AN
The small fraction of transgranular facets is observed due to βˈ (Mg- sample due to the precipitation of Si-rich precipitates, when com-
rich) precipitates in RTR + AN sample. pared to CR, RTR and RTR + AN samples.
(4) Large fraction of shallow ridges, micro-void formation due to crack
interaction with grain boundaries, random fatigue patches, trans-
4. Conclusions granular facets and flat circular dimples were found on fracture
surface of CR + AN samples. These features were the symbols of
In the present work, 6082 Al alloy subjected to CR, RTR and an- mixed mode of failure and are responsible for its high plane stress
nealing was investigated for plane stress fracture toughness. The fracture toughness.
amount of energy stored during crack propagation in the processed (5) To maintain the plane strain condition while measuring the plane
6082 Al alloys was evaluated in terms of KAM and various features that strain fracture toughness, large thickness samples is essential. In most
evolved on the surface of the fractured samples obtained through EBSD of the SPD study, the thickness of samples is small after processing.
and SEM studies. The following conclusions are made based on present The thickness of samples is a major constraint in UFG metals to
investigation: maintain the plane strain conditions. By using the critical plane stress

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