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Berserker Monk
Addicted Approach Aing-Tii Order
Bloodstorm Approach Jal Shey Order
Brawling Approach Kage Order
Cyclone Approach Kyuzo Order
Frenzied Approach Kro Var Order
Industrial Approach Trickster Order
Juggernaut Approach Whills Order
Consular Operative
Way of Con uence Disabling Practice
Way of Endurance Lethality Practice
Way of Manipulation Performance Practice
Way of Negation Ru an Practice
Way of the Seer Saboteur Practice
Way of Technology Sawbones Practice
Way of Telekinetics Scrapper Practice
Way of Tutelage Scholar
Engineer Archaeologist Pursuit
Arti cer Engineering Chef Pursuit
Astrotech Engineering Explorer Pursuit
Audiotech Engineering Geneticist Pursuit
Biochem Engineering Slicer Pursuit
Biotech Engineering Zoologist Pursuit
Construction Engineering Scout
Cybertech Engineering Artillerist Technique
Fighter Deadeye Technique
Adept Specialist Illusionist Technique
Blademaster Specialist Inquisitor Technique
Demolitions Specialist Mastermind Technique
Enhancement Specialist Predator Technique
Mounted Specialist Teleportation Technique
Praetorian Specialist Sentinel
Totem Specialist Path of Communion
Guardian Path of the Corsair
Ataru Form Path of Etherealness
Jar'Kai Form Path of Synthesis
Juyo/Vapaad Form Path of Tenacity
Shii-Cho Form Path of Witchcraft
Sokan Form
Trakata Form
Vonil/Ishu Form
Ysannanite Form


For some, the consumption of substances is the
entirety of their life. For berserkers of the Addicted
Approach, substances cause their fury to burn stronger
and deeper, granting signi cant bene ts.

Addicted Approach: 3rd level
You gain pro ciency in your choice of brewer's kit or
spicer's kit. Additionally, you have advantage on saving
throws to avoid the low or addiction to substances.
Lastly, you can consume substances as a bonus action,
and when you do so, you can also enter a rage as a
part of this same bonus action.


Addicted Approach: 3rd level
While you are raging or experiencing the high of a
substance, you have advantage on saving throws that
would force you to act against your will, be frightened,
or prevent you from attacking a creature. If you are
both raging and experiencing the high of a substance,
you are instead immune to e ects that would force
you to act against your will or would prevent you
from attacking a creature.


Addicted Approach: 6th level
While you are raging or experiencing the high of a
substance, when you hit a creature with a melee
weapon attack, you can expend a Hit Die to deal
additional damage to the target. Roll the Hit Die,
adding the result of the die to the damage roll. If you
are both raging and experiencing the high of a
substance, you also add your Constitution modi er to
the damage roll.

Addicted Approach: 10th level
While you are raging or experiencing the high of a
substance, you have blindsight with a range of 10 feet.
If you are both raging and experiencing the high of a
substance, you instead have blindsight with a range of
30 feet. If you would already have blindsight, it instead
increases by 5 feet or 15 feet, respectively.


Addicted Approach: 14th level
While you are both raging and experiencing the high of
a substance, having 0 hit points doesn't knock you
unconscious. You still must make death saving throws,
and you su er the normal e ects of taking damage
while at 0 hit points. However, if you would die due to
failing death saving throws, you don't die until your
rage ends, and you die then only if you still have 0 hit


The Bloodstorm Approach is said to have originated RAGING WHIRLWIND
from the ancient wookiee Hroufrasnooohn clan (which Bloodstorm Approach: 14th level
loosely translates to Bloodstorm in Galactic Basic), You can send your weapon spinning into a gravity-
whose warriors performed gravity-defying feats with defying whirlwind of pain. Once per rage as an action,
their ying vibroaxes through a combination of you may throw a weapon with the thrown property to
unorthodox techniques and a mystical belief in their a point you choose within 60 feet. The weapon lls the
own abilities. A berserker who follows this approach air as a cyclone in a 10 foot radius sphere centered on
can hurl their devastating weapons at enemies with that point. A creature takes damage equal to the
such power and skill that it completely blurs the line thrown weapon's damage + your Strength modi er +
between melee and ranged combat. your Rage Damage when it enter's the whirlwind's area
FURIOUS THROW for the rst time on a turn or starts its turn there. This
e ect ends when you command the weapon to return
Bloodstorm Approach: 3rd level to you (no action required) or your rage ends.
Your throwing techniques have become a perfect
extension of your melee prowess. When you throw a
weapon with which you are pro cient, you can bene t
from your class features that only apply to melee
weapon attacks, such as Rage or Reckless Attack.

Bloodstorm Approach: 3rd level
Any weapon you throw can ricochet back to you at
your command. When you make a thrown weapon
attack, you may have the weapon y back to your hand
immediately after the attack.

Bloodstorm Approach: 6th level
Your strength and mastery of throwing techniques has
allowed you to throw vibroaxes as easily as others hurl
vibrodaggers. When you are wielding a light- or vibro-
weapon with which you are pro cient, it gains the
thrown property (range 20/60).

Bloodstorm Approach: 10th level
You learn to throw creatures as easily as you throw
your weapons. When you successfully grapple a
creature, you may immediately throw the creature.
If the creature is a willing ally and volunteers
to be grappled, you throw the target into any
unoccupied space within 60 feet. That creature
may immediately use its reaction to make one
melee weapon attack, adding your Strength
modi er to the attack's damage roll.
If the creature is an opponent, you throw the target
into any unoccupied space within 30 feet, where it
takes damage equal to your Strength modi er and falls


Most berserkers require weapons. For berserkers of STOP HITTING EACH OTHER
the Brawling Approach, however, everything is their
Brawling Approach: 10th level
You can grapple creatures two sizes larger than you,
FISTS OF FURY instead of one.
Additionally, you can use creatures you have
Brawling Approach: 3rd level grappled that are at least one size smaller than you as
You've learned to hone your rage through your sts. improvised weapons. When you do so, when you hit
Your unarmed strike damage increases by one step with an attack using a creature as a weapon, it takes
(from 1 to d4, d4 to d6, or d6 to d8). damage equal to your Strength modi er. While raging,
RECKLESS STRIKES you can instead use creatures your size or smaller as
improvised weapons.
Brawling Approach: 3rd level
While you are raging, not wearing heavy armor, and ENFORCER
not wielding a shield, when you hit a creature with an Brawling Approach: 14th level
unarmed strike or improvised weapon, you can choose When you would make an unarmed strike or attack
to forgo your rage damage to make the attack a with an improvised weapon with advantage, you can
reckless strike. choose to forgo the advantage. If you do so, your
Some of your reckless strikes require your target to critical hit range increases by 1 for that attack, and on a
make a saving throw to resist the reckless strike's hit, you deal maximum damage instead of rolling.
e ects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Reckless Strike save DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus +

your Strength modi er

You can use these features a combined number of

times equal to your pro ciency bonus, as shown in the
berserker table. You regain all expended uses when
you complete a short or long rest.
You gain temporary hit points equal to your rage
damage bonus. If the target is grappled by you, you
instead gain temporary hit points equal to twice your
rage damage bonus.
Your target must make a Constitution saving throw. On
a failed save, the creature is deafened until the start of
its next turn. If the target is grappled by you, it is
instead incapacitated until the start of its next turn.
Your target must make a Strength or Dexterity saving
throw (the target chooses the ability score to use). On a
failed save, your target is pushed back 5 feet. If the
target is grappled by you, it is instead knocked prone.

Brawling Approach: 6th level
Your rage causes your strikes to overcome the hardest
of materials. While raging, you gain the following
bene ts:
Your unarmed strikes and improved weapons count as
enhanced for the purpose of overcoming resistance
and immunity to unenhanced attacks and damage.
Your unarmed strikes deal double damage against


The Cyclone Approach empowers the berserker's MIGHTY LEAP
ability to ght with weapons in each hand. Followers of Cyclone Approach: 10th level
this approach learn to move quickly to avoid attacks The distance you can jump is doubled, and you do not
and can become a whirlwind of fury and steel, cleaving provoke attacks of opportunity if you leave a hostile
through hordes of enemies. creature's reach while jumping.
Cyclone Approach: 3rd level Cyclone Approach: 14th level
When you engage in Two-Weapon Fighting, you can You can become a tornado of attacks. When you take
add your Strength or Dexterity modi er (your choice) the Attack action on your turn, you can forgo one of
to the damage of your Two-Weapon Fighting attack as your regular attacks to make a melee attack against
long as it doesn't already include that modi er. any number of creatures within 5 feet of you, with a
DOUBLE SWING separate attack roll for each target. If you are wielding
a separate melee weapon in each hand, each
Cyclone Approach: 3rd level successful hit against a target deals damage equal to
Once on each of your turns when you miss with an the damage dice of both weapons + your ability
attack while raging, you can immediately make a melee modi er + any other modi ers.
attack with the weapon in your other hand. You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Strength modi er (a minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you nish a short or
Cyclone Approach: 6th level long rest.
Your unpredictable movement makes you harder to hit
and pin down. When you make a saving throw or
ability checks to avoid being knocked prone, pushed,
grappled, or restrained, it gains a bonus equal to your
Strength or Dexterity modi er (your choice) as long as
it doesn't already include that modi er.


For some berserkers, rage is a means to an end—that
end being violence. The Frenzied Approach is that of
untrammeled fury, slick with blood. As you enter the
berserker's rage, you thrill in the chaos of battle,
heedless of your own health or well-being.

Frenzied Approach: 3rd level
You can go into a frenzy when you enter your rage. If
you do so, for the duration of your rage you can make
a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action on
each of your turns after this one.
The rst time you use this feature, you su er no ill
e ect. If you use this feature again before you nish
a long rest, you su er one level of exhaustion
when your rage ends each time you use
When you nish a long rest, you
reduce your exhaustion level by 2,
instead of 1. Additionally, any
e ect that removes exhaustion
reduces your exhaustion by 1
additional level.

Frenzied Approach: 3rd level
While raging, when you make a Charisma (Intimidation)
check, or a creature makes a Wisdom saving throw to
avoid being frightened of you, you add your Strength
modi er to the check or save DC, as appropriate.

Frenzied Approach: 6th level
You can't be charmed or frightened while raging.
If you are charmed or frightened when you enter
your rage, the e ect is suspended for the duration
of the rage.

Frenzied Approach: 10th level
You can use your action to frighten someone with
your menacing presence. When you do so, choose one
creature that you can see within 30 feet of you. If the
creature can see or hear you, it must succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus
+ your Charisma modi er) or be frightened of you until
the end of your next turn. On subsequent turns, you
can use your action to extend the duration of this
e ect on the frightened creature until the end of your
next turn. This e ect ends if the creature ends its turn
out of line of sight or more than 60 feet away from you.
If the creature succeeds on its saving throw, it
becomes immune to this feature for 24 hours.

Frenzied Approach: 14th level
When you take damage from a creature that is within 5
feet of you, you can use your reaction to make a melee
weapon attack against that creature.


While some berserkers are content to surrender to TECHCASTING
their rage, others prefer a more tactful approach.
Industrial Approach: 3rd level
Berserkers of the Industrial Approach augment their
You have derived powers from schematics with the aid
rage with the versatility of technology, adding
of your wristpad. See chapter 10 for the general rules
elemental explosions to their already fearsome
of techcasting and chapter 12 for the tech powers list.
You learn 3 tech powers of your choice, and you learn
more at higher levels, as shown in the Tech Powers
Known column of the Industrial Approach Techcasting
table. You may not learn a tech power of a level higher
than your Max Power Level.
You have a number of tech points equal to half of your
berserker level (rounded up), as shown in the Tech
Points column of the Industrial Approach Techcasting
table, + your Intelligence modi er. You use these tech
points to cast tech powers. You regain all expended
tech points when you nish a short or long rest.
Many tech powers can be overcharged, consuming
more tech points to create a greater e ect. You can
overcharge these powers to a maximum level, which
increases at higher levels, as shown in the Max Power
Level column of the Industrial Approach Techcasting
You may only cast tech powers at
4th-level once. You regain the
ability to do so after a long rest.
Intelligence is your techcasting ability for your tech
powers. You use your Intelligence whenever a power
refers to your techcasting ability. Additionally, you use
your Intelligence modi er when setting the saving
throw DC for a tech power you cast and when making
an attack roll with one.

Tech save DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus +

your Intelligence modi er

Tech attack modifier = your pro ciency bonus +

your Intelligence modi er

You use a wristpad (found in chapter 5 of the Player's
Handbook) as a tech focus for your tech powers.

Industrial Approach: 3rd level
You can cast tech powers while raging as long as the
power's casting time is no more than 1 action and the
power does not require concentration. While raging,
you add your rage damage to damage rolls from tech
powers you cast that require a tech attack or saving
throw. If a tech power damages more than one target,
you may only apply your rage damage to one of them.
Casting tech powers during rage counts as attacking
for the purposes of maintaining rage, and you can use
your Reckless Attack feature to gain advantage when
casting a tech power that requires a tech attack.


Industrial Approach: 6th level
Once per round, when you deal damage that includes
your rage damage, you can cause a localized explosion INDUSTRIAL APPROACH TECHCASTING
around the recipient of that damage. Each creature
Tech Powers Tech Max Power
within 5 feet of the damaged creature other than you
Level Known Points Level
takes acid, cold, re, ion, or lightning damage (your
choice) equal to your rage damage bonus, and you gain 3rd 3 2 1st
resistance to the chosen damage type until the end of 4th 4 2 1st
your next turn.
5th 5 3 1st
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Intelligence modi er. You regain all expended 6th 6 3 1st
uses when you complete a short or long rest. 7th 7 4 2nd

PAINKILLER 8th 8 4 2nd

Industrial Approach: 10th level 9th 9 5 2nd

Whenever you cast a tech power of 1st-level or higher, 10th 10 5 2nd
or deal damage using your Explosive Resilience 11th 11 6 2nd
feature, you can cause a friendly creature you can see
within 30 feet to gain temporary hit points equal to half 12th 12 6 2nd
your berserker level (rounded up) + your Intelligence 13th 13 7 3rd
modi er. Additionally, while they have these temporary 14th 14 7 3rd
hit points, they have advantage on saving throws
against e ects that would cause them to be frightened. 15th 15 8 3rd
16th 16 8 3rd
17th 17 9 4th
Industrial Approach: 14th level
18th 18 9 4th
When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed
outright, and you have at least one tech point 19th 19 10 4th
remaining, you can expend all your remaining tech 20th 20 10 4th
points and instead to drop to one hit point. If you do
so, each creature within 30 feet of you must make a
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take 10
acid, cold, re, ion, or lightning damage (your choice)
damage for each tech point spent in this way, or half as
much on a successful one.


Certain berserkers nd that the strongest o ense is a OVERWHELMING CLEAVE
good defense. Berserkers of the Juggernaut Approach
Juggernaut Approach: 10th level
wear the heaviest of armor not because they fear
When you successfully push a creature into a surface
injury, but to strike fear in their hapless attackers.
or another creature while raging, the pushed creature
ARMORED BRUTE takes kinetic damage equal to your Rage Damage.
Additionally, the rst time you hit with a melee weapon
Juggernaut Approach: 3rd level attack using Strength each turn, you can attempt to
You've learned to ght in the heaviest of armors, using damage another creature with the same attack.
your weight to your advantage. You gain pro ciency in Choose another creature within 5 feet of the original
heavy armor, you can enter a rage while wearing heavy target and within your reach. If the original attack roll
armor, and you can gain the bene ts of your Rage would hit the second creature, it takes damage equal
feature while wearing heavy armor. to your Strength modi er. The damage is of the same
UNSTOPPABLE FORCE type dealt by the original attack.

Juggernaut Approach: 3rd level RELENTLESS ASSAULT

Your momentum makes you nigh unstoppable. While Juggernaut Approach: 14th level
raging, you can move through a hostile creature's You're able to charge in unerring bursts. As an action,
space regardless of that creature's size. When you do you can charge up to twice your speed in a straight line
so, you must make a Strength (Athletics) check without provoking opportunity attacks. Each creature
contested by the target's Strength (Athletics) check. If within 5 feet of your path must make a Strength or
you move at least 10 feet before moving through a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your pro ciency
hostile creature's space, and that creature is your size bonus + your Strength modi er, the target chooses the
or smaller, they have disadvantage on the check. If you ability they use use). On a failed save, a creature takes
succeed, you don't treat the movement as di cult damage equal to your Strength modi er + your Rage
terrain, the creature is pushed 5 feet in a direction of Bonus and is pushed back 5 feet in a direction of your
your choice, and you don't provoke opportunity attacks choice. Creatures smaller than you make this save with
from that creature until the end of your turn. disadvantage. When you end this movement, if a
creature is within 5 feet of you, you can make one
melee weapon attack (no action required). On a hit, the
Juggernaut Approach: 6th level creature takes additional damage equal to your
Your imposing form acts as a shield for your allies. berserker level.
When a friendly creature you can see is Once you've used this feature, you must complete
the target of a ranged attack, or forced to make a a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Dexterity saving throw, and you can see the source
of the e ect, you can use your reaction to move up to
half your speed towards the friendly creature. You
must end this move closer to the ally than you started.
If you end this movement between your ally and the
source of the e ect, you provide cover for the attack.
Additionally, you provide three-quarters cover,
instead of half-cover, to creatures your size, and you
provide full cover to creatures smaller than you.


The Force binds us, creating an intangible bridge INTERCONNECTEDNESS
connecting all living things. Those consulars who follow Way of Confluence: 14th level
the Way of Con uence master this power, When you cast a 5th level or lower force power that
manipulating those connections to both sustain and deals damage or restores hit points and targets only
torment. one creature, the power can instead target two
MANIPULATE LIFE FORCE creatures within range and within 5 feet of each other.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
Way of Confluence: 3rd level your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, a
When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points with minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when
a force power, or restore hit points to a creature with 0 you nish a long rest.
hit points with a force power, you gain temporary hit
points equal to half your consular level (rounded DYNAMIC ATTACHMENT
down) + your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your Way of Confluence: 18th level
choice, minimum of one). While you have temporary hit points, you have
EMPOWERED CONNECTION resistance against the damage of force powers, and
your force powers ignore resistances.
Way of Confluence: 6th level
While you have temporary hit points, you can add half
your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice,
rounded up, minimum of one) to any damage or
healing you do with force powers that doesn't already
include that modi er.

Way of Confluence: 10th level
You can use your powerful connection to the
Force to keep ghting when others would fall.
When you are reduced to 0 hit
points but not killed outright,
you can spend 5 force points to
drop to 1 hit point instead.


The Force manifests in myriad ways; while some use UNRELENTING RESILIENCE
the Force to manipulate the world around them, others
Way of Endurance: 14th level
use it to enhance themselves. Those consulars who
When you use your Boundless Vitality feature while
follow the Way of Endurance channel the Force to
concentrating on a force power, you can add the result
allow them to overcome and re ect the most grievous
of the roll to the Constitution saving throw made to
of injuries.
maintain concentration.
UPHELD BY THE FORCE Additionally, when you are reduced to 0 hit points
but not killed outright while Upheld by the Force is
Way of Endurance: 3rd level active, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can't
The Force owing through your body strengthens you, use this feature again until you nish a long rest.
granting the following bene ts:
Your hit point maximum increases by 3, and it
increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this Way of Endurance: 18th level
class. As an action, you can choose a point within 60 feet.
Your base AC becomes 13 + your Constitution modi er. Each creature of your choice within 30 feet of that
When you make a melee weapon attack as a part of a point must make a Constitution saving throw against
force power you cast, you can use Wisdom or Charisma your universal force save DC. On a failed save, a
(your choice) instead of Strength for the attack and creature takes 5d10 force damage and su ers 1 level
damage rolls. of exhaustion. On a successful save, a creature takes
half damage and does not su er exhaustion.
Additionally, as an action, you can gain resistance to For each creature that fails this saving throw, a
kinetic and energy damage for 1 minute. This e ect friendly creature within 30 feet of them can regain hit
lasts until you end it as a bonus action, you are points equal to the amount of damage dealt. A friendly
incapacitated, or you don armor other than a shield. creature can only gain this bene t once per turn.
You can use this feature twice. You regain all expended You can use this feature a number of times equal to
uses of it when you nish a short or long rest. your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, a
minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when
RETALIATION STRIKE you nish a long rest.
Way of Endurance: 6th, 9th,
10th, and 17th level
You learn to turn an opponent's
aggression back on them. When
you deal damage with a force power
or a melee weapon attack, if you took
damage since the start of your last turn,
you deal an extra 1d6 damage. The damage
is the same type as the power or weapon's
This die increases when you reach certain levels
in this class: to 1d8 at 9th level, to 1d10 at 13th level,
and to 1d12 at 17th level.

Way of Endurance: 10th level
When you take damage, you can use your reaction and
expend a force point to regain health equal to 1d8 +
your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice,
minimum of one) as long as the damage would not
reduce your hit points to 0.
This die increases when you reach certain levels in
this class: to 1d10 at 14th level, and to 1d12 at 18th


The power of the Force is both vast and diverse, with GUARDING WEAPON
uses varying drastically based on their wielder. Those
Way of Manipulation: 10th level
consulars who follow the Way of Manipulation learn to
You can direct your animated weapons to absorb
control their weapons with the Force, maneuvering
damage while your Saber Storm is activate. When you
them across the battle eld.
take damage, you can use your reaction to expend one
SABER STORM force slot to have your animated weapon intercept it,
and reduce that damage to you by an amount equal to
Way of Manipulation: 3rd, 5th, 11th, and 17th level ve times the force slot's level.
You learn to deftly control your weapons utilizing the
Force. As an action, you can initiate your Saber Storm. ISOLATE
When you do so, select a light- or vibro-weapon within Way of Manipulation: 14th level
5 feet that is not worn or carried by a conscious When you deal damage to a creature while Saber
creature other than you, and use the Force to cause it Storm is active, and that creature fails a Constitution
to levitate, acting as an extension of your will for 1 saving throw to maintain concentration on a force
minute. When you activate this feature, you can cause power, you can steal and redirect the power. Until the
the weapon to move up to 10 feet and make a melee end of your next turn, either you or the creature who
force attack against a creature within 5 feet of it. On a failed the Constitution saving throw gain the e ects of
hit, the target takes 1d8 + your forcecasting ability the power (your choice).
modi er damage. The type is of the normal damage
dealt by the weapon. The weapon then returns to your SAPPING STORM
Way of Manipulation: 18th level
Your weapon moves with you, and while Saber
When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points
Storm is active and you have a weapon animated, on
while Saber Storm is active, you gain temporary force
each of your turns you can use an action to move a
points equal to your Wisdom or Charisma modi er
weapon up to 10 feet and repeat the attack against a
(your choice, minimum of one). These temporary force
creature within 5 feet of it. The weapon then returns to
points can not exceed your Wisdom or Charisma
your side. Your Saber Storm ends early if you are
modi er (your choice), and when you would spend a
incapacitated. At any time, you can end this feature
force point while you have temporary force points, the
and return the animated weapon to your hand.
temporary force points are spent rst. When Saber
Additionally, while your Saber Storm is active, and at
Storm ends, you lose any remaining temporary force
least one animated weapon is within 5 feet of you, you
gain the following bene ts:
You gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Wisdom or
Charisma modi er (your choice, minimum of +1) if it
doesn't already include that modi er.
You gain a bonus to any Constitution saving throw you
make to maintain your concentration on a power. The
bonus equals your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your
choice, minimum of +1).

This feature can animate more than one weapon

when you reach higher levels: two weapons
at 5th level, three weapons at 11th level,
and four weapons at 17th level. When
you use your action to attack with your
weapons, you can direct them at the
same target or at di erent ones. Make a
separate attack roll for each weapon.
At 5th level, the distance your weapon can travel
increases to 20 feet. This distance increases to 30 feet
at 11th level, and 40 feet at 17th level.
You can use this feature twice. You regain all
expended uses of it when you nish a short or long

Way of Manipulation: 6th level
When you cast a force power with a range of touch
while Saber Storm is active, your animated weapon can
move up to its range and deliver the power as if it had
cast it.


Some force users seek mastery over the fundamentals Once per turn, when you deal damage to a creature
of energy manipulation, known as tutaminis. Those or object with a force power, you can spend one power
consulars who follow the Way of Negation harness this surge to deal extra damage to that target. The extra
power to limit the havoc that other force-wielders damage is of the same type as the power's damage,
might wreak. and it equals half your consular level (rounded down).
Whenever you nish a long rest, your number of
FORCE DEFLECTION power surges resets to one. If you end a short rest with
Way of Negation: 3rd level no power surges, you gain one power surge.
When you fail a saving throw, you can use your
reaction to gain a bonus to that saving throw equal to ENDURING FOCUS
your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, Way of Negation: 10th level
minimum of +1). You can casually de ect attacks while channeling your
You can use this feature a number of times equal to power. While you are concentrating on a Force power,
your pro ciency bonus, as shown in the consular table. you have a +2 bonus to your AC and all saving throws.
You regain all expended uses when you nish a long Additionally, you can extend your Force De ection to
rest. a creature within 5 feet of you when they fail a saving
Way of Negation: 6th level CONFLUX
You learn to simultaneously limit a creature's force Way of Negation: 14th level
powers and store that power within yourself to later When you use your Force De ection feature, you can
strengthen your damaging force powers. cause a ripple in the Force to expand from you. Up to
You can store a maximum number of power surges three creatures of your choice that you can see within
equal to your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your 60 feet of you each take force damage equal to half
choice, minimum of one). Whenever you successfully your consular level.
end a force power with a power such as force
suppression or sever force, or use your Force Shield or TUTAMINIS MASTERY
Force De ection features to successfully avoid an Way of Negation: 18th level
attack or succeed on a saving throw, you gain one When you use a Force-Empowered Casting option, you
power surge, as you redirect the ow of the Force into can spend a power surge to use it without spending
yourself. additional force points.


The Force guides us in innumerable ways, often VISIONS OF THE PAST
manifesting as visions. Those consulars who follow the Way of the Seer: 10th level
Way of Seer attempt to harness these visions in an You can call up visions of the past that relate to an
attempt to work towards the best possible future, as object you hold or your immediate surroundings. You
they see it. spend at least 1 minute in meditation, then receive
FORCE VISIONS dreamlike, shadowy glimpses of recent events. You can
meditate in this way for a number of minutes equal to
Way of the Seer: 3rd level your Wisdom score and must maintain concentration
Glimpses of the future begin to press in on your during that time, as if you were casting a force power.
awareness. When you nish a long rest, roll two d20s Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
and record the numbers rolled. You can replace any until you nish a short or long rest.
attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you Object Reading. Holding an object as you meditate,
or a creature that you can see with one of these you can see visions of the object's previous owner.
foretelling rolls. You must choose to do so before the After meditating for 1 minute, you learn how the owner
roll, and you can replace a roll in this way only once per acquired and lost the object, as well as the most recent
turn. Each foretelling roll can be used only once. When signi cant event involving the object and that owner. If
you nish a long rest, you lose any unused foretelling the object was owned by another creature in the
rolls. recent past (within a number of days equal to your
Wisdom score), you can spend 1 additional minute for
each owner to learn the same information about that
Way of the Seer: 6th level creature.
You can use your force abilities to read a creature's Area Reading. As you meditate, you see visions of
thoughts. You can then use your access to the recent events in your immediate vicinity (a room,
creature's mind to command it. street, tunnel, clearing, or the like, up to a 50-foot
As an action, choose one creature that you can see cube), going back a number of days equal to your
within 60 feet of you. That creature must make a Wisdom score. For each minute you meditate, you
Wisdom saving throw against your universal force save learn about one signi cant event, beginning with the
DC. If the creature succeeds on the saving throw, you most recent. Signi cant events typically involve
can't use this feature on it again until you nish a long powerful emotions, such as battles and betrayals,
rest. If the creature fails its save, you can read its marriages and murders, births and funerals. However,
surface thoughts (those foremost in its mind, re ecting they might also include more mundane events that are
its current emotions and what it is actively thinking nevertheless important in your current situation.
about) when it is within 60 feet of you. This e ect lasts
for 1 minute. During that time, you can use your action SHIELDED THOUGHTS
to end this e ect and cast the coerce mind force power Way of the Seer: 14th level
at its base level on the creature without expending Your thoughts can't be read by telepathy or other
force points. The target automatically fails its saving means unless you allow it. You also have resistance to
throw against the power. psychic damage, and whenever a creature deals
You can use this feature a number of times equal to psychic damage to you, that creature takes the same
your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, a amount of damage that you do.
minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when
you nish a long rest. CLARITY OF VISION
Way of the Seer: 18th level
Yhe visions in your dreamsintensify and paint a more
accurate picture inyour mind of what is to come.
You roll three d20s for your Force Visions
feature, rather than two.


While many Forcewielders eschew the use of FORCE CIRCUITRY
technology, other choose to embrace it. Those Way of Technology: 14th level
consulars who follow the Way of Technology pair their When you use your action to cast a force power, and
mastery of the Force with the versatility of technology, you use your Fundamentals of Mechu-deru feature as
applying the knowledge in tandem to perform unseen a part of that casting, you can use your bonus action to
feats. cast one of the tech powers you know, as long as that
FUNDAMENTALS OF MECHU-DERU power has a casting time of 1 action or bonus action.

Way of Technology: 3rd level MECHU-DERU MASTERY

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, Way of Technology: 18th level
you've dabbled in adapting your use of the Force, You can cast one 5th-level tech power of your choice at
melding it with technology. You gain pro ciency in the its base level. The power counts as a universal force
Technology skill, as well as simple blasters. When you power for you, and you do not require force points to
cast a force power that calls for a melee weapon cast this power. Once you've done so, you can't do so
attack, and you are wielding a blaster with which you again until you complete a long rest.
are pro cient, you can instead make a ranged weapon
attack, as long as the target is within your weapon's
normal range.
Additionally, you've learned to manipulate the Force
to be able to manipulate technology when it couldn't
previously. When you cast a force power that could not
a ect droids or constructs, you can choose to have it
a ect droids or constructs. If it would a ect multiple
targets, you must expend additional uses of this
feature for each additional target. You can use this
feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom or
Charisma modi er (your choice, a minimum of once).
You regain all expended uses when you complete a
long rest.

Way of Technology: 6th, 7th, 13th, and 17th level
At 6th level, you've learned to mimic technological
e ects. Choose two tech powers of 1st level. The
chosen powers count as universal force powers for
you, but are not included in the number in the Powers
Known column of the consular table.
At 7th level, you learn two additional tech powers of
1st or 2nd level. At 13th level, you learn two tech
powers of 1st-3rd level, and at 17th level, you learn two
tech powers of 1st-4th level. Whenever you gain a level
in this class, you can choose one of the tech powers
you know and replace it with another tech power of
the same level.

Way of Technology: 10th level
When you cast a damage-dealing force power that
requires a force attack or saving throw, you can spend
force points to cause that power to instead deal ion
damage. The number of force points equals half the
power's level (round down, minimum of one). If the
power would call for a saving throw other than
Dexterity, it instead calls for a Dexterity saving throw.


The consular knows how to manipulate the essence of Additionally, when you use your action to cast a force
the surrounding elements with the power of the Force. power, you can use a bonus action to y up to 10 feet
Those consulars who follow the Way of Telekinetics without provoking opportunity attacks.
create torrential gusts of telekinetic energy, forming a
potent combination that can pummel even the REPULSING WAVE
toughest adversaries into submission. Way of Telekinetics: 14th level
When you are dealt damage by a creature within 5 feet
STAGGERING STRATAGEM of you, you can use your reaction to deal force damage
Way of Telekinetics: 3rd level to the creature equal to your consular level + your
Your potency with the telekinetic power of the Force Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, minimum
heightens. You can manipulate creatures of Large size of +1). If the attacker is Huge or smaller, it must also
or smaller with your force powers and Way of make a Strength saving throw against your universal
Telekinetics features. Additionally, once per turn, when force save DC. On a failed save, the attacker is pushed
you deal force or kinetic damage to a Large or smaller in a straight line up to 20 feet away from you.
creature with a force power or class feature, you can You can use this feature a number of times equal to
choose to either push it up to 10 feet away from you or your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, a
pull it up to 10 feet closer to you. minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when
you nish a short or long rest.
Way of Telekinetics: 6th, 11th, and 17th level MY ALLY IS THE FORCE
Your force powers batter and blast your enemies with Way of Telekinetics: 18th level
the strength of a hurricane. When you cast a force You can manipulate creatures of Gargantuan size or
power of 1st level or higher that deals force or kinetic smaller with your force powers and Way of Telekinetics
damage, one creature of your choice damaged by that features.
power must make a Strength saving throw against your Additionally, whenever a force power you cast
universal force save DC or be knocked prone. pushes or pulls a creature, you can increase the
This feature can a ect additional creatures when you distance of that push or pull by an additional 20 feet.
reach higher levels: two creatures at 11th
level and three creatures at 17th level.


Way of Telekinetics: 10th level
You can manipulate creatures of Huge size or
smaller with your force powers and Way of
Telekinetics features.


With the Force, knowledge is most often passed from a YOU HAVE THAT POWER TOO
master to an apprentice. Those consulars who follow
Way of Tutelage: 10th, 11th, and 17th level
the Way of Tutelage know the strength of working
The bond between you and your companion has
together exceeds that of working alone.
strengthened. When your companion is within 10 feet
BONUS PROFICIENCIES of you, and either you or your companion casts a force
power that would a ect only one of you, you can
Way of Tutelage: 3rd level instead have it a ect both.
You gain pro ciency in your choice of Intimidation or At 11th level, your companion must be within 30 feet
Persuasion. of you to bene t from this feature. At 17th level, your
HUMANOID COMPANION companion must be within 60 feet.

