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PERM4005 Facility Management: 2020-21

Wednesday: 9:30-12:20pm
Class Room: AAB608

Outline Content (Tentative):

09 Overview / Definitions / Leadership and Management
16 Planning for Sport and Leisure Facilities / Human Resources Management
23 Universal and Accessible Design for Disabilities / Trends in Stadium and
Arena Design
30 Playgrounds/ Aquatic Facilities
07 Management of Natural and Artificial Football Turfs (Guest Lecture)
14 Safety and Risk management / Trees Management (Guest Lecture)
21 Strength and Cardiovascular Training Facilities / Management of Indoor
Sports Facilities - Visit to Wai Hang Sports Centre
28 Management of Synthetic Track and Outdoor Facilities -Visit to JSC

04 Visit to Kowloon Park Facilities and Swimming Pool
11 Management of Public Sports Stadium -Visit to the Hong Kong Stadium
18 Management of Camping Facilities – Visit to Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village
25 Student Presentations (1) (groups 1 to 5)

02 Student Presentations (2) (groups 6 to 10) / Overall Review

Assessment: Site Visit Report: 30% (Due date: 02/12/20)

Group Project/Presentation: 40%
Examination: 30%

Lecturer: Prof. Chung Pak-kwong

Tel: 34117728

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