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Cooke 1

TJ Cooke

Ms. Dill

English IV

31 October 2023

Talkative TJ

I wasn’t a bad kid—just talkative. I remember my first grade teacher instructing me to

move my star card from green, to yellow, then red. All my classmates watched in fear like I’d

been charged with a crime. I was the laughing stock all because of my outgoing personality.

Melting into my seat, I felt the condemnatory eyes of my peers burning into my skin. The little

ping pong ball of ideas in my head wasn’t done bouncing around; I needed to let the thoughts out

to alleviate the itch in my mind. What did my teacher want me to do?

As I matured, I harnessed the ivory-colored sphere, as well as the green, yellow, and red

of the past, using them as the basis of the person I am today. Throughout my life, people

described me as a “people person” while others identified my “gift of gab.” The latter phrase has

negative connotations, but I see it as a true gift. As Lady Gaga once said, I was born this way,

people! My gift tells me exactly what to say and when to say it: I express my thoughts and

feelings without restriction. My unique demeanor grants me the ability to make friends wherever

I go because of my “gift of gab.”

Dolce Liberta [translation: sweet freedom], the restaurant I’ve worked at throughout high

school. A workplace turned safe space, the “DL” gave me my Dolce Liberta. My hard work paid

off, working my way from busser to host to finally waiter. I remember when my boss handed me

my green apron: the nights where I felt the sweat beading on my brow were worth it. I was given

the green light; it was time for me to spread my waiter wings. Proudly, I tie my jade-colored
Cooke 2

cape around my waist and approach my tables with my inviting smile and gregarious demeanor. I

ping pong my way around Dolce Liberta, using my gift of gab to provide a warm feeling, similar

to the warm Italian meals I serve. Unlike my teacher, these people appreciate my loquaciousness.

Although each shift feels slightly less like “Waitress: The Musical” and more like an episode of

“2 Broke Girls,” my job spotlights who I am.

The yellow from my past has transformed into my bright personality. My mastery of

comedic timing, sardonic remarks, and goofy ideas are always sure to put a smile on the faces of

the people I meet. My attributes blossomed on an unexpected day when Isabella, the new girl,

walked into my middle school class. I was the only one who talked to her on her first day. I had

finally found someone who shares my unique gift (and could talk just as much). With her, my

personality is in full bloom. She is my partner in crime, and there is no better feeling than going

for a drive, singing along to “Pocketful of Sunshine'' by Natasha Bedingfield. Rain or shine, I

shower people with my colorful personality.

In high school, I’ve put the star card-pulling days behind me and stepped in the right

direction. Instead of hiding my outgoing identity, I embrace my “gift of gab.” Now, not only am I

verbose, but an excellent listener, filled with love and compassion. Friends confide in me and my

convivial persona connects me with my peers and teachers. Presenting, talking, and leading

became second nature to me. My booming voice echoes throughout the room, displaying my

confidence. That red card, that was once a punishable offense, now symbolizes the love for what

I do and the people I hold close to me.

I’ve reclaimed the colors of my past, creating new symbols of persistence, brightness, and

love. The things I was once punished for are my most celebrated qualities. My chattiness became

my superpower—How funny would it be for my elementary school teacher to see me now!

Cooke 3

Word Count: 649

Objective: To express my outgoing and comforting personality through my work, personal, and

academic life.

Prompt #7

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