Way of Tutelage: 3rd level GOT YOUR BACK

You've taken an apprentice, gaining the services of Way of Tutelage: 14th and 17th level
your own humanoid companion. Once per turn, when your companion is within 10 feet
Create your humanoid companion as detailed in the of you, and both you and your companion have to
Companions section of the Customization Options make a saving throw to resist the same e ect, either
document for Expanded Content. you or your companion can choose to have
If your companion dies, or you want to bond with a disadvantage on the save. If either of you do so, the
di erent one, you must rst break the bond with your other of the two of you gains advantage on the save.
current companion. Bonding with a new companion You can use this feature before or after you both make
takes 8 hours spent in an appropriate location. You the saving throw, but you must do so before the GM
may only have one companion at a time. says whether the save succeeds or fails.
In addition to its traits and features, your companion At 17th level, your companion must be within 60 feet
gains additional bene ts while it is bonded to you: of you to bene t from this feature.
Your companion gains two additional traits. It gains one
more additional trait when you reach 11th level in this
class. For each trait in excess of your pro ciency bonus, Way of Tutelage: 18th level
your force point maximum is reduced by 2. Your companion has learned almost all that it can from
you. As an action on its turn, your companion can take
Lastly, while bonded and within 10 feet of you, when the lead, gaining the following bene ts for 1 minute:
your companion is hit by an attack, you can use your
reaction and expend a use of your Force Shield feature It gains temporary hit points equal to twice its level.
to shroud it in Force energy. If you do so, until the start Once per turn, when it deals damage or restores hit
of your next turn, both you and your companion gain points, it can roll an additional die.
the bene ts of your Force Shield. This includes the It gains resistance to kinetic and energy damage.
triggering attack. This e ect ends early if your companion is
At 11th level, your companion must be within 30 feet incapacitated or dies. Once your companion has used
of you to bene t from this feature. At 17th level, your this feature, it can't use it again until it nishes a long
companion must be within 60 feet. rest.
Way of Tutelage: 6th level
When you cast a power that a ects only your
companion, you can choose to treat the
power as if cast at your Max Power Level.
You can use this feature a number of
times equal to your Wisdom or Charisma
modi er (your choice, a minimum of
once). You regain all expended uses
when you nish a long rest.


Those engineers who choose the Arti cer Engineering FORCE RESONANCE
discipline focus on building and modifying lightsabers,
Artificer Engineering: 3rd level
while tapping into the latent presence of the Force in
Once per round, when you hit a creature with your
these lightsaber crystals.
modi ed lightsaber, you can expend one use of your
BONUS PROFICIENCIES Potent Aptitude to deal an extra 2d6 damage to that
target. The damage is the same type as your modi ed
Artificer Engineering: 3rd level lightsaber's damage.
You gain pro ciency in arti cer's implements, and with The damage increases when you reach certain levels
the lightsaber simple lightweapon. Additionally, when in this class, increasing to 3d6 at 5th level, 5d6 at 11th
you engage in crafting with arti cer's implements, the level, and 8d6 at 17th level.
rate at which you craft doubles.
Artificer Engineering: 6th, 7th, 13th, and 17th level
Artificer Engineering: 3rd and 9th level Your study of kyber crystals has awakened a latent
You learn to modify an unenhanced lightsaber utilizing force sensitivity. Choose two force powers of 1st level.
your arti cer knowledge. Over the course of a long The chosen powers count as tech powers for you, but
rest, you can modify your lightsaber. You must have are not included in the number in the Powers Known
the lightsaber and arti cer's implements in order to column of the engineer table.
perform this modi cation. At 7th level, you learn two additional force powers of
Your modi ed lightsaber is enhanced, requires 1st or 2nd level. At 13th level, you learn two force
attunement, can only be used by you, and counts as a powers of 1st-3rd level, and at 17th level, you learn two
tech focus for your tech powers while you are attuned force powers of 1st-4th level. Whenever you gain a
to it. Your modi ed lightsaber has 4 modi cation slots, level in this class, you can choose one of the force
and it gains more at higher levels, as shown in the powers you know and replace it with another force
Modi cation Slots column of the engineer table. For power of the same level.
each modi cation installed in excess of your
pro ciency bonus, your tech point maximum is DISRUPTIVE RESONANCE
reduced by 1. Over the course of a long rest, you can
Artificer Engineering: 14th level
replace or remove a number of modi cations up to
When you hit a creature that is concentrating on a
your Intelligence modi er (minimum of one).
power with your modi ed lightsaber, the creature has
Some modi cation e ects require saving throws.
disadvantage on the Constitution saving throw to
When you use such an e ect from this class, the DC
maintain concentration. Additionally, on a failed save,
equals your tech save DC.
the creature immediately takes psychic damage equal
At 9th level, you can maintain two di erent modi ed to your engineer level + your Intelligence modi er.
lightsabers. The total modi cation slots are split across
Artificer Engineering: 18th level
Once per turn, when you reduce a hostile creature to 0
hit points, you regain a use of your Potent Aptitude.
Your number of Potent Aptitude uses can not exceed
your Intelligence modi er.


If a modi cation has prerequisites, you must meet BARRIER
them to install it. You can install the modi cation at the Prerequisite: 5th level
same time that you meet its prerequisites. On your turn, when you make an attack roll with your
modi ed lightsaber, you can choose to forgo your
ADDITONAL BEAM PORT pro ciency bonus. If you do, you can use your reaction
You install a second beam port into your modi ed to erect a temporary barrier that lasts until the start of
lightsaber. Your modi ed lightsaber gains the double your next turn. While the barrier is activated, you have
(1d8) property. You can only bene t from this property a bonus to AC against the rst attack roll made against
while wielding your modi ed lightsaber with two you equal to your pro ciency bonus.
ADEGAN CRYSTAL Prerequisite: 5th level
Prerequisite: 5th level You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with this
You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls made with this weapon. This bonus increases to +2 at 9th level and +3
weapon. This bonus increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 13th level.
at 13th level.
ADVANCED BLASTSABER A security system is installed into the hilt of your
Prerequisite: 15th level, Prototype Blastsaber lightweapon. When a creature other than you attempts
You further ne tune your blastsaber. As an action, you to activate your lightweapon, the activation fails.
can disable a single electronic device not being worn or Additionally, the creature attempting to activate must
held by another creature within 5 feet of you. The make on a Constitution saving throw or take lightning
device is then disabled until it is rebooted. damage equal to engineer level, and become shocked
Additionally, when you activate this conversion to until the start of its next turn. On a successful save the
alter the properties of your lightweapon, you create a creature takes half damage and is not shocked.
projected barrier of ion energy in a 10-foot-radius Regardless of success or failure, the creature drops
sphere around you until the start of your next turn. your modi ed lightsaber.
Hostile creatures treat this area as di cult terrain.
When a hostile creature enters the shielded area or BLASTSABER CONVERSION
starts its turn there, that creature takes 3d4 ion Incompatible with other conversions
damage. Any electronics not being worn or held within You heavily modify your lightweapon to allow you to
the barrier's radius are disabled until rebooted. make a ranged weapon attack. With this modi cation,
you can make a ranged weapon attack with a range of
ADVANCED BRIGHTSABER 30/60. On a hit, it deals 1d6 energy damage.
Prerequisite: 15th level, Prototype Brightsaber Additionally, when you make your rst attack on
You further ne tune your brightsaber. While activated, your turn, you can alter the properties of your
your modi ed lightsaber's bright light now modi ed lightsaber. Until the start of your next turn,
automatically dispels illusions and can detect the damage type of your modi ed lightsaber is
invisibility, as with truesight. changed to ion.
Additionally, when you activate this conversion to You can use this trait a number of times equal to
alter the properties of your lightweapon and use a your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
bonus action to attempt to blind your target, it makes regain all expended uses when you complete a short
the saving throw with disadvantage. or long rest.
Prerequisite: 15th level, Prototype Disruptorsaber Incompatible with other conversions
You further ne tune your disruptorsaber. While You modify your lightweapon, giving it a brighter glow.
activated, your modi ed lightsaber lightly obscures the While activated, your modi ed lightsaber sheds bright
area within 5 feet of it. light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional
Additionally, when you activate this conversion to 20 feet.
alter the properties of your lightweapon and use a Additionally, when you make your rst attack on
bonus action to attempt to knock your target prone, your turn, you can alter the properties of your
the next saving throw you make before the end of your modi ed lightsaber. Until the start of your next turn,
next turn has advantage. the damage type of your modi ed lightsaber is
changed to re.
You can use this trait a number of times equal to
your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you complete a short
or long rest.
When you score a critical hit with your modi ed
lightsaber, you have advantage on the next attack roll
you make against that creature.


You make minor modi cations to the ergonomics of Prerequisite: 7th level, Blastsaber Conversion
your modi ed saber's hilt. Your modi ed lightsaber You ne tune your blastsaber. When you activate this
gains the nesse property. conversion to alter the properties of your lightweapon,
you can use your bonus action to cause your modi ed
CROSSGUARD lightsaber to let loose a burst of energy. Creatures
You add an energy guard at the base of your modi ed other than yourself within 5 feet of the target creature
lightsaber's blade. While wielding your modi ed must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
lightsaber, you gain a +1 bonus to your armor class save, they take ion damage equal to your Intelligence
against melee weapon attacks. modi er.
Incompatible with other conversions Prerequisite: 7th level, Brightsaber Conversion
You modify your lightweapon, causing it to eminate a You ne tune your brightsaber. When you activate this
sickly green light. Your modi ed lightsaber loses the conversion to alter the properties of your lightweapon,
luminous property. you can use your bonus action to attempt to blind the
Additionally, when you make your rst attack on target of the attack. The creature must succeed on a
your turn, you can alter the properties of your Constitution saving throw or be blinded.
modi ed lightsaber. Until the start of your next turn,
the damage type of your modi ed lightsaber is PROTOTYPE DISRUPTORSABER
changed to acid. Prerequisite: 7th level, Disruptorsaber Conversion
You can use this trait a number of times equal to You ne tune your disruptorsaber. When you activate
your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You this conversion to alter the properties of your
regain all expended uses when you complete a short lightweapon, you can use your bonus action to attempt
or long rest. to knock the target of your attack prone. The creature
must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked
You install a series of beam focusing ampli ers into
your modi ed lightsaber. Your modi ed lightsaber RETURNING WEAPON
gains the reach property. You install a retractible chain in the hilt of your
modi ed lightsaber. Your modi ed lightsaber gains the
GREATSABER ARRAY thrown property with a range of 20/60, and when you
You augment the con guration of your modi ed throw the weapon, it immediately returns to your
lightsaber. Your modi ed lightsaber gains the two- hand.
handed property, and it's damage die increases to
Prerequisite: 11th level, Burn Through
Your modi ed lightsaber's critical hit range increases
by 1.
You insert a series of magnetically charged grips into
your modi ed lightsaber's hilt. While wielding your
modi ed lightsaber, you have advantage on ability
checks and saving throws made to disarm or avoid
being disarmed.


Those engineers who choose the Astrotech POTENT INTEGRATION
Engineering discipline focus on crafting and upgrading
Astrotech Engineering: 3rd level
their droid companions.
When your droid makes an attack roll, you can use
BONUS PROFICIENCIES your reaction to expend one use of your Potent
Aptitude to give it a boost. Roll the die and add it to
Astrotech Engineering: 3rd level both the attack and damage rolls, if the attack hits.
You gain pro ciency in astrotech's implements.
Additionally, when you engage in crafting with DIRECT CONTROLLER
astrotech's implements, the rate at which you craft Astrotech Engineering: 6th level
doubles. Your mastery of droids improves your ability to
DROID COMPANION manipulate them when you cast a power that could
a ect only droids or constructs, and you only a ect
Astrotech Engineering: 3rd, 11th, and 17th level droids with the power, you can choose to treat the
You employ all the knowledge you've accumulated to power as if cast at your Max Power Level.
create and bond with your own droid companion. You can use this feature three times. You gain an
Create your droid companion as detailed in the additional use at 9th, 13th, and 17th level. You regain
Companions section of the Customization Options all expended uses when you complete a long rest.
document for Expanded Content. You must have
astrotech's implements in order to create your droid. COORDINATED ATTACK
If your droid is irreparably destroyed, or you want a Astrotech Engineering: 14th level
di erent droid companion, you must rst break the When you are the source of an e ect that would force
bond with your current droid companion. Bonding with other creatures to make a saving throw, and your droid
a new companion takes 8 hours spent in an is one of those creatures, you can have your droid
appropriate location. You may only have one droid automatically succeed on the save. When your droid is
companion at a time. the source of an e ect that would force other
In addition to its traits and features, your droid creatures to make a saving throw, and you are one of
companion gains additional bene ts while it is bonded those creatures, you can choose to automatically
to you: succeed on the save.
Your droid is a valid target of the tracker droid interface
tech power.
Your droid gains two additional traits. It gains one more Astrotech Engineering: 18th level
additional trait when you reach 11th level in this class. While your droid can see you, it has advantage on all
For each droid trait in excess of your pro ciency bonus, saving throws.
your tech point maximum is reduced by 1. Over the
course of a long rest, you can replace or remove a
number of droid traits equal to half your Intelligence
modi er (rounded up, minimum of one).

Lastly, while bonded and within 10 feet of you, when

you would use your action to cast a 1st-level tech
power, you can instead have your droid companion
cast it. You still expend tech points as normal, and if
the power requires concentration, it still uses your
concentration. Your droid companion must use its
action, and it uses its tech attack modi er and tech
save DC instead of your own. At 5th level, your droid
can cast 2nd-level tech powers in this way. This
increases to 3rd-level powers at 9th level, 4th-level
powers at 13th level, and 5th-level powers at 17th
level. When you cast a power, you consume a number
of uses of this feature equal to that power's level.
At 11th level, your droid companion must be within
30 feet of you to bene t from this feature. At 17th
level, your droid companion must be within 60 feet.
You can use this feature four times, and you gain
more uses at higher levels, as shown in the
Modi cation Slots column of the engineer table. Each
time you use this feature in excess of your pro ciency
bonus, your tech point maximum is reduced by 1 until
you complete a long rest. You regain all expended uses
when you complete a long rest.


Those engineers who choose the Audiotech SONG OF BATTLE
Engineering focus on using a specially modi ed When an ally within 60 feet of you that can hear you
instrument to use music to assist their allies and deals damage to a creature, you can use your reaction
disrupt their enemies. to expend one use of your Potent Aptitude, adding the
result of the die to the damage dealt.
Audiotech Engineering: 3rd level
When an ally within 60 feet of you that can hear you
You gain pro ciency in three musical instruments and
makes a saving throw against a harmful e ect, you can
audiotech's implements. Additionally, when you
use your reaction to expend one use of your Potent
engage in crafting with audiotech’s implements, the
Aptitude, adding the result of the die to their saving
rate at which you craft doubles.
Audiotech Engineering: 3rd level When an enemy within 60 feet of you that can hear you
You learn to modify an instrument utilizing your makes a saving throw, you can use your reaction to
audiotech knowledge. Over the course of a long rest, expend one use of your Potent Aptitude, subtracting
you can modify an instrument. You must have the the result of the die from their saving throw.
instrument and audiotech's implements in order to
perform this modi cation. CONCUSSIVE BLAST
Your modi ed instrument is enhanced, requires Audiotech Engineering: 6th level
attunement, can only be used by you, and counts as a You add your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of +1)
tech focus for your tech powers while you are attuned to any damage you deal with tech powers and class
to it. Your modi ed instrument has 4 modi cation features that deal sonic damage.
slots, and it gains more at higher levels, as shown in
the Modi cation Slots column of the engineer table. SMOOTH RHYTHM
For each modi cation installed in excess of your Audiotech Engineering: 14th level
pro ciency bonus, your tech point maximum is Whenever you use your Potent Aptitude while your
reduced by 1. Over the course of a long rest, you can playing an enhanced song, you can roll a d6 and use it
replace or remove a number of modi cations up to instead of expending a Potent Aptitude Dice.
your Intelligence modi er (minimum of one).
Some modi cation e ects require saving throws. LEGENDARY CODA
When you use such an e ect from this class, the DC Audiotech Engineering: 18th level
equals your tech save DC. You've gained mastery over your modi ed instrument.
As an action, you can end your enhanced song in a
POTENT AMPLITUDE triumphant blast of power with an e ect determined
Audiotech Engineering: 3rd level by the song you are playing.
As an action while wielding your modi ed instrument, Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
you can begin performing an enhanced song, which long rest before you can use it again.
lasts for 1 minute. While playing a song, you gain
access to a new use for your Potent Aptitude, as BATTLE CRESCENDO
determined by the song, listed below. You can end Choose up to 10 creatures of your choice that you can
your song at any time, no action required. see and that can hear your song. Each must make a
Whenever you take damage while playing your song, Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a target
you must make a Constitution saving throw to continue takes 14d6 sonic damage and is stunned for 1d4+1
playing. The DC equals 10 or half the damage you take, turns. On a success, it takes half damage and isn't
which number is higher. If you take damage from stunned. If a creature is killed by this power, its head
multiple sources, you must make a separate saving explodes.
throw for each source of damage.
When you cast a damage dealing tech power while
Choose up to 10 creatures of your choice that you can
playing your song that requires an attack roll or saving
see and that can hear your song. Once in the next
throw, you can cause that power to instead deal sonic
minute, each creature can, as a free action in response
damage. If you do so, instead of an attack roll or saving
to taking damage, choose to halve that damage.
throw, the power instead requires a Constitution
Additionally, if the damage would reduce them to 0 hit
saving throw.
points, they are instead reduced to 1.
Your song ends early if you are incapacitated
or die, or if you are no longer holding DISRUPTION CRESCENDO
your modi ed instrument. Choose up to 10 creatures of your choice that you can
You can initiate playing an enhanced see and that can hear your song. Each creature must
song twice. You regain all expended succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed
songs when you nish a short or for 1d4+1 turns. If a creature a ected by this feature is
long rest. damaged in any way, the e ect ends for that creature.


If a modi cation has prerequisites, you must meet ENTHRALLING PERFORMANCE
them to install it. You can install the modi cation at the Prerequisite: 13th level, Hypnotic Melody
same time that you meet its prerequisites. For the duration of an enhanced song you play,
whenever any creature that can hear your song tries to
ADVANCED BATTLE ENHANCEMENT attack you for the rst time on a turn, the attacker
Prerequisite: 15th level, Prototype Battle must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save,
Enhancement it can't attack you on this turn, and it must choose a
While playing your Song of Battle, your tech powers new target for its attack or the attack is wasted. On a
and class features ignore resistance to sonic damage, successful save, it can attack you on this turn, but it has
and immunity to sonic damage is instead treated as disadvantage on any saving throw it makes against
resistance from any creature within range of your song your powers or features on your next turn.
that can hear you. Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
Additionally, when you use your Battle Song long rest before you can use it again.
Enhancement feature, you create a fourth burst.
Prerequisite: 15th level, Prototype Disruption While you are playing an enhanced song, when a
Enhancement creature makes a melee attack roll against you, you can
While playing your Song of Disruption, any hostile use your reaction to move 5 feet without provoking
creature within range of your song that can hear you opportunity attacks, imposing disadvantage on the roll.
must make a Constitution saving throw at the end of You can use this feature a number of times equal to
each of its turns to maintain concentration on the your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
power. regain all expended uses when you complete a short
Prerequisite: 15th level, Prototype Support HYPNOTIC MELODY
Enhancement As an action while wielding your modi ed instrument,
While playing your Song of Support, allies add your you can begin to play a song woven with subtle
Intelligence modi er to their death saving throws hypnotic in uence. Choose a number of creature up to
(minimum of +1). If this amount would increase the roll your Intelligence modi er. If those creatures listen to
of the d20 to 20 or greater, the creature regains 1 hit this song for a full minute, they must succeed on a
point. Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by you for 1
BATTLE SONG ENHANCEMENT minute. Creatures that succeed the saving throw are
Prerequisite: 5th level not aware that you attempted to in uence them, nor
While playing your Song of Battle, as an action, you can are creatures that failed their saving throw once the
send forth busts of directed sonic energy, make two power ends.
ranged power attacks. These attacks can target the Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
same creature di erent ones. Make separate attack until you nish a short or long rest.
rolls for each burst. The attack has a range equal to the INAUDIBLE CASTING
radius of your song, and deals 1d8 sonic damage on a Prerequisite: 7th level, Simple Melodies
hit. When you cast a tech power or make use of a feature
DISRUPTION SONG ENHANCEMENT that requires playing your modi ed instrument, you
Prerequisite: 5th level can choose to do so quietly. Creatures have
While playing your Song of Disruption, as an action, disadvantage on Intelligence (Investigation) and
you can choose a number of creatures concentrating Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sound to
on a power equal to your Intelligence modi er (a determine you cast a tech power.
minimum of one) within range of your song that can LONG RANGE NOISE
hear you, and force them to make a Concentration Prerequisite: 13th level
saving throw. If you cause at least one creature to lose The radius of your songs increases to 120 feet.
concentration on a power using this feature, you can Additionally, any tech power you cast with your
use your reaction to make all creatures that lost modi ed instrument that deals sonic damage and has
concentration take damage equal to your Intelligence a range of 10 feet or greater gains a range of 120 feet.
modi er.
Prerequisite: 5th level
While using your harness as a tech focus, you gain a +1
bonus to tech attack rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at
9th level and +3 at 13th level.


Prerequisite: 15th level While you are playing an enhanced song, your speed
While playing, creatures of your choice treat a 15-foot- increases by 10 feet, and opportunity attacks made
radius sphere around you as di cult terrain. against you have disadvantage.
Additionally, as an action, you can cause each a ected
creature to make a Constitution saving throw, taking SHARP NOISE
3d8 sonic damage on a failed save. As an action while wielding your modi ed instrument,
choose a creature you can see. If it can hear you, it
PROTOTYPE BATTLE ENHANCEMENT must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take
Prerequisite: 9th level, Battle Song Enhancement 1d4 sonic damage and have disadvantage on its next
While playing your Song of Battle, when you cast a tech attack roll before the end of its next turn.
power or use a class feature that a ects other This feature's damage increases by 1d4 when you
creatures within the radius of your song, you can reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level
choose a number of them equal to 1 + the power's (4d4).
level. The chosen creatures automatically succeed on
their saving throws against the power, and they take SHOCK MOUNT
no damage if they would normally take half damage on Prerequisite: 5th level
a successful save. While using your instrument as a tech focus, you gain a
Additionally, when you use your Battle Song +1 bonus to your tech save DC. This bonus increases to
Enhancement feature, you create a third burst. +2 at 9th level and +3 at 13th level.


Prerequisite: 9th level, Disruption Song Enhancement When you are holding your modi ed instrument, and
While playing your Song of Disruption, when a creature not actively playing a song, any tech power that you
you can see that can hear you attempts to cast a could cast that could have its damage type altered by
power, you can use your reaction to cast the tech your Potent Amplitude feature can be cast as if used
override power at 3rd level. When you cast this power with Potent Amplitude.
using this feature, the power works against both tech You can use this feature a number of times equal to
and force powers, and when you make the techcasting your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
ability check as a part of this casting, you add double regain all expended uses when you complete a short
your pro ciency bonus to the check, instead of your or long rest.
normal pro ciency bonus. SONAR PULSE
Once you've used this feature, you must complete a As an action while wielding your modi ed instrument,
short or long rest before you can use it again. you can release a wave of sound that provides
PROTOTYPE SUPPORT ENHANCEMENT feedback on your surroundings. For the next minute,
Prerequisite: 9th level, Support Song Enhancement you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and
While playing your Song of Support, when you use your Intelligence (Investigation) checks to search for hidden
Song of Support's Potent Amplitude feature, the target doors, traps, or invisible creatures.
instead takes no damage if they succeed on the saving Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
throw, and only half damage if they fail. until you nish a short or long rest.


Over the course of a short rest, you can play a Prerequisite: 11th level
rejuvenating song to assist in the recovery of your While playing an enhanced song, you can use your
allies. If you or any friendly creatures who can hear bonus action to change from one song to another.
your performance regain hit points at the end of the SUPPORT SONG ENHANCEMENT
short rest, each of those creatures regains an extra 1d6 Prerequisite: 5th level
hit points. While playing your Song of Support, when you cast a
The extra hit points increase when you reach certain tech power that restores hit points or grants
levels in this class: to 1d8 at 9th level, to 1d 10 at 13th temporary hit points, the amount restored or granted
level, and to 1d12 at 17th level. is increased by an amount equal to your Intelligence
modi er (minimum of +1).
You can integrate a single weapon that weighs no more
than 8 lb. into your instrument. While integrated, that
weapon gains the hidden property.


Those engineers who choose the Biochem Engineering NOXIOUS MIXTURE
discipline focus on utilizing their vast knowledge of Your distributor emits a cloud of poison. The target
medicine and chemistry to supply allies with potent must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed
healing and enemies with debilitating poisons and save, a creature takes 1d6 + your Intelligence modi er
acids. poison damage. This mixture's damage increases by
1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6),
BONUS PROFICIENCIES and 17th level (4d6).
Biochem Engineering: 3rd level
You gain pro ciency in the Medicine skill, biochemist's BIOCHEMIST'S TOUCH
kits, and poisoner's kits. Additionally, when you engage Biochem Engineering: 3rd level
in crafting with biochemist's kits and poisoner's kits, Wenever you grant temporary hit points, or deal acid
the rate at which you craft doubles. or poison damage using a tech power or class feature,
you may expend one use of your Potent Aptitude to
MODIFIED BIOCHEMIST'S PACK increase the potency. When you do so, the amount of
Biochem Engineering: 3rd level temporary hit points you grant or damage you deal is
You learn to modify and combine your biochemist's kit increased by the amount rolled on the die. The
and poisoner's kit, creating a mobile laboratory using damage is the same type as the original damage.
your chemistry expertise. Over the course of a long
rest, you can create your modi ed biochemist's pack. POTENT MIXTURES
You must have a biochemist's kit, a poisoner's kit, and Biochem Engineering: 6th level
materials in order to perform this modi cation. When you cast a tech power of 1st-level or higher that
Your biochemist's pack is enhanced, requires grants temporary hit points, or deals acid or poison
attunement, can only be used by you, and counts as a damage, you add your Intelligence modi er (a
tech focus for your tech powers while you are attuned minimum of +1) to the roll.
to it. Your modi ed biochemist's pack has 4
modi cation slots, and it gains more at higher levels, as EPICENTER
shown in the Modi cation Slots column of the engineer Biochem Engineering: 14th level
table. For each modi cation installed in excess of your As a reaction when you take damage from a creature
pro ciency bonus, your tech point maximum is within 15 feet of you that you can see, you can use one
reduced by 1. Over the course of a long rest, you can of your mixtures. The e ects of the mixture release in
replace or remove a number of modi cations up to a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on you, and if the
your Intelligence modi er (minimum of one). mixture requires a saving throw, you automatically
Some modi cation e ects require saving throws. succeed on it. Additionally, the a ected area is di cult
When you use such an e ect from this class, the DC terrain to creatures other than you until the end of
equals your tech save DC. your next turn.
Your modi ed biochemist's pack comes equipped Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
with a chemical distribution system, complete with short or long rest before you can use it again.
three chemical mixtures: corrosive, invigorating, and
noxious. As an action, you can activate your distributor MASTERFUL MIXTURES
and target a creature within 30 feet, with an Biochem Engineering: 18th level
e ect determined by the mixture. When you deal acid or poison damage using a tech
power or class feature, you ignore resistance and treat
immunity as resistance.
Your distributor emits a burst of acid.
The target must make a Dexterity sav-
ing throw. On a failed save, a creature
takes 1d6 + your Intelligence modi er acid
damage. This mixture's damage increases by
1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level
(3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
Your distributor emits a bolt of kolto. The target
gains 1d6 + your Intelligence modi er temporary
hit points, which last until the end of your next
turn. The temporary hit points granted by this
mixture increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level
(2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).


If a modi cation has prerequisites, you must meet regain all expended uses when you complete a short
them to install it. You can install the modi cation at the or long rest.
same time that you meet its prerequisites.
BIOCHEMIST'S AMPLIFER Prerequisite: 5th level
Prerequisite: 5th level You add additional chemicals to your modi ed
While using your biochemist's pack as a tech focus, you biochemist's pack. When you deal re damage with a
gain a +1 bonus to tech attack rolls. This bonus tech power or class feature, you can use your
increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 13th level. Biochemist's Touch and Potent Mixture features.
Additionally, when a creature fails their Dexterity
BIOCHEMIST'S INHIBITOR saving throw against your Corrosive Mixtures feature,
Prerequisite: 5th level you can choose to instead deal re damage. If you do
While using your biochemist's pack as a tech focus, you so, each creature within 5 feet of the target takes re
gain a +1 bonus to your tech save DC. This bonus damage equal to your Intelligence modi er. You can
increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 13th level. use this feature a number of times equal to your
CHEMICAL COUNTERAGENTS Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You regain
You may choose one type of damage that bene ts all expended uses when you complete a short or long
from your Biochemist's Touch and Potent Mixtures rest.
features. While wearing your modi ed biochemist's EXPANDED CHEMICALS: CRYOGENICS
pack you have resistance to that type of damage. Prerequisite: 5th level
You can select this modi cation multiple times. Each You add additional chemicals to your modi ed
time you do so, you must choose a di erent damage biochemist's pack. When you deal cold damage with a
type. tech power or class feature, you can use your
COUNTERTOXIN Biochemist's Touch and Potent Mixture features.
When you or an ally within 30 feet of you is su ering Additionally, when a creature fails their Constitution
from the poisoned condition, you may use your saving throw against your Noxious Mixtures feature,
reaction on your turn to end the poisoned condition on you can choose to instead deal cold damage. If you do
that creature. The creature also gains immunity to the so, it gains 1 slowed level until the start of your next
poisoned condition for one minute. turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal
You can use this feature a number of times equal to to your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you complete a short
regain all expended uses when you complete a short or long rest.
You upgrade your distributor with a secondary, You add additional chemicals to your modi ed
detachable distributor. As a bonus action, you can biochemist's pack. When you restore hit points with a
throw your detachable distributor at a point within tech power or class feature, you can use your
range. Your detachable distributor has a range equal to Biochemist's Touch and Potent Mixture features.
30 feet + your Strength modi er x 5. Your detachable Additionally, when you use your Invigorating Mixture
distributor works for 1 minute before coming inert. to grant temporary hit points to a creature, you can
Once it does so, you can't use it again until you recover choose to restore that many hit points to the same
it as an action. creature. You can use this feature a number of times
Additionally, while your detachable distributor is equal to your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of
within 100 feet of you, when you use your action to once). You regain all expended uses when you
activate your distributor, you can choose to a ect each complete a short or long rest.
creature within 5 feet of your detachable distributor. EXPANDED MIXTURES: ADHESIVE
You can use this feature a number of times equal to You've created a new mixture from your chemicals that
your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You you can use when you activate your distributor. When
regain all expended uses when you complete a short you do so, the target creature must make a Strength
or long rest. saving throw. If the creature is Large or larger, it has
DRONE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM advantage on the saving throw. On a failed save, a
You upgrade your distributor, interfacing it with the creature gains 4 slowed levels until the start of your
target of your tracker droid interface power. When you next turn. As an action on their turn, an a ected
use your action to activate your distributor, while your creature can repeat this saving throw, ending the e ect
tracker droid is within 100 feet of you, you can choose on a success.
to have your tracker droid deliver the mixture. Your EXPANDED MIXTURES: BLINDING
tracker droid must use its reaction to deliver the You've created a new mixture from your chemicals that
mixture. you can use when you activate your distributor. When
You can use this feature a number of times equal to you do so, the target creature must make a
your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature


is blinded until the start of your next turn. you can choose to increase the range to 60 feet.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
EXPANDED MIXTURES: HALLUCINOGENIC your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
You've created a new mixture from your chemicals that regain all expended uses when you complete a short
you can use when you activate your distributor. When or long rest.
you do so, the target creature must make an
Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the target LUMINOUS GEL
loses the ability to distinguish friend from foe, You've added a light-emitting gel to your modi ed
regarding all creatures it can see as enemies until the biochemist's pack. As an action, you can coat an item,
end of your next turn. Each time the target takes object, or location up to 5-foot-square with this gel.
damage, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the When you do so, the gel sheds bright light in a 10-foot
e ect on itself on a success. radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The gel
Whenever the a ected creature chooses another lasts for 1 hour before losing its potency. You can end
creature as a target, it must choose the target at this e ect as a bonus action.
random from among the creatures it can see within
range of the attack, power, or other ability it's using. If OIL SPILL
an enemy provokes an opportunity attack from the As an action, you can cast the oil slick tech power
a ected creature, the creature must make that attack if without expending tech points. Casting the power in
it is able to. this way does not require concentration, and the oil
This feature has no e ect on droids or constructs. will remain in place for the full duration of the power.
Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
EXPLOSIVE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM short or long rest before you can use it again.
You upgrade your distributor, granting it the ability to
create a volley. When you use your action to activate PERSISTENT CHEMICALS
your distributor, you can choose to a ect each Prerequisite: 7th level
creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on a point Whenever you use your Biochemist's Touch feature,
you can see within 30 feet. you may select one creature that was damaged. At the
You can use this feature a number of times equal to start of each of that creature's turns, it must make a
your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes
regain all expended uses when you complete a short damage of the triggering type equal to your
or long rest. Intelligence modi er and has disadvantage on attack
rolls until the start of its next turn. On a success, this
INJECTION APPARATUS feature ends, and the creature becomes immune to it
You install a wrist mounted injection apparatus into for one day.
your modi ed biochemist's pack. It is a simple Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
vibroweapon with the nesse and light properties, and short or long rest before you can use it again.
deals 1d4 kinetic damage on a hit. Your injection
apparatus does not ll the hand slot, but you can't use PIERCING GEL
it while the hand is full. Prerequisite: 11th level, Luminous Gel
When you hit with the weapon, you can activate your Your luminous gel now automatically dispels illusions
distributor to deploy one of your mixtures. If you do so, and can detect invisibility, as with truesight.
the target has disadvantage on the saving throw SELF-INJECTION MODULE
against your mixture. You install a special kolto injector into your modi ed
INOCULATION biochemist's pack that can inject you with kolto in
You gain immunity to the poisoned and disease. response to pain. When you take damage, you can use
your reaction and expend a Hit Die to regain health as
INTEGRATED EVA FUNCTIONALITY long as the damage would not reduce your hit points
You make several additions to your modi ed to 0.
biochemist's pack, you are protected from hazardous
conditions, as if wearing an EVA suit, for as long as you SMART DISPERSAL SYSTEM
are wearing your modi ed biochemist's pack. When you activate your distributor, you can choose a
number of creature equal to your Intelligence modi er.
KOLTO AEROSOL Those creature automatically succeed on their saving
Prerequisite: 9th level throws against your mixtures.
You add a special dispersal system to your modi ed
biochemist's pack. This system slowly disperses small SPRAY DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM
amounts of kolto in the air. If creatures spend the You upgrade your distributor, granting it the ability to
entirety of a long rest within 30 feet of you, they regain spray in a cone. When you use your action to activate
all expended Hit Dice, instead of only half. Additionally, your distributor, you can choose to a ect each
they are cured of any poisons or diseases that are creature in a 15-foot cone.
su ering from. You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
LONG-RANGE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM regain all expended uses when you complete a short
You upgrade your distributor, improving the range. or long rest.
When you use your action to activate your distributor,


Those engineers who choose the Biotech Engineering FOCUSED AUGMENTATION
discipline focus on the skill of modifying and upgrading
Biotech Engineering: 18th level
the body through the use of cybernetic limbs and
You add your Intelligence modi er to Constitution
saving throws you make to maintain concentration.
BONUS PROFICIENCIES Additionally, when you cast a power that requires
concentration and would a ect only one target, you
Biotech Engineering: 3rd level can target an additional creature with that power.
You gain pro ciency in biotech's implements.
Additionally, when you engage in crafting with
biotech's implements, the rate at which you craft

Biotech Engineering: 3rd level
You've learned to make modi cations to your body,
cybernetically augmenting yourself. Over the course of
a long rest, you can modify yourself with cybernetic
augmentations. You must have biotech's implements
in order to perform this modi cation.
While you have at least one cybernetic augmentation
installed, your body counts as a tech focus for your
tech powers. Additionally, you have 4 modi cation
slots, and you gain more at higher levels, as shown in
the Modi cation Slots column of the engineer table.
For each modi cation installed in excess of your
pro ciency bonus, your tech point maximum is
reduced by 1. Over the course of a long rest, you can
replace or remove a number of modi cations up to
your Intelligence modi er (minimum of one).
Some modi cation e ects require saving throws.
When you use such an e ect from this class, the DC
equals your tech save DC.

Biotech Engineering: 3rd level
When you are dealt damage by an attack while you
have at least one cybernetic augmentation installed,
you can use your reaction and expend one use of your
Potent Aptitude to reduce the damage you take. The
damage is reduced by an amount equal to 1d10 + your
Constitution modi er + your engineer level. If you
reduce the damage to 0, you can gain temporary hit
points equal to the remaining damage reduction.

Biotech Engineering: 6th level
You've learned to use your body as a conduit for your
tech powers. When you cast a tech power, you can
choose to pay up to half the cost of the tech power
using your hit points instead of your tech points. When
you do so, your maximum hit points are reduced by
the same amount. This e ect is cumulative, and it lasts
until you complete a long rest.


Biotech Engineering: 14th level
While you have temporary hit points, when you are
subjected to an e ect that allows you to make a saving
throw to take only half damage, you instead take no
damage if you succeed on a saving throw, and only half
damage if you fail.


If a modi cation has prerequisites, you must meet As an action, you can attach or detach this hand.
them to install it. You can install the modi cation at the While detached, the hand has a speed of 15 feet, an AC
same time that you meet its prerequisites. of 10, and 1 hit point. If it dies, you can't use it again
until you complete a long rest. As an action on each of
ACTIVE CAMOUFLAGE CORE your turns, you can control the hand as long as it is
Prerequisite: 13th level within 30 feet of you. You can use the hand to
As an action, you can activate this augmentation to cast manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or
the in ltrate tech power targeting yourself. Intelligence container, stow or retrieve an item from an open
is your tech casting ability for this power, and if you container, or pour the contents out of a container. You
cast it using this augmentation, it does not require can move the hand up to its speed each time you use
concentration. it.
ANTI-DAZZLE OCULAR IMPLANT You can choose this modi cation multiple times.
This augmentation replaces your eyes. FRAILCASTING INHIBITOR
You are immune to the blinded condition, and you Prerequisite: 5th level
can enable or disable your ability to see anytime. While using your body as a tech focus, you gain a +1
Additionally, your eyes are equipped with a bonus to the tech save DC of powers you cast that
holorecorder device. You can perfectly recall anything requires a Strength or Constitution saving throw. This
you've seen in the last 7 days. bonus increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 13th level.
Prerequisite: 5th level, Hardy Torso Prothesis This augmentation replaces your torso.
The Constitution score of your Hardy Torso Prosthesis Your Constitution score becomes 13. If your
increases by 2. Additionally, when you are reduced to 0 Constitution score is already equal to or greater than
hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit 13, it has no e ect on you. Additionally, you have
point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you advantage on saving throws against poison.
nish a long rest.
BRAWNY ARM PROSTHESIS This augmentation replaces a hand.
This augmentation replaces an arm. You modify your hand, granting it the ability to
When you make an ability check, attack roll, or saving transform into a harpoon. With this hand, you can
throw using Strength using only this arm, your Strength make a ranged weapon attack with a range of 30/60.
score is treated as 15. When you make an ability check, On a hit, it deals 1d6 kinetic damage. This attack can
attack roll, or saving throw using Strength using more target a surface, object, or creature.
than just this arm, you take the average of the arm's A creature struck by this attack is impaled by the
Strength score and your own. harpoon. As an action, a creature can attempt to
You can choose this modi cation multiple times. remove the harpoon. Removing the harpoon requires
CELERITY LEG PROSTHESIS a Strength check. While the harpoon is stuck in the
This augmentation replaces both legs. target, you are connected to the target by a 60 foot
When determining your bonus to AC and saving cable.
throws from Dexterity, your Dexterity score is treated While the harpoon is deployed, you can use your
as 15. Additionally, you can substitute this score for bonus action to activate the reel, pulling yourself to the
your own whenever you make an ability check or location if the target is larger than you. A creature or
attack roll that uses your legs. If your Dexterity score is object your size or smaller is pulled to you.
already equal to or greater than 15, it has no e ect on Alternatively, you can opt to release the cable (no
you. action required).
Once you've used this feature, you can't use your
DETACHABLE EYE hand again until you recover and reinsert it as an
This augmentation replaces an eye. action.
As an action, you can remove or replace this eye. You can choose this modi cation multiple times.
While removed, the eye sprouts eight small legs, has a
speed of 15 feet, an AC of 10, and 1 hit point. If it dies, INTEGRATED SUBDERMAL ARMOR
you can't use it again until you complete a long rest. As Prerequisite: 5th level
an action on each of your turns, you can move the eye When you aren't wearing armor, your AC becomes 13 +
up to its speed as long as it is within 30 feet of you. You your Dexterity modi er.
can see through both the detached eye and your IRIDONIAN GRAV-LEV HAND
remaining eye at the same time, or you can use your This augmentation replaces a hand.
action to see through only one eye or the other. Your unarmed strikes with this arm deal 1d4 ion
You can choose this modi cation multiple times. damage, and your carrying capacity and the weight you
DETACHABLE HAND can push, drag, or lift doubles. Additionally, you deal
This augmentation replaces a hand. double damage to energy-based structures with your
unarmed strikes.
You can choose this modi cation multiple times.


This augmentation replaces a forearm. can activate one of the below modes that enable you
Unarmed strikes with this hand have the reach to use several of these tools at once. Activating a
property. di erent mode deactivates any currently active mode.
You can choose this modi cation multiple times.
Communications Mode: This communications suite
MIGHTY PROWESS ENABLER includes a headcomm with a scrambler that
Prerequisite: 5th level, Brawny Arm Prothesis automatically encodes messages sent to a speci ed
The Strength score of your Brawny Arm Prosthesis recipient commlink or receiver. While this mode is
increases by 2. Additionally, you are considered active, you cannot be deafened.
pro cient with any weapon you wield with this arm. If Interceptor Mode: This is a jamming and electronic
the weapon requires two hands to use, and you are warfare suite that includes a comm jammer, a
not already pro cient with it, you only add half your holotrace device and pocket scrambler.
pro ciency bonus to attack rolls you make with it, Respirator Mode: This includes a basic respirator that
unless you wield it with two of these arms. grants advantage on saving throws made to avoid
You can choose this modi cation multiple times, but being poisoned and resistance to poison damage.
only once per arm.
NIGHTHAWK OCULAR IMPLANT Prerequisite: 5th level, Celerity Leg Prothesis
This augmentation replaces your eyes. The Dexterity score of your Celerity Leg Prosthesis
You can activate or deactivate this implant as a increases by 2. Additionally, you gain pro ciency in
bonus action. While active, you gain darkvision to a Dexterity saving throws.
range of 120 feet.
POWERED HARPOON HAND Prerequisite: 5th level
Prerequisite: 9th level, Harpoon Hand While using your body as a tech focus, you gain a +1
While your harpoon hand is deployed, when you cast a bonus to melee tech attack rolls. This bonus increases
tech power with a range of touch, your hand can to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 13th level.
deliver the power as if it had cast it.
RENDCASTING INHIBITOR Prerequisite: 5th level
Prerequisite: 5th level While using your body as a tech focus, you gain a +1
While using your body as a tech focus, you gain a +1 bonus to ranged tech attack rolls. This bonus increases
bonus to the tech save DC of powers you cast that to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 13th level.
requires a Dexterity or Intelligence saving throw. This
bonus increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 13th level.
Prerequisite: 5th level
SKILLS ENHANCEMENT PACKAGE This augmentation replaces your throat.
Prerequisite: 13th level This augmentation allows you to synthesize and
When you make an ability check using a skill you are perfectly mimic any voice that you have heard in the
pro cient in, you can roll a d4 and add the result to last month, and the synthesizer can translate verbal
your total. communications between up to 5 languages. The
languages can be changed out while interfaced with a
SOUND DAMPENERS protocol droid or appropriate computer. Additionally,
This augmentation replaces your ears. you can add your Intelligence modi er to any Charisma
You are immune to the deafened condition, and you (Deception) check made to lie to another creature.
can enable or disable your ability to hear anytime.
Additionally, your ears are equipped with a person WEAPON INTEGRATION
translator that allows you to understand up to 15 This augmentation replaces a forearm.
languages di erent, however, you cannot speak them. You can integrate a single weapon that weighs no
The languages can be changed out while interfaced more than 8 lb. into your forearm. While integrated,
with a protocol droid or appropriate computer. you can use a bonus action to hide or reveal the
weapon, which can only be used while revealed. While
SURVEILLANCE IMPLANT hidden, the weapon has the hidden property. While
This augmentation replaces your face. revealed, the weapon has the xed property.
This implant includes a headcomm with a scrambler You can choose this modi cation multiple times.
that automatically encodes messages sent to a
speci ed recipient commlink or receiver. WITHERCASTING INHIBITOR
Prerequisite: 5th level
SURVIVAL AND SURVEILLANCE IMPLANT While using your body as a tech focus, you gain a +1
Prerequisite: 9th level bonus to the tech save DC of powers you cast that
This augmentation replaces your eyes and face. requires a Wisdom or Charisma saving throw. This
This implant contains several tools for long-term bonus increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 13th level.
survival and reconnaissance. As a bonus action, you


Those engineers who choose the Construction BRIDGE
Engineering discipline create portable, pre-built You deploy a bridge up to 30 feet long, 10 feet wide,
battlements that allow them to command the and 3 feet thick. The bridge starts from the point at
battle eld. which you deploy it, and extends in a direction of your
choice. When you dismantle your bridge, it retracts to
BONUS PROFICIENCIES the point at which you initially deployed it. Both ends
Construction Engineering: 3rd level of the bridge must be supported in some fashion; one
You gain pro ciency in constructor's implements. end cannot be suspended in the air or on unstable
Additionally, when you engage in crafting with terrain. The bridge can hold up to 1,000 lbs., any
constructor's implements, the rate at which you craft weight above which causes the bridge to instantly drop
doubles. to 0 hit points, destroying it. If a creature is on the
bridge when it is destroyed or dismantled, it must
PORTABLE STRUCTURE make a Dexterity saving throw against your tech save
Construction Engineering: 3rd, 11th, and 17th level DC. On a successful saving throw, it reaches the closest
You have constructed a set of malleable, portable part of the bridge that has stable support, or it
forti cations that can elevate you and your allies. Over maintains a grip on your bridge as it retracts, as
the course of a long rest, you create a portable appropriate. On a failed save, it falls.
structure that travels with you. When you reach 11th level, the bridge can now
Your portable structure can only be directed by you, extend up to 45 feet long, 15 feet wide, and it can
and you must have a tech focus in order to direct it support up to 2,000 lbs. When you reach 17th level, the
remotely. If you lack a tech focus, you can instead bridge can now extend up to 60 feet long, 20 feet wide,
direct it while it is within 5 feet of you. Your portable and it can support up to 4,000 lbs.
structure has the following features: CAGE
Its AC equals your tech save DC. You create a cage that surrounds a cube up to 10 feet
It has a number of hit points equal to 5 x your engineer on each side centered on the target location. The cube
level. If your structure is reduced to 0 hit points, it is surrounded on all sides except the ground by 2-foot-
collapses and can't be used again until you spend 1 thick walls. The walls and roof are completely opaque,
hour repairing it, which can be done during a short or and you choose whether the structure has a light
long rest. source when you deploy it that provides bright light
You can restore missing hit points to your structure by within the cube. Otherwise, the space within the cube
casting the mending tech power on it, or by completing is in complete darkness. The cage is permeable,
a short or long rest. Casting the mending tech power allowing air, water, and sound to pass through it. You
restores a number of missing hit points equal to your can attempt to trap unwilling Medium or smaller
Intelligence modi er (minimum of one), but it can't be creatures inside the cage. When you deploy this
repaired to more than half its hit point maximum in structure in an unwilling creature's space, it must make
this way. Completing a short rest restores your a Dexterity saving throw against your tech save DC. On
structure to half its hit point maximum, and completing a successful save, it can immediately move to nearest
a long rest restores it to its hit point maximum. unoccupied space outside of the cage. Otherwise, it is
Your structure has two modes: dismantled and trapped within the structure when it is deployed.
deployed. While dismantled, your structure's speed When you reach 11th level, the cage can extend up
equals your own, it hovers 5 feet o the ground, takes to 15 feet on each side, and it can trap creatures of
up the space of a 5-foot cube, and weighs 500 lbs. This Large size or smaller. When you reach 17th level, the
increases to a 10-foot cube and 1,000 lbs. at 11th level, cage can extend up to 20 feet on each side, and it can
and a 15-foot cube and 2,000 lbs. at 17th level as you trap creatures of Huge size or smaller.
upgrade it. While deployed, your structure's speed is 0
and it takes up space dictated by how its deployed.
You erect a shelter up to 15 feet long, 10 feet wide, and
As an action, you can remotely deploy your structure 10 feet tall, with one-foot-thick walls, a roof, and a
at a space you can see on the ground within 30 feet of oor. It has a single door along its walls in a location of
you, provided there is su cient space to support it. your choice. The building has temperature control and
This range increases to 60 feet at 11th level and 120 lighting systems, and can withstand harsh winds, heavy
feet at 17th level. Automatic dismantling of your rain and snow. Any creature inside the shelter is
structure takes 1 minute, and can be initiated on your protected from hazardous environmental e ects
turn (no action required). outside the shelter such as extreme heat or cold. The
You can deploy your choice from these structures a structure does not provide additional breathing air for
combined total of four times, and you gain more uses anyone inside if the environment it is placed in is not
at higher levels, as shown in the Modi cation Slots breathable. The shelter can comfortably support up to
column of the engineer table. Each time you use this 5 Medium creatures. For each Medium creature, it can
feature in excess of your pro ciency bonus, your tech instead support 2 Small creatures. For each Small
point maximum is reduced by 1 until you complete a creature, it can instead support 2 Tiny creatures.
long rest. You regain all expended uses when you
complete a long rest.


When you reach 11th level, the shelter can extend up Construction Engineering: 3rd level
to 30 feet long, 15 feet wide, 15 feet tall, and it can now When a friendly creature other than you that you can
comfortably support up to 10 Medium creatures. For see is hit with a ranged attack while within 5 feet of
each Medium creature, it can instead support 2 Small your deployed portable structure, you can use your
creatures. For each Small creature, it can instead reaction and expend one use of your Potent Aptitude
support 2 Tiny creatures. Additionally, when a creature to have your structure take the damage instead. If your
completes a long rest while within your shelter, they structure would normally have immunity or resistance
regain all spent Hit Dice, instead of only half. When you to this damage, it loses that immunity or resistance for
reach 17th level, the shelter can extend up to 45 feet this attack. When you do so, the damage is reduced by
long, 20 feet wide, 20 feet tall, and it can now an amount equal to 1d10 + your Intelligence modi er +
comfortably support up to 10 Large creatures. For each your engineer level.
Large creature, it can instead support 2 Medium
creatures. For each Medium creature, it can instead BUILD AND DESTROY
support 2 Small creatures. For each Small creature, it Construction Engineering: 6th level
can instead support 2 Tiny creatures. Additionally, You've learned how to manipulate the weak points in
when a creature completes a long rest while within structures with your technology. Your tech powers and
your shelter, their exhaustion level is reduced by 2, weapon attacks gain the siege property, and your
instead of only 1. portable structures have resistance to kinetic, energy,
and ion damage dealt by weapons.
You erect a tower from a 5-foot square platform STRUCTURAL KNOWLEDGE
centered on the target location that rises up to 30 feet.
If the tower is created under a creature, that creature Construction Engineering: 14th level
must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be lifted You can spend 1 hour inspecting and looking over a
by the tower. A creature can choose to fail the save. structure you can see from every angle available to you
The tower comes equipped with a ladder that reaches and comparing it to data you have on hand. At the end
from the ground to the platform. of the hour, you learn the basic blueprints for the
When you reach 11th level, the tower's platform can structure, including but not limited to:
extend 5 feet by 10 feet and rise up to 40 feet. When The structure's total hit points.
you reach 17th level, the tower's platform can cover a Any common materials that make up the structures.
10-foot square, and rise up to 50 feet. Additionally, any Whether or not the structure is in use or abandoned.
creature on the tower's platform has advantage on The total oor count for the structure, as well as the
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. general purpose of each oor if it was created to suit a
WALL speci c purpose.
You deploy a wall up to 30 feet long, 10 feet high, and 3 All non-secret entrances (including doors, windows,
feet thick, or a ringed wall up to 10 feet in diameter, 10 vents, pipe systems) and where you could nd them.
feet high, and 3 feet thick. The wall features ramparts A basic map-layout of every oor and ventilation
deep enough to support creatures of Medium size or system for the building.
smaller, and provides one-quarter cover to any The history of the building such as what company or
creature on its ramparts. The wall includes a ladder on species could have constructed it, as well as how long
the side of your choice. You choose whether the wall it's been built.
contains any openings otherwise. Any openings chosen Any structural weak points it might have.
in this way can be seen through on both sides. The wall Additionally, when you make an Investigation check
can be climbed, but requires a Strength (Athletics) while searching this structure for hidden structural
check against your tech save DC for any creature elements, such as doors or passages, if you have
without a climbing speed. A creature can only make constructor's implements, you can treat a d20 roll of 9
this check once per turn. or lower as a 10.
When you reach 11th level, the wall can deploy up to
45 feet long and 15 feet high, or a ringed wall up to 15 MASTER BUILDER
feet in diameter and 15 feet high. Additionally, the wall Construction Engineering: 18th level
now provides half cover to any creature on its Your ability with your portable structures has reached
ramparts. When you reach 17th level, the wall can untold superiority. You gain the following bene ts:
deploy up to 60 feet long and 20 feet high, or a ringed
wall up to 20 feet in diameter and 20 feet high. You can have two structures active at a time, instead of
Additionally, the wall now provides three-quarters only one, as you learn to more e ciently use your
cover to any creature on its ramparts. portable structure.
Your structures no longer take double damage from
the siege property.
Your structures no longer automatically fail Strength,
Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws. Instead, your
structure adds your pro ciency bonus to the d20 roll
when it makes one of these saving throws.


Those engineers who choose the Cybertech PERFECTED PURPOSING
Engineering discipline focus on the ability to craft
Cybertech Engineering: 18th level
reusable consumables and items that augment and
When you cast a tech power, you can choose to deal
complement their techcasting abilities.
maximum damage or provide maximum healing with
Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
Cybertech Engineering: 3rd level short or long rest before you can use it again.
You gain pro ciency in cybertech's implements.
Additionally, when you engage in crafting with
cybertech's implements, the rate at which you craft

Cybertech Engineering: 3rd level
You learn modify gadgets and wristpads utilizing your
cybertech knowledge. Over the course of a long rest,
you can modify your wristpad. You must have a
wristpad and cybertech's implements in order to
perform this modi cation.
Your wristpad requires attunement, can only be used
by you, and counts as a tech focus for your tech
powers while you are attuned to it. Your modi ed
wristpad has 4 modi cation slots, and it gains more at
higher levels, as shown in the Modi cation Slots
column of the engineer table. For each modi cation
installed in excess of your pro ciency bonus, your tech
point maximum is reduced by 1. Over the course of a
long rest, you can replace or remove a number of
modi cations up to your Intelligence modi er
(minimum of one).
Some modi cation e ects require saving throws.
When you use such an e ect from this class, the DC
equals your tech save DC.

Cybertech Engineering: 3rd level
When you miss with a tech attack roll, or a creature
succeeds on a saving throw against a tech power you
cast, you can expend one use of your Potent Aptitude
to overwhelm them. Roll the die, and either add it to
the attack roll or subtract it from their saving throw.

Cybertech Engineering: 6th level
When you cast a tech power of 1st level or higher, you
can choose to deal additional damage or provide
additional healing with that power. The additional
damage or healing equals half your engineer level
(rounded down).
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you complete a long

Cybertech Engineering: 14th level
When you use your action to a cast a 1st-level or higher
tech power, you can use your bonus action to gain
temporary hit points equal to the level of the tech
power + your Intelligence modi er.


If a modi cation has prerequisites, you must meet BIOTIC AMPLIFIER
them to install it. You can install the modi cation at the You integrate a biotic ampli er in your wristpad that
same time that you meet its prerequisites. increases the potency of your healing tech powers.
While wielding this ampli er, when a creature regains
ADVANCED BIOTIC AMPLIFIER hit points from a tech power you cast, you can grant
Prerequisite: 15th level, Prototype Biotic Ampli er them temporary hit points equal to the amount of tech
You further ne tune your biotic ampli er. While points spent. This amount can't exceed the number of
wielding this ampli er, when a creature gains hit points restored.
temporary hit points from your biotic ampli er, it You can use this ampli er a number of times equal
instead gains four times as many. This amount can't to your Intelligence modi er. You regain all expended
exceed the number of hit points regained. uses when you complete a short or long rest.
Prerequisite: 15th level, Prototype Corrosive Ampli er You craft a set of gloves with a powerful assisted grip.
You further ne tune your Corrosive Ampli er. When While wearing these gloves, you have a climbing speed
you activate this ampli er, the next attack roll made by of 20 feet, and you have advantage on Strength saving
that creature before the end of its next turn has throws and Strength (Athletics) checks that involve
disadvantage. climbing.
Prerequisite: 15th level, Prototype Cryo Ampli er You integrate a booster in your wristpad that enhances
You further ne tune your Cryo Ampli er. When you your tech powers that deal acid damage. While
activate this ampli er, the creature is restrained until wielding this ampli er, when a creature takes acid
the end of your next turn. damage from a tech power you cast, you can choose to
ADVANCED EXPLOSIVE AMPLIFIER deal additional acid damage equal to your Intelligence
Prerequisite: 15th level, Prototype Explosive Ampli er modi er.
You further ne tune your Explosive Ampli er. When a You can use this ampli er a number of times equal
creature takes re damage while ignited, the creature to your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
has disadvantage on the next Dexterity saving throw it regain all expended uses when you complete a short
makes before the start of your next turn. or long rest.


Prerequisite: 5th level You integrate a booster in your wristpad that enhances
While using your wristpad as a tech focus, you gain a your tech powers that deal cold damage. While
+1 bonus to tech attack rolls. This bonus increases to wielding this ampli er, when a creature takes cold
+2 at 9th level and +3 at 13th level. damage from a tech power you cast, you can choose to
deal additional cold damage equal to your Intelligence
You can augment a single grenade, mine, or thermal You can use this ampli er a number of times equal
detonator to regain its charge. An augmented to your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
explosive can only be used by you, and it uses your regain all expended uses when you complete a short
tech save DC instead of its own. Once you've activated or long rest.
an explosive, it can't be activated again until you nish
a short or long rest. DARKVISION GOGGLES
You can select this modi cation multiple times. Each You craft a pair of sight-enhancing goggles. While
time you do so, you can maintain an additional wearing these goggles, you have darkvision to a range
augmented explosive, to a maximum equal to your of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, this
Intelligence modi er. modi cation increases its range by 30 feet.


Prerequisite: 5th level You integrate a booster in your wristpad that enhances
While using your wristpad as a tech focus, you gain a your tech powers that deal re damage. While wielding
+1 bonus to your tech save DC. This bonus increases to this ampli er, when a creature takes re damage from
+2 at 9th level and +3 at 13th level. a tech power you cast, you can choose to deal
additional re damage equal to your Intelligence
modi er.
You can use this ampli er a number of times equal
to your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you complete a short
or long rest.


You integrate a booster in your wristpad that enhances takes additional re damage equal to your Intelligence
your illusionary tech powers. While wielding this modi er and then makes a Dexterity saving throw
ampli er, when a creature attempts an Intelligence against your tech save DC, ending this e ect on a
(Investigation) check against a tech power you cast to success. If the target or a creature within 5 feet of it
discern the illusion for what it is, you can force the uses an action to put out the ames, or if some other
creature to have disadvantage on the roll (no action e ect douses the ames, the e ect ends.
required). Alternatively, when you cast the mirror
image tech power, you create a fourth duplicate. While POWERED GRAPPLING HOOK
you have four duplicates, you must roll a 5 or higher on Prerequisite: 9th level, Wrist-Mounted Grappling Hook
the d20 roll to change an attack's target to a duplicate. While your wrist-mounted grappling hook is deployed,
when you cast a tech power with a range of touch, your
You can use this ampli er a number of times equal
hook can deliver the power as if it had cast it.
to your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you complete a short SENTRY TURRET
or long rest. You learn how to craft small sentry turrets shaped like
JET BOOTS globes that can adhere to any surface. As an action or
Prerequisite: 7th level bonus action (your choice), you can throw a sentry to a
You nd tune your augmented boots to give you point you can see within range (30 feet + your Strength
temporary, limited ight. Activating or deactivating the modi er x 5). At the end of each of your turns, a
boots requires a bonus action and, while active, you deployed sentry automatically targets a hostile
have a ying speed of 30 feet. creature within 10 feet of it. If multiple targets are
available, one is chosen at random. The target must
The rocket boots last for 1 minute before
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it
deactivating. Once the boots have been activated, they
takes 1d4 energy damage and gains 1 slowed level
can't be activated again until you nish a short or long
until the end of your next turn.
The sentries have 1 hit point, an armor class of 10,
MECHANICAL ARM and can be repaired over the course of a long rest.
You create a mechanical arm which mounts to your Each sentry lasts for 1 minute before deactivating. You
shoulder, which you can use independently. You can can maintain a number of sentries equal to your
only gain the bene t of items held by two of your arms Intelligence modi er. Once a sentry has been activated,
at any given time. it can't be activated again until you nish a short or
You can choose this modi cation twice. long rest.


Prerequisite: 7th level, Biotic Ampli er Prerequisite: 11th level, Darkvision Goggles
You ne tune your biotic ampli er. While wielding this You modify your goggles with a toggle allowing you to
ampli er, when a creature gains temporary hit points brie y gain enhanced sight. As a bonus action, you can
from your biotic ampli er, it instead gains twice as activate the truesight feature of your goggles. When
many. This amount can't exceed the number of hit toggled on, for the next minute your goggles now
points regained. automatically dispel illusions and can detect invisibility,
as with truesight.
PROTOTYPE CORROSIVE AMPLIFIER Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
Prerequisite: 7th level, Corrosive Ampli er short or long rest before you can use it again.
You ne tune your Corrosive Ampli er. When you
activate this ampli er, the next attack roll made against WRIST-MOUNTED GRAPPLING HOOK
that creature before the end of its next turn has You craft a wrist-mounted grappling hook weapon
advantage. attached to a tightly coiled cord. With this contraption,
you can make a ranged weapon attack with a range of
PROTOTYPE CRYO AMPLIFIER 30/60. On a hit, it deals 1d4 kinetic damage. This attack
Prerequisite: 7th level, Cryo Ampli er can target a surface, object, or creature.
You ne tune your Cryo Ampli er. When you activate A creature struck by this attack is impaled by the
this ampli er, the creature gains 1 slowed level until hook. As an action, a creature can attempt to remove
the end of your next turn. the hook. Removing the hook requires a Strength
PROTOTYPE EXPLOSIVE AMPLIFIER check. While the hook is stuck in the target, you are
Prerequisite: 7th level, Explosive Ampli er connected to the target by a 60 foot cable.
You ne tune your Explosive Ampli er. When you While the hook is deployed, you can use your bonus
activate this ampli er, the creature is also ignited for 1 action to activate the reel, pulling yourself to the
minute. At the start of each of its turns, the creature location if the target is your size or larger. A creature or
object smaller than you is pulled to you. Alternatively,
you can opt to release the cable (no action required).
Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
until you recover and reinsert the hook as an action.


Those ghters who choose to become Adept FORCECASTING ABILITY
Specialists tap into a latent Force-sensitivity to Your forcecasting ability varies based on the alignment
augment their martial prowess, blending the two to of the powers you cast. You use your Wisdom for light
accelerate their bodies and blows. An adept speeds side powers, Charisma for dark side powers, and
across the battle eld, attacking opponents in a urry of Wisdom or Charisma for universal powers (your
blows before dashing o again. choice). You use this ability score modi er whenever a
power refers to your forcecasting ability. Additionally,
FORCECASTING you use this ability score modi er when setting the
Adept Specialist: 3rd level saving throw DC for a force power you cast and when
You have learned powers, fragments of knowledge that making an attack roll with one.
imbue you with an abiding force ability. See chapter 10
for the general rules of forcecasting and chapter 11 for Force save DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus +
the force powers list. your forcecasting ability modi er

FORCE POWERS KNOWN Force attack modifier = your pro ciency bonus +
You learn 4 force powers of your choice, and you learn your forcecasting ability modi er
more at higher levels, as shown in the Force Powers
Known column of the Adept Specialist Forcecasting GROWING MOMENTUM
table. You may not learn a force power of a level higher Adept Specialist: 3rd level
than your Max Power Level, and you may learn a force You can cast the burst of speed force power targeting
power at the same time you learn its prerequisite. yourself at 1st-level without expending force points. At
10th level, when you do so, your speed increases by an
additional 10 feet. At 18th level, when you do so, your
You have a number of force points equal to your
speed increases by an additional 10 feet.
ghter level, as shown in the Force Points column of
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
the Adept Specialist Forcecasting table, + your Wisdom
your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, a
or Charisma modi er (your choice). You use these
minimum of once). You regain any expended uses
force points to cast force powers. You regain all
when you nish a long rest.
expended force points when you nish a long rest.
Many force powers can be overpowered, consuming
more force points to create a greater e ect. You can
overpower these abilities to a maximum level, which
increases at higher levels, as shown in the Max Power
Level column of the Adept Specialist Forcecasting table.
You may only cast force powers at 4th-level once.
You regain the ability to do so after a long rest.


Adept Specialist: 7th level
Your constant blur of motion and attacks becomes an
unending barrage as you build momentum. Once on ADEPT SPECIALIST FORCECASTING
your turn when you miss with a weapon attack you can
Force Powers Force Max Power
make another weapon attack, no action required.
Level Known Points Level
3rd 4 3 1st
4th 6 4 1st
5th 7 5 1st
6th 8 6 1st
7th 10 7 2nd
8th 11 8 2nd
9th 12 9 2nd
10th 13 10 2nd
11th 14 11 2nd
12th 15 12 2nd
13th 17 13 3rd
14th 18 14 3rd
15th 19 15 3rd
16th 20 16 3rd
17th 22 17 4th
18th 23 18 4th
19th 24 19 4th
20th 25 20 4th

Adept Specialist: 10th level
You learn to recover some of your expended power
quickly. When you use your Second Wind you also
regain a number of force points equal to your Wisdom
or Charisma modi er (your choice, a minimum of one).

Adept Specialist: 15th level
You learn to completely ignore many of the most
devastating impediments of combat. You can expend a
use of Indomitable to gain the e ect of the freedom of
movement force power until the end of your next turn.

Adept Specialist: 18th level
You reach the pinnacle of your training, moving faster
than eyes or most sensors can track. When you use
Action Surge feature, you can teleport up to 30 feet to
an unoccupied space you can see. You can teleport
before or after the additional action.


Those ghters who choose to become Blademaster DERVISH
Specialists hone their focus to a blade's edge,
Blademaster Specialist: 7th level
becoming so in tune with their arsenal that it becomes
When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon
both their weapon and their armor.
attack, you regain an expended use of your Adaptive
Blademaster Specialist: 3rd level RESILIENT FIGHTING
While you are wearing no armor and not wielding a Blademaster Specialist: 10th level
shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modi er + When you expend a use of your Adaptive Fighting, you
your Strength modi er. gain resistance to energy and kinetic damage dealt by
ADAPTIVE FIGHTING weapons until the start of your next turn.
Blademaster Specialist: 3rd level ADRENALINE RUSH
You've learned to make adaptations to your ghting
Blademaster Specialist: 15th level
style on the y. You have three such e ects: Change
When you use your Action Surge feature, you can take
Up, Draw, and Stow. When you use your Adaptive
an extra bonus action on top of the additional action.
Fighting, you choose which e ect to create.
You can use this features a number of times equal to BLADESTORM
your Strength or Dexterity modi er (your choice, a
Blademaster Specialist: 18th level
minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when
You can use your action to make a single melee
you complete a short or long rest.
weapon attack against each creature within your reach.
CHANGE UP Make a separate attack roll against each target. The
You can use your object interaction and expend a use rst attack gains a +1 bonus to its attack roll, and each
of your Adaptive Fighting to change the Fighting Style attack after the rst gains an additional +1 bonus to its
option granted to you by your ghter class feature. attack roll, cumulatively, to a maximum bonus of +6. If
you are wielding two light- or vibro-weapons, or a
DRAW weapon with the double property, you also add this
When you use your object interaction to draw one or bonus to your damage rolls, and you can use your
more weapons, you can expend a use of your Adaptive bonus action to engage in Double- or Two-Weapon
Fighting (no action required) to increase your critical hit Fighting.
range by 1 with the weapon(s) until the start of your Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
next turn. short or long rest before you can use it again.
When you use your object interaction to stow a
weapon, you can expend a use of your Adaptive
Fighting (no action required) to take the Disengage


Those ghters who choose to become Demolitions BACKUP PLANS
Specialists are experts in using explosives in combat.
Demolitions Specialist: 15th level
They have an explosive for every situation, whether it
When you roll initiative and have no charges
be breaching a forti ed bunker, taking down a walker,
remaining, you can create 2 charges. Additionally,
or simply demonstrating that in combat, standing too
whenever you create a charge, you can change the
close to your squadmates can be fatal.
damage type to acid, energy, re, ion, lightning, or
Demolitions Specialist: 3rd level BOMBARD
You gain pro ciency in demolitions kit. Additionally, Demolitions Specialist: 18th level
when you would install a breaching charge, you can do When a creature fails its saving throw against a charge
so in half the time. or grenade thrown by you, it has disadvantage on the
EXPLOSIVE CHARGE next Dexterity saving throw it makes before the end of
your next turn.
Demolitions Specialist: 3rd, 7th, and 15th level
You learn to create a number of small explosives
known as charges. Over the course of a short or long
rest, you can create a number of charges equal to your
Intelligence modi er. You must have a demolitions kit
in order to create these charges. Your charges can only
be used by you, and they lose their potency at the end
of your next short or long rest.
Once per turn, when you would make a ranged
weapon attack, you can instead throw one of your
charges. Your charges have a range equal to 30 feet +
your Strength modi er x 5. You can throw a charge at a
point you can see within range. Each creature within
5 feet must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC =
8 + your pro ciency bonus + your Intelligence
modi er). A creature takes 2d4 + your
Intelligence modi er kinetic damage on a
failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
The damage of your charges increases to 3d4
at 7th level and 4d4 at 15th level.


Demolitions Specialist: 7th level
You learn to throw grenades as a bonus action.
Additionally, when a creature fails a saving throw
against a charge or grenade, you can expend a
superiority die to apply one of your maneuvers. You
can only use this feature once per grenade.

Demolitions Specialist: 10th level
When a creature within 5 feet of you makes a melee
attack against you, you can use your reaction and
throw a charge behind the target. If the target fails its
saving throw against the charge, you impose
disadvantage on the attack roll made against you.


Those ghters who choose to become Enhancement STUDIED SHOOTER
Specialists learn to apply their technological prowess to
Enhancement Specialist: 3rd level
their blasters. With their deep understanding of both
You learn specialized theory typical for practitioners of
their weapon and how to manipulate its ammunition
the enhancement trade. You gain pro ciency in your
on the y, they can often turn the tides of a battle with
choice of the Lore or Technology skills. Additionally,
a single shot.
you learn your choice of the encrypted message or
minor image tech power. Intelligence is your
techcasting ability for these powers.

Enhancement Specialist: 3rd level
You learn ammunition enhancements that are fueled
by ampli ed shots to unleash special enhanced e ects.
You know two ammunition enhancements of your
choice, which are detailed under "Ammunition
Enhancements" below, and you earn more at higher
levels. Many ammunition enhancements boost an
attack in some way. Once per turn when you re a shot
from a blaster as part of the Attack action, you can
apply one of your Ammunition Enhancement options
to that shot,
You gain an additional Ammunition Enhancement
option of your choice when you reach certain levels in
this class: 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level. Each option
also improves when you become an 18th-level ghter.
Each time you learn new ammunition
enhancements, you can also replace one ammunition
enhancement you know with a di erent one.
You have two ampli ed shots, which you use to
activate your ammunition enhancements. An ampli ed
shot is expended when you use it. When you re an
ampli ed shot, your weapon is treated as enhanced for
overcoming resistance and immunity to unenhanced
attacks and damage. You decide to use the option
when the shot hits a creature, unless the option
doesn't involve an attack roll. You regain all of your
ampli ed shots when you nish a short or long rest.
Some of your ammunition enhancements require your
target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver's
e ects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Ammunition save DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus +

your Dexterity modi er


The ammunition enhancements are presented in QUELL SHOT
alphabetical order. You re a shot enhanced with a debilitating poison.
The creature hit by the shot takes an extra 2d6 poison
CARBONITE SHOT damage. The target must also succeed on a
When this shot strikes its target, shards of carbonite Constitution saving throw, or the damage dealt by its
wrap around the target. The creature hit by the shot weapon attacks is halved until the start of your next
takes an extra 2d6 cold damage, it gains 1 slowed level, turn.
and it takes 2d6 kinetic damage the rst time on each The poison damage increases to 4d6 when you reach
turn it moves 1 foot or more without teleporting. The 18th level in this class.
target or any creature that can reach it can use its
action to remove the carbonite with a successful SEEKING SHOT
Strength (Athletics) check against your Special You apply a tracing signal to your shot. When you use
Ammunition save DC. Otherwise, the carbonite lasts this option, you don't make an attack roll for the attack.
for 1 minute or until you use this option again. Instead, choose one creature you have seen in the past
The cold damage and kinetic damage both increase minute. The shot ies toward that creature, moving
to 4d6 when you reach 18th level in this class. around corners if necessary and ignoring three-
quarters cover and half cover. If the target is within the
COERCING SHOT weapon's range and there is a path large enough for
You enhance your shot with chemicals that confuse the the shot to travel to the target, the target must make a
target. The creature hit by the shot takes an extra 2d6 Dexterity saving throw. Otherwise, the shot disappears
poison damage, and choose one of your allies within after traveling as far as it can. On a failed save, the
30 feet of the target. The target must succeed on a target takes damage as if it were hit by the shot, plus
Wisdom saving throw, or it is charmed by the chosen an extra 1d6 kinetic damage, and you learn the target's
ally until the start of your next turn. This e ect ends current location. On a successful save, the target takes
early if the chosen ally attacks the charmed target, half as much damage, and you don't learn its location.
deals damage to it, or forces it to make a saving throw. The kinetic damage increases to 2d6 when you reach
The poison damage increases to 4d6 when you reach 18th level in this class.
18th level in this class.
You re a shot set to explode on impact. The shot Enhancement Specialist: 7th level
detonates after your attack. Immediately after the shot You gain the ability to enhance your shots. Whenever
hits the creature, the target and all other creatures you re an unenhanced shot from a blaster, you can
within 10 feet of it take 2d6 re damage each. make it enhanced for the purpose of overcoming
The re damage increases to 4d6 when you reach resistance and immunity to unenhanced attacks and
18th level in this class. damage.


You enhance your shot with hallucinogenic chemicals. Enhancement Specialist: 10th level
The creature hit by the shot takes an extra 2d6 psychic You learn how to direct an errant shot toward a new
damage, and it must succeed on a Wisdom saving target. When you make an attack roll with an enhanced
throw or be unable to see anything farther than 5 feet shot and miss, you can use a bonus action to reroll the
away until the start of your next turn. attack roll against a di erent target within 60 feet of
The psychic damage increases to 4d6 when you the original target.
reach 18th level in this class.
You enhance your shot with armor-piercing properties. Enhancement Specialist: 15th level
When you use this option, you don't make an attack Your enhanced ammunition is available whenever
roll for the attack. Instead, the shot shoots forward in a battle starts. If you roll initiative and have no uses of
line, which is 1 foot wide and 30 feet long, before Special Ammunition remaining, you regain one use of
disappearing. The shot passes through objects, it.
ignoring cover. Each creature in that line must make a AMMUNITION UPGRADES
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
takes damage as if it were hit by the shot, plus an extra Enhancement Specialist: 18th level
1d6 damage of the weapon's type. On a successful Your ammunition enhancements improve.
save, a target takes half as much damage.
The extra damage increases to 2d6 when you reach
18th level in this class.


Those ghters who choose to become Mounted HOLD THE LINE
Specialists excel at mounted combat. Mounted Mounted Specialist: 10th level
Specialists are most dangerous from the seat of a You become a master of locking down your enemies.
speeder or saddle of a varactyl, though they can hold Creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you
their own from the ground. Their versatility often has when they move 5 feet or more while within your
them leading the charge or protecting the team. reach, and if you hit a creature with an opportunity
BONUS PROFICIENCIES attack, the target gains 4 slowed levels until the end of
the current turn.
Mounted Specialist: 3rd level
You gain pro ciency in Animal Handling or Piloting. FEROCIOUS CHARGER
BORN TO THE SADDLE Mounted Specialist: 15th level
You can run down your foes, whether you're mounted
Mounted Specialist: 3rd level or not. If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line
Your mastery as a rider becomes apparent. You have right before attacking a creature and you hit it with the
advantage on saving throws made to avoid falling o attack, that target must succeed on a Strength saving
your mount. If you fall o your mount and descend no throw (DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus + your Strength
more than 10 feet, you can land on your feet if you're modi er) or be knocked prone. You can use this
not incapacitated. feature only once on each of your turns.
Finally, mounting or dismounting a creature or
vehicle costs you only 5 feet of movement, rather than VIGILANT DEFENDER
half your speed. Mounted Specialist: 18th level
UNWAVERING MARK You respond to danger with extraordinary vigilance. In
combat, you get a special reaction that you can take
Mounted Specialist: 3rd level once on every creature's turn, except your turn. You
You can menace your foes, foiling their attacks and can use this special reaction only to make an
punishing them for harming others. When you hit a opportunity attack, and you can't use it on the same
creature with a melee weapon attack, you can mark turn that you take your normal reaction.
the creature until the end of your next turn. This e ect
ends early if you are incapacitated or you die, or if
someone else marks the creature. While it is within 5
feet of you, a creature marked by you has
disadvantage on any attack roll that doesn't target you.
Additionally, if a creature marked by you deals
damage to anyone other than you, you can make a
special melee weapon attack against the marked
creature as a bonus action on your next turn. You have
advantage on the attack roll, and if it hits, the attacks
weapon deals extra damage to the target equal to half
your ghter level.
Regardless of the number of creatures you mark,
you can make this special attack a number of times
equal to your Strength modi er (minimum of once),
and you regain all expended uses when you nish a
long rest.

Mounted Specialist: 7th level
You learn to fend o strikes directed at you, your
mount, or other creatures nearby. If you or a creature
you can see within 5 feet of you is dealt damage by an
attack, you can roll ld8 as a reaction if you're wielding a
melee weapon or a shield. Roll the die, and add the
number rolled to the target's AC against that attack. If
the attack still hits, the target has resistance against
the attack's damage.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Constitution modi er (a minimum of once), and
you regain all expended uses of it when you nish a
long rest.


Those ghters who choose to become Praetorian STRENGTH BEFORE WEAKNESS
Specialists seek perfection of both body and mind.
Praetorian Specialist: 18th level
These warriors master the art of warfare, and are often
Your ghting spirit can delay the grasp of death. If you
sought as bodyguards for the galaxy's elite. They are
take damage that reduces you to 0 hit points, you can
engines of destruction and resilience, able to ght on
use your reaction to delay falling unconscious, and you
to their last breath.
can immediately take an extra turn. While you have 0
BONUS PROFICIENCY hit points during that extra turn, taking damage causes
death saving throw failures as normal, and three death
Praetorian Specialist: 3rd level saving throw failures can still kill you. When the extra
You gain pro ciency in one of the following skills of turn ends, you fall unconscious if you still have 0 hit
your choice: Insight, Lore, Performance, or Persuasion. points.
Alternatively, you learn one language of your choice. Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
FIGHTING SPIRIT until you nish a long rest.

Praetorian Specialist: 3rd level

Your intensity in battle can shield you and help you
strike true. As a bonus action on your turn, you can
give yourself advantage on all weapon attack rolls until
the end of the current turn. When you do so, you also
gain 5 temporary hit points. The number of hit points
increases when you reach certain levels in this class,
increasing to 10 at
10th level and 15 at 15th level.
You can use this feature three times.
You regain all expended uses when you
nish a long rest.

Praetorian Specialist: 7th level
Your discipline and attention to detail allow you to
excel in social situations. Whenever you make a
Charisma (Persuasion) check, you gain a bonus to the
check equal to your Wisdom modi er.
Your self-control also causes you to gain pro ciency
in Wisdom saving throws. If you already have this
pro ciency, you instead gain pro ciency in Intelligence
or Charisma saving throws (your choice).

Praetorian Specialist: 10th level
When you roll initiative and have no uses of Fighting
Spirit remaining, you regain one use.

Praetorian Specialist: 15th level
You learn to trade accuracy for swift strikes. If you take
the Attack action on your turn and have advantage on
an attack roll against one of the targets, you can forgo
the advantage for that roll to make an additional
weapon attack against that target, as part of the same
action. You can do so no more than once per turn.


Those ghters who become Totem Specialists tap into TOTEM OF THE ACKLAY
a primal attunement to the Force, applying tribal This totem evokes the ferocity of an acklay, granting
ceremony to create powerful talismans that enhance you advantage on Intelligence (Nature) checks and
their abilities. Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
Additionally, you can invoke the totem as a bonus
BONUS PROFICIENCIES action. For 10 minutes, your carrying capacity and the
Totem Specialist: 3rd level weight you can push, drag, or lift doubles, and your
You gain pro ciency with your choice of artist's Strength score increases by 2. This increase can cause
implements or jeweler's implements. your score to exceed 20.


This totem is inspired by the visage of a hawk, granting
Totem Specialist: 3rd level
you advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks,
You've learned to create powerful talismans infused
and darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already
with the Force. Your totems can take the form of sigils
have darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet.
painted directly onto your equipment, or adornments
Additionally, when a creature you can see ends its
attached to it, as you see t. Regardless of the form
turn within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to
they take, only you can bene t from them. You learn
invoke the totem and force the creature to make a
two totems of your choice, which are detailed under
Constitution saving throw by emitting a powerful
"Totems" below. When you complete a long rest, you
sound. Unless the save succeeds, the creature is dazed,
can replace one totem you know with a di erent one.
su ering from the Charmed condition. While charmed
When you nish a long rest, you can touch a number in this way, the creature has a speed of 0 and is
of weapons, armor, or shields equal to the number of incapacitated. The e ect ends if the charmed creature
totems you know, a xing a di erent totem to each takes any damage or if someone else uses an action to
object. Your totem remains a xed until you nish a shake the creature out of its haze. Once you invoke the
long rest, and an object can only bear one totem at a totem, you can't do so again until you nish a short or
time. You must be wielding or wearing the object to long rest. A deaf creature automatically succeeds on its
bene t from a totem a xed to it. saving throw.
Each totem can be invoked to grant an e ect. Once
you've invoked a totem in this way, you can't do so TOTEM OF THE LOTH-WOLF
again until you complete a short or long rest. This totem emulates the near etherealness of a loth-
wolf, granting you advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of
TOTEM OPTIONS Hand) checks and Charisma (Deception) checks.
The totems are listed in alphabetical order. If a totem Additionally, when you or a creature you can see
requires a saving throw, the DC = 8 + your pro ciency within 30 feet of you is hit by an attack roll, you can use
bonus + your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your your reaction to invoke the totem and cause that
choice). attack to target a di erent creature within 30 feet of
you (other than the attacker) that you can see, using
the same roll. This ability can transfer the attack
regardless of the attack's range.
This totem bestows a resilience reminiscent of a
mighty rancor, granting you advantage on saving
throws against being poisoned and resistance to
poison damage.
Additionally, you can invoke the totem as a bonus
action, gaining resistance to energy and kinetic damage
for 1 minute.
This totem channels the experience of an ancient
sarlacc, granting you expertise in any tool in which you
are pro cient.
Additionally, when you hit a creature with a weapon
attack, you can invoke the totem to summon the
tentacles of the creature: The target must succeed on a
Strength saving throw or be restrained for 1 minute.
While restrained by the tentacles, the target takes 2d6
acid damage at the start of each of its turns. The target
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, tearing free on a success.


TOTEM OF THE VORNSKR Totem Specialist: 15th level
With this totem you are able to access the Force- You can invoke each of your totems twice, instead of
enhanced senses of the vornskr, granting you once. You regain all expended uses when you nish a
advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks, and you can't short or long rest.
be surprised as long as you are not incapacitated.
Additionally, you can invoke the totem as a bonus BLESSING OF THE TREE OF LIGHT
action to enter a state of hyper awareness for 1 minute Totem Specialist: 18th level
or until you're incapacitated. Until the state ends, when You learn how to share your totem's power with your
you or another creature you can see within 60 feet of allies. When you use your Totemic Might feature, you
you makes an attack roll, a saving throw, or an ability can choose one willing creature you can see within 60
check, you can use your reaction to cause the roll to feet of you. The chosen creature
have advantage or disadvantage. also gains the bene ts of your Totemic Might feature.
If you are incapacitated or killed, this e ect
TOTEMIC MIGHT immediately ends for both of you.
Totem Specialist: 3rd level
You can channel the power of your Force awareness
temporarily. As a bonus action, you can gain the
following bene ts for 1 minute. You can invoke a totem
as a part of this same bonus action.
Your carrying capacity and the weight you can push,
drag, or lift doubles. If it would already double, it
instead triples.
You have advantage on Strength checks
and Strength saving throws.
Your weapon attacks deal an extra
1d6 damage.

This e ect ends early if you are

incapacitated or die. You can use
this feature twice. You regain all
expended uses of it when you
nish a long rest.

Totem Specialist: 7th level
You learn to invoke your totems to
protect your allies. When another
creature you can see within 60
feet of you is hit by an attack roll,
you can use your reaction to
grant a bonus to the creature's
AC against that attack. The
bonus equals 1 + your Wisdom or
Charisma modi er (your choice,
minimum of +2).

Totem Specialist: 10th level
You learn a third totem. Additionally, the bonus
damage of your Totemic Might feature increases
to 1d8. Lastly, you have advantage on Lore checks
you make about tribal cultures.


Ataru Form, also know as Aggression Form, is a
kinetically active form that relies on speed, acrobatics,
and power. Those guardians who focus on Ataru Form
utilize high energy tactics to confuse and distract their
opponents, quickly moving about the battle eld.

Ataru Form: 3rd level
You learn the basics of the chosen form. You gain the
Ataru lightsaber form, detailed in Chapter 6 of the
Player's Handbook. If you already know this form, you
can instead choose another lightsaber form.


Ataru Form: 3rd level
As a bonus action, you can take an aggressive stance,
leaping around the battle eld for 1 minute. As a part of
this bonus action, and as a bonus action on each of
your turns, you can cast the force jump power at 1st-
level without expending force points. Additionally,
when you cast force jump, you have advantage on the
rst attack roll you make against each creature within 5
feet of where you land.
This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated or die.
Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
until you nish a long rest.


Ataru Form: 3rd level
You gain the following Channel the Force option.
When a creature makes a melee attack roll against you,
you can expend a use of your Channel the Force and
your reaction to jump 10 feet in a direction of your
choice, imposing disadvantage on the roll. This
movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. You
can wait until after the attack roll is made, but before
the DM determines whether the attack hits. MASTER OF AGGRESSION
HAWK-BAT SWOOP Ataru Form: 20th level
Your presence on the eld of battle is as a graceful blur
Ataru Form: 7th level
of deadly blades and daring acrobatics. Your Dexterity
You gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces
and Wisdom or Charisma scores (your choice) increase
without falIing during the move. If you end your turn in
by 2. Your maximum for those scores increases by 2.
the air, you fall immediately to the ground.
Additionally, you can use your action to gain the
Additionally, you no longer take damage when falling
following bene ts for 1 minute:
from a distance no greater than your walking speed.
You have resistance to kinetic, energy, and ion damage
WHIRLWIND ATTACK from weapons.
Ataru Form: 15th level When an ally within 30 feet of you takes the Attack
You can use your action to make melee attacks against action, they can make one additional attack as a part of
any number of creatures within 5 feet of you, with a that same action.
separate attack roll for each target. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
move up to 10 feet. This movement does not provoke
opportunity attacks.

This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated or die.

Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
until you nish a long rest.


Jar'Kai Form, also known as Domination Form, utilizes MASTER OF DOMINATION
two weapons to overwhelm their foes. Those
Jar'Kai Form: 20th level
guardians who focus on Jar'Kai Form know that two
You are a whirlwind of strikes, eviscerating all who step
weapons o er greater versatility than one, and
within your reach. Your Strength and Dexterity scores
capitalize on the twin angles from which they attack to
increase by 2. Your maximum for these scores
subdue their enemies.
increases by 2. Additionally, you can use your action to
FORM BASICS gain the following bene ts for 1 minute:
Jar'Kai Form: 3rd level You have resistance to kinetic, energy, and ion damage
You learn the basics of the chosen form. You gain the from weapons.
Jar'Kai lightsaber form, detailed in Chapter 6 of the When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack,
Player's Handbook. If you already know this form, you you have advantage on the next melee weapon attack
can instead choose another lightsaber form. roll you make against that creature, and that creature
provokes an opportunity attack from you even if they
THE WAY OF THE ACKLAY take the Disengage action before leaving your reach
Jar'Kai Form: 3rd level until the end of your next turn.
As a bonus action, you can enter a destructive stance Creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you
for one minute. While in this stance, you can add half when they enter your reach.
your Strength or Dexterity modi er (your choice,
minimum of one) to any melee weapon damage roll This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated or die.
you make that doesn't already include that modi er. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until
Additionally, when you hit a creature with a melee you nish a long rest.
weapon attack, you can move up to 5 feet without
provoking opportunity attacks.
This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated or die.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until
you nish a long rest.


Jar'Kai Form: 3rd level
You gain the following Channel the Force option.
Once per turn, when you miss with a melee weapon
attack, you can expend a use of your Channel the Force
to immediately make another melee weapon attack
against the same target (no action required).


Jar'Kai Form: 7th level
When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon
attack, you regain an expended use of your Channel
the Force.

Jar'Kai Form: 15th level
As an action, you can rush forward up to 30 feet to an
unoccupied space you can see without provoking
opportunity attacks. Each creature within 5 feet of your
path must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 +
your bonus to attacks with your weapon). A creature
takes normal weapon damage on a failed save, or half
as much on a successful one. If you are wielding
separate two light- or vibro-weapons in each hand with
which you are pro cient, or a weapon with the double
property, a creature makes this save with
disadvantage, and takes additional damage equal to
your Strength or Dexterity modi er (your choice,
minimum of one) on a failed save if it doesn't already
include that modi er.
Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
short or long rest before you can use it again.


Juyo/Vapaad Form, also known as Ferocity Form, revels CHANNEL THE FORCE
in the satisfaction of battle and victory. Those
Juyo/Vapaad Form: 3rd level
guardians who focus on Juyo/Vapaad Form channel
You gain one of the following Channel the Force
their emotions into their ghting, making heavy,
options. Choose Snap Aggression for Juyo or Assertive
sweeping strikes.
Defense for Vapaad.
Juyo/Vapaad Form: 3rd level If you are surprised at the start of combat and aren't
You gain pro ciency in heavy armor. incapacitated, you can expend a use of your Channel
the Force to act normally on your rst turn.
Juyo/Vapaad Form: 3rd level
When you reduce the damage dealt by a force power
You learn the basics of the chosen form. You gain the
to 0 using the saber re ect power, and you're wielding
Juyo/Vapaad lightsaber form, detailed in Chapter 6 of
a lightweapon or vibroweapon, you can expend a use
the Player's Handbook. If you already know this form,
of your Channel the Force to re ect the attack at a
you can instead choose another lightsaber form.
target within range, regardless of what type the
Juyo/Vapaad Form: 3rd level
As a bonus action, you can take a savage stance,
designating one creature you can see within 10 feet of
you as your prey for 1 minute. You have advantage on
attack rolls against the creature. If the target drops to 0
hit points, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent
turn to mark a new creature.
This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated or die.
Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
until you complete a long rest.


Juyo/Vapaad Form: 7th level Juyo/Vapaad Form: 20th level
You gain one of the following features. Choose You are a paragon of extraordinary martial prowess.
Relentless for Juyo or Punishing Charge for Vapaad. Your Strength and Dexterity scores increase by 2. Your
maximum for those scores increases by 2. Additionally,
RELENTLESS you can use your action to gain the following bene ts
You have advantage on initiative checks, and gain a 10 for 1 minute:
foot bonus to your speed on your rst turn of combat.
You have resistance to all damage.
PUNISHING CHARGE When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can
When a hostile creature you can see or hear within 30 make one additional attack as part of that action.
feet of you casts a force power, you can use your Your critical hit range with weapons increases by 1.
reaction to move up half your speed. You must end
this move closer to the enemy than you started. If you This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated or die.
end this movement within 5 feet of the creature, and Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
the triggering force power required a ranged attack until you complete a long rest.
roll, they have disadvantage on the roll.

Juyo/Vapaad Form: 15th level
You gain one of the following features. Choose
Devastating Critical for Juyo or Their Power, My
Strength for Vapaad.
When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon
attack, you gain a bonus to that weapon's damage
roll equal to your guardian level.
When you are dealt damage by a force power, you
can reduce that damage by an amount equal to your
guardian level (no action required).
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, a
minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when
you complete a short or long rest.


Shii-Cho Form, also known as Determination Form, MASTER OF DETERMINATION
uses wild, unpredictable attacks designed to distract Shii-Cho Form: 20th level
and disarm their foes. Those guardians who focus on The erratic uidity of your movement confounds even
Shii-Cho Form make seemingly random, yet deliberate, the most determined of foes. Your Strength or
attacks to knock their opponents o -balance. Dexterity and Wisdom or Charisma scores (your
choice) increase by 2. Your maximum for these scores
increases by 2. Additionally, you can use your action to
Shii-Cho Form: 3rd level gain the following bene ts for 1 minute:
You learn the basics of the chosen form. You gain the
Shii-Cho lightsaber form, detailed in Chapter 6 of the You have resistance to kinetic, energy, and ion damage
Player's Handbook. If you already know this form, you from weapons.
can instead choose another lightsaber form. Attack rolls made against you can't have advantage.
When more than one creature is within 5 feet of you,
THE WAY OF THE SARLAAC you gain a bonus to your Armor Class equal to the
Shii-Cho Form: 3rd level number of creatures within 5 feet of you, up to your
As a bonus action, you can enter a frenetic stance for Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, minimum
one minute. While in this stance, the rst time you hit a of one).
creature with a melee weapon attack on your turn, it When you use your Sarlaac Sweep feature, you have
has disadvantage on the next melee attack roll it advantage on the attack roll, and you can apply the
makes against you before the start of your next turn. bonus damage to every creature within 5 feet of you.
Additionally, if that creature is within 5 feet of you, it
This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated or die.
must make a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your
Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
pro ciency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity
until you nish a long rest.
modi er). On a failed save, it is pushed back 5 feet, and
you can immediately move into the space it just
vacated without provoking opportunity attacks.
This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated
or die. Once you've used this feature, you can't
use it again until you nish a long rest.


Shii-Cho Form: 3rd level
You gain the following Channel the Force option.
When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack,
you can expend a use of your Channel the Force (no
action required) to attempt to disarm the target,
forcing it to drop one item of your choice that it's
holding. The creature must make a Strength saving
throw. On a failed save, it drops the object you choose.
If you are within 5 feet of the target, and you have a
free hand, you can catch the item. Otherwise, the
object lands at its feet.

Shii-Cho Form: 7th level
While you are wielding a light- or vibro-weapon,
opportunity attacks against you are made at

Shii-Cho Form: 15th level
When a creature moves to within 5 feet of you, you can
use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack
against that creature. If the attack hits, you can attempt
to damage another creature within 5 feet of the
original target and within your reach. If the original
attack roll would hit the second creature, it takes
damage equal to your Strength or Dexterity modi er
(your choice). The damage is of the same type dealt by
the original attack.


Sokan Form, also known as Persistence Form, uses UNWAVERING SELF
determined movements followed by swift strokes to
Sokan Form: 7th and 15th level
keep their opponents' footing unsteady. Those
If you fail a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving
guardians who focus on Persistence Form make use of
throw, you can reroll the die. You must use the new
the terrain, trying to maneuver their opponents into
vulnerable areas before dispatching them.
Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
BONUS PROFICIENCIES long rest before you can use it again. At 15th level you
can use this feature twice between long rests.
Sokan Form: 3rd level
You gain pro ciency in heavy armor. UNHINDERED CHARGE
FORM BASICS Sokan Form: 15th level
Wen you move at least 10 feet before making a melee
Sokan Form: 3rd level weapon attack, you deal additional damage equal to
You learn the basics of the chosen form. You gain the your Strength modi er.
Sokan lightsaber form, detailed in Chapter 6 of the
Player's Handbook. If you already know this form, you MASTER OF PERSISTENCE
can instead choose another lightsaber form.
Sokan Form: 20th level
THE WAY OF THE VARACTYL You are an unrelenting force on the eld of battle. Your
Strength and Wisdom or Charisma scores (your choice)
Sokan Form: 3rd level increase by 2. Your maximum for these scores
As a bonus action, you can enter an unyielding stance increases by 2. Additionally, you can use your action to
for one minute. While in this stance, you have gain the following bene ts for 1 minute:
advantage on ability checks and saving throws to
shove, trip, and avoid being moved, and you ignore You have resistance to kinetic, energy, and ion damage
di cult terrain. Additionally, once per turn, when you from weapons.
hit with a melee weapon attack, you can attempt to You ignore e ects that would reduce your speed.
shove the target up to 10 feet away from you (no Once per turn, when you push a creature, you can
action required). move up to 10 feet as a part of this push without
This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated or die. provoking opportunity attacks. If you end this
Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again movement within 5 feet of that creature, you can make
until you complete a long rest. one melee weapon attack (no action required).

CHANNEL THE FORCE This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated
or die. Once you've used this feature, you can't
Sokan Form: 3rd level
use it again until you complete a long rest.
You gain the following Channel the Force option.
When an opponent within 5 feet of you makes a
melee attack against you, you can use your
reaction and expend a use of your Channel the
Force to move to another space within 5
feet of that creature without provoking
opportunity attacks, imposing disadvantage
on the roll. If the attack misses, you can
attempt to shove the creature up to 10
feet away from you as a part of that
same reaction.


Trakata Form, also known as Deception Form, MASTER OF DECEPTION
capitalizes on a lightweapon's ability to quickly be
Trakata Form: 20th level
toggled on and o . Those guardians who focus on
Your skill with a lightweapon is both mesmerizing and
Trakata Form perform dazzling tricks with their
confounding. Your Dexterity and Wisdom or Charisma
lightweapon, confusing their opponents before
scores (your choice) increase by 2. Your maximum for
dispatching them.
these scores increases by 2. Additionally, you can use
FORM BASICS your action to gain the following bene ts for 1 minute:
Trakata Form: 3rd level You have resistance to kinetic, energy, and ion damage
You learn the basics of the chosen form. You gain the from weapons.
Trakata lightsaber form, detailed in Chapter 6 of the Your attack rolls can't su er from disadvantage.
Player's Handbook. If you already know this form, you Whenever a creature misses you with a melee attack, it
can instead choose another lightsaber form. takes 5 energy damage.
Whenever a creature hits you with a melee attack, it
THE WAY OF THE MONKEY-LIZARD takes damage equal to half of the damage you take
Trakata Form: 3rd level from the attack.
As a bonus action, you can enter a confusing stance for
one minute. As a part of this bonus action, and as a This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated or die.
bonus action on each of your turns, when you take the Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until
Dodge action, you can make one melee weapon attack you nish a long rest.
against a creature within range. Additionally, when you
make this melee weapon attack, you can ourish your
weapon to attempt to distract your target. Make a
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check contested by a
Wisdom (Perception) check of the target of your attack.
On a success, you make this attack roll with advantage.
This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated or die.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until
you nish a long rest.


Trakata Form: 3rd level
You gain the following Channel the Force option.
When you are hit with a melee weapon attack, and you
are wielding a lightweapon with which you are
pro cient, you can use your reaction and expend a use
of your Channel the Force to add your Wisdom or
Charisma modi er (your choice, minimum of +1) to
your AC for that attack, potentially causing the attack to
miss you.

Trakata Form: 7th level
When you make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check,
you gain a bonus to that check equal to your Wisdom
or Charisma modi er (your choice, minimum of one).


Trakata Form: 15th level
When a creature misses you with an attack, you gain
temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom or
Charisma modi er (your choice, minimum of one), and
you add your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your
choice, minimum of one) to the rst melee weapon
attack and damage rolls you make against that
creature before the end of your next turn.


Vonil/Ishu Form, also known as Unity Form, focuses on This e ect ends early if either you or your
ghting in tandem with a partner as a warpair. Those companion are incapacitated or die, or if your
guardians who focus on Vonil/Ishu Form utilize companion is ever more than 10 feet away from you.
teamwork to move swiftly, strike quickly, and protect Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
each other. until you complete a long rest.
At 11th level, your companion must be within 30 feet
BONUS PROFICIENCIES of you to bene t from this feature. At 17th level, your
Vonil/Ishu Form: 3rd level companion must be within 60 feet.
You gain pro ciency in your choice of Intimidation or

Vonil/Ishu Form: 3rd level
You learn the basics of the chosen form. You gain the
Vonil/Ishu lightsaber form, detailed in the Lightsaber
Forms section of the Customization Options document
for Expanded Content. If you already know this form,
you can instead choose another lightsaber form.

Vonil/Ishu Form: 3rd, 11th, and 17th level
You've adopted a partner, gaining the services of your
own humanoid companion.
Create your humanoid companion as detailed in the
Companions section of the Customization Options
document for Expanded Content.
If your companion dies, or you want to bond with a
di erent one, you must rst break the bond with your
current companion. Bonding with a new companion
takes 8 hours spent in an appropriate location. You
may only have one companion at a time.
In addition to its traits and features, your companion
gains additional bene ts while it is bonded to you:

Your companion gains two additional traits. It gains one

more additional trait when you reach 11th level in this
class. For each trait in excess of your pro ciency bonus,
your force point maximum is reduced by 2.

Lastly, while bonded and within 10 feet of you, when

you or your companion are dealt damage by an
external e ect, you can choose to have you or your
companion gain resistance to that damage. If you do
so, the other of the two takes the same damage.
E ects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used
to counter this loss of life.
At 11th level, your companion must be within 30 feet
of you to bene t from this feature. At 17th level, your
companion must be within 60 feet.


Vonil/Ishu Form: 3rd level
As a bonus action, you can enter a synchronized stance
with your companion for 1 minute, as long as your
companion is within 10 feet of you. While in this
stance, once per turn, when you hit a creature with an
attack, your companion has advantage on the next
attack it makes against the same target before the end
of your next turn. Additionally, once per turn, when
your companion hits a creature with an attack, you
have advantage on the next attack you make against
the same target before the end of your next turn.


Vonil/Ishu Form: 7th, 11th, and 17th level At 11th level, your companion must be within 30 feet
You gain one of the following Channel the Force of you to bene t from this feature. At 17th level, your
options. Choose Smite for Vonil or Shield for Ishu. companion must be within 60 feet.
Once per turn, when your companion is within 10 feet When your companion is hit by a weapon attack while
of you and it hits a creature with a melee weapon within 10 feet of you, you can use your reaction and
attack, you can expend a use of your Channel the Force expend a use of your Channel the Force to attempt to
and expend force points to have your companion deal divert the attack. When you do so, the damage your
additional damage to the target, which is the same companion takes from the attack is reduced by 1d10 +
type as the weapon's damage. The additional damage your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice) +
is 1d8 for each point spent in this way. You can't deal your guardian level.
more additional damage than the amount shown in At 11th level, your companion must be within 30 feet
the Focused Strikes column of the guardian table. of you to bene t from this feature. At 17th level, your
companion must be within 60 feet.

Vonil/Ishu Form: 15th level
You gain one of the following features. Choose
Takedown for Vonil or Rebuttal for Ishu.
When your companion takes the Help action and helps
you, you have advantage on the next two ability checks
or attack rolls you make before the start of your next
turn, instead of only one. When you take the Help
action and help your companion, your companion has
advantage on the next two ability checks or attack rolls
it makes before the start of its next turn, instead of
only one.
When your companion takes the Help action and helps
you, you gain temporary hit points equal to your
guardian level that last until the start of your next turn.
When you take the Help action and help your
companion, it gains temporary hit points equal to your
guardian level that last until the start of its next turn.

Vonil/Ishu Form: 20th level
You and your companion are a paragon of harmony.
Your Strength or Dexterity (your choice) and
Constitution scores increase by 2. Your maximum for
those scores increases by 2. Additionally, you can use
your action to gain the following bene ts for 1 minute,
as long as your companion is within 60 feet of you:
You and your companion have resistance to kinetic and
energy damage.
Neither you nor your companion can have
disadvantage on attack rolls.
Both you and your companion's critical hit ranges
increase by 1.

This e ect ends early if either you or your

companion are incapacitated or die, or if your
companion is ever more than 60 feet away from you.
Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
until you complete a long rest.


Ysannanite Form, also know as the Unorthodox Form, PHASESTORM
pairs the use of lightsaber with blasters, seamlessly
Ysannanite Form: 15th level
blending the two weapons to perform impressive feats.
You can use your action to dart across the battle eld,
Those guardians who focus on the Ysannanite Form
striking up to six such creatures that you can see within
are able to cut enemies down as e ciently with blaster
30 feet. You immediately move to each creature in
as with blade.
succession without provoking opportunity attacks,
BONUS PROFICIENCIES after which you return to the space in which you
started. Each creature must make a Dexterity saving
Ysannanite Form: 3rd level throw (DC = 8 + your bonus to attacks with your
You gain pro ciency in simple blasters and martial weapon). A creature takes normal weapon damage on
blasters that lack the two-handed property. a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. If
FORM BASICS you are wielding separate weapons in each hand with
which you are pro cient, a creature makes this save
Ysannanite Form: 3rd level with disadvantage, and takes additional damage equal
You learn the basics of the chosen form. You gain the to your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice,
Ysannanite lightsaber form, detailed in the Lightsaber minimum of one) on a failed save if the damage
Forms section of the Customization Options document doesn't already include that modi er.
for Expanded Content. If you already know this form, Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
you can instead choose another lightsaber form. short or long rest before you can use it again.
Ysannanite Form: 3rd level Ysannanite Form: 20th level
As a bonus action, you can take a meditative stance for You've mastered the unity between blaster and blade.
1 minute, granting you supreme accuracy as you guide Your Dexterity and Wisdom or Charisma scores (your
your shots to their target through the Force. While in choice) increase by 2. Your maximum for these scores
this stance, you add your Wisdom or Charisma increases by 2. Additionally, you can use your action to
modi er (your choice, minimum of +1) to one ranged gain the following bene ts for 1 minute:
weapon attack and damage roll you make each turn.
Additionally, when making a ranged weapon attack You have resistance to kinetic, energy, and ion damage
while you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature, you do from weapons.
not have disadvantage on the attack roll. When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack,
This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated or die. you have advantage on the next melee weapon attack
Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again you make against that creature. When you hit a
until you nish a long rest. creature with a melee weapon attack, you have
advantage on the next ranged weapon attack you make
CHANNEL THE FORCE against that creature.
Ysannanite Form: 3rd level When you roll below half the maximum on a damage
You gain the following Channel the Force option. die, you can treat the roll as if you'd rolled half the
maximum on the damage die. You can only a ect a
FORCE-EMPOWERED SHOTS number of dice up to half your Wisdom or Charisma
Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a ranged modi er (your choice, rounded up, minimum of one) in
weapon attack, you can expend a use of your Channel this way.
the Force and expend force points to deal additional
damage to the target, which is the same type as the This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated or die.
weapon's damage. The additional damage is 1d8 for Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until
each point spent in this way. You can't deal more you nish a long rest.
additional damage than the amount shown in the
Focused Strikes column of the guardian table.


Ysannanite Form: 7th level
Your familiarity with blaster weapons has granted you
greater insight into their function and usage. Once on
each of your turns, drawing or stowing a blaster no
longer requires your object interaction. Additionally,
you no longer require a free hand to reload.
At 11th level, once per turn, when you hit a creature
with a ranged weapon, the creature takes an extra 1d8
damage. If you also use your Force-Empowered Shots
with an attack, you add this damage to the extra
damage of your Force-Empowered Shots. The damage
is the same type as the weapon's damage.


Monks of the Aing-Tii Order blend an attunement to
the Force with their supreme focus to become a blur of
motion in the heat of battle. AING-TII ORDER FORCECASTING
FORCECASTING Force Powers Force Max Power
Level Known Points Level
Aing-Tii Order: 3rd level
You have learned powers, fragments of knowledge that 3rd 4 3 1st
imbue you with an abiding force ability. See chapter 10 4th 6 4 1st
for the general rules of forcecasting and chapter 11 for 5th 7 5 1st
the force powers list.
6th 8 6 1st
You learn 4 force powers of your choice, and you learn
more at higher levels, as shown in the Force Powers 8th 11 8 2nd
Known column of the Aing-Tii Order Forcecasting table. 9th 12 9 2nd
You may not learn a force power of a level higher than 10th 13 10 2nd
your Max Power Level, and you may learn a force
power at the same time you learn its prerequisite. 11th 14 11 2nd
12th 15 12 2nd
You have a number of force points equal to your monk 13th 17 13 3rd
level, as shown in the Force Points column of the Aing- 14th 18 14 3rd
Tii Order Forcecasting table, + your Wisdom or 15th 19 15 3rd
Charisma modi er (your choice). You use these force
points to cast force powers. You regain all expended 16th 20 16 3rd
force points when you nish a long rest. 17th 22 17 4th

MAX POWER LEVEL 18th 23 18 4th

Many force powers can be overpowered, consuming 19th 24 19 4th
more force points to create a greater e ect. You can
20th 25 20 4th
overpower these abilities to a maximum level, which
increases at higher levels, as shown in the Max Power
Level column of the Aing-Tii Order Forcecasting table.
You may only cast force powers at 4th-level once.
You regain the ability to do so after a long rest.
FORCECASTING ABILITY Additionally, when you use your action to cast an at-
Your forcecasting ability varies based on the alignment will force power, you can use your Martial Arts or Focus
of the powers you cast. You use your Wisdom for light features.
side powers, Charisma for dark side powers, and You can use these features a combined number of
Wisdom or Charisma for universal powers (your times equal to your Wisdom or Charisma modi er
choice). You use this ability score modi er whenever a (your choice, a minimum of once). You regain any
power refers to your forcecasting ability. Additionally, expended uses when you nish a long rest.
you use this ability score modi er when setting the
saving throw DC for a force power you cast and when
making an attack roll with one. Aing-Tii Order: 11th level
When you take the Attack action, you can teleport up
Force save DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus + to 10 feet before each attack to an unoccupied space
your forcecasting ability modi er you can see.
If you attack at least two di erent creatures with the
Force attack modifier = your pro ciency bonus + action, you can make one additional attack against a
your forcecasting ability modi er third creature (no action required).


Aing-Tii Order: 6th level Aing-Tii Order: 17th level
You can cast the phasestrike force power without When you use your action to cast a force power, you
expending force points. When you reach 11th level, the can spend 2 focus points to teleport to a space within 5
damage bonus of the special attack made during feet of a creature a ected by the power and make two
phasestrike increases to 2d8, and at 17th level it unarmed strikes against that creature as a bonus
increases to 3d8. action.


Monks of the Jal Shey order, driven by the pursuit of MERCURIAL MIND
knowledge, maintain one of the most well-respected
Jal Shey Order: 11th level
and heavily guarded repositories of history and
You've honed your awareness and re exes through
knowledge across the galaxy: the Archives of the Jal
mental aptitude and pattern recognition. Once per
Shey. Here, young folk of all species seeking the clarity
turn, if you've already used your reaction, you can
of truth and the strength of knowledge pledge to learn
spend 1 focus point to take an additional reaction. You
the arts of seeking enlightenment by understanding
can only take one reaction per turn.
the world around them, and mastering the techniques
to defend it. To become a Jal Shey monk is to give one's DEBILITATING BARRAGE
self to the quest for unveiling the deepest mysteries of
Jal Shey Order: 17th level
the galaxy, to bring light to the secrets of the dark, and
You've gained the knowledge to temporarily inhibit a
guard the most powerful and dangerous of truths.
creature's fortitude by striking a series of pressure
MYSTICAL ERUDITION points. Whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed
strike, you can spend 3 focus points to cause the
Jal Shey Order: 3rd level creature to become vulnerable to a damage type of
You've undergone extensive training in lore from the your choice. This e ect lasts for 1 minute or until they
Jal Shey's collected knowledge. You learn one language take damage of the chosen type.
of your choice, and you gain pro ciency in your choice
of Lore, Medicine, Nature, or Technology. You learn an
additional language and an additional skill pro ciency
from the above list at 11th level.
Additionally, you can strike multiple pressure points
to extract crucial details about your foe. Whenever you
hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can learn
learn certain information about its capabilities. The GM
tells you if the creature has one of the following
characteristics of your choice:

Condition immunities
Damage vulnerabilities
Damage resistances
Damage immunities

Jal Shey Order: 6th level
You can hit a series of hidden nerves on a creature
with precision, temporarily causing them to be unable
to mask their true thoughts and intent. When you hit a
creature with a melee weapon attack, you can have the
attack deal no damage and spend 1 focus point to
force them to make a Charisma saving throw against
your focus save DC. On a failed save, the creature is
unable to speak a deliberate lie for 1 minute and all
Charisma checks directed at the creature are made
with advantage for the duration.
On a success or failure, a creature is aware that you
attempted to in uence them. They can choose to avoid
answering questions to which they would normally
respond with a lie.

Jal Shey Order: 6th level
Your quick mind and study of your foe allows you to
use their failure to your advantage. When a creature
within 5 feet of you misses you with a melee attack,
you can use your reaction to make an unarmed strike
against that creature.


Monks of the Kage Order, known as Kage warriors, OPPORTUNIST
have mastered ghting in darkness, using that which
Kage Order: 17th level
others fear as a weapon against them. Kage warriors
You can exploit a creature's momentary distraction
learn tricks to create darkness where none exists,
when it is hit by an attack. Whenever a creature within
ghting using their intuition rather than relying on
5 feet of you is hit by an attack made by a creature
other than you, you can use your reaction to make a
DARKNESS CHARGES melee attack against that creature.
Kage Order: 3rd level
You learn to create a number of small charges that
create enhanced darkness. Over the course of a short
or long rest, you can create a number of charges equal
to your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice).
Your charges can only be used by you, and they lose
their potency at the end of your next short or long rest.
Once per turn, when you would make a weapon
attack or unarmed strike, you can instead throw one of
your charges. Your charges have a range equal to 30
feet + your Strength modi er x 5. You can throw a
device at a point you can see within range. The charges
create a pocket of darkness in a 10-foot radius sphere
centered on that point. The darkness spreads around
corners. It lasts for 1 minute or until an enhanced
source of brigiht light dispells it.

Kage Order: 6th level
Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a melee
weapon attack when you have advantage, or it fails a
saving throw against an e ect that you control, you can
choose to roll a Martial Arts die and deal additional
psychic damage equal to the amount rolled.
You can use this feature a
number of times equal to your
Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice,
a minimum of once). You regain any
expended uses when you nish a short or
long rest.


Kage Order: 11th level
You have learned to become one with the
shadows. When you are in an area of dim light or
darkness, you can use your action
to become invisible. You remain
invisible until you make an
attack, cast a power,
otherwise take a hostile
action, or are in an area
of bright light.


Monks of the Kyuzo Order turn weapon throwing into a RELENTLESS ASSAULT
true art form. Inspired by the skill of native kyuzo
Kyuzo Order: 17th level
wielding their war helmets as both shield and weapon,
When you make multiple weapon attacks with thrown
these monks utilize any thrown object they can nd to
weapons against the same target on your turn, each
defend themselves and others while they attack
attack after the rst gains a +1 bonus to its attack roll,
enemies from angles both surprising and devastating.
cumulatively, to a maximum bonus of +6.
Kyuzo Order: 3rd level
You gain pro ciency in vibroweapons with
the thrown property and they become monk
weapons for you. Additionally, when you throw an
improvised weapon, you are considered pro cient in it,
and it use your Martial Arts die instead of its 1d4.
Additionally, you've learned to use thrown weapons
to intercept projectiles traveling towards your allies.
When you are wielding a weapon with which you are
pro cient, and a creature within your weapon's
normal thrown range is hit by a ranged
attack, you can use your reaction to throw
your weapon to intercept the projectile. When
you do so, the damage the creature takes from
the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity
modi er + your monk level. If the weapon has
the returning property, it then returns to your

Kyuzo Order: 6th level
When you take the Dodge action, until the start of your
next turn you gain a number of special reactions equal
to your pro ciency bonus that you can only use for
your Intercept feature. You can only take one reaction
per turn.

Kyuzo Order: 11th level
You can curve your throws behind cover.
When you make an attack roll with a
weapon with the thrown property, you
can spend 1 focus point to cause
the target to gain no bene t from
shields or cover, unless that cover
is full cover.


Monks of the Kro Var Order—known as shapers— FIRE
utilize a unique power to bend the four elements to Your aming weapon sheds bright light in a 10-foot
their will, creating e ects as small as a oating ame to radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet, deals re
quakes that sunder the earth. damage, and when you hit a creature with it, the
creature takes additional damage equal to half your
ELEMENTAL ATTUNEMENT Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, rounded
Kro Var Order: 3rd, 11th, and 17th level up, minimum of one).
You gain the ability to bend the elements to your will.
As an action, you can manipulate these forces to create
Your watery weapon has the reach property, deals cold
one of the following e ects of your choice at a space
damage on a hit, and you can use your Wisdom or
within 10 feet of you:
Charisma modi er (your choice) instead of Dexterity or
Create a harmless, instantaneous sensory e ect Strength for its attack and damage rolls. You must use
related to air, earth, re, or water, such as a shower of the same modi er for both rolls. Additionally, when
sparks, a pu of wind, a spray of light mist, or a gentle you would make a melee weapon attack, you can
rumbling of stone. instead use your weapon to wet a 5-foot square within
Instantaneously light or snu out a candle, a torch, or a your weapon's reach. The a ected area is di cult
small camp re. terrain. Each creature who starts its turn in the square
Chill or warm up to 1 pound of nonliving material for or enters it for the rst time must make a Dexterity
up to 1 hour. saving throw, falling prone on a failed save.
Cause earth, re, water, or mist that can t within a 1-
foot cube to shape itself into a crude form you
designate for 1 minute.

This range increases to 30 feet at 11th level and 60

feet at 17th level.
Additionally, as a bonus action on your turn, you can
spend 1 focus point to conjure a weapon made of
one of the four elements—air, earth, re, or
wind—which lasts for 1 minute. Your weapon
takes an appearance of your choice, it can only
be used by you, and you can't be disarmed of it
while you are conscious. You are pro cient in this
weapon, which counts as a monk weapon for you
and uses your Martial Arts die for its damage rolls.
You can only have one of these weapons at a time,
and if you summon a new one the old one
immediately disappears.
Your whistling weapon has the thrown property with a
range of 20/60, and deals sonic damage on a hit.
Additionally, when you hit a creature with the weapon,
it is deafened until the end of its next turn.
Your earthen weapon takes the form of stone, and
deals kinetic damage on a hit. Additionally, when you
hit a creature with it, you can force the target to make
a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target is
pushed back 5 feet. Lastly, while active, you can use
Strength instead of Dexterity when determining your
AC, as long as it doesn't already include that modi er.


Kro Var Order: 6th, 11th, and 17th level 30 feet long and 5 feet wide emanates from you in a
You gain two of the following features. You gain an direction you choose. Each creature in the line must
additional option at 11th and 17th level. make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d8
You can use these features a combined number of re damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
times equal to your pro ciency bonus, as shown in the on a successful one.
monk table. You regain all expended uses when you
complete a long rest.
You reach out to the ground beneath you. You can use
While you have no remaining uses of this feature,
your bonus action to gain tremorsense with a range of
you can instead expend 2 focus points to use it. When
30 feet and a burrow speed equal to your walking
you do so, your maximum focus points are reduced by
speed for up to 1 minute. Your movement leaves
2 until you complete a long rest.
behind a tunnel that remains for as long as this ability
BURNING EMBER FLOURISH is active, after which it collapses.
You can use your action to choose an area of ame
that you can see and that ts within a 5-foot cube
As an action, you form a line of strong wind 60 feet
within 60 feet. You can extinguish the re in that area,
long and 10 feet wide that blasts from you in a
and you create either reworks or smoke when you do
direction you choose for one minute or until you lose
concentration or dismiss the e ect (no action
Fireworks. The target explodes with a dazzling
required). Each Large or smaller creature that starts its
display of colors. Each creature within 10 feet of the
turn in the line must succeed on a Strength saving
target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or
throw or be pushed 15 feet away from you in a
become blinded until the end of your next turn.
direction following the line. Any creature in the line
Smoke. Thick black smoke spreads out from the
must spend 2 feet of movement for every 1 foot it
target in a 20-foot radius, moving around corners. The
moves when moving closer to you. The gust disperses
area of the smoke is heavily obscured. The smoke
gas or vapor, and it extinguishes candles, torches, and
persists for 1 minute or until a strong wind disperses it.
similar unprotected ames in the area. It causes
CURTAIN OF UNYIELDING WIND protected ames, such as those of lanterns, to dance
As an action, you call up a mighty gale, which swirls wildly and has a 50 percent chance to extinguish them.
around you in a 10-foot radius and moves with you, As a bonus action on each of your turns before the
remaining centered on you. The wind lasts for 10 e ect ends, you can change the direction in which the
minutes. The wind deafens both you and other line blasts from you.
creatures in its area. It extinguishes unprotected
ames in its area that are torch-sized or smaller and
You can use your action pull water from air, and return
hedges out vapor, gas, and fog that can be dispersed
it to the atmosphere. In an open container, you can
by strong wind. The area is di cult terrain for
create up to 20 gallons of drinkable water. You may
creatures other than you and the attack rolls of ranged
also produce a rain that falls within a 30-foot cube and
weapon attacks have disadvantage if the attacks pass
extinguishes open-air ames. You can destroy the
in or out of the wind.
same amount of water in an open container, or destroy
CRUSHING HAND OF THE MOUNTAIN a 30-foot cube of fog.
As an action, you can choose a 5-foot-square
unoccupied space on the ground that you can see
As an action, you can cause a urry of ice crystals to
within 30 feet. A Medium hand made from soil and
erupt from a point you can see within 90 feet. Each
stone, which lasts for 1 minute, rises in that space and
creature in a 5-foot-radius sphere centered on that
reaches for one Large or smaller creature you can see
point must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
within 5 feet of it. The target must make a Strength
save, a creature takes 3d6 cold damage, and gains 1
saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 2d6
slowed level until the start of your next turn. On a
kinetic damage and is restrained for the duration. As a
successful save, a creature takes half as much damage
bonus action on each of your turns, you can cause the
and isn't slowed.
hand to crush the restrained target, which must make
a Strength saving throw. It takes 2d6 kinetic damage on ELEMENTAL MASTER
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
Kro Var Order: 11th and 17th level
one. To break out, the restrained creature can use its
At 11th level, you gain one of the following features.
action to make a Strength check against your focus
You gain an additional option at 17th level.
save DC. On a success, the target escapes and is no
longer restrained by the hand. As an action, you can You can use these features a combined number of
cause the hand to reach for a di erent creature or to times equal to half your pro ciency bonus, as shown in
move to a di erent unoccupied space within range. the monk table. You regain all expended uses when
The hand releases a restrained target if you do either. you complete a long rest.
While you have no remaining uses of this feature,
HATCHLING'S FLAME you can instead expend 3 focus points to use it. When
As an action, you focus your energy into a torrent of you do so, your maximum focus points are reduced by
re that streaks away from you. A line of roaring ame 3 until you complete a long rest.


Prerequisite: Crushing Hand of the Mountain Part Water. You cause water in the area to move
or Patient Bantha Listens apart and create a trench. The trench extends across
As an action, you can choose a point you can see on the feature's area, and the separated water forms a
the ground within 120 feet. A fountain of churned wall to either side. The trench remains until the feature
earth and stone erupts in a 20-foot cube centered on ends or you choose a di erent e ect. The water then
that point. Each creature in that area must make a slowly lls in the trench over the course of the next
Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d12 kinetic round until the normal water level is restored.
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a Redirect Flow. You cause owing water in the area
successful one. Additionally, the ground in that area to move in a direction you choose, even if the water
becomes di cult terrain until cleared. Each 5-foot- has to ow over obstacles, up walls, or in other unlikely
square portion of the area requires at least 1 minute to directions. The water in the area moves as you direct it,
clear by hand. but once it moves beyond the feature's area, it
resumes its ow based on the terrain conditions. The
RIDE THE WIND water continues to move in the direction you chose
Prerequisite: Curtain of Unyielding Wind until the feature ends or you choose a di erent e ect.
or Rush of the Shyrack Whirlpool. This e ect requires a body of water at
As an action, you can gain a ying speed equal to your least 50 feet square and 25 feet deep. You cause a
movement speed for 10 minutes. You can hover while whirlpool to form in the center of the area. The
this technique is active, but when it ends, you fall if you whirlpool forms a vortex that is 5 feet wide at the base,
are still aloft, unless you can stop the fall. up to 50 feet wide at the top, and 25 feet tall. Any
RIVER OF HUNGRY FLAME creature or object in the water and within 25 feet of
Prerequisite: Burning Ember Flourish the vortex is pulled 10 feet toward it. A creature can
or Hatchling's Flame swim away from the vortex by making a Strength
As an action, you can create a wall of re on a solid (Athletics) check against your feature save DC. When a
surface within 120 feet. You can make the wall up to 60 creature enters the vortex for the rst time on a turn
feet long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a ringed wall or starts its turn there, it must make a Strength saving
up to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d8 kinetic
The wall is opaque and lasts for 1 minute. damage and is caught in the vortex until the feature
When the wall appears, each creature within its area ends. On a successful save, the creature takes half
must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a damage, and isn't caught in the vortex. A creature
creature takes 5d8 re damage, or half as much caught in the vortex can use its action to try to swim
damage on a successful save. away from the vortex as described above, but has
One side of the wall, chosen by you when you use disadvantage on the Strength (Athletics) check to do so.
this feature, deals 5d8 re damage to each creature The rst time each turn that an object enters the
that ends its turn within 10 feet of that side of the wall. vortex, the object takes 2d8 kinetic damage; this
A creature takes the same damage when it enters the damage occurs each round it remains in the vortex.
wall for the rst time on a turn or ends its turn there.
The other side of the wall deals no damage.
Kro Var Order: 17th level
SHAPE THE FLOWING RIVER You gain one of the following features.
Prerequisite: Shape the Rainclud Once you've used the chosen feature, you must
or Swarming Ice Rabbit complete a long rest before you can use it again.
As an action, you can control any freestanding water While you have no remaining uses of this feature,
within 300 feet of you inside an area you choose that is you can instead expend 4 focus points to use it. When
a cube up to 100 feet on a side. You can choose from you do so, your maximum focus points are reduced by
any of the following e ects when you use this feature. 4 until you complete a long rest.
As an action on your turn, you can repeat the same
e ect or choose a di erent one.Flood. You cause the ARCHETYPE OF AIR
water level of all standing water in the area to rise by Prerequisite: Ride the Wind
as much as 20 feet. If the area includes a shore, the As an action, you conjure a whirlwind around you,
ooding water spills over onto dry land. If you choose granting the following bene ts until the start of your
an area in a large body of water, you instead create a next turn:
20-foot tall wave that travels from one side of the area
Ranged attacks made against you have disadvantage.
to the other and then crashes down. Any Huge or
You gain a ying speed of 60 feet. If you are still ying
smaller creatures in the wave's path are carried with it
when the technique ends, you fall, unless you can
to the other side. Any Huge or smaller creatures struck
somehow prevent it.
by the wave have a 25 percent chance of being
knocked prone. The water level remains elevated until
the feature ends or you choose a di erent e ect. If this
e ect produced a wave, the wave repeats on the start
of your next turn while the ood e ect lasts.


You can use your action to create a 15-foot cube of Prerequisite: Earth Reaches for Sky
swirling wind centered on a point you can see within 60 As an action, you cause rock to envelop you, granting
feet of you. Each creature in that area must make a the following bene ts until the start of your next turn:
Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 2d10
kinetic damage on a failed save, or half as much You have resistance to kinetic and energy damage.
damage on a successful one. If a Large or smaller You can move across di cult terrain made of earth or
creature fails the save, that creature is also pushed up stone without spending extra movement. You can
to 10 feet away from the center of the cube. move through solid earth or stone as if it was air
without destabilizing it, but you can't end your
At the start of each of your turns, you can use your movement there. If you do so, you are immediately
bonus action to extend the bene ts of this feature until shunted to the nearest unoccupied space that you can
the start of your next turn, to a maximum duration of 1 occupy and take force damage equal to twice the
minute. This e ect ends immediately if you are number of feet you are moved.
incapacitated or die. You can use your action to create a small earthquake
on the ground in a 15-foot radius centered on you.
Other creatures on that ground must succeed on a
Prerequisite: River of Hungry Flame
Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
As an action, you cause ames to race across your
body, granting the following bene ts until the start of At the start of each of your turns, you can use your
your next turn: bonus action to extend the bene ts of this feature until
the start of your next turn, to a maximum duration of 1
You have resistance to re damage.
minute. This e ect ends immediately if you are
The ames shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim
incapacitated or die.
light for an additional 30 feet.
Any creature that moves within 5 feet of you for the AVATAR
rst time on a turn or ends its turn there takes 1d10
Kro Var Order: 17th level
re damage.
As an ultimate display of your mastery of the elements,
You can use your action to create a line of re 15 feet
you can spend 5 focus points as an action to have the
long and 5 feet wide extending from you in a direction
elements of water, earth, re, and air form a protective
you choose. Each creature in the line must make a
sphere around your body, gaining multiple bene ts for
Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d8 re damage on a
1 minute. While this ability is active, you have
failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
resistance to cold, energy, re, kinetic, lightning, and
At the start of each of your turns, you can use your sonic damage. You also gain a burrow, y, and swim
bonus action to extend the bene ts of this feature until speed equal to your movement speed. Lastly, you can
the start of your next turn, to a maximum duration of 1 use any of the following abilities as a bonus action:
minute. This e ect ends immediately if you are
You create a small earthquake on the ground in a 15-
incapacitated or die.
foot radius around you. Each creature in that area must
ICON OF ICE make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a
Prerequisite: Shape the Flowing River creature takes 1d6 kinetic damage and is knocked
As an action, you cause frost to chill the area around prone.
you, granting the following bene ts until the start of You create a line of re 15 feet long and 5 feet wide
your next turn: extending from you in a direction you choose. Each
creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving
You have resistance to cold damage. throw. A creature takes 3d6 re damage on a failed
You can move across di cult terrain created by ice or save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
snow without spending extra movement. You create a 15-foot cube of swirling wind centered on
The ground in a 10-foot radius around you is icy and is a point you can see within 60 feet of you. Each creature
di cult terrain for creatures other than you. The radius in that area must make a Constitution saving throw. A
moves with you. creature takes 1d10 kinetic damage on a failed save, or
You can use your action to create a 15-foot cone of half as much damage on a successful one. If a Large or
freezing ice extending from your outstretched hand in smaller creature fails the save, that creature is also
a direction you choose. Each creature in the cone must pushed up to 10 feet away from the center of the cube.
make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 4d6 You create a 15-foot cone of ice shards extending from
cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage your outstretched hand in a direction you choose. Each
on a successful one. A creature that fails its save creature in the cone must make a Constitution save
against this e ect gains 1 slowed level until the start of throw. A creature takes 2d6 cold damage on a failed
your next turn. save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A
creature that fails its save against this e ect has its
At the start of each of your turns, you can use your
speed halved until the start of your next turn.
bonus action to extend the bene ts of this feature until
the start of your next turn, to a maximum duration of 1
minute. This e ect ends immediately if you are
incapacitated or die.


Monks of the Trickster Order embody the archetypal CLUMSY SWAY
role of the "trickster"— one who seemingly bumbles
Trickster Order: 6th level
their way into good fortune. They employ a unique
You can move in sudden, swaying ways. You gain the
ghting style composed of slips, trips, and falls to
following bene ts.
confuse and frustrate their enemies to no end.
Leap to Your Feet. When you're prone, you can
Whether your movements are actual foibles on your
stand up by spending 5 feet of movement, rather than
part or calculated strokes, they will surely leave others
half your speed.
guessing long after your time is past.
Redirect Attack. When a creature misses you with a
BUMBLING TECHNIQUE melee attack roll, you can spend 1 focus point as a
reaction to cause that attack to hit one creature of your
Trickster Order: 3rd level choice, other than the attacker, that you can see within
Your martial arts technique mixes combat training with 5 feet of you.
the precision of a dancer and the antics of a jester.
When you make a Charisma (Performance) check, you LUCK OF THE FOOL
gain a bonus to the check equal to half your Wisdom
Trickster Order: 11th level
modi er (rounded down, minimum of +1) if it doesn't
You always seem to get a lucky bounce at the right
already include that modi er.
moment. When you make an ability check, an attack
Additionally, you learn how to twist and turn quickly.
roll, or a saving throw and have disadvantage, you can
Whenever you use your bonus action to make an
spend 2 focus points to instead have advantage for
unarmed strike, creatures you hit can't make
that roll.
opportunity attacks against you, and your speed
increases by 10 feet until the end of your turn. COMIC FRENZY
Trickster Order: 17th level
You gain the ability to make an overwhelming number
of attacks against a group of enemies. When you use
your Flurry of Blows, you can make up to three
additional attacks with it (up to a total of ve Flurry of
Blows attacks), provided that each Flurry of Blows
attack targets a di erent creature this turn.


Monks of the Whills Order hold the secrets of the Force GUIDED STRIKES
sacred, and dedicate their lives to defending ancient Whills Order: 17th level
knowledge of the Force and its artifacts. They master Your rst ranged weapon attack and your rst melee
the use of ranged weapons, often crafting their own weapon attack each turn deal additional damage equal
weapons in respectful admiration of the Jedi tradition to your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, a
of crafting lightweapons. minimum of +1).
Whills Order: 3rd level
You gain pro ciency in blaster pistols, blaster ri es, ion
pistols, ion ri es, and the lightbow, which are your
Whills weapons and are monk weapons for you. When
you are wielding a Whills weapon, you gain the
following bene ts:
Your Whills weapons count as melee weapons for you,
and when you make a melee weapon attack with them,
you deal kinetic damage equal to your Martial Arts
Damage Die.
When you would make an unarmed strike
using your Martial Arts bonus action
or as a part of
Flurry of Blows, you can instead attack with a Whills
weapon you are wielding. You roll a d4 in place of the
normal damage of your Whills weapon when attacking
in this way. This die changes as you gain monk levels,
as shown in the Martial Arts column of the monk table.
When you would make a ranged weapon attack with a
Whills weapon, you can instead reload the weapon.


Whills Order: 6th level
As you channel the Force through you, you gain the
following bene ts:
You can use your Stunning Strike feature when you hit
with a ranged weapon attack while you are wielding a
Whills weapon.
You can spend 1 focus point to ignore one-quarter and
half cover with your Whills weapons. At 11th level, you
can spend 2 focus points to ignore three quarters
cover. At 17th level, you can spend 3 focus points to
ignore total cover, as long as your target is not hidden
from you.
When you hit a creature with a Whills weapon, that
creature has disadvantage on opportunity attacks
against you until the start of your next turn.


Whills Order: 11th level
You learn how to enter a trance, preparing to unleash
yourself upon your enemy. While in this trance, you
can still talk and move. If you stay in the trance for at
least one minute, when you roll initiative, you can
make a ranged weapon attack on a number of
creatures up to your Wisdom or Charisma modi er
(your choice, a minimum of one) within 30 feet of you
when you were in this trance.
Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
short or long rest before you can use it again.


Those operatives who choose the Disabling Practice HIP TOSS
utilize a variety of pushes, pulls, weight shifts, and joint You attempt to throw your target to the ground. The
locks to immobilize their opponent. They use these target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
techniques to manipulate their opponent, moving save, the target is pushed back 5 feet, knocked prone,
them across the battle eld before incapacitating them. and stunned until the start of your next turn. This ends
the grapple.
Disabling Practice: 3rd level
You learn how to discourage, debilitate, and harm your Disabling Practice: 9th level
enemies. You gain the following bene ts while you You learn to manipulate the body of a grappled target
aren't wearing heavy armor or wielding a medium or to make attacks against you more di cult to land.
heavy shield: Moving a grappled creature the same size as you or
smaller no longer halves your speed, and when a
Your damage die for your unarmed strikes and natural creature grappled by you would grant you half cover,
weapons increases by one step (from 1 to d4, d4 to d6, you instead have three-quarters cover. Additionally,
or d6 to d8). when you are hit by an attack while grappling a
You can deal Sneak Attack damage when making an creature, you can use your reaction to force that attack
unarmed strike. Additionally, you don't need advantage to instead hit the grappled creature.
on your attack roll to use your Sneak Attack if the target
of your Sneak Attack is a creature grappled by you. All KISS THE WALL
the other rules for the Sneak Attack class feature still Disabling Practice: 13th level
apply to you. You can use your surroundings to further punish the
You can use the bonus action granted by your Cunning target of your grapple. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a
Action to make an unarmed strike against a creature Sneak Attack damage die for an unarmed strike you
you are grappling. make against a creature grappled by you, you can
SKILLED GRAPPLER reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the
new roll is a 1 or a 2.
Disabling Practice: 3rd level
You learn a number of grappling techniques to subdue NECK SNAP
your opponents. When you hit a creature grappled by Disabling Practice: 17th level
you with an unarmed strike and deal Sneak Attack You learn how to immediately remove your grappled
damage, you may choose to forgo two of your Sneak opponent from the ght. As an action, you can force a
Attack dice to make the attack a grappling technique. creature grappled by you to make a Constitution saving
Some of your grappling techniques require your throw. On a failed save, if the creature has 100 hit
target to make a saving throw to resist the grappling points or fewer, it dies. If the target has more than 100
technique's e ects. The saving throw DC is calculated hit points, it immediately takes 10d10 kinetic damage.
as follows: E ects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used
to counter this loss of life.
Grapple Technique save DC = 8 + your pro ciency
bonus + Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
your Strength modi er short or long rest before you can use it again.

You attempt to choke the target into unconsciousness.
The target must make a Constitution saving throw or
be restrained until the end of your following turn.
If you maintain this technique for 1 minute, the
target falls unconscious for 1 hour. Droids and
constructs can not be knocked unconscious in this way.
You attempt to disarm a weapon or other object the
target is holding. The target must make a Strength
saving throw. On a failed save, it releases the object. If
you have a free hand, you can catch the object.
Otherwise, it lands at your feet.


Those operatives who choose the Lethality Practice use POISONER
disguises to get close to their enemies, then leverage
Lethality Practice: 9th level
the toxic power of poisons to debilitate them and
You are a master of poisons. You can apply a poison as
capitalize on their weaknesses.
a bonus action, and you have advantage on Dexterity
BONUS PROFICIENCIES (Sleight of Hand) checks made to conceal the
application of poisons.
Lethality Practice: 3rd level Additionally, you can improve the capability of one
You gain pro ciency with the disguise kit and the dose of poison. To use this bene t, you must have a
poisoner's kit. poisoner's kit, and the poison must be within reach. If
ASSASSINATE the poison is applied before the end of your next short
or long rest, the target has disadvantage on the saving
Lethality Practice: 3rd level throw made to resist your poison. Once you've used
You are at your deadliest when you get the drop on this feature, you must complete a long rest before you
your enemies. You have advantage on attack rolls can use it again.
against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the
combat yet. Additionally, any hit you score against a IMPOSTOR
creature that is surprised is a critical hit. Lethality Practice: 13th level
LETHAL STRIKES You gain the ability to unerringly mimic another
person's speech, writing, and behavior. You must
Lethality Practice: 3rd level spend at least 1 minute studying these three
You learn how to read your foes and strikes their weak components of the person's behavior: listening to
points. When you deal Sneak Attack damage to a speech, examining handwriting, and observing
creature, you may choose to forgo two of your Sneak mannerisms. If you can only study some of these
Attack dice to make the attack a lethal strike. aspects (such as only having writing samples, or only
Some of your lethal strikes require your target to audio recordings), you can mimic that aspect of the
make a saving throw to resist the lethal strike's e ects. person, but not other aspects you have not studied.
The saving throw DC is calculated as follows: Your ruse is indiscernible to the casual observer. If a
wary creature suspects something is amiss, you have
Lethal Strike save DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus +
advantage on any Charisma (Deception) check you
your Dexterity modi er
make to avoid detection.
You attempt to prime the target. The target must make
a Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom saving throw (your Lethality Practice: 17th level
choice). On a failed save, the next time you deal Sneak You've become a
Attack damage against the target before the end of master of instant
your next turn, you roll four additional Sneak Attack death. When you
dice. deal weapon
damage to a
TARGET ASSESSMENT creature that is
You attempt to infer crucial details about your foe. The surprised, it must
creature must make a Charisma saving throw. On a make a Constitution
failed save, the GM tells you two of the following saving throw against
characteristics of your choice: your lethal strike
save DC. On a
Highest ability score
failed save, double
Lowest ability score
the damage of
Strongest saving throw
your attack against
Weakest saving throw
the creature.
You attempt to stagger the target. The target must
make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the
next time you would make an attack roll against the
target before the end of your next turn, you can
instead force the target to make a saving throw with
the ability score of your choice. On a failed save, the
creature takes normal weapon damage and you can
apply your Sneak Attack dice to the roll.


Some operatives choose to master nesse and timing FLEXIBLE BODY
through performance art. Those operatives who
Performance Practice: 9th level
choose the Performance Practice become skilled
You are able to use your acrobatic talent to gain the
performers who prove especially deadly in close
upper hand in combat. You can use the bonus action
combat, able to nd the rhythm of an attacker's strikes
granted by your Cunning Action to shove or trip a
as easily as any song.
creature. When you do so, you can make a Dexterity
ARTFUL DANCER (Acrobatics) check instead of a Strength (Athletics)
Performance Practice: 3rd level Additionally, you now ignore di cult terrain, you can
Your training with music and dancing grants you move through space occupied by hostile creatures, and
certain bene ts. You gain pro ciency in the you can squeeze through smaller spaces without
Performance skill and one musical instrument of your expending extra movement.
Additionally, while you are you are not wearing DANCE OF DEATH
armor or wielding a medium or heavy shield, you can
Performance Practice: 13th level
add half your Charisma modi er (rounded up) to your
You can use your action to make a weapon attack
AC as long as it doesn't already include that modi er.
against any number of creatures within 5 feet of you,
DAZZLING STEPS with a separate attack roll for each target. You can
choose to deal Sneak Attack damage to each creature
Performance Practice: 3rd level you hit, but you can only roll half your number of
You learn to conduct impressive displays of grace and Sneak Attack dice (rounded up) per creature.
speed in combat. While you aren't wearing medium or Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
heavy armor or wielding a medium or heavy shield, short or long rest before you can use it again.
and you take the Attack action on your turn and attack
with a weapon with either the light or nesse MASTER OF DANCE
properties, your walking speed increases by 10 feet
Performance Practice: 17th level
until the end of the turn, and if you deal Sneak Attack
Your con dence when putting on a show has extended
damage, you may choose to forgo two of your Sneak
into combat. You add your Charisma modi er to
Attack dice to make the attack a dazzling step.
initiative checks. Additionally, any creature who fails a
Some of your dazzling steps require your target to
saving throw against your Dazzling Step save DC has
make a saving throw to resist the dazzling step's
disadvantage on the rst attack roll they make against
e ects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
you each turn until the end of your next turn.
Dazzling Step save DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus +
your Charisma modi er

You defend yourself from further attack. Roll two
Sneak Attack dice. You gain temporary hit points that
last until the start of your next turn equal to the
amount rolled.
You twist and twirl around the target. The target must
make a Strength saving throw. A Huge or larger
creature automatically succeeds. On a failed save, it is
pushed back 5 feet, and you can immediately move
into the space it just vacated without provoking
opportunity attacks.
Choose another creature that you can see
within your reach. The creature must make a
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, roll
two Sneak Attack dice. The creature takes
damage equal to the amount rolled. This
damage is of the same as your weapon's


Those operatives who choose the Ru an Practice use If you succeed on the check and the creature is
rough-and-tumble tactics to handle any ght, big or hostile to you, it has disadvantage on attack rolls
small. They incite chaos and make devious moves that against targets other than you and can't make
keep their enemies reeling. opportunity attacks against targets other than you.
This e ect lasts for 1 minute, until one of your
RAKISH AUDACITY companions attacks the target or a ects it with a
Ruffian Practice: 3rd level power, or until you and the target are more than 60
Your unmistakable con dence propels you into battle. feet apart.
You can add your Charisma modi er to your initiative If you succeed on the check and the creature isn't
rolls. hostile to you, it is charmed by you for 1 minute. While
Additionally, you don't need advantage on your charmed, it regards you as a friendly acquaintance.
attack roll to use your Sneak Attack if no creature other This e ect ends immediately if you or your
than your target is within 5 feet of you, as long as the companions do anything harmful to it.
target of the attack is within 5 feet of you. All the other
rules for the Sneak Attack class feature still apply to ELEGANT MANEUVER
you. Ruffian Practice: 13th level
Finally, during your turn, if you make a melee attack You can use a bonus action on your turn to gain
against a creature, that creature can't make advantage on the next Dexterity (Acrobatics) or
opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your Strength (Athletics) check you make during the same
turn. turn.


Ruffian Practice: 3rd level Ruffian Practice: 17th level
You learn to uidly strike and maneuver through Your mastery of the blade lets you turn failure into
combat. When you deal Sneak Attack damage to a success in combat. If you miss with an attack roll, you
creature, you may choose to forgo two of your Sneak can roll it again with advantage. Once you do so, you
Attack Dice in order to maneuver across the battle eld. can't use this feature again until you nish a short or
Some of your fancy footworks require your target to long rest.
make a saving throw to resist the debilitating strike's
e ects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Nimble Step save DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus +

your Dexterity modi er.

You attempt to determine your target's next strike. Roll
two Sneak Attack dice, and the target must make a
Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, your AC
increases by the higher amount rolled on the dice
against the rst attack it makes against you before the
start of your next turn. On a successful save, your AC
instead increases by the lower amount.
You attempt to disarm a creature with your attack. The
target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be
forced to drop one item of your choice that it's holding.
If you have a free hand, you can catch the item.
Otherwise, it lands at your feet.
Roll two Sneak Attack dice. Your speed increases by 5 x
the greater result of the two dice, and you ignore
di cult terrain until the end of your current turn.

Ruffian Practice: 9th level
Your charm becomes extraordinarily beguiling. As an
action, you can make a Charisma (Persuasion) check
contested by a creature's Wisdom (Insight) check. The
creature must be able to hear you, and the two of you
must share a language.


Those operatives who choose the Saboteur Practice
enhance their ne-honed skills of stealth and agility
with tech, using advanced technology with the aid of a
tracker droid to sustain a longer assault.

Saboteur Practice: 3rd level
You gain pro ciency in astrotech's implements.

Saboteur Practice: 3rd level
You have derived powers from schematics with the aid
of your wristpad. See chapter 10 for the general rules
of techcasting and chapter 12 for the tech powers list.
You learn 4 tech powers of your choice, and you learn
more at higher levels, as shown in the Tech Powers
Known column of the Saboteur Practice Techcasting
table. You may not learn a tech power of a level higher
than your Max Power Level.
You have a number of tech points equal to half of your
operative level (rounded up), as shown in the Tech
Points column of the Saboteur Practice Techcasting
table, + your Intelligence modi er. You use these tech
points to cast tech powers. You regain all expended
tech points when you nish a short or long rest.
Many tech powers can be overcharged, consuming
more tech points to create a greater e ect. You can
overcharge these powers to a maximum level, which
increases at higher levels, as shown in the Max Power
Level column of the Saboteur Practice Techcasting
You may only cast tech powers at 4th-level once.
You regain the ability to do so after a long rest.
Intelligence is your techcasting ability for your tech
powers. You use your Intelligence whenever a power
refers to your techcasting ability. In addition, you
use your Intelligence modi er when setting the
saving throw DC for a tech power you cast and when
making an attack roll with one.

Tech save DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus +

your Intelligence modi er

Tech attack modifier = your pro ciency bonus +

your Intelligence modi er

You use a wristpad (found in chapter 5) as a
techcasting focus for your tech powers.


Saboteur Practice: 3rd level
You learn to employ all the knowledge you've
accumulated to create and customize your own tracker SABOTEUR PRACTICE TECHCASTING
droid companion.
Tech Powers Tech Max Power
Create your tracker droid companion as detailed in
Level Known Points Level
the Companions section of the Customization Options
document for Expanded Content. You must have 3rd 4 2 1st
astrotech's implements in order to create your droid. 4th 4 2 1st
If your droid is irreparably destroyed, or you want a 5th 5 3 1st
di erent droid companion, you must rst break the
bond with your current tracker droid companion. 6th 5 3 1st
Bonding with a new companion takes 8 hours spent in 7th 6 4 2nd
an appropriate location. You may only have one droid 8th 6 4 2nd
companion at a time.
In addition to its traits and features, your tracker 9th 7 5 2nd
droid companion gains an additional bene t while it is 10th 7 5 2nd
bonded to you: 11th 8 6 2nd
Your tracker droid gains two additional traits. It gains 12th 8 6 2nd
one more additional trait when you reach 11th level in 13th 9 7 3rd
this class. For each droid trait in excess of your
pro ciency bonus, your tech point maximum is 14th 9 7 3rd
reduced by 1. Over the course of a long rest, you can 15th 10 8 3rd
replace or remove a number of droid traits equal to 16th 10 8 3rd
half your Intelligence modi er (rounded up, minimum
of one). 17th 11 9 4th
18th 11 9 4th
Lastly, when you cast a tech power of 1st-level or
higher that would a ect only one target, and your 19th 12 10 4th
tracker droid companion is bonded and within 10 feet 20th 12 10 4th
of you or your target, your tracker droid companion
can use its reaction to increase the level at which you
are casting your power by 1. This feature can increase
a power's level above your Max Power Level, and using
this feature does not cost additional tech points.
At 11th level, your tracker droid companion must be SABOTAGE
within 30 feet of you or your target to bene t from this Saboteur Practice: 17th level
feature. At 17th level, your tracker droid companion You gain the ability to sabotage a tech power in the
must be within 60 feet. process of being cast. When a hostile creature casts a
You can use this feature twice. You gain an additional tech power, and you are the target of the tech power
use at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level. You regain all or within its area of e ect, you can use your reaction to
expended uses when you complete a long rest. force that creature to make an Intelligence saving
POWERED AMBUSH throw against your tech save DC. On a successful save,
the power is cast as normal.
Saboteur Practice: 9th level On a failed save, you negate the power's e ects, and
If you are hidden from a creature when you cast a the caster takes 1d6 lightning damage per level of the
power on it, the creature has disadvantage on any power it was casting. Additionally, on a failed save, the
saving throw it makes against the power this turn. caster's tech focus used to cast the tech power is
overloaded and can't be used to cast tech powers for 1
ION PULSE minute.
Saboteur Practice: 13th level At the end of each of the caster's turns, it can repeat
As a bonus action on your turn, you can expend one or the Intelligence saving throw. On a success, it can use
more of your tracker droid's Hit Dice to have it emit an the tech focus to cast tech powers again.
pulse of ion energy. Each creature within 5 feet of your Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
tracker droid must make a Constitution saving throw until you nish a long rest.
against your tech save DC. A creature takes ion
damage for each Hit Die expended in this way on a
failed save, or half as much as on a successful one. The
size of the damage die equals the size of your tracker
droid's Hit Die. Any electronics not being worn or
carried within the blast radius are disabled until


Those operatives who choose the Sawbones Practice SWIFT SURGERY
have studied the humanoid body on a more intimate Sawbones Practice: 9th level
level than other operatives. While others may know You know how to quickly patch up wounds, given the
where best to stab in order to kill, you also know how right tools. You are able to use a traumakit or
to repair the wounds you in ict, as well as how to make administer a medpac as a bonus action, and when you
them even deeper. You delve into the secrets of the use a traumakit to stabilize a dying creature, that
body, learning as much medical knowledge as you can creature also regains a number of hitpoints equal to
get your hands on, regardless of how dirty the work your Intelligence modi er.
Sawbones Practice: 13th level
Sawbones Practice: 3rd level Your knowledge of medicine allows you to partition
You gain pro ciency in Medicine, and you can use your and ration healing supplies very e ectively, without
Intelligence modi er instead of your Wisdom modi er impacting its potency. Over the course of 1 hour, which
for checks made with it. can be done during a rest, you can carefully measure
Additionally, you can expend one use of a traumakit and mark out dosages of a medpac within reach. The
to help revitalize your wounded allies during a short medpac can now be used twice before it is consumed.
rest. If you or any friendly creatures within 30 feet of At your DM's discretion, you may be able to use this
you regain hit points at the end of the short rest by feature on other pacs, stims, or adrenals, most likely
spending one or more Hit Dice, each of those creatures involving an ability check to succeed.
regains an extra 1d6 hit points.
The extra hit points increase when you reach certain SELF-SUSTAIN
levels in this class: to 1d8 at 9th level, to 1d10 at 13th Sawbones Practice: 17th level
level, and to 1d12 at 17th level. You have advantage on death saving throws.
DEBILITATING STRIKE Additionally, when you are stabilized, you regain 1 hit
point. Once you've used this feature, you can't use it
Sawbones Practice: 3rd level again until you nish a short or long rest.
You learn to apply your anatomical knowledge in direct
combat, in order to hinder your targets. When you deal
Sneak Attack damage to a creature, you may choose to
forgo two of your Sneak Attack Dice in order to hinder
the creature, provided they have the appropiate
Some of your debilitating strikes require your target
to make a saving throw to resist the debilitating strike's
e ects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Debilitating Strike save DC = 8 + your pro ciency

bonus + your Intelligence modi er.

You attempt to create a lingering wound in the target
for one minute. The target must make a Constitution
saving throw. On a failed save, at the start of each of
the target's turns, it loses 1d6 hit points and repeats
this saving throw, ending the e ect on a success.
E ects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used
to counter this loss of life.
You attempt to cause cause distracting pain in the
target. The target must make a Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, it has disadvantage on attack
rolls until the end of your next turn.
You attempt to hamper the target's movement. The
target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save, it gains 1 slowed level and it makes
Dexterity saving throws with disadvantage until the
end of its next turn.


Those operatives who choose the Scrapper Practice BRUTAL HIT
don't have the time or patience for the fair ght. They You attempt to knock the target prone while within 15
utilize close-quarters blaster combat blended with feet of it. The target must make a Strength saving
underhanded tactics to surprise and disable their foes. throw or be knocked prone.


You attempt to stun the target while within 15 feet of it.
Scrapper Practice: 3rd level
The target must make a Constitution saving throw or
Ysou gain pro ciency in all blasters with the burst or
be stunned until the start of its next turn.
rapid property that lack the two-handed property.
Additionally, when a creature fails a saving throw SHANK SHOT
against the burst or rapid property of a weapon you You attempt to hamper the target while within 15 feet
control and with which you are pro cient, you can of it. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. If
apply your Sneak Attack damage to one creature dealt it fails, its movement speed is to 0 and it makes
damage in this way as long as that creature didn't have Dexterity saving throws with disadvantage until the
advantage on the save. end of its next turn.
When you reach 9th level in this class, when multiple
creatures fail a saving throw against the burst property SLEIGHT OF FOOT
of a weapon you control and with which you are Scrapper Practice: 9th level
pro cient, you can divide your Sneak Attack dice When a creature moves to within 5 feet of you, you can
amongst the targets as you see t. use your reaction to move up to half your speed away
from the creature without provoking opportunity
UPPER HAND attacks. You must end this movement further from the
Scrapper Practice: 3rd level creature than you started.
You learn to user underhanded tactics to gain the
upper hand. When you deal Sneak Attack damage to a HOSTILE NEGOTIATIONS
creature, you may choose to forgo two of your Sneak Scrapper Practice: 13th level
Attack Dice in order to perform an upper hand When you make a Charisma (Intimidation) or Charisma
technique. (Persuasion) check, you gain a bonus to the check
Some of your upper hand techniques require your equal to half your Dexterity modi er (rounded down) if
target to make a saving throw to resist the technique's it doesn't already include that modi er.
e ects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
Upper Hand save DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus +
Scrapper Practice: 17th level
your Charisma modi er
You can deal Sneak Attack damage twice per turn, but
you can't deal more than your total Sneak Attack dice
to a single target per turn.


Archaeologists are those who study the remnants of BONUS PROFICIENCIES
historical civilizations. Those scholars who choose the
Archaeologist Pursuit: 3rd level
Archaeologist Pursuit are driven by a desire to uncover
You gain pro ciency with archaeologist kits and in the
the past, forming a connection to the lives of those that
Lore skill.
came before, and unlocking within themselves a
connection not just to history, but to the Force itself. FORCECASTING
Archaeologist Pursuit: 3rd level
You have learned powers from your studies of
civilizations that were also once close to the Force. See
chapter 10 for the general rules of forcecasting and
chapter 11 for the force powers list.
You learn 4 force powers of your choice, and you learn
more at higher levels, as shown in the Force Powers
Known column of the Archaeologist Pursuit
Forcecasting table. You may not learn a force power of
a level higher than your Max Power Level, and you may
learn a force power at the same time you learn its
You have a number of force points equal to your
scholar level, as shown in the Force Points column of
the Archaeologist Pursuit Forcecasting table, + your
Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice). You use
these force points to cast force powers. You regain all
expended force points when you nish a long rest.
Many force powers can be overpowered, consuming
more force points to create a greater e ect. You can
overpower these abilities to a maximum level, which
increases at higher levels, as shown in the Max Power
Level column of the Archaeologist Pursuit Forcecasting
You may only cast force powers at 4th-level once.
You regain the ability to do so after a long rest.
Your forcecasting ability varies based on the alignment
of the powers you cast. You use your Wisdom for light
side powers, Charisma for dark side powers, and
Wisdom or Charisma for universal powers (your
choice). You use this ability score modi er whenever a
power refers to your forcecasting ability. Additionally,
you use this ability score modi er when setting the
saving throw DC for a force power you cast and when
making an attack roll with one.

Force save DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus +

your forcecasting ability modi er

Force attack modifier = your pro ciency bonus +

your forcecasting ability modi er


Archaeologist Pursuit: 3rd level
When you are the target of your Critical Analysis
feature, you can use Intelligence instead of Wisdom or ARCHAEOLOGIST PURSUIT
Charisma as your forcecasting ability modi er. FORCECASTING
ADDITIONAL MANEUVERS Force Powers Force Max Power
Level Known Points Level
Archaeologist Pursuit: 3rd level
You gain access to new maneuvers which re ect the 3rd 4 3 1st
progress of your studies into ancient civilizations. 4th 6 4 1st
Whenever you learn a new maneuver, you can choose
5th 7 5 1st
from any of the following as well. The maneuvers are
listed in alphabetical order. 6th 8 6 1st
7th 10 7 2nd
Immediately after you deal damage to a target with a 8th 11 8 2nd
force attack, you can expend a superiority die and 9th 12 9 2nd
target a second creature that you can see within 30
10th 13 10 2nd
feet of the rst creature. Roll the die, and the second
creature takes force damage equal to the roll + your 11th 14 11 2nd
forcecasting modi er. 12th 15 12 2nd
FORTUNE AND GLORY 13th 17 13 3rd
When you would make a weapon attack against a 14th 18 14 3rd
target within 30 feet, you can instead manipulate the
15th 19 15 3rd
Force to expend a superiority die and make a Sleight of
Hand check using your universal forcecasting ability to 16th 20 16 3rd
plant something on the target, conceal an object on the 17th 22 17 4th
target, lift the target's purse, or take something from
18th 23 18 4th
its pocket. Roll the superiority die, and add the result to
the check. 19th 24 19 4th
20th 25 20 4th
When you would spend force points to cast a force
power, you can instead expend a superiority die to cast
the power. When you do so, you take necrotic damage
equal to the number rolled + your universal
forcecasting modi er + twice the power's level. E ects SHORT ROUND
that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to When you cast a force power of 1st-level or higher that
counter this loss of life. has a casting time of 1 action, you can expend a
For each additional time you use this maneuver superiority die to change the casting time to 1 bonus
without taking a short or long rest, roll an additional action for this casting.
superiority die of damage.
ONE WITH THE FORCE When you make a melee weapon attack against a
Once per turn, when you make a Constitution saving creature, you can expend one superiority die and add
throw to maintain concentration on a force power, you the number rolled to the attack roll. On a hit, the target
can expend a superiority die and add the number takes additional force damage equal to the number
rolled to the saving throw. rolled.
Once per round, when a creature succeeds on a force When you or a friendly creature that you can see
power you cast or your class feature that requires a reduces a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you can use
Wisdom or Charisma saving throw, you can expend a your reaction and expend a superiority die to give
superiority die to make a universal forcecasting ability yourself or that friendly creature temporary hit points
check with pro ciency, substituting the result of the roll equal to the number rolled + your universal
for the save DC for that power. forcecasting modi er.
When you are forced to make a saving throw against a
force power or e ect you can see, you can expend a Archaeologist Pursuit: 6th level
superiority die to change the saving throw to an You have unlocked more control over the Force,
Intelligence saving throw. allowing you to choose wisely who it a ects. When you
cast a force power that a ects other creatures that you
can see, you can choose a number


of them equal to 1 + the power's level. The chosen Your research into Jedi and Sith combat techniques has
creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws allowed you to gain pro ciency in simple lightweapons.
against the power, and they take no damage if they When you are the target of your Critical Analysis, you
would normally take half damage on a successful save. use your choice of your Intelligence or Strength
modi er for the attack and damage rolls with simple
PSYCHOMETRIC ANALYSIS lightweapons. You must use the same modi er for
Archaeologist Pursuit: 9th level both rolls.
Your strength in the Force and your ability to read the Additionally, you gain knowledge of one lightsaber
objects around you intensi es. You can use your form of your choice.
Critical Analysis to analyze an object of Huge size or
smaller that you can see within range. When you do so, IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM
you learn whether or not the object is enhanced, Your knowledge of antiquities is unparalleled. When
cursed, and how old it is. you make an Intelligence (Lore) check or an ability
check with your archaeologist kit, you may treat any
Additionally, you can end your Critical Analysis on
roll of a 9 or lower as a 10.
the object (no action required) to ask it a single
question and receive an answer, usually in the form of LOCALIZED SURVEY
an auditory or visual hallucination. For example, Prerequisite: 13th level
touching the rusted, broken remains of a lightsaber Your a nity for the force allows you to key in to the
and asking how it got there may result in a brief vision recent past of an area you enter. When you would
of a disgruntled Jedi Knight casting it to the ground on expend a use of your Psychometric Analysis, you can
that spot. An object “questioned” in this way can only instead choose to target your immediate vicinity (up to
provide information relating to its past. The GM has a 50-foot cube) and investigate for at least 1 minute.
the nal say on what objects can be questioned, and to For each minute you investigate, you see visions of
what extent. recent events in the area going back a number of days
You can use this feature four times. You gain an equal to your scholar level, you learn about one
additional use at 13th and 17th level. You regain all signi cant event, beginning with the most recent.
expended uses when you complete a long rest. You can investigate in this way for a number of
minutes equal to your scholar level and must maintain
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER concentration during that time, as if you were
Archaeologist Pursuit: 17th level concentrating on a power.
You gain the ability to steal the knowledge of how to Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
cast a power from another forcecaster. When a hostile until you complete a short or long rest.
creature casts a force power that a ects a friendly
creature within range of your Critical Analysis feature, MAKING THIS UP AS YOU GO
and you use your reaction target that friendly creature Prerequisite: 17th level
with your Critical Analysis feature, you can force the You may now cast force powers at 4th-level twice
creature casting the power to make a Wisdom or between rests.
Charisma saving throw (your choice) against your TELEKINETIC MINISTRATIONS
universal force save DC. On a successful save, the Prerequisite: 9th level
power is cast as normal. You can cast the telekinesis force power at 5th level
On a failed save, you negate the power's e ects, and without spending force points.
you steal the knowledge of that power if it is at least Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
1st level and of a level you can cast. For the next 8 long rest before you can use it again.
hours, you know the power and can cast it using your
force points. The creature cannot cast that power again THE YEARS AND THE MILEAGE
until the 8 hours have passed. Your archaeological studies have taken you all across
Once you've used this feature, you cannot use it the galaxy. While you are the target of your Critical
again until you nish a long rest. Analysis feature, you can use your universal
forcecasting ability instead of Wisdom when making
ARCHAEOLOGIST DISCOVERIES Insight or Survival checks.
When you select this pursuit, you gain access to new
discoveries which re ect your studies into historical
Prerequisite: 5th level
civilations. Whenever you learn a new discovery, you
As a reaction when you take damage, you can entomb
can choose from any of the following as well. The
yourself in the Force until the end of your next turn.
discoveries are listed in alphabetical order.
For the duration, you have resistance to the triggering
ARCHIVE RESEARCH damage, you gain temporary hit points equal to 1d10 +
Your expeditions have turned up a bevy of knowledge your universal forcecasting ability modi er + your
on the force. You learn three at-will force powers of scholar level to potentially absorb the attack, and your
your choice, which don't count against your number of speed is reduced to 0.
force powers known. Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
until you nish a short or long rest.


Without it empires fall, armies dissolve into DEBILITANTS
nothingness, and species are forgotten with the As a bonus action when preparing or touching food,
passage of time. A favored tool of assassins, crime you may expend a superiority die and add to it a subtle
lords, and moguls: food. Those scholars who choose poison. Any creature that consumes this food must
the Chef Pursuit know the importance and power that make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save,
food carries. their hit point maximum is reduced by an amount
equal to twice the number rolled on your superiority
CULINARY KNOWLEDGE die + your Intelligence modi er. The e ect of this
Chef Pursuit: 3rd level maneuver ends when the creature completes its next
You gain pro ciency with chef's kits and your choice of long rest or 24 hours have passed. This maneuver has
Nature or Survival skills. no e ect on droids or constructs.


At the end of a short or long rest you may expend a
Chef Pursuit: 3rd level superiority die and choose a number of friendly
You are prepared to assist allies with specially creatures up to your Intelligence modi er (minimum of
prepared, instantly e ective supplements. When an one), if they ate food you prepared. Each creature has
ally is the target of your Critical Analysis feature and their walking speed increased by 10 until the end of
within 5 feet of you, you may expend a superiority die their next short or long rest. This maneuver has no
and give that ally the bene ts of any maneuver e ect on droids or constructs.
exclusive to the Chef Pursuit, regardless of whether or
not you've chosen it. ENHANCERS
Once you've used this feature, you must complete a At the end of a short or long rest you may expend a
short or long rest before you can use it again. superiority die and choose a number of friendly
creatures up to your Intelligence modi er (minimum of
ADDITIONAL MANEUVERS one), if they ate food you prepared. Once before the
Chef Pursuit: 3rd level end of their next short or long rest, a ected targets
You gain access to new maneuvers which re ect the may add the result of the superiority die to a damage
progress of your studies into the culinary arts. roll that would a ect only one target. This maneuver
Whenever you learn a new maneuver, you can choose has no e ect on droids or constructs.
from any of the following as well. The maneuvers are
listed in alphabetical order.
At the end of a short or long rest you may expend a
You may only perform one maneuver that is used
superiority die and choose a number of friendly
during a long or short rest at a time.
creatures up to your Intelligence modi er (minimum of
ALLERGENS one), if they ate food you prepared. Each creature
As a bonus action while preparing or touching food, gains a number of temporary hit points equal to twice
you may expend a superiority die and add to it an the number you roll on the superiority die. This
irritating allergen. At the start of each of its turns, a maneuver has no e ect on droids or constructs.
creature that consumes this food must make a
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it subtracts
As a bonus action while preparing or touching food,
half the result of your superiority die (rounded down,
you may expend a superiority die and add to it a fast
minimum of one) from the rst ability check, attack roll,
acting muscle relaxant. At the start of each of its turns,
or saving throws it makes before the start of its next
a creature that consumes this food must make a
turn. The e ect of this maneuver ends when the
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it subtracts
creature completes its next long rest or 24 hours have
the result of your superiority die from the rst damage
passed. This maneuver has no e ect on droids or
roll it makes before the start of its next turn. The e ect
of this maneuver ends when the creature completes its
BRAIN FOOD next long rest or 24 hours have passed. This maneuver
At the end of a short or long rest you may expend a has no e ect on droids or constructs.
superiority die and choose a number of friendly
creatures up to your Intelligence modi er (minimum of
At the end of a short or long rest you may expend a
one), if they ate food you prepared. Each creature
superiority die and choose a number of friendly
gains a number of temporary force or tech points (their
creatures up to your Intelligence modi er (minimum of
choice) equal to the number you roll on the superiority
one), if they ate food you prepared. Once before the
die. When an a ected creature casts a force or tech
end of their next short or long rest, a ected targets
power, the temporary force or tech points are spent
may add the result of the superiority die to one ability
rst. An a ected target can only bene t from one
check, attack roll, or saving throw. The creature can
source of temporary force or tech points at a time, and
wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use
they last until they're depleted or until the a ected
this feature, but must decide before the DM says
target completes their next short or long rest. This
whether the roll succeeds or fails. This maneuver has
maneuver has no e ect on droids or constructs.
no e ect on droids or constructs.


VITAMINS When you select this pursuit, you gain access to new
At the end of a short or long rest you may expend a discoveries which re ect the progress of your studies
superiority die and choose a number of friendly into the culinary arts. Whenever you learn a new
creatures up to your Intelligence modi er (minimum of discovery, you can choose from any of the following as
one), if they ate food you prepared. Each creature well. The discoveries are listed in alphabetical order.
gains pro ciency in Constitution saving throws until the
end of their next short or long rest. If a creature was ALTERNATIVE FUEL
already pro cient in Constitution saving throws, they Any of your chef features, maneuvers, or discoveries
instead become pro cient in a saving throw of your can now a ect droids and constructs.
choice. This maneuver has no e ect on droids or BANQUET
constructs. Prerequisite: 17th level, Full Course
BALANCED DIET Over the course of a long or short rest, you may utilize
an additional maneuver from this archetype (total of
Chef Pursuit: 6th level four).
Your cooking is so nutritionally balanced that it allows
allies to stave o the e ects of continued rigorous FILLING MEAL
activity. Creatures of your choice who eat food Prerequisite: 7th level
prepared by you have advantage on Constitution Over the course of a long or short rest, you may utilize
saving throws to avoid exhaustion, as described in up to two di erent maneuvers from this archetype,
chapter 8, until the end of their next long rest. rather than one.


Prerequisite: 12th level, Filling Meal
Chef Pursuit: 9th level
Over the course of a long or short rest, you may utilize
If you or any friendly creatures who have consumed
an additional maneuver from this archetype (total of
food you prepared during a short rest regain hit points
by spending hit dice at the end of the short rest, each
of those creatures regains an extra 1d8 hit points. ON THE ROCKS
The extra hit points increase when you reach certain Any food you prepare over a short or long rest carries
levels in this class: to 1d10 at 11th level, and to 1d12 at with it an additional cooling e ect. Creatures that
15th level. consume it are considered adapted to hot climates, as
described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide,
HEROES' FEAST until the end of the creature's next long rest or 24
Chef Pursuit: 17th level hours have passed. Additionally, the rst time a
You have developed a signature feast that is the purest creature who eats your food takes re damage before
distillation of your knowledge and talent as a chef. the end of their next short or long rest, they are
Over the course of a long rest, you can expend rare considered resistant to the damage.
culinary supplies worth 1,000 cr to create your feast,
which can feed a number of creatures equal to twice SECRET INGREDIENT
your Intelligence modi er. Any creature partaking in If you or any friendly creature that has consumed food
the feast gains the following bene ts: made by you during their last short or long rest gains
temporary hit points, the number of temporary hit
It is cured of all poisons and disease, and becomes points they gain increases by an amount equal to your
immune to poison and disease. Intelligence modi er.
It makes Wisdom saving throws to avoid being
frightened with advantage.
Any food you prepare over a short or long rest carries
Its hit point maximum and current hit points increase
with it an additional warming e ect. Creatures that
by 2d10.
consume it are considered adapted to cold climates, as
These bene ts last until the end of described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide,
the creature's next long rest or until the end of the creature's next long rest or 24
24 hours have passed. hours have passed. Additionally, the rst time a
This feature has no creature who eats your food takes cold damage before
e ect on droids or the end of their next short or long rest, they are
constructs. considered resistant to the damage.


The explorer strives to navigate past the known to
discover new planets, forgotten ruins, or forbidden
locations. Those scholars who choose the Explorer
Pursuit spend their time studying maps, landmarks,
architecture blue prints, or even history books, using
them to e ectively lead the way for their companions.

Explorer Pursuit: 3rd level
You gain pro ciency in two of the Perception,
Piloting, Survival, and Acrobatics skills.

Explorer Pursuit: 3rd level
You can now use your Critical Analysis feature
on a 15-foot cube area within 60 feet
of you that you can see. You
can treat any creatures
inside this cube as if they
are the target of your Critical
Analysis feature, and when a creature
ends your Critical Analysis feature on themself,
it does not end this e ect for other creatures in your
Surveyed Area.

Explorer Pursuit: 3rd level
You gain access to new maneuvers which re ect your
studies in maps and hidden routes. Whenever you
learn a new maneuver, you can choose from any of the
following as well. The maneuvers are listed in
alphabetical order.
Whenever you use your Critical Analysis ability, you can
expend a superiority die to make all creatures of your
choice a ected by Critical Analysis to make a Wisdom
saving throw. If at least one creature fails the save, roll
a superiority die.
On a failed save, the number rolled is added to both
the attack and damage roll for the rst attack against
the creature before the start of your next turn.
You can use a bonus action to expend a superiority die.
When you do so, a number of friendly creatures equal
to your Intelligence modi er can immediately use their
reaction to move a number of feet equal to 5 times the
number rolled on the superiority die.
Whenever you or a creature you can see makes an
opportunity attack, you can expend a superiority die. If
the attack hits, roll the superiority die and add the
result to the damage roll. Additionally, the a ected
creature's movement speed becomes 0 until the start
of its next turn.


PRECISE MOVEMENTS When you select this pursuit, you gain access to new
When you or a friendly creature you can see that can discoveries which re ect your studies in maps and
see or hear you moves, you can expend a superiority hidden routes. Whenever you learn a new discovery,
die to give them verbal guidance and encouragement. you can choose from any of the following as well. The
Roll a superiority die. The creature's speed increases discoveries are listed in alphabetical order.
by 5 times the number rolled, and they can move
through the space of hostile creatures as if it were COVER ADEPT
di cult terrain. Prerequisite: 12th level
You treat one-quarter cover as half cover, half cover as
SNARE TRAPS three-quarters cover, and three-quarters cover as full
You can use an action and expend a superiority die to cover. Additionally, while you are in cover, Dexterity
trigger painful snare traps. When you do, one creature (Stealth) checks you make gain a bonus equal to your
within 60 feet of you or all creatures that are targeted Intelligence modi er (minimum of +1).
by your Critical Analysis has to make a Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check against your maneuver save DC. DUNGEON EXPLORER
On a failure, they take damage equal to the roll and You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
their movement speed becomes 0 until the end of your and Intelligence (Investigation) checks to locate any
next turn. secret doors or traps, and you have resistance to
damage dealt by traps.
SUPERIOR COUNTERATTACK Additionally, you can use your Sage Advice feature to
Whenever an opportunity attack targets a friendly teach friendly creatures about various types of traps,
creature other than you that is in an area targeted by following the same rules of that feature. When you do
your Critical Analysis feature, you can expend a so, the chosen creatures have resistance to damage
superiority die. The creature can use its reaction to dealt by traps.
make a single weapon attack, adding the superiority
die roll to the attack roll. GALACTIC EXPLORER
Prerequisite: 9th level
WRESTLE AND DRAG When you make a Piloting (Intelligence) skill check and
When you or a creature that is the target of your may add your pro ciency bonus to the check, treat any
Critical Analysis makes an Strength (Athletics) check to roll of 9 or lower as if you had rolled a 10.
grapple or shove a creature, you can expend a
superiority die and add it to the roll. Until the end of GRAPPLING HUNTER
your turn, you can drag the grappled creature with you Prerequisite: 5th level
without your speed being halved. Additionally, if you Attack rolls that you make against creatures that you
move at least 5 feet, the creature takes damage for are grappling have advantage.
each foot moved up to an amount equal to half your HIGH GROUND
Scholar level + your Intelligence modi er. Prerequisite: 5th level
FIELD ADVANTAGE Once per turn, when you or a friendly creature hits a
creature that is a target of your Critical Analysis
Explorer Pursuit: 6th level feature, it takes additional damage equal to your half
You learn to quickly convey spatial information in the Intelligence modi er (minimum of +1).
midst of combat about the area you analyzed, giving
them an edge at maneuvering in the area. While NO STONE LEFT UNTURNED
moving through your Surveyed Area, you and friendly When you make a Wisdom (Perception) or
creatures of your choice ignore unenhanced di cult Investigation (Intelligence) check to nd a hidden
terrain, and opportunity attacks against them are creature that is inside the area that is targeted by your
made with disadvantage. Critical Analysis feature, you do so with advantage.


You can hold your breath twice as long as you are
Explorer Pursuit: 9th level
normally able to, and take half as much damage from
You learn to swim and scale vertical surfaces with ease.
fall damage.
You gain swimming and climbing speed equal to your
walking speed.
Additionally, your Sage Advice feature can be used to
give friendly creatures knowledge on how to swim or
climb, provided you have a swimming or climbing
speed. Chosen creatures have a swimming speed or
climbing speed for the entire duration.

Explorer Pursuit: 17th level
When you use the Surveyed Area feature, the area
a ected is a 30-foot cube instead of a 15-foot cube.


Throughout the galaxy there exists scientists who focus UNRELENTING GRASP
on unraveling the mysteries contained within the When you hit a creature within 5 feet of you with an
bodies of the divese sentients of the galaxy. Those opportunity attack, you may expend a superiority die.
scholars who choose the Geneticist Pursuit put their The creature takes additional damage equal to your
knowledge into practice, splicing their own genetic superiority die, and you may attempt to grapple the
material to become superior beings... or monsters. target as part of the same reaction.


When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you may
Geneticist Pursuit: 3rd level
expend a superiority die to force it to make a
You gain pro ciency with geneticist's implements and
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes
your choice of Medicine or Survival skills.
poison damage equal to the result of the die and is
MUTAGENIC ANALYSIS poisoned until the start of your next turn.
Geneticist Pursuit: 3rd level MUTAGENIC TRANSFORMATION
While you are the target of your Critical Analysis
Geneticist Pursuit: 6th level
feature, you can add half your Intelligence modi er
When you target yourself with your Critical Analysis
(rounded down, minimum of one) to any saving throw
feature, you can choose to undergo a mutagenic
you make that doesn't already include that modi er.
transformation. Your form shifts, exaggerating and
ADDITIONAL MANEUVERS strengthening your geneticist discoveries for 1 hour.
You gain the following bene ts:
Geneticist Pursuit: 3rd level
You gain access to new maneuvers which re ect the You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you
changes your body has undergone. Whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
learn a new maneuver, you can choose from any of the Your Strength score becomes equal to your Intelligence
following as well. The maneuvers are listed in score.
alphabetical order. You gain a bonus to your AC equal to half your
Intelligence modi er (rounded down, minimum of +1) if
it doesn't already include that modi er.
When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can
replace one of your attacks with a sudden and violent You can end this e ect early on your turn as a bonus
expulsion of acidic uid. You expend a superiority die, action. This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated or
and cause all creatures within a 15-foot cone to make a die. You can use this feature twice. You regain all
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take expended uses of it when you nish a long rest.
damage equal to the number rolled on your superiority
die plus your Intelligence modi er. GENETICIST'S RESILIENCE
Geneticist Pursuit: 9th level
Your genetic alterations make you immune to poison
If you move at least 10 feet towards your target before
and disease. Additionally, you have resistance to
successfully hitting them with a melee attack, you may
poison damage.
expend a superiority die, causing the target to take
additional damage equal to the result, and forcing it
to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save
the creature is knocked prone.
When you succeed on a check to initiate or
maintain a grapple, you can expend a
superiority die. The creature takes lightning
damage equal to the amount rolled on the die.
When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you
can use your bonus action to expend a superiority
die and move up to half your speed. If you end this
movement within 5 feet of a creature, you can
make a single melee attack against that
creature, adding the result of the
superiority die to the attack roll.


Geneticist Pursuit: 17th level ENHANCED MUSCULATURE
Your genetic modi cations have reached new heights. Your carrying capacity and the weight you can push,
When you complete a short or long rest, you can drag, or lift doubles. If it would already double, it
choose one of the following features. When you instead triples. Additionally, when you make a long
undergo your mutagenic transformation, you also gain jump, you can cover a number of feet up to twice your
the bene ts of the chosen feature for the duration. You Strength score. When you make a high jump, you can
can only have one of these features at a time. leap a number of feet up into the air equal to 3 + twice
your Strength modi er. When you undergo your
ASPECT OF THE TERENTATEK mutagenic transformation, you have advantage on
You gain pro ciency in Wisdom and Charisma saving Strength checks and Strength saving throws for the
throws. Additionally, you have advantage on saving duration.
throws against force powers, and when a creature
within 30 feet of you casts a force power, you can use ICARIAN MUTATION
your reaction to move up to half your speed towards You sprout a pair of winged arms. You gain a ying
the creature. You must end this movement closer to speed equal to half your walking speed. You can only
the creature than you started. If you end this gain the bene t of items held by two of your arms at
movement within 5 feet of the creature, you can make any given time, and once per round you can switch
one melee attack against the creature (no action which arms you are bene ting from (no action
required). required). When you undergo your mutagenic
transformation, your ying speed increases to your full
ASPECT OF THE RANCOR walking speed, and you can use your bonus action to
You gain pro ciency in Strength and Constitution take the Dash action for the duration.
saving throws. Additionally, you gain immunity to the
frightened condition, and when you deal damage with MUTAGENIC HARDINESS
a weapon or unarmed strike, you can deal an Your hit point maximum increases by a number equal
additional 1d8 damage of the same type as the to your level, and it increases by 1 every time you gain
weapon's damage. a level. When you undergo your mutagenic
transformation, and at the beginning of each of your
ASPECT OF THE VARACTYL turns, you gain temporary hit points equal to your half
You gain pro ciency in Dexterity and Intelligence your scholar level (rounded down) + your Intelligence
saving throws. Additionally, your speed increases by 10 modi er for the duration.
feet, your attack rolls can't su er from disadvantage,
and creatures can't have advantage on attack rolls PREDATORY SENSES
against you, and each slowed level only reduces your You have darkvision out to 60 feet. If you already have
speed by 5 feet, unless it would reduce your speed to darkvision, its range instead increases by 30 feet. When
0. you undergo your mutagenic transformation, you gain
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
GENETICIST DISCOVERIES smell for the duration. Additionally, you can track
When you select this pursuit, you gain access to new creatures that have left a scent in the last 24 hours.
discoveries which re ect the changes you have caused UNDERGROUND ADAPTATION
your own body to undergo. Whenever you learn a new You gain a burrowing speed equal to your walking
discovery, you can choose from any of the following as speed and you can tunnel through solid rock at a rate
well. The discoveries are listed in alphabetical order. of 1 foot per round. In order to use this speed, you
ADAPTED HIDE must have two free hands. When you undergo your
When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your mutagenic transformation, you gain tremorsense out
Dexterity modi er. Additionally, you are adapted to hot to 30 feet for the duration. You can detect and pinpoint
or cold climates (your choice), as described in chapter 5 the origin of vibrations within a speci c radius,
of the Dungeon Master's Guide. When you undergo provided that monster and the source of the vibrations
your mutagenic transformation, you add your full are in contact with the same ground or substance.
Intelligence modi er, instead of half, to your AC for the Tremorsense can't be used to detect ying or
duration. incorporeal creatures.


You can breathe air and water. When you undergo You sprout claws or some other natural weapon, which
your mutagenic transformation, you no longer need to deal 1d4 kinetic damage on a hit. You can use your
breathe, and you can survive up to one hour within the choice of your Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence
vacuum of space for the duration. modi er for the attack and damage rolls. You must use
the same modi er for both rolls. When you undergo
your mutagenic transformation, your unarmed strikes
increase to a d6 and are considered enhanced for the
duration. Additionally, you deal an additional 1d4 acid,
lightning, or poison damage when you hit with them.


Across the galaxy one can nd numerous pseudonyms
and false identities belonging to the hackers and cyber-
in ltrators that call the world of electronics home. SLICER PURSUIT TECHCASTING
Those scholars who choose the Slicer Pursuit put their Tech Powers Tech Max Power
impressive intellectual prowess to work in the eld of Level Known Points Level
technology, to ends both benevolent and malicious.
3rd 3 2 1st
Slicer Pursuit: 3rd level 5th 5 3 1st
You gain pro ciency with the slicer's kit.
6th 6 3 1st
TECHCASTING 7th 7 4 2nd
Slicer Pursuit: 3rd level 8th 8 4 2nd
You have derived powers from schematics with the aid 9th 9 5 2nd
of your wristpad. See chapter 10 for the general rules
of techcasting and chapter 12 for the tech powers list. 10th 10 5 2nd
11th 11 6 2nd
You learn 3 tech powers of your choice, and you learn 12th 12 6 2nd
more at higher levels, as shown in the Tech Powers 13th 13 7 3rd
Known column of the Slicer Pursuit Techcasting table. 14th 14 7 3rd
You may not learn a tech power of a level higher than
your Max Power Level. 15th 15 8 3rd
16th 16 8 3rd
You have a number of tech points equal to half of your 17th 17 9 4th
scholar level (rounded up), as shown in the Tech Points 18th 18 9 4th
column of the Slicer Pursuit Techcasting table, + your
19th 19 10 4th
Intelligence modi er. You use these tech points to cast
tech powers. You regain all expended tech points when 20th 20 10 4th
you nish a short or long rest.
Many tech powers can be overcharged, consuming
more tech points to create a greater e ect. You can
overcharge these powers to a maximum level, which Additionally, when the target of your Critical Analysis
increases at higher levels, as shown in the Max Power casts a tech power, you can use your reaction to
Level column of the Slicer Pursuit Techcasting table. identify the tech power being cast, and at what level.
You may only cast tech powers at 4th-level once. You
regain the ability to do so after a long rest. ADDITIONAL MANEUVERS
Slicer Pursuit: 3rd level
You gain access to new maneuvers which re ect your
Intelligence is your techcasting ability for your tech
understanding of tech casting. Whenever you learn a
powers. You use your Intelligence whenever a power
new maneuver, you can choose from any of the
refers to your techcasting ability. Additionally, you use
following as well. The maneuvers are listed in
your Intelligence modi er when setting the saving
alphabetical order.
throw DC for a tech power you cast and when making
an attack roll with one. AUTOMATIC STARTUP SEQUENCE
When a creature makes a saving throw against a tech
Tech save DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus + power you cast, you may expend a superiority die,
your Intelligence modi er subtracting the number rolled from their total. You can
Tech attack modifier = your pro ciency bonus + use this maneuver before or after the creature makes
your Intelligence modi er saving throw, but before the GM determines whether
or not the creature fails.
You use a wristpad (found in chapter 5 of the Player's When you cast a tech power of 1st-level or higher that
Handbook) as a tech focus for your tech powers. has a casting time of 1 action, you can expend a
SYSTEMS HIJACK superiority die to change the casting time to 1 bonus
action for this casting.
Also at 3rd level, when the target of your Critical
Analysis is a droid or construct, or wearing or holding a FIREWALL
techcasting focus, that creature is a viable target for When you or an ally you can see within 60 feet make a
any tech powers with you cast with a range of touch. saving throw against a tech power, you can use your


reaction to expend a superiority die, adding the minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when
number rolled to the result of that saving throw. you nish a long rest.
As an action, you may expend a superiority die, and
When you select this pursuit, you gain access to new
choose any number of creatures that you can see
discoveries which re ect your understanding of tech
within 60 feet of you that have commlinks,
casting. Whenever you learn a new discovery, you can
headcomms, or other such communications devices.
choose from any of the following as well. The
Each creature must succeed on a Constitution saving
discoveries are listed in alphabetical order.
throw or take sonic damage equal to the number
rolled on the dice + your Intelligence modi er ADMINISTRATOR'S LOG
(minimum of one). Additionally, on a failed save, their If you spend at least 10 minutes working on a
communication devices are disabled until rebooted. computer or terminal, you can get a full list of users
who have accessed the machine within the past 24
hours. Over the course of a long rest, you may then
When you cast a tech power of 1st-level or higher, you
form a facsimile of identi cation that would allow you
may expend a superiority die to cast the power at a
to pass yourself o as that person when accessing
higher level, provided is does not exceed your
Maximum Power Level. Roll the superiority die, and
add it to the level at which you are casting the power. BACKDOOR EGRESS
You can choose to cast it at this new power level or When you cast a tech power that a ects an area and
lower. requires a saving throw, and you are inside that
power's area, you can use your reaction to move up to
half your speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
When a tech power you cast with a duration of 1
If you end this movement outside the area a ected by
minute or longer reaches the end of its duration, you
the tech power, you do not have to make a saving
may expend a superiority die to extend the duration of
throw to avoid its e ects.
the power a number of rounds equal to the number
rolled on your superiority die. INTELLIGENCE CORE OVERRIDE
Prerequisite: 9th level
You can cast the override interface tech power at 5th
When you cast a tech power, you may expend a
level without spending tech points.
superiority die to cast the power without any visual or
Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
auditory cues. Creatures have disadvantage on any
long rest before you can use it again.
Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception)
checks made to determine if you were the caster. RESOURCE APPROPRIATION
Prerequisite: 11th level
POTENT PROGRAMMING If you reduce the target of your Critical Analysis feature
Slicer Pursuit: 6th level to 0 hit points, and it has tech point remaining, you
When a creature succeeds on a saving throw against may choose to gain any tech points it had remaining.
an at-will tech power you cast that deals damage, the Your current tech points cannot exceed your tech point
creature takes half the power's damage, but su ers no maximum.
additional e ects of the power. Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
short or long rest before you can use it again.
Slicer Pursuit: 9th level SKILLFUL CASTING
When the target of your Critical Analysis feature casts a When you hit a creature with an at-will tech power that
tech power that a ects an area, you can use your requires an attack roll, you may treat that attack roll as
reaction to cause that power to instead a ect an area a weapon attack for the purpose of using maneuvers.
in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on the caster. SLEEPER PROGRAM
Once you've used this feature, you must complete a Whenever you cast a tech power with a casting time of
long rest before you can use it again. 1 action, you can choose to delay the power's
activation up to a minute. When you do so, you cast
SYSTEM OVERRIDE the power as normal, but holds its energy for the
Slicer Pursuit: 17th level duration of the delay. Holding onto the power's e ect
You know how to quickly activate anti-tech subroutines requires concentration. If your concentration is broken
you have encoded into your wristpad. You can cast the before the delay ends, the power dissipates without
diminish tech and tech override powers at 3rd level taking e ect. You can use your reaction to activate the
without expending tech points. If the target is the power at any time.
target of your Critical Analysis, you have advantage on You can use this feature a number of times equal to
the techcasting ability check for these powers. your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
You can use this feature a number of time equal to regain all expended uses when you nish a long rest.
half your Intelligence modi er (rounded down, a


Many academics develop an a nity for nature, LOYAL BOND
studying the vast fauna that inhabit the di erent Whenever you are hit with an attack, you can expend
planets throughout the galaxy. Those scholars who one superiority die to command your companion to
choose the Zoologist Pursuit capitalize on their immediately use its reaction and move up to its speed
knowledge of animals, developing a strong bond with a directly towards you. If it ends this movement within 5
companion with whom they gain an advantage on the feet of you, roll the superiority die. Your companion
battle eld. takes the damage instead of you, subtracting the
amount you rolled from the total.
Zoologist Pursuit: 3rd level
When your beast attempts to grapple or knock a
You gain pro ciency in Animal Handling. Additionally,
creature prone, you can expend a superiority die to
when you make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check,
give it direction as long as it can see or hear you. Roll a
you gain a bonus to the check equal to your
superiority die and add it to your beast's Strength
Intelligence modi er.
(Athletics) check.
Zoologist Pursuit: 3rd, 11th, and 17th level As an action, you can expend a superiority die to
You learn to employ all the knowledge you've improve your beast's defense. Roll the die and add it to
accumulated to forge a powerful bond with your own your beast's AC until the beginning of your next turn.
beast companion.
Create your beast companion as detailed in the SIC 'EM
Companions section of the Customization Options As an action, you can command your beast to savage a
document for Expanded Content. nearby enemy. Your beast can use its reaction to
If your beast dies, or you want to bond with a immediately move up to 10 feet and make one attack,
di erent creature, you must rst break the bond with adding the superiority dice to the damage roll on a hit.
your current beast companion. Bonding with a new
companion takes 8 hours spent in an appropriate
location. You may only have one beast companion at a
In addition to its traits and features, your beast
companion gains additional bene ts while it is bonded
to you:
Your beast gains two additional traits. It gains one
more additional trait when you reach 11th level in this
class. For each beast trait in excess of your pro ciency
bonus, your number of available Hit Dice that can be
spend to restore hit points is reduced by 1.

Lastly, while bonded and within 10 feet of you, your

beast companion gains a bonus to ability checks,
armor class, attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving
throws equal to half your Intelligence modi er
(rounded up, minimum of +1).
This radius increases to 30 feet at 11th level, and 60
feet at 17th level.

Zoologist Pursuit: 3rd level
You gain access to new maneuvers which re ect the
progress of your studies into the biology and behavior
of animals. Whenever you learn a new maneuver, you
can choose from any of the following as well. The
maneuvers are listed in alphabetical order.
While your companion is moving, you can expend a
superiority die and add 5 times the number rolled to its
movement speed.


As an action, you can expend one superiority die to When you make a Charisma (Intimidation) check
command your beast to frighten another creature. The against a creature that can see your beast companion,
target must then succeed on a Wisdom saving throw and your companion is size Medium or larger, you
against your Maneuver save DC or become frightened make the check with advantage.
of both you and your beast for 1 minute. When you make a Charisma (Persuasion) check
against a creature that can see your beast companion,
WILD SENSES and your companion is size Small or Tiny, you make
Whenever you make a Wisdom (Perception) or a the check with advantage.
Wisdom (Survival) check, you can request the aid of
your beast by expending a superiority die, adding the HOLOCAM ATTACHMENT
number rolled to the check. You can use this maneuver You have learned how to safely attach a holocam on
before or after making the ability check, but before the the head of the companion. You learn the tracker droid
results of the ability check are determined. interface tech power, and your beast becomes a valid
target of this power.
Zoologist Pursuit: 6th level NEAT TRICKS
Your beast companion's strikes count as enhanced for Prerequisite: 5th level
the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to Your beast gains pro ciency in one Strength or
unenhanced attacks and damage. Additionally, when Dexterity skill of your choice. If your beast's size is
your beast makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving Medium or larger and the chosen skill uses Strength, it
throw, you may expend a superiority die and apply the has expertise in the chosen skill. If your beast's size is
bene ts of a maneuver you know from this class, as if Small or smaller and the chosen skill uses Dexterity, it
you had taken the action yourself. has expertise in the chosen skill.
BESTIAL AGILITY Prerequisite: Size Medium or larger beast
Zoologist Pursuit: 3rd level Your beast companion gains the following bene ts:
Your beast's re exes and agility allow it to move with a
burst of speed. When your beast moves on its turn in It deals double damage against structures.
combat, it can double its speed until the end of the It can take the Guard action as a bonus action, but it
turn. Once its used this feature, it can't use it again can only guard you in this way.
until it moves 0 feet on one of its turns. It can spend a bonus action to spend one of its Hit Dice
to recover hit points.
FERAL FEROCITY When it rolls a Hit Die to regain hit points, the
Zoologist Pursuit: 17th level minimum number of hit points it can regain from the
You have learned how to push your beast beyond its roll equals twice its Constitution modi er (minimum of
limits. If your beast is within 30 feet of you and can see 2).
or hear you, you can command it to enter a furious PROTECTIVE FRIEND
state. While raging, your beast gains the following If a creature makes a melee attack against you or your
bene ts: companion, and your companion is within 5 feet of
you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage
Your beast has advantage on Strength checks and
on the attack roll.
Strength saving throws if it is size Medium or larger.
Your beast has advantage on Dexterity checks and THE MORE THE MERRIER
Dexterity saving throws if it is size Small or smaller. Prerequisite: Size Small or smaller beast
When your beast hits with an attack, it deals bonus Rather than a single beast companion, you instead
damage equal to your Intelligence modi er. control multiple beasts that function as a swarm. Your
Your beast has resistance to kinetic and energy beast companion gains the following bene ts:
Its size increases by two categories (from Tiny to
Your beast's furious state lasts for 1 minute. It ends Medium or Small to Large).
early if your beast is knocked unconscious. You can Its hit points increase by an amount equal to twice its
end your beast's furious state as a bonus action. level + 2.
Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again It can only be mounted by creatures at least three size
until you nish a long rest. categories smaller than it, instead of one.
It can occupy another creature's space and vice versa,
ZOOLOGIST DISCOVERIES and it can move through any opening large enough for
When you select this pursuit, you gain access to new a creature two size categories smaller than it.
discoveries which re ect your studies in biology and While it is above half its hit point maximum, when it
behaviour of alien lifeforms. Whenever you learn a new takes the Attack action, it can make an additional
discovery, you can choose from any of the following as attack. If the creature has the Extra Attack feature, this
well. The discoveries are listed in alphabetical order. attack is in addition to the attack granted by that


While some scouts choose to foray alone, others like to MARK OF THE ARTILLERIST
have support. Followers of the Artillerist Technique
Artillerist Technique: 3rd level
master control of militant constructs, laying waste to
Once per round, when your turret deals damage to the
the battle eld with their expertise
target of your Ranger's Quarry, you can roll your
BONUS PROFICIENCIES Ranger's Quarry die and add it to the damage roll.
Artillerist Technique: 3rd level CRISIS MANAGEMENT
You gain pro ciency in artillerist's implements. Artillerist Technique: 7th level
TURRET COMPANION While you can see your turret, it can add half its
pro ciency bonus (rounded up) to any saving throws it
Artillerist Technique: 3rd, 11th, and 17th level makes that doesn't already include it.
You learn to apply your knowledge to construct and
bond with your own portable turret. DOUBLE UP
Create your turret companion as detailed in the Artillerist Technique: 11th level
Companions section of the Customization Options When you deal damage to a creature with a weapon or
document for Expanded Content. You must have tech power, your turret has advantage on the next
artillerist's implements in order to create your turret. attack roll it makes against the creature or it has
If your turret is irreparably destroyed, or you want a disadvantage on the rst saving throw it makes against
di erent turret companion, you must rst break the an e ect your turret controls before the start of your
bond with your current turret companion. Bonding next turn. When your turret deals damage to a
with a new companion takes 8 hours spent in an creature, you have advantage on your next attack roll
appropriate location. You may only have one turret against the creature or it has disadvantage on the rst
companion at a time. saving throw it makes against an e ect you control
In addition to its traits and features, your turret before the start of your next turn.
companion gains additional bene ts
while it is bonded to you: BATTLEFRONT
Your turret is a valid target of the Artillerist Technique: 15th level
tracker droid interface tech power. When you use your Combat Tech feature, both you and
Your turret gains two additional your turret can each make one weapon attack as part
traits. It gains one more additional of the same bonus action.
trait when you reach 11th level in
this class. For each turret trait in
excess of your pro c-
iency bonus, your tech
point maximum is
reduced by 1. Over the
course of a long rest, you
can replace or remove a
number of turret traits
equal to half your
Intelligence modi er (rounded up,
minimum of one).
When you would make a weapon
attack, you can let your turret
make a weapon attack instead.

Lastly, while your turret is

bonded, within 10 feet of you,
and the target of your tracker
droid interface tech power,
when you cast a tech power with
a range of 5 feet or greater, you can
cast it as if you were in your turret's
space, and the range increases to 10
feet if it isn't greater.
Both the range and radius
increase to 30 feet at 11th level,
and 60 feet at 17th level.


Some scouts becomes legends written in blaster burns. FOCUSED SUPERIORITY
Followers of the Deadeye Technique perfect the art of Deadeye Technique: 3rd level
the blaster shot and utilize their incredible focus to You learn maneuvers that are fueled by special dice
make shots that most would deem impossible. When called superiority dice.
everything depends on one shot, you want a Deadeye
pulling the trigger. MANEUVERS
Due to their uncanny focus, Deadeyes can make You know two maneuvers of your choice, which are
shots that other marksmen would never dare to detailed under "Maneuvers" below, and you earn more
attempt. Deadeyes know how to make the most of at higher levels, as shown in the Maneuvers Known
ranged weapons and can use them to greater e ect column of the Deadeye Technique Focused Superiority
than other Scouts. table. Many maneuvers enhance an attack in some
way. You can use only one maneuver per attack, and
you may only use each maneuver once per turn.
Each time you learn new maneuvers, you can also
replace one maneuver you know with a di erent one.
You have two superiority dice, which are d4s, and you
earn more at higher levels, as shown in the Superiority
Dice column of the Deadeye Technique Focused
Superiority table. This die changes as you gain scout
levels, as shown in the Focused Superiority column of
the Deadeye Technique Focused Superiority table. A
superiority die is expended when you use it.
You regain all of your expended superiority dice
when you nish a short or long rest.
Some of your maneuvers require your target to make a
saving throw to resist the maneuver's e ects. The
saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Maneuver save DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus +

your Strength or Dexterity modi er (your choice)

The maneuvers are presented in alphabetical order.
When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack,
you can expend a superiority die to cripple its
movement. Add the number rolled to the damage of
the ranged weapon attack. The creature must succeed
on a Constitution saving throw or have its movement
speed halved. At the end of each of its turns, the target
can make a Constitution saving throw to end the e ect.
You can expend one superiority die to take the
Disengage action as a bonus action on your turn. Until
the end of this turn, you have advantage on all
Strength (Athletics) checks.
When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack,
you can expend one superiority die to maneuver one
of your comrades into a more advantageous position.
You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll,
and you choose a friendly creature who can see or
hear you.
That creature can use its reaction to move up to half
its speed without provoking opportunity attacks from
the target of your attack.


When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack,
you can expend one superiority die to attempt to
disarm the target, forcing it to drop one item of your
choice that it's holding. Add the superiority die to the
attack's damage roll, and the target must make a
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it drops the Focused Superiority Maneuvers
object you choose. The object lands at its feet. Level Superiority Dice Known
When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack, 4th d4 2 2
you can expend one superiority die to distract the 5th d6 2 2
creature, giving your allies an opening. You add the
superiority die to the attack's damage roll. The next 6th d6 2 2
attack roll against the target by an attacker other than 7th d6 3 3
you has advantage if the attack is made before the 8th d6 3 3
start of your next turn.
9th d8 3 3
10th d8 3 3
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
expend a superiority die and deal additional damage 11th d8 4 4
equal to the number rolled. E ects that prevent or 12th d8 4 4
redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of
13th d10 4 4
14th d10 4 4
15th d10 5 5
When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack,
you can expend one superiority die to attempt to 16th d10 5 5
damage another creature with the same attack. 17th d12 5 5
Choose up to two creatures within 15 feet of and
18th d12 5 5
directly behind your initial target. If the original attack
roll would hit the second creature(s), it takes damage 19th d12 5 5
equal to the number you roll on your superiority die. 20th d12 5 5
The damage is of the same type dealt by the original
When you make a weapon attack roll against a
creature, you can expend one superiority die to add it
to the roll. You can use this maneuver before or after
making the attack roll, but before any e ects of the Deadeye Technique: 11th level
attack are applied. You have learned that the person who shoots rst is
often the one who walks out alive. When you make a
RETURN FIRE ranged weapon attack against a creature that has not
When a creature misses you with a ranged attack, you yet acted during your rst turn in combat and you have
can use your reaction and expend one superiority die advantage on the roll, you can reroll one of the dice
to make a ranged weapon attack against the creature. once.
If you hit, you add the superiority die to the attack's Additionally, on a hit, you deal an extra 1d6 damage
damage roll. of the same type as the weapon.
Deadeye Technique: 3rd level Deadeye Technique: 15th level
The range of your Ranger's Quarry feature doubles. You have become a master at protecting your allies
Additionally, when making ranged weapon attacks from afar. When a creature attempts to make an
against the target of your Ranger's Quarry, the normal opportunity attack against an allied creature, or forces
and long range of your blaster weapons double. your ally to make a saving throw, you can use your
reaction to make an attack roll against the enemy
COVER TO COVER creature.
Deadeye Technique: 7th level If your attack hits, either impose disadvantage on the
Attack rolls made against you on your turn are made enemy creature's opportunity attack roll or grant
with disadvantage. advantage to any allies making the saving throw.


Among the galaxy you may nd the various in ltrators MARK OF THE ILLUSIONIST
and agents who make ample use of holographic
Illusionist Technique: 3rd level
technology to get themselves in and out of danger.
The target of your Ranger's Quarry feature has
Followers of the Illusionist Technique make use of this
disadvantage on all checks made to discern the nature
holographic technology to give themselves an illusory
of your illusions. Additionally, when the target of your
edge in combat.
Ranger's Quarry is reduced to 0 hit points, you can use
HOLOGRAPHIC DECOY your reaction to immediately cause an active illusion,
or your Holographic Decoy, to take the form of the
Illusionist Technique: 3rd level creature as long as the creature's dimensions fall
As an action, you can create a perfect illusion of within the power's capacity restrictions.
yourself that lasts for 10 minutes, or until you lose your
concentration (as if you were concentrating on a CHARGED ILLUSIONS
power). The decoy appears in an unoccupied space Illusionist Technique: 7th level
that you can see within 30 feet of you. The decoy is When a creature discerns the nature of an illusion you
purely visual. If anything passes through it, it is have created using a tech power or class feature while
revealed to be an illusion. For the duration, you can within 5 feet of it, you can dispel the illusion (no action
cast tech powers as though you were in the decoy's required) to have the creature take energy damage
space. Both your decoy and the target of your tech equal to 1d10 + half your scout level (rounded down).
power must be within your line of sight.
You can use your bonus action to cause the decoy to QUICK ESCAPE
move up to 30 feet. As your decoy changes location,
Illusionist Technique: 11th level
you can alter its appearance so that its movements
Whenever you take damage, you can use your reaction
appear natural for the decoy. If your decoy is ever
to swap places with an illusion of yourself that you
more than 120 feet away from you, it immediately
have created using a tech power or class feature. The
illusion must be within 60 feet of you, and you must be
Additionally, when both you and your decoy are
able to see it.
within 5 feet of a creature that can see the decoy, but is
not aware it is an illusion, you have advantage on IMPROVED DECOYS
attack rolls against that creature.
Illusionist Technique: 15th level
A creature that uses its action to examine your decoy
You can create up to four duplicates of yourself,
can determine that it is an illusion with a successful
instead of one, when you use your Holographic Decoy
Intelligence (Investigation) check against your tech save
feature. When you use your bonus action to move a
DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the
decoy, you can move any number of them with the
creature can see through the image.
same bonus action.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your pro ciency bonus, as shown in the scout table.
You regain all expended uses when you nish a short
or long rest.


Across history, there have been those who live to hunt INQUISITOR'S WRATH
those who wield the Force, be they Jedi or Sith.
Inquisitor Technique: 15th and 17th level
Followers of the Inquisitor Technique combine
You can cast the force suppression and sever force
technology with force techniques to track down and
force powers at 3rd level against the target of your
eliminate force-wielders. For those practitioners of the
Ranger's Quarry without expending tech points. If they
Force, they are the greatest adversary.
are within 30 feet of you, you have advantage on the
FORCECASTING SECRETS forcecasting ability check for these powers.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
Inquisitor Technique: 3rd, 5th, 9th, 13th, 1 + your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once).
and 17th level You regain all expended uses when you nish a long
You have learned secrets from a subtle attunement to rest.
the force. Choose two force powers of no higher level The radius of this feature increases to 60 feet at 17th
than your Max Power Level, as shown in the scout level.
table. The chosen powers count as tech powers for
you, but are not included in the number in the Powers
Known column of the scout table.
You learn two additional powers at 5th, 9th, 13th,
and 17th level. Whenever you gain a level in this class,
you can choose one of the force powers you know and
replace it with another force power of no higher level
than your Max Power Level.


Inquisitor Technique: 3rd, 11th, and 17th level
When the target of your Ranger's Quarry feature is
within 15 feet of you, you gain the following bene ts:
Whenever the creature casts a force power, it must rst
succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your
tech save DC to maintain concentration. On a failed
save, the casting is disrupted, the force power fails, and
the force points are wasted.
Whenever the creature starts its turn while
concentrating on a force power, it must make a
Constitution saving throw against your force save DC
to maintain concentration. On a failed save, it loses
concentration on the power.

The radius of this feature increases to 30

feet at 11th level and 60 feet at 17th

Inquisitor Technique: 7th level
You can use your action to gain the bene ts of the
force sight force power until the end of your next turn.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you nish a long rest.

Inquisitor Technique: 11th and 17th level
While the target of your Ranger's Quarry feature is
within 30 feet of you, you gain the following bene ts:

You have advantage on saving throws against force

powers they cast.
You have resistance to damage dealt by force powers
they cast.

The radius of this feature increases to 60 feet at 17th



Preparation, preparation, preparation. Some scouts EXPLOIT WEAKNESS
are serious students of battle and any creatures they
Mastermind Technique: 15th level
might encounter. Followers of the Mastermind
Your training has taught you to nd and exploit
Technique focus on being prepared for any eventuality,
weaknesses in your prey. As a bonus action, you can
and using their breadth of knowledge to gain insights
impose disadvantage on the next saving throw the
into their enemies.
target of your Ranger's Quarry makes against an e ect
INSTINCTIVE COMBATANT you control before the end of your next turn. Once
you've done so, you must complete a short or long rest
Mastermind Technique: 3rd level before you can do so again.
You have learned to use your wits to help you survive.
While you are wearing light or medium armor, you can
use your Intelligence modi er instead of your Dexterity
modi er when determining your AC.


Mastermind Technique: 3rd level
You can use Intelligence instead of Dexterity for the
attack and damage rolls made with weapons with the
nesse property or blaster weapons against the target
of your Ranger's Quarry.
Additionally, once per round, when you hit the target
of your Ranger's Quarry with a tech attack, or it fails a
saving throw against a tech power you cast that deals
damage, you can deal additional damage equal to your
Ranger's Quarry damage die of the same type as the
tech power's damage.

Mastermind Technique: 7th level
When you complete a long rest, you can choose up to a
number of tech powers you know equal to half your
Intelligence modi er (rounded down) and replace them
with another tech power, as long as that power is not
of a higher level than your Max Power Level.

Mastermind Technique: 11th level
You've learned to formulate and execute a plan. As an
action, you can choose up to six creatures (including
yourself) that you can see within 60 feet of you. For
each creature, choose one of the following: ability
check, attack roll, or saving throw. Each creature gains
an Emergency Planning die, which is a d8.
Once within the next 10 minutes, each creature can
roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability
check, attack roll, or saving throw, as determined when
you use this feature. The creature can wait until after it
rolls the d20 before deciding to use the Emergency
Planning die, but must decide before the GM says
whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once the Emergency
Planning die is rolled, it is lost.
A creature can have only one Emergency Planning
die at a time.
Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
short or long rest before you can use it again.
Your Emergency Planning die changes when you
reach certain levels in this class. to 1d10 at 13th level,
and to 1d12 at 17th level.


Some scouts work in solitude, while others prefer the MARK OF THE PREDATOR
strength of a group. Followers of the Predator
Predator Technique: 3rd level
Technique nd power lies with the pack; they distract
If the target of your Ranger's Quarry feature can see
their prey, while their allies go for the kill.
you, a number of friendly creatures you choose up to
BONUS PROFICIENCIES your Intelligence modi er have advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks made to hide from it.
Predator Technique: 3rd level
You gain pro ciency in heavy armor. PREDATOR'S RESOLVE
HUNTING PARTY Predator Technique: 7th level
You can use your action to gain the following bene ts
Predator Technique: 3rd level for 1 minute:
When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can
use a bonus action to direct one of your companions to You have advantage on Constitution saving throws.
strike. When you do so, choose a friendly creature who At the start of each of your turns, you gain temporary
can see or hear you. That creature can immediately hit points equal to your Constitution modi er
use its reaction to make one weapon attack. (minimum of one).
You can use this feature a number of times equal to When you use your Hunting Party feature and the
your Intelligence modi er (minimum of once). You target of the attack is your Ranger's Quarry, your ally
regain all expended uses of it when you nish a long gains a bonus to damage on the attack equal to your
rest. Ranger's Quarry Damage Die.

Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again

until you nish a short or long rest.


Predator Technique: 11th level
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, and the
creature is below its hit point maximum, the next
attack roll made against that creature before the end
of your next turn by someone other than you has

Predator Technique: 15th level
When you use your Predator's Resolve feature, a
number of friendly creatures you choose up to your
Intelligence modi er that you can see within 30 feet of
you also gain the bene ts of the feature.


Whether through experimentation or discovery of RESIDUAL WARP
an ancient technology, followers of the
Teleportation Technique: 7th level
Teleportation Technique have learned to create
When you use your Personal Teleporter feature, you
brief teleportation portals, allowing them to
can place your portal in a place you've visited in the
maneuver and attack both quickly and
last 10 minutes, provided you can remember it, as
unpredictably throughout the battle eld.
opposed to a place you can see. That place must still
BONUS PROFICIENCIES be within range of your teleporter.
Teleportation Technique: 3rd level QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT
You gain pro ciency in tinker's implements. Teleportation Technique: 11th level
PERSONAL TELEPORTER When you use your Personal Teleporter feature, you
can place the portal that you would normally place
Teleportation Technique: 3rd level within 5 feet of you in a place you can see within your
You can use portable teleporters as a bonus action, Personal Teleporter's range. If that space is occupied
instead of an action. by a Huge or smaller creature or a Medium or smaller
Additionally, while you are wielding a tech focus, you unsecured object, it must make a Dexterity saving
can use your bonus action to create a pair of linked throw against your tech save DC. An object
portals: one portal appears in a space within 5 feet of automatically fails this saving throw, and a creature can
you, and the other portal appears in an unoccupied choose to fail. On a failed save, a Medium or smaller
space you can see up to 30 feet away. These portals creature or object falls through the portal, immediately
last until the start of your next turn, and they are large appearing in a space within 5 feet of the linked portal
enough to accommodate Medium and smaller and falling prone. A Large or Huge creature instead
creatures and objects. Portals take the appearance of falls prone without moving.
an elongated, shimmering mirror, and looking through
a portal, a creature can see through the linked portal REPRISAL
as if looking through a window. A creature or object Teleportation Technique: 15th level
who passes through a portal immediately appears in a When you would be a ected by a weapon or tech
space within 5 feet of the linked portal. You can use power that requires a Dexterity saving throw or attack
your reaction to end your portals early. If a creature is roll and would a ect only you, you can use your
partially within your portals, it is shunted back to the reaction to instantaneously create a pair of portals to
space it previously occupied and it must make a redirect that power to another target within 30 feet. If
Dexterity saving throw against your a tech save DC. On the weapon or power required a melee or ranged
a failed save, it takes energy damage equal to your attack roll, make a melee or ranged tech attack roll
scout level + your Intelligence modi er. against the new target, as appropriate. If it required a
You can use this feature a number of times equal to Dexterity saving throw, the new target must make a
your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You Dexterity saving throw against your tech save DC.
regain all expended uses when you complete a short Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
or long rest. At the beginning of each of your turns short or long rest before you can use it again.
while you have a pair of portals active, you can expend
a use of this feature to extend the duration of the
portals until the start of your next turn (no action
The distance at which you can create portals
increases at higher levels. It increases to 60 feet at 5th
level, 90 feet at 9th level, 150 feet at 13th level, 300 feet
at 17th level, and 1,000 feet at 20th level.


Teleportation Technique: 3rd level
On your turn, when you deal damage to the target of
your Ranger's Quarry, and either you, your weapon, or
the source of your damage have passed through your
portals on this turn, when you roll below half the
maximum on a damage die, you can treat the roll as if
you'd rolled half the maximum on the damage die. You
can only a ect a number of dice up to half your
Intelligence modi er (rounded up, minimum of one) in
this way.


Those who master the Force can transcend death, Additionally, your spirit can brie y interact with the
persisting beyond their natural experation. Those physical world. When you would make a melee attack,
sentinels who follow the Path of Communion bond your spirit can deliver the attack as if it had made it.
with a Force ghost, developing a symbiotic relationship Your spirit must be within 100 feet of you, and it must
which alters the way they perceive their surroundings. use its reaction to deliver the attack. It uses your
modi ers for the attack and damage rolls. You can use
MYSTICAL CONNECTION this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom
Path of Communion: 3rd level or Charisma modi er (your choice, a minimum of
You learn the feedback force power, which does not once). You regain all expended uses when you
count against your total powers known. Additionally, complete a short or long rest.
you can use Wisdom or Charisma as your forcecasting
ability for it, and you can use all three Force- INVASIVE PRESENCE
Empowered Self options when you cast it as your Path of Communion: 7th level
action and the target fails its saving throw. Finally, Your spirit can invade another creature's being. As an
when you deal psychic damage with the feedback force action, your spirit can touch a creature within 5 feet of
power, you deal additional psychic damage equal to it, forcing it to make a Wisdom saving throw against
your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, your universal force save DC. If you or creatures that
minimum of one) if it doesn't already include that are friendly to you are ghting it, it has advantage on
modi er. the saving throw.
On a failed save, your spirit moves into that
SYMBIOT SPIRIT creatures space, inhabiting its body, for 1 minute. The
Path of Communion: 3rd level a ected creature has disadvantage on the rst attack
You attract the attention of the spirit of a Force ghost. roll, ability check, or saving throw it makes each turn.
Over the course of one hour, you can attune to the At the end of each its turns, the creature repeats this
spirit, forging a lasting connection. While attuned to a save. On a success, it repels the spirit from its body,
spirit, you gain the following bene ts: and it becomes immune to this feature for 24 hours.
Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
Your spirit is always audible and visible to you. Your long rest before you can use it again.
spirit can choose to make itself audible and visible or
inaudible and invisible to other creatures (no action ETHEREAL VISION
required), but it is always visible to beings with
Path of Communion: 13th level
You and your guiding spirit both gain truesight out to
Your spirit can not interact with the corporeal world,
60 feet as long as your spirit is within 100 feet of you.
but it is also not impeded by unenhanced walls or
Additionally, when you use your action to see
through your spirit's senses, you are no longer deaf
Your spirit acts independently of you, and it only obeys
and blind with regard to your own senses, able to
your commands if it chooses to. In combat, it rolls its
comprehend what happens in both perspectives
own initiative and acts on its own turn. Your spirit can't
attack, but it can take other actions as normal.
While your spirit is within 100 feet of you, you can ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL
telepathically communicate with it. Additionally, as an
Path of Communion: 18th level
action, you can see through your spirit's vision and
When a creature fails its saving throw against your
hear what it hears until the start of your next turn.
Invasive Presence feature, the target becomes
During this time, you are deaf and blind with regard to
charmed by you for as long as Invasive Presence is
your own senses.
When you cast a force power with a range of touch,
While the target is charmed, you and your spirit have
your spirit can deliver the power as if it had cast it. Your
a telepathic link with it as long as you are within 100
spirit must be within 100 feet of you, and it must use its
feet of it. You and your spirit can use this telepathic link
reaction to deliver the power when you cast it. If the
to issue commands to the creature while you are
power requires an attack roll, you use your attack
conscious (no action required), which it does its best to
modi er for the roll.
obey. You can specify a simple and general course of
You can only attune to one spirit at a time. If you action, such as "Attack that creature," "Run over there,"
attempt to attune to another spirit, you immediately or "Fetch that object." If the creature completes the
break the bond with your current spirit. order and doesn't receive further direction from you, it
defends and preserves itself to the best of its ability.
GENERATING YOUR SPIRIT You can use your action to take total and precise
Your spirit might be the ghost of a benevolent Jedi, control of the target. Until the end of your next turn,
discovered in the ruins of a Jedi temple, or a powerful the creature takes only the actions you choose, and
Sith spirit lingering in an ancient artifact. It might be doesn't do anything that you don't allow it to do.
the spirit of a Nightsister sorceress, or a paragon of a During this time you can also cause the creature to use
long-forgotten monastic order. Work with your GM to a reaction, but this requires you to use your own
determine the nature of your spirit.
reaction as well.


There may come a time when a sentinel nds ENERGIZED KINETICS
themselves stranded, hunted, or in any situation where
Path of the Corsair: 13th level
they must hide their nature as a force wielder. Those
Once per turn, when you deal damage with a Force-
sentinels who follow the Path of the Corsair make use
Empowered Detonator or your Double Strike feature,
of alternative weaponry not commonly associated with
you can deal additional damage using your Kinetic
force-wielders to great e ect.
Combat die. The damage type is force, lightning,
SCAVENGER'S REACH necrotic, or psychic (your choice).
Path of the Corsair: 3rd level DISORIENTING DETONATIONS
You learn the force disarm force power, which does Path of the Corsair: 18th level
not count against your total powers known. When a creature fails the saving throw against your
Additionally, you can use all three Force-Empowered Force-Empowered Detonators feature, you can spend 2
Self options when you cast it as your action and the force points to subject it to the e ects of one of the
target fails its save. Finally, when you cast the force following force powers: a iction, force blind/deafen,
disarm power, disarm a blaster weapon, and catch it, stun, or stun droid. They automatically fail the saving
you can reload the weapon as a part of the same throw for the selected power, but the e ects only last
action. until the end of your next turn.
Path of the Corsair: 3rd level
You can use the force to quickly learn the use of
unfamiliar weapons. When you hold a weapon that you
are not pro cient in, you can spend 1 force point (no
action required) to gain pro ciency with that weapon
until the end of your next long rest. Additionally, you
can use your Force-Empowered Self options when you
hit with a ranged weapon attack.
Lastly, when you throw a grenade, you can use
Wisdom or Charisma instead of Strength when
determining your throwing range.

Path of the Corsair: 7th level
You learn to infuse a number of small detonators with
the Force. Over the course of a short or long rest, you
can create a number of detonators equal to your
Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, minimum
of one). Your detonators can only be used by you, and
they lose their potency at the end of your next short or
long rest.
As a bonus action on each of your turns, you can
throw one of your detonators at a point within range.
Your detonators have a range equal to 30 feet + your
Wisdom or Charisma modi er x 5. Make a universal
ranged force attack. On a hit, the detonator adheres to
the target, and if the target is a Large or smaller
creature, it is pushed back 5 feet. On a miss, it falls to
the ground. Hit or miss, the detonator then explodes.
The target and each creature within 5 feet must make a
Dexterity saving throw against your universal force
save DC. If the detonator adhered to a target, the
creature has disadvantage on the saving throw. A
creature takes force damage using your Kinetic
Combat die + your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your
choice) on a failed save, or half as much on a
successful one.


In the distant reaches of the galaxy obscure knowledge FORCE-EMPOWERED KINESIS
and forgotten secrets of the Force can sometimes be
Path of Ethereality: 3rd level
found. While other Force-sensitive may nd
Your connection to the Force allows you to brie y
themselves touched by this secret knowledge of the
become incorporeal. When you use a Force-
Force, those sentinels who follow the Path of
Empowered Self option, until the end of your turn, you
Ethereality instead nd themselves grabbed. Held onto
can move through other creatures and objects as if
by mysterious aspects of the Force that refuse to let
they are di cult terrain. If you end this movement
go, these sentinels nd themselves able to manipulate
inside a solid object or creature, you are immediately
the universe around them.
shunted to the nearest unoccupied space that you can
ABERRANT RESILIENCE occupy and take force damage equal to twice the
number of feet you are moved. E ects that prevent or
Path of Ethereality: 3rd level redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of
You learn the resistance force power, which does not life.
count against your total powers known. Additionally,
you can use your De ection and Slow Time Force- OUT OF TOUCH
Empowered Self options when you cast it as your Path of Ethereality: 7th level
action. Finally, this power no longer requires As an action, you can step out of sync with the rest of
concentration for you when you target yourself with it. the universe for 1 minute. At the start of each of your
turns, roll a d20. If you roll 11 or higher, you and
everything your are wearing or carrying are completely
invisible to all beings, except for those with truesight.
On a roll of 10 or lower, you instead appear as an
indistinguishably blurred form roughly your normal
height and weight, though a being with truesight sees
you normally. Regardless of your appearance, for the
duration, your speed doubles, you gain a ying speed
equal to your walking speed, and you can move
through creatures and objects willingly though you can
not a ect them and they can not a ect you. You can
end this feature early on your turn (no action
required). When this e ect ends, if you are inside a
solid object or creature, you are immediately shunted
to the nearest unoccupied space that you can occupy
and take force damage equal to twice the number of
feet you are moved.
This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated or die.
Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
short or long rest before you can use it again.

Path of Ethereality: 13th level
You have advantage on attack rolls you make against
creatures if you haven't dealt damage to them or
a ected them with a force power since the start of
your previous turn.

Path of Ethereality: 18th level
You no longer su er the frailty of old age, and you
can't be aged abnormally. You can still die of old age,
however. Additionally, you no longer need food or
water, and you no longer need to sleep. Lastly, the rst
time you take damage on each of your turns, you can
roll your Kinetic Combat die and reduce the damage by
that amount.


There is power in diversity unknown to those of narrow FORCED OVERRIDE
mind. Those sentinels who follow the Path of Synthesis When you cast a tech power that requires a saving
blend their intricate mastery of the Force with their throw, you can impose disadvantage on the save (no
understanding of technology, creating unique e ects action required).
to overcome their obstacles.
TECHCASTING SECRETS As an action, you can attempt to determine another
creature's experience with techcasting. When you do
Path of Synthesis: 3rd level
so, you make an Intelligence (Technology) check
You have learned to intersperse your training with an
contested by the target's Intelligence (Technology)
aptitude for technology. Choose two tech powers of 1st
check. If you succeed, you immediately learn the
level or lower. The chosen powers count as universal
target's techcasting Max Power Level, as well as any
force powers for you, but are not included in the
tech powers currently a ecting the target.
number in the Powers Known column of the sentinel
At 7th level, you learn two tech powers of 2nd level
or lower. At 13th level, you learn two tech powers of Path of Synthesis: 13th level
3rd level or lower. At 17th level, you learn two tech You've gained access to two additional Force-
powers of 4th level or lower. Whenever you gain a level Empowered Tech e ects: Harmonic Synthesis and
in this class, you can choose one of the tech powers Conservation of Energy.
you know and replace it with another tech power of no HARMONIC SYNTHESIS
higher than the level determined by this feature. When you use your action to cast a force power, you
can use your bonus action to gain resistance to
SYNTHETIC UNDERSTANDING damage dealt by tech powers until the start of your
Path of Synthesis: 3rd level next turn. If you use your action to cast a tech power,
You've applied your newfound knowledge to broader you can instead gain resistance to damage dealt by
pursuits. You gain pro ciency in Technology or one force powers.
tool of your choice.
Additionally, when you make an Intelligence CONSERVATION OF ENERGY
(Technology) check, or a check with a tool, you may use When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points with
your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice) a tech power, you can reduce the force point cost of
instead of your Intelligence modi er. the tech power to 0 (no action required).
Finally, when you deal damage with a tech power or REFLECTIVE SHIELD
your Double Strike Force Empowered Self option, you
can choose to substitute the damage dealt as ion. Path of Synthesis: 18th level
When you use your Force-Empowered Tech features, a
FORCE-EMPOWERED TECH barrier for energy shimmers into existence,
Path of Synthesis: 7th level surrounding you until the end of your next turn. When
You learn to fully blend your technological aptitude you take damage, you can mitigate the
with your use of the Force. You have three such e ects: incoming energy and potentially
Disruption Pulse, Force Override, and Techcasting re ect it back at your attacker.
Insight. When you use your Force-Empowered Tech, You use your reaction to
you choose which e ect to create. have resistance
You can use this feature a number of times equal to against the
your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, a triggering
minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when damage, and
you nish a short or long rest. if the source of the
damage is within 5
DISRUPTION PULSE feet of you, they take
As an action, you can send out a 30 foot cone of half of the total damage
electromagnetically-charged energy to overload enemy dealt as ion.
weapons. Each creature within the cone that is wearing
or carrying a weapon with electric components must
make an Intelligence saving throw. If the weapon is
being worn, this save is made with disadvantage. On a
failed save, the rst attack they attempt to make with
that weapon has disadvantage. A creature with
multiple weapons must make a separate save for each


The tenacious are ever mindful that the Force ebbs and KINETIC BASTION
ows, and uses this knowledge to great advantage.
Path of Tenacity: 18th level
Those sentinels who follow the Path of Tenacity use
You can protect allies even further from you. When a
their connection to the Force to draw the opposition's
creature within 30 feet of you is hit by a melee weapon
attention while also warding o their attacks, serving
attack, you can use your reaction to teleport to them
as an e ective bulwark against even the most
and extend your Kinetic Ward. If this damage is not
implacable of foes.
reduced to 0, the warded creature takes any remaining
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
Path of Tenacity: 3rd level your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, a
You learn the saber ward force power, which does not minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when
count against your total powers known. Additionally, you nish a long rest.
you can use your De ection and Slow Time Force-
Empowered Self options when you cast it as your
action. Finally, when you cast it, you can spend 2 force
points to extend the bene ts to creatures of your
choice within 5 feet of you while the power is active.
The creatures immediately lose this bene t if they
move more than 5 feet away from you.

Path of Tenacity: 3rd level
You can use your reaction to de ect a strike when you
are dealt damage by a melee weapon attack. When you

do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced

by 1d10 + your Dexterity modi er + your sentinel level.
If you reduce the damage to 0, you can redirect it at
another target if you have a weapon capable of doing
so. You can spend 1 force point to make a melee
weapon attack at a target within 5 feet of you with the
weapon, as part of the same reaction. You make this
attack with pro ciency, regardless of your weapon
pro ciencies, and if the attack hits it uses your Kinetic
Combat die for its damage roll. If saber ward is active,
you have advantage on the attack roll.

Path of Tenacity: 7th level
You can extend your Kinetic Ward to a creature within
5 feet of you when they are hit by a melee weapon
attack. If this damage is not reduced to 0, the warded
creature takes any remaining damage.

Path of Tenacity: 13th level
The Force owing through you makes it harder for
movement to be forced upon you. You have advantage
on ability checks and saving throws to avoid being
grappled or moved. If you fail the saving throw or
ability check, you can spend 1 force point to reroll one
of the dice once. You must use the new roll.
Additionally, if allies within 5 feet of you are gaining
the bene t of your saber ward force power, they also
gain the bene t of this feature.


The Force connects all living things. Those sentinels NATURE'S VIGOR
who follow the Path of Witchcraft use that connection
Path of Withcraft: 7th level
to summon the aid of nature, both beasts and the
You've learned to attune your senses with nature. If
elements, adapting them to their will.
you spend at least 1 minute meditating while in nature,
BONUS PROFICIENCIES you gain the following bene ts for 1 hour:
Path of Withcraft: 3rd level You ignore di cult terrain caused by nature.
You gain pro ciency in Animal Handling. You can understand plants within 30 feet of you. They
can telepathically communicate simple ideas to you,
WILD POWER including memories from within the past day.
Path of Withcraft: 3rd level You can command plants within 30 feet of you to
You learn the enfeeble force power, which does not create di cult terrain, or other tasks at the GM's
count against your total powers known. Additionally, discretion (no action required).
you can use Wisdom or Charisma as your forcecasting
ability for it, and you can use all three Force- Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
Empowered Self options when you cast it as your short or long rest before you can use it again.
action and the target fails its save. Finally, you add your BEASTWARDEN
Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, minimum
of one) to damage rolls with it. Path of Withcraft: 13th and 17th level
Your bond with your beast companion strengthens,
BEAST COMPANION granting the following bene ts while your beast
companion is within 30 feet of you:
Path of Withcraft: 3rd, 11th, and 17th level
You learn to create a powerful bond through the Force When you cast a force power that targets only yourself,
with your own beast companion. and your beast companion is within range, you can also
Create your beast companion as detailed in the target your beast companion with that power.
Companions section of the Customization Options If you have darkvision and your beast doesn't, your
document for Expanded Content. beast gains it with the same radius. If your beast has
If your beast dies, or you want to bond with a darkvision and you don't, you gain it with the same
di erent creature, you must rst break the bond with radius. If you both have darkvision, you both use the
your current beast companion. Bonding with a new larger radius, which then increases by 30 feet.
companion takes 8 hours spent in an appropriate If you have advantage on Perception checks and your
location. You may only have one beast companion at a beast doesn't, your beast gains advantage on
time. Perception checks. If your beast has advantage on
In addition to its traits and features, your beast Perception checks and you don't, you gain advantage
companion gains an additional bene t while it is on Perception checks. If you both have advantage on
bonded to you: Perception checks, when either of you makes a
Perception check with advantage, you can reroll one of
Your beast gains two additional traits. It gains one
the dice once.
more additional trait when you reach 11th level in this
class. For each beast trait in excess of your pro ciency This radius increases to 60 feet at 17th level.
bonus, your force point maximum is reduced by 2.
Lastly, while bonded and within 10 feet of you, your
beast companion gains the following bene ts: Path of Withcraft: 18th level
You've learned to command the elements to summon
When you use a Force-Empowered Self option to a erce storm in a 30-foot radius around you. As an
increase your speed or armor class, you can instead action, you can gain the following bene ts for 1
grant this bonus to your beast companion. minute:
You and your beast companion can communicate
You gain a ying speed equal to your walking speed.
telepathically, though your beast companion can only
You have resistance to energy, lightning, and necrotic
communicate in and understand simple concepts.
This radius increases to 30 feet at 11th level, and 60 Whenever a hostile creature enters this radius or starts
feet at 17th level. its turn there, it takes 10 lightning damage.

This e ect ends early if you are incapacitated or die.

Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
until you nish a long rest.


